Mini Cocker Spaniel: personality traits of the pet and how to properly care for it

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* Here is a photo of a typical representative of the Russian Hunting Spaniel dog breed . You can send us photos of your animals by email, and we will post them on the website. Don't forget to send your pet's name.

Other breed names:

Russian Spaniel


* We invite you to watch a video about the Russian Hunting Spaniel . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what a Russian Hunting Spaniel looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of Russian hunting spaniels
  • Russian Hunting Spaniel - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of Russian hunting spaniels
  • Character and habits of Russian hunting spaniels
  • Interesting facts about Russian hunting spaniels
  • Pros and cons of Russian hunting spaniels
  • Breeding Russian Hunting Spaniels
  • Caring for Russian Hunting Spaniels
  • Diet of Russian hunting spaniels
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Russian hunting spaniel - price and how to buy correctly


Choosing a puppy

If the choice is made in favor of a dog that will be used for hunting, then the potential owner should pay attention not only to the pedigree of the female and male from whom the puppy is supposed to be adopted, but also to their field diplomas. Here the demonstration of obedience and their hunting qualities are recorded.

Efficient parents will produce offspring with similar qualities. The sale of young animals begins 45 days after their birth. During this period, certification (monitoring of development), stamping and issuance of documents take place.

When choosing a puppy, you need to evaluate its physical condition. At the same time, the number of babies in the litter should not affect this quality. For example, where there are 9 puppies, all may differ in fatness, good development and health. Some owners, even with only a few babies in the litter, have puppies that are underdeveloped, have problems with their limbs, and much more. This is where poor care for the bitch takes its toll, and therefore the potential owner is advised to take a closer look at what conditions the breeder has created for his dogs.

A healthy puppy should actively eat, run, play, and show curiosity; if there is lethargy in behavior, it is recommended to wait before purchasing a spaniel.


You can see the cost of Cocker Spaniel puppies of various varieties in the following table.

Price category

NameWhat is the price
English cocker spaniel11000 — 22800
Cavalier King Charles32500 — 140000
English springer45000 — 65000
King Charles22700 — 97500
American Cocker Spaniel4500 — 52000
Papillon32500 – 78000
Welsh Springer78000 — 91000
Clumber58500 — 65000
Field32500 — 39000
Irish merman45500 — 84500
Kooikerhondje39000 — 65000
American merman52000 — 65000
Sussex32500 — 45500
German Wachtenhuld16300

History of the origin of Russian hunting spaniels

Historians believe that we owe the appearance of spaniels on the territory of our country to the uncle of the last autocrat - Prince Nikolai Nikolaevich Romanov. He was not only an avid hunter, but also was fond of breeding work, simultaneously teaching in several hunting clubs and bringing dogs of various breeds from abroad.

So he brought home a cocker spaniel he bought in England, nicknamed Dash. Dash became the father of more than one generation of puppies, which the nobles happily took apart for themselves. Thus, many began to show interest in spaniels, seeing their hunting talent.

Interesting fact: In the 19th century, cocker spaniels began to be imported into our country, but their stockiness and small size played a negative role in hunting for game birds.

With the advent of the 20th century, breeders began to select longer-legged dogs for breeding, crossing them with Springers brought from trips abroad. The result of all these actions was that by the 30s of the 20th century there were a considerable number of spaniels in Russia that could not be classified as any of the already known breeds. These dogs no longer belonged to cockers and springers; they had characteristics peculiar only to them, but they were not yet Russian hunting spaniels.

When the Great Patriotic War ended, operations to breed a new hunting breed resumed. In those days, the importation of assorted spaniels to the USSR began again. Due to the fact that part of the previously bred population of spaniels was saved during the war, a new variety of these dogs was bred, which received the name Russian hunting spaniel.

In 1951, breeders developed a standard for this breed; it met most of the requirements of hunters. In 1966, the standard was slightly modified. As for the present time, Russian hunting spaniels are quite popular among domestic dog breeders.


A native of England, the Field Spaniel is a very beautiful, noble, harmoniously built dog. She was bred to produce a spaniel with a pure black color and excellent hunting qualities. What the British managed to achieve 100%.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that it is better to keep such a dog outside the city , the apartment conditions will be detrimental to its character and temperament, because even the name of the variety is translated from English as field. When kept in an apartment, the dog should be provided with frequent trips to nature.

The Field's body is medium in size, muscular, graceful with a pronounced sternum and tucked belly. Standard height at the withers is 51-58 cm, weight is 16-22 kg . The head is oval with an elongated muzzle. The ears are low set, drooping, medium in length and width, covered with wavy hair. The limbs are very strong and developed. Since the Field is a waterfowl species, there are webbed feet on its paws.

The coat of these dogs is long and slightly wavy. The standard color is black, but spots and other colors are also allowed. By nature, Fields are sociable, active, obedient, and friendly. Can only be used for active activities. They need human company and adapt well to their mood. They have excellent guard qualities.

The lifespan of Fields is 12-14 years. You can buy puppies of this variety for $500-600.

Russian Hunting Spaniel - description of the breed

The Russian hunting spaniel was never recognized by the International Cynological Federation, but is the only domestic breed of gun hunting dogs. The Russian Spaniel can be called a high-legged tracker with a fairly strong and muscular build.

Compared to the English Cocker, it is taller, but shorter and smaller than the Springer. When breeding, attention was paid to hunting sense (search) and dexterity, endurance was also not forgotten, and the dog’s external characteristics faded into the background. Despite this, in the Russian spaniel you can see its charm and charm, even restrained grace.

If we talk about the standard of this breed, then it contains the following parameters:

  • The height of male quadrupeds varies from 38 to 44 cm;
  • The height of females can range from 36 to 42 cm;
  • The weight of Russian spaniels of both sexes ranges from 13 to 16 kg.

The dog's head has an optimal length, looks slightly lean and dry, having a fairly wide skull with a protruding muzzle. The eyebrows are practically not prominent, and the bump on the back of the head has a smoothed shape. If you look at the spaniel in profile, you will notice that its shape is slightly blunt. The dog has thin and taut lips. The standard bite of a spaniel should be a scissor bite and the teeth should be white.

The dog's curious nose is very massive and has clearly visible open nostrils. The color of the nose should match the tone of the dog itself; it can be from chocolate to black shades. The spaniel's eyes are oval and quite large, set straight, they come in brown, dark brown or light brown colors.

The spaniel's ears are his calling card; sometimes these dogs are called lop-eared. Indeed, their ears are of impressive size, shaped like blades hanging down the sides of the head. The ear originates at the same level as the eyes, sometimes a little higher, and its length can reach the very tip of the nose.

According to the standard, a dog's neck should be dry, of medium length and harmoniously developed muscles. The entire physique of the spaniel is quite powerful, slightly elongated. The dog has a wide back and a short loin, which goes into a fairly sloping croup. The spaniel's chest area is well developed, has good depth and optimal width.

In appearance, dog limbs look thin and bony, parallel to each other. The hind legs are set more widely, all angles of the joints are clearly visible. The paws have a round shape and tightly clenched toes. In movement, the spaniel is characterized by a light gallop, turning into a trot. The spaniel's tail has a straight, elongated shape, more massive at the base. Dogs used for hunting usually have their tail docked for their own safety, in order to avoid all kinds of injuries.

Russian spaniels have a long, soft, slightly wavy or straight coat of wool that fits quite tightly to the body. In the area of ​​the head and paws, the hair is shorter and has a straight structure, and on the ridge, cervical region, and on the sides in the croup area it is more elongated and thick. On the lower chest, belly, back of the paws, in the area of ​​​​the ears and tail, you can see long and wavy hair that forms fringes. There is also a thick undercoat between the toes.

English springer

The English Springer is the largest representative in the spaniel family . His ancestor was the Norflock spaniel, which reached the size of a setter. The breed standard was recognized in 1902. Today, springers are divided into two types: exhibition and working (field).

At the withers, springers can reach a height of 50 cm . The maximum weight allowed by the standard is 23 kg . The body is strong with a deep, well-developed chest. The head is wide, the muzzle is rectangular with a clear transition to the forehead. The ears are low set, long and wide.

The coat is straight and of medium length. The color can be any recognized for spaniels. The most popular are white-black, white-brown, white-black-red colors.

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Springers have a friendly, cheerful character. This dog is active and energetic . At the same time, she is easily trained, obedient and balanced. Gets along great with children. Can be a good nanny for them. Since regular physical activity is important for this dog, and he himself has irrepressible energy, it is not suitable for people who prefer a sedentary lifestyle and the elderly.

Important! Since spaniels of this breed are very social and cannot live without people, they do not tolerate long periods of loneliness. It has a detrimental effect on their character, which can lead to the development of waywardness.

The average lifespan of English springers is 12-14 years. Puppies can be purchased for 400-600 dollars, in Europe they ask for 600-1000 euros.

Popular colors of Russian hunting spaniels

There are monochromatic (solid) colors of Russian spaniels. It can be completely uniform, but most often it has white markings on the forehead, throat, muzzle, chest, belly, paws, and the very tip of the tail.

Among the single-color ones, the following types of colors are distinguished:

  • Black with straight and smooth hair;
  • Red, ranging from light to dark red, the nose should be black or brown and the dog's eyes dark brown;
  • Brown (chocolate) with long, thick and soft fur. The nose and eyes should also be brown, and the formation of a dense cap of wool can be seen in the head area.

The disadvantages of plain coloring are the beige (flesh) color of the nose and the very light (yellowish) tone of the eyes.

Two-tone (piebald) coloring of dogs is found in various variations, among which are:

  • Black and piebald with contrasting colors;
  • Contrasting red and piebald;
  • Brown-piebald with contrasting color;
  • Black and piebald with specks (the older the puppies are, the darker they are, and they can turn completely black);
  • Brown-piebald with specks;
  • Red-piebald with specks;
  • Tan with red markings in certain areas of the body (top of the eyes, inside of the ears, chest and cheeks, paws, under the tail);
  • Brown and tan;
  • Black and tan.

The most common coloring found in Russian spaniels is piebald. It can be contrasting (the general background is white with spots of the main tone). Such puppies have a pink nose and pink paws, which may have sparse spots. And also speckled (the speckles are dense, almost uniform black in color, and can be clearly distinguishable). Puppies of this color have dark noses and pads on their paws.

Russian spaniels also have a tricolor color:

  • Black and piebald contrasting with tan;
  • Black and piebald speckled and tan;
  • Brown piebald contrasting with tan;
  • Brown piebald speckled with tan.


We continue our review of spaniel breed varieties with names and descriptions with the characteristics of the Clumber, one of the largest and heaviest representatives. The species was bred in England and takes its name from the name of the estate. Dogs have a height at the withers of 42-50 cm, body weight - 25-34 kg . They are easy to recognize by their sleepy facial expression and waddling gait.

The clumber's body is squat and stretched out. The skeleton is massive. The head is large. The ears resemble grape leaves. They are wide and long, hanging down. The coat of these spaniels is smooth and thick. In the area of ​​the ears, limbs and on the stomach it is slightly longer than throughout the rest of the body. Color: white, with yellow or orange markings.

As for character, in all sources the first word that characterizes Clumbers is calm. These good-natured dogs get along well with all family members, including children and other pets. It is almost impossible to make them angry .

Sled dog breeds include Arctic Spitz, Siberian Husky, and Alaskan Malamute.

But they show some wariness towards strangers. Suitable for keeping people with a calm type of temperament, older people, since they are much slower than other representatives of spaniels and can be trained without much effort. The lifespan of clumbers is 10-15 years. On average, puppies are asked for $900-1000.

Character and habits of Russian hunting spaniels

The temperament and habits of the Russian Spaniel are slightly different when he is at home and when he is hunting. The stubbornness, perseverance and tirelessness of the hunter are replaced by the good nature and gentleness of the pet. The Russian Hunting Spaniel is happy to spend time with his beloved owner, just lying around watching TV.

Adults and experienced spaniels do not lose their puppyish spontaneity, enthusiasm and playfulness; they are always not averse to having fun in the company of children, so children easily contact them and become true friends. Spaniels will never argue with children; they will generously forgive them for tail twitching and other pranks.

Interesting fact: Spaniels love to play with small balls and look for various objects, because the talent of detectives and trackers is in their blood. You need to spend at least 20 minutes a day playing with your pet, then he will be happy, busy and will not look for forbidden entertainment in the form of tormenting sneakers and other shoes, especially leather ones.

The intuition of these four-legged animals is simply excellent; they quickly catch the slightest change in the well-being and disposition of their owner. Dogs have the ability to separate all people into positive and suspicious individuals. If a spaniel doesn’t like someone you know, the dog constantly growls at him and looks askance at him, then this is obviously not without reason; you should keep an eye out for such a person.

During the hunt, the spaniel reveals a completely different side. The gun type of hunting, to which the breed belongs, is the following process: the spaniel leads the hunter, moving in front, looking for and scaring the feathered prey so that the hunter makes a successful shot. Having sensed and detected game, the spaniel does not stand in a stance, as a pointer does, so the intrigue for the hunter remains in the discovery of prey. Finding game birds is a real calling for spaniels, and they do it very well.

The spaniel also quickly finds prey that has already been killed, not being afraid to dive straight into the swamp after it, because he knows how to swim excellently. Spaniels are not afraid of nettles or any dense growth, where they desperately rush to bring the treasured trophy to their owner.


The ancient Dutch variety of the Kooikerhondje spaniel is a small, square-shaped dog that reaches 35-40 cm at the withers and weighs 9-11 kg . These dogs have an elongated body with a protruding chest. The stomach is well tucked. The head is proportional in size to the body. Carried on a high neck. The muzzle is elongated. The ears are medium and drooping.

Since initially the main purpose of the Kooikerhondje was water hunting, its wool is water- and dirt-repellent . It is medium in length and can be straight or wavy. The standard color is white and red.

By temperament, Kooikerhondjes are active, playful, and full of energy. At the same time, they are good-natured, kind, affectionate, and sociable. However, strangers are treated with suspicion. They are indifferent to children. If the child is too persistent in his squeezing, he will prefer to move away or bark loudly, but will not show aggression in the form of a bite .

Find out more about the Japanese Akita Inu dog breed, which owes its worldwide fame to the popular dog Hachiko.

If you provide the animal with space, frequent walks in nature, swimming in a pond, and active physical activity, then it can live 12-14 years. Breeders value puppies at $600-$1000.

Interesting facts about Russian hunting spaniels

Russian spaniels have many talents and hunting skills, which can be observed by opening a treasure trove of interesting and educational facts about these amazing and smart four-legged animals; we will list some of them.

This dog breed is the youngest bred in our country. This is the only Russian gun hunting breed. The Russian Spaniel combines many of the qualities, features and characteristics of Cockers and Springers. Where the spaniel has settled, all sharp and strong odors should be excluded so as not to spoil the hunting dog's sense of smell.

The fur of Russian spaniels has almost no odor, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by many dog ​​breeders. This breed was recognized only by the Union of Public Cynological Organizations of the Russian Federation (RKF); Russian Spaniels were never recognized at the international level. It was spaniels that Nicholas I adored; he had a dog named Hussar. The hussar was always the king's faithful companion, they even had breakfast together.

Scientists believe that dogs similar to spaniels were used in hunting back in the 10th century. When a whole group of hunters is hunting at once, one spaniel is able to obey all their commands and tries to carry them out clearly and competently. In 1858, the media first mentioned the Russian hunting breed of spaniels.

Spaniels have innate resilience and fearlessness; even small puppies will not run away when they see an unfamiliar large dog, and they are not afraid of a loud, piercing sound.


Other experiments with Baker-Miller pink are also known. The color was used at the Santa Clara County Jail in San Jose and the Kuiper Center for Juvenile Offenders. In addition, in 2006, a punishment cell in the Swiss district of Pfäffikon was painted pink: the experience was considered successful, and it was soon repeated in more than ten penitentiary and psychiatric institutions in Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg.

In 1979, the visiting team's locker room, including showers and urinals, was painted pink at the University of Iowa football stadium. The idea belonged to the coach of the local team, Hayden Fry, who recalled this episode in his memoirs: “We hoped that this color would evoke a passive mood among our opponents.” In the early 1990s, guest rooms at the University of Colorado Stadium also became pink, but then the leadership of the Western Division of the American Football Conference decided that both teams' locker rooms must be the same color.

Pros and cons of Russian hunting spaniels

Every beloved pet is not only a true friend for its owner, but also a faithful companion, an invaluable companion, who has a number of positive qualities that overshadow all minor shortcomings and flaws. If you look objectively and impartially, then any breed has certain disadvantages and advantages, this also applies to Russian spaniels, which are no exception in this regard.

Russian hunting spaniels are simply created for energetic and active people who try to spend all their free time in the lap of nature. For lovers of hunting, this dog will bring not only great joy and pleasure from communication, but also considerable benefits. For homebodies and passive viewers of the television screen, such a breed will be a burden, because their interests will radically diverge. Let's try to give a list of the advantages and disadvantages of this Russian breed.

The advantages of the Russian spaniel include:

  • Friendliness, playfulness and perky disposition;
  • Ability to establish contacts with children;
  • Having boundless courage and devotion;
  • Rare aggression shown in extreme cases;
  • The Spaniel is a dog suitable for apartment living conditions;
  • Possessing excellent sense of smell and outstanding hunting talent;
  • The animal's fur has almost no odor.

The disadvantages of Russian spaniels include:

  • Their demands for daily and fairly long walks;
  • Manifestation of hyperactivity;
  • Having long hair and floppy ears that require regular grooming;
  • Excessive gluttony, spaniels are not familiar with the feeling of satiety, it is necessary to ensure that the dog is not overfed, this can lead to obesity;
  • Spaniels can often experience food allergies.


The average lifespan of miniature cockers is 13-15 years.

However, dogs of this breed may be susceptible to the following diseases::

  • Dysplasia
  • Cataract
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Glaucoma
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Allergy
  • Otitis and other inflammatory diseases of the ears.
  • Dilactation cardiomyopathy.
  • Epilepsy

The life expectancy and health status of a pet primarily depends on its heredity and conditions of detention..

Breeding Russian Hunting Spaniels

Russian spaniels become sexually mature closer to the age of nine months, but it is recommended to breed dogs only when their final formation occurs, and this occurs at the age of two years. Females are ready to reproduce up to 10 years of age, but experts recommend not doing this after 8 years.

At the initial stage of estrus, the female will not allow the male dog to approach her, so it is better to start mating no earlier than the 11th – 13th day from the start of the breeding period. It is worth paying special attention to the health status of both males and females, who are carefully examined in advance. When preparing dogs for mating, you need to monitor their diet, walks, and physical activity. Before the start of estrus, females are dewormed. During the preparatory period, dogs need vitamins; overfeeding them should not be avoided so that the birth is not difficult.

Mating is usually carried out on the dog’s territory so that the dog feels confident. It is not recommended to feed dogs before this (7 or 8 hours before mating). The female is usually held by the collar, while the male remains free. Repeated (control) mating is carried out a couple of days after the first, but this procedure is optional.

If everything went well, the female becomes pregnant. In general, Russian spaniels are considered to be quite caring mothers; they can entrust their puppies only to their beloved owner. It is not recommended to pick up newborn babies; this is done only when necessary. The mother dog is sensitive to foreign odors and may abandon the baby.

The mother should treat her babies with breast milk for at least a month, and in the best case, for a couple of months, so that the babies’ immunity is strong. It is worth noting that the life expectancy of Russian spaniels varies from 14 to 16 years.


The Sussex Spaniel is a small dog that grows up to 38 cm . This variety was bred in England, in the county of Sussex, at the end of the 18th century. He is a descendant of the Clumber Spaniel.

These spaniels have a rectangular body, muscular and massive body. Their head is quite large. The ears are hanging, long, completely covered with long hair. Sussexes have a beautiful, thick, wavy coat of medium length. Its standard color is one - golden chocolate (liver).

The character of the Sussex, like most spaniels, is soft, flexible, and friendly. They love to become attached to one owner. However, other family members will also be treated with courtesy and kindness. They are easy to train and raise, but they can sometimes be stubborn.

On walks they are active, playful, and love to play. Suitable for both active and passive people. Can be used for hunting and for keeping in an apartment. These days they are actively used for police work (involved in drug searches).

Owners of dogs, especially long-haired ones, will find it useful to know what grooming is, a furminator and how to choose a clipper.

Sussexes live from 11 to 15 years. Their average cost reaches 500-700 dollars.

Caring for Russian Hunting Spaniels

Careful care is required for the coat of Russian Spaniels, which shed twice a year. It is necessary to constantly comb the dog's coat; it is better to do this a couple of times per week with a special metal brush, this eliminates the formation of tangles and an unkempt, disheveled appearance. Combing should be done according to hair growth.

It is better to bathe spaniels once or twice a month. This is done using a special shampoo-conditioner, which is sold in pet stores. To treat the coat after water procedures, use a special balm or cosmetic oil to make the coat silkier and give it elasticity. Spaniels are given a haircut; they do it for the first time starting from the age of three months.

There are two types of haircuts. Full, which is done every couple or three months by a groomer. And also hygienic, carried out every two weeks, here the elimination of overgrown hair in the area of ​​​​the paws, near the anus and auditory openings takes place.

It is worth noting that it is prohibited to cut wool on the ridge; it is only combed there. The Spaniel's large, floppy ears need to be checked and aired regularly. Ventilation is carried out by flapping the ears, like wings, for several minutes. Cleaning the ears is done once a month with a cotton swab moistened with water or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. If the spaniel is healthy, then there will be no unpleasant odors from the ears and large accumulations of wax.

Healthy dog ​​eyes should be clean and not teary; it is recommended to wipe them once a week with tea leaves or chamomile infusion. Nails are trimmed monthly (once) using a nail clipper. Once a month, spaniels need to be treated with special preparations that counteract ticks and fleas, which are applied to the withers area.

Of course, one of the main procedures for Russian spaniels is walking; these dogs cannot live without long and active walks, which it is preferable to go on two or even three times a day. The duration of the festivities should be at least an hour, and, at best, take a couple of hours, then the dog will be happy and incredibly grateful.

Proper feeding

You can feed mini cocker spaniels natural food or ready-made food no lower than super-premium, or better yet, holistic-class. At the same time, if the dog is prone to allergies or obesity, you should opt for a special dietary food.

When feeding natural food, the basis of the diet should be cut into pieces and scalded raw lean meat.

You should add chopped vegetables (raw or boiled), as well as fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese or kefir.

When feeding your pet naturally, it is also necessary to add vitamins and mineral supplements to your pet’s food..

Diet of Russian hunting spaniels

Many people know that Russian spaniels are extremely gluttonous, but this must be carefully monitored to prevent obesity. If you feed your dog dry food, the amount per serving should be 40 grams per 1 kg of body weight. If the spaniel eats homemade liquid food, then its portion should be from 30 to 60 grams per 1 kg of dog weight. You can slightly increase the volume and calorie content of food for those four-legged animals who have suffered a serious illness and have embarked on the path to recovery, or for nursing mothers. A couple of times per month, spaniels are recommended to have fasting days; food during these periods is kept to a minimum.

The dog menu includes beef, which spaniels eat 2 or 3 times a week, both raw and boiled. Dogs eat sea fish fillets, which are boiled and given to them about four times a month. Spaniels are allowed to eat low-fat fermented milk products a couple of times per week. And every day on their menu you can see porridges, including oatmeal, rice, and millet. They can be either milk or cooked in broth.

Important fact: Spaniels also need vegetables, they normalize the functioning of the dog’s intestines (pumpkin, carrots, boiled potatoes), you can add greens to porridge. Once a week, it is useful for a spaniel to eat a chicken egg, added to some salad or cooked like an omelet. Spaniels are given rye crackers; they not only enjoy them, but also cleanse their teeth of plaque.

Small puppies (from one and a half to two months) are fed every three hours, i.e. 6 times a day. Gradually, the number of meals decreases, the dog grows up, at the age of six months she already eats 3 times a day, and starting from a year and for the rest of the dog’s life, she switches to twice feeding.

Irish merman

The Irish Water Spaniel is a very large and heavy dog, presumably bred a long time ago in Ireland, but there is no exact data on the place and time of origin of the species today.

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The height at the withers of these dogs is from 51 to 59 cm, body weight is from 20 to 31 kg . They are considered to be the tallest spaniels. They have a proportional, dense, stocky build, a medium-sized head, an elongated muzzle and long, drooping ears, completely covered with hair. Sometimes there are individuals with a beard and forelock.

The wool is soft, with curls. The standard color is brown with a reddish tint. This variety should not be owned by people who are inexperienced in keeping dogs. They are active and need constant physical activity and an experienced trainer. Since they were bred for the purpose of hunting on land and in water, they simply, like air, need long walks in nature and swimming in open bodies of water.

In the family, the “Irish” are friendly, quiet and calm. Loyal and strongly attached to their owner . They are great with children, animals and strangers. However, of course, all this is possible only with proper education. Cowardice and aggression are considered breed defects.

Important! Raising and training a dog should begin from the very first days the puppy appears in your family. If you cannot cope with this task on your own, you should contact an experienced specialist who will help you find a common language with the animal.

If all the conditions necessary for the dog are met, it will live with you side by side for a long 10-12 years.
This breed is considered rare . Puppies can be purchased for $700-$1,300.

Diseases and health problems

There are no serious genetic diseases observed in Russian spaniels, but they are susceptible to various types of infections, like all other four-legged animals. Those dogs that frequently dive under water while hunting can become infected with leptospirosis, a disease that affects the liver and kidneys. Various fungal diseases and parasitic infections are also not alien to spaniels (dermatomycosis, helminthiasis, toxoplasmosis).

Due to their long, floppy ears, spaniels often develop otitis media. Those dogs that often swim in ponds suffer from it much more often, because water can get into the ear canal, leading to inevitable inflammation. These dogs, like people, are prone to quickly gaining unnecessary pounds and getting fat, so you need to keep their diet balanced. It is not uncommon for spaniels to have allergies to various foods, so you need to select food very carefully.

It is worth remembering that all diseases can be stopped or completely prevented. To do this, you need to be more attentive to your dog. Carry out frequent inspections of its appearance, monitor the proper condition of the coat, and prevent its tangling and formation of tangles. The mood of your four-legged friends is also important. If the dog is experiencing any anxiety, it may become nervous or depressed, all of which should always be monitored with maximum care and patience.

Regular preventative examinations at the veterinary clinic also play an important role in the well-being of your pet. Timely completion of all necessary vaccinations, vaccinations, deworming and treatment for parasites will ensure that your furry pet will delight for many years, bringing a lot of wonderful and unforgettable emotions.

How to choose?

First of all, you should decide on the gender, color and quality of the future pet. If you decide to buy a show-class cocker, and gender does not matter, then it is better to opt for a male, as they look more impressive in the rings.

However, it should be taken into account that girls are more affectionate and obedient, and therefore, if there are children in the house, it is better to buy a bitch.

You should only buy a dog in a kennel or from a breeder, since purchasing a cocker on the market, and even without the puppy having documents of origin, can be fraught with the purchase of a mestizo, and not a purebred spaniel.

When choosing a baby from a litter, you need to carefully examine it to make sure that its appearance meets the standard requirements, and that its eyes, nose, ears and skin are clean and healthy.


It is not recommended to purchase a puppy that shows anger towards people, cowardice or nervousness.

Also, you should not buy babies that are too small in size, since these puppies are often either undernourished or suffer from a hereditary disease such as dwarfism or, in other words, dwarfism.


The main emphasis in caring for a spaniel is on the coat. To make it look healthy and shiny, it needs to be trimmed and cleaned in a timely manner.

Of course, from early childhood you should accustom your dog to hygiene procedures.

At first, it is enough to comb and stroke the dog for 10-15 minutes, and after walking, wipe the paws and face with a damp cloth.

Nutrition should be healthy and balanced . The Cocker Spaniel is prone to obesity.

Therefore, for preventive purposes, once every 2 weeks it is necessary to offer the dog 50% of the food norm instead of the normal diet.

This breed is very active and active dogs; they need daily walks in the fresh air.

Owners should take them with them on morning runs, on long journeys, and travel out of town together.

Slowly introduce your pet to everyday life in the family. Teach him to bring you slippers, play ball, watch TV together.

Photo gallery

The Cocker Spaniel is a very affectionate and sociable dog who will share both joyful and difficult moments with you. Let's look at photos of these cute dogs.

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