Yorkie haircut at home, price 990 rubles. Get a Yorkie's haircut inexpensively in Moscow

Are you interested in cutting a Yorkie in Mokva or Pushkino? Would you like to see photos of haircuts for girls and boys. A large catalog of photos is at your service. The top masters of the Panda pet salon offer high-quality grooming for every taste, even creative coat coloring and patterns. Yorkshire Terriers have a very sharp mind, are active and playful. The dog's fur resembles hair, which is often grown to the floor and given a show cut. Owners who do not attend exhibitions prefer to cut their pet short or in the Korean style. Cutting a chinchilla's coat is also popular.

Yorkie haircut "puppy style"

Puppy haircut option. One of the most popular models. In this version, the dog’s body is cut short with a clipper, edging the paws and tail. The length of the hair on the tail and paws in this case can reach 1.5 centimeters. A uniform length of fur is left on the dog's head, resulting in a Yorkie with a puppy-like face. This style is the most convenient and practical, easy to care for. With regular puppy grooming, washing and brushing of the coat is kept to a minimum. This hairstyle is suitable for both Yorkie girls and boys.

Hairstyles for Yorkie Boys

Source: @valentina_groomer

Source: @valery_groom

Source: @valentina_groomer

Source: @valentina_groomer

Source: @mari_groomer77

There are also many beautiful hairstyles for Yorkie boys.

Like a puppy. This is one of the most popular types of haircuts for Yorkshire Terriers all over the world. Since Yorkies are a decorative dog breed, their weight usually does not exceed 3-4 kilograms. This means that achieving the effect of a puppy face is not so difficult. To do this, the groomer trims the fur evenly along the entire length to 3-4 centimeters.

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Grooming with “pants”. In this version of the haircut, all the hair along the body is shaved off, and the paws from shoulder to hip are simply trimmed, simulating wearing pants.

Under the lion. The name of the haircut speaks for itself. With this head design, the Yorkshire Terrier will look like a real wild animal.

Yorkie haircut “Korean style (Korean)”

A variant of the Yorkie haircut is “Korean style (Korean)”, also known as the “Asian” Yorkie haircut or the “Japanese” Yorkie haircut. This hairstyle is ideal for those Yorkie owners who carefully choose outfits for their pet. Despite the fact that this haircut is quite new in the lineup, it has firmly taken a place in the hearts of many Yorkshire owners. Technically, the hairstyle is simple, the dog’s body is clipped, the hair on the paws is left as long as possible, slightly trimmed from below. The dog's head and muzzle are carefully trimmed quite short. It is important that the edges of the wool are smooth. Female Yorkies often leave long hair on their heads for decoration. The tail can be simply trimmed, or you can make an intricate “tassel” - it all depends on the owner’s imagination. A haircut done in this style will make the dog look like a beautiful miniature toy. But we must not forget that such “happiness” requires regular washing and combing.

Model haircuts

There are a huge number of types of model haircuts, but you need to decide on the final choice, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog. After all, Yorkies, just like people, have coats that vary in structure. Owners of pets with smooth, shiny fur can choose any style of hairstyle - all will look equally good. If your hair is coarse, choose a medium-length haircut; one that is too short or too long will bristle and split at the ends. On the contrary, a dog with fluffy hair should be cut shorter to make grooming easier. In turn, model hairstyles can be divided into two categories:

  • classic
  • creative

Yorkie haircut “Chinese Crested” or “Chinese”

Option for a Chinese Crested haircut. Ideal for innovators and those who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. One of the big advantages of this hairstyle is the absence of dirty mustaches on the dog. In order to make the Yorkie as similar as possible to the Chinese Crested dog, the body and upper part of the paws are cut short, leaving small “flares” below. The muzzle is cut like a poodle's. This hairstyle is easy to care for, but the “flares” on the paws will collect dirt during a walk, so you will have to wash your Yorkie a little more often.

Yorkie haircut "like a schnauzer"

Option for a Schnauzer haircut. How to turn a large schnauzer into a miniature dog? A schnauzer haircut will give your miniature yorkie the appearance of a schnauzer. In this case, the dog's body is clipper-cut, leaving the hair on the paws long. The cheeks and beard are left on the face, the back of the head and ears are cut short.

The fur of Yorkshire terriers grows quickly, so no matter what style of haircut the pet owner chooses, you can always return to the classic version. And of course, you must remember that even with short haircuts, the luxurious fur of Yorkshire dogs requires careful, attentive and timely care.

Where to cut?

There are several options for bringing beauty to your pet:

  • independent haircut;
  • calling a hairdresser to your home;
  • a trip to a pet store or salon.

If you choose to work independently, it will reduce the stress level for the animal. But the result will depend only on you.

Calling a specialist home is more affordable than traveling to a salon. The dog is less scared than on the road, and the guarantee of good work lies in the qualifications of the master.

Going to a salon is the most expensive choice. However, you will be given a guarantee of results. The tools will be accurately processed, and the specialist will have experience. But you should take into account the character of your terrier. If the pet does not like strangers, incidents are possible before or during the haircut.

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