Reviews from owners about the Chihuahua dog breed: a description of the pets’ character and who is better to choose

The Chihuahua is considered the smallest dog in the world, but despite this, it is a wonderful companion.

They are small and compact, but at the same time they have courage and liveliness.

They also have an easy-going nature.

This breed had a huge influence on the development of other small dog breeds.

Chihuahua is one of the most ancient breeds.

Origin story

The breed is one of the few that developed naturally without human intervention.

The ancestor of the Chihuahua is considered to be the Mexican Bailey wolf. The opinions of some scientists boil down to the fact that this breed came from the fennec fox, a big-eared fox that lives in northern Africa.

The most important version, which finds the largest number of supporters, is that the Chihuahua originated on the land of the Toltec tribe and existed together with the Aztecs and Mayans.

Since ancient times, this breed was considered sacred; only rich and influential people could own it..

The first written mention of this breed was made by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

In the sixteenth century, this breed almost went extinct due to the colonization of the land by the Spaniards, who used dogs as food.

The Chihuahua gained its greatest popularity in 1890, when the President of Mexico gave his favorite actress a bouquet of flowers in which he hid this decorative dog.

Now most scientists are sure that the Chihuahua owes its current appearance to crossing with the same dogs from China, but bald.

Read all versions of the origin of the Chihuahua breed here.

How to make a pet house with your own hands?

A house for a Chihuahua comes in various designs: closed, open or just a bed. In order to make a house with your own hands, you need to take a medium-sized box and cut off the top part.

On all sides, including the inside, you need to cover the box with fabric, and glue an additional sheet of cardboard in the form of a roof. Then you need to cut out the doorway and put a piece of foam rubber covered with fabric “on the floor” of the house. This option for a pet house is very economical and, moreover, will allow the owner to fully express his imagination.

Description of the breed

Chihuahuas are small in size, but this does not prevent them from having a lively temperament, developed intelligence and self-confidence.

This breed is friendly and devoted to its owner; it is about it that one can say: “has excellent manners”.

Chihuahuas have a cheerful disposition, they subtly feel and understand the mood of the owner.

She also has a fontanel on her head, which may not close throughout her life.

Adult Chihuahuas are about 20-23 cm tall and weigh 2.5-3 kg.

They can be long-haired or short-haired.

Maintenance cost

Before buying a puppy, learn everything about the Chihuahua.

Calculate your planned expenses.

Always be prepared for unplanned expenses, such as treatment for a tick bite.


The dog eats little, but regularly. If you started feeding her elite, expensive food, there should be no interruptions. On average, food will cost 2-3 thousand rubles per month. With natural nutrition, the cost is lower, but there is more hassle in preparing a complete diet.


Preventive examinations once a year and routine vaccinations will cost no more than two thousand a year. In case of illness, injury, or difficult childbirth, veterinary costs can increase tenfold.


Usually the procedure is performed only on show dogs.

A range of services to prepare for an important event costs an average of 3,000-5,000 rubles. The specific price depends on the qualifications of the master, the prestige of the salon, and the initial condition of the dog.


Registration for the exhibition is not free. For participation you need to pay from 1000 rubles and above.

If the exhibition is held in another city or country, you need to include the cost of travel and accommodation.

The cost of a pet's show career can be tens of thousands annually.

Advantages and disadvantages

Chihuahuas, like any other dog breed, have their pros and cons.

Advantages of the breed:

  • Small size, which allows you to keep them even in a small apartment;
  • The dogs are in good health and hardy;
  • They have a fairly stable psyche when compared with other small breeds;
  • Easily adapt to new conditions;
  • They are playful and active;
  • They are distinguished by their devotion to their owner and love to communicate;
  • Chihuahuas have a high level of intelligence and easily understand others;
  • You don’t need to walk with them for a long time, and if necessary, the dog can use a tray or diaper;
  • Get along with other pets: cats, rodents, birds;
  • They are wary of strangers, have sensitive hearing and bark loudly, which makes them excellent watchdogs.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • They need warmth more than any other breed. This is especially true for short-haired Chihuahuas;
  • During the cold season, clothing is required for them;
  • Not suitable for everyone, because they require careful and careful handling;
  • They are not resistant to stress, which manifests itself in uncontrolled urination;
  • They can only be walked on a leash, and they also require additional supervision on the street when other dogs are paying attention to them;
  • They bark loudly;
  • They are distinguished by stubbornness, jealousy and resentment;
  • They can be aggressive and uncontrollable if not trained in time.


The diet of children also deserves special attention. The small portion sizes and the dog’s appetite are undoubtedly advantages for the owners. In reviews of Chihuahuas, owners cite the difficulty of choosing the right food as a disadvantage. Most canned food and pellets are designed for large fish and are not suitable for tiny jaws. However, the holistic and super premium food lines also have options for miniature breeds. When choosing commercial food, it is important to follow the dosage indicated on the package, otherwise there is a risk of your pet developing obesity.

Who to choose - a boy or a girl?

Male and female Chihuahuas have different personalities. It is important to go to the breeder having already decided on the gender of the dog.

The most common reason why owners abandon girls is estrus , which happens twice a year .

But this natural process is not a reason to abandon the Chihuahua girl. Experienced dog owners and breeders solve this problem by putting on diapers or locking them in a separate enclosure for a while.

Clean Chihuahuas can solve this problem themselves so that the owners do not even notice the discharge.

The second problem that causes owners to abandon bitches of this breed is childbirth and pregnancy..

In small breeds this process occurs with complications due to their small size. The solution to this problem is also simple - keep the dog from accidentally mating.

If you are determined to breed a Chihuahua, then be prepared to help her if necessary. If you don’t know what to do, you’ll have to call a specialist.

Pros of a Chihuahua girl:

  • Easy to learn and flexible;
  • Marks territory much less than a boy;
  • You can control her mating and breeding;
  • More clean.


  • Puppies, if mating is not controlled;
  • Heats that may interfere with participation in the competition;
  • In terms of appearance at exhibitions they are inferior to male dogs.

If breeding does not interest you, and you are not ready to take responsibility for a female dog, but on the contrary are ready to show that you are the boss of the house, then in this case a boy Chihuahua is suitable. They are more active, and also have greater success in exhibitions and the likelihood of winning prizes.

Males do not go into heat, but are in a state of hunting for females all year round.

Therefore, you should not let them off the leash during walks. They mark much more territory. In this case, only long walks, a tray with a post, or castration at an early age will help.


  • They will not bring unwanted offspring;
  • There are no heats, which means they participate more often in competitions and exhibitions;
  • They are energetic and look more stately.


  • Requires long walks;
  • They are often disobedient;
  • Mark the territory in the apartment and house;
  • They are constantly in a state of hunting.

It's up to you to decide which dog you choose.

But it is important to weigh all the pros and cons to choose the right dog for you.

Advantages of a dog

The advantages of Chihuahua dogs can be divided into two groups:

  • psychological;
  • physical.

Psychological characteristics

First of all, it is worth noting the mentally stable temperament of the Chihuahua. Although Chihuahuas are silent by nature, they will gladly notify their owner about the arrival of guests or any suspicious sounds. And how cute these dogs sniffle and groan.

One of the advantages of this dog is its playful nature. It is very easy to teach her various tricks during the game.

Despite their miniature size, these dogs are very loyal and faithful. They will always stand up for their owner.

The curiosity and helpfulness of a Chihuahua can play a good role in its owner. After observing him for several hours, the dog will subsequently be able to repeat simple everyday actions. For example, carry or bring some light object.

Physical Features

The compact size gives the Chihuahua additional advantages.

Firstly, these dogs don't eat much.

Secondly, they don't take up much space. The house or bedding where they like to relax can even fit in a one-room apartment.

Thirdly, for normal physical development, it will be enough for a small pet to run around the apartment a couple of times a day and play with its owner, for example, with a ball.

Fourthly, wherever the owner of a Chihuahua goes, he can always take it with him.

Decorative dogs can boast of excellent health. The natural development of the breed over many centuries has given them excellent immunity.

They also do not need daily walks. A Chihuahua can calmly sit at home for a week without harassing its owner with requests for an urgent walk. A free schedule of walks will please any busy owner.

Another plus is that the pet can be left alone at home. While waiting for the owner, he will not whine or worry, but will calmly play or sleep in his enclosure.

Another advantage is that dogs of this breed will not be able to destroy the apartment. The maximum that owners of a decorative dog can encounter is damaged shoes or table legs.

Taking care of your pet is not a problem. Depending on the type of coat, the owner only needs to brush the pet several times a week and bathe it as needed. Moreover, the Chihuahua has one wonderful feature - its fur does not have a specific dog smell.

Chihuahua and children

Chihuahuas are great with children and love to play with them..

This is a great option for a growing child. But not every age will get along with this breed.


Children under 7-8 years of age may accidentally damage this small dog.

Therefore, it is better to get a Chihuahua for children who have already learned responsibility. It is suitable for children 8 years and older.

Basic moments

  • Chihuahuas are easy to keep
  • very attached to the owner, do not tolerate constant loneliness
  • They are easy to travel with and you can take them with you everywhere without much hassle.
  • do without long walks; they get the necessary physical activity by running around the house
  • cocky and touchy, capable of clearly expressing their emotions through meaningful glances and demonstrative behavior
  • non-aggressive, rarely exhibit guarding qualities, this is an active, but still decorative companion dog


The breeder must give the first vaccination to a Chihuahua on the 28th day after the puppy is born. When purchasing, be sure to check the dog’s passport for a vaccination stamp. Next, the puppy is vaccinated with the complex drug DHPPI + Lepto (against plague, enteritis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza and leptospirosis) according to the following scheme:

  • at 8 weeks - second vaccination;
  • at 11 weeks - revaccination;
  • after changing teeth - the third vaccination.

Next, the Chihuahua is vaccinated annually with a complex vaccination of DHPPI + Lepto + Rabies. Before each procedure, about a week before, the dog must be dewormed using a special suspension. You should not give anti-worm medications to your pet more than once every six months. This is a poison that affects not only worms, but also their carrier. The active substance of the drug has a detrimental effect on the dog’s liver and kidneys, therefore, together with anthelmintics, it is advisable to give the dog a medicine from the group of hepatoprotectors.

When vaccinating sneezes, an important feature of this breed is taken into account - intolerance of puppies to vaccination against rabies. The first vaccination against this disease is given to babies only at 12 months. After the procedure, they undergo a ten-day quarantine: the animal should not be taken outside and should be protected from hypothermia.

Potential Health Problems

The breed requires expert veterinary attention in areas such as childbirth and dentistry. Chihuahuas are prone to some genetic abnormalities, often neurological: epilepsy and seizures.

Diseases can be inherited or acquired during the life of an animal. You can protect yourself by carefully studying the puppy’s parents, frank communication with the responsible seller, and careful attention to the dog’s health.

Naturally, not all members of the breed are born with any medical conditions, so don't be alarmed, but it's important to be aware.

Possible health problems that occur in Chihuahuas:

  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • heart murmurs;
  • pulmonary stenosis;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • open fontanelle (molera).

Usually, as the puppy grows, the Chihuahua's fontanel closes completely, but there are cases of incomplete closure of the soft spot. An accidental blow to the area of ​​an open fontanelle can kill the animal and make it disabled.

Trembling is a common occurrence in Chihuahuas and is not dangerous. The cause of the phenomenon is unclear. Usually manifests itself when the dog is excited or tense, stressed, or feeling cold.

Snoring and grunting are a characteristic feature of the Chihuahua. It appears due to a physiological feature - a shortened muzzle. There is no reason for concern; it cannot be treated.

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