Estrus in dogs: signs, stages, duration, care

Estrus in dogs is the period when a female dog is able to conceive. This can happen on certain days, from the 7th to the 21st day of estrus, but the dog must be monitored from the first to the last day. She stops listening a few days after the start of estrus, and if she runs away, she will return with puppies. Therefore, if you do not want kids, you need to keep the dog on a leash and keep the males away.

What is estrus

The female reproductive system consists of:

  • Two ovaries - located in the lower back, near the kidneys. Follicles are formed in them, inside which eggs mature. Also, estrogens (hormones that control the animal’s sex life) are synthesized in the ovaries.
  • Two oviducts - connect the ovary to the uterus. Here the egg is fertilized, after which it moves to the uterus.
  • Uterus – located in the abdominal cavity. Fertilized eggs attach to its walls and mature.
  • The vagina is an organ of copulation (sperm enters here) and the birth canal.
  • External genitalia (vulva, loops).

Most bitches mature several eggs at the same time, on average from 5 to 11. The number of puppies that will appear in the litter directly depends on their number. A bitch can become pregnant from several males, so after mating she must be monitored.

When a dog’s egg matures, it reaches the surface of the follicle and begins to stretch its membrane. It bursts and fluid flows out along with the egg - ovulation occurs. This is the name of the period when a bitch can become pregnant.

In place of the burst follicle, a hole appears, which is filled with blood and cells, which subsequently deposit the yellow pigment (body) - lutein. It synthesizes the hormone progesterone, which inhibits the development of eggs in the follicles to ensure a normal pregnancy. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum dissolves and a new cycle begins.

Signs of the first empty space and duration

The exact number of days cannot be determined. You can ask the owners of the pet's mother how long her first heat lasted. As a rule, these physiological characteristics are inherited by puppies.

The first heat will be the fastest. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a very small amount of bloody discharge and absolute indifference of males to the emptying of the bitch. The process can also be hidden. According to veterinarians, it can quickly begin and also end. In this case, ovulation does not occur. But this applies to the first emptying, the next one must be carefully prepared.

Symptoms of estrus in a dog

How can you tell if your dog is approaching heat? This can be recognized by the behavior of male dogs. They begin to sniff the bitch 2-3 weeks before the first symptoms appear. Gradually, the bitch's loop swells. She becomes affectionate and hangs around her owner.

Signs of heat in a dog: how to recognize its appearance

The onset of heat in a dog can be determined by the appearance of blood in the loop. The first drops on the floor may not fall immediately, but after a few days, depending on the characteristics of the dog. It very rarely happens that there is no blood at all. In this case, the onset of estrus is determined by the swollen loop and the behavior of the males, who begin to pester the bitch more actively.

The dog's behavior changes 1-2 days after the blood appears. She often stops, sniffs the dogs' marks for a long time, and begins to reach out to them. She follows commands worse, does not follow the first call, but after a while. Poorly trained dogs may not be suitable at all.

If you stroke the animal, especially in the pelvic area, it takes a characteristic stance, freezes, and moves its tail to the side. Many people become aggressive towards other females and can fight. Even a very aggressive dog's attitude towards males improves.

Some dogs have an increased need to be walked due to increased urine production. The appetite of some dogs improves, in others it decreases, and in others it remains unchanged. However, all bitches begin to gain weight after estrus - the body is preparing for childbirth.

Dog behavior and mood

With the onset of estrus in a female, her behavior changes significantly. If she was calm and obedient to her owner all the time, then everything can change. Also, in the first days, while there is spotting, the female does not allow male dogs to approach her. She is aggressive towards them, can bite, and constantly runs away from them.

After 10-12 days from the start of estrus, the female’s mood and behavior changes. The discharge acquires a mucous structure, the color becomes transparent or slightly yellowish. If a dog is kept at home, in an apartment, then it often begins to whine and ask to go outside for a walk. During walks, she constantly sniffs foreign objects and the road, giving the impression that she is looking for something or following a trail.

Now, if while walking the males show interest in the female, then she can flirt with them and let them sniff her. At the same time, the female takes a comfortable position for mating, shows submissiveness and moves her tail. This is an accurate sign of estrus, which has been going on for several days.

When do dogs come into heat?

The first estrus begins at the age of 6-14 months. Repeated estrus occurs after 5-8 months, if you count from the first day the drops appear.

First heat

When dogs go into their first heat, there is no exact answer. Many bitches have their first blood when they are between 7 and 9 months old. The dog is still a teenager, so changes in behavior are mild. You cannot knit at this age, since the bitch’s body is not yet formed. Pregnancy can have a negative impact on both her and the puppies' health.

Owners often wonder what time dogs come into heat if they don’t bleed until they are a year old. Sometimes estrus can begin at 1.2 years. If it is not present before 2 years of age, consult a doctor. The dog may have a problem.

Until what age do dogs go into heat?

The bitch will go into heat until the end of her life, even if she lives to a very old age (14-16 years). The interval between cycles can either increase or decrease; the estrus itself lasts less. It is not recommended to breed a bitch after 7 years. Pregnancy will undermine the strength of an old dog, shorten its life, and puppies may be born dead or defective.

Features among different breeds

The duration of emptying, considered in the context of rocks, is 10-30 days. There are also other differences between representatives of different breeds, including the intensity of discharge and the time of the onset of the first menstruation.

In small breeds

Estrus in small breed bitches begins at 6-9 months, and its average duration is 10-15 days. Representatives with this cycle include Pekingese, Yorkies and Chihuahuas.

Owners of small dogs should take care when purchasing panties. The fact is that the discharge of small-breed animals is more intense, which negatively affects the cleanliness of the floor and furniture.

In large breeds

The larger the animal, the longer the average duration and age of onset of the first emptying. In representatives of medium breeds (English bulldogs, cocker spaniels, Akita Inu) it begins at 10-15 months and lasts 20-22 days, and in representatives of large breeds (Great Danes, Alabai, Mastiffs) - at 13-24 months and lasts 22 -30 days respectively.

Despite the lower intensity of discharge, do not forget about body size. Given its parameters, a Great Dane can easily ruin your favorite sofa, so get him accustomed to the seat from an early age.

Stages of estrus in dogs

How long a dog goes into heat depends on its physiology. There are 4 stages of estrus in bitches:

  • proestrus – preparatory;
  • estrus - estrus;
  • metaestrus - end of estrus;
  • Anestrus is the period between estrus.


Proestrus begins long before the first symptoms, when the hypothalamus, one of the parts of the brain, gives the order to the follicles to grow. As they mature, they begin to synthesize the hormone estrogen, which prepares the uterus for conception.

During preparation, the vulva swells, the bitches develop a faint odor, which warns the males of an imminent heat. Particularly sensitive dogs may even pursue the bitch for a while, but most do not bother her.


Estrus begins when the first drops of blood appear. The dog's body begins to actively produce pheromones to attract the attention of males. They are excreted in urine, blood, and mucus.

Estrus can be divided into 2 stages:

  • initial phase;
  • period of sexual hunting.

Initial phase

How many days does the initial phase of estrus last in dogs? No more than ten, average 7.

When blood appears, the bitch's behavior changes and she flirts with male dogs. On days 2-4 of estrus, the female begins to take a characteristic pose, which indicates readiness to mate. She still doesn’t allow male dogs and avoids mating. However, the owner should not let his guard down and let her off the leash. If the bitch runs away, she may disappear; in the best case, she will return pregnant after estrus.

The period of sexual hunting

The level of pheromones reaches its maximum concentration, but there is less blood, and the color of the discharge becomes lighter. Many females begin to let males in on the 7th day of estrus, but the optimal time for conception is 10-14 days. However, if mating occurs 17-18 days after the start of estrus, she can also become pregnant.

The sperm of a male dog after mating remains active for a week, so for a healthy female to conceive, one mating is enough. This means that if you are not planning on having puppies, the dog should not be allowed in at all. Also, do not relax after mating, as a dog can become pregnant from different males within a few days of each other.


The duration of estrus in dogs depends on many reasons. Most owners have no fear of pregnancy on the 22nd day after the appearance of blood. The loop decreases in size and the amount of discharge decreases. The bitch stops letting males in. The estrus itself ends at this stage.

If mating has occurred, the embryos are fixed in the uterus and begin to develop. If there is no conception, the bitch often develops a false pregnancy. 2 months after estrus, her breasts may sag and milk may appear. Within a month everything will be back to normal. During this period, dogs behave differently. Some have no health or mental problems, others suffer from pain and are looking for puppies.


Anestrus is the period between real/false labor and before the onset of proestrus. If the bitch does not feed the puppies, she behaves normally and has no behavioral problems.

How does empty space proceed?

Not only breeders of females, but also males should have an idea of ​​how estrus in a dog occurs and how long it lasts. This information will help to avoid unwanted mating, since it is during this period that the female allows males.

Estrus is a natural physiological process that indicates the onset of puberty. This main signal indicates that your pet is ready for pregnancy and bearing offspring.

Estrus is accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge from the vulva, swelling of the outer labia, enlarged nipples, hormonal changes in the body, and changes in the behavior of the pet.

The abundance of vaginal discharge during estrus, its nature (consistency, color) depends on the size, age of the dog, as well as the emptying period. In representatives of small breeds, the discharge is insignificant and the owners do not always determine the exact date of the onset of estrus. Therefore, the article will consider other signs by which you can understand that the dog is in heat.

Despite the readiness for mating, during the first breeding, experienced breeders and veterinarians categorically do not recommend breeding a dog, since the body is not fully ready for bearing offspring or giving birth . Pregnancy that is too early will have a negative impact on the dog’s health and can result in the birth of weak, non-viable puppies and difficult childbirth.

Advice! It is best to mate a bitch with a male during the third heat, having chosen a worthy groom for your favorite. This is the optimal age for mating.

How to walk during heat

During estrus, never let your bitch walk on her own. Walk her only on a leash. If you live in a village where uncastrated male dogs roam unattended, so as not to take risks, take the bitch out for a short time during heat, don’t let her go outside, let her sit at home.

If you live in a city, to ensure normal physical activity during estrus, you can walk your dog for 2-3 hours. In this case, you need to walk long distances, and not under the house. Even if you come across an unattended male, he conventionally sticks to one territory and usually does not go into someone else’s. But you shouldn’t relax, and there are exceptions.

If a male dog appears nearby, you must drive him away. Unfortunately, few women listen to them, so it is advisable for a man to walk the dog. They respond better to his orders. If the woman is alone, and the male dog is pestering and does not lag behind, you need to hide in the entrance and return home. If he is too active and the size of the dog allows it, pick him up and return to the apartment. He won't leave on his own.

There are products on sale that mask the smell of a female dog in heat. They do not completely cope with the task, but the intensity of the aroma decreases. Therefore, if the male dog obeys the owner, the estrus spray will help. However, if a male dog has a good sense of smell and does not pay attention to the owner’s commands, they will not help.

Preparation for mating and its implementation

Mating is carried out on the 11-15th day of the third emptying in the territory of the dog. 1.5 months before mating, animals are dewormed and checked by a veterinarian.

According to the method of knitting, it can be free and manual. In the first case, the animals do everything on their own, and in the second, their owners help them. Hand knitting is typical for small breeds and untied animals. During this process, the owners help to mount and wait for mating - 5 minutes of mating after ejaculation. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to knit again.

Caring for your pet during estrus

The main problem owners of bitches face during heat is blood on the floor. During this period, it is better to remove all carpets and buy a cleaning product for animals. If the dog lives in an apartment and often jumps on the sofa or bed, dog handlers recommend buying special underpants.

There is no need to bathe your dog every day, but it is better to wash the genitals regularly during heat, especially if the dog has long, light hair. Otherwise she will walk around in blood. This not only looks unaesthetic, but will also attract male dogs.

Briefs for dogs

Opinions about underpants for dogs are mixed. Bitches are used to taking care of themselves during heat, but panties do not give them this opportunity. That's why they pick them, chew them, eat them. At the same time, you have to wash your panties often; you won’t be able to limit yourself to just a few models.

And yet, you can’t do without panties during estrus if the pet sleeps on the sofa, chair, or bed. The model must be selected taking into account the size of the dog and the strength of the material. It is advisable to take natural fabric. Short products will slide down, and high-waisted ones will form folds. Also, panties should not be tight or interfere with walking, otherwise the bitch will get rid of them.

Underpants can be replaced with dog diapers, but they will have to be changed frequently. In addition, diapers can float, disturb the bitch, and she will take them off.

If you want to walk your dog in shorts on the street, you need to buy special shorts. The simple option will not work - the bitch will either not be able to do her job, or she will wet the fabric. There is no need to rely on panties as protection from male dogs. If you don't drive the dog away, panties won't help.

What to do if your dog doesn't want to mate

If your plans include breeding, find out what to do if the dog does not want to mate.

The first piece of advice is to contact a kennel club or professional breeders. There are knitting instructors there. The specialist will explain how you can help the dog or do everything himself.

The owner can independently help his girl like this:

  1. Choose the right day for mating.
  2. Put a muzzle on your dog or tie a scarf over its muzzle.
  3. Place your thigh under the bitch's belly and turn her towards the dog. Hold your dog by the collar.
  4. Secure the dog and tuck its muzzle under your armpit.
  5. Help the male dog during boarding. You can lift the loop by placing your hand under the dog's belly.

False and hidden estrus

Sometimes dogs experience atypical types of heat. For example, false estrus is a rare pathology in which all the symptoms of estrus are present, but ovulation is absent. Take your dog to the doctor. Serious health problems can provoke false estrus.

Another option is hidden estrus. It proceeds as usual, but without symptoms - no blood, no discharge. The only sign is that male dogs are showing interest in the dog, and if she is actually in heat, the female dog may become pregnant. Therefore, if your dog is not bleeding, but the male dog is hanging around, take him to the veterinarian, who will determine his condition.

Hidden heat is not dangerous for a dog. It is believed that it is inherited and an attentive owner will identify it in the first year of the bitch’s life. If you plan to breed a dog, the time of estrus and ovulation will have to be determined in the laboratory.

Estrus and health

Owners of unsterilized female dogs need to be aware of several health-related issues. This will help you make decisions about surgery if necessary.

Recovery of the cycle after childbirth

The cycle normalizes 4-6 months after birth. The delay time depends on the duration of lactation and the size of the litter. To fully restore the body, it is recommended to wait until mating until the next menstruation.

False heat

This kind of estrus occurs in young bitches. It is accompanied by all the listed signs, but excludes ovulation. Because of this, any attempt at mating is doomed to failure. This phenomenon is not dangerous to health and is characterized by a sudden disappearance of the symptoms that have arisen.

Hidden heat

This menstruation is the opposite of false menstruation, that is, it is accompanied by ovulation without obvious symptoms. In rare cases, the situation is explained by a pathology of the thyroid gland, so play it safe and undergo a full examination at the veterinary clinic.

Dog sterilization

Due to the high likelihood of developing cancer in unsterilized and uncrossed dogs, veterinarians recommend sterilizing all animals not involved in breeding. The operation is carried out 14-20 days after the end of emptying.

Is it possible to vaccinate a bitch in heat?

Veterinarians have not reached a consensus on this issue. In the presence of chronic diseases and severe pain, it is recommended to wait until the end of menstruation. Vaccination of healthy individuals is acceptable.

Regular monitoring of your menstrual cycle will help you avoid possible problems. With it you can easily identify abnormalities that require a visit to the veterinarian. Avoid using hormonal medications and consider sterilization. Remember that the earlier the operation is performed, the lower the likelihood of developing cancer and other dangerous diseases.

The article is for informational purposes only. Contact your veterinarian!

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If you do not plan to breed a dog, let it out on its own, or cannot monitor it during heat, veterinarians recommend sterilization. There are several options:

  • Tubal ligation is not the best solution. She will continue to be in heat, but she will not be able to get pregnant.
  • Removal of the uterus or ovaries. In this case, there will be no estrus and associated problems at all.

Sterilization carried out before 1 heat, but not earlier than 6 months, can prevent mammary cancer in the future. And, of course, if the dog does not have a uterus and ovaries, or pyometra, it will also not develop genital cancer.

Are dogs spayed while in heat?

A dog cannot be spayed during heat unless there are medical indications. For example, if a dog goes into heat every month and for a long time. It is possible that she has pyometra (inflammation of the uterus), and surgery should be performed immediately.

When are dogs spayed after being in heat?

If you did not have time to sterilize your dog before the heat, the procedure must be done 2 months after its end.

Complications after sterilization

The main problem that owners of bitches face after sterilization is the leakage of urine in drops during sleep or rest (20% of cases). The problem develops within 3 years after surgery.

The exact reasons are unknown. Scientists point to a complex interaction mechanism:

  • low estrogen levels;
  • deterioration of urethral sensitivity;
  • displacement of the bladder from the abdominal to the pelvic region.

At risk are bitches whose weight exceeds 20 kg. Also, purebred dogs and their mestizos are more likely to encounter the problem than mongrels - Doberman, Labrador, Boxer, Rottweiler, etc.

The problem can be solved with medication. The prognosis is favorable.

Possible problems and consequences

Possible problems include variations in timing. Contact your veterinarian if:

  • the appearance of a delay of 9-10 months;
  • menstruation lasting less than 10 or more than 30 days;
  • any deviations in the cycle after 2 years, including a delay in the first emptying;
  • increased frequency of menstruation;
  • abundance or intense color of discharge.

The animal may also experience a false or unwanted pregnancy. The first can be eliminated with medication, and the second can be eliminated by competent avoidance of male dogs or surgical intervention.

How to discourage male dogs

In addition to walking on a short leash, it is possible to use sprays that fight off the smell of a bitch in heat. They are applied to the back of the body before each walk. Domestic products are also represented by BioVax.

Unwanted pregnancy

Unwanted pregnancies are treated with abortifacients or surgery. In the latter case, the surgeon cuts out the uterus, which excludes the dog from further breeding.

False pregnancy

If you notice signs of pregnancy in an unmated pet, contact your veterinarian. Physiological changes occur due to an excess of progesterone and rarely disappear on their own. In most cases, the problem can only be solved with drug treatment. Without the help of a veterinarian, there is a high chance of developing mastitis or pyometra.

“ More about false pregnancy in dogs

Hormonal drugs and estrus

There are hormonal medications on sale that help:

  • control the onset of estrus;
  • stop the development of follicles;
  • interrupt ovulation;
  • calm the animal.

Any medications can be given to a bitch only on the recommendation of a doctor if there are medical indications. They cannot be given uncontrolled and on an ongoing basis, since various complications are possible that will shorten the dog’s life. If you do not plan to breed your dog, it is better to sterilize it.

What are medium breeds?

Before answering the question of how long estrus lasts in dogs of medium breeds, it is worth understanding which specific animals belong to the group in question. But there are a lot of them - more than 200 species. At the same time, pets of this size are considered the most popular among breeders. So, medium breeds include dogs whose height at the withers is 40-50 cm. Their weight is 12-40 kg.

Dogs belonging to medium breeds can live comfortably in apartments; they can easily fit in an elevator. They are, as a rule, non-aggressive, love children, and are capable of becoming excellent guards. It is important for the owner of the animal to know how many days the dog is in heat in order to behave correctly during this time.

Veterinarian advice

Estrus is a normal physiological process, so there is no need to panic. How the dog will go into heat depends on the correct behavior of the owner, the absence of panic and nervousness.

Veterinarians recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • The standard frequency of estrus in dogs is 1-2 times a year. If it happens more often, consult a doctor.
  • Do not let your dog walk on its own.
  • Walk with a bitch on a leash.
  • Do not leave your dog alone with males, unattended.
  • If the bitch is a breeding dog, after mating, keep an eye on her so that she doesn’t get carried away by other dogs.
  • If possible, do not wear panties on your dog so that he can groom himself naturally.
  • Hormonal medications and behavior correction agents should be given only after a doctor’s recommendation.

Buy medicines and panties for estrus only in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores that have quality certificates and store products correctly. Avoid bazaars and second hand purchases. If you give your dog a fake, you could seriously harm the animal.

How to care for a dog

During the entire period, the owner must take care of the safety and hygiene of the pet. In case of uncontrolled behavior, it is recommended to contact a dog handler.

Owner's help

Due to the increased vulnerability to infections, try to protect your pet from hypothermia and communication with other animals. Keep your walks short and always use a leash.

For restless behavior accompanied by lethargy and whining, gently palpate the abdomen. If the animal squeals in pain, give it an antispasmodic. Remember to consult with your veterinarian regarding the choice of drug and its dosage.

Behavior adjustment

During the emptying period, remove carpets from the floor and try to train your pet not to sit on textiles. Do not delay this, as obedience gradually deteriorates.

In case of uncontrolled behavior, veterinarians advise increasing the number of games and walks. This will reduce aggression and improve your mood. During the cold season, be sure to wear overalls to prevent catching a cold.

The most effective way to correct behavior is to take a sedative based on herbal ingredients. It has a good effect and is safe for the body. Before use, consult a veterinarian to rule out an allergic reaction to the herbs contained in the composition, and inquire about the dosage.

Hygiene products

To prevent blood stains, purchase disposable panties. Veterinarians advise wearing them while sleeping, traveling in public transport or walking. This protects against leaks and infections in the genitals. The rest of the time the animal must lick itself independently.

Drugs to reduce sexual activity

Hormonal drugs designed to reduce sexual activity are dangerous when used for a long time. They cause hormonal imbalance, provoke the development of cancer and infertility. If you are not breeding the breed, choose sterilization.

Manner of action

Dog behavior changes during estrus. At first, the bitch may show aggression and anxiety. Then she becomes active and flirts with other dogs. During the critical period, the pet does not perceive the owner’s commands and becomes cunning and resourceful. When walking, do not let your pet off the leash. Try to keep other dogs away to avoid mating. If mating has occurred, it will not be possible to separate the animals.

Before estrus, the animal begins to defecate urine frequently. This is how the female leaves marks for the male. The dog senses “intoxicating” substances excreted in the urine and goes in search. The pet marks its territory on the street and at home. This happens involuntarily. Do not punish the animal for this reason.

During the period of estrus, the female begins to estrus. These days ovulation occurs, the bitch is looking for mating. In front of the dog, the bitch takes a characteristic pose - raises her butt, moves her tail to the side.

During estrus, the owner plans mating. Mating should take place in the dog's territory. In order for a puppy to be born healthy from mating, both parents must be physiologically mature. The optimal age of a dog for procreation is 2 years. At this age, dogs’ bodies are mature and ready for procreation.

Breeders keep diaries to calculate mating time. Using a diary, ovulation during latent estrus is calculated. It records the days of the beginning and end of estrus and characteristic features. The estrus phase is calculated according to the schedule.

Physiological features

Estrus (estrus) is a physiological process that accompanies the puberty of a female dog.
The process is accompanied by hormonal changes. A lot of estrogen is produced, then progesterone. Under the influence of sex hormones, changes occur in the body, brain activity and nervous system.

A modification of the external organ occurs. The genital loop thickens. A discharge appears from it. If you apply a napkin, there will be a bloody trail. Gradually the discharge will become abundant. In representatives of small breeds they are insignificant. Small dogs constantly lick themselves, the discharge from the genital slit will not be noticeable.

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The mammary glands change. The nipples swell and secretion may appear from them. After the heat, the condition should return to normal.

The dog begins to shed. The appetite changes, the pet begins to eat a lot or refuses to eat. The bitch may be thirsty. An elevated temperature may be normal. May be a sign of an inflammatory process. If you have a fever or other suspicious symptoms, contact your veterinarian.

The duration of the cycle depends on the features. This is influenced by health status, breed, hormonal levels, nutrition, climatic conditions, and emotional state.

The normal duration of estrus is 21 days. The interval between them is 5 - 8 months. Significant deviations from the norm are a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Estrus can be hidden. The same processes will occur in the ovaries, only asymptomatically. The loop does not increase, no discharge is formed, the female does not flirt with the dogs. At the same time, there is increased attention from male dogs. A dog with a hidden waste can be bred and impregnated. Pregnancy can occur as during normal estrus. To rule out infertility, you can get tested at a veterinary clinic. Asymptomatic empty space often occurs due to the pathology of the thyroid gland. Thyroid disease is a reason to exclude a female from breeding offspring.

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