Varieties of the Great Dane breed: 14 dogs with photos and descriptions

Appearance and characteristics of the breed

VEO (short name) is a large, rather massive animal. According to the breed standard, a typical representative should be above average height, strong build, with well-developed muscles. Let's add to this an attentive look, an impressive head size, strong jaws and a strong character.

As for the characteristics of East European Shepherds, first of all, this is their character. A true servant has thoughtfulness, courage, poise, a willingness to continually learn, and self-confidence.

The second feature is that modern VEOs, unfortunately, are getting worse and worse. Instead of brave, self-confident dogs, you often come across viciously cowardly representatives of the breed that do not at all fit the description of the standard. Such dogs can only show off in the rings, but in real life living together with them is very problematic.

Such individuals appear because during breeding attention is paid to the exterior, and working qualities practically disappear.

The third point is that real representatives of the breed are very patient, they have high intelligence and a willingness to work in any conditions.

The fourth feature is the voice. Most dogs have a rich, thick bass voice, which, combined with their appearance, looks intimidating.

Varieties of Great Dane breeds

Great Danes are a whole group of dogs. They all have differences in appearance, weight and height. Each variety of Great Dane has its own character, but the breed has one thing in common – courage and devotion to its owner.

American Great Dane

The American Dane is a powerful, fearless dog with an athletic body structure. The height of the male reaches 68 cm, the female – up to 65, weight – 55 and 50 kg, respectively. The color of the breed can be different, but the presence of white spots is mandatory.

Ambul is a representative of a breed that is unpretentious in maintenance, but requires high-quality education and increased physical activity.

Dogo Argentino

A fighting Molossian breed, which is intended for rescue and search tasks. A large dog with a complex character. Needs proper upbringing. Weight – 40–45 kg, height – 60–68 cm, color is always white.

Great Dane

Royal breed. Dogs of this species are large, but friendly, and are good guards and companions. Height – 57–75 cm, weight up to 90–100 kg. Color – dark or silver fawn, brindle, apricot, fawn. There is always a black mask on the face.

Dogo Canario or Cane Corso

Dogo Canario (Corsican) is a powerful breed that requires proper training. The stately dog ​​is endowed with high intelligence and fearlessness; it can enter into an unequal battle with any opponent if the owner is in danger.

The Dogo Italica variety was developed by crossing bulldogs and European mastiffs with a majorero (an indigenous breed).

Color – brindle in all shades. Weight – up to 50 kg, height – 55–65 cm.

Dogo Brasil

The Dogo Brasil is a proud, loyal and selfless fighting dog. The weight of a male can reach 90 kg, females - at least 40. Height - 75 and 70 cm, respectively.

The color of the Brazilian Dogo is brindle or plain with or without a mask, white spots are allowed on the end of the tail, chest, and paws.

German dog

The breed appeared in 1971. Friendly and active dogs, whose height reaches 80 cm, weight – 90 kg. Color can be white, black and blue. The white Great Dane with black spots is often called the Dolmatian or Dolmatian. This type of Great Dane is classified as a marble dog.

History of the origin of the breed

It all started with the emergence of the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery in 1924. Many breeds emerged from its walls: VEO, RChT, Moscow Watchdog, Moscow Great Dane, Moscow Diver, etc.

Initially, it was not planned to breed an East European Shepherd in the kennel. Army generals, majors, soldiers and just dog lovers worked on breeding the German Shepherd, a little more adapted to the harsh Russian climate. And then the Second World War began, dog breeding in the USSR rapidly declined, almost falling to zero. And it was impossible to acquire good foreign “Germans” during the war and after it, not counting trophy animals.

After the war, the country needed good service dogs, adapted to the realities of our winters. Based on trophy German shepherds, in combination with those that survived from the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel, the beginning of the development of a new breed was laid. Basic requirements: attentiveness, mobility, speed of reaction, distrust of strangers, endurance and adaptability to the climate.

Soviet breeders began work, during which they selected the largest representatives of German shepherds, differing from their counterparts in their balanced character, desire to learn and rich coat. As a result of the work, in 1950, a new breed was presented at an exhibition and received the name “East European Shepherd”.

Diseases and health problems

It is believed that East European Shepherds are a very healthy breed, capable of living up to 15-17 years without any problems. Actually this is not true.

Main diseases of VEO:

  1. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, in which the third eyelid is inflamed and swollen. The disease is accompanied by the release of pus or pus along with mucus from the diseased eye, and dried purulent crusts appear on the fur and around it. The mucous membranes of the eyelids and eyes turn red, the dog behaves restlessly and tries to tear off the purulent crusts with its paw. Conjunctivitis requires immediate treatment.
  2. Urinary retention. An extremely painful phenomenon for the pet. Despite attempts to relieve the bladder, this does not happen. The dog cannot go to the toilet, rushes about, moans pitifully, sits down (female) or lifts its paw (male), but nothing happens. If urinary retention occurs, the owner must urgently show the pet to a veterinarian.
  3. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the prepuce. Males are susceptible to the disease; it is accompanied by pus discharged from the preputial opening. The pet, even the most well-trained one, behaves restlessly and licks its backside all the time. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  4. Eczema of the ear. Most often, eczema occurs as a result of irritation of the ear canal. The disease is accompanied by redness of the auricle, in some cases, blisters and swelling form. Dark brown discharge from the ear canal, accompanied by a specific odor, is another sign of eczema. The dog constantly scratches his ears, whines, and refuses to eat.
  5. Intestinal volvulus. Many large breeds are prone to this disease. The pet should not be allowed to jump and run after eating, or play actively.
  6. Hip dysplasia. The disease is more common than elbow dysplasia. It hurts the dog to walk, the hind legs acquire a specific posture. The disease is lifelong; physical activity is contraindicated for the animal.
  7. Gastrointestinal diseases. Shepherds are prone to gastrointestinal problems. This includes gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis.

The average life expectancy of VEO is 10-12 years.

Character and habits

“Easterns” were bred as a service breed, but today most of its worthy qualities have been lost in the pursuit of exterior.

A true representative of the breed must be:

  1. possessor of a stable psyche. Excitation processes are easily replaced by inhibition processes, in other words, the dog switches almost instantly;
  2. distrustful of strangers. That's why it's an East European Shepherd and a service dog;
  3. easy to learn. It is unlikely that in agencies where VEO is often used, a dog is needed that thinks about every command. And in ordinary life, a pet should be easy to train;
  4. active and controlled. The standard qualities of this breed meant activity. This is ideal for work, but creates trouble with walks and constant activities in everyday life. Sometimes people simply do not have a lot of time for active and long-term walking of their pet;
  5. friendly and patient with members of the family in which he lives. Family people with children will not want to keep a large and aggressive dog. VEO belongs to the breeds with well-developed protective qualities and loyalty towards their own. Unfortunately, exceptions have become increasingly common lately;
  6. hardy. In the Soviet Union this point was treated harshly. A weak dog does not serve in the authorities, which means it is subject to culling.

Most East European Shepherds are calm around other pets: cats, birds and rodents. As for their own kind, if a male of a different breed lives in the same territory as an Oriental male, a showdown is quite possible.

General features and characteristics of Great Dane dogs

Breeding of mastiffs occurred in the Middle Ages. The ancestors of modern breeds were Tibetan mastiffs, distinguished by their large size and fearlessness. In Europe, the working qualities of Tibetan dogs were improved by adding bulldog genes. The resulting animals were used to perform the following functions:

  • home security;
  • hunting;
  • grazing;
  • carriage of carts;
  • gladiator fights and battles.

Despite a number of differences, Great Danes have similar appearance and character traits. The average life expectancy is the same, as well as basic recommendations for care and maintenance.


Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their loyal and friendly character. Around their family, they are calm and somewhat phlegmatic, but are always ready to defend their loved ones.

The slowness and sluggishness of these dogs is just a way to save energy. In the presence of a real threat, four-legged giants demonstrate their power and strength without hesitation.

The activity of animals depends on age. The mischief characteristic of puppies disappears over time. Despite this, Great Danes still love to spend time with children. Thanks to the pronounced instinct of a protector and guardian, many of them become good nannies.

Unmotivated aggression towards strangers is possible, but only under conditions of improper upbringing or cruel treatment. Permissiveness and assault have a negative impact on the psyche, so both should be avoided.

Another important point is the intolerance of loneliness. Great Danes become very attached to their owners and love to spend time with them. Frequent and prolonged absence of communication with a person is destructive for them.

If your job requires a 24/7 schedule and periodic business trips, then it makes sense to choose a more independent Shar Pei, Chow Chow or English Bulldog.

Physical characteristics and health

The main feature of all representatives is their gigantic size: more than 50 kg of weight and more than 75 cm of height at the withers. Other similar external signs include the following:

  • massive head;
  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • wide nose with large nostrils;
  • slightly drooping lips;
  • pronounced muscles;
  • large chest and toned stomach;
  • long limbs;
  • long tail set high and slightly curved;
  • The coat is generally short and smooth, lying close to the body.

Like other large dogs, Great Danes have a low life expectancy. On average it is 8-10 years. A powerful body structure often contributes to the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (dysplasia, arthritis, arthrosis) and the cardiovascular system (cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis).


The tallest dog in the world is a “German Great Dane” named Freddy. His height at the withers was 103.5 cm.

Care and maintenance

Great Danes are not known for their cleanliness. Their fur constantly gets dirty during outdoor races, especially in white-colored individuals, so it is washed when it gets dirty. Particular attention is paid to skin folds, where dirt, dust and sebaceous secretions quickly collect.


Due to the presence of jowls, many varieties often drool and stain furniture.

The best option for keeping a giant dog is a private home. Taking into account her phlegmatic nature, a spacious 3- or 4-room apartment is also possible. It is better to keep varieties without undercoat right at home, and more insulated varieties in a spacious enclosure.

Due to the tendency to obesity, the life expectancy of an animal directly depends on its diet and activity. In the absence of chronic pathologies, you can use premium, super-premium or holistic food designed for large dogs. It is also recommended to add chondroprotectors to food, which reduce the likelihood of joint problems.

Breed standard

Note to future puppy owners:

East European Shepherds are not recognized by the FCI, only by the RKF.

The RKF breed standard dated March 18, 2020 (as amended) reads:

HEAD: Wedge-shaped, proportional to the size of the body, dry, voluminous, but not coarse.

Transition from forehead to muzzle: Medium length, moderately pronounced.

Ears: Medium size, erect, set high, in the shape of an isosceles triangle.

Muzzle: Wedge-shaped, gradually tapering towards the nose, but should not be pointed.

Eyes: Medium size, almond-shaped, slightly slanted, should be as dark brown as possible

Nose: large, black.

Lips: Dry, tight-fitting, black.

Neck: Medium length, muscular, strong, dry.

Body: Solid, proportionally folded, corresponding to a moderately stretched format.

Tail : Continuing the line of the top, saber-shaped, natural length, reaching to the hock joint or just below, thick at the base, flowing down.


  • zonal (wolf): all shades from gray-fawn to light red. A bright red shade is undesirable;
  • saddle-back: with a black saddle of varying degrees of intensity and depth, with markings from gray-fawn to light red. Bright red markings are undesirable;
  • black and tan: black with tan of varying intensity from gray-fawn to light red. Bright red tan is undesirable;
  • black: Small white markings on the chest are acceptable but not desirable.

Height: Desirable height at the withers for males is 67-72 cm, for females 62-67 cm.

Care and maintenance

The East European Shepherd is a service breed, with all that it implies. There is no need to turn your pet into a giant “decoration” at all. It’s painful and wild to see an Oriental on the street, dressed up at the owner’s whim in clothes for dogs (with the exception of a sick animal).

Representatives of the breed are kept both in apartments and in the private sector. To maintain an apartment you must:

  • give the dog a place where he will feel calm and see what is happening around him;
  • Avoid constantly keeping your pet near a radiator or in a draft;
  • buy a bed, cage or box. The second option is the most optimal, because the dog sees what is happening around it. You need to lay a mattress or blanket in the cage so that the dog does not rub his elbows on the plastic tray;
  • stock up on bowls for food and water;
  • choose an easy-to-wash mattress for your pet, ideally with a removable cover;
  • comb the Oriental regularly, during the molting period - once every two days;
  • actively walk and exercise the dog’s brain.

Aviary maintenance is somewhat simpler than apartment maintenance. First of all, the dog can be released into the yard to do its business. The second point is the lack of wool in the house, because Orientals shed profusely. Let's talk in more detail about keeping a pet in an outdoor enclosure:

  • The enclosure should be spacious, with a booth inside and insulated. The structure can be wooden, metal or mixed. The optimal size for one dog is 10 sq.m.
  • Despite the opportunity to let the dog “freely graze,” no one canceled mental and physical stress.
  • Enclosure pets are fed three times a day in winter. In very severe frosts, they take him into the house so that the dog does not freeze.

Orientals do not require any intensive care. A daily examination of the ears, eyes and teeth, good nutrition, physical activity and training are sufficient.

Conditions of detention

The Moscow Watchdog requires a huge amount of space, so living in an apartment is not suitable for her. The owner must be prepared for long walks if the pet is not able to run around the area on its own.

Dogs of this breed have thick skin and thick, long hair that protects them from any weather. However, constant presence in an enclosure negatively affects the animal’s psyche and its physical condition. A well-mannered Moscow watchdog does not need a cage, but at the same time, it can only be walked outside the yard of a private house on a leash.

Education and training

Training a dog with a good psyche is a pleasure. It is better for a novice owner to seek help from a professional dog handler, and when getting a puppy, remember some rules:

  1. Education begins immediately after the puppy has crossed the threshold of a new home. Everyday obedience is necessary in order to achieve positive results in training.
  2. There is an opinion that puppies and dogs should be prohibited from sleeping on the sofa, going through the door first, and in general, you need to be a strict owner. It is clear that letting a dog loose and kissing it, allowing it to sit on the owner’s head, is very fraught. But if the pet seeks contact with the owner, is ready to work and faithfully looks into the mouth, then sleeping on the sofa will not disturb the harmony in the relationship.
  3. Hitting a puppy or an adult dog is unacceptable. Otherwise, a person risks getting either a slaughtered pet, or running into such an aggressive rebuff on his part that it will not seem like much.
  4. It is necessary to punish your pet within the first three seconds after demonstrating unwanted behavior. Then the dog will not understand why he was punished.
  5. During training, your pet needs to be promptly reinforced with treats and praise.

There is an opinion among dog handlers and amateurs: there are dominant dogs. It has long been proven that there is no interspecific dominance. Dominance over the owner is spoiling and permissiveness.

Keeping a dog

Individuals of this breed are unpretentious, as befits service dogs. It would be optimal for her to be at the dacha. If the dog lives in an urban environment, then the furnishings of the apartment will inevitably be damaged, especially in the first months of life.

You cannot leave your puppy outside in severe frosts. When living in an apartment, he should immediately be accustomed to walking outside.

Feeding puppies must be done on a schedule in accordance with the developed menu.

Adult dogs are most often fed a balanced complex of natural products, which is based on meat, vegetables, boiled, boneless fish, fermented milk products, cereals, as well as vitamin complexes with microelements.

Like all dogs, Muscovites need personal hygiene: care for their eyes, hair, ears and teeth. Bathing and taking antihelminthic medications are also necessary.

Diet: what to feed

Opinions about the diet are divided: some are in favor of natural feeding, others are in favor of dry food, and others are in favor of mixed nutrition. The choice is up to the owner, but mixing natural food with dry food is still not worth it. The fact is that the dog’s stomach secretes enzymes that can digest one thing: either food or natural food. The release of both types of enzymes does not occur simultaneously.

One more thing: when feeding dry food there are two things to consider. First, Easterners are prone to gastrointestinal diseases (greetings from their ancestors - German shepherds). Secondly, high-quality dry food (holistic) is gradually disappearing from the Russian market.

A dog for the elite

Research has revealed that only an authoritarian, intelligent extrovert with a balanced psyche can properly raise such a dog.

According to observations, bitches serve more diligently, but do not recognize the authority of family members, considering only the owner to be the leader. At the same time, males are prone to conflicts and fights.

Price: where to buy, cost of a puppy

If you go to free classifieds sites, you can find texts about the sale of puppies for every taste and color. Sellers ask inexpensively: from 6 to 25 thousand rubles . And in the photo, instead of Oriental puppies, there is a cross between a bulldog and a rhinoceros and a bit of a mammoth.

Of course, for those who want to get a puppy cheaply and not bother, this will do. But responsible people who are focused on acquiring a worthy pet should turn to single-breed nurseries.

The cost of a purebred East European Shepherd puppy starts from 50,000 rubles .

Owner reviews

Happy owners of Easterners say about them like this:

No other breed can compare with the Oriental!

The breed is a soul!!!

Diamond in the world of breeds!

Best friend of children and cats, faithful dog.

This is not a dog. This is intellect!!!!

And some owners of this breed, after losing their four-legged friend, were never able to get another dog.


The most common questions that VEO breeders have to face are:.

Question to the expert

1. How do Easterners get along with small breeds of dogs?

It is impossible to answer for a specific representative of the Easterners. In general, the breed is calm towards other dogs, unless it is a male zoo-aggressor. Most VEO owners, and some breeders, in addition to Easterners, have small dogs. Nobody offends anyone.

2. How much does it cost to keep a dog?

It all depends on the owner. Others spend 20,000 rubles a month or more on a pet. The amount includes food and regular training from a dog handler. And some people think that a bag of the cheapest food is enough for a dog; training and treatment are not at all necessary.

3. Does the breed have a specific smell?

The East European Shepherd smells like “dog” if its fur gets wet.

4. We want to get puppies from our girl. Where to go?

First of all, your “girl” must have at least three CAC scores and pass the OKD and ZKS. And even better - IGP-3, also get permission for breeding. Are you familiar with these words? If not, then it is better to refrain from getting puppies.


The Moscow Watchdog is a hybrid of a St. Bernard and a Caucasian Shepherd dog, bred by Soviet dog handlers on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Defense. The new breed of dogs was supposed to be as easy to care for and useful to humans as possible. As a result of selection from the St. Bernard, she inherited a calm character, the ability for unconditional obedience and, of course, endurance. The Caucasian gave her self-esteem and self-confidence. The Moscow Watchdog turned out to be a fearless dog, with a moderate tendency to dominate. In addition to its strong-willed character, the breed is also distinguished by its impressive appearance.

Today, dogs of this breed continue to be bred as guards and house watchmen. In addition, the Moscow watchdog quickly becomes the favorite of the whole family. These dogs will play with pleasure if you teach them to do so; they get along with children, never attack people they know, and extremely rarely bark. At the same time, they have a quick reaction, so they instantly attack someone who, in their opinion, poses a threat to the house.

The Moscow Watchdog, like all representatives of large breeds, matures only at 2–3 years of age. She remains playful and very active for a long time and needs long-term training.

A dog of this breed should be trained by an experienced specialist. These dogs learn quickly, but can be stubborn if they do not respect their owner and trainer. If you don’t train the Moscow watchdog, it will become uncontrollable, and the lack of mutual understanding with a person leads to dangerous consequences. Her natural protective instinct and distrust of strangers can result in aggression for any reason.

These dogs can get along with other animals only if they have known each other since childhood and grew up together.

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