Friendly and unpretentious companion - Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is not one of those dogs that amazes with its strength, size, or developed skills as a hunter or watchman. But representatives of this decorative breed do an excellent job of playing the role of man’s best friend: they are smart, affectionate, and incredibly charming. Even inexperienced animal lovers can have such pets without fear, especially since this article will tell you in detail about the typical traits of dogs and how to care for a Boston Terrier puppy.


Let's study the history of the breed. The “progenitors” of modern Boston Terriers appeared in the 60s of the 19th century in the USA, as is obvious from the name, in the city of Boston. Breeders used such breeds as the bull terrier, Old English bulldog, pit bull, English and French terriers, and boxer.

The first Boston Terrier was established in the United States in 1891, and two years later this dog breed was recognized by dog ​​handlers of the American Club as an independent unit. Previously, at all exhibitions, Boston Terriers acted as American Bull Terriers, which was erroneous, because they are not externally or internally similar. Despite the fact that when creating the breed, breeders used fighting dogs, this did not affect the character of the Boston Terriers.

Today, this breed is among the top 20 most popular and sought-after dogs in the United States.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

The first vaccination is given to the puppy at 4–6 weeks. Usually the baby is given a complex vaccine that fights the most common diseases: hepatitis, enteritis, plague, leptospirosis and adenoviral infections.

First, the puppy's body temperature is measured. If it is higher than normal, then the first vaccination is postponed until the baby’s condition returns to normal. After vaccination, the baby may have a fever and diarrhea.

All symptoms should disappear within 15 days. The puppy is given a second dose of the vaccine or revaccination after three weeks. Ten days after the second vaccination, the baby can be taken outside.

Next, the puppy is vaccinated against rabies at the age of 4–7 months. It is important that by this time all the puppy’s teeth have been replaced. When the Boston Terrier turns one year old, she is given a complex vaccine that will protect the animal from the most dangerous infections, and the vaccination is repeated every year.

With good care, Boston Terriers rarely get sick. But there are diseases to which the breed is prone:

  1. Dermatitis.
  2. Cataract and glaucoma.
  3. Indigestion.
  4. Deafness.
  5. A brain tumor.
  6. Mastocytoma.

Important! Most Boston Terriers suffer from flatulence.

Description of the breed standard with photo

The Boston Terrier is a dog whose body resembles a terrier and whose head resembles a bulldog.


Boston Terriers come in different colors:

  1. The most common are pets with a color that resembles brindle or seal with white splashes in the collar area, on the muzzle, front and hind legs (on the joints).

  2. Pied or brindle

  3. Boston Terriers can also be found in brown and white, black and white, and black with white undercoat on the tips.

  4. Black with white markings

    Fur seal or seal

The variegated color perfectly emphasizes the correct structure of the dog, but at the same time the presence of defects is clearly demonstrated.

There are also original Boston colors. They are not allowed for breeding, but many careless breeders sell them under the guise of “exclusive” at a high price:

Red or red

Liver or chocolate

Pale yellow


White (albino)


According to the standard, Boston Terrier dogs must have:

  • a square-shaped head with a convex but flat forehead, no folds and emphasized brow ridges;
  • a short muzzle with a wide nose, strictly proportional to the skull;
  • pronounced square jaws, deep and non-sagging lips;
  • fairly small teeth, with the lower jaw incisors located on the same line, “wrong” bite - the upper jaw completely covers the teeth when the mouth is closed;
  • miniature, erect or cropped ears that are set wide and high;
  • rather large eyes, wide open and distant from each other, with a round shape, as well as dry, tight-fitting eyelids, framed by a black border;
  • a neck proportional to the entire structure, set high, which allows you to proudly carry your head in front of you;
  • emphasized withers, turning into a straight line of the top, muscular and long shoulder blades, tightly fitting to the back;
  • a short, strong and straight back, as well as a muscular, slightly convex lower back, slightly sloping croup;
  • a deep and wide chest, prominent ribs and a toned stomach;
  • straight, parallel, strong forelimbs and no less prominent hind limbs, paws of small size, round in shape with short claws;
  • short, rather thin and low-set tail, gracefully tapering towards the end.

This breed moves freely and smoothly, with impeccable rhythm, demonstrating grace, straightforwardness and strength with every step.


Representatives of the Boston Terrier breed are small in stature, ranging from 38 to 43 cm, and weight ranges from 4.5 to 11.5 kg. The height at the withers is usually the same as the length of the body. A large pet at the age of 5 months can weigh about 4.5 kg. The fur is smooth and short. There are no long-haired representatives of the breed.


Boston Terriers are not barking dogs. They can only speak up if they sense some kind of danger. Despite all the good nature, representatives of this dog breed can show character and, if necessary, scare away an ill-wisher.

Life expectancy: how long do they live?

Typically life expectancy is approximately 15 years. Let's see how many years the oldest dog lived:

Interesting! The longest-living record holder is a representative of the Boston Terrier breed named Blue. The dog spent his entire life with his owner Lev Ball in the Australian town of Rochester. The pet actively helped the shepherds and lived to the age of 28 years and 11 months.


Pets of the Boston Terrier breed are quite active and inquisitive even after reaching a respectable age. However, these dogs may experience a number of health problems.

The main diseases that occur in most pets include the following problems:

  • gastrointestinal tract – pylorospasm, flatulence;
  • vision – eye injuries, cataracts;
  • musculoskeletal system – joint dislocations;
  • skin – allergic reactions, demodicosis, atopy;
  • oncological diseases – mastocytoma, melanoma;
  • hearing – congenital deafness is possible.


During childbirth, bitches require assistance in the form of surgery (caesarean section). This is due to the fact that the puppy's head is large enough for the pelvis of a miniature mother. The number of puppies in a litter varies from 2 to 4.

Coat and possible colors

The Boston Terrier has a short coat that is the same in all areas. Therefore, the dog does not tolerate very high or low temperatures. These dogs need to be protected from sunstroke. The fur fits tightly to the body. 3 colors are allowed:

  • black and white;
  • seal (similar to black and white, but with a red tint);
  • brindle.

Part of the neck and muzzle, as well as the chest, must be covered with white hair. This “tuxedo” is a distinctive feature of this breed.

Where is the best place to buy a puppy: the most famous nurseries

It is best to buy Boston Terrier puppies from specialized nurseries. This is where you can choose a dog that fully meets your requirements. You can purchase a Boston Terrier not only from cynological centers, but also from private kennels. The main thing at the beginning is to make sure of the reliability and integrity of the breeder.

Among the most popular kennels breeding and selling Boston Terriers in large cities of Russia are:

  • Moscow – “From the Kuntsevsky Yard”, “Moskovskiy Sharm Boston”, “Tirina’s Planets”, “From the Heart of Caesar”, “Golden Rosses”;
  • St. Petersburg - “Avesta Viva”, “From the Land of Wolves”, “From the St. Petersburg Beau Monde”, “Reuka Life”, “Bon Fo Show”;
  • Ekaterinburg – “Vento Solare”;
  • Novosibirsk – “Habibi Boston”, “Bostons of Novosibirsk”;
  • Togliatti – “Gallery Chic”, “Elite Boston”;
  • Krasnodar – “Boston Beauty”;
  • Saratov – “Chanson Pizhon”, “Kite Classic”.

Listed are the most famous kennels in Russia that offer Boston Terrier puppies of various classes.

How to choose a puppy: important tips for a future dog owner. Everyone needs to know this!

The cost depends on a number of factors:

  • pedigree of father and mother;
  • puppy age;
  • compliance with standards;
  • presence of breed defects;
  • level of eliteness of the nursery.

Buying a puppy in Moscow

Boston Terriers are characterized by poor health. And this is in nurseries - with professional care and culling! Therefore, buying such dogs secondhand, from random sellers, is simply dangerous.

There are 2 kennels in Moscow where you can buy a Boston Terrier puppy with a guarantee:

  • “Golden Rosses” – nursery address: Moscow, Novo-Peredelkino, Borovskoye Shosse, 39.
  • “Boston-Style” – nursery address: Moscow, Korneichuka street, 42.

Bostons are not very popular in our country. Nevertheless, it is easy to find a Boston Terrier kennel in Russia. There are also many private breeders who breed these dogs.

The price of a Boston Terrier is rather high: a future champion with a pedigree will cost 100,000 rubles. A puppy “for the soul” costs 30,000 rubles.

Owner reviews: positive and negative

As they say: “There are no comrades according to taste and color...”. That's how it is with the Boston Terrier. Some people are delighted with this breed, while others are not attracted to it. That is why reviews from owners about the Boston Terrier breed are quite varied.

“The most friendly and positive breed of dog. Very energetic, is a wonderful companion for both single people and families with children.”

“The Boston Terrier is a dog that is ready to go with its owner anywhere, jump, run. Have fun yourself and please those around you, just don’t stay in one place. Great for active people."

“This is a dog for the whole family. An ideal companion with a big heart and boundless love for his owners."

“This is a good breed of dog, characterized by the absence of increased salivation, but many Boston Terriers snore when they sleep, which makes living together in small apartments unbearable.”

“Interesting dogs, but quite expensive. The more elite the kennel and the higher the pedigree of the puppy, the more expensive it is. If you take a pet for the “sofa”, you can save money, but it is worth considering that then complications with the dog’s health are possible.”

Let's sum it up

The Boston Terrier is a bundle of energy. He lifts the mood with just his appearance. His large, expressive eyes will not leave anyone indifferent. For the positive emotions that pets give to their owners, they forgive them any pranks.

When getting such a pet, the owner must take into account that the Boston Terrier requires constant attention. Close communication with humans is simply necessary for these animals. To prevent your dog from causing trouble, you need to regularly exercise and train it.

Bostons are true gentlemen, aristocratic manners are in their blood. These are extremely intelligent animals. But, like children, Boston Terrier puppies need supervision and education.

Main characteristics: pros and cons of the breed

Boston Terriers become very attached to their owners and are sad in their absence. Therefore, they cannot be alone. Suitable for absolutely any family, including those with small children.


These dogs quickly find a common language with any person and get along well with other dogs and even cats. Oddly enough, this particular breed of dog can choose a cat as its best friend and actively play with it.


Boston Terriers are one of the most active dogs that can have fun with other pets, but they themselves are never bored. Despite their small size, pets are very devoted to their owners and are ready to try to protect them from the slightest threat. It is at such moments that the Boston Terrier may bark. In normal life they are quite quiet. Very obedient and good-natured.

Boston Terrier hunting for a toy

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