Rating of dogs with the highest intelligence, description of the breed, their photos and educational videos

Types of canine intelligence

Scientists have been studying canine genius for a long time. Psychologist Howard Gardner suggested that shaggy pets have several types of intelligence. Stanley Coren, professor of psychology at Columbia University, scientifically substantiated the ideas of his predecessor. He studied information from experienced dog handlers, trainers and dog show judges. The results of the study are presented in the book “Dog Intelligence,” published in 1994.

Types of dog intelligence:

  1. Adaptive intelligence. Ability to assimilate information and make decisions based on it. Thanks to this type of intelligence, the dog is able to survive in various situations.
  2. Innate or instinctive type. Determines behavior inherent at the genetic level. So shepherd dogs are able to pick up a scent, border collies are able to herd sheep, dachshunds and fox terriers are able to hunt in burrows.
  3. Obedience intelligence (working). Ability to understand, execute and remember commands. The ability to concentrate attention and the ability to change behavior if a person requires something different.

The main evaluation criterion that forms the basis of the canine intelligence scale is understanding the command and the ability to execute it right away.

Attention! The first and second types of intelligence are determined by the individual characteristics of the animal and are measured by IQ tests for dogs. The third type is largely determined by the breed.

The error of the system lies in determining the level of intelligence based on obedience. This means that dogs with character, focused on making independent decisions, may receive a low rating, but this does not mean that they do not have abilities.

Top 10 most capable dogs

Now let's turn directly to Stanley Coren's classification. In the first group he included the 10 most intelligent (disciplined) dog breeds in the world. These pets obey the first time (error up to 5%) and are able to remember a new command after 3-5 repetitions.

The most intelligent and obedient dog in the world has already been named, so we start the list from the second line.


Very loyal, affectionate and energetic dogs. The great talent of poodles is manifested in good memory, intelligence, and diligence. Poodles are easy to train and can perform in any role: from circus performers to rescuers.

German Shepherd

The honorable third place is occupied by the famous Germans. Their advantages are known to everyone, but it is worth noting that the dog’s energy needs to be directed in the right direction. Shepherd dogs are easy to train and are highly dependent on the owner: whatever the person commands, the dog will do. It is not for nothing that the German Shepherd is the smartest dog breed according to popular ratings.

Related article:

Dangerous dog breeds - lists of the TOP 10 breeds abroad and in Russia . Perhaps you like a certain breed and want just such a dog, but is it on the list of dangerous dog breeds? You can find out about this by reading a separate article, where a list of aggressive and angry dogs is published.

Golden retriever

Representatives of this species are hardy and strong, but not at all aggressive. Retrievers are very popular pets: they are affectionate, cheerful, and easy to train. They also have a well-developed sense of smell, which is why dogs are hired to serve as rescuers, bloodhounds and guide dogs.


Smart dogs of the Doberman breed are located in the “golden mean” of the top 10. These are very capable, but impulsive and require a “hard hand” dogs. Without proper education, the courage, curiosity and energy of Dobermans will turn into uncontrollable chaos, so not everyone is recommended to have such a pet. But competent training will transform a wild puppy into a balanced, persistent and devoted defender.


The smartest small dogs of the Sheltie breed took sixth place in the ranking. In addition to their developed intelligence, they are distinguished by their cheerfulness, activity, and great love for their owners. These dogs incredibly appreciate affection and carry out any whim-command of the owner at the first call. The Sheltie's ancestors were shepherds, and generations still retain a heightened sense of vigilance. They are hyper-responsible and careful, and these intelligent dogs also love to play with children.

Labrador Retriever

A popular breed with an excellent skill set that allows them to be used both as companions and as working dogs. Developed intelligence, instant reactions, excellent memory do not allow you to doubt whether a Labrador dog is smart or not. These dogs are definitely one of the most capable of making friends with humans. In addition, Labrador Retrievers have incredible sense of smell, can fetch dead game, and are not at all afraid of swimming.


Another representative of small dogs among the smartest breeds. These individuals are always characterized by a good mood, curiosity and sweet naivety. Papillons are mischievous in a good way: they love to play and have fun, but they are not capricious or mischievous. Super companions for children and lonely elderly people.


Formidable, but with proper training, moderately aggressive animals. They are distinguished by their strong character, physical endurance, and active behavior. Such a dog needs an owner to match: self-confident, domineering, demanding. For such an owner, the Rottweiler will be an obedient, reliable and devoted friend. But if you “let go” of a puppy during puppyhood without showing proper strictness to it, the consequences can be extremely unpleasant.

Australian Cattle

The top 10 most obedient and intelligent dogs are completed by the executive Australian “shepherds”. They learn with joy and remember commands quickly. The main purpose is to monitor flocks. The dogs skillfully drive disobedient artiodactyls to the farm, moderately biting the sheep on the sides.

The smartest dog in the world

It has been scientifically proven that the Border Collie is the smartest breed in the world. She was bred in Britain and officially registered in 1976.

Genetically, Borders are professional shepherds. Farmers in England, along with smart, loyal, nimble animals, looked after their numerous herds. The breed has been bred for hundreds of years, using the most hardy, dexterous and intelligent representatives as producers.

Attention! Rico, the famous borderer, knows over 200 names of objects. Almost unerringly brings toys or objects at the request of the owner.

Today, border collies help not only on farms. They are excellent actors, guides for the blind and visually impaired, and nannies. During a walk, the beloved dog, following its genetic memory, makes sure that the children do not run away.

Capable animals quickly remember commands and are easy to train. Dog handlers admit that working with a talented breed is a pleasure.


The Papillon is a small but very energetic dog. A special feature of the breed is its ears, which resemble the spread wings of a butterfly. Papillons are easy to train, but life in a confined space is difficult for them.

These small dogs can bark everywhere, which often creates problems for themselves. Papillon wool requires special care. She needs to be looked after and combed every day.

Rating of the smartest dogs in the world

The TOP 90 smartest breeds included animals with low, medium and high trainability. The least capable representatives of the canine world perform 25 commands out of 100 the first time. The smartest - 85 out of 100, doing 5-15 repetitions.

Beautiful, but less capable

The most complete ranking of the smartest representatives of the canine world begins with beautiful dogs that are difficult to train. To master a new task, they need from 80 to 100 repetitions. Execute 25 or more commands the first time.

Afghan Hound

In last place is the majestic, aristocratic, capable and loyal Afghan hound. Afghans are calm, peaceful and confident in their superiority. Representatives of the breed are quite stubborn. They may not follow orders or respond to their name.


Dogs are quite smart, good-natured and emotional. Due to their stubbornness, they are considered difficult to train. Representatives of the breed get along well with children, but will never become a toy for them. Basenjis are strong-willed and persistent; they recognize only a strong personality as an owner.


Bulldogs are strong and formidable in appearance, calm and loyal at heart. The breed is considered obedient and trainable, however, there are difficulties in raising its representatives. Bulldogs are quite capable and independent. They prefer to make decisions themselves at a crucial moment.

Chow chow

Representatives of the breed have a strong character and require strict training. The Chow Chow is self-confident and independent.

The dog obeys commands reluctantly, having thought about it first. Doesn't bark over trifles.


An ideal hunter and companion. At home he is quiet and peaceful.

Rude shouting and other parenting mistakes lead to a pet’s bad character and aggression. The greyhound is smart, but its training should be approached with responsibility and patience.


A calm, kind dog, a first-class detective. A tracker hound dog with a phenomenal sense of smell. Intelligence level - 4 out of 5. This is the only breed whose testimony is considered evidence in an American court. Due to its stubborn nature, it is not considered an obedient pet.


Dogs have won people's love as cute pets. There is no need to expect intellectual abilities from them. They are sweet, loving, sociable, but they are not easy to train. People get used to them quickly.


An energetic and cheerful breed of hunting dog. Nature has endowed its representatives with a mixture of intelligence, stubbornness and a desire for independence. This capable pet can prove its ingenuity in practice, for example, by opening a door with its paw. But it may not carry out the owner's orders.


Famous for his strength and skills as a fighter. A large individual of impressive size with tender devotion towards his friend-owner. Dogs are quite intelligent, but difficult to train. There is no point in reproaching them for this, because a dog’s purpose is to be a warrior.

Basset Hound

The only dog ​​in the world that copies human behavior. Including his laziness and stubbornness. The pet's appearance is distinguished by sad eyes and a sad expression on the muzzle, which never changes. The Basset is a hunting breed. The intelligence level of the breed is 3 out of 5.

Shih Tzu

Small shaggy pets, pupils of Chinese emperors. Known for their good nature and cheerfulness. They get along well in a family and can become real companions. But strict education is necessary from childhood, because cute dogs can be obstinate.

Savvy dogs with an independent disposition

The group included capable breeds characterized by higher intelligence characteristics. But in order to educate them, skill and enormous patience are required. Pets need 25-30 repetitions to remember a command and 40-80 to execute.


The rating continues with the responsible watchman, who in the past was a threat to poachers and thieves. Loyal to the family he lives with and wary of strangers. At the right moment, he turns from a plush toy into a valiant defender. Tends to make independent decisions and requires responsible upbringing.

Lhasa apso

They came from Tibetan monasteries, where they barked to warn of the arrival of guests. A breed with a balanced psyche, significant intelligence and endless devotion. When training, you need to immediately set priorities, show rigidity and consistency.


In 76th place is a representative of the decorative breed. The baby has remarkable ingenuity, is able to carry out simple commands and feel the psychological state of people.

Great Pyrenees dog

A large representative of the French breed, involved in the work of a shepherd and a guard. The difficulty of training is the desire for independence. Pyrenees understand what is wanted from them, but do not always do it.

Saint Bernard

Used as mountain rescuers, the large, affectionate dogs are known for their intelligence. They have a stable, friendly character, ideal for families with children. They try to please the owner and remember his commands.

Scotch Terrier

A smart, wayward dog, a native of Scotland. Scotty has a peculiar temper, so he needs to be educated from early childhood. If you behave politely and courteously with your pet, there will be no problems with training.


A friendly Englishman is a great friend to adults and children. It is easy to train, but it needs to be raised from childhood. Some individuals are prone to excessive independence.

Japanese Chin

71st place is occupied by miniature companions, natives of Tibet. Smart dogs are patient, friendly, and able to learn basic commands.

Chinese Crested Dog

Image indoor breed. Pets are smart and trainable. In addition to the standard: “You can’t,” they can be taught the simplest circus tricks.

Italian Greyhound

Miniature representatives of the greyhound breed are intelligent, but do not show zeal in learning. Commands are carried out 10-20 times, testing the owner’s patience.

Brussels griffin

The cute fluffy dog ​​easily wins the love of the whole family. He has an inquisitive mind, but tends to dominate. The puppy must be made clear who is in charge at home.

French Bulldog

A small domestic dog with a good-natured character. Difficult to train, because does not like repetitive actions. Often tests the owner's strength, trying to take a leading position.


A popular breed of intelligent companion pets. Kids are friendly and sociable, but their training may not bring results. Education is possible only with the method of rewards.

Seliham Terrier

An English breed that has transformed from hunters into an active and cheerful companion. Dogs are notable for their high intelligence and ability to absorb information. They do not like the same type of commands and are capable of withdrawing when attempting aggressive parenting.

Skye Terrier

64th place is occupied by a small but noble defender, a native of Scotland. Skye Terriers are smart but stubborn. They need to be dealt with persistently and systematically.

Smart and hard workers

Representatives of these breeds are versatile dogs with average abilities. They understand the requirements after 15-20 attempts. To master the skill, 25-40 repetitions are required.

Akita Inu

Proud, brave, intelligent and loyal pets bred in Japan. They test their owners' strength. They need to be raised with a firm hand.

Welsh Terrier

Similar to Eldel Terriers, but smaller in stature. Representatives of the breed are active, temperamental and quick-witted. They do not like to study, but they are happy to complete tasks in a playful way.


A strong, muscular dog - a relative of hounds. Training is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to start it at an early age - about 3 months.

Fox terrier

Small dogs suitable for burrow hunting. Individuals of this breed are smart, but do not like to study. If you make an effort, you can raise them into obedient and efficient pets.

Shar Pei

A wrinkled friend can be a watchman, a security guard, or a shepherd. More often he is taken as a companion. The dog has high intelligence, but training can become a clash of wills between the owner and the dog. The dog is very sweet, but if you show weakness and allow him more, it will be impossible to regain his authority.


In 57th place is a malamute, a guest from Alaska. Malamutes were used in dog sledding, so they are strong and resilient. Smart pets need physical activity, socialization and systematic education.

Bull Terrier

A hereditary aristocrat with a menacing appearance, but a good-natured disposition. His developed intelligence is combined with obstinacy, so training is incredibly difficult.


The sweet little girl has remarkable abilities and a perky, friendly character. Parenting will be successful if you can establish contact with your pet.

German dog

An aristocratic breed that wins love with its intelligence, beauty and affectionate attitude towards family members. The Great Dane remembers commands perfectly, if you conduct training in a playful way, with care and mutual understanding, there will be no problems.


The boxer is from Germany. It is distinguished by strength, endurance, and protective qualities. He has a cheerful, playful disposition. These are smart pets with high learning abilities. But they only carry out those commands that they like.


The fastest dog in the world. Representatives of the breed are beautiful, flexible, friendly and savvy. They are difficult to train, unlike service breeds. It is better to start training when the pet’s childhood playful period is over.


The oldest breed, the representatives of which were used as sled dogs. The embodiment of a living mind, devotion and strength. Dogs are easy to train and obey the leader.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Affectionate dogs with long, silky hair and a good-natured character. Cavalier Kings are smart and easily comprehend dog science. But sometimes they can show character.


A passionate hunting dog, gentle in the family circle. It is easy to learn, but upbringing mistakes can result in deviant behavior in the future.


A strong and fast greyhound, capable of overtaking any opponent in a dog race or helping its owner in a hunt. This breed requires socialization and training, and is successful in outdoor sports.

Irish Wolfhound

Belongs to the group of greyhounds and is an excellent companion. They are very smart and take new things well if a person treats them with respect. With the help of a training course, they can be taught obedience.

Toy Terrier

Smart and cute pets, suitable for keeping in apartments. They are able to remember and carry out commands, but this requires time.

Bedlington Terrier

Cute representatives of the breed resemble poodles. They were bred for hunting and became beloved pets. Excellent for socialization, education and training.

Breeds with Above Average Intelligence

The ranking continues with more intelligent representatives of the dog world. They understand new commands within 15-25 repetitions and perform them 70% of the time.


In 44th place is an energetic and cheerful spotted beauty. It is in dire need of training, otherwise it may grow into an uncontrollable pet. Defining the boundaries of what is permitted begins from an early age, from the moment of the first appearance in the house.

Pharaoh Hound

A rare elite breed, whose representatives are recognized as reliable friends and excellent hunters. Pets are smart, but if a command seems inappropriate, they will not carry it out.

Miniature Pinscher

The Zwengpinscher is a miniature dog with a complex character. Capable of pranks, but quite smart and trainable.

Irish Setter

An intelligent hunter, an active and active dog that needs physical activity. A lively temperament does not allow the dog to concentrate on training. An individual training program is more suitable for her.

Kerry Blue Terrier

The animal is a large terrier and is considered a faithful assistant and ally. He happily remembers and carries out all the commands of a person who has proven his right to leadership.

Cairn Terrier

One of the breeds of Scottish terriers, designed for hunting foxes and rodents. Dogs are smart and curious, but cannot tolerate raised voices or pressure. Raising him is difficult, but possible.

Hungarian Vizsla

A beautiful representative of the hunting breed, which is distinguished by a high level of intelligence. You need to start training a dog from a very early age, showing patience and perseverance.

Setter Gordon

Representatives of the breed are aristocrats in the dog world, possessing an ideal exterior. The level of intelligence is above average, he learns commands with a minimum number of repetitions.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Strong, smart, loyal dog. The Amstaff is in dire need of thoughtful education, taking into account the characteristics of its breed. Not suitable for an inexperienced owner.


Active, friendly pets, distinguished by loyalty. They have developed intelligence, but are quite independent. They need to be interested in learning.

Springer Spaniel

An active and friendly hunter, capable of becoming an excellent companion for the owner and his family members. The dog is obedient and enjoys learning.

Irish Water Spaniel

A large, muscular, agile breed with a gentle and kind disposition. He performs all the exercises perfectly if the process itself is interesting to him.


French shepherd dog with long hair. Has a sharp mind and the ability to make independent decisions. Briards have an excellent memory and a desire to learn.


The Bouvier des Flanders was intended for guarding and herding livestock. Dogs were harnessed to carts and loads were transported on them. At home, Bouviers are balanced, affectionate and playful. They have excellent memory, remembering commands almost the first time.


Known for increased emotionality and magnificent exterior. Most individuals are capable, hardworking and enjoy learning.

Giant Schnauzer

The all-round dog comes from Germany. Easily and quickly executes all commands. He can protect good, save drowning people, and take kids on sleds. Giant Schnauzers have a stubborn character, so experts recommend starting training from a very early age.

Yorkshire Terrier

The most popular decorative dog. Cute and affectionate pets are quite smart and quickly understand their owner friend.

Capable Dog Breeds

The following places were shared by some of the smartest animals with excellent working qualities. Their training takes from 6 to 15 repetitions. Representatives of the following breeds respond correctly to commands 85% of the time.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

In 21st place is a native of England with a calm and balanced character. This is a herding shepherd dog, not intended for guard or service activities. However, pets willingly learn and follow all commands, the main thing is not to tire them out with routine.

Flat-Coated Retriever

A hunting breed bred in Britain. Representatives of the breed combine excellent character, abilities and working qualities. A good-natured dog tries to fulfill the requirements of its owner friend.

Pomeranian Spitz

A cheerful and affectionate fluffy ball can become the favorite of any family. The dog is gifted with a rich intellect, so training turns into an exciting activity for both parties.

American Cocker Spaniel

A relative of the English cocker, distinguished by its miniature build. Americans are excellent learners, but because of their mobility, they require play-based activities.


An amazing breed that needs to be raised “yesterday”, it perceives any science so quickly.

English Cocker Spaniel

The English Cocker is a hunting dog bred to lift game under the gun. Representatives of the breed are very smart, so training is most often successful. Especially if they are related to physical activity. Dogs are inquisitive and enjoy playing with children.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Shepherd is a kind and obedient animal. Representatives of the breed are emotional, active and capable of learning, so training must begin from puppyhood.

Miniature Schnauzer

Smart search animals, devoted guards. They cope with any tasks “excellently”. The main thing is that they do not get bored with learning.


A versatile hunting breed with a good disposition. Intellectuals cope excellently with any tasks and commands.

German Spitz (Keeshond)

In 17th place is the Wolfspitz variety bred in Holland. It differs from its Wolfspitz relative in its cheerful character and desire for interesting activities. All complex tasks click like nuts.

Breton epagnol

The smartest miniature cop, a loyal and devoted friend, a good hunter. Quickly accepts new commands and requirements.

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

Fluffy herding dogs from Northern England and Scotland. They can be service and detection dogs. They cope well with the role of guides. The animals are capable, peaceful, and get along well with all family members. Ideal for training.

Belgian Shepherd

A unique breed, intelligent and bright in every way. Education must begin from puppyhood. Bitches are more flexible, males are distinguished by their independent character.

Springer Spaniel

The first animals were bred for falconry. Thanks to their high level of intelligence, dogs successfully cope with any activity. Springer means jumper. When hunting, a dog can jump out of cover and grab game. Representatives of the breed respond well to education and training.

Miniature Schnauzer

A small, smart dog with a cheerful character. Miniature Schnauzers need strict training because they are capable, temperamental, and prone to aggression.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

The Royal Corgi is the favorite dog of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The breed is distinguished by loyalty, good nature, intelligence and a big, brave heart. You need to raise your child strictly and consistently.


In 10th place is the Hungarian pointer, known for her significant intellectual abilities. She successfully completes a lot of tasks. It is better to start training in puppyhood.

German Shepherd

This is truly a fearless dog. He doesn't care about any dangers. Cold weather is not a problem for him. Very easy to learn. You can teach him anything even faster than you expect.

The German Shepherd gets along well with children and owners. But guests and strangers need to be careful when interacting with this dog, because by nature it is a protector of its owner. This dog can live in your house and even in your apartment. True, long hair can cause a lot of trouble.

The smartest dogs in the world

The ranking is headed by the smartest breeds, with the highest level of working qualities and obedience. Most of them remember commands 1-5 times and fulfill the requirements perfectly in 95% of cases.

Australian Cattle Dog

The breed was bred in Australia to monitor large flocks of sheep. Dogs are famous for their intelligence and ability to understand their owner at a glance. The breed appeared relatively recently, in the 19th century, and its representatives are distinguished by their activity and diligence.


Animals are used in protection and service. They are one of the most reliable, loyal and capable comrades. The owner of such a dog must be strong and self-confident in order to systematically raise his four-legged friend, being demanding.


The Papillon or Toy Spaniel is a decorative dog, distinguished by its intelligence and curiosity. These playful kids not only remember commands, but also understand the meaning of many other words and even descriptions of objects.

Labrador Retriever

Labradors have dispersed to all countries of the world. They were used as police officers, rescuers, and guides. Developed mental abilities and good character open up great opportunities for training.


The Sheltie or Scottish Sheepdog is a capable companion, intelligent, responsible nanny and reliable friend. Dogs of this breed are almost ideal students; they try their best to please their owner and fulfill his requirements.


An active, cheerful, capable and inquisitive dog. She is known for her high intelligence, which, without proper upbringing, can do a disservice. A spoiled dog is prone to pranks and tricks. Well-bred representatives of the breed are distinguished by impeccable behavior and are capable of becoming the best companion.

Golden retriever

In 3rd place is an excellent companion, hunter, bloodhound, guide. Possessing a calm character and iron patience, the intelligent retriever gets along well with people and looks after children. He grasps all the lessons on the fly.

German Shepherd

A unique breed in terms of intelligence. One of the most popular and recognizable representatives of the canine world, whose representatives help people in all areas of life. The dog is easy to train.


The well-known poodle heads the list of the smartest dogs. This amazing creature remembers many words and commands and demonstrates them at the right moment. They have the utmost desire to please their owner and participate in all his activities and hobbies.


The Rottweiler is a very powerful dog, which is famous for its high pain threshold. A muscular body is a distinctive feature of Rottweilers. On the one hand, they are very friendly, and on the other hand, they are defenders of their owner.

This dog can live almost anywhere, even in an apartment, as long as you give it daily opportunities to burn off its energy. Easy to train.

How to choose the right smart dog

Have you found the right breed? Now you can choose a smart puppy.

What to pay attention to:

  • look at the baby's parents. Is the mother not exhausted, are the living conditions good;
  • observe the behavior of the puppies. The calmest ones will not hide or bite. They will slowly come up and try to start a game;
  • examine the puppy. He should look strong and healthy, have a clean and shiny coat, and be active;
  • get acquainted with the documents for the dog. There should be vaccination marks there.

Dog handlers advise choosing a vaccinated puppy older than 3 months.


It is difficult to mentally identify a specific type of breed group.
Poodles are classified: simple (classic), miniature, toy. The classic ones are recognized as obedient and intelligent, many assure. Dogs win prizes in a number of sporting competitions. Well-known services to the circus. Poodles are great assistants to humans in various areas of life, although initially they were used exclusively for duck hunting. The largest poodles - classic - are distinguished by the following qualities:

  • an exceptional mind will help simplify education, teaching commands;
  • mobility will please the owner and make the person more active;
  • the absence of shedding periods will please housewives - there is no need to collect wool from carpets and furniture. Wool does not cause allergies in allergy sufferers;
  • skill and love for swimming makes the dog an excellent companion when going to the beach;
  • suitable for children over 7 years old;
  • gets along with people and animals;
  • life expectancy reaches 18 years.

The poodle will have to be carefully looked after. The complexity of the process is rated above average. Bathing is carried out a couple of times a month. Training is considered simple. Those who have already got a pet assure that they understand the commands the first time. A smart dog with a lively mind - that’s what they say.

5th group of dogs – Trainable stubborn dogs – dog breeds with low abilities

Brussels Griffon
Animals that understand commands after 25 repetitions and flawlessly execute them after 40-80 approaches are included in the fifth group of the ranking of dog breeds by intelligence. These freedom-loving dogs require an experienced trainer and are capable of making independent decisions.

We recommend reading:

  • Standards for passing dog training exams
  • Puppy training and education at home
  • Dog behavior correction

65-79 places in the ranking of dog breeds by intelligence were taken by:

  • Skye Terrier;
  • Sellyham Terrier;
  • pug;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Brussels Griffon;
  • Italian Greyhound;
  • Chinese Crested;
  • Japanese Chin;
  • Old English Sheepdog;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • Great Pyrenees;
  • Lhasa Apso;
  • bullmastiff.

3rd group of dogs – Not gifted, but capable

Yorkshire Terrier
The third group in the ranking of dog breeds by intelligence includes animals that remember new commands after 15-25 repetitions and quickly respond to orders in 70% of cases. With irregular classes or lack of experience on the part of the trainer, these dogs will begin to shirk their studies and ignore the owner’s demands.

In 31-45 places in the ranking of dog breeds by intelligence are:

  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • Airedale;
  • Bouvier des Flanders;
  • briar;
  • Samoyed husky;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Scottish Setter;
  • Cairn Terrier;
  • Kerry Blue Terrier;
  • Irish Setter;
  • miniature pinscher;
  • English Setter;
  • pharaoh hound;
  • Dalmatian

4th group of dogs – Hard workers – dog breeds with average abilities

Bedlington Terrier
The fourth group of the ranking of dog breeds by intelligence includes animals with average mental abilities. They quickly respond to their master’s orders in 50% of cases and remember commands after 15-20 repetitions, but to consolidate the result they need 25-40 approaches.

46-64 places in the ranking of dog breeds by intelligence were taken by:

  • Bedlington Terrier;
  • Toy Terrier;
  • Irish Wolfhound;
  • Persian greyhound;
  • pointer;
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel;
  • Siberian Husky;
  • greyhound;
  • boxer;
  • German dog;
  • dachshund;
  • bull terrier;
  • Alaskan Malamute;
  • Shar Pei;
  • fox terrier;
  • Ridgeback;
  • Welsh Terrier;
  • Irish Terrier;
  • Akita Inu.

Saint Bernard

Everyone who has ever watched the film Beethoven has dreamed of such a dog in one way or another. Very massive, with well-developed muscles, ideal as an escort and companion.

The dog has deep intellectual abilities, but unfortunately, it is quite difficult to train. If you work hard from an early age, the St. Bernard quickly learns different commands and is able to learn and understand the sequence of actions even just by watching its owner.

Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher is a standard large, medium-sized breed. Known as loyal comrades, intelligent, vigilant. The latter makes it clear why dogs are used as guards. A guard dog identifies a single owner. Most strangers are perceived with suspicion and wariness. If you take care of socialization, the dog will become a devoted pet, a pleasant pet for family and house guests.

  1. Doberman lives 12 years.
  2. Bathing is required 2-3 times a year.
  3. The coat requires virtually no grooming.
  4. Suitable for raising teenagers from 14 years old.
  5. The level of difficulty in parenting is high.
  6. They are easy to train.
  7. They treat children living in the same family well.
  8. They get used to it and make friends with other animals growing in the house.
  9. Doberman Pinschers require high activity, frequent play, and running.

Remember the need to keep your pet warm in the winter. The breed has short fur and gets cold during the snowy season. Get ready to buy warm clothes for your four-legged friend. It is advisable to do this from puppyhood, otherwise wayward, stubborn puppies will grow up disliking warm clothes.

Cocker Spaniel

There are several varieties of Cocker Spaniels: American, English, French and Russian. Spaniels are very smart and cunning dogs. I use my intelligence and natural intelligence both when hunting for birds and small game, and next to the owner. Spaniels are easy to train and love to learn commands in a playful way.

Read The best herding dogs - 20 breeds and their uses

A trained spaniel can carry out commands of varying complexity, for example, searching for lost things. In law enforcement agencies, spaniels were often involved in the search for narcotic substances.

Golden retriever

Golden Retrievers are hardy and active dogs. They were originally bred for hunting, but now retrievers are rarely seen in the company of hunters.

They combine deep intelligence, intelligence and kindness. They respond well to training, quickly remember and follow commands.

Retrievers sense the mood of their owner well, can determine by intonation what position he is in and, if necessary, console him.

Thanks to the combination of these qualities, retrievers work well in rehabilitation centers, as guide dogs, participate in search operations, and can be not only loyal friends, but also protectors.


Labradors are large dogs with a strong build. Along with high endurance, they have a good level of intelligence. High physical endurance and the ability to analyze situations make the Labrador an excellent hunter.

A flexible mind, obedient character, devotion and excellent ability to learn and remember commands allow the dog to be an excellent companion and guide. Already at the age of three months, a Labrador puppy can perform about 5 training tasks.

Labradors are good at distinguishing their owner's mood by the intonation of their voice and can immediately understand when they have been given an order.


Everyone knows the Collie breed, few have heard of the Sheltie.
Those who have met Sheltie confidently call him a miniature Collie! A small working dog bred specifically to help a shepherd herd herds. Initially, it was believed that dogs could only cope with such a task. In reality, animals are smart and understanding. In addition, they are attractive. It's easy to describe Sheltie:

  1. She is smart, which is why she is included in the list of obedient dogs in the world.
  2. Energetic, requires time for walks.
  3. Attached to the owner, ready to please for praise and encouragement.
  4. Kind, aggression is not typical, although it is not excluded.
  5. They love children and often play with pleasure.

Shelties are used to herd flocks of sheep and remain unsurpassed helpers. They are considered therapy dogs. If you feel lonely or sad, spend time with your pet. Feel the results soon! They are used to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations or who have suffered a natural disaster in their lives.

Jack Russell Terrier

A breed with a lively and frisky character. Despite their excessive activity and inability to sit still, Jackies are very trainable. With such a dog it is very interesting to learn new commands and teach various everyday actions: bring slippers, a newspaper or a remote control.

The Jack Russell Terrier is very smart and knows what to do to please its owner. Inside a small body lives a large guard dog that very carefully assesses the situation at home or on the street.

A flexible mind, quick wit and ability to analyze allow the Jack Russell Terrier to be an indispensable assistant on the hunt, as well as a faithful and cheerful companion.

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