How to properly raise a shorthaired pointer: the basics of hunter training


By nature, the shorthaired pointer is a very curious and cheerful dog. His peculiarity: focus on results and natural passion. At a young age and adolescence, they are curious and interested in literally everything.

Active exploration of the outside world and curiosity can sometimes be a problem, but only at a young age. With age, he becomes obedient, less emotional and more compliant.

The German treats children well and does not show excessive aggression towards strangers. Alertness and accuracy are inherent in him in adulthood.

The problem may arise if small animals, such as cats, live in the house. He is characterized by suppressive behavior, in which he shows that he is the leader. It will not harm the cat, but it will not infringe on its rights. It is enough to stop him several times and indicate that it is impossible to act in this way. The dog obeys perfectly with proper education and training.

Cartridges for hare hunting

For hare hunting, both factory-made hunting cartridges and self-loading cartridges are used. Depending on the time of year, cartridges loaded with shot No. 4 - No. 0 are used for hare hunting. The optimal shot number for duck hunting is shot number 5.

When hunting a hare along a black trail or in the middle of winter with soft powder and no crust, when the hare rises very close and the shot is fired from a short distance, you should use cartridges loaded with shot No. 4 and No. 3.

When hunting a hare on flat fields in low stubble, on plowed land, when the weather is fairly mild and the hare rises 20–30 meters, one barrel can be loaded with a cartridge with shot No. 3, the second with shot No. 2 or No. 1.

When hunting a hare from ambush, you should use cartridges loaded with shot No. 3 and No. 2.

When hunting a hare in cold weather, when there is ice, and also when shooting a carefully shot hare, you should use cartridges with shot No. 1 or even No. 0.

When using self-loading cartridges, when equipping them, you should, when using a larger shot number, also slightly increase the weight of gunpowder and be sure to sight the gun and cartridges before hunting.

general description

The whole point of life for a Krutzhaar is to hunt, but in everyday life they are not so interesting: they are phlegmatic, sedentary, not playful, do not like to play or take care of children, are indifferent to what is happening around them, in the house, yard, etc. . However, as soon as they realize with their special instinct that they are about to hunt, they immediately transform, becoming cheerful and active.

This is characteristic not only of adult dogs: even small puppies get unusually excited when they see their owner with a gun in his hands. By the way, dogs of this breed can be involved in the process of hunting for more than just one type of animal (this is their main characteristic). It is known that they are excellent for hunting hares, birds, and fur-bearing animals. And sometimes special training is not needed here, because innate instincts are responsible for many things. Watching video materials about hunting with the participation of dogs of this breed is simply breathtaking. In addition to being a skilled hunter, the shorthaired pointer is an excellent athlete. He can swim perfectly, does stand-ups and other gymnastic techniques, runs very fast, jumps far, etc. Reviews from owners about these dogs always contain information about this interesting feature. As for their cost, the price is quite high and can reach 1000 euros.

Characteristics of the shorthaired pointer breed

Hunting dogs of the shorthaired pointer breed are natural hunters. They have good instincts, excellent patience and endurance. Obedience to the owner, precise execution of commands, tracking the scent - all this makes the shorthaired pointer an indispensable assistant on the hunt.

Training a Shorthaired Pointer is not a burdensome task, because he is naturally intelligent and obedient.

The direct purpose of these dogs is to hunt waterfowl. Wool practically does not get wet and dries quickly. Short, strong fingers with membranes between them help them swim well and easily climb even the most swampy and slippery shores.

The shorthaired pointer’s “calling card” when hunting is its stance. A beautiful, powerful dog suddenly stops and freezes. She is able to stand still like this for a long time. And he won’t be distracted by anything. The only thing that will bring the dog out of this wonderful stupor is the voice of the owner.

Character and habits

The shorthaired pointer is a peace-loving dog with a calm character, perfect for keeping in an apartment. She is very good with children, gets along with people, but recognizes only one owner.

Shorthaired Pointers are moderately friendly towards strangers and guests, but this reaction will be entirely dictated by the reaction of the owner.

The German shorthaired pointer is a companion dog. Therefore, she suffers greatly without an owner and it is worth getting her only if it is possible to pay enough attention to her.


Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their characteristic color. The head is usually brown. The body and paws are a camouflage spotted shade.

It is noteworthy that the shorthaired pointer breed is considered exclusively as a hunting breed. No controversy has yet arisen about show and working varieties, unlike other breeds. And this is its main characteristic, which will tell a lot to an understanding person.

Shorthaired pointer hair is short, very coarse, close-lying, and has no undercoat. This is an aristocratic dog with strong bones, a wide chest and muscles “playing” under a shiny skin.

According to the breed standard, the head should be brown, the color should be various shades of brown-coffee color with ash and white splashes.

Advantages and disadvantages

This dog is completely universal. It has long gone beyond its main purpose. Hunting with a shorthaired pointer is equally successful for both birds and animals - both small and large.

It must be taken into account that male dogs tend to dominate, so subordination must be established from a very early age.

The conditional disadvantages include the fact that the German Shorthaired Pointer requires a lot of attention. Training and training dogs of this breed is a long process, and it takes a lot of time to go to the fields and develop the habit of hunting conditions.

How to start training the Shorthaired Pointer correctly

Raising a shorthaired pointer begins with the process of socialization. Once the puppy has moved to a new home, it will take some time for him to get used to his new surroundings.

Before arrival, prepare in advance:

  1. Care items: brush, nail clipper, shampoo, wool treatment product, anthelmintic;
  2. Leash and collar, soft muzzle;
  3. Arrange a place in the house where he will sleep;
  4. Food bowls and feed;
  5. Toys;
  6. Disposable diapers.

During the first few days, the puppy gets used to the new place and explores the house. Establishes contact with a person; the best option would be if you spend several days without interruption, next to him.

  • Set up a place to sleep, place bowls, the diaper should be placed away from the bed and the place where he eats.

Primary socialization of the baby

As soon as he gets used to it, start teaching him new things:

  1. Collar and leash;
  2. Street;
  3. Loud sounds, cars, crowded places;
  4. Other animals and strangers.

Start going outside as often as possible for short periods of time, gradually increasing your stay. Allow him to sniff and explore, do not let him off the leash.

  • The puppy must get used to the outside world, busy streets, cars and passers-by. If he gets scared of something, you should be there to let him know that everything is okay.

At first, you will need to take him outside after each feeding and sleep. Then he will quickly get used to using the toilet outside. If you don’t have time to carry it out, immediately put it in a diaper, and after you’ve done your job, treat it with a treat.

If puddles appear in the wrong places, don’t scold him, he won’t understand what’s going on. If you saw the moment in person, transfer it to the shroud; if a puddle has already formed, you should not scold it.

Recommendations for primary education

  • Buy enough toys, but don't give them all away at once. Let him remain interested; every time after training, take out a new toy.
  • Do not allow him to play with a leash and collar; before going outside, put on your equipment, followed by the command “walk.” The owner is the first to leave the house, and only the dog follows. Returning home follows the same principle: the person enters the house first, followed by the dog. This is necessary so that your pet realizes your primacy.
  • It is highly not recommended to use harsh education. Refrain from shouting, rudeness, and especially physical impact on your pet.
  • On the street, do not allow people to pick up and accept treats from strangers.
  • If he behaves aggressively and does not respond to commands, let him fall to the ground and press him by the withers, not allowing him to get up from the ground. As soon as he stops resisting, let go.


Raising a Shorthaired Pointer should begin from a very early age, especially since they are highly trainable. The puppy must immediately distinguish between what is allowed and what is not allowed and follow basic general commands.

Shorthaired Pointer puppies are very sociable, intelligent and always seek the company of their owner. This is the time to lay the foundation for future relationships and become true friends. And at the same time - to lay down the concepts of subordination and obedience.

While walking, the puppy should not be allowed to be distracted by birds, animals or foreign objects, otherwise later, during the hunt, he will quickly lose concentration and go off in pursuit instead of working patiently.


Dog training begins at approximately 6 months of age, since it is at this age that the hunter instinct awakens. But by the time the puppy begins to develop hunting skills, it must obey its owner unquestioningly.

First, you can start working in an apartment, and when you develop initial skills, move outside. As soon as the puppy begins to unquestioningly follow commands, you can go out into the field.

First, the shorthaired pointer must learn to hunt birds; game will come later. Therefore, the most important task is to teach the dog to do a feather stance. Previously, kurtshaars were allowed to search in “eights”. Now accepted by shuttle. It is believed that in the same time the dog will be able to check a larger area.

It is imperative to ensure that the dog keeps its distance correctly. He must hear the hunter's command at any moment.

Search training

You need to conduct training where there are no birds. You need to throw the carcass so that the dog does not see the moment of the throw, move away to the wind at a right angle and give the command “Look.” When the dog finds the carcass, you need to give the command “Give it” and wait until he fulfills it according to all the rules.

During the first field work, you need to strictly ensure that the dog is not distracted by extraneous stimuli. If a dog does not obey commands and runs away, it is necessary to lie down in the grass so that the dog loses its owner. After some time he will rush to search. The lesson will be learned - next time he will strictly monitor the hunter.

After completing search training, you need to move on to developing bird hunting skills. It is best to start with a wading bird and the best time for this is early spring.

At the same time, you need to accustom the dog to the sounds of gunfire. She should not be afraid of them; on the contrary, it should awaken the excitement of the hunt.

If the shorthaired pointer does not stand up, it needs to be practiced on a long leash. After the dog finds the bird, the leash must be pulled, forcing him to take this position. And hold it like that for a few minutes. Instinct will do its job and after just a couple of training sessions the dog will remember what is required of him. The training of the shorthaired pointer primarily consists of practicing this stance.

Developing additional skills

At the same time, the training and training of the shorthaired pointer is not limited to field trips alone. There are other exercises that will help you get a dog with the desired characteristics, and you can do them from the comfort of your home.

This way you can train the stance, teach the animal to walk on a long leash, and tighten it if necessary. Additionally, you need to develop endurance and the ability to walk for a long time at the right pace. All this can be done on daily walks.

We hope we were able to convince you that training a shorthaired pointer is a very interesting, exciting and exciting process, in which regular training brings no less joy and pleasure to the dog owner than achieving results and a successful hunt in all respects. We wish you good luck in training your beloved dog!


Home training of a shorthaired pointer involves practicing all the skills necessary to take it out into the field to familiarize itself with the immediate object of the hunt. This also includes practicing all the commands for versatile use in the future, as well as the commands that a well-mannered dog will need in everyday life. Very often a number of commands for your shorthaired pointer will be universal.

It is important to understand that the versatile training of a German Shorthaired Pointer begins with home training. The necessary skills need to be laid from the very beginning of raising a puppy. We can talk about the stages of preparation only when applied to training on specific hunting objects. The future owner of the shorthaired pointer must clearly understand that the shorthaired pointer is a precocious breed. In the first year, the dog is able to learn not only the entire course of home training, but also training. Most often, an experienced hunter “makes” a shorthaired pointer for practical use in the first year of his life. You can successfully hunt with a 7-8 month old dog, provided it is properly trained and raised. By the first year of life, all my dogs had already undergone a course of home training and coaching. It culminated in a field diploma. And this is not an exception; rather, we should talk about the commonality of such a phenomenon. For this reason, do not waste time. Work intensively with your Shorthaired Pointer in the first year of his life. It was during this period that he greedily grasped all the “sciences” offered to him. Then comes only the polishing of the acquired skills through hunting experience. The more you delay the initial training of a young dog, the more difficult the training will be. At two years old, the shorthaired pointer is already capable of working as a versatile dog, and by three, subject to practical use in hunting, it becomes an ace who can teach his owner a lot.

What should a shorthaired pointer learn in the process of house training? Before going out for training in the meadows, the dog must execute the following commands at your first order and in any situation: come to your call, know and immediately execute the prohibiting command, remain in place in any situation after your stopping command, walk next to you on a leash and without it. , execute the command “forward”, import feather or fur diarrhea from land and water and even from thickets, on the command “lie down” or “sit” for a long time in the absence of the owner, by a hand gesture go into search and change it, as well as duplicate the execution all commands by whistle and gesture. As you can see, although the number of commands seems significant, the puppy, with systematic training, learns them quite quickly and easily. It is characteristic that noticeable shifts in the assimilation of exercises for practicing commands go, as it were, from quantitative changes to qualitative ones. It would seem that you have already despaired of practicing the same exercise; the puppy does not want to perform it as it should. But suddenly there comes a sharp turning point, and the dog begins to do everything so purely, as if it did not require your patience and effort. This is exactly how your dog grows up, if only you do it. It happens that a puppy just “grabs” everything on the fly. It’s better not to delude yourself here. Without a doubt, methodical and systematic preparation produces more fruitful results. There should be few lessons. Working on commands is especially successful during the game. We worked a certain command once or twice, then we should take a break. We started playing with the puppy again, again practicing a couple of certain commands. Soon you will begin to notice progress in your pet’s learning. You shouldn’t do it in spurts, take long gaps between classes, and then, when the teacher itch hits you, load your dog with tedious activities. Believe me, nothing will come of this. It is not at all good to handle a dog on a whim. Usually, a careless owner remembers the need for training with a dog when it’s time to go out for training. Practice shows that such training leads to very disastrous results, and most importantly, to the inability to fully hunt with an adult dog.

Therefore, my practical advice is to take care of your Shorthaired Pointer from his puppyhood. It is better to do this constantly, but in small portions. Then the dog will look at any exercise, even the most complex, with interest and expect it. It is in such contacts that the hunting inclinations of the dog are awakened, since all exercises are aimed at only one thing - preparing for the hunt.

Well, now let's move on to practicing house training commands with the dog.

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Peculiarities of the kurtshar's field work

Training and raising a dog of this breed for hunting is a long process and requires a lot of training. However, the time, nerves and effort spent are compensated by good work in the field hunting animals and birds. In addition, working in tandem with a shorthaired pointer is a real pleasure. If the training was carried out correctly, and the hunter shoots accurately, then the result of the hunt will always be successful.

The breed was created for hunting. At home, they are phlegmatic, calm, do not play, and do not like to be with children. But such behavior leaves no impression if they saw the owner getting ready to hunt. Calmness immediately changes to genuine interest, enthusiasm and thirst for the prey of the animal. Shorthaired pointers give themselves completely to hunting, concentrating on it. They are not affected by bad weather - wind, snow or rain. They are always ready to go hunting.

Pheasant hunting

This is a rather difficult type of hunting, due to the following reasons:

  1. The pheasant usually lives in hard-to-reach places, tall grass, and thickets.
  2. When sensing danger, pheasants usually run away. When the hunter and the dog are close, he takes off and escapes.

To catch this bird and get the result of the hunt, the best way is to help a dog. Pointing pointers are the most suitable for such hunting. Their body is covered with dense hair, which protects them from thorny plants and reeds.

You can learn the features of hunting pheasant with shorthaired pointer by watching videos. Getting to know this topic does not take much time. The hunting is simple - the dog is released from a leash, where the most pheasants are found. The shorthaired pointer runs and looks for birds, while the hunter stays nearby at this time. Seeing the prey, the dog takes a stance, showing the owner that the bird has been found.

The most trained dogs work more intelligently. They scare the bird and force it to fly towards the hunter. The pheasant takes off and flaps its wings, and the hunter quickly shoots. Males scream during takeoff and make the sound “Ko-gok”. Females fly to a low altitude and cackle quietly. Young birds tolerate the dog's stance better. They take off faster when the dog is chasing. Older pheasants take off late, when the dog is already catching up.

The pursuit of a pheasant by a shorthaired pointer ends with the bird taking off. She quickly gets up and freezes. Then it flies in the right direction. You need to shoot while the bird is freezing, as it is easier to hit. Hunters cannot always catch this moment to shoot. Therefore, you have to shoot when the pheasant flies away. As a result, the shot only wounds the bird, which becomes a wounded animal. After this, the dog must catch up with her.

This is a rather difficult task - catching a wounded bird is only possible for well-trained dogs. Often old, wounded pheasants act differently - they do not run away from the dog, but hide in the grass or bushes, hoping that the dog will not see them there. This is another feature that makes handling a wounded pheasant more difficult.

How to teach shorthaired pointer commands

Raising a shorthaired pointer is an interesting process on both sides. The dog is interested and accepts new things well. At the age of 2.5 - 3 months, along with primary socialization, the learning process begins. Commands are studied according to the principle: from the simplest to the most complex.

Raising a shorthaired pointer puppy should take place after a walk; the dog should be calm and not be distracted by irritants. Start with 30 - 40 minutes for each session, gradually increasing the time. After each performance, treat him with a treat and praise him with a kind word. The puppy will wait for your approval.

Children often take their owner's dissatisfaction seriously and acutely feel a change in mood or a change in facial expressions. The owner must ask for patience and persistence. When training, it is prohibited to punish or shout at the animal.

To study, take the simplest commands that you will need in the near future:

  1. To me;
  2. It is forbidden;
  3. Sit;
  4. Lie;
  5. Place;
  6. Near.

After each command, show that you are happy - by treating him with a treat and praising him with your voice. During the initial study, show with your hands what to do. For example, the command “Sit” - give the command, press a little on the sacrum and sit the puppy down, give a treat. Repeat several times.

From 3 to 4 months you can start training with an instructor; OKD (general training course) is suitable for the basics. Once the basic commands have been learned, begin training your dog to hunt.

Ways to hunt a hare

Hare hunting with a hound

Hunting for a hare with a hound can be carried out either along a black or white trail. When hunting a hare along a black trail, the hunt is carried out when the trees in the forest have already shed their leaves, it becomes lighter in the forest and the voices of hounds in the forest are heard from a greater distance, it is easier for the hunter to expose himself to the rutting hare. When hunting along a white trail, the hunter can figure out the tracks of the hare and help the dog find it. In a snowy forest, audibility is worse, it is harder to move, and the creaking of snow in frosty weather can scare away a hare.

The best weather for hare hunting with a hound is a warm, slightly humid autumn day. In such weather, the hare lies down sensitively, gets up quickly, the smell of the hare's footprint lingers for a long time on the damp soil, so it is much easier for the dog to work.

In dry weather, a dry leaf with remnants of the hare's smell is scattered, the smell of the trail is weak and disappears faster, it is much more difficult for a hound to work in such conditions, it often breaks off.

Even with light rain, the hare's track is quickly washed away; the hound often loses the trail. The smell does not persist well in deep and loose fresh snow, when the trail is immediately powdered. It is bad to hunt in a strong wind; at this time there is a lot of noise in the forest, the voice of the hound is barely audible and the trail quickly disappears. You should not hunt with a hound when severe frost binds the damp ground, the dog knocks its paws on sharp frozen clods of earth and is out of action for a long time.

During leaf fall, you should not look for a hare in a deciduous forest; the hare is afraid of the noise of falling leaves and leaves such places. During leaf fall, you should look for white hare in dry forest swamps, densely overgrown with sedge, in coniferous forests with dense spruce undergrowth, in forest clearings overgrown with coniferous juveniles. During leaf fall, the hare most often lies down somewhere in the boundary, near a bush of dried grass or simply in a furrow in arable land near winter crops. With the end of leaf fall, the hare stays in the leafy little things and lies down under a pile of brushwood or the spreading paws of a young Christmas tree. With the end of leaf fall, the hare moves to forest edges and overgrown ravines.

On the first night after snow falls, the hare usually does not go out to feed. The hare gets up from lying down, wanders around a bit and lies down again. The range of his walk does not exceed 150-200 meters. The hare lies tightly, it is difficult for the hound to find him. According to the first powder, any trace is fresh; having found a trace, the hunter quickly finds its hiding place.

It is best to go hare hunting with a hound early in the morning. In the early morning, it is easier for dogs to find a fresh trail that has not yet cooled down.

The hunter, having arrived at the hunting grounds, lets the dog search. You should move slowly, giving the dog the opportunity to search the area. In difficult to find places, the hunter must help the dog lift the hare from the thickets, where it is difficult for the dog to reach. By calling, that is, encouraging the dog with his voice to search for the animal, the hunter helps the hound raise the hare. Having found the trail, the hunter points the dog to it with his hand and encourages the dog with words to chase the hare.

Often the hunter deliberately does not shoot a hare raised from under himself in order to allow the hound to chase it with a voice.

Having lifted the hare from its bed and stood on a fresh trail, the hound gives a voice. The hunter must be able to determine by the dog’s voice whether the dog is following the trail of an already raised hare or is picking up, that is, understanding its fat deposits. Having too much voice is considered a vice for a hound. When picking up, the hound circles around in a small area and does not often give voice. Having stood on the fresh trail of a stricken hare, especially when the hound sees it, it excitedly gives its voice.

The hare and the hare behave differently under a dog. The white hare, raised from the bed, first walks under the dog in small circles, running next to the bed, which the hunter should take advantage of. An untaken or wounded hare lays a wider circle and can go to another forest area and try to confuse the trail there in small circles. Having gotten tired, he begins to cheat, after the first two, he begins to walk in circles and sinks, which can lead to a chip. An experienced hound quickly corrects the chip, gets closer and closer to the hare, causing it to constantly sink. The hunter must deftly adapt to the drive to capture the hare.

The hare behaves more simply under a hound: raised from his prone position, relying on his legs, he immediately strives to go into the fields or jump out onto the road and break away from the chase. Having made a circle of 3-4 kilometers, he will definitely return to his bed, where the hunter must catch him. If the hare is not caught, it will tangle its tracks and get stuck, and when picked up by the dog it will go into a circle smaller than the first, and after the third it will begin to get confused and will definitely get shot.

Hearing the dog's voice, the hunter must stop, listen, determine the direction of the rut and then choose a place to wait for the hare.

The rutting hare most often walks along the edge of lowlands overgrown with small, dense bushes. When rutting in a large forest, the hare walks through a place overgrown with dense undergrowth, especially with a small spruce forest. The hunter should stand on the bridges of such lowlands and islands of undergrowth.

You should not stand in clearings with a good view; the hare avoids going out into open places. A hare will only jump out into an open clearing if the dog is very close to it; it is very difficult to shoot such a hare.

While standing waiting for the hare, you need to carefully monitor the rut, trying to determine where the hare is coming from. You should not change the place unless absolutely necessary; it often happens that the hare passes through exactly the place that the hunter has just left.

The hunter should not walk or run towards the dog's voice. The hare may be close, but the dog may be far away. The hunter will make noise to the hare, he will go far and will be much more careful. The hunter can try to move during the rut, but he must move very carefully and freeze at the first sign of the approach of a hare being chased by a dog.

If the dog is walking a few steps away from the hare, you should not shoot, so as not to injure the dog. A wounded dog most often stops working completely.

When hunting with a hound, you should not shoot accidentally picked up passing game; the dog will hear the shot, give up the rut and come to the shot. After such an incident, the dog will be spoiled; it will chase black grouse and hazel grouse, calling on them.

When you notice a racing hare, do not move, do not make sudden movements, and do not raise your gun in a hurry. Wait until the hare comes as close as possible and only then raise the gun and fire a shot.

Basic rules of education

  1. Teaching commands should take place in a calm environment, without external stimuli.
  2. It is forbidden to punish the dog.
  3. As a reward: cheese, food pellets, boiled chopped chicken breast;
  4. Be sure to praise not only with a treat, but also with a kind word, making it clear that you are satisfied.
  5. Do not hit, do not shout or be rude;
  6. Be persistent, patient;
  7. Training should be regular;
  8. Don't start learning with complex commands;
  9. The learning time increases gradually, as does the complexity of the commands.
  10. It is the owner's responsibility to raise a pet; one must not stop training if the result is not fixed.

The shorthaired pointer is a smart dog that is easy to train. If you feel like you can’t cope or are not happy with the result, most likely the problem is you. In such cases, immediately contact a specialist, where you can learn the basics and how to properly build a relationship with your animal.


The success of autumn hunting for brown hare along the black trail largely depends on the correct choice of places for hunting. Let's take a closer look at their habitats.

Uncultivated land

It is worth noting right away that hunting along the black trail on uncultivated lands is the most difficult, since the hare has significantly more places to lie down, and your visibility, in turn, is significantly reduced.

Therefore, be prepared for a long walk. It is worth noting that in such places the animal is in most cases not frightened, and if you walk a few meters from the hare, you may simply not notice it. Shuttle walking is most effective in such places.

Before you start searching for the location of the “slanting” shaft, it is recommended to identify possible places where it can be found. To do this, we mark such areas on the map and try to approach them from the windy side. When walking every 40-50 meters, stop and take a few loud steps. If the hare is nearby and you take him by surprise, he will definitely get up.


In farmland, hare beds can be found in the most unexpected places, so when hunting from the approach you should always be extremely careful. Beds are most commonly found in overgrown field margins, planting edges, and corn and alfalfa fields. Sometimes the “slanting” one can even be found in a plowed field not far from the remains of winter crops or grass. Unlike hunting in uncultivated areas, here it is better to track the hare with a team of several people.

Outskirts of villages and other agricultural buildings

The outskirts of villages and garden plots are difficult places for hunting along the black trail. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, the animal here is not frightened, and it is more difficult to raise it, and secondly, in such an area there are often a lot of thickets, bushes and various buildings, which complicate the hunter’s view and help the hare hide.

Before starting a night out, you should carefully examine the feeding area for traces of the animal. This can be either excrement or slightly noticeable traces

Among other things, it is important to know that in places with an abundance of food, some individuals may stay for a day

How to train a shorthaired pointer to hunt game

It is necessary to train an animal only after the basic principles of education. The training starts in the morning. By nature, he has a very developed hunter's instinct; when he hears or feels game, the dog itself takes a stance.

  • Every time he stands up, he needs to be praised. Kurzhaar freezes, stretches out like a string, his head stands straight, he is tense, the host is raised, looks intently without looking away.

Training begins with learning the correct movement. The person begins to walk quickly through an open space (clearing, field), the dog follows him, at the moment when you are equal, sharply change direction and go the other way. Once he masters this movement, you can move on to further steps.

If he gets carried away and loses sight of you, hide, sit on your knees in the grass and wait until the dog finds you.

In order to teach how to pick up a scent and bring game correctly, you will need to prepare the carcass and feathers in advance. Let him smell the feathers and command “search.”

  • The carcass must be hidden in advance in a place where it is not visible, go a few meters to it and command “search”, as soon as he smells the trail and finds the workpiece, give the command “bring”, after completing it - praise.

The first hunt should occur at the age of 8 - 10 months, only after full training. Shorthaired Pointers are very gambling by nature and can be impatient, be too noisy and sometimes aggressive. Before the first hunt, you must be 100% confident in the dog.

  • It is better to go out in the spring, closer to summer. If you are not sure, hunting with control is suitable for the first time, don’t let go of the leash and just hone your established skills.

Hunting for wild boar with a German pointer shorthaired pointer

Oddly enough, only a few hunters trust the German pointer to catch a wild boar, not rightly believing that representatives of this breed are intended only for catching small animals and birds. Unfortunately, not all owners of this dog know that the breed was originally bred to work on ungulates. Meanwhile, the cop is able to track and find a wild boar. With the help of a calm bark, she lets the hunter know in which direction the wild animal is moving. Due to the fact that the dog does not create panic and does not bark loudly, the boar does not feel danger and moves at its normal speed. Also, with the help of barking, the shorthaired pointer sets the direction of the animal, trying to bring it to the shooting line. Thanks to the calm manner of barking, hunting wild boar with a shorthaired pointer is successful. Persistently, but calmly, the pointer brings the animal to the shooting line and does not allow it to deviate from it. It is noteworthy that the boar, seeing her, is in no hurry to leave, since the dog does not attack, but tries to drive her away, or does not take any action, remaining in the same place. When the cop feels that the boar has approached the desired point, it begins to be active until it senses the presence of a hunter nearby, after which it waits for his action (shot). Having wounded the animal, the hunter can wait for a while and then follow his trail with the dog. It is better to keep her on a leash so that she does not frighten the animal and force it to move further, deeper into the forest. Having discovered the shelter of a wounded animal, you can release the dog. If the animal is still alive, the shorthaired pointer will begin to bark furiously at the boar, and it, in turn, will try to get up and run away. But it may also be that the animal is already dead, then the dog will behave more calmly, without showing much aggression.

The following video will tell you how to hunt a wild boar with a shorthaired pointer:

General characteristics

Today, the shorthaired pointer is considered not only a hunting dog, but also a working dog. He is a good watchman, although not a biter. But he will definitely bark if he senses something wrong. In addition, he can remove any floating object from the water. By the way, nature made sure that its fur in the water turns into a waterproof suit. After all, its structure resembles duck feathers. A video of a German Pointer rescuing a little boy from the water has gone viral all over the internet, showing just how smart and disciplined these dogs are. Shorthaired pointers are very hardy and strong. They can easily be harnessed to a sleigh, and they will patiently carry their load.

As for hunting qualities, the ability for an ideal stance is inherent in them by nature, and there is practically no need for training. Even a small puppy, having found a feather, will begin to instinctively follow the bird's trail. And an adult dog, standing up and lowering its head, does not move at all and seems to freeze. Of course, training hones these abilities. Surely, you have seen many photos where the German Pointer is in this famous stance, which makes it look like an arrow. But the video materials also show how long he can stay in this position. In addition, the pointer has an excellent sense of smell and should be sent on the scent. In a word, the Shorthaired Pointer can be safely called a universal dog. Because of this, these dogs have a fairly high price. Puppies tend to cost more than adult dogs.


  1. Nikalai 11/18/2015 at 00:27 Nice dog, courser. I’m getting myself a puppy. I have a husky, but Ana grew up in the city and really wants flattery from Pabalot.
  2. Yurbalay 02/03/2016 at 06:56
    Buy Dahl's dictionary. That's why you don't understand dogs, brother.


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Correct behavior on the hunt and at home

It is necessary to raise an animal correctly from childhood. So, there are several rules that a person must adhere to:

  1. Attempts at aggressive behavior and manifestation of hunting instincts at home or on the street while walking are not acceptable. Make sure that in everyday life he does not hunt cats, pigeons and small animals.
  2. During training and hunting, strictly control behavior, prohibit catching beetles and other insects, and digging holes of small rodents.
  3. Stop any desire to tear apart the game. It is not recommended to let him play with rag toys that resemble the plumage of a bird.
  4. The dog must learn to approach only its owner when hunting. Contact with other hunters is prohibited; it is extremely important to teach him to be restrained when communicating with strangers.

Important. Hunting for the shorthaired pointer is the main thing in life, just like its owner. Having sensed prey, he will stop at nothing, he will pursue and climb into the most dangerous and difficult places, remember this.

It is better to control him in advance, not allowing him any liberties, otherwise he will certainly get into trouble. This breed is more result-oriented than anyone else.

Real hunting with shorthaired pointer after training

Many online videos for hunters offer videos of how the Shorthaired Pointer behaves during a hunt. Working in conjunction with him while hunting game is a true pleasure for the hunter and a reward for his efforts. The pointer is very adventurous, she easily searches for a scent and quickly brings game. The effort put into training your dog will give you the opportunity to see your dog completely dedicated to the hunt. In everyday life, the shorthaired pointer is a fairly calm dog, but hunting with a shorthaired pointer shows that it is quite playful. Even in bad weather, he rushes after game with zeal. With this breed of dog it is easy to hunt wading birds, in particular woodcocks, corncrakes, snipes, etc. The “swamp king” is considered to be the great snipe, which is capable of holding the dog’s stance for a long time. When this bird is lifted on its wing, it does not move over a long distance, so if it misses, you need to point the dog at the snipe. When hunting a great snipe, the shorthaired pointer looks for places where prey accumulates, then noticeably reduces its speed and switches to a slow gait. The dog collects carcasses one after another under hunting shots. It should be emphasized that an experienced shorthaired pointer can hunt not only birds, but also fur-bearing animals, in particular a hare, as well as a deer. In addition, such a dog feels comfortable in any climate. Video of a shorthaired pointer hunting. Successful hunting with shorthaired pointer is the result of continuous training. This pet quickly becomes attached to a person, and if the owner devotes a lot of time to him, the dog tries in every possible way to please him. A dog of this breed, with a properly built relationship, turns into a reliable friend and becomes the owner’s best companion during the hunt.

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History of the breed

The Shorthaired Pointer (German Shorthaired Pointer) dog breed was developed in Germany from the bloodlines of older German Shorthaired Pointers that were bred from Spanish Pointing Dogs and dogs of local German origin.

Pointing dogs are dogs that have an innate tendency to stand up to game. The very first pointing dogs appeared in the Mediterranean countries several hundred years ago. In those old days, pointing dogs were used to hunt birds using nets and fowls. The heyday of pointing breeds occurred after the advent of firearms and the beginning of their use in hunting game birds.

From Spain, Italy and France, the first pointing dogs gradually spread throughout Europe. Some of these dogs came to Great Britain and became the ancestors of the island pointing breeds (pointers and setters), the other part came to Flanders and other European countries and became the ancestors of continental pointing dogs.

From Flanders, the ancestors of German pointing dogs came to German estates, where the Württemberg pointer appeared from crossing with local Hanoverian hounds, and later with the Spanish Burgos Perdigeros. From which, after its ennoblement with the blood of a pointer, the shorthaired pointer appeared.

The Germans, with their usual thoroughness, began breeding work with German shorthaired pointers, which was aimed at breeding dogs of a lighter type, accelerating their speed and increasing their sense of smell.

A serious basis for the development of the shorthaired pointer breed was the creation in 1897 of the “Studbook of the German Shorthaired Pointer”, in which Prince Albert Solms-Braunfels collected the characteristics of the breed, rules for evaluation and field testing of dogs of the shorthaired pointer breed.

Today, the German Shorthaired Pointer is still being worked on to breed, improve the breed and test this wonderful breed of dog. The shorthaired pointer has become one of the most common breeds of pointing dogs in the world. The popularity of shorthaired pointers in our country is growing every year.

Hunting with a shorthaired pointer for woodcock in autumn and spring

Woodcock is another tempting catch for hunters. This bird mainly lives in forest thickets, hiding in remote places, tall thickets of grass, in alder, raspberry, and young birch bushes, near streams and rivers. This is also where woodcocks hide their brood. It is in such places that you should look for the bird.

Hunting for woodcock with shorthaired pointer in the fall is somewhat different from the spring season, since with the onset of the first cold weather the bird can increasingly be found on forest edges. On rainy days, woodcocks may move out into the open. Rain makes them anxious and forces them to move to calmer areas. Hunting with a German pointer in the fall in most cases becomes very successful. What techniques should be used when catching a bird desired by hunters, we suggest watching the video “hunting woodcock with a shorthaired pointer.”

Maintenance and care

Regular care and maintaining sufficient physical activity will allow the dog to live a long life. Care should be regular, long-term walking, and properly balanced nutrition.

  • Wool: treatment for parasites, especially during the hunting season. They often bring ticks from the forest; treat the animal before going, and then examine its fur and skin yourself. The dog is smooth-haired, but it is still necessary to brush it; this is done with a special soft brush with short teeth. During the shedding period, scratch every day.
  • Bathing: mandatory only with special dog shampoo, when dirty and after hunting. For everyday care - washing paws and drying with a damp cloth after walks.
  • Eyes and ears: regular treatment, once a week, using a special lotion for animal care.
  • Claws: if you have not installed them yourself, trim them with a nail clipper; accustom them to the procedure from puppyhood.
  • Teeth: brush or regularly give “cleaning bones”, they are sold in veterinary stores.
  • Vaccinations: according to the schedule according to age, visit to the veterinarian for prof. inspections. Regular anthelmintic.
  • Physical activity: constant, classes at specialized sites. You can take him for runs, regularly let him run without a leash, allowing him to play freely.


You can keep it anywhere, even in a city apartment. To do this, it is enough to arrange a separate corner for the dog, where his bedding and all his toys will lie. The shorthaired pointer dog is unpretentious in maintenance, and its innate nobility will never allow it to demand more than its owners give.

You need to walk your dog three times a day. You can’t keep him on a leash all the time, you need to let him run freely. A long walk is necessary - at least half an hour at a time, otherwise the dog may become too active in the apartment and even aggressive.

Physical activity is the key to health. For city dwellers, it is ideal to take the dog out into nature at least once every two months, into its natural hunting environment.

The dog is fed twice a day; the food should not be fatty. If you use dry food, just follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging. It is important for a dog of this breed to maintain an optimal weight. This is easy to determine - with a good weight, the last three ribs are visible.

Physical activity and hunting have a positive effect on the health of the animal and prolong its life.

The shorthaired pointer breed is purely a hunting breed. Therefore, exclusive housing will affect the dog in the most negative way.


The breed standard establishes the breed characteristics that the Shorthaired Pointer must meet:

  • The shorthaired pointer is a strongly built dog, dry, proportionally built, the bones are strong, but not rough. The shorthaired pointer has well-developed muscles and free, easy movements.
  • The shorthaired pointer is a large breed of dog, the height of a male at the withers is 62-66 cm, females are 58-63 cm.
  • The shorthaired pointer should not be too thin like a greyhound, but it should not be too heavy either. A male should weigh 25-32 kg, a female 20-27 kg.
  • The bones and muscles should be well developed, the shorthaired pointer's skin should be quite thick, dense, without folds.
  • The shorthaired pointer's chest is developed, deep, reaching to the elbows, and moderately wide. The ribs are arched. The false ribs are quite well developed and form a smooth transition from the chest to the abdomen.
  • The back is straight, strong, wide, muscular, the spinous processes of the vertebrae are hidden by muscles. The withers are well defined. The topline is straight, slightly sloping. The croup is wide, long, slightly sloping. The loin is short, wide, and muscular. The belly is moderately tucked, but not to the wasp waist.
  • The shorthaired pointer's head is dry, neither heavy nor light, proportional to the body and gender of the dog. The occipital protuberance is not very pronounced, the brow ridges are distinct, but not too pronounced. Smooth transition from forehead to muzzle.
  • The muzzle is long, not too wide, not too narrow, slightly tapering towards the nose, but not too sharp. The muzzle has a hump, which is more pronounced in males. The lips are not heavy, the upper lip slightly covers the lower.
  • The nose is wide and matches the base color. The nostrils are mobile and well developed.
  • The teeth are white, healthy, and have a regular scissor bite. 42 strong teeth.
  • The Shorthaired Pointer's eyes are medium-sized, slanted, not protruding and not deep-set. The eye color should be brown or light brown.
  • The ears are hanging, of medium length, set high and wide. The length should reach the corner of the lips. They fit tightly to the head, the ends of the ears are blunt-rounded.
  • The neck is of medium length, in harmony with the general appearance of the dog, muscular, set at an angle of 40 degrees to the body. The neck expands from the dog's head to the shoulders, is slightly arched in the upper part, oval in cross section. The scruff is slightly convex.
  • The front legs of the shorthaired pointer are straight when viewed from the front; when viewed from the side, they are well located under the body of the dog, dry, bony, and muscular. Long shoulder blades covered with strong muscles. Elbows point straight back.
  • The hind legs, when viewed from behind, are straight, parallel to each other. Long, wide and muscular thighs, with a well-defined hip angle. Strong knee joints. The lower legs are long, muscular, with clearly defined tendons.
  • The front and hind feet are round to oval, arched, with close-fitting toes. The paw pads are strong and rough. The claws are strong.
  • The shorthaired pointer's tail is set high, thicker at the base, and most often docked. When the dog is excited, it holds its tail in a horizontal position or slightly above the line of the back. In some countries, tail docking is illegal.
  • The shorthaired pointer's coat is straight, short, shiny, hard to the touch and dense. The coat fits tightly to the dog's body. The length of the hair on the body is 1.5-2 cm, on the ears and head the hair is shorter (up to 1 cm) and much softer. The hair on the legs is shorter and coarser than on the dog's body.
  • The color of the shorthaired pointer can vary greatly, the main types of coloring are: coffee piebald, coffee speckled, coffee gray, solid coffee. German hunters prefer dogs with darker shades of coffee, often even solid coffee. It is believed that more contrasting colors are more noticeable in the autumn forest or swamp, especially at twilight. The color of the shorthaired pointer may contain spots, and their location can be very different. Large spots may be located on the dog's back. Smaller spots may be scattered throughout the dog's body.

Breed Features

The characteristic features of a purebred German pointer are a muscular and lean body, tall and strong limbs, a narrow muzzle and drooping ears. The standard for this breed was adopted back in 1879, it states that the presence of black and beige spots on the coat is characteristic. The dimensions of the chickens are average, because:

  • body weight is 25-32 kilos;
  • height at the withers – 66 centimeters.

Before you train a shorthaired pointer for hunting, you need to understand its character traits. The dogs are obedient, friendly, and suitable for families with children and the elderly. Shorthaired Pointers are able to easily get along with other pets and do not require special maintenance or care. This is a strong and hardy pet that loves to hunt.

The German Pointer is ideal for hunting because its coat dries instantly after getting wet. The animal is capable of bringing wounded birds and dead birds from bodies of water, even getting them from swamps. Kurtz is distinguished by his flexible character, stable psyche, and endurance. The dog is able to freeze in a stance for a long time, and does not react to external stimuli. The pointer feels great in the water thanks to its short fingers - they do not slip and allow you to pass through dangerous areas.

The dogs' unpretentiousness allows them to be kept in the city or outside it; they feel comfortable in an apartment or country house with a plot. German Shorthaired Pointers are smooth-haired animals, so they cannot live in an enclosure or be on a chain. To keep your dog in good shape, you will need to provide him with sufficient physical activity in the form of:

  • walks twice a day;
  • free jogging;
  • active games.

Only specialized food is suitable; it is strictly forbidden to pour regular food into the bowl. You need to buy food designed for purebred hunters; with a natural diet, the menu should include low-fat products, including lean meat.

Nutrition feature

Your pet needs a properly selected diet. These can be balanced feeds or natural products.

Meat should not be fatty; the diet should include vegetables/fruits/herbs/offal/dairy products.

Food is selected specially “for hunting breeds” or dogs with high activity. You can read more about nutrition in the article feeding the shorthaired pointer.

Hare hunting equipment

When hunting a hare, the hunter has to walk a lot, so clothes for hunting a hare should be light, warm, wick moisture well, and not restrict movement.

In autumn, it is best to use camouflage in a color that matches the surrounding area, and in winter, white camouflage. When hunting in the first snow, when the snow does not yet completely cover the ground, it is recommended to use white camouflage with dark spots; closer to the middle of winter, when the snow completely covers everything around, you can use completely white camouflage or camouflage.

Clothes and equipment for hare hunting should not rustle, creak or ring. Clothes for hunting should be clean and should not have a strong odor.

Shoes for hare hunting should not creak in the snow, they should be light and comfortable. Many hunters go hare hunting in felt boots or high boots.

When hunting a hare in deep snow, a hunter cannot do without skis. Skis must be wide hunting skis, the length of the skis must correspond to the height and weight of the hunter. Skis should not rustle when moving, and ski bindings should not creak.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing a shorthaired pointer puppy is not easy, relying only on appearance. If an animal is taken for hunting, first of all you need to understand its parents.

The price will depend on how harmoniously built they are and how well they have served their official purpose, whether they have titles and diplomas, appropriate character and behavior.

The price of a puppy is collected from several indicators:

  • Individual characteristics of the puppy;
  • His future prospects;
  • Health and character of parents;
  • Working diplomas and exhibition titles;

Before choosing, find out about the health of the mother and father, look at all the babies. Pay attention to behavior, appearance, how you behave with people. Be sure to ask about past litters.

  • The cost of a puppy: from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. It is highly not recommended to take an animal from your hands and without documents.

Hare hunting times

The timing of hare hunting varies in different regions of the country. A hunter can find out or clarify the timing of hunting from the hunting regulating authority in his region. In many regions, hare hunting opens on September 15 and lasts until February 28. In other regions, hunting may open in October or even November. The best time for hare hunting is late autumn and early winter. Hares are not hunted in spring and summer; female hares give birth at this time and hunting at this time would cause great damage to the hare population.

When to get vaccinated?

Like all dog breeds, shorthaired pointers do not need vaccinations until they are 2 months old. During this time, they retain maternal immunity. The first vaccination is given at 2.5 months. Injections for hepatitis, enteritis and plague. 2 weeks before taking the puppy to the veterinary clinic, it is necessary to carry out deworming. In the future, it should be repeated every 3 months.

One vaccination is not enough to develop lasting immunity to dangerous diseases. Therefore, a whole range of measures is required, usually spread out over a year. To avoid complications, it is better to refuse vaccination during the period of teeth change. Usually it occurs within 4-5 months.

Brief description of the breed

The breed standard was adopted at the end of the nineteenth century, in 1879. A slender muscular body, strong high legs, a smooth and shiny short-haired coat of spotted color from black to light beige are the characteristic features of a thoroughbred pointing pointer. Height at the withers is up to 66 cm in males and up to 63 cm in females. The dog is beautiful, smart, hardy. Very active, holds an excellent stance, which is why it has gained its popularity among hunters.

A beast that is tough to wound

It is imperative to talk about the behavior of the hare after the shot. Even if you are sure that you missed, be sure to follow its trail for at least 200-300 m. A wounded hare may not immediately bleed

Pay attention to how he runs after the shot, whether there is any fluff left in the place of the arrow. If there is even the slightest sign of injury, use every opportunity to get the hare

From many years of experience, I can say that out of every ten hares taken, at least three were captured or found far from the arrow site. Hunting together, we picked up the hare and shot at him. There was no blood on the trail, only a few fluffs of hare fluff remained. The hare himself, without showing any signs of injury, ran across an open field for at least half a kilometer and disappeared into a field overgrown with thick grass and weeds. There was practically no chance of getting there along the black path. But we were in no hurry to leave. The fact is that several crows were circling over this field. Here one croaked and dived down. There are three more behind him. It was they who noticed the wounded hare. Watching all this through binoculars, we saw that the crows first chased the hare away a little, then began to circle and even sit down in one place. Quietly walking around this place on both sides, we were able to get the hare. He could barely move anymore and would probably have been wasted

This episode also clearly demonstrates how multifaceted and exciting hare hunting is and how important it is to be observant.

Deadlines and a couple of thoughts from myself

They begin hunting hares around mid-autumn and continue until the end of winter. Many regions of the Russian Federation allow you to start fishing long before snow falls. Of course, tracking is carried out with hounds, because without these four-legged helpers it will not be easy to achieve results. But unfortunately, not every hunter has dogs, but he still wants to get a trophy. This article will allow you to learn some of the intricacies of the process without a four-legged friend.

Tips for suitable conditions

Most often they hunt along the black trail with an approach, since this method is very effective. Start before the snow falls

To maximize success, it is important to remember the following factors:

Habits of the animal Diaries of the long-eared It is important that there are a sufficient number of hares in the hunting grounds It is necessary that the hunter can walk up to 30 kilometers at a time

As soon as the hare is about to go for the day, the animal chooses conditions where it can remain invisible to the eyes of a hunter or various predators. That is why you need to look for it near small bushes, in a field, near thickets of grass, as well as all kinds of piles of brushwood. Do not think that in each of these places an animal will be waiting for you

It is important to know where the future trophy rests during the day, because the success of the event depends on it

It is best to choose calm days, because this is the time that is most effective. In such weather, hares are more willing to “get up” and move around the area. Another important point: it has long been noted that fishing in the rain is often productive. The animal does not like it when drops fall on it, so it tries to avoid thickets and goes for a walk in the open during the day.

Habitats of hares

Uncultivated land (fields) is an excellent area to search for animals. The difficulty is that the hunter does not have the most complete overview, but the hare has many chances to hide and go unnoticed

Since the fields in Russia are large, it is important to have an idea of ​​how best to walk through it, so as not to leave unexplored territory; we recommend walking by “shuttle”. The edges of fields are favorite places where hares usually lie

After all, you can easily hide in the forest in case of danger. Less often, but you can also meet a “slanting” one in an already plowed field, lying on the ground.

Outskirts of villages and agricultural buildings

In the autumn, you can start your search from the outskirts of populated areas or villages. There are many abandoned or rarely used buildings there. These conditions are quiet and calm, allowing the animal to often visit them without being noticed, despite the fact that there is always something to eat there.

The main reasons for its attractiveness:

  1. The animal is not afraid, it is difficult to rise
  2. There are a lot of thickets, buildings and various bushes. This complicates the view and helps the animal

If the hunt will be carried out in an area unknown to you, then use our advice. But if possible, try to study it before the hunt begins, preferably several days in advance, this way the expected routes of the hare will be created. If you know the area well enough, then you have a rough idea of ​​the number of animals nearby, because this can easily be determined using tracks. Knowing the area is 80% of success.

For example, if you decide to hunt near a pasture, then a lot of food usually accumulates there, which means rodents will come there to feed, including our desired fur-bearing animal. With this type of mining, the first thing you need to do is analyze the surrounding area.

Your task is to find possible places of presence that are able to hide the cautious hare and provide him with food

Successful hunting in snowfall in 15 minutes

The hunter decided to go out to hunt a hare, but chose not the best January day. A strong wind is blowing outside and snow is falling all around. The morning tracks are almost all covered with snow.

The hero is going to walk through the places where he previously raised the Russians. He loads the gun with cartridges containing shot No. 1 and goes in search of his trophy.

He walks into the thick grass and, to his great surprise, finds traces of the morning bunny, although the spruce is noticeable. Filming himself on camera, he does not notice how a hare, who was lying only 10 meters from him, jumps out from behind.

Following the path of a runaway hare, he suddenly jumps out of his bed with another scythe. The hunter raises his gun and, with two shots from a distance of about 30 meters, takes down the fleeing hare. All this took no more than 15 minutes. And this is how hunting happens.

How to hunt a hare in a brigade

How to go in a brigade? Fast or slow, straight or zigzag? It turns out that performance largely depends on this. Immediately after the Great Patriotic War, there were so many hares that special teams killed 50-100 of them per week. A year later, the number of animals had noticeably decreased, but still I had to shoot at least a dozen hare a day. However, there were “unlucky” people who, even with such an abundance of game, shot one or two birds with one stone per day.

I began to take a closer look at the gallant reserve captain Ivan Zadorozhny and soon became friends with him, despite the large age difference. He was distinguished by his sharp mind, observation, military bearing, walked honestly in the brigade, dressed in a military jacket or padded jacket and always put on an officer’s cap. And he was an excellent shooter. When others had one or three birds with one stone, up to a dozen were dangling on him and, despite the burden, he was straight, as if he had swallowed a yard, and remained extremely attentive.

He walked in a zigzag, with variable speed and short stops, after which he began to move with a slight whine. Most often, the hare jumped up after this. The captain's head was constantly spinning like a locator; the Russians rarely went unnoticed.

The loser usually trudged along in the chain with a sour look, staring at his feet and, quite naturally, the hares let him through and jumped out in front of the lucky ones walking behind.

Is the hare strong against a wound?

Based on observations, we can say affirmatively - yes! Therefore, if it seemed that the animal was missed, then you still need to watch it, preferably with binoculars, until it disappears from view. I had many cases when a hare, after running up to a kilometer, fell dead, and there were many annoying episodes when others picked up my prey without shooting, and I returned empty.

On the first hunts in the steppes, I had to kill a hare, but he, without slowing down, rushed out of the cauldron. My neighbor on the flank shouted: “Go get the hare!”, which I took as a mockery. Then the neighbor shouted again: “Look, look!” I turned around and saw that the huge Russian, having run about 150 meters, jumped up and froze on the ground. At a rest stop, I asked my neighbor how he knew that I was caught. He replied that after the first shot, fountains of dust rose up around the beast, and at the same time he shivered and moved his ears. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that this hare’s heart had been pierced right through by three No. 1 pellets, not counting several hits to the sternum.

There was such a thing. In a small swamp near the village of Klimshchina, in the Smolensk region, I noticed footprints, and then a double. The hare walked tolerably well in this weather. It was necessary to shoot it with a particularly accurate cartridge (No. 0) for a clean shot. From multiple hits, the animal literally exploded into a mass of fluff, but still tried to crawl forward. “I broke it badly,” I decided. I put the semi-automatic safety on and hung it on my shoulder, and the hare crawled faster and faster... I, as luck would have it, got stuck in the chubby snow of the swamp, and by that time the hare had already reached the crust and hobbled away, leaving only drops of blood on it; soon they too disappeared. I took up the gun, but it was too late... With great difficulty, only the next day, with the help of dogs, I managed to find and capture the wounded animal. There were at least 40 pellets in it, the ears were a sieve, the right buttock was a mess, and the bone was intact, and if I hadn’t taken it, apparently this hare would have survived; At night he fed in an overgrown stream, and the next day he ran briskly! From the above it follows that you must approach a beaten hare quickly and be ready all the time.

Closing the season with three birds with one stone

Three hunters decided to close the 2022 hare season together. Having arrived at the site and loaded their guns, they and their dogs went in search of the hare.

Soon after the exit, the first hare was picked up, but it ran out very far, so none of those present managed to shoot.

Then, walking through the forest belt, the heroes came out onto a field to a thicket of reeds, near which a second hare jumped out. The shot and the trophy are in their backpack.

The following events are already unfolding near another landing, where one of the hunters stood at the number, and the rest went to drive the scythe out of the reeds. As a result, the hare ran out right under the fatal shot. But the hunt didn't end there. After a while, a third bunny was found.

While combing the next stands, a fourth hare jumps out from the hunters on the other side. Two claps followed, but they failed to take the long-eared one; the scythe miraculously remained unharmed.

Fortunately, he ran towards our hero, who no longer missed. The hunter, with one clear shot from an Italian barrel, instantly puts the fugitive to the ground and, thereby, obtains a long-awaited trophy for his friend. This is how the hare season 2020 turned out.

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