Small dog breeds - top 35 breeds with photos and brief descriptions

Pocket dogs are the smallest breeds that exist in the world. Many people adore them because they remain cute throughout their lives, reminiscent of puppies. If you're a fan of fur babies and are thinking about purchasing one, the list below will help you decide on your next family member.

Future owners of a miniature pet should know that pocket dogs and toy breeds are not the same thing; the first ones are always smaller in size.

There is a lot of controversy regarding this type of dog. The AKC (American Kennel Club), for example, does not identify (or register) such a group of breeds. The smallest individuals from the litter of animals of the decorative category (also called toy or toy) become pocket animals. In this regard, many consider such animals not as a separate species, but as unhealthy representatives of the litter. This is one reason why some veterinarians advise avoiding purchasing pocket dogs.

Pocket pets weigh less than representatives of the decorative group, so technically, any of these animals with smaller sizes can be classified in the category under discussion. Most breeders adhere to the following standards: the weight of the baby should not exceed 1.8 kg, and the height at the withers should not exceed 43.2 cm.

Only 6 breeds correspond to the above parameters. In our article you can get to know these cute creatures better, and also learn about pseudo-pocket dogs.

Disadvantages of Pocket Breeds

Miniature pets need special treatment. You could say that owners have to treat them like little children. Therefore, before you get a furry baby, we recommend that you study information about the characteristics of representatives of pocket breeds. This will help you determine if a special pet is right for you.

Small dogs, both puppies and adults, are very fragile. They can die from a fall, which is absolutely not dangerous for an ordinary pet. In addition, you may not notice the baby and accidentally step on him. Such tiny pets should not be left alone or alone with children.

It is known that representatives of miniature breeds suffer more often from various diseases and are more susceptible to fractures than other dogs. Also, children are not allowed to walk unaccompanied, even in a suburban area, because they can easily become victims of large relatives, owls, hawks and other predators.

Tiny dogs have small stomachs. In this regard, they cannot be fed in the traditional way - 2 times a day. The daily diet should be divided into 4-5 servings. Due to their small bladder, these pets must “go to the toilet” twice an hour.

Incontinence is a common occurrence in children. Owners of such dogs often use special diapers.

From all of the above, we can conclude that pocket dogs are not suitable for everyone. The owner of such a pet must pay attention to it every minute. If you don't work from home, or, for example, can't take your pet with you, a small dog is not your option.

The smallest dog in the world

Since 2014, the first line of the Guinness Book of Records in the category “The smallest dog in the world” has been headed by a Chihuahua named Millie, who lives in the state of Puerto Rico, Vega Alta.

Millie and her Guinness Book of Records certificate

She replaces the former record holder, a female long-haired Chihuahua named Boo Boo from Kentucky in the eastern United States, who has proudly held the title since 2008 due to her height of 10.16 cm.

Boo Boo, a long-haired female Chihuahua, held the title of smallest dog in the world until 2014. Her height is 10.16 cm.

Millie was born in 2011. As a puppy, she weighed only 170 g and her height was 6.53 cm. The owners were seriously worried about the health of their pet. In order to produce such a baby, they were forced to feed her with a pipette in the first months of her life.

Chihuahua Millie

Many people are interested in what the smallest dog in the world looks like today. Baby Millie has grown stronger, reached the age of an adult animal and weighs 450 g, and her height is 9.5 cm.

Did you know that Millie is a record holder in another category of the Guinness Book of Records - the most cloned dog in the world! Chihuahuas have been cloned 49 times! The experiment was carried out by scientists from South Korea. Initially, it was planned to make 10 copies of the smallest dog in the world, but something went wrong and as a result, 49 more babies were born in 2022!

Despite its tiny size, the dog leads an active lifestyle. However, the owners are forced to control the movements of their pet, since its fragile bones should not be subjected to serious stress. Even a simple fall from the sofa can result in a broken limb.

Chihuahua Millie and Great Dane

This is interesting! It is not known how much the smallest dog in the world costs, since the owners are not interested in selling it. On the website of the breeder (the same one from whom a family from Puerto Rico once purchased Millie), prices for miniature Chihuahuas range from 4.5 thousand to 25 thousand US dollars!

Irresponsible breeding of pocket breeds

Pocket breeds are quite common because their miniature members are cute and adorable. However, in the pursuit of profit, breeders often achieve small sizes at the expense of poor animal health. Such irresponsible “entrepreneurs” are only concerned with the maximum number of dogs, and not their condition. You should be very careful and not support such a business, and buy pets only from reputable dog breeders.

Here are some tips to make sure you are getting a responsible, reputable breeder:

  • visit a place where animals are kept;
  • check the parents of your future furry friend;
  • ask questions regarding the history of the breed and puppies;
  • ask for veterinary documents for the puppy and both parents;
  • Ask for contact information of dog owners who have used the services of this breeder and call them to find out their opinion.

TOP 10 smallest dog breeds with photos and names

Miniature pets require careful treatment. It is necessary not only to have fun with them, but also to provide sufficient care, as well as monitor their diet, because it must be balanced.

All existing small breeds of dogs are usually divided into 3 subgroups:

  1. Toi - height is a maximum of 28 cm, and weight is 2 kg.
  2. Dwarf dogs - height up to 35 cm, weight does not exceed 5 kg.
  3. Small dogs - height at withers 40-45 cm, weight - no more than 10 kg.

Today, the Chihuahua is officially recognized as the smallest dog breed. The dwarf subgroup includes the pug, Pomeranian, Yorkshire terrier and others. A subgroup of small dogs is represented by the Shiba Inu, Basenji, Japanese Spitz and others.

Before moving on to the TOP 10 smallest dog breeds, it is worth noting that our ranking is based solely on size and does not identify the worst or best breeds!


  • Country of origin: Mexico.
  • Height at the withers: male – 17-25 cm, female – 15-23 cm.
  • Weight: male – 1.2-2.9 kg, female – 0.5-2.2 kg.
  • Life expectancy: 11-13 years.
  • Price: from 15,000 to 95,000 rubles.

The Chihuahua is a miniature toy breed. Representatives of the breed adore their owners and are unable to endure even a day of separation. They easily adapt to a person’s mood and interests, so they can be both incorrigible homebodies and desperate travelers at the same time.

Chihuahuas are distinguished from other dwarf dogs by their calm nature and balanced temperament. It is not in their rules to behave unrestrainedly, throw tantrums and bring themselves to the point of “shaking”, unable to cope with the emotions that engulf them.

Main character traits:

  • curiosity;
  • goodwill;
  • patience;
  • bravery.

Interesting fact! According to breeders, long-haired Chihuahuas are more peaceful than their short-haired counterparts.

Yorkshire Terrier

  • Country of origin: England.
  • Height at withers: male 18-25 cm, female – 13-19 cm.
  • Weight: male – 1.8-3.1 kg, female – 1.3-2.7 kg.
  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years.
  • Price: 14,000 – 60,000 rubles.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog that is popular among lovers of the glossy life. Outwardly, the Yorkie resembles a living toy, just as soft and cute.

In a family, the animal considers itself to be the main one, but at the same time experiences incredible love for its owner. Training and raising a pet, as a rule, does not cause difficulties, because the Yorkshire Terrier is a smart dog.

Main character traits:

  • devotion;
  • communication skills;
  • love;
  • tirelessness.

Interesting fact! The Yorkshire Terrier has no undercoat, so it practically does not shed.

Toy Fox Terrier

  • Country of origin: USA.
  • Height at withers: male 23-29 cm, female 21-27 cm.
  • Weight: male – 2-3 kg, female – 1.5-2.5 kg.
  • Life expectancy: from 10 to 13 years.
  • Price: from 25,000 to 60,000 rubles.

The Toy Fox Terrier is a bright representative of terriers, which is distinguished by its activity, which is why the animal cannot stay in one place for a long time, suffering from a thirst for movement. Toys are devoted to their owner and cannot stand loneliness. Being without affection and attention for a long time, they are attacked by the blues.

Character traits:

  • vigilance;
  • cockiness;
  • courage;
  • touchiness;
  • attentiveness.

This is interesting! The toy terrier is a provocateur who will not let either adult or small living creatures go down, especially if they are mentally or physically weaker.


  • Country of origin: Italy
  • Height at withers: male – 21-25 cm; female – 20-23 cm.
  • Weight: male – 3.5-4.5 kg, female – 3-4 kg.
  • Lifespan: 10-14 years
  • Price: 20,000 – 150,000 rubles

A distinctive feature of the Maltese dog is its snow-white fluffy “toy” coat. The Maltese is ideal as a family pet because, thanks to its innate sociability, it easily makes contact with animals and people.

Character traits:

  • peacefulness;
  • perkiness;
  • stubbornness;
  • eccentricity.

This is interesting! The Maltese resembles the Bichon Frize breed in appearance, especially when it is a puppy after grooming.

Pomeranian Spitz

  • Country of origin: Germany.
  • Height at the withers: male – 20-22 cm, female – 18-20 cm.
  • Weight: male – 1.8-3.2 kg, female – 1.4-2.8 kg.
  • Life expectancy: 12-16 years.
  • Price: 10,000–150,000 rubles.

The Pomeranian is a small dog with a cute appearance that needs active walks in the fresh air. Representatives of the breed are endowed with the intelligence and temperament inherent in large dogs. In this miniature animal lives a fearless defender who is ready to fight to the last for his owner.

Character Traits:

  • good nature;
  • playfulness;
  • curiosity;
  • communication skills;
  • impulsiveness.

This is interesting! Pomeranians are prone to obesity, so you should choose dietary food for nutrition.

Russian toy terrier

  • Country of origin: Russia
  • Height at withers: males and females – 22-27 cm, ideal – 25 cm.
  • Weight: males and females – up to 3 kg, ideal – 2.3 kg.
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years
  • Price: 15,000 – 80,000 rubles

The Russian Toy Terrier is a mischievous fidget, ready to play and be naughty throughout the day without feeling tired. The dog requires attention, so it will only suit an owner who is ready to provide “feedback.”

A distinctive feature of Russian Toy Terriers is their unstable psyche. The animal becomes furious at the slightest rustle. An excited state is accompanied not by aggression, but by prolonged barking.

Character traits:

  • lack of aggression;
  • selfishness;
  • self-confidence.

This is interesting! The Russian Toy is not a friendly breed. The animal has poor contact with its relatives and children. However, the situation can be changed by proper education and training.

Japanese Chin

  • Country of Origin: Japan
  • Height at the withers: male – 24-27 cm, female – 22-25 cm.
  • Weight: male – 3.5-5 kg, female – 3-4.2 kg.
  • Lifespan:
  • Price: 20,000 – 70,000 rubles

The Japanese Chin is considered a national treasure of the land of the rising sun. In ancient Japan, Chins were not considered dogs; they were treated like royalty. Living conditions were appropriate: spacious, gilded cages, near which there were servants.

Accordingly, such an attitude could not but leave an imprint on the character and habits of the Japanese Chin. In the modern world, the dog expects the same attitude towards itself.

Character traits:

  • sophistication;
  • sentimentality;
  • sensitivity;
  • devotion.

Interesting fact! In ancient Japan, peasants were prohibited from keeping Japanese Chins. The punishment for disobedience was serious - even the death penalty.

Bichon Frize

  • Country of origin: France
  • Height at the withers: male – 26-30 cm, female – 24-28 cm.
  • Weight: male – 2.7-3 kg, female – 2.5-2.8 kg.
  • Life expectancy: 15-25 years.
  • Price: 30,000 – 120,000 rubles

The Bichon Frize, or, as this breed is also called, the French lapdog, is endowed with a unique charm - an airy, attractive “coat” that looks like a powder puff. Due to their attractive appearance and good-natured disposition, representatives of the breed are used in pet therapy. Animals are frequent and welcome guests in children's hospitals and nursing homes.

Character traits:

  • good nature;
  • communication skills;
  • loyalty;
  • responsibility.

This is interesting! During the Middle Ages, the Bichon Frize was the main companion of monarchs and emphasized their status.

Papillon and Phalen

  • Country of origin: France
  • Height at withers: male – 26-28 cm, female – 24-26 cm.
  • Weight (there are two varieties): males and females - 1.5-2.5 kg, males - 2.5-4 kg, females - 2.5-5 kg.
  • Lifespan: 14-16 years
  • Price: 12,000 – 65,000 rubles

The Papillon and Phalene are two varieties of the same breed, the Continental Toy Spaniel. The Papillon is a variety with erect ears, while the Phalene is a variety with hanging ears. The energetic and easy-going Continental Toy Spaniels' lives revolve around their owner. Representatives of this breed cannot imagine their life without human attention, affection and care. They are happy to join in any game and try to please with their behavior the most important person for them - the owner.

Continental Toy Spaniels are considered one of the most “non-problem” breeds. They are not characterized by capriciousness, they easily adapt to life in small apartments and freely come into contact with animals and small children.

Character traits:

  • playfulness;
  • lack of aggression;
  • penchant for begging.

Interesting fact! The breed gained popularity during the reign of Napoleon III.

toy poodle

  • Country of origin: France.
  • Height at the withers: male – 20-28 cm, female – 20-25 cm.
  • Weight: male – 2-5 kg, female – 1.7-4.5 kg.
  • Lifespan: 15-18 years
  • Price: 15,000 – 160,000 rubles.

The Toy Poodle is a variety of the Poodle breed (yes, poodles have a wide range of sizes, in addition to this there are also large, medium and miniature)! These animals are smart and have high intelligence. Toys enjoy learning how to execute commands and master the subtleties of complex tricks.

Character traits:

  • tolerance;
  • activity;
  • goodwill.

Interesting fact! The breed received its modern name in the 20th century; before that they were called “Barbet”.

Rat Terrier (American Rat Terrier)

"Rat Terrier (American Rat Terrier)"

The Rat Terrier is an American breed of miniature dog that was originally used to catch rodents. Today they are more often taken as companions. Rat terriers can be either small or medium in size, weight varies from 5 to 15 kg, and height at the withers is 36-58 cm. The rare breed is not recognized by the FCI, only by several American Kennel clubs. Rumor has it that Teddy Roosevelt came up with the name for this pint-sized terrier. In addition to being excellent rat catchers (hello, city dwellers), they are energetic, loyal, obedient and cheerful, and have silky smooth coats.

English cocker spaniel

"English Cocker Spaniel"

These spaniels weigh a little more than their popular American counterparts, but their cheerful personalities win over families just as easily. Like all British aristocrats the English Cocker Spaniel carries itself with unprecedented dignity, but once you take him outside and start playing with him, his cheerful character and lively temperament with a constantly wagging tail will bring many positive moments and will force you to explore all around with this happy “tourist”! Without a doubt, he will become an excellent friend and devoted companion to your family. The English Cocker Spaniel's height at the withers is about 40 cm and its weight is 14 kg.

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

"Russian colored lapdog"

A cousin of the equally fluffy Bichon Frize, the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka is a breed of curious and intelligent dogs that were bred by St. Petersburg (Leningrad) breeders in the 1950s and are still popular in Russia. The height of these dogs reaches up to 26 cm at the withers, and the average weight can fluctuate between 3-4 kg. A distinctive feature of this breed is its colored coat, while most lapdogs have white fur. Russian colored lapdogs are curly-haired with a thick coat, somewhat similar to small sheep. Lapdogs are a typical representative of indoor sofa pets with a big loving heart. These amazingly loyal little ones will captivate anyone who meets them!



Named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua, these loyal and energetic dogs prove that good things come in small packages—about 2 pounds to be exact. The Chihuahua is considered one of the smallest dog breeds. Despite their size, these dogs are full of character, they are quite independent and independent, but they are attached to their owner, whom they can wait for a long time and meet very emotionally. Chihuahuas tolerate travel well and make excellent companions on long walks.



With the tiny stature of a Yorkshire Terrier and the intelligence of a Miniature Poodle, this playful, outgoing, energetic mixed breed dog makes the perfect family pet. The YorkiePoo breed is a designer breed of small dogs that was created by crossing two different purebred dogs - poodles and Yorkshire terriers. In addition to the above benefits, they can also be excellent watchdogs due to their devotion to their family. Plus, they are hypoallergenic! The average weight of these dogs is about 6 kg with an increase of 7 cm at the withers.

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier)

"Smooth-haired Russian Toy Terriers"

The Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) is a very small breed of dog, bred in Russia from the English Toy Terrier. These playful, cheerful dogs have an unusual, attractive appearance and attract all dog lovers. With docked tails, they resemble miniature, slender fawns. Russian Toychiks have their own specific nuances in education, maintenance and feeding. Therefore, if you want to have such a pet, first of all, you need to study all the intricacies of the breed in order to raise a healthy pet. Based on the type of coat, toy terriers are classified as smooth-haired and long-haired. Average weight is about 2 kg.

Japanese Chin

"Japanese Chin"

As a longtime companion of the Japanese royal family, these royalty are cute, fluffy lap dogs. Dogs of the Japanese Chin came to Japan from China, and for a long time only representatives of the nobility could have such a pocket dog and they were a certain status symbol. They are attached to their owner and find separation difficult. The average weight of the Japanese Chin is about 4 kg (ranges from 1.4 to 6.8 kg), and the height at the withers is 20-27 cm. Because of their short face, they can snore, wheeze, and even grunt, but unlike others small breeds (for example, Chihuahua), they very rarely bark, which can be a plus when choosing this decorative dog. The only downside to this breed may be that you will have to deal with the fact that they will always have better hair than you!

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

"Zwergpinscher (Miniature Pinscher)"

Fearless and fun-loving, the Miniature Pinscher (also known as the Miniature or Miniature Pinscher) requires constant activity. This is a fairly popular breed of small companion dogs, distinguished by their friendly nature, energy, ability to perform complex tasks, as well as excellent hearing and speed, becoming your bodyguard! The height at the withers of these dogs is 25-30 cm with a body weight of 4 to 6 kg. Be prepared that Miniature Pinschers are inquisitive; they poke their curious noses everywhere so as not to accidentally miss important events. They enjoy living in harmony with children and other animals, especially when they get used to them from an early age.



According to the American Kennel Club, these small, smooth-coated dogs can reach speeds of 56 km/h and up to 70 km/h in a straight line, making them the fastest animal of their size. The Whippet is an English breed of greyhound occupying a middle position between the Greyhound and Italian Greyhound, which is distinguished not only by its incredible running speed, but also by its graceful physique. Height at the withers ranges from 44 to 51 cm with a weight of 10-13 kg. A friendly, affectionate Whippet will become a family favorite who cannot live without you. Leave your pet alone at home for an hour and the dog will suffer. The graceful Whippet is a rare guest in Russia; if you choose him as a companion, you will not be able to avoid the close attention of passers-by on the streets if such a noble breed follows you nearby.



With their curly coat and big, shy eyes, Pumi are the cutest dog breed you've never heard of. These agile and fast small-sized herding dogs, distinguished by high intelligence, were created by crossing the Hungarian Puli Shepherd Dogs and small terrier-shaped dogs that came to Hungary from Germany and France. The weight of an adult dog ranges from 8 to 13 kg with a height at the withers of 33-44 cm. These pets have excellent hearing and an excellent sense of smell; when suspicious sounds or smells appear, they begin to bark. Dogs have a ringing, loud voice. Pumi are devoted to their owner and are ready to constantly serve him, while at the same time constantly trying to maintain a sense of independence. These animals love freedom and space.



Basenji is a very ancient African dog breed that has survived to this day without undergoing any changes. In Africa, these dogs were used as hunting dogs and were highly valued for their intelligence and independence. In addition to their hunting abilities, they are sensitive and loyal friends. One of the main distinguishing features of the Basenji is that dogs of this breed practically do not bark, except that they can make strange sounds similar to wheezing instead of the typical dog “woof”. Surprisingly, the “basya” not only does not bark, but also does not smell. But for all their cleanliness, these dogs do not like water. The standard height at the withers of dogs of this wonderful breed is 40-43 cm with a weight of 9.5-11 kg.

The list continues in the second part of the article

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Pomeranian Spitz

"Pomeranian Spitz"

Don't be fooled by these miniature, rounded balls of fur with funny snub-nosed faces, which are often called bear cubs. The Pomeranian Spitz easily finds a common language with the owner, for whom he experiences boundless love and loyalty. He will become a wonderful friend and companion for already conscious children. Be prepared that dogs of this breed love to bark, which quite bothers their neighbors, and often even their own owners. The Pomeranian's playful behavior will keep you active on short daily walks. The average weight of this small dog is about 3 kilograms.

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