“There are strong Chihuahuas and frail German Shepherds”: a dog trainer about dogs that need clothes in winter

The weather in the European territory of Russia is gradually “settled down” - frosts are replacing the abnormal heat, and snow has already fallen in some regions. As Game of Thrones fans say, winter is coming.

For people, winter means fleece pants, warm jackets, scarves, hats and boots. Meanwhile, clothes during bad weather are needed not only by us, but also by our best friends - dogs.

As you know, they also love walks, including long ones, but not every dog ​​is “shaggy” enough to play with its owner outside for a long time on a snowy day. Dog clothes will be his salvation, fortunately, buying them has not been a problem lately - in pet stores, as well as on Internet sites, you can find outfits of any style, color and purpose.

Cynologist Vitaly Orlov , head of the cynological department, in an interview with the Teleprogramma.pro portal, explained why dogs need clothes and shoes, and whether they are needed at all, how to accustom a dog to jackets and overalls that are unusual for him, and whether it is really necessary to walk small dogs on the street.

The paws of a large dog will be protected by wax, the paws of a small dog will be protected by boots

We decided to start our questions with shoes. Why do some dogs need boots and others don't? As the dog trainer explained to us, for representatives of some breeds you really need to buy dog ​​boots. But they are not always needed to save you from the cold. There are worse things.

Vitaly explained that even if the dog is not particularly big and fluffy, but is healthy and active, playing outside and constant movement will allow neither it nor its paws to freeze.

“What is really dangerous are the reagents that are scattered on the roads to avoid ice. This is a very active chemical that is dangerous to your dog's health. It is impossible not to spill these reagents for obvious reasons - because people will fall and get injured, and this is not good.

Accordingly, people living with their dogs in the city will inevitably encounter this. To protect large breed dogs, use paw wax. They are produced by several manufacturers and there are no complaints about any of them if this wax was purchased in a good chain store.

It’s better not to do this with small dogs, because their ground clearance (the distance from the body to the ground - Ed.) is small, so not only the paw pads go into the load zone, but also their tummies, and all the organs that are facing outwards. The same thing happens with hairless dogs without fur. So, at a minimum, they need shoes,” says the dog handler.

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According to Orlov, nowadays you can find really high-quality shoes in stores that will make your dog comfortable and that will protect its paws from harmful chemicals.

“Previously, when shoes for dogs just started to appear, they were made quite handicraft, clumsily, the slippers came unfastened, and were lost literally on the very first walk. It's much better now. Moreover, the consultants in the store are usually quite well trained, and they will help you choose the right option. Nowadays a lot of imported clothing and shoes are imported, quite well made, according to good patterns.”

Is it necessary to dress dogs in winter, dog experts and veterinarians said December 18, 2022, 08:41

A veterinarian and a professional dog handler explained whether it is worth buying winter clothes for dogs, what breeds are best to wear, and how to accustom an animal to clothes so as not to cause him discomfort, the correspondent reports.

Veterinarian Anatoly Koryagin believes that shoes and clothing for small breed dogs should be used not only to protect them from the cold, but also to protect the animal’s paws from the chemicals that are sprinkled on the streets.

“There are a lot of chemicals left on the asphalt that, when in contact with the paws, cause the paw pads to split. That is why I advise you to wear special shoes on your paws. For small and smooth-haired breeds, it is also necessary to wear outer clothing to prevent the dog from getting too cold. For breeds like Chihuahuas, our climate is quite harsh. For the same smooth-haired dachshunds and even Spitz dogs, who seem to have a deep undercoat, but they are still cold,” said Anatoly Koryagin.

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According to the veterinarian, a dog with long-term hypothermia may catch a cold, and consequences such as cystitis of the genitourinary system may also occur. The doctor advises wearing clothes on dogs at temperatures ranging from minus 10 degrees, and in mountainous areas even at lower temperatures. When it snows, it is better to use special water-resistant jackets and down jackets, and in dry weather you can get by with a sweater. Similar clothes can be easily purchased at pet stores.

Large breed dogs, according to the veterinarian, do not require clothing, and special gels and sprays can be used to protect their paws from frostbite and chemicals.

“Dogs get used to clothes quite quickly, within a week. Before going out, you can try it on at home so that the dog has time to get used to it. Owners periodically come to me with frostbite and chemical burns on their paws from reagents, so I advise you to dress your dogs. Also, in winter, dogs need a special diet with a high content of vitamins and proteins,” said the veterinarian.

Photo @Pixabay

Chief dog handler of the Republican Association of Public Associations of Hunters and Hunting Entities “Kansonar” Inna Nazarenko believes that not all dog breeds need clothing. According to her, hunting and service dogs can easily get used to winter, and clothing restricts their movements in winter, when dogs become more active. Short-haired and decorative dogs can also be winterized by hardening them. However, breeds such as the Chihuahua or Chinese Crested, which were bred in much warmer climates, or dogs that have not been trained to take long walks in the winter since puppyhood may need clothing.

“Of course, if the dog has been given pampered care, she is used to lying on the sofa and walking for a short time, then she may freeze. To make the transition to clothing for your dog less traumatic and stressful, it is better to start training from an early age, around the same time as you are training to wear a collar. This way the dog will get used to the clothes faster. If you’ve been dragging your feet on this, then it’s better not to start with overalls and restrictive clothing. To start, try putting your dog in something lighter, like a T-shirt, so that there is minimal coverage of the chest and back. At the same time, when walking in clothes, you need to create comfortable conditions for the dog so that the walk is fun, with games and emotions, and this way the dog will quickly understand that clothes do not bother him. Then you can move on to sweatshirts and, finally, to jackets. Within a week, the dog can be trained to walk in clothes. Of course, if the dog is completely pampered and refuses to wear clothes at all, lying on the ground, then you can start training it at home. Put clothes on her and don't take them off until she's come to terms with it. To distract and reinforce this, you can give a toy or treat. Play with the dog so that it perks up and understands that when it is dressed, it has fun and the owner gives it treats,” said the dog handler.

Photo @Pixabay

The dog therapist noted that dogs with long, thick hair also need clothing, but not to protect them from the cold, but to protect the deep layers of their coat from dirt. In this case, you can use a blanket, like for horses. In general, Inna believes that owners most often dress dogs for purely decorative purposes, and in reality, almost any breed can be trained to take long walks in the cold. According to the dog handler, this requires gradually hardening the animal.

“Firstly, you need to walk your dog in any weather and all year round. Options with the fact that if the weather is bad, the owner is lazy and maybe it would be better for her to relieve herself in a diaper, you need to sweep it away immediately. If you walk your dog all year round, it will get used to the gradually worsening weather. You should also avoid washing your dog in winter. When walking in winter, specifically go into the snowdrifts and wipe your dog with snow. Gradually increase the time of walks, and then the dog will get used to the cold,” said Inna Nazarenko.

Previously, we told you how much it costs to own a pet and how to establish contact with it.

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How to train a dog to wear clothes

It happens that owners buy a dog, for example, a jumpsuit, but she flatly refuses to wear it - she stands like a statue, makes frightened eyes, or even tries to rip off her new clothes. This can happen to any dog, and the reason for this behavior usually lies not in the fact that it is experiencing physical discomfort - it simply does not understand why this innovation is needed and is experiencing anxiety. Our expert told us how to act correctly so that the dog gets used to the clothes.

“It’s very easy to calm her down. If your dog is on dry food, take his daily ration with you for a walk, put it in your pocket or in a belt bag. On the street, after dressing the dog in overalls and slippers, place it in some clean, dry place that is convenient for you.

There is no need to go anywhere. The leash should sag slightly and not be taut. Once your dog has stood for a while in his new attire, step back the length of the leash and sit down. If the dog takes a step in your direction, praise it calmly, in an even voice, pet it and treat it with a kibble of food. On the sagging leash, take another step away from her. A few of these exercises and she will adapt very soon.

What not to do: don’t rush, don’t pull the leash, don’t scold and don’t persuade.”

Vitaly noted that this is a common practice that allows the dog to calmly learn what they want from it. If people don't know how to act and make mistakes, the effect is the opposite.

“They behave incorrectly, as a result the dog gets lost and upset, and the owners reinforce this - they begin to hysteria, lament, cackle, pick up the dogs, take off their clothes, and so on.”

When is clothing not needed?

Many owners dress their dogs up just because it is fashionable and stylish. But in some cases, clothing is just unnecessary and hinders the dog’s movements. For example, you should only dress a short-haired dog in late fall or winter. You should know that you should not wrap your dog in a raincoat at the first drops of rain, especially in summer. This frequent practice leads to disruption of the dog’s thermoregulation and also negatively affects the coat. And a few more tips:

Dressing an animal if the apartment is warm and dry is not the best idea.

Owners of large dog breeds, such as Malamutes, St. Bernards or Huskies, should forget about clothing. Their fur is designed to protect them from the cold. Therefore, they can “overheat” in clothes.

Decorative dogs should be dressed in warm overalls with fleece when the temperature drops below -5 degrees.

It is very important that overalls for a puppy or adult dog do not restrict movement, do not chafe and allow active running. You need to buy overalls for your dog taking into account the season, the dog’s gender and breed. Demi-season clothing protects from moisture and dirt, and overalls with a warm lining protect from frost. It is better to choose a store where clothes are made only from environmentally friendly materials. The dog owner must understand when clothing is necessary and when it is not. Of course, each dog has individual thermoregulation, but some breeds are not genetically adapted to cold temperatures, so it is important to keep them healthy.

Do all dogs need jackets?

Vitaly noted that it is difficult to name breeds that absolutely need warm clothing, because even animals of the same breed can be completely different in character and health. Each owner should feel for himself whether his dog needs clothing, or whether it’s fine without it.

“There are very large Chihuahuas, with strong nerves and good health. And there are such frail, weak and non-viable German Shepherds that it is better to carry her in your arms so that she does not twist her paw going down the stairs.

Owners need to rely on their own minds. For example, do not confuse tremor – a condition when a dog trembles from information load, from excitement, with trembling from cold,” he said.

He also added that dogs of any breed are sometimes dressed not to fight the cold - clothing also protects the dog from dirt and reagents, and the owner from subsequent cleaning of the house and washing the dog.

The dog trainer believes that small dogs should also be walked in any weather. Photo: Instagram / @cathslifewithnola

Where can I buy

Almost any pet store provides a large selection of clothing for dogs, both seasonal and decorative. You can buy clothes for your pet without leaving your home - online stores offer a huge range of clothes for different purposes for dogs of all sizes.

Here are some popular, trusted online pet supply stores where you can order beautiful clothes for your dog:

  • Online store ZooPassage;
  • Pet store chain Beethoven;
  • Aliexpress

When choosing clothes, don't forget to check their sizes!

We wash it correctly

How to care for your pet's clothes; can they be washed in the machine along with the owner's clothes?

It is better not to do this; it is not recommended to wash animal clothes together with human ones. You don’t always have to immediately put it in the washing machine; small stains can always be washed locally. If you need a large wash, then this should be done separately from the owner’s clothes. First, it is better to wash it in a basin to remove stubborn stains and excess wool. And only after this can the pet’s clothes be placed in the washing machine. Or you can continue washing simply by hand.

What else should you consider when walking your dog in cold weather?

You cannot walk in the cold if the animal is wet. Do not let it lie on snow or ice for a long time, do not leave it in a draft. That is, you need to do everything to prevent your pet from hypothermia.

The dog has three sizes, not one

How to choose the right clothes for your dog?

For winter, it is better to buy a jumpsuit for your pet. They are usually two-layered: the inner layer will help the dog keep warm, and the outer layer will protect from snow, rain and wind. In autumn, when it is cold and muddy, a raincoat is good. It will protect from rain and dirt. And in cold weather, a sweater is perfect to help avoid hypothermia.

How to determine the size of clothes for a dog?

To do this, measure three indicators in the dog. The first is the length of the withers. It is defined as the distance from the collar to the base of the tail. The second is neck circumference. It represents the length of the collar. The third is chest circumference. It is measured at the widest point of the chest, usually with a measuring tape placed just behind the front paws. You need to take measurements of your pet while he is standing. The best way to buy clothes with your dog is to take him to the store. If she does not feel discomfort when moving, then the clothes are chosen correctly.

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Scheme for making winter shoes with your own hands

Small pets often do not want to go for walks in winter for one simple reason - they are cold and the first thing they do is their paws. To make walking in the snow as comfortable as possible, we suggest making shoes for dogs with your own hands:

  • trace with a pencil the paw of a dog standing on paper - this will be the sole of the shoe;
  • measure the volume of the paw - based on this measurement, the stocking is cut;
  • add 2 cm to each detail so that the dog is comfortable;
  • sew the stocking to the height and sew the resulting cylinder to the base (sole);
  • Make a fastener (the best option is Velcro) in two places, top and bottom, so that the stocking fits tightly on the leg.

Make the height of the stocking up to the joint so that the dog can jump freely and bend its paws. Choose a fabric for shoes that is warm and waterproof. Neoprene or raincoat fabric will do. For the base, take rubberized material or make leather stripes.


https://akak.ru/recipes/15662-kak-vyibrat-kombinezon-dlya-sobaki-kachestvo https://blog.thezoo.ru/kombinezon-tonkosti-vybora/ https://lovely-dog.ru/odezhda -dlya-sobak/odezhda-i-obuv-dlya-sobak-kak-pravilno-vybrat-ili-poshit-svoimi-rukami/

How to choose the right one

When choosing new clothes for your pet’s wardrobe, give preference to high-quality materials. Clothes should be practical - easy to put on and not get in the way of the dog. Warm overalls should be soft and elastic, lightweight, so as not to hinder the animal’s movements. The cuffs and neckline are made of soft but dense knitted elastic; they hold clothes in place well, but do not cut into the skin or rub, unlike simple ties.

When choosing clothes for short-haired dogs, as well as for the Chinese Crested or Mexican Hairless breed, pay special attention to the inside - the seams should be hidden or well processed so as not to irritate the skin.

Long-haired dogs are suitable for clothes lined with soft, slippery fabrics: satin, artificial silk. This will make it easier to put on and take off the item and prevent wool from tangling and matting. But the disadvantages of such fabric include the accumulation of static electricity; you may have to use an antistatic agent.

It is very good if there are reflective elements on clothes. In the evening, they allow you to keep your pet in sight and make the dog visible to other people, especially on the road.

Is it really important for dogs to be warm in winter in overalls?

Despite conflicting opinions, clothing for some dogs is not just a fashion statement, but an absolute necessity. First of all, the need for additional heating is dictated by the exotic nature of many breeds, bred specifically for keeping at home and not hardened for life in a harsh climate. While walking in low temperatures, your pet can become hypothermic and get sick.
In addition, according to standards, most decorative breeds are usually cut and trimmed, which disrupts the natural temperature balance of the animal’s body and makes it vulnerable to adverse weather conditions.

IMPORTANT: Elderly dogs of indoor breeds need additional heating during walks, since with age the thermoregulatory functions of the body often fail.


In winter, reagents are often scattered on the streets, and dogs who step on them become painful and unpleasant, as the salt begins to slightly corrode the paw pads. Purchasing boots is an instant solution to eliminate this problem. Also, in severe cold weather, pets can get severely frostbitten paws - many animals simply refuse to go for walks for this reason. You can buy socks for dogs to go with similar shoes. The boots will provide comfort and safety for your pets' paws.

Clothing for dogs is an important and irreplaceable thing for cold animals. Now you have learned how to choose the right item for your pet. Good luck!

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