Trimming Jack Russell Terrier. We answer all questions

Trimming a Jack Russell Terrier

Many owners of the Jack Russell Terrier breed have the misconception that trimming is necessary exclusively for animals that participate in exhibitions. For a pet, removing old fur not only increases its aesthetic appeal, but also promotes coat renewal, and also optimizes the body's thermoregulation processes. A correctly performed procedure in a grooming salon is more comfortable for the pet and does not cause discomfort.

Triming as the main part of grooming

Trimming your Jack Russell Terrier is a key aspect of grooming. It is not needed for the smooth-haired type, but is required for Brokens and Roofs.

Trimming refers to the grooming procedure of removing dead and matted fur - manually or with special tools. Essentially, this is plucking out old hairs. The procedure is necessary for all wire-haired dog breeds, because... they do not shed their coats themselves. Moulting for “jacks” is replaced by manipulation.

Without trimming, your pet's fur will grow long, become matted, yellow and dirty - in the photo, “Jacks” with unplucked hair look like mongrels. Hair renewal and blood circulation are also disrupted, and skin diseases are possible due to the accumulation of fat, dirt and impaired ventilation.

Trimming is carried out manually or with a special tool - a trimming knife or stripper. Because It is difficult to pull out hairs; rubber tips are placed on the fingers to prevent injury.

Trimming is painless, but uncomfortable for the dog. Therefore, she may whine and struggle.

The trimming technique is the same for both types of breed. However, the Brocken Jack Russell Terrier needs it once every six months, and the Roof needs it every 3 months. Show dogs have their fur trimmed every 1 – 1.5 months.

General rules

It is better to have it trimmed at a pet salon. But, if you get the hang of it, you can do it yourself. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Jack Russell Terrier dogs are placed on the table. It should be up to the owner’s waist for comfortable work.
  2. Fix the pet. A leash is placed around the dog’s neck and the latter is tied to a hook or holder located on top of the table. If the Jack is prone to biting, a muzzle is required.
  3. They begin trimming from the body - from the withers to the tail. Then they pluck half of the head on the right or left, the front and back paws on the same side. After the second part of the body on the other side.
  4. The last thing they do is the face. First, the hair is removed from the back of the nose, then a beard and mustache are formed. They are plucked out completely, except for the whiskers. The head is plucked by hand so as not to scratch the dog with the stripper.
  5. The fur inside the ears, on the stomach and near the anus is not plucked, but trimmed with a clipper with a fine attachment.
  6. Pluck the fur coat evenly, avoiding bald spots.

Only a few hairs are captured at a time. Otherwise, they will be plucked unevenly and painfully.

The wirehaired Jack before and after trimming is radically different. The procedure lasts from 1 to 4 hours. This is a long time, but the manipulation must be completed at once, otherwise the fur coat will have time to grow before the next time and will look uneven.

Also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • before the procedure, do not bathe the “jack” - dirty fur is easy to grab with your fingers, while clean wool slides;
  • after the manipulation, the dog is dressed in overalls so that he gets used to the ambient temperature without a thick fur coat;
  • Upon arrival home, wash the dog with warm water from the shower to wash off the hairs.

For several days after grooming, your pet may itch or shake its head. If there are no rashes or irritations on the skin, and the ears are clean, this is simply a reaction to the procedure, which will soon pass.

First time

The first trimming for puppies is carried out on average at 4 months, when the baby fluff is replaced by an adult coat. But each Jack Russell Terrier dog grows and develops individually, so the dates are shifted by 4 weeks forward or back.

To determine that a puppy needs coat grooming, run your hand along the back; if you feel the guard hairs tingling, it’s time for your pet to go to a pet salon.

The first time is important. They trust the “jack” to a trusted specialist - he will calm the baby and perform the procedure painlessly. If you scare the dog or hurt him, in the future the pet will be afraid and resist with all four paws.

Three types of breed - three types of wool

According to the breed standard, the Jack Russell Terrier comes with 3 types of coat: shorthair, wirehair and intermediate. Grooming for each type of coat is radically different.

Caring for a Shorthaired Jack

The smooth-haired Jack has a short coat. This type of breed is easy to care for. They do not need trimming (plucking hairs) in the classical sense. From grooming you only need combing and the so-called stripping - removing dead hairs with a furminator.

In Russian, the terms trimming and stripping are confused. In the CIS countries, the first concept means only plucking wool, and the second means removing it with mechanical devices. Although in English-speaking countries, trimming is understood as a range of procedures from cutting to filing nails.

A special Furminator for Jack is chosen. You will need a device marked S (small) - for small breeds of dogs, and marked short hair - for pets with short hair.

Although grooming a smooth-haired Jack Terrier is easier, dogs shed a lot. If pets live in a private home, they shed their fur twice a year. If animals are in an apartment, they shed fur all year round, especially intensively in autumn and spring.

Wirehaired breed type

The wire-haired Jack comes in two types:

  1. Ruf. From the English “rough” - hard. The coat is curly, hard, slightly bristling.
  2. Brocken . In English, "broken" means "broken". The coat is also curly, but shorter and without fringes.

A common feature of both varieties is a “beard” and “mustache” on the muzzle. The differences between them are in the number of creases in the hairs: in brockens, each hair is broken in one place, in ruffs - in several parts.

Sometimes the Brocken type is distinguished as a separate species, and Ruffs are referred to as wire-haired Jack Russell Terriers. But this classification is erroneous.

Cost of salon grooming

Professional grooming of a Jack is an expensive proposition. Thus, the average price of trimming in Moscow is 2,100 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 2,000 rubles. And the cost of a haircut is 2,000 rubles. and 1,500 rub. respectively.

A number of salons charge a separate fee for bathing - 600-800 rubles, and trimming nails - 350-500 rubles.

Grooming a Jack Terrier is not difficult, with the exception of trimming. Dead hairs need to be plucked every 3 - 6 months, and for show dogs - once every 1.5 months. Plus, the procedure is expensive – it costs from 2 thousand rubles.

Tools, cutting methods

To groom a pet, you need a set of tools. These include:

  • special knife for trimming;
  • three types of scissors - straight, for thinning and with twisted ends;
  • comb with metal teeth;
  • brush.

To make the procedure easier, place the dog on a raised platform (table), having previously covered the surface with a thick cloth.

Teach your little Jack Russell to scissors and the sound of a hairdryer. During the grooming, the terrier should behave calmly, even enjoy the process.

Before cutting your hair, take a number of steps. Follow the general rules. Before the procedure, the dog is thoroughly combed, and the appearance of the dog while standing is assessed. A dirty, unkempt dog should not have its hair cut. Cut your hair little by little. After several movements with scissors, the dog combs his hair to evaluate the result.

The coat is trimmed in the direction of growth, not across. When using thinning scissors, the hair is thinned from the base in the direction from bottom to top, and it is the bottom layer that is removed.

Pros and cons of dogs


  • Convenient small size.
  • Cheerful and cheerful: they willingly and play a lot with their owners.
  • Loyal and loving.
  • They are smart, quick-witted and well trained.
  • They make wonderful companions for children.
  • They don't shed.
  • Their fur itself cleans itself of dirt and dust.
  • They are easy to care for.
  • Brocken may well accompany its owner on a trip.


  • Hyperactive.
  • Without proper upbringing, he can start gnawing on everything and peeling off the wallpaper in the apartment.
  • It is necessary to spend a lot of time walking, training and playing with your pet.
  • The hunting instinct is highly developed.
  • Has a tendency to dig.
  • Cunning and quite mischievous.
  • Need regular trimming.

The main positive quality of the Brocken is that this dog is able to save its owner from any blues and boredom and that they make excellent companions.

Features of maintenance and care

Brockens need to have their ears and eyes cleaned from time to time, and if their nails are not worn down, they need to be trimmed or filed.

There is no need to bathe these dogs often, and it is better not to wash them at all unless necessary..

After returning home, just wipe your paws and all dirty areas with a damp towel.

Broken Jack Russells need trimming, and dogs of the light variety can be trimmed by the owners themselves. But it is better to entrust the groomer to tidy up the brocken or rough.

Trimming should not be replaced with a clipper or scissors: this will irrevocably damage the structure of the coat..

Feeding the Brokens

Experts advise feeding Jack Russells with commercial food of premium class and higher, intended for active dogs.


If your pet eats natural food, then you need to make sure that he gets enough protein foods, such as meat, fish, and dairy products.

During the period of growth, pregnancy, feeding offspring, as well as in old age, vitamin and mineral supplements should be added to the Brocken’s food.

The Jack Russell should also eat fresh or boiled vegetables and finely chopped greens, seasoned with vegetable oil..

Life expectancy and health

Under good maintenance conditions, the Brocken will delight its owners for 13-16 years of its life, while remaining an active and healthy dog ​​until old age..

Read about how to extend the life of your pet here.

The most common diseases among Brokens are eye diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, although, in general, they are a surprisingly healthy breed and they rarely get sick.

Smooth Jack Russell Terrier

This dog is suitable for owners who do not have enough time for additional care procedures. However, it is important to remember that weekly brushing of your four-legged friend is the key to a well-groomed appearance and healthy coat.

Shedding is familiar to everyone, and if your smooth-haired pet lives in an apartment rather than a yard, get ready for this phenomenon to become your regular companion. For hair care, brushes with rubber teeth and furminators, which gently pluck out dead undercoat, are suitable.

It is enough to bathe your pet once a month, using mild shampoos without strong odors and with a neutral PH content. You can use dry care products , such as powder, which should be applied to the hair and combed thoroughly - this is the best choice if your smooth-haired pet does not like to bathe.

Important! Frequent bathing leads to dry skin of the dog and the formation of dandruff. The reason is the removal of the natural protective layer. Even if you use expensive dog shampoos, do not bathe your pet unless absolutely necessary.


The body is elongated, rectangular in shape. The neck is thick at the base, narrowing as it reaches the head. The back is strong and long, quite elastic. By pushing off the walls of the hole with it, the Russells could get into even the narrowest passage. The chest is long, but not voluminous. The ribs are rounded but not barrel-shaped. The abdomen is moderately tucked, descending to the chest in the form of a beautifully curved line. The loin is short, with a hump.

The head is also elongated; when viewed from above, its wedge-shaped shape becomes noticeable. The skull is large, rounded at the sides.

The forehead is flat and even, the space under the eyes is perfectly filled. The skin is elastic, there are no folds or wrinkles. Cheeks and cheekbones are emphasized, but not sagging. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not too pronounced, unlike the occipital protuberance. The muzzle itself is approximately equal in size to the skull. Elongated and tapering to a small and black nose. The eyes are small and almond-shaped. They should not stick out too much or be too far apart from each other.

Reading: Healthy and intelligent dog for hunting and guarding Smooth-haired Jagdterrier: description and character of the breed

The dog’s gaze is smart and insightful; by it you can always determine the mood of your pet. The ears are located high on the sides, quite mobile and dense. They hang at the level of the cartilages and have pointed tips. The animal's jaws are very strong, considering its original occupation. The teeth are straight and white, the incisors overlap each other in a scissor bite.

The front legs are parallel, slightly thrown back. The shoulder blades and shoulders are approximately equal in size and meet at an angle of one hundred degrees. The elbows are bent strictly back, pressed against the body during movement.

The hind legs are very strong, the hips are wide and covered with a network of developed muscles. The hock joints and articulation angles are excellently developed.

The fingers are arched and gathered into a ball. The animal's gait is light and springy, very confident. It vaguely resembles the movements of a trot with short pauses during which the dog examines its surroundings. The tail is straight and not too long, hanging down along the hind legs when calm. In a state of excitement, it rises above the level of the back, but does not curve.

According to the approved standard, the coat of this dog breed can be of three types: smooth, hard and broken (broken). In all cases, the coat reliably protects the dog from rain, and the soft undercoat always warms it. The color is characterized by solid white with red spots on the head and body.

Pet Personality

Jack Russell Brokens are active and lively dogs who love active games . They are loyal to their owners and friendly if they have been raised and trained correctly.

These dogs make wonderful companions for children who are ready to play with them for hours and run with them.

Considering that the Brocken is an intelligent and quick-witted dog and that it is easy to train, the training of this dog can be entrusted to a child who has reached at least ten years of age.


But it should be taken into account that these dogs have a highly developed hunting instinct, which is why the Brocken can rush to chase another dog, cat, or even a person.

This is why it is not recommended to let Jack Russells off leash in unfenced areas.

Brockens should not be allowed to do whatever they want: these dogs very quickly understand that the owner can be manipulated and then there will be no end to their tricks and pretense..

Read more about the character of Jack Russells here.

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