Mixed huskies and shepherd dogs: what they look like and how to keep them

Mixed breeds are offspring obtained from dogs of different breeds, inheriting the characteristics of both breeds. Such animals have a set of qualities of two parents in the first generation. A purebred dog has a certain characteristic that is inherited with virtually no changes. Mestizos are characterized by gene variability, when it is difficult to predict in advance the appearance of the offspring (coat color, eyes, coat structure). Mixed puppies from purebred parents inherit only those genes that were present in the previous generation. If signs of other breeds are observed in the litter, this indicates that the parents are not purebred.

Care and maintenance

With yard keeping, caring for a cute mestizo will not be a problem even for a beginner. The main thing is that the owner has enough time and desire to take care of his pet.


Simple hygiene procedures usual for dogs are necessary in this case, including:

  • cleaning eyes - daily;
  • gentle ear cleaning - weekly;
  • checking the condition and, if necessary, cleaning your teeth - monthly;
  • combing - 2-3 times a week, and during periods of shedding - daily;
  • swimming - no more than once a quarter.


The diet of mixed breeds, its calorie content and the volume of portions should be calculated taking into account the load on the dog. The more physical activity a pet exhibits, the more energy it must replenish through feeding.

Many owners of huskies are adherents of natural nutrition, but for mixed breeds with shepherd dogs, it is still worth recommending ready-made food: they are balanced and make it easier to regulate the required amount of calories, as well as the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral and vitamin supplements

You can pay attention to such proven and high-quality products:

  • Brit Care Endurance;
  • Belcando Adult Active;
  • Baskerville Active Dog;
  • GO! Natural Daily Defense Lamb Dog Recipe;
  • Acana Sport & Agility.

A German Shepherd-Lusika mix can eat ready-made food for active adult dogs - this is preferable to homemade natural food

Video: the wonders of raising a crossbreed Laika and German Shepherd


A crossbreed between a husky and a shepherd dog will retain puppy activity and curiosity even at a very advanced age. A long walk will always remain important for him - a total of at least three to four hours a day. This rule is also mandatory for those dogs that have the opportunity to move freely throughout the spacious territory of a closed private yard.

Mixed dogs of huskies and shepherds need long and active walking

The complex vaccination scheme is common for all dogs - both purebred and outbred: mandatory vaccinations are given to the puppy at 8 and 12 weeks of age after antiparasitic treatment. If you live in an area with an increased risk of infection, you can carry out a third vaccination - at six months of age, after a complete change of teeth. The first rabies vaccination is given to a puppy at three months. Then comprehensive vaccination is carried out annually throughout the dog’s life.

Nutrition for mixed pets

Mixed-breed dogs require a rational, balanced diet, taking into account the nutritional value and calorie content of foods. It is especially important to feed puppies adequately, since the correct development of the skeletal and nervous systems is laid down in childhood. A lack of essential microelements can lead to rickets in your pet.

Note! The daily nutritional intake, taking into account the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements, is difficult for a non-professional to calculate. The veterinarian will help you create a complete menu for your pet.

The diet of mixed breeds is compiled taking into account the dog’s weight, its metabolism and the characteristics of the parent breeds. The husky-shepherd mix has a fast metabolism, moves a lot and has a good appetite. She is fed natural food, which contains:

  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • meat by-products;
  • vitamin supplements and minerals.

A puppy needs dairy products for normal development.

It is also possible to include high-quality dry food in the diet, which contains a balanced daily intake of nutrients. Mixed-breed puppies are fed three to four times a day; an adult animal needs two meals a day.

What it looks like in the photo and dimensions

  1. The size of such mestizos will be approximately 50-65 cm, and their weight will be about 18-23 kg.
  2. The bones are square or slightly elongated, quite strong and with well-developed muscles.
  3. The head is wedge-shaped or in the shape of an isosceles triangle, with a moderately wide skull and a slightly smoothed transition to a pointed, but not too narrow muzzle.
  4. The ears are erect, triangular, and usually of medium size.
  5. The eyes are almond-shaped or oval, their color can be brown or blue, or different.
  6. The nose is usually black, but mestizos also have “snow” pigmentation, in which there are light veins on the nose.
  7. The neck is muscular and strong, the withers are well defined, the back is straight, the croup is slightly sloping. The chest is developed, moderately wide and deep, but not massive. The belly is tucked in, with a defined curve.
  8. The forelegs are straight and parallel, the hindquarters are strong and moderately muscled. The tail is of medium length, well feathered. Usually carried on the back in the form of a complete or incomplete ring, it can also hang to the side or be sickle-shaped.

The coat of Hasko Laikas is very thick and dense, with a well-developed undercoat and rough hair.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“A crossbreed between a husky and a husky, if it inherits the best qualities of both breeds, will be suitable not only as a sled dog or an ordinary pet. Considering that all real huskies are excellent hunters, he will have well-developed hunting instincts, and, unlike a husky, who hunts game only for himself, these dogs will track the animal specifically for the owner. Mixed huskies and huskies will do a good job of guarding a house or apartment, since they treat strangers, albeit without strong aggression, but with distrust. At home, such a pet will be friendly, obedient and gets along well with children. Husky Laikas also have one more positive quality: they rarely get sick and, as a rule, are not susceptible to hereditary diseases.”

Features of the husky and shepherd mix

Considering the variety of breeds of shepherd dogs and huskies, there can be many options for their mixed breeds. There are also unofficial names for such dog “mixes”: laikoids (if the mother of the puppies is a husky) and shepheroids (if the mother is a shepherd).

It is impossible to predict whose character (shepherd or husky) will prevail in a puppy obtained from a mixed mating

In order to obtain hardy and obedient working dogs - universal service dogs - two popular breeds are most often crossed: the German Shepherd and the Russian-European Laika. Consolidating the desired qualities, in the second generation they infuse the blood of the breed whose image they want to strengthen - usually this is a shepherd dog.


The exterior of a mestizo cannot be accurately predicted. But the union of a Russian-European husky and a German shepherd will predictably produce offspring that are large and constitutionally strong. The puppies will borrow the color from one of the parents: they will be either black and white, like the Russian-European husky, or black-backed, like most modern “Germans”. Wedge-shaped muzzle, erect triangular ears, two-layer thick coat - both breeds are similar in this

But how the tail turns out - “donut” or “saber” - is no longer so important

We recommend reading: Instructions for use of Ovariovit

It is impossible to predict exactly what a shepherd-husky mix will look like.

Character and temperament

Crossing a shepherd dog and a husky produces deliberately active puppies, in which the advantages and disadvantages of the parents are unpredictably mixed. This dog can be recommended to an owner with an active lifestyle - it certainly won’t be phlegmatic. But you need to be prepared for quite probable disadvantages:

  • tendency to frequent, loud and causeless barking;
  • waywardness, frequent escapes;
  • stubbornness, disobedience, unwillingness to follow commands.

Mestizos are smart, friendly to people and hardy, but they are not always suitable for protective service, since by nature they are often devoid of aggression towards people

A lot depends on the efforts of the owner - any dog ​​is flexible in experienced hands. How successful they were will become clear by about eight months of age - then the puppy will enter the difficult adolescence period and show itself, as they say, in all its glory.

If contact between the owner and the mestizo is established, then you will get a wonderful friend

Attitude towards children

You need to be prepared for the fact that the mestizo will be less patient with children's pranks and familiarity. In such cases, the proud nature of the husky can rise up and suppress the tolerant shepherd dog. Simply put, to avoid problems, you should not leave such a dog alone with small children.

How does he get along with other animals?

The hunting inclinations of the husky make its mestizo not very loyal to small domestic animals. Such a dog is guaranteed to get along only with those pets with whom it grew up. What will happen to the rest is a big question. Most likely, a layoid will not deny itself the pleasure of hunting a cat, hamster or parrot - especially when the owner does not see it.


Regardless of which parent’s blood will predominate in the mestizo, he will need systematic training - regular active exercises. Efforts should be directed towards those working qualities that it is desirable to develop in your dog.

The puppy's learning abilities should be excellent, although you will have to be more persistent and patient with him than with a purebred shepherd. You can begin a general training course from the age of five months, and protective guard service - no earlier than ten months.

Contact with the owner and systematic education of the mestizo will help avoid unpleasant and unexpected situations

Character and behavior

Shepski is not characterized by such a character trait as aggression towards people. The animal has a well-developed territorial instinct, so it is used as a guard. They bark angrily at uninvited guests on their territory. Such a dog will not become a bodyguard or a member of the protective guard service. Among other things, a mestizo can behave aggressively with animals that it perceives as prey, for example, with cats or birds.

Since the Shepherd Husky mix is ​​characterized by food aggression and extreme possessiveness in character, it is worth it from an early age. The animal must understand who is the boss in the house, how to behave with children and other pets. The child should also know that such a dog should not be disturbed while eating or anything taken away from him.

This is an intelligent, energetic, affectionate animal. Despite the fact that the dog loves his owner, he is significantly inferior in devotion to the German Shepherd. Raising a mestizo should begin at the age of three months. For consultations on training, it is worth contacting specialists.

However, the owner should remember that it is quite difficult to predict the puppy’s temperament, since each animal is individual. The pet will inherit some characteristics from its mother, others from its father. That is why before crossing, all the characteristics of both parents are carefully studied.

Types of crossbreeds

With a German Shepherd

Labrador and German Shepherd mixes, inheriting the best traits of their parents, are distinguished by a friendly and playful disposition, but at the same time they make very good guards.

The Labronemese sensitively guards a house or apartment, but is not characterized by increased aggressiveness or excessive vigilance.

Outwardly, such a dog may look like one of its parents, but its appearance will certainly contain exterior features of another breed. Typically, they have floppy ears, medium-length fur, and a saber-shaped tail.

With an East European Shepherd

They are similar to the previous type of mestizos, except that crosses of Labradors and “Easterns” are distinguished by their taller height and powerful physique.

Such mestizos are loyal, quite obedient and at the same time sociable. At the same time, they take their work seriously and are calmer.

With a Caucasian Shepherd

Such mixed breeds of Labrador and Caucasian, as a rule, look very large and powerful.

Their fur is quite long and thick, protecting them well from the cold.

These dogs have drooping ears, but can also be cropped. The color varies, and there may be white markings or a dark mask on the face.

It should be remembered that a crossbreed between a Labrador and a Caucasian Shepherd may have a difficult character: such a dog sometimes grows up willful, stubborn, overly distrustful of strangers and even malicious.

In order to avoid problems associated with negative character traits, a Labrador and Caucasian Shepherd dog mix needs early socialization and proper education and training.

At the same time, if you pay attention to such a pet and train it correctly, it can grow into an intelligent, moderately vigilant and brave dog.

Wolf dog character

The temperament of Czechoslovakian wolfdogs is also unique, as it distinguishes them from dogs and wolves.
It is not recommended to have such a pet for beginners who do not have experience with large service breed dogs. However, you should not think that the wolf dog has a wild and unbridled disposition, he just needs a strong hand, and the owner must become an authority for him, which is what the leader of the pack does in nature. With the right approach, the owner will be delighted with the qualities that the Wolfhund has:

  • The dog is very loyal. The pack is the main priority for these hybrid dogs, for which he is capable of sacrificing his life without hesitation.
  • Courage is another characteristic quality. The dog is of little interest in the size and number of offenders in his family. He will rush to defense frantically and show all his wolf ferocity.
  • Independence. The Czech wolfdog has a developed intelligence, he is able to think and even in extreme conditions remains cold-blooded. This allows him to independently decide how to act. For example, if a child is drowning, the dog will not wait for the owner to give him a command.
  • Endurance. There is a number of recorded data that dogs of this breed covered 100 km without stopping for a break, and their average speed was about 12 km/h.
  • Volchak is a born guard. He can protect the house, its inhabitants and even things. If you invite your pet to guard the slippers, then until the owner hangs up, no one will approach them.
  • Czech Wolfhunds are distrustful of strangers. Thanks to this quality, the dog remains incorruptible in any conditions; no treat or kind attitude will help win over the dog. Until the owner confirms that the people who came are his own, the wolf dog will watch them warily and wait for a “trick.”
  • The dog is friendly. The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog can be kept with other pets, including dogs. Cats can be wonderful friends for the wolfdog. The only thing is that if you get large males, at certain moments they can show dominant qualities.
  • This pet is very insightful. It is enough for a dog to see the owner’s gestures and facial expressions to determine what mood he is in, whether he is ready to communicate with his four-legged friend or whether this is not the best moment.
  • Another quality of the wolfdog is sociability. Representatives of such a hybrid breed are not alien to the usual joys of a dog. They enjoy affection and attention from their family members. However, the dog will not impose his company if everyone is busy.

Description of the shepherd-husky mix

As a rule, German Shepherd and Husky mixes inherit from their ancestors natural power and strength, which are very successfully complemented by a cheerful and active character. The temperament of such a pet directly depends on the predominance of certain genetic characteristics in the mestizo.

In any case, the main distinguishing characteristics of these dogs include a short coat, a tendency to howl at certain loud noises, including alarms and sirens, and a desire to run away from their owner. Owners of such four-legged pets should be more careful with this last characteristic.


AHDC is known by several names:

  • Gerberian Shepsky;
  • Siberian Shepherd;
  • German Husky;
  • Husky Shepherd.

The Russian-language shortened version of this unusual mix is ​​Gerber Shepsi. The Working Group Shepski is a companion guard dog. An adult dog is above average in height (60-65 cm), with a weight in the range of 30-35 kg (female) and 40-50 kg (male). The wool is characterized by the presence of thick, medium-length guard hairs that fit tightly to the body.

The soft undercoat should be very dense and abundant. Preferred colors are white, black, black-brown, brown, zone and golden, or a fairly harmonious combination of such colors. Dark colors are allowed, but piebald colors are undesirable for the Shepsky.

The eyes are oval or round, without protrusion, with a black eyelid. It is desirable to have a characteristic “arrow” running from the outer corner of the eyes. The color of the iris can be any shade of blue or a pale blue tint. Odd eyes are allowed. The tail is located at or below the hock joints, should have good feathering and fairly long decorative hair.


The wolf dog, or utonagan, is not overly muscular and is of medium size. The height of an adult dog at the withers is 65-73 cm (males) and 61-66 cm (females), with an average weight of 25-50 kg. The word "utonagan" is translated from the ancient Chinook language as "wolf spirit." The breeding of this breed was initially led by Edwin Harrison, who very effectively promoted this animal as the original wolf dog.

The progenitor of the Utonagan representatives is the Dollar dog, similar in appearance to the Alaskan Malamute. The offspring of this dog were very highly valued, since his puppies looked very much like ordinary wolf cubs. The breed was developed through the selection of all puppies matching the color type obtained from litters of German Shepherds, Huskies, and Alaskan Malamutes.

Utonagans very quickly become popular in different countries, but gradually this breed was divided into a couple of branches. Currently, each of these branches is a completely independent breed: the Utonagan and the Northern Inuit dog. Despite the very noticeable external similarity, such breeds are bred strictly separately, and the Utonagan has become especially popular in its historical homeland, England.

Description of the breed

German Shepherd and Husky mixes do not have official recognition in the FCI and RKF, but they are registered in the American Hybrid Dog Cube.

Moreover, they have several names there:

  • German Husky
  • Siberian Shepherd
  • Shepherd Husky
  • Gerberian Shepski

In Russia, such dogs are called Gerber Shepski or simply Shepski.

They were not bred out of whim, but in order to make German shepherds more adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the northern states of the United States; it was also planned that such dogs would participate in Arctic and Antarctic expeditions.

The fact is that, although shepherd dogs have long been used in America for herding reindeer and for search and rescue work, they could not successfully cope with their duties in severe snowstorms and blizzards, which are frequent in those places.

To increase the frost resistance of the German Shepherd, the blood of a husky was infused into it, which is distinguished by its ability to work in the conditions of the Far North.

As a result, the breeders received a large dog with an interesting appearance, which inherited the features of both of its parents.

But the Shepski, as it turned out later, lost many of the best qualities of the original breeds and did not acquire the endurance for long-term work in the conditions of the North.

The interesting appearance of these dogs could not help but interest the first breeders, who, abandoning official use, began to breed them as companion dogs.

Shepski can only be called a mixed breed obtained from a male German Shepherd and a female Husky. Dogs born in the second generation after hybridization cannot be classified as such. In the same way, puppies whose father is a husky and whose mother is a shepherd cannot be considered Shepski.

When breeding these dogs, one more feature was revealed that made breeding the Shepsky as a separate breed impossible: mixed breeds of German shepherds and huskies turned out to be incapable of passing on the best exterior and working qualities to their descendants.

Such dogs are currently bred directly from shepherds and huskies. They are used either as companion dogs or for canis therapy.

Their service use is extremely difficult due to the fact that the Shepsky is not characterized by aggression and unquestioning obedience, which is necessary for service dogs.

Mixed Labrador and German Shepherd. All the pros and cons.

Hello everybody. We started this “breed” because I simply could not pass by these cuties.

At first, everyone dissuaded me, citing the fact that this is not a pure breed and it is unknown how he will grow in size and character. But I took a chance and now a puppy named Jack was already at my house.

A year and a half has passed since then, and the dog makes me and the whole family happy every day with his endless kindness and love.

The dog turned out to be quite large, at one year he already weighed 43 kg, and now at one and a half he weighs 50 kg. And he is in excellent physical shape, very active and playful.

The character turned out to be more like that of a Labrador, and so did the appearance. He is very kind and happy with absolutely anyone, even a stranger, so he is unlikely to make a security guard. And he’s not particularly brave either. Very timid, especially if there is a sudden sound or movement.

The dog is very flexible and easy to train. Especially if you choose a training program in a playful way.

And now about health, this is where we ran into problems. If our appearance and character turned out to be excellent, then we have constant problems with our health. He is a terrible allergy sufferer, not only do we have food allergies and we now feed him only specially selected hypoallergenic food, but he is also allergic to many types of flowers and plants. In general, we are constantly on injections. Since the reaction manifests itself in rather large (2-3 cm in diameter) formations throughout the body.

So before you adopt a mixed breed, think carefully about whether you will have a healthy dog ​​in the future.

Who are mestizos and how do they differ from purebred dogs?

Mestizos are the “fruits” of intraspecific crossing, in which both purebred and outbred animals can participate. Any mestizo is essentially a mongrel, and is by no means a new breed, as experimenters would like to think .

Shepherd and Laika - similar in appearance, but very different in character

From the first experimental mating to recognition of the breed is a long-term, thorny and costly path that only a dedicated and patient dog handler with a base of theoretical knowledge and extensive practical experience can do. Creating a new breed involves several mandatory steps:

  • obtaining stable offspring from generation to generation;
  • consolidation of general desired characteristics in appearance and behavior;
  • formation of a fairly extensive gene pool of healthy dogs with well-predictable prospects.

Do not confuse mixed-breed dogs with hybrids: in the first case, crossing occurs within one species, Canis lupus familiaris, in the second, between different species of the canine family, for example, a jackal and a dog, a dog and a wolf, and so on.

To consciously obtain mixed breeds of various breeds, you must at least be guided by Mendel’s three laws:

  • law of uniformity of the first generation - offspring in the first generation inherits the characteristics of only one of the parents according to the principle of dominance;
  • the law of segregation - in the offspring of the second generation, individuals appear with the phenotypes of the original parental forms and the offspring of the first generation;
  • the law of independent combination (inheritance) of traits - among the descendants of the second generation, individuals with new (relative to the parent) combinations of traits appear in a certain ratio.

Which dog to choose, who is stronger, smarter, better?

Before getting a dog, you should compare it with other breeds - this will help form a more accurate idea of ​​the character and abilities of the future pet.


Labradors are loving, affectionate and friendly dogs towards absolutely everyone.

They are quite intelligent and amenable to training, but are inferior in this regard to shepherd dogs, for whom service is their main calling.

Shepherd dogs are also superior in jaw grip strength, but Labradors are still more agile and nimble pets.


Despite their more compact size, pit bulls are superior to shepherds in strength - they are more powerful, have a stronger jaw grip and are better suited to participate in fights.


“Caucasians” are excellent watchmen and bodyguards; even the “Germans” cannot compare with them in this regard. They are also ahead of their relatives in terms of aggressive behavior towards children, other animals and strangers. Caucasian shepherd dogs are much larger than German ones and surpass them in strength and power.


Wolves are hardy, capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h, and the clenching force of their jaws is 2.5 times higher than that of fighting dogs.

There are very few dogs capable of fighting a wolf, and those who can win are even fewer, and German shepherds are not one of them.

Mud Dog Clubs

Today, more and more organizations and clubs are appearing to help owners of mongrel dogs properly raise their pet. Specialists conduct general courses on training, obedience, guard and tracking work. An excellent opportunity to show your unique pet to the public is an exhibition of mongrel dogs, which has become a common event in both large and small cities of our country.

It doesn’t really matter what breed the dog is when you see his devoted look and willingness to follow any command. And good and bad dogs, like people, can be found, no matter what titles and titles their ancestors have.


Often puppies are the result of accidental love, but there are breeders who deliberately cross a shepherd and a husky. This is done for the purpose of improving and developing the two breeds. This is a difficult and long process of compact inbreeding. You have to wait a long time until the unnecessary gene is replaced by the genes of other individuals. Often the breeder’s task is to obtain second-generation mestizos in order to raise outbred individuals of a certain orientation. Some former Soviet republics are specifically engaged in breeding mixed-breed shepherd dogs and huskies.

The result of mixing two radically different breeds is a powerful, efficient and intelligent dog. From such individuals it is possible to raise full-fledged healthy puppies of the second generation. Mature dogs are crossed again with purebred individuals, splitting the doubled gene and increasing the desired characteristics of the dog. The fruit of love between a shepherd dog and a husky takes on the best qualities of both parents.

Owner reviews of mixed puppies

Such a mestizo lived with me for 15 years. As for the security, I don’t know, there was no goal. But the command “nearby” was carried out. And he was such a kind dog, the children made Easter cakes on him. But strangers were afraid to approach, so I left her near the stroller without any problems.


We have a shepherd-husky mix who has been living with us for 8 years. The security guard is excellent, especially to us women, he doesn’t let anyone near us. It goes smoothly with my husband. The site is also well guarded, no one risks getting in, everyone already knows it. At the same time, we still have a cat and a male cat, he gets along well with them, the cat loves to sleep on him, eats from his bowl, and in general they have a great friendship. He understands and follows all commands, although no one taught him.


Varieties of Shepherd Crossbreeds

Mongrel crosses generally result in good-natured dogs with an open soul. Let's look at some popular varieties.

Labrador mix

The dog is large in size, most often with a black or black color.

A combination of security and sociable qualities. The dogs' protective qualities are preserved, the dog learns quickly, loves children, is playful, energetic and affectionate. Get along well with other types of pets.

Shepherd and Labrador mix

Pug mix

Despite the different sizes of the parents, the offspring are medium in size, attractive in appearance, larger than a pug, with a dense body. The wide muzzle resembles a shepherd dog. The dog is kind, playful, with a loving and affectionate heart, but at the same time can stand up for itself.

With a pug

With chow chow

They are intelligent, curious, and always alert. Crossbreeds with Chow Chows are friendly. The severity of the German turns out to be weaker than the phlegmaticity of the Chinese dog.

Such crosses make good guards, hunters, and defenders. They try to please their master.

The appearance of the offspring is dominated by the elongated, thick, fluffy coat of the Chow Chow. Most often, puppies are saddle colored than red or black. Medium sized dog.

With husky

The Husky German mix is ​​one of the most popular cross breeds. They are also called Siberian Shepherds, they are charming and strong. Puppies are born large, with thick hair and wonderful character traits.

These dogs are not afraid of frost and do not tolerate heat well due to their thick coat. Color brown, gray, black. Huskies have blue eyes, Germans have dark eyes. Puppies' eye color is inherited from one of the parents, and can be of different colors.

Husky crossed with shepherd

With Rottweiler

A hybrid of a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd, the Malchover is a loyal, service dog with well-developed guarding qualities. From his parents, a mestizo acquires: strength, muscular physique, devotion, calmness, courage, intelligence, self-confidence, ability to learn.

The dog turns out to be large in size, the weight of the animal reaches up to 50 kg. Malhover's appearance has the color of a Rottweiler, but the ears and muzzle are of a shepherd dog, making the dog look more menacing than its parents.

If you are not confident in your abilities, difficulties may arise in raising a dog, in which case such a mixed breed is not suitable for you. You simply cannot cope with him, he will not listen to you and carry out commands on demand.

With Rottweiler

With Akita Inu

Akita Inu is for the family, gets along with children and is stubborn, just like shepherds. When mated, the dog turns out to be large in size, it combines energy, a high level of intelligence and friendliness. The dog needs physical activity due to its activity. Mestizos show great love for all family members.

Mixed Akita and Shepherd

With St. Bernard

Saint Bernards have a calm temperament, gentle, friendly and alert.

Mixed breeds from parents of these breeds retain these positive qualities. The dog will be large in size, with a thick undercoat that does not freeze in the cold season.

Mixed Shepherd and St. Bernard


One of the main differences between these breeds is their bark. Huskies do not make such sounds - they only howl. You can even say this: they sing like wolves. But huskies, on the contrary, bark, which is why they got their name. True, their barking is always different, depending on the situation. But when they hunt, they behave absolutely quietly, and will only bark when they find prey.

And you can also note one more difference - endurance. Huskies have excellent physical fitness. They can easily cover long distances at high speed without being distracted by food. Laikas, intentionally bred for transport purposes, are also hardy, but not as hardy as huskies. They usually transport not too heavy loads and only over short distances.

And with its help, all issues with the outside world are resolved, for example, relationships with other family members or pets. In addition, they clearly have such character traits as love of freedom, phlegmatism and independence.

Huskies, on the contrary, are very loving. They treat any person with all the warmth, even strangers. They are believed to become attached to people almost instantly and treat them very well. However, they do not have guard instincts, so, unfortunately, they are no defenders.

The interesting thing is that when these breeds are mixed, it turns out that the puppy inherits only the best qualities from its parents. They have great personalities, adapt well to living with people and serve them well. Husky-husky crossbreeds are quite easy to train and quickly remember everything. They always show loyalty and treat children with all tenderness.

Mestizos are more similar in appearance to huskies. Most crossbred offspring appear with a blue eye tint. But there is a different palette of shades. If you put in more effort, you can get a dog with heavenly eye color and black fur. In addition, it is possible to breed an animal of a bright red color. Having received a red offspring, a real dog breeder will be happy with this news, but it is better to keep it not in a city apartment, but in a large house with a plot. But those individuals that are more tamed to people will become great friends, living in apartments.

But before you buy a mestizo, you need to accept the fact that not all babies receive only positive qualities. Of course, there may be different options. Therefore, it is worth observing how the puppy behaves, and only then make a decision.

Features of the husky and shepherd mix

Considering the variety of breeds of shepherd dogs and huskies, there can be many options for their mixed breeds. There are also unofficial names for such dog “mixes”: laikoids (if the mother of the puppies is a husky) and shepheroids (if the mother is a shepherd).

It is impossible to predict whose character (shepherd or husky) will prevail in a puppy obtained from a mixed mating

In order to obtain hardy and obedient working dogs - universal service dogs - two popular breeds are most often crossed: the German Shepherd and the Russian-European Laika. Consolidating the desired qualities, in the second generation they infuse the blood of the breed whose image they want to strengthen - usually this is a shepherd dog.


The exterior of a mestizo cannot be accurately predicted. But the union of a Russian-European husky and a German shepherd will predictably produce offspring that are large and constitutionally strong. The puppies will borrow the color from one of the parents: they will be either black and white, like the Russian-European husky, or black-backed, like most modern “Germans”. Wedge-shaped muzzle, erect triangular ears, two-layer thick coat - both breeds are similar in this

But how the tail turns out - “donut” or “saber” - is no longer so important

We recommend reading: Instructions for use of Ovariovit

It is impossible to predict exactly what a shepherd-husky mix will look like.

Character and temperament

Crossing a shepherd dog and a husky produces deliberately active puppies, in which the advantages and disadvantages of the parents are unpredictably mixed. This dog can be recommended to an owner with an active lifestyle - it certainly won’t be phlegmatic. But you need to be prepared for quite probable disadvantages:

  • tendency to frequent, loud and causeless barking;
  • waywardness, frequent escapes;
  • stubbornness, disobedience, unwillingness to follow commands.

Mestizos are smart, friendly to people and hardy, but they are not always suitable for protective service, since by nature they are often devoid of aggression towards people

A lot depends on the efforts of the owner - any dog ​​is flexible in experienced hands. How successful they were will become clear by about eight months of age - then the puppy will enter the difficult adolescence period and show itself, as they say, in all its glory.

If contact between the owner and the mestizo is established, then you will get a wonderful friend

Attitude towards children

You need to be prepared for the fact that the mestizo will be less patient with children's pranks and familiarity. In such cases, the proud nature of the husky can rise up and suppress the tolerant shepherd dog. Simply put, to avoid problems, you should not leave such a dog alone with small children.

How does he get along with other animals?

The hunting inclinations of the husky make its mestizo not very loyal to small domestic animals. Such a dog is guaranteed to get along only with those pets with whom it grew up. What will happen to the rest is a big question. Most likely, a layoid will not deny itself the pleasure of hunting a cat, hamster or parrot - especially when the owner does not see it.


Regardless of which parent’s blood will predominate in the mestizo, he will need systematic training - regular active exercises. Efforts should be directed towards those working qualities that it is desirable to develop in your dog.

The puppy's learning abilities should be excellent, although you will have to be more persistent and patient with him than with a purebred shepherd. You can begin a general training course from the age of five months, and protective guard service - no earlier than ten months.

Contact with the owner and systematic education of the mestizo will help avoid unpleasant and unexpected situations

Mixes with large and medium dogs

Among the hybrids where huskies were crossed with large dogs, the following should be highlighted.

Shepherd and Husky

A dog from such large parents will inherit its size; in addition, the pet will be a short-haired animal, which greatly simplifies its maintenance in the home. The puppies will inherit an active and playful disposition from their northern ancestor, so you will need to take the mixed breed for regular walks in the fresh air. As for the German Shepherd, it will transfer its strength and developed intelligence to the hybrid, which will be an undeniable advantage when training a pet.

In terms of appearance, it will be difficult to predict which features will be dominant, but in most cases the dogs will have blue eyes and a color reminiscent of the “German”.

Golden Retriever and Husky Mix

As a rule, the Siberian subspecies is crossed, and the cross-bred animals are called rehaskis. Animals will have a balanced disposition; pets are very obedient. The result of crossing in terms of exterior will be a dog with a predominant external resemblance to a retriever, so the color of the pet will be in light colors.

Akita inu with husky

In animals, in terms of exterior, the genes of the first breed of dogs will dominate. In terms of character, pets are characterized as purposeful, in some cases even stubborn, four-legged friends of humans, which will not always be beneficial. A mixed breed can inherit certain facial features from a husky. Also, from the northern ancestor, the hybrid will receive pronounced nanny instincts.

Labrador and husky

Externally, an adult pet will strongly resemble its wild ancestor - the wolf, except for the exterior; the similarity can also be seen in the character of the animals obtained by crossing these two breeds of dogs

It will be extremely important for your pet to occupy a leading position; any attempts to show disrespect can cause aggression on his part. Such a mestizo will require mandatory training, however, in terms of training and education, a strict owner must demonstrate goodwill

Dogs require active and long walks and games.

Shar Pei and Husky mix

Metis stands out for its unusual exterior with a predominance of Chinese genes. The hybrid is also notable for its quality that it will be almost impossible to predict the dog’s color in advance. Pets stand out for their high intellectual qualities and are friendly towards humans, younger family members and other pets. From the husky, the hybrid inherited the need for long walks and getting new experiences.

Husky and chow chow

In appearance, the mestizo resembles its Chinese parent, this also applies to the color of the coat and voluminous coat. The dog's muzzle resembles a forest animal. From a husky, animals will take light eye color, height that exceeds the established standards for a bear dog, as well as the outline of spots on the fur coat. The animals are quite friendly in nature and get along well with children. However, hybrids require professional training.

Mestizos Laikas

Such a mixed breed is considered the most successful option, since the animals will turn out to be natural hunters and watchmen. However, pets will be characterized by some selfishness in behavior, as well as hyperactivity. These dogs are recommended for families with small children. The only conditions for keeping a hybrid are to provide it with suitable living conditions. Animals kept in an enclosure will need to have a shaded area so that the dog has the opportunity to avoid overheating during the summer months.

Hybrid of Husky and Malamute

They are very strong and hardy animals, so pets are often used in various competitions. Such dogs are considered loyal and loyal companions and are easy to train. In addition to the above hybrids, there are huskies crossed with Rottweiler and Doberman. The mixed-breed Dalmantine is popular, northern dogs are found with breeds such as the Samoyed, there is a hybrid of a husky and a pit bull, a mixed breed with an Alabai, a bulldog, and Stafford, Shiba Inu, and beagle are used for crossing.

The main differences between the German Shepherd and the Eastern European

Despite the fact that dogs belong to the same breed group and have a similar appearance, there are a number of differences between them. First of all, this applies to animal physiology.

Exterior and paint

The anatomical differences between breeds are noticeable even to a non-specialist.

These are parameters such as:

  1. Back line. The German croup is distinctly sloping, smoothly merging into the base of the tail. The Eastern European is distinguished by a flat back line (the difference in height at the withers and height at the rump is 2 cm).
  2. Hind legs. The hind legs of the Veo in a natural stance are slightly pulled back; in the German they are far apart and squat.
  3. Fur cover. Among Germans it varies from medium size to long, while among Easterners only medium length is allowed.
  4. Size. Veo is larger and heavier than HO.
  5. Wool coloring. The main color of the Germans is black and red (from red to light yellow), in addition, zonal colors are allowed - gray with a mask and black. Among Easterners, black saddleback against a background of clearly contrasting main color and pure black are allowed. The palette ranges from light gray to fawn.

German ShepherdEast European Shepherd

Character and ability to train

Please note: the basic personality traits of these two breeds are identical. Shepherds are well-managed dogs, with a balanced psyche, distrustful of strangers

The ability to learn is extremely high. With a properly constructed motivation system, even a novice dog breeder can cope with raising a puppy.

They can be involved in any of the services, engaged in sports training, trained as rescuers and guides, or used as pets.


Despite the general similarity of character, Veos and Germans differ significantly in temperament. Most Germans are choleric: they are easily excitable and love to express emotions with loud barking. Eastern people are sanguine - they are slower and more balanced.

It is worth noting that Germans brilliantly participate in almost all types of sports training, largely due to their bright temperament.

The East European Shepherd is calm and self-possessed. The German is very mobile and hardy, can keep a scent for a long time and run long distances.

Veo's potential in this regard is somewhat weaker. Due to less excitement and larger dimensions than other shepherd dogs, they are inferior in entertainment and speed to the same Germans, not to mention the Malinois, which is rapidly gaining popularity.

Position of rocks

The East European Shepherd breed is listed only on the territory of the Russian Federation and former Soviet republics.

She did not receive recognition outside our country. FCI considers it a side line of the German ones, bred in the USSR.

Mixed Chihuahua and Mini Pinscher

Another amazing cross is the chipin. Like its parents, the puppy will be miniature, “pocket” size. Therefore, it is very small and fragile and requires only careful handling.

From the miniature pinscher, the mixed breed gets high intelligence: chipins learn very quickly and learn new commands. Unlike independent and willful Chihuahuas, they feel great in families with small children.

Chipins do not require special care: all you need to do is brush their short, stiff coat from time to time. Do not forget about the timely socialization of the mestizo so that he grows up as a friendly and good-natured creature.

Photo of a cross between a mini pinscher and a chihuahua:

Advantages and disadvantages

The Shepherd is a popular, intelligent, brave, loyal and obedient dog breed. Purebred dogs bred in special kennels have the correct conformation, endurance, and learn quickly.

Compared to a purebred dog, a crossbreed has a number of advantages:

  • the puppies are strong and healthy;
  • resistance to genetic diseases;
  • immunity is developed;
  • intelligence is more clearly expressed;
  • the cost is lower than a purebred.

The excellent health of a crossbreed does not mean that they do not need care, care and proper nutrition.

When keeping a crossbreed as a pet, you should remember the following disadvantages:

  • the size and color of an adult dog cannot be determined;
  • flaws in appearance;
  • have no documents or pedigree;
  • cannot participate in exhibitions;
  • unknown character of the pet: it can be either affectionate or aggressive.

Scientists have proven that crossbred dogs are the best option, since the puppy takes only positive qualities from its parents. When mating two different dogs, the negative qualities of the breed are compensated.

Why are mestizos bred?

Hybrids of different breeds are obtained purposefully and accidentally. In the first case, a hybrid puppy is the result of selection in order to consolidate the desired set of characteristics. In the second, it is a consequence of an unplanned mating, often with an unwanted parent. Hybrid dogs are bred to consolidate and develop the positive characteristics of the breed and eliminate the negative characteristics of the parents.

Cross between Laika and Caucasian Shepherd

Mestizos are distinguished by their unpredictable nature, in which signs of aggression and disobedience may predominate in some animals; they are difficult to train. It is impossible to determine with certainty which features of the parents' breed will be dominant.

The best qualities of the breed continue in mixed dogs. They adapt more easily to the environment, they have stronger immunity and are less likely to suffer from diseases inherent in their parent breeds. At the age of 8 and 12 weeks, mixed breeds undergo treatment for parasites and subsequent vaccination. At the 4th month of life they are given a rabies vaccination. The calendar of subsequent vaccinations and their appropriateness are discussed with the veterinarian.

Important! A mix of breeds in a litter does not guarantee 100% good health of the puppies. Such offspring require age-appropriate vaccinations and routine examinations by a veterinarian.

Mixed puppies vary in appearance

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