Reviews from owners about the Chihuahua dog breed: a description of the pets’ character and who is better to choose

Chihuahuas are one of the most popular dogs in the world. This little pet does not take up much space, but is very brave, kind, smart and loyal. This is an ideal dog for a city apartment. But it is not suitable for everyone; Chihuahuas have both advantages and disadvantages.
  • History of the Chihuahua breed
  • Breed standard
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Wool
  • Defects in appearance
  • Character of a small pet
      Is training necessary?
  • Care
  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Choosing a puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    Activityin the house3.3
    on the street3.2
    Dominationin family2.5
    over dogs3.2
    Defending your territoryfrom people3.1
    from dogs3.5
    Sociabilityin family4.5
    with strangers3.2
    with dogs2.5
    Concentrationin family1.2
    in front of strangers2.5
    with dogs3
    Aggressivenessin family1.6
    to strangers2.4
    to the dogs3
    to cats2.9
    Family behaviorcalmness3.8
    demand for affection4.5
    excessive barking2.8
    behavioral breakdowns1.6
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years2.9
    over 4 years old3.4
    Institutional usewatchman3.8

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Pomeranian, Papillon, Miniature Pinscher, Yorkshire Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier.

    Description of the Chihuahua breed

    The Chihuahua is a miniature-sized dog. It is not just decorative, but pocket-sized. The smallest specimens are easy to fit into a pocket. These pets are often taken with them everywhere, they are accepted in hotels and trains, and many owners even take them to social events.

    The photo of the Chihuahua breed shows how small and cute they are.

    Mini chihuahua

    This little dog has the following features:

    • she is fearless, barks at anyone she considers a threat, and can come into conflict with a large dog;
    • they get along well with pets, especially if they grow up together;
    • they are playful, active, but do not require much exercise, so they are ideal for keeping at home;
    • cannot stand loneliness, can be intrusive - they will follow the owner everywhere, they are jealous of him;
    • By the end of the first year of life they become adults.

    Chihuahuas are the best pets to keep in a city apartment. They are suitable for single people, pensioners, and the disabled. It is not recommended to have a Chihuahua for families with small children. The point is not only that this dog does not tolerate rude treatment and will not be kind to children. A child may accidentally injure the dog.

    Chihuahuas can live on average 11-14 years. But with sufficient care and proper diet, life expectancy can increase to 20 years.

    The video gives a description of the breed and interesting facts about it:

    Pros of the breed

    Every dog ​​breed has its advantages, and the Chihuahua is no exception. Why are they popular:

    • the unusual appearance of the Chihuahua and its miniature size make it incredibly attractive and charming;
    • This is an ideal pet that gets along well even in a small apartment;
    • you can take it with you on a trip;
    • it is easy to train to go to the toilet on a tray or diaper, this is very convenient for those who cannot walk their pet several times a day;
    • maintenance is minimal and uncomplicated;
    • develops good relationships with other pets, but may be jealous;
    • this dog is small in size, but has a loud, ringing voice and good hearing, so they warn their owners about the arrival of strangers;
    • stable psyche, curiosity, intelligence;
    • this is a devoted friend, companion, supporting the owner in everything and bravely protecting him from any dangers;
    • they become attached to one person, feel his mood, and are kind.

    Many photographs show how these pets live in a family, where they are loved, and why people get them.

    Little chihuahua

    Cons of the breed

    But these mini dogs are not suitable for everyone. There are several reasons why some people may not want to own a Chihuahua:

    • they are very fragile, easily injured by simply falling off the sofa or if someone steps on them;
    • they are constantly cold, they need to be warmed, and for walking they need clothes, sometimes shoes;
    • in hot weather they quickly overheat;
    • despite their small size, they have an active metabolism, so they need a lot of food, and they go to the toilet often;
    • after bathing, it is necessary to dry and protect from drafts, as they quickly catch cold;
    • due to the special structure of their muzzle, they have problems with the respiratory system;
    • these little dogs are big bullies, they bark at big dogs, when walking you need to protect them from conflicts;
    • these are stubborn, hot-tempered and touchy dogs, sometimes aggressive, and can even bite;
    • loyal to only one master and obey him;
    • when alone they can bark and spoil things;
    • they are emotional, react sharply to loud sounds, unfamiliar people, and due to a weak bladder in such situations, uncontrolled urination occurs;
    • they often have congenital diseases.


    Chihuahuas, like other breeds, have several varieties. They differ in coat length, size, and build.

    • Cobby is a Chihuahua with a stocky body, a large round head, and bulging eyes. Their legs are muscular and their chest is voluminous.
    • Deer, unlike cobbies, have an elegant build. They have thin legs, a small head, on which large ears stand out.
    • Mini Chihuahuas weigh only 0.5-1 kg. They are short in stature - from 15 cm.
    • Smooth-haired Chihuahuas have short, smooth hair that lies close to the body. There is no undercoat, longer hairs on the neck and tail.
    • Long-haired Chihuahuas have soft fur. The fur is thin, most of it on the chest, paws, and tail. There are tassels at the ends of the ears.

    From the photographs you can understand what smooth-haired and long-haired dogs look like.

    Smooth coated chihuahua

    Longhaired Chihuahua

    Briefly about the main thing

    1. Chihuahua is a decorative breed of dog, characterized by its small size and beautiful appearance. Some representatives have a genetic predisposition to diseases.
    2. Advantages of the breed: appearance, economical maintenance, calm attitude towards other animals and compact size.
    3. Disadvantages include moodiness, risk of congenital diseases, poor resistance to cold and a need for attention.

    What pros and cons do you know? Share in the comments.

    History of the Chihuahua breed

    This is the only small dog that has appeared in the wild. They were known several thousand years ago in Mexico. Among the Inca and Toltec Indians, this was a sacred animal; they were bred to protect the house from evil spirits. Another theory about the origin of the Chihuahua dog is that they were sacrificed or eaten. This is indicated by numerous images of small dogs in temples and on dishes, as well as rock paintings. The Indians called them Techichi.

    After the conquest of America, the breed began to die out. The Europeans called this small dog the Chihuahua because there were many of them in the city of Chihuahua. Only in the 19th century did the revival of the breed begin. American breeders began looking for these small dogs. Purebred individuals have been found in Indian families. From them began the breeding of Chihuahuas. But it was only at the beginning of the 20th century that the breed was recognized in America. The first standard was adopted in 1923. And gradually the breed spread throughout the world.

    In Russia, the first Chihuahuas were 2 puppies given to Khrushchev by Fidel Castro. From them began the domestic history of the breed. But they were not particularly popular. Only in the 21st century did interest in these small pets awaken. And it's not just about the miniature size. If you understand the features of the appearance and character of Chihuahuas, it will become clear why they are so popular now.

    There is an interesting description of the breed in the video:

    Education and training

    The opinion that dogs of decorative breeds do not need training is fundamentally wrong. Training with a Chihuahua should be approached as responsibly as possible, otherwise this small dog will grow up uncontrollable and aggressive.

    These are not guard or service dogs, but the Chihuahua is capable of mastering a set of basic and most necessary commands, such as “stand”, “sit”, “wait” and “come”.

    Classes should be carried out an hour after feeding. The dog must be active and full of energy, otherwise the training will not be beneficial.

    After each completed command, the pet must be praised and treated with a treat. If a dog has done something wrong, you should not physically punish it. Commands are reinforced by regular repetition after changing the training location.

    Breed standard

    Chihuahuas are pets with an unusual appearance. This is due to the fact that they come from the ancient Mexican Techichi dogs. But they were crossed with terriers, pinschers, and spitz dogs. The result is a mini pocket dog. The Chihuahua standard, with minor changes, was adopted in 2010.

    According to him, this is a small dog, the height at the withers of which is from 15 to 23 cm, and females are slightly larger than males. Chihuahuas can weigh from 500 g to 3 kg, the most common parameters are 1.5-2.5 kg.


    This dog's head is large and round. The shape resembles an apple. The muzzle is cone-shaped, but wide and short. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clearly pronounced. The lips fit tightly to the jaw, the bite is scissor-shaped, but can be straight.

    Chihuahuas' eyes are large, round, and sometimes protruding. They should be dark. The nose is short and slightly turned up. The color of the lobe is preferably black, but sometimes it is brown or light. Chihuahuas have large erect ears. They are triangular, wide at the base and set high. When the dog is calm, the ears are spread apart.


    The build of these dogs is usually stocky and strong. Only minis can be graceful, with thin legs. But usually this dog has a compact body, a muscular build, a straight back, and does not sag towards the croup. The chest is wide, deep, the stomach is tucked. The neck is muscular and of medium length. The tail is short and set high. It is curved like a sickle towards the lower back.


    The front legs are straight, set parallel, elbows tightly pressed to the sides. The hind legs are also parallel and muscular. The feet are small, arched, and the toes are slightly spaced.


    Chihuahuas come in short-haired and long-haired varieties. The first hair is smooth and fits tightly. The shortest fur is on the head, and the longer fur is on the ears and tail. The long-haired variety is soft, wavy, and has a thick undercoat. The longest hairs are on the ears, neck and paws.

    The Chihuahua's coat color can be almost any color. Regardless of whether a dog is short-haired or long-haired, its colors are white, black, red, lilac, and blue. There are several common colors of Chihuahuas.

    • White Chihuahuas come without any admixture of other shades.
    • Completely black Chihuahuas are rare. They usually have white or milky tan marks on their toes, tail, and chest.
    • Chocolate Chihuahuas are brown and have a reddish tint.
    • Dogs can be red and tan. Color varies from light to chocolate.
    • The brindle color looks unusual. It's fawn with a lot of black, it can be any pattern.

    Defects in appearance

    Representatives of this breed can differ greatly from each other in external qualities. There are certain standards that they must meet. For those who buy this little dog for themselves, this is not so important. But there are several defects due to which a dog will not be allowed for exhibitions and breeding:

    • deep-set or bulging eyes;
    • short neck;
    • narrow elongated muzzle;
    • short or pointed ears;
    • open fontanel on the skull;
    • long body;
    • high legs and small head;
    • deviations from norms of weight and height;
    • marble color.

    The photographs show how smooth-haired and long-haired purebred dogs should look correctly:

    Smooth coated chihuahua

    Longhaired Chihuahua

    What colors are there?

    The most common colors :

    • red – red shades of fur from red to light red are allowed, most often it is supplemented with areas of other colors, for example, white;
    • black – solid black is rare; black and white is more common.

    Chocolate , white , brindle, lilac and blue are also found , but these colors are considered rare.

    Character of a small pet

    These mini dogs are popular because they have a calm, balanced character. They are even called little philosophers. When Chihuahuas become adults, they behave a little arrogantly, proudly, they do not like to be treated with disrespect. For this they were loved by representatives of the nobility and bohemians.

    Another feature of the little dog is his curiosity. These dogs are ready to follow their owner's heels, get under their feet, watching and studying what he is doing. This is due to another quality of character - their selfless devotion. But Chihuahuas are very jealous, the owner is not allowed to pet other animals in their presence, this will cause an attack of aggression.

    Breeders have noticed that long-haired individuals are more docile and peaceful. And short-haired cats are obstinate and often aggressive. They especially do not like strangers. In addition to loud barking, the guest may be bitten on the legs.

    Is training necessary?

    Some owners of these small dogs believe that they do not need to be trained. But every pet needs education. Already at 2-3 months you need to start instilling rules of behavior in your dog. Typically, training consists of teaching basic commands. It is important to teach a Chihuahua puppy to obey all family members, and not just one owner. It is recommended to prohibit him from climbing on the sofa or bed from childhood. These dogs love to nest and will burrow into blankets or clothing.

    For show-class pets, learning the correct stance and behavior in the ring will also be required. If desired, the Chihuahua can be taught some tricks. They are intelligent and easy to train, but can sometimes be obstinate. In such situations, it is unacceptable to shout or punish the dog. You only need to act with encouragement, affection and treats.

    You need to watch the video on how to raise this miniature pet.

    Difference from smooth-haired dogs

    The main difference between this variety is its rather long coat, which makes them more demanding to care for.

    Read about other varieties of Chihuahua here.

    Fluffy Chihuahuas tolerate cold more easily and can overheat when sitting in the owner’s arms for a long time.

    They are also distinguished by seasonal shedding, while the smooth-haired variety sheds throughout the year.


    Chihuahuas live well in any conditions, they are unpretentious. Before the puppy arrives in the house, you will need to prepare a corner for him. It is recommended that such small dogs buy a house in which they can retire. In winter you will need warmer clothes. Food and water bowls, as well as toys, should be appropriate for the size of the small dog.


    You can bathe your pet no more than once every 1-2 months. And shorthaired ones are even rarer. Be sure to cover the ears with cotton wool to prevent water from getting into them. After bathing, you need to dry the animal with a towel or hairdryer. Regular care for your dog's ears and eyes is required. They need to be wiped with a special lotion or boiled water. Be sure to remove discharge from the corners of the eyes.

    Nails should also be trimmed and teeth cleaned. It is recommended to visit your veterinarian monthly for tartar removal. And the coat is combed with a soft brush every 2-3 days. Long-haired pets can get haircuts or at least trim the hairs in their ears to prevent ticks.

    An important point is also toilet training. It is recommended to start taking Chihuahuas outside at the age of 3-4 months, after all vaccinations have been completed. Before this, it is better to teach the puppy to go in a diaper or in a litter tray.


    To keep your pet healthy, it is important to get all vaccinations on time. Chihuahuas are susceptible to colds, allergies, urolithiasis, and obesity. They often have problems with the stomach, teeth and respiratory system.


    It is important to choose the right food for your pet. This will help avoid urolithiasis and gastrointestinal diseases. These dogs have sensitive digestion, so veterinarians do not recommend feeding Chihuahuas with mixed food or only dry food. Usually “drying” is combined with canned food. It is necessary to choose food according to age, preferably from the super-premium or holistic class.

    You need to find out from your veterinarian how much food this dog needs per day. Adult dogs should eat 150-200 g. But this depends on weight. When feeding natural food, the following products are contraindicated:

    • raw meat;
    • pork, lamb;
    • river fish;
    • fried food;
    • fatty foods;
    • milk;
    • chocolate;
    • legumes;
    • nuts;
    • bones.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    In addition to their compact size, long-haired Chihuahuas have a number of other advantages:

    • devotion to the owner;
    • cheerful disposition;
    • ability to learn;
    • mind;
    • Possibility of training to a tray or diaper.


    • seasonal shedding - a lot of hair falls out;
    • the need for proper education;
    • tendency to obesity;
    • intolerance of loneliness.


    The coat of these dogs contributes to the development of allergic reactions, so this variety of Chihuahua is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

    Choosing a puppy

    Having decided to buy a Chihuahua, you first need to study it, look at photos of different subspecies, and get acquainted with the reviews of the owners. You need to find out how much the puppy will cost, how to feed it and care for it. It is advisable to contact well-known nurseries, they will guarantee that you will purchase a purebred and healthy dog. In Moscow, Chihuahua puppies cost from 25 to 45 thousand, depending on size and class. Without a good pedigree, a dog can be bought for 10-20 thousand rubles.


    When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention not to its color. The most important thing is health and temperament. You need to examine the baby and observe his behavior. It is important that the dog is vaccinated, has straight teeth, smooth fur, and clear, clean eyes.

    An interesting video about the Chihuahua will help you decide whether to buy this little dog.

    The Chihuahua is an ideal pet for elderly people who live alone. She can be kept in a small apartment and not taken outside. This is a devoted friend and companion who will cheer up the owner and brighten up loneliness.


    • The main character traits of a Chihuahua: female or male?
    • Chihuahua character
    • Basic commands
    • Raising a dog

    In this article you will learn what features of character and behavior are inherent in Chihuahuas. After studying this information about the temperament and disposition of Chihuahuas at different ages, get an idea about the breed. Find out how the character of a bitch differs from the behavior of a dog. We hope our article will help you figure out which gender of puppy is best for you.

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