Care and maintenance of a puppy and an adult Jack Russell Terrier

Have you decided that your four-legged family member will live outside - in the yard? In this case, take care of creating a home for the dog. As a rule, watchdogs live outside - with a thick undercoat and good tolerance to low temperatures. But they still need a roof over their heads. For what? The following advantages of an enclosure for a dog can be highlighted:
  • Rottweilers, mastiffs and malamutes perceive the house as a guard post. Without it, the dog cannot feel like a full-fledged guard;
  • the dog enclosure protects the animal from rain and snow, and is regarded by bitches as a potential place for breeding and raising puppies;
  • the pet will not have to sit on a chain and at the same time your guests will be calm about their safety. Trampled lawns and puddles on paths are also excluded.

There are also disadvantages. But compared to the benefits, they are invisible. Many breeds of kennel dogs adapt to confined spaces, but sometimes the adaptation process can take a long time. The dog may whine or bark loudly, demanding to be let out. Try to support your pet with your attention - talk to him, pet him, let him know that you are nearby. And one more thing: the enclosure needs to be cleaned periodically.

Keeping and feeding a puppy

Caring for a Jack Russell Terrier puppy should begin with preparing a suitable place to keep the small pet. To do this, select a place in the apartment where a bed covered with soft natural fabric will be installed. The bed should be of medium density and size so that the dog fits completely on it.

In addition to a place for a bedding, it is very useful to find a place in the apartment for an aviary, which will be needed during the absence of the owners of the house. In the enclosure, place a water bowl and a thick mattress covered with non-staining fabric - this is where the dog will rest. It will be useful to put a couple of toys in the enclosure, with which the Jack Russell puppy can play while the owners are away.

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Both the enclosure and the bed are installed in a quiet, calm corner of a non-passable room, where direct sunlight does not fall. Also avoid constantly keeping your pet in a draft or in a noisy room.

Before bringing your dog into the house, be sure to remove all small objects from the floor that could injure the puppy. It will not be superfluous to remove shoes, wires, children's toys and carpets from the floor (for the first time). A small, active Jack Russell will bite and play with everything during its growth period, so your property will be at risk.

In the first weeks of life, the dog is recommended to eat dry food. In the future, the diet can be changed to natural. Feeding should be carried out on a schedule: very small puppies are fed 6 times a day in small portions; as they grow, the frequency is reduced to 2 times a day. In addition, you need to teach your dog to eat on a schedule, avoiding snacks (especially from the home table).

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For food and water, the dog gets two different bowls with high edges and adjustable height. Avoid eating sweets, flour, fried, spicy, pickles, semi-finished and poorly refined foods for your dog.

From an early age, a dog must be taught hygiene procedures, which include not only washing and combing, but also trimming nails, cleaning teeth, ears and eyes. For the first time, be as gentle as possible with the dog and avoid injury. If you don't know what you need to buy for care, contact your veterinarian. However, the standard set includes combs for combing, cloths for wiping eyes and ears, lotion for the same purposes, as well as a nail clipper and dog shampoo.

Reasons why you should get an aviary

An enclosure, like a dog’s fenced personal territory, or in other words, a playpen, is suitable for small dogs of any breed. She will feel safe there, especially when she first came into your home.

So, the most important reasons to buy:

  • Accustoming the puppy to new living conditions. The absence of a mother, a new lifestyle and many opportunities for a dog, this is actually traumatic for its psyche. Because of fear, a puppy can shit in corners, get into all sorts of troubles, fall, for example. You should be especially careful about your dachshund’s health and buy a playpen for it.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth of a dog. When the bitch whelps, she and the puppies need a corner where they will be safe.
  • Dog disease. At this moment, she needs to be isolated from other family members and animals until the veterinarian arrives.
  • Protecting furniture from damage, as well as other valuables that cannot be removed from the dog. So, when you go to work or leave a bored pet for a long time, you will not worry about the safety of your things.
  • In the country or in nature for safety. So the puppy’s playpen will help protect him from other animals, and the seedlings from the encroachments of the mischief maker himself.

As a rule, a dog playpen is purchased when there is a serious need for it, which is not surprising, the cost of such a design is high. In this case, you can make an aviary with your own hands. We'll talk about this a little later.

Keeping and feeding an adult dog

Caring for a Jack Russell Terrier as an adult is characterized by less attention to its behavior, and more attention to the health and comfort of the dog.

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Even into adulthood, representatives of this breed remain energetic and inquisitive animals that start their day early. Therefore, do not remove toys from the enclosure and continue to give the animal a lot of attention so that the dog does not begin to damage furniture and shoes.

In addition, an adult dog requires constant attention to its health. This includes not only regular veterinary examinations, but also compliance with the rules of nutrition and maintenance of the Jack Russell Terrier.

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The diet of an adult dog can consist of premium quality dry food or natural food. Special feeds are balanced in the amount of microelements, so you do not need to create your own diet. With natural food it is more difficult: you need to independently create a diet in which the dog will consume a large amount of proteins and complex carbohydrates every day. The diet should also include fish, vegetables and dairy products. To balance your diet, it is recommended to add vitamins and mineral supplements to your meals.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed requires standard care: washing the ears and eyes weekly, trimming the nails every 5 weeks, and checking the coat for fleas and bald spots.

How to press a playpen for dog safety?

There are two types of enclosures - outdoor portable and apartment. The street one is useful when moving and forays into nature; it has a compact size, but is practically unsuitable for normal travel conditions. Therefore, it is the second type that is popular. To describe it differently, this is a kind of doghouse, but with fairly comfortable conditions and is more like a room. Its dimensions are usually about 2-3 square meters. meters.

An apartment playpen for a small dog is usually made of metal rods fastened together, but it can also be made of plastic. This allows the owner to observe the life of the animal without interference. Such a booth is equipped with everything necessary - bowls for food and drink, a toilet (tray or diaper), and a sleeping place. In addition, the house has space for games. Therefore, purchase chewing toys so that your dog has the opportunity to sharpen his teeth.

A metal house consists of modules connected to each other; usually manufacturers make sure that it folds and unfolds quickly. Unnecessary sections can be removed or added, for example, as the puppy grows, to increase space.

Bathing and grooming

Regardless of the length of the hair, the dog is combed 2-3 times a week, and during the molting period - daily. Long-haired Jack Russell Terriers may require trimming. Jack Russell trimming is done once every 3 months. To do this, the dog can be taken to a professional salon. But if you get the hang of it, you can trim the dog yourself by purchasing special scissors, a clipper and a comb.

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Grooming your Jack Russell Terrier is not the only point in caring for your dog's coat. Wash the dog no more than two or three times a year. This is due to the fact that dogs' skin is covered with a layer of fat, which keeps the skin from drying out. If you wash your pet frequently, the skin will become too sensitive, leading to dermatitis. To wash your pet, purchase dog shampoo from a pet store.

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Education and training

Training and education of a dog should begin from the first days of life.
Introduce your Jack Russell to your environment and your family members. Don't leave your dog alone for a long time, play with him and communicate. The first habit that you need to instill in your pet is to go to the toilet in the designated place (on the diaper). When you can walk your dog, start teaching him to relieve himself outside. An equally important stage of training is to accustom the dog to its name, for which you constantly emphasize the name of the animal.

The character of the Jack Russell makes the dog a tireless seeker and hunter. If such a dog is not raised, endless pranks and bullying with other animals are inevitable. Be consistent in training, show right away who is the boss and who should be obeyed. Don't go easy on yourself, but don't be aggressive either.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Country of origin:Great Britain
Weight:males 12.7-17 kg, females 11-15.4 kg
Height at withers:35.5-40.5 cm
Color:white, fawn, red, blue, black, brindle; all colors with or without white markings

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are very agile, strong dogs, they have short, thick, smooth hair. In relation to their height, the Stafford's body is disproportionately long, and their low center of gravity gives them stability. Their small size and highly developed muscles make Staffordshire Bull Terriers one of the strongest and most robust dogs. The head of these dogs is large and wide.


In Great Britain, the Stafford is called the “mustachioed nanny” (“manny” - man man + nanny nanny) for his ability to be an excellent children's nanny. These dogs also love to play with both their owners and their friends. But despite the fact that most Staffords are calm and well-mannered, some of them can be aggressive.

In addition, Staffordshire Bull Terriers are obedient, friendly and playful human friends; they respond well to their owner’s commands. They are always happy to be among people and behave well with strangers. Brave, stubborn, decisive, Staffords usually do not get into fights and do not like to quarrel with other dogs. However, they do not like it when other pets or unfamiliar dogs start to “bully” at them.

Staffords can live outside in warm weather, but they do not tolerate cold very well. But since Staffords strive to spend as much time as possible in the company of people, they are more likely to be pets who love warmth and comfort. The Staffordshire Terrier's coat requires minimal grooming.

Being a sporty, athletic breed, Staffordshire Terriers require daily walks (on a leash). Running and playing in open areas are some of their favorite activities. Keep in mind that Staffordshire Bull Terriers are not the best swimmers.

Staffords live on average 12-14 years. They are susceptible to diseases such as hip dysplasia (HD) and cataracts. Sometimes DTS is the cause of other health problems. Regular medical examinations of the joints and eyes will help identify these diseases.

History and origin

At the beginning of the 19th century, working-class people were very fond of the then popular sport of rat baiting. In the cities, bull-baiting (an ancient blood sport) was not so popular, and those who loved “rat slaughter” began to switch their attention to dog fighting. Fans of these fights crossed the black and tan (Manchester) terrier with a bulldog in order to obtain a fast, strong, fearless fighting dog.

Thanks to selection, it was possible to breed a small, nimble dog with strong jaws. The interesting thing is that these dogs were not aggressive towards people, which made it possible to give them commands even in moments of extreme excitement in the ring.

Even after dog fighting was banned in England, this breed of dog was still loved by dog ​​breeders. There were some fans left who continued to organize secret fights, but true Stafford fans wanted the sport to return to legal status. Over time, it was possible to improve the breed so that they were not only fighting dogs, but also quite attractive pets.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier was recognized by the English Kennel Club in 1935 and by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1974. Now this breed is loved and respected more for its good-natured disposition than for its fighting qualities.

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In Great Britain, the Stafford is called the “mustachioed nanny” (“manny” - man man + nanny nanny) for his ability to be an excellent children's nanny. These dogs also love to play with both their owners and their friends. But despite the fact that most Staffords are calm and well-mannered, some of them can be aggressive.


You can start walking your puppy only after vaccinations and deworming. Accustom your dog to the street gradually, increasing walks from 10 minutes a day to the required 2 hours. Avoid overheating and hypothermia of the dog, make sure that he does not fall from the stairs. Don't limit yourself to a standard place for walking, but choose different roads and areas.

A special feature of this breed is the dogs' hunting instinct, which is why they can chase other animals and dig holes. Allow this entertainment as long as it does not harm your dog or other animals.

Health and vaccination

The requirements for the care and maintenance of the Jack Russell Terrier must include regular veterinary examinations. When purchasing a puppy, the breeder will give you a dog passport indicating all vaccinations received. In the future, the puppy is tested for worms every three months, and is also vaccinated annually. The first immunostimulating vaccine is administered in the first month of life, the second (against coronavirus) after 3 weeks.

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Typical diseases of the Jack Russell Terrier are disorders of the joints, eyes and nervous system. To avoid diseases, do not neglect a manual examination of your dog at home and preventive examinations of your dog at the veterinarian.

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On this occasion, more than one spear has been broken in modern dog breeding.
If you are attracted to the image of a Doberman with cropped ears and tail, then it is worth remembering that this operation must be performed before the puppy is 12 weeks old. At a later date, it will be more difficult for his body to cope with the load of healing surgical sutures.

It is definitely better to entrust this work to a veterinarian. In a good clinic, the puppy will be given safe anesthesia, clamps will be placed on the ears to form the future shape of the ear, trimmed to fit the size of the head, and stitches will be placed correctly. A good surgeon acts as a sculptor in this operation.

Then you will have to go through the installation of the ears - attaching the operated ears to a special frame using an adhesive plaster.

Be sure to consult with the breeder about how to do this correctly so as not to spoil the surgeon’s work, and most importantly, the dog’s appearance.

In many European countries, starting with the homeland of these dogs - Germany, a legal ban on docking has been introduced. Dobermans with uncropped ears and tails are full-fledged representatives of their breed.

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