Urinary Problems in Dogs: What You Need to Know About It

Dogs are quite cute creatures that have been man's friend and helper for many centuries. It's not surprising that they can be dreamed about. If you saw these animals in a dream, you need to try to recall as many details of your dreams as possible. This will allow you to accurately interpret the night’s plot and draw the right conclusions. If a dog pees in a dream, the interpretation can be either positive or negative, it depends on the details.

How urinary incontinence relates to relapse

Until about 4 months of age, puppies may pee involuntarily. This is not incontinence, the baby simply does not realize that when he feels the urge to urinate, he needs to go to the diaper, outside, etc. This problem will be solved when you toilet train your puppy.

Quite often, urinary incontinence “begins” in middle age, depending on the size and breed, at 4–6 years. It is known that there is a hereditary tendency for:

  • Cocker Spaniels.
  • Dobermans.
  • Some shepherd dogs.

Note! In many cases, the first sign of urinary incontinence is wet spots on the lounger after a night's sleep.

Why do you dream about a dog? Vanga's dream book. Interpretation of dreams.


A dog is an intelligent animal that, with the right approach and education, understands what a person requires of it. It is difficult to calmly react to a soiled carpet or floor, however, there are ways to correctly show your pet’s dissatisfaction:

  • You can scold by changing your tone of voice. It is better to speak calmly, without shouting.
  • For an offense, it is permissible to take away a favorite toy and return it when the dog does everything right during a walk.
  • If the dog sits down and is about to relieve itself in the house, using the commands “No” or “Ugh” will reinforce the understanding that such behavior is not approved.

Toilet training requires a sequence of actions; walks and feedings should be at the same time every day.

How not to punish

An owner who loves a pet and tries not to harm it needs to learn a few simple rules regarding punishment. After all, incorrect, illiterate upbringing can only aggravate a serious problem. The following recommendations are suitable for both adults and puppies:

  • You cannot shout at the animal, it will become frightened and will make puddles or piles in a secret place. Some dogs, under stress, even get rid of “evidence” by eating their own excrement.
  • You should not poke your nose into a puddle or pile, this can provoke resentment.
  • Under no circumstances should you hit your pet. He will become nervous or aggressive and continue to relieve himself out of revenge.

The main conditions of education are love, affection and patience. These factors will allow the person not to lose authority and achieve the necessary actions from the dog; he will relieve himself on the street and stop doing it in the room.

An unpleasant surprise is that your beloved pet suddenly starts leaving puddles on the carpet. What to do if your dog pees at home, and what mistakes should you avoid?

Shouting and harsh punishments will not lead to anything good. In addition, there is absolutely no point in punishing the dog when it has already moved away from the place where it misbehaved. In this case, poking the dog’s muzzle into the puddle he has made is useless - he will not understand what they want from him.

Interpretation of sleep in Miller's popular dream book

There is no need to be surprised by a dream in which a dog shits itself and leaves a heavy aftertaste with its action. The subconscious mind tells you that there are people nearby who can cause unpleasant moments. If you dreamed that several small puppies did this, do not rush to trust your secrets even to your loved ones.

The psychologist in his dream book says that it is important to understand why the dog’s “crime scene” is dreamed of:

  • the owner's shoes - to disappointment in his soul mate;
  • near the threshold of the house - to the hypocrisy of friends;
  • in the park - to public recognition;
  • in your own toilet - to profit.

Why does an animal develop cystitis, what are the prerequisites?

  • A disease called cystitis often occurs in an animal due to the fact that it sleeps in a draft. To eliminate this unpleasant moment, take care in advance to provide the animal with a rug or bedding.
  • When the weather is damp and chilly, and also quite cold, then limit walks with your four-legged friend outside.
  • Don't bathe him in cold water either.
  • Chlamydia or E. coli entering your pet's urethra can cause cystitis. However, this can only occur when the puppy’s immunity declines.
  • Improper nutrition of an animal leads to the formation of salt crystals in its urine. It is important to monitor the amount of liquid consumed; the puppy should drink plenty of it, but not excessively! The puppy must follow a diet. This way he will have a normal metabolism.
  • It is necessary for the puppy to observe the rules of hygiene of the external genitalia. The animal does not learn this moment immediately, so in the first couple of days he will need help.

Dachshunds are perhaps the most susceptible to cystitis, but if you follow all the above points, it can be avoided or at least prevented in time. If the animal is already sick, then treatment in the form of antibiotics will be needed. If the disease has been neglected for some reason, then there may be more than one course of drug therapy, sometimes the duration of treatment can be a month, but it is important not to abandon it at the first favorable changes, but to complete everything, thereby securing the result.

A small puppy as young as 4 months old may begin to urinate excessively due to a cold. Therefore, until the cold symptoms go away, normal urination in the animal will not be restored. Take a closer look if your puppy begins to drink large amounts of water and urinate a lot. It will never be a bad idea to seek help from our veterinarian, especially if you suspect that your puppy often urinates for a reason.

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Causes of urinary incontinence in dogs

Solving the problem starts with identifying the root cause:

  • Cystitis.
  • Inflammation of the urethra.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Spinal and neurological disorders.
  • Individual reaction to medications.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Severe stress or overexcitement.

In all cases, except for age-related incontinence, there are treatment options. An older dog cannot be cured because incontinence is a natural sign of aging. However, your pet’s body, including muscle tone, can be maintained with medication.

Health problems

Why else can a dog have incontinence - it is due to illness. As a rule, such diseases are caused by inflammatory processes in the animal’s body. In this case, even a specialist will not always be able to correctly diagnose the pet after examining it. What should a dog breeder do in this case?

You need to keep an eye on your pet and write down everything related to its maintenance in a separate notebook. How often do you walk your dog, what do you feed (the diet should be described in full), and how much water does he drink? Perhaps some events occurred in the pet’s life that gave rise to such behavior. The more information the doctor receives about the dog, the more accurately he will be able to make a diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe treatment.


In this case, proper treatment for incontinence can be started after all the necessary tests have been completed. Often a simple laboratory urine test can determine the problem. In some cases, a dog’s incontinence is not due to the fact that he drinks a lot of water, but to cystitis. If the inflammation of the organs is quite extensive, then urine will constantly leak. Additionally, even if your dog doesn't drink much water at night, he may accidentally defecate in his sleep.

As a rule, urinary incontinence with cystitis is caused by hypothermia. In order to cure your pet, you will need to take a course of antibiotics. When you start treatment, the first, albeit minor, results can be diagnosed after two to three days. If treatment is not started on time, this may lead to the dog beginning to defecate blood. And sometimes it happens that he will not be able to go to the toilet at all.

In any case, in order to rid your pet of the problem, you should undergo a full course of treatment. Even when the symptoms disappear completely, you should under no circumstances interrupt the course. The video below shows the process of treating incontinence; it is not recommended for viewing by faint-hearted users.


If your dog drinks a lot of water and is incontinent, it may be due to polydipsia. An animal with polydipsia drinks a lot of water; the daily norm can be exceeded several times. If it happens that the bitch drinks a lot of water, then perhaps this is due to pyometra. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis; for this, the dog needs to have an ultrasound. With polydipsia, treatment at home is impossible, or rather, it will not give results.

In fact, polydipsia is a rather dangerous symptom. Its danger does not lie in the fact that the dog drinks water and goes to the toilet often. This symptom may indicate the likelihood of diabetes and diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, polydipsia sometimes indicates kidney failure and other serious illnesses.


In practice, the problem of incontinence also manifests itself when the spine is injured. As a rule, for this reason, the nerve endings are injured, and the spinal canal can also be damaged. Curing an animal from this disease will be problematic. This problem usually occurs in animals that have an elongated spine, for example, basset hounds or dachshunds.

Pinched nerves are possible in a bitch who has recently given birth to puppies. If the nerves are truly pinched, this may also be accompanied by weakness in the paws. In general, such bitches usually look sickly, and they often abandon their offspring. Only a specialist can prescribe treatment after examination. Sometimes veterinarians advise immediate surgery; before doing this, appropriate tests should be carried out and an attempt to cure without surgery should be made.


Ectopia is a congenital disease, characteristic of both adults and puppies. It often appears in females. It is usually diagnosed at an early age using anamnesis. If during the diagnosis the specialist cannot make an accurate diagnosis, most likely the veterinarian will prescribe a urography. Correction of the disease is carried out through surgery (video author - Ludmila Podgaevskaya).

Radical measures

Electric collars that have a special control panel are used as tough measures. This method is suitable for owners who have tried all of the above options and have not found a solution to the problem. You need to monitor the dog, catch it playing pranks and press the remote control.

At this moment, a slight current discharge will enter the pet's body. It is worth noting that dogs are extremely sensitive to electrical attacks, so even a minimal shock causes them discomfort.

The purpose of the collar is to create negative memories of urinating at home. At the same time, the owner’s authority does not suffer in any way, because you do not punish the pet yourself.

Why does a dog pee at home if it hasn't done so before?

My Irma is very well-mannered, but for almost a month I simply do not have time to take her outside. What causes a dog to pee at home?

Svetlana, Moscow

If the animal has changed its habit and now the dog is peeing at home, there is reason to immediately ask yourself whether your dog is healthy. This behavior may be a symptom of illness. Unfortunately, few people think that frost affects not only people who even end up in the hospital with injuries. Imagine how a dog feels when it doesn’t even protect it from the cold. Agree, not every dog ​​can wear a onesie.

The most common reasons why your puppy urinates frequently

Usually, if a puppy urinates frequently, this is not always a problem, but there are a number of reasons that will still indicate it. The first of these includes his age, for the reason that small puppies have not yet learned to perfectly control their bladder. And if at the same time the puppy is afraid of something, the result will be involuntary urination. The only way out of this situation will be when the puppies grow up a little, they learn to take control of their body, their instincts and will no longer cause such incidents to their owners. This usually occurs within three to four months.

The next reason is raising the animal . There's a lot to talk about here. Education is almost the dominant factor, which the owners of the animal should be fully concerned with at first. Moreover, ideally, start the process as soon as the puppy gets into the apartment.

Thus, a puppy trained to pee on a diaper in a timely manner will no longer leave behind small or not very large puddles throughout the apartment. To ensure that your puppies pee in their designated area, train them right away rather than waiting 5 months or more. If you do not have sufficient skills to teach your puppy this task on your own, then you can always turn to a dog trainer for help and practical advice.

Treatment of urinary incontinence in dogs

Treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian, since therapy directly depends on the causes of the disorder. To determine the cause, you will need to donate urine; it can be collected at home or “collected” using a catheter.

First of all, the veterinarian must ensure that incontinence is not caused by chronic or acute conditions that require immediate treatment:

  • Infectious damage to tissues and/or organs.
  • Acute and chronic kidney diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • All diseases that cause polydipsia.

Important! Until the cause is established, the dog cannot be vaccinated or prevented from parasitic infestations.

Diagnosis is carried out within 3–4 days. An ultrasound and blood tests are usually prescribed. During the diagnostic process, standard supportive therapy is carried out: symptomatic treatment and immune stimulation.

Do age-related changes cause a puppy to urinate frequently (dog)

Of course, the changes that an animal’s body undergoes associated with age also affect its frequency of urges to the toilet. Because the older the pet becomes, the more its smooth muscles weaken. In this particular case, help will only be provided by treatment with special supportive agents, which can only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

If you encounter a similar problem, you can seek a full, detailed consultation with us at the veterinary center, where high-level specialists will literally explain to you the essence of the current situation, as well as ways to overcome it. And if you don’t have time, then just call the reception and call a veterinarian to your home. He will provide all the necessary documents plus licenses upon arrival.

Pay attention to your animal how much water it drinks per day, because another reason may be that the pet drinks too much water and then urinates too often. Also notice what color your animal’s urine is, because its transparency is the main indicator of whether your puppy is suffering from a disease such as cystitis.

    Signs of cystitis in a dog are as follows:
  • the animal often urinates, although it does not drink liquids excessively, in small portions, and also whines;
  • droplets of blood and/or pus are clearly visible in the urine;
  • lethargy;
  • refusal to eat;
  • elevated body temperature.
  • If you notice at least a couple of the listed symptoms in your pet, immediately seek advice and treatment from a veterinarian. It's really not worth the wait.

    Crime scene

    Soothsayers advise taking into account the place of the animal’s “crime” during interpretation. If you dreamed of a dog relieving itself in his owner’s slippers, this means that everything at work will go more or less well. You need to try not to panic and calmly understand the current situation. Having withstood the tests sent, the sleeper will be able to prove to himself and others that he is capable of achieving success, despite any obstacles and difficulties in his path. There is a high probability of making large profits from long-term contracts. Luck will smile on the dreamer, unless he himself frightens it away.

    The collection of predictions also provides the following scenarios:

    • The dog described its owner's clothes in a dream - it is important to remember about proper rest and do not forget to set aside time for relaxation, otherwise there is a high probability of suffering from accumulated fatigue, which can remind itself at the most inopportune moment. If the sleeper behaves correctly in relations with colleagues, his authority among them will increase.
    • If your four-legged friend shits in your slippers, you should keep your business papers and documents away from prying eyes. It is recommended to exercise caution and prudence when contacting unfamiliar people. Don’t be afraid to take responsibility and stand up for what’s right, because support will be provided. Now a person is on the crest of a wave, any gossip behind his back will give him excellent advertising.
    • A dog peeing directly on the floor indicates that soon a whirlwind of new meetings and acquaintances will swirl the sleeping person. The opposite sex will hardly be able to resist the powerful charm of the dreamer. In the service there is no need to be too capricious and find fault with little things. It is better to focus on the most important things and ignore the little things. It is recommended to spend your free time in friendly company.

    Communication with friends will give you a lot of positive emotions and allow you to unwind. It is possible that one of your long-time acquaintances will tell you news that will shock you and make you think about the future.

    According to the dream book, if a dog pees on the bed, work will come to the fore in the near future. You should be mentally prepared for the fact that management may never appreciate the efforts of the sleeper.

    Center for Stray Animals (MKU “CBZ”)

    always needs the help of volunteers.
    And the animals of the center need a home. We are glad to receive any help! Phone numbers of the Center in Rostov-on-Don: 8 (863) 236-32-44, 238-25-24
    Our address: Rostov-on-Don, st.
    Portovaya 1/7 .
    Our website: https://cbg-rnd.ru/
    Needs of the Center for Stray Animals -
    We are on all
    social networks
    Links to them can be found on our website at the very top. Become our friend, join us! The more of us there are, the greater the chance that animals will find their new home! The Center for Stray Animals was created about 15 years ago to solve the problem of stray animals in Rostov-on-Don. The center is engaged in catching dogs around the city (upon written requests from citizens), collecting corpses of dead animals within the city, accepting animals from the population (found animals, downed animals), free rabies vaccination of stray and domestic dogs and cats. We do not operate as an unlimited adoption shelter; former pets are accepted to us in small numbers, subject to availability and as an exception. Frequently asked questions regarding MKU “CBG”.
    Please pay attention!
    Here you will find answers to many questions. 1) CBZh (Portovaya St. 1/7) is this a shelter?
    Not exactly, this is a center for regulating the number of stray animals.
    MKU “CBZ” is designed for 3-day keeping of animals, if this animal is suspected of rabies – 10-day quarantine. This is the reason for the allocation of funds for the maintenance of animals - for 3 days. There are no funds allocated for the treatment of animals. Please note that the main activity of the Center is the capture of animals from the streets of the city. The center does not operate as a long-term housing facility for animals. 2) Do we have animal shelters in Rostov-on-Don?
    There are no state shelters; there are private shelters (that is, supported by volunteers).
    3) Is it possible to leave your animal at the MKU “CBZ” during departure?
    No, the Center does not provide such services.
    4) Is it possible to use MKU “CBG” as a veterinary clinic?
    No, the Center does not provide veterinary services to the public, except in cases where the animal is adopted at the Center.
    Then, for 1 month from the date of adoption, you can use the services of the Center’s veterinarian. (This provision is spelled out in the Center’s charter). For animals adopted at the Center, a free vaccination service is offered in the first year after adoption of the animal. 5) Does MKU “CBG” perform free sterilizations for the population?
    Yes, if you are low-income, retired, disabled, and also want to sterilize a cat and dog that you took from the street or that lives on the street, then you can take advantage of our free sterilization promotion.
    Please note that the promotion applies to female animals. Castration of males is not currently carried out. You can make an appointment for sterilization by phone. In order of priority, you will be registered and you will need to deliver your animal to the Center; you can pick up the animal at the end of the day or the next day. If you are registered for sterilization of an animal, then you bring it from 10 to 11 am, hungry. In a plastic carrier, with a photocopy of your passport. Animals without a carrier are not accepted during other hours. The animal must not be in heat and NOT lactating. 6) I want to help the Center and the animals in it, how can I do this?
    During the Center’s working hours, you can come and help walk dogs, communicate with cats, clean up after animals, or take over an animal you like and help rehome it.
    7) I want to take an animal to the MKU “CBG” for breeding.
    The center gives away only sterilized animals and adheres to a policy of controlling the number of cats and dogs through mass sterilization.
    There are no possibilities for purchasing an animal, adopting it without sterilization or other workarounds. How to help the animals of the Center
    At the moment, due to the lack of necessary drugs and materials in the CBZ warehouse, we need in large quantities: 1) disposable diapers and newspapers (absorbent, not glossy), disposable gloves for cleaning.
    2) food for dogs and cats, dry food for puppies Dog Chow
    Royal Canin
    , soft food for kittens (spiders, canned food).
    3) insulin syringes. 4) garbage bags are also always needed. 5) warm clothes, bedding, as well as old sweaters that could be put on dogs so that they do not freeze so much in cold weather. Detailed information can be obtained by phone: 8 (863) 238-25-24, 236-32-44. The center is located at the address: Rostov-on-Don, Portovaya street 1/7.
    Veterinary dentistry

    Our clinic employs veterinary dentists with higher veterinary and medical dentistry…

    Read more What is endoscopy Read more Emergency care for dogs and cats

    We serve all areas

    We serve all areas of the city of Rostov-on-Don. We go to the house.

    • The dog urinates a lot and often 1st street
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Sverdlovskaya street
    • The dog urinates a lot and often on Varfolomeeva Street
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Izobilnaya Street
    • The dog urinates a lot and often. Lawn 3rd Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Raskatny 10th Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often on Milyutinsky Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Tsushima Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often on Komitetskiy Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often on Stolyarny Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Ivakhnenko street
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Loud Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Station Square
    • The dog urinates a lot and often. Sputnik 1st Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often in Deep Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often on Yasnaya Street
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Onezhskaya Street
    • The dog urinates a lot and often on Red Partizan Lane
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Peskova street
    • The dog urinates a lot and often Mozdoksky Lane


    • go to a psychologist (or take your child there if he has urinary incontinence) - it has long been no secret that enuresis is not only a physiological problem, but also a complexity provoked by psychological factors
    • lifestyle changes that provoke urinary incontinence and worsen the problem
    • decide on the amount of liquid you drink per day: reduce the amount of tea, coffee, artificial sweet drinks
    • While at home, try to go to the toilet periodically and often enough so as not to leave the bladder full
    • do special exercises for the pelvic muscles (Dr. Kegel’s lessons are especially recommended)
    • stop smoking: smoking (especially coughing while smoking) aggravates urinary incontinence
    • train the muscles whose elasticity determines urinary incontinence.

    Ways to stop a puppy from peeing at home

    There are proven ways to stop a puppy from peeing at home, at least without damaging floor coverings and things. It is better to start training from the first day of living in a new home.

    Equip the permitted place, which will be covered with a diaper or oilcloth. The place should be secluded and remote. When you bring your puppy home, take him to the approved area and place him on the floor. Let the baby begin exploring the territory from this point in the home. In the future, the puppy will instinctively return to the first familiar place when feeling discomfort.

    When the puppy is a little more comfortable, feed him. If the baby is under 3 months old, no more than 30 minutes will pass from the end of the meal to the urge to urinate or have a bowel movement. As soon as you notice that your pet has begun to worry: spinning around or whining, carefully pick him up and bring him to the diaper. If the puppy tries to run away, carefully return it to the allowed place.

    In total, the whole process can take up to 20 minutes, but in the end, the puppy can’t stand it and goes to the toilet for a diaper. Praise your mentee generously and express your delight as emotionally and clearly as possible. Repeat this algorithm after each feeding for two to three days after moving.

    The above algorithm does not provide a 100% guarantee that the puppy will not go to the toilet in inappropriate places. If your pet is very emotional and does not have time to reach the diaper, it is better to equip 2-3 permitted places in the home.

    Schedule of dog shows of the rank Black Sea Fleet, KChF, ChRKF in Rostov-on-Don in 2022

    start dateexpiration dateRANKExhibition cityClub nameFederationContactstel.
    Sun, 21 February, 2021Sun, 21 February, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonMCOO “SK-Yu”RFSS[email protected]89034888938
    Sun, 21 February, 2021Sun, 21 February, 2021SAS 2 gr.Rostov-on-DonMCOO “SK-Yu”RFSS[email protected]89034888938
    Sat, March 6, 2021Sat, March 6, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonROOO “DKS”OANKOO[email protected]89064259844, 89094333993
    Sat, March 6, 2021Sat, March 6, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonSKMKORFLS[email protected]88632850541, 89895248867
    Sat, April 24, 2021Sat, April 24, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonROCOO “HUNTING DOG BREEDING CLUB”RFOS[email protected]89281472782
    Sun, 9 May, 2021Sun, 9 May, 2021CAC ChRKFRostov-on-DonRGOO RSCC “MONARCH”RFSS[email protected]88632487183, 89094188823
    Sun, 9 May, 2021Sun, 9 May, 2021SAS 2 gr.Rostov-on-DonRGOO RSCC “MONARCH”RFSS[email protected]88632487183, 89094188823
    Sun, 9 May, 2021Sun, 9 May, 2021SAS 5 gr.Rostov-on-DonRGOO RSCC “MONARCH”RFSS[email protected]88632487183, 89094188823
    Sat, 5 June, 2021Sun, 6 June, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonRROOSSS “LEADER”RFSS[email protected],89282700286
    Sat, 19 June, 2021Sat, 19 June, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonROO “RKSL”RFOS[email protected]88632516298, 89282276587, 89289280507
    Sat, 19 June, 2021Sat, 19 June, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonRROO KS “RBC” (RKZ)RFOS[email protected]89185532256, 89185899910
    Sat, 26 June, 2021Sat, 26 June, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonRGOO RSCC “MONARCH”RFSS[email protected]88632487183, 89094188823
    Sat, 26 June, 2021Sat, 26 June, 2021CAC 9 gr.Rostov-on-DonRGOO RSCC “MONARCH”RFSS[email protected]88632487183, 89094188823
    Sat, 26 June, 2021Sat, 26 June, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonRROKO “FAVORITE”RFSS[email protected]89034010263
    Sun, 11 July, 2021Sun, 11 July, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonROOOC “USSR”RFLS[email protected]89044421053
    Sat, 28 August, 2021Sat, 28 August, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonRROKO “FAVORITE”RFSS[email protected]89034010263
    Sun, 26 September 2021Sun, 26 September 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonROOO “DKS”OANKOO[email protected]89064259844, 89094333993
    Sat, October 2, 2021Sat, October 2, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonMCOO “SK-Yu”RFSS[email protected]89034888938
    Sun, 10 October, 2021Sun, 10 October, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonORO – RKLSRFLS[email protected]88632850541, 89895248867
    Sun, 10 October, 2021Sun, 10 October, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonSKMKORFLS[email protected]88632850541, 89895248867
    Sat, 23 October, 2021Sat, 23 October, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonROCOO “HUNTING DOG BREEDING CLUB”RFOS[email protected]89281472782
    Sat, 11 December, 2021Sat, 11 December, 2021CAC ChRKFRostov-on-DonROO “RKSL”RFOS[email protected]88632516298, 89282276587, 89289280507
    Sat, 11 December, 2021Sat, 11 December, 2021CAC ChRKFRostov-on-DonRROO KS “RBC” (RKZ)RFOS[email protected]89185532256, 89185899910
    Sat, 25 December, 2021Sat, 25 December, 2021SAS Black Sea FleetRostov-on-DonORO – RKLSRFLS[email protected]88632850541, 89895248867
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