22 facts about the mop-like dog breed (Komondor)


To maintain such a large body requires a competent feeding regimen. You can choose either dry food or home-cooked food.

The choice of option depends on the capabilities and desires of the owner, but it is important to know that these types of food should not be mixed. If you choose dry food, you should not supplement with cereals, and vice versa. This approach minimizes the risk of digestive problems. An adult dog should be fed once a day at the same time. After eating she should rest. About a kilogram of food is enough for the commander per day - this is a very economical pet. When feeding dry food, it is very important to ensure that the dog always has a drink. It is better to buy expensive, good brands of food, consisting of natural ingredients.

When choosing homemade food, you should focus on porridges with lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. Dairy products should be minimized; occasionally, fresh homemade cottage cheese can be given. Sweets, bones, spicy/hot/salty foods are excluded. It is worth adding vitamin complexes to food to strengthen the body.

A dog that is properly looked after, well fed and conscientiously raised will be content and happy itself, and will also give joy and good mood to those around it.

In this article I will review the Komondor dog. She is often called the mop dog. I will tell you about the facts that distinguish this breed from others.

Historical reference

This amazing dog has lived on Hungarian soil for thousands of years. Several interesting legends are associated with the origin of the breed. According to one of them, the Komondor breed is the result of crossing wolves and sheep. A more realistic version, based on scientific facts, says that the Hungarian Shepherd Dog arose as a result of a mixture of wolves and herding dogs.

The breed received its first name “Hungarian Shepherd” as a result of the fact that it accompanied the Hungarian tribes in their nomadic life. The name Komondor comes from the Italian “cane commodore”, which means “king dog”. The animal received such a majestic nickname due to its large size, aristocratic manners and unusual coat. Also related to the Hungarian Shepherds is the Puli dog breed.

The first Komondors served as shepherds. They were perfect for this role, being brave, resilient, decisive and capable of defending themselves from the enemy and preserving the owner’s property. Thanks to their appearance, they blended in with a herd of sheep and suddenly jumped out in front of the nose of an approaching wolf, which confused him.

The Komondor breed is quite common these days, especially in the United States of America.

Character, abilities, skills

Protecting the herd and property entrusted to him, the Komondor shows unshakable courage. His attack is silent and courageous. No alien creature can set foot on the area entrusted to him.

The Komondor is very suspicious. During the day, he willingly spends time in a lying position, which allows him to survey the entire area; at night, he is constantly on the move.

Hungarian Shepherds are often chosen as pets by people living in private homes.

The Komondor has proven itself to be an excellent watchdog.

Komondors are divided into two psychological types: freedom-loving and dependent on human attention. In early childhood, the breeder notices the peculiarity of each puppy in this regard and, in accordance with the purpose of purchasing the puppy, recommends a specific baby to the future owners.

The Hungarian Komondor dog becomes a very friendly and good-natured dog when it understands that the family and owner are safe.

She is very loyal to her owner. This also applies to freedom-loving breed types. The purpose of the Komondor requires him to have some independence and make his own decisions, so notes of independence creep into the pet’s character.

Proper socialization and competent training are necessary to shape the character of the Hungarian Shepherd. In some cases, it shows stubbornness and strives to gain the upper hand over the owner, so the owner must engage in education from early childhood, teach commands with gestures and show the animal who is really in charge.

The Komondor dog breed needs a lot of physical activity. If the owner does not satisfy this need, he will receive a negative response from the animal. The Komondor is a very strong dog, and when dying of boredom, it can create real chaos in the house.


The mop dog (Commander breed) is very calm and good-natured, which becomes clear from the first glance into the pet’s eyes. The animal adores the whole world, provided that she does not feel danger in it. The color is always light: from cream to snow-white. The eyes are brownish, the nose is black. The tail and ears are hanging, almost invisible under the thick fur. The height of dogs at the withers is about 70-80 cm. Weight depends on gender, feeding regimen and lifestyle, but on average it ranges from 50 to 60 kg. The average lifespan is 9-13 years.

Excessive licking syndrome

Yes, such a syndrome exists; it characterizes a condition when an animal constantly looks for rough surfaces and licks them. As the condition progresses, the dog begins to lick absolutely everything, including its own paws.

Licking the limbs causes the formation of wounds that become inflamed and cause serious discomfort.

Note! It is important to distinguish between episodes of random licking and obsession. It is obsessions that are a symptom of real physical illnesses.

Typical diseases

A dog that looks like a mop, a photo of which can be found in any catalog of popular breeds, has fairly good health. From his ancestors - herding dogs - the commander inherited increased endurance and immunity to heat and cold. No breed-specific diseases were identified in these animals.

Various parasites often enter the commander's body. The easiest way to get rid of them is with the help of pharmaceutical antihistamines. These drugs can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of helminths.

Sometimes mop dogs develop entropy. If the commander's eyes often become red, watery, or inflamed, you need to contact a veterinarian - you may have to have surgery.

No matter how good the health of your pet, you need to take care of it, monitor various processes that can lead to trouble - only careful and proper care will allow the dog to remain cheerful and active for many years.

Facts about Mop Dog

  1. The fur coat of four-legged shepherds helped to get lost in the flock. When a predator approached, the shepherd suddenly jumped out at the enemy. This technique did not allow the wolves to “calculate” the strategy of attacking the sheep, since the guard was not visible.
  2. While walking, dogs are looking for someone to herd and herd, and people are no exception.
  3. The fur falling over the eyes acts as a shield. Protects against adverse weather conditions and enemy attacks.
  4. Dogs are not cut. The thick cover creates thermoregulation, in which cold and heat are easily tolerated.
  5. The Komondor does not tolerate punishment. Praise will make the dog kind, punishment will make it aggressive.
  6. Shaggy friends take care of pets.
  7. Hungarian Shepherds are included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  8. The standard color is white. Breeds with black color are considered defective.
  9. The process of molting, noticeable to humans, occurs once in a lifetime. Afterwards, the falling fur is woven into strands.
  10. Unlike its relatives, the shepherd dog emits a faint odor, even when wet.
  11. A stranger can cause aggression in an animal, or, conversely, put it under protection.
  12. The intelligence of pets makes them easy to train, but without new commands they get bored and refuse to work.

    Komondor coats are not cut

  13. Grooming does not require purchasing special equipment; the pile can be separated into strands with your fingers.
  14. Komondors take about 2 days to dry.
  15. The first mention of the Hungarian Shepherd in books dates back to 1544. To this day, Hungarian writers often talk about these four-legged friends.
  16. This species happily adheres to a home routine.
  17. The amount of food per day is no more than 1 kg.
  18. Hungarian dog handlers monitor the purity of the breed, preventing mixing with other species.
  19. People often use a four-legged guard in hunting.
  20. During the life cycle, up to 2000 strands grow on the body.
  21. The peculiarity of the breed lies in its natural origin, without human intervention.
  22. Exceptional memory allows you to recognize a person with whom the dog came into contact several years ago.

The Hungarian Shepherd is one of the amazing mop-like dog breeds. A faithful friend and reliable protector.


A dog that looks like a mop with its fur can be kept in a private house or apartment, as it quickly adapts to changes in ambient temperature. Thick wool protects against hypothermia, but also protects against overheating. The breed is suitable even for inexperienced dog owners, as it is easy to train. The Commander is a wonderful companion for children: their appearance delights the energetic dog, making him want to start a long, fun romp as soon as possible.

Having got a puppy, you need to immediately designate a leader, then the grown-up dog will not try to intercept the “reins” and become the leader. Although training a commander is easy, it needs to start as early as possible so that the pet learns the rules of behavior in the house and its responsibilities.

A mop dog is highly active, so you need to walk with it not just for a long time, but also for a productive one: running, playing, training, swimming. The commander prefers to run without restrictions, so it’s worth finding a place where he won’t disturb or frighten passers-by with his appearance.

Despite the abundance of fur, it is very easy to care for the dog, because the “tangles” do not need to be combed. It is necessary to wash the commander as soon as he gets dirty. There is almost no smell, even from wet wool, and shedding goes unnoticed. It is necessary to take care of the commander’s teeth, clean his ears and eyes, trim his claws, and adhere to the diet recommended by a specialist.

The mop dog is quite popular; many representatives of the breed participate in exhibitions and various shows. The cost of a puppy depends not only on its potential, but also on the class of the parents, their titles, and working qualities.

Average cost of a pet aged 2-3 months:

  • Show class - about 1600 dollars.
  • Breed class costs $900-1200.
  • Pet class does not exceed $600.

You need to choose a puppy carefully, consulting with experienced breeders.

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