Is it possible to use stripping for a Norwich Terrier?

History of the breed

The ancestors of the Cairn Terriers are the oldest Scottish terriers, from which the Cairns inherited excellent hunting qualities: courage and bravery, malice, a sensitive sense of smell and keen hearing.

Interesting to know

The Cairn Terrier breed was bred specifically for hunting foxes and rabbits living in mountainous areas. Small, but nimble and brave terriers searched for prey in the highlands of Scotland and thus got their name. Translated into Russian, the word “kern” means “pile of stones.”

Initially, Cairn Terriers were called Skye Terriers, although the difference between them is noticeable even with the naked eye. Supporters of Skye Terriers ensured that the breed was divided into two branches.

In 1910, the name Cairn Terrier was officially registered. It is believed that the breed was founded by Alistair Campbell, a big fan of fox hunting with terriers.

In 1912, this breed was registered in Scotland as an independent breed. Cairn terriers came to Russian territory in the 90s of the last century. They just have to gain their popularity among the residents of the Russian Federation.


According to the world canine standardization, the Cairn Terrier belongs to the group of small-sized terriers without working tests, FCI No. 4. The description of the standard Cairn Terrier is as follows:

  1. The head is medium in size and covered with fur as much as possible.
  2. The jaws are powerful.
  3. The muzzle is triangular in shape, somewhat similar to a fox.
  4. The teeth have a scissor-shaped bite, the teeth are large.
  5. Round, wide-set eyes, dark brown in color. Shaggy eyebrows hang over the eyes.
  6. Nose with black pigmentation.
  7. The ears are set high, triangle-shaped, erect.
  8. The body is rectangular, strong, slightly elongated.
  9. The neck is short and strong.
  10. The limbs are proportional to the body.
  11. The hands of the front paws are larger relative to the hind paws.
  12. The tail is medium long, set high and not docked.
  13. The coat is harsh, slightly tousled, abundant and water-repellent.
  14. The undercoat is soft.
  15. The coat color is sand, cream brindle or black.
  16. A dark mask is allowed on the face.

Adult dog sizes

Males at the withers reach up to 31 cm, females up to 30 cm.


Average weight 7.5 kg. Males are larger than females.


Typically, life expectancy is about 15 years.

How does the process work?

It is better to entrust the first procedure to a professional groomer. After carefully studying the work of the master, as well as receiving the groomer’s recommendations, you can treat the dog yourself. The algorithm for plucking hairs is simple, but such labor-intensive work requires patience and some preparation.

Before trimming a pet at home, first of all, it is necessary to prepare a workplace (table, cabinet) and tools. The pet does not need to be bathed before the procedure.

Step 1. put the dog on the table;

Step 2. Carefully comb the pet’s body along the hair growth path with a slicker brush and a sparse comb;

Step 3. You need to carefully separate the tangles with your fingers and try to comb them with a flat comb;

Step 4. It is better to start plucking hairs from the back of the head, or from the back, gradually moving towards the tail;

Step 5. if the groomer plucks the hairs manually, a small strand should be held with the index finger and thumb, then removed with a slight tug in the direction of hair growth;

Step 6. if plucking the guard hair is carried out using a knife, in this case the strand should be picked up with a tool held in your hand, and fixed with your thumb (with the fingers of your free hand you need to hold the skin next to the area being treated) and make a sharp jerk;

Step 7. After treating the back and sides, you should start plucking the hairs on the hips and shoulder blades.

It is better to pluck dead hairs on your pet's head manually, without using a knife, after combing your pet's head with a comb. You need to carefully remove dead hairs on the face and head. After completing the hygienic stripping procedure, the pet must be bathed in warm water, and after drying, remove any protruding hairs manually or with tweezers.

Examples before and after:

Character and features

Hunting instincts are present in the blood of the Cairn Terrier. Therefore, he needs to lose energy as much as possible outside. Let us list the main features of his character:

  • a restless mover who is unable to sit in one place for a minute and is capable of wreaking havoc in the house;
  • dependent on a person. For him, the main thing is to be close to the owner;
  • loves children, however, it is not recommended to leave Cairn Terriers alone with children. They won’t be able to intentionally bite or offend the baby, they just won’t let themselves be offended, and Kern’s teeth are very strong;
  • a listener and a smeller, which makes him an excellent guard of the territory;
  • The non-conflict and non-aggressive Kern is able to get along in the house with other dogs and cats, if they grew up together.

For comfortable keeping of a Cairn Terrier, a country house is best suited. The Cairn Terrier is called an explorer and traveler. He is interested in literally everything! Kern should not be let off a leash within the city, and in a private home, make sure that the yard is blocked off.

Choosing a Groomer

    First, you need to decide where you will strip your pet. At home or in the salon. If you do it at home, you can save money, but there is also the possibility of an unqualified person coming in to do home haircuts for dogs. If you go to a salon, the cost of dog grooming will most likely be more expensive, but the specialist will almost certainly be experienced.

Before choosing a groomer, you need to look at his work. The best option would be if you can watch the hair removal process, and not just the finished work.

  • Before going for a haircut, you can ask for advice and feedback from friends and acquaintances. Of course, this is not always a guarantee of good work. Groomers may not be generalists. For example, they may be good at grooming one breed of dog but not another. Listen carefully to all advice and draw your own conclusions.
  • A good option is to get contact information from a good groomer from the breeder you bought your dog from. This option is the best, since most likely this master is really good at his job.
  • When considering specialist options, analyze not only the quality of hair removal, but also the specialist’s manner of communication with dogs. Animals treat people differently; they feel how they treat themselves. Therefore, if your pet is happy with everything, it means that you have found your groomer.

Training and education

Training a Cairn Terrier is an important stage in raising a four-legged friend. The breed is not prone to aggression towards humans, but their stubbornness can be envied. You need to start raising a terrier puppy from an early age.

The Cairn Terrier is quite smart and cunning, like a fox. At the training site, he may be capricious, protest, or ignore the trainer. If your pet refuses to follow a command, there is no need to be nervous. You should try to achieve the task in a calm voice. Kern has a special trait - not to perform a task that is not interesting to him, so keep him interested and do not forget about the treat.

Is there an alternative to stripping rough-haired dogs?

— Maybe I shouldn’t complicate life and cut my hair? Yes, such a solution has the right to exist and I always offer it to owners whose pets do not participate in exhibitions. It is faster, cheaper and easier for the dog - solely due to speeding up the procedure, and not due to the absence of pain, as many people mistakenly think. But here you have to make a choice once and for the whole dog’s life! As the texture of the coat begins to change during haircuts, it becomes softer and often duller in color. It is almost impossible to go back to trimming. Plucking soft fur is quite a painful procedure for your pet.

Based on all of the above, my choice will always be in favor of stripping. A properly trained wire-haired dog looks incredible!

Health and illness

The Cairn Terrier is famous for its good immunity, however, there are a number of diseases that should be paid attention to.

  • glaucoma;
  • hepatic shunt (circulatory disorder). Lethargy, convulsions are noticed, the dog may eat inedible objects, vision decreases;
  • dislocation of the kneecap. There is lameness in the dog;
  • obesity;
  • allergy.

All other diseases of the Cairn Terrier are acquired during life through the fault of the owner.

Interesting photos

Sexual and physiological maturity

Time passes, the puppy grows up. The first signs of sexual desire in a puppy can appear at an early age. In small dog breeds, such as the Cairn Terrier, sexual inclinations and desires appear much earlier than in large breed dogs.


In female Cairn Terriers, sexual inclinations do not appear until the first heat, which occurs approximately eight months or a little later, it depends on the individual characteristics of the dog.

The first heat is short, unlike subsequent ones. It goes almost unnoticed, there is practically no blood and a specific smell. The dog takes care of itself and attracts little males. The first heat is called “empty”. The first estrus lasts, in the active phase, approximately 2-3 weeks.

It is impossible to breed a Cairn Terrier bitch during her first heat, as at this time the dog has not yet reached physiological maturity. She is not ready to bear, give birth and feed healthy offspring.

The Cairn Terrier comes into heat twice a year. Signs of estrus are: a swollen “loop” and spotting.

At this time, the dog’s behavior changes, some bitches become affectionate, look into the person’s eyes, others may show distrust and slight aggression.

An unmated bitch may show signs of a “false pregnancy”; the dog’s nipples swell, she imagines herself as a future mother and prepares for childbirth.


In order to give birth to good offspring, the female and male Cairn Terrier must be physiologically mature and healthy individuals. Health primarily depends on inherited genetics.


  1. It is advisable to breed dogs, including small breeds, when they reach the age of 1.5 years.
  2. Veterinarians call the best day for guaranteed mating the 10th day from the date of the start of estrus.
  3. Standard mating takes place no more than once a year. One heat period should be skipped to allow the bitch to recover after giving birth.
  4. Not every mating is successful and pregnancy does not occur.
  5. Sometimes the bitch does not allow the gentleman to approach her, and sometimes the gentleman is cowardly.
  6. It is better that the bitch and the dog, who will be mated in the future, begin to communicate in advance so that they get used to each other.

Cairn terriers with hereditary diseases are not allowed to be bred.


After a successful mating, the Cairn Terrier bitch begins the period of bearing puppies. It lasts approximately 56-65 days and can reach 70 days.

In the first month, it is difficult to determine pregnancy with the naked eye. To be sure, you can give your dog an ultrasound and at the same time find out the number of puppies in the future litter.

In the second month of pregnancy, the bitch's belly begins to rapidly enlarge. She rests a lot and eats for two. About 10 days before birth, you can feel the puppies moving. 2-3 days before giving birth, the bitch will begin to look for a birthing place, dig for things, and hide.

It is necessary, at this time, to measure the bitch’s body temperature 2-3 times a day. A sharp drop in temperature to 37.2-37.5 degrees indicates that your dog will soon be a mother.


  1. Feed your pregnant bitch a special food formulated for pregnant and lactating small breed dogs.
  2. Natural nutrition during pregnancy and further feeding of puppies should be as balanced as possible with an increased amount of calcium and vitamins.
  3. Monitor the behavioral characteristics of a pregnant bitch, especially as the day of the expected birth approaches.
  4. Prepare yourself mentally for the fact that childbirth is a serious event in which the owner has an important role.
  5. Prepare everything you need (for childbirth) and get a veterinarian’s consultation on this matter.
  6. You should have the emergency veterinary service telephone number at hand, because at any moment you may need its help.

Childbirth and its consequences

Childbirth in Cairn Terriers proceeds in the same way as in all small breed dogs. Some bitches cope with giving birth to puppies on their own, while others need help.


  1. Unfortunately, childbirth in small dog breeds is not always successful and may require surgical or medicinal intervention.
  2. A Cairn Terrier female can give birth to a variable number of puppies in a litter, from 1 to 6, and in rare cases more.
  3. Primiparous bitches may panic and, first of all, need human help.
  4. If you are not ready to become an obstetrician for your Cairn Terrier, then make an agreement in advance with a veterinarian who provides similar services at home.

After giving birth, approximately 7-10 days later, the Cairn Terrier bitch may experience an attack of eclampsia (milk fever). This disease is common to many small and dwarf dog breeds. Not every bitch has a tendency to eclampsia, but you need to know about it in advance.

Bitches can sometimes ignore newborn puppies. No need to panic, keep your babies bottle-fed. 1-2 days will pass and the Cairn mother will come to the puppies to express milk.


A responsible owner monitors his pet's estrus cycles and knows when she can be bred. Puberty begins early - at 8-10 months. Full maturity of the reproductive organs occurs at 24-30 months. It is recommended to untie the female no earlier than the third heat. Then she will be ready to bear puppies.

To get breeding, legal puppies, with all the documents and certificates, the female is registered at the club a few weeks before the start of the cycle, and a male is looked for there. Dog owners sign forms and agree on a date.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

On the day of mating, the pets are walked together, introduced, and brought to neutral territory or to the male. At home, a girl can resist, smelling the owner. For the first time, animals need 100% help, so it is better to invite a specialist.

Experienced females themselves feel when to let the male approach. The boy will do the cage, then you need to hold the pet under the belly and by the head. After several active pushes, the dogs will become locked. But even without it, there is a chance of getting pregnant.

After 48 hours, mating is repeated to consolidate the result. Pregnancy is monitored in a veterinary clinic, starting from 14-20 days.


Feeding the Cairn Terrier should be balanced and fortified. When choosing dry industrial food, pay attention to its composition - meat should come first.

It is allowed to feed the Cairn Terrier natural products, but do not forget to give it vitamins. Allowed foods for the Cairn Terrier: lean meat, rice or buckwheat, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, offal, cottage cheese and kefir, sea fish fillet and chicken eggs. You can pamper your pet with a piece of cheese, banana or apple.

You should absolutely not give your dog: fatty meat, long bones, baked goods, sweet, spicy, salty foods, potatoes and legumes.

Grooming, care and maintenance

Care and grooming of the Cairn Terrier breed includes a standard set of procedures:

  1. It is enough to brush your dog 2 times a week. Choose a comb with stiff bristles.
  2. Trim your Cairn Terrier 3 times a year. Machine cutting is not recommended.
  3. Wash your pet no more than 2 times a month or as needed.
  4. Monitor your eyes and ears and clean them to prevent diseases.
  5. Take care of your teeth, remove plaque.
  6. Trim overgrown claws with a nail clipper.
  7. After walks, inspect the paw pads for cuts or splinters.
  8. Walk your Cairn Terrier fully, at least 1 hour in the morning and evening.


The Cairn Terrier's coat is hard and therefore does not shed. At the same time, for a neat appearance, it requires periodic trimming.

What it is

Trimming is the removal of old, dead hairs. The procedure is absolutely painless and well tolerated by the dog. If you don’t do it periodically, almost all the furniture, curtains and tablecloths in your apartment will be covered in dog hair.

When to do it

How to know when it's time for your dog to get trimmed. To do this, take a little wool with two fingers and gently but sharply tug. If a large number of hairs remain in your hand, then there is already a large number of dead hairs and it’s time to trim.

A haircut

Due to the structure of the coat, periodic trimming is not only unnecessary, but also harmful.

If a Cairn Terrier is cut, it will no longer meet the classic standards of its breed and your dog is unlikely to win prizes at the show.

First, let's understand the terms - Trimming, Stripping, Plaking.

Trimming - (trimming - pruning) is a general designation for such procedures as cutting a dog, putting it in order.

Stripping – stripping is the removal of hair from dogs by plucking it out using knives or stripping stones.

Placking - (placking - plucking) plucking a dog's fur with your fingers.

Now it becomes clear that using the term Trimming to mean Stripping or Placking is not entirely accurate. The preferred name for the procedure for wire-haired dogs is Stripping.

Now that we’ve sorted out the terminology, let’s look at the features of caring for the coat of rough dogs without delving into the intricacies of the breeds individually.

Difference from Norwich Terrier

Yes, these breeds are very similar, but there are still some differences. First of all, this is, of course, the size of both dog breeds.

Size and weight

The Cairn Terrier is significantly taller. Its height at the withers ranges from 28 to 31 cm and its weight is approximately 7 kg. While his fellow Norwich Terrier weighs no more than 5 kg, and the height at the withers is 26 cm.


Their characters are extremely similar. Both are active, friendly, charming. Both are brave enough to stand up for themselves and at the same time are not quarrelsome, avoid fights, that is, they are completely peaceful. The main difference is that the Norwich is more balanced and easier to train.


The core most often has a color of all shades of brown and gray. In his case, brindle is acceptable. Dark spots on the head, especially on the ears, are quite common.

The Norwich Terrier has approximately the same shades of brown and gray, but in its case brindle is not allowed. If his coat has several colors, they are always clearly defined and do not intersect.


The Cairn Terrier's coat is softer than that of the Norwich Terrier. That is why from the outside it resembles a thoroughly tousled fur hat. because hair grows in different directions.

The Norwich Terrier's coat is coarser, and since hair growth is orderly, it produces a neater appearance. Since it fits tightly to the body, it gives the impression of a kind of shell.

Body type

Both of them have a good, strong physique. However, the Cairn Terrier has longer legs and gives the impression of being a lighter dog.

Tool overview

According to reviews and recommendations of professional craftsmen with extensive experience, the following manufacturers of grooming tools and devices have proven themselves very well:

  • Macknyfe Specialties (USA);
  • Greyhound Carding Knives (UK);
  • Pearson Product (USA);
  • Chris Christensen (USA);
  • Show Tech (Belgium);
  • Aaronco (USA);
  • Artero (Spain).

Among the auxiliary cosmetics for grooming, it is worth paying attention to powder from Yuup Professional (Italy), Iv San Bernard (Italy), as well as crayons from Show Tech (Belgium).

Grooming table

Special folding tables for grooming with a rough surface and a bracket for fixing the animal are very convenient for grooming procedures.

Of course, not everyone decides to purchase such an accessory to carry out home hygiene procedures for their pet.

An ordinary table covered with anti-slip material is quite suitable as a home grooming workplace.


The owner of a wire-haired dog must have several types of combs in his arsenal:

  • a comb with sparse metal teeth for combing hair on the head, paws, and also for untangling tangles;
  • “rake” comb for careful removal of fallen outer layers of hair and dirt - this comb, unlike the fuminator, does not cut hairs or damage the undercoat;
  • slicker brush for combing the undercoat and removing dead hairs.

Trimming knives

The main tool, a trimming knife or stripper, looks like a comb with metal teeth. It is designed for mechanical plucking of the dead layer of hair. The main function of this device is to hook and remove dead guard hair from the root without cutting it.

The working part of a professional stripping knife is most often made of stainless or tool steel. The knife blade must be dull - this is necessary to prevent cutting hairs and damaging the skin of the animal.

Depending on the frequency and shape of the teeth, strippings are divided into the following types:

  • with a rough notch (Coarse) for dogs with thick, straight hair, representatives of large breeds, as well as for processing neglected, overgrown hair;
  • with a medium notch (Medium) for processing the body of the animal and giving it the desired shape;
  • knives with frequent cuts (Fine and Extra fine) are intended for processing short hair on the neck, head, ears, for removing hairs from the undercoat, as well as for final finishing;
  • a special knife (Face) with short and fine teeth is designed to remove hairs on the face.

Thanks to the large assortment of strippers presented by manufacturers of grooming products, you can choose tools for both experienced masters and novice groomers. Beginners should prefer knives with a coarse or medium cut.

Among the products presented you can see universal 3in1 strippers, models with a folding blade, as well as professional knife sets.

Stone knife

Professional groomers use special universal stone knives of various shapes and structures in their work. Using the tapered end of an abrasive bar, hair is removed from hard-to-reach places, such as the ears, groin, and anus.

The wide part of the instrument is used to treat the dog’s back and stomach. According to reviews from craftsmen, stone stripping knives are very comfortable and lightweight. Such knives do not injure the skin or damage the hair structure, but require some skill when using.

trimming stone

For final processing, a stone with a loose structure, reminiscent of ordinary pumice, is used.

The porous structure of the bar allows you to remove dirt and dead hair.

Powder or crayons

Pre-treatment of the dog's coat with professional grooming powder makes it easier to grip the coat with a tool or fingers, eliminating slipping, and also promotes better combing of the undercoat.

Grooming powder cleanses and deodorizes the coat, and also prevents skin irritation.

As an alternative to professional powder, you can use grooming crayons or baby powder.


Another auxiliary accessory that will protect the skin of your fingers and prevent the appearance of calluses is reusable silicone or latex finger pads.

The relief layer on the surface of the accessory improves adhesion to the strands, making the work of the master easier.

To protect your fingers from injury, you can also use disposable latex finger pads.

Shampoos, balms

After manual or mechanical treatment, the pet can be washed with a special mild shampoo for wire-haired dog breeds and balm to remove any remaining hair and dirt.

If severe irritation or rashes appear on the dog’s skin, then it is better to limit yourself to rinsing under warm water and treat the pet’s skin with antiseptic solutions “Chlorhexidine”, “Miramistin”, “Bepanten” cream, baby cream or tea tree oil.

Owner reviews

Anastasia 25 years old (Kazan)

I bought myself a Cairn Terrier 2 years ago. My Barney never leaves my side for a minute. We do everything together with him: we walk, travel, watch TV, eat and even sleep. He is a friend and protector with a capital letter, despite the fact that he is so small. I'm proud of my Barney!

Dmitry 31 years old (Eagle)

My Max (Cairn Terrier) is a smart guy. Already at 3 months he understood what they wanted from him. Our favorite game is chasing a ball. We can play all day long. My daughter is growing up and Max is already trying to protect her. My wife and I did not regret that our choice fell on this breed.

Angela 34 years old (Moscow)

My Cairn Terrier Linda arrived in the house recently and now it looks like ruins. I must be a bad housewife, since this little creature sets itself up as the leader of the pack. In general, now I’m waiting for my Linda to grow up and make repairs. I do not recommend this breed to those who do not understand the character of hunting terriers and are led by fashionable pictures.

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