Terriers - all dog breeds (more than 50 species) with descriptions, photos, characteristics

The white dog immediately attracts attention, and all because of his flawless, white fur. Many people believe that white dogs are the most beautiful four-legged animals walking this earth. Well, to be honest, it's hard to take your eyes off these white coated dogs. The white dog breed is cute and can win the hearts of not only dog ​​lovers. However, before your pet goes to a new home, it is worth learning more about the care, personalities and needs of individual white dog breeds. They should be properly cared for - bathed, combed and trimmed in the first months of life so that the coat does not turn yellow and lead to discoloration. Scroll below to find out and see photos of the most beautiful white dogs.

Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize is a typical dog for society; it is a breed native to what is now France and Belgium and was already known at the end of the Middle Ages. It will fit perfectly into a family with children, but remember that this is a small and fragile dog, so it is best to keep an eye on it when playing with children. He loves to have fun, and his affectionate and gentle nature makes the dog an ideal companion. Very sociable, not used to being alone, may eventually begin to destroy furniture at home in order to attract attention.


These large, beautiful white dogs come from Turkey. They were bred as herding dogs. The white fur was supposed to be an element of surprise for the predator, who could not see the guard dog from the flock of sheep with his eyes. They combine the features of Molossians and Greyhounds - muscular, tall, long-legged and at the same time very strong. Akbash has a strong sense of independence, is brave and is willing to make thoughtful decisions. It is also loyal to its owner and develops a strong bond with it. However, it is definitely not suitable for living in the city. Does not tolerate limited space and also needs constant exercise and strong control. These dogs are quite difficult to train. However, this is necessary, since an ill-mannered, provoked Akbash can become dangerous.

White Swiss Shepherd

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The Swiss Shepherd is descended directly from the German Shepherd and has a lot in common with it. This is an intelligent dog that is very trainable and, like the German Shepherd, comes in short-haired and long-haired varieties. Large, fluffy, erect ears give her charm and tenderness. They are easier to handle than their German counterparts and are therefore much better suited for families with children. These are large, strong and muscular dogs. They appear in pure white color. They reach a weight of up to 40 kg. The fur is fluffy and soft. She sheds heavily twice a year. Too late or lack of socialization can lead to fearfulness. She values ​​all activities, both fun and educational.

Dogo Argentino

This large white dog is distinguished by its agility and endurance. The Argentinean dog is a good protector and guard. He is very attached to his owners. Independent and stubborn, and with poor upbringing can become aggressive towards people and animals (listed as one of 11 dog breeds considered dangerous). Therefore, a consistent and dedicated mentor who can handle the training is required. With the right approach, patience and consistency, he can be trained well.

American Eskimo Spitz

The American Eskimo Dog is a Spitz-type dog that looks a bit like a Samoyed. It belongs to a breed with a relatively short history of about a hundred years - the breed was first officially registered in 1919 by the United Kennel Club, the first breed club was founded in 1970, and in 1995 the breed was included in the American Club. However, until now the American Eskimo Dog has not been recognized by the International Kennel Club.

This is a medium-sized Spitz with long fluffy hair. Affectionate towards the family with whom he lives, shows distrust of strangers. These dogs require a lot of attention from their owners, but repay them with affection and love. Neglected and abandoned, he quickly becomes nervous, hyperactive, stubborn and even aggressive. The Eskimo dog is an intelligent, playful, active animal with a high sense of independence.

Coton de Tulear

Small white dogs of this breed are 23–28 cm tall and weigh 4–6 kg. Since the 17th century, they were treated as companion dogs in the homes of the French aristocracy. Previously, they were used for hunting and protection. This small representative of the decorative breed, despite his angelic appearance, has a strong character and a strong psyche. Coton de Toelar dogs are willing to learn, intelligent and extremely attached to their owners and family. With such a dog you can confidently try your hand at obedience training. They are ideal companions and quickly adapt to living in an apartment, although it happens that at the beginning of their journey together you have to work on their noisy character. But their fur requires careful care.

Hungarian Shepherd - Komondor

Komondor - that is, Hungarian Shepherds - have a very characteristic coat. Dreadlocks and cords look impressive. Komondors are dogs that are ideal for guardian roles. They are wary of strangers. In addition, they are very stable and do not tend to become aggressive without reason. They work well as a cattle dog, for herding cattle and sheep. This breed, which originates from Hungary, is their national pride.


These are small dogs, reaching a weight of 5 kg. They have long white hair, which can sometimes have an ivory tint. Representatives of this breed have gained great popularity around the world. They are wonderful companions for the whole family. Maltese dogs have a long, silky, smooth coat that requires regular grooming. Sensitive, mentally and physically gentle animals. They are not very demanding in terms of nutrition and are distinguished by good health and longevity.

Chow chow

The Chow Chow is a beautiful medium-sized dog that looks like a lion, hence its name. This is a Pomeranian who is loyal to his guardian, but also very stubborn, which sometimes causes problems. However, he is a quiet dog, does not bark much, does not trust strangers, and guards the house well. His character is strong and he needs a calm and balanced guardian who will praise a lot. The Chow Chow comes in several colors: white, red, cream, blue, black and cinnamon.


He is the "smiling dog of the North." This medium-sized white dog has an extremely pleasant and cheerful face. Establishes a close relationship with the owner, but his pride and independence can cause trouble for the owners - it happens that the dog begins to go his own way. Medium sized dog, originally from Russia. The coat consists of a soft undercoat and long hair. Reaches a weight of up to 30 kg. The Samoyed is gentle with people and animals as long as he does not experience any trouble from them. Can live in the city, but can be noisy and sheds heavily twice a year.

Japanese Spitz

He is a descendant of the European Spitz. He has a thick, erect coat with an equally thick undercoat. Noisy, aggressive towards other dogs and distrustful of strangers. A thorough socialization process is required. The Japanese Spitz is a vigilant guard, easy to control, quick to learn and easy to care for.

Italian Spitz

The Volpino Italiano, that is, the Italian Spitz, is a cousin of the German Spitz we know. His coat is very lush, and because of his long, protruding hair, the dog appears larger than he actually is. Most often it is white or red. The Italian Spitz is playful and affectionate to its family. In addition, this is an independent dog with a tendency to dominate.

Tatra Sheepdog

The Tatra Shepherd is a large dog with a massive build, a long tail, dark eyes and close-fitting ears. Tatra Shepherd Dogs have a thick and abundant white coat. They reach a weight of up to 50 kg.

South Russian Shepherd Dog Yuzhak

Yuzhak is a very impressive dog, its fur is thick and shaggy. This is a giant breed and the weight of an adult southerner is more than 40 kg. They are very energetic, alert and independent dogs. Ideal as shepherd dogs.

Maremma Sheepdog

The Maremma Sheepdog is a herding dog that is primarily used to guard sheep herds and human farms. He is very careful, helpful and caring towards children and the whole family. Its name comes from the regions of Abruzzo and Maremma, where hundreds of years ago these dogs guarded sheep. We can even find similar puppies in the literature of Ancient Rome!

Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier originates from Great Britain and was bred to compete in dog fighting. Bulks are known for their tenacity and determination. Rather, they require an experienced guardian who has experience raising dogs. Full of energy, especially in the first years of life. The Bull Terrier is a dog with a very balanced and calm psyche. His temperament is moderate, despite the fact that this breed was bred for dog fighting.

West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is a small dog with dark brown eyes, a straight tail and small erect ears. Its fur is coarse and pure white. Reaches a weight of up to 10 kg.

Sealyham Terrier

Dogs of the Sealyham Terrier breed are small children, adults reach 30 cm in height. The breed was created as a hunting dog, and the white coat made it easy to distinguish the dog from the game. Dogs of the Sealyham Terrier breed are very attached to their owner and are loyal. This is a social breed, and although, as a rule, it is not afraid of strangers, it is reserved towards them and keeps its distance. This breed requires a lot of exercise and will also welcome the presence of children, but only those who are older. May react aggressively to behavior he does not like, such as pulling his ears or tail.

Slovak Chuvach

The Slovak Chuvash breed of hunting and guard dogs is little known in Russia. Originally from Transcarpathia and has very long traditions. This breed has been used for centuries to guard herds and farms in inaccessible mountainous areas. Hence, it is adapted to harsh climates. These dogs have a very strong leadership instinct.


Akita is another very famous breed of dog in Russia, usually red and fawn in color, but white ones are also allowed. Based on their origin and main purpose, dogs of this breed had to select the strongest individuals. Therefore, they are distinguished by high endurance and good health. They are avoided by most diseases. The Akita has a complex character and is specific, so it is recommended for experienced breeders.

Pyrenean mountain dog

A giant with a dove's heart and a strong protective instinct. Shaggy Pyrenean Mountain Dogs are thinking dogs that need space to live. This is a large breed with a strong, stately build. Fans of this breed claim that it has a certain amount of elegance. The coat of this dog does not require complex care. Despite its impressive size, it has self-cleaning properties and should be brushed once a week. Of course, the frequency of brushing should increase during periods of intense shedding (i.e. twice a year).

White Poodle

Another well-known and beloved dog is the white Poodle. Initially, poodles were bred as hunting dogs. The specific structure of their fur allowed them to hunt waterfowl. Only later, this exceptional white aristocrat, changed work on the banks of reservoirs to soft carpets in houses. This is an intelligent, active and people-friendly dog, suitable both as a family member and for responsible canine tasks or sports. It comes in four sizes: king (standard poodle), medium, miniature and toy.

Podgalyansky Shepherd Dog

The Podgalyan Sheepdog is not seen too often, which is a pity, because it is a wonderful dog that does an excellent job as a guardian, very brave and loyal. This dog is adapted for truly difficult mountain living conditions. It has a warm, thick coat and is hardy. She is also quite flexible and does not have big problems adapting to the lifestyle of her guardian, but you need to remember several principles - provide movement and a specific activity.


Kuvasz is another breed of herding dog of Hungarian origin, in appearance it looks a little like the Podgalian Shepherd Dog. This is an excellent watchman, thanks to its vigilance and courage. Dogs of this breed may seem a little sociable and do not seek stroking or affection. However, family is the most important thing for him, and will never allow anything bad to happen to his guardians. The template only allows breeds that are white or light cream in color.

White dogs should not be adopted or purchased based solely on coat color. The family member dog should be selected based on the breed and its predominant personality traits.

An animal should not become a problem for its owners, so we should always consider whether we are able to provide the dog of the chosen breed with suitable conditions so that it feels safe, comfortable and can enjoy communication with its owner.

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What types of terriers are there (all dog breeds)

Among the main characteristics, the following facts deserve special attention.


What is terrier in French? As stated above, this is a dog that catches burrowing animals. Terriers have quick reactions, rapid movements, and natural flexibility, allowing them to easily overcome narrow spaces. For these qualities, dogs are still used for hunting purposes.

However, as new species were selected, the main purpose of dogs also changed. Modern types of terriers are often classified as decorative breeds. The dogs are distinguished by their miniature size, pleasant appearance, and friendly attitude towards people. They cope well with the role of domestic companions, although natural hunting skills are also not alien to them.

The largest terriers are also used for service. Such individuals protect, work as bloodhounds and search engines, and help in rehabilitation. Thanks to their innate characteristics, terriers have well-developed senses of smell, hearing, focusing and object tracking. Therefore, work activities are not difficult for them.


Due to the large number of types of the breed, answering the question of what a terrier dog looks like is not so simple. Nevertheless, several generalized appearance features can be identified:

  • Body type. Lean, with developed muscles and powerful limbs. Physical qualities allow terriers to cover long distances and tirelessly perform long-term work.
  • Wool. It can be short, long, curly and stiff. Sometimes there is no cover: the individual has only a small fluff on the head and paws. The coat of terriers is not prone to heavy shedding, has hypoallergenic and water-repellent properties (the undercoat does not get wet, and dirt does not stick to the coat).
  • Color. All possible breeds of terriers have collected a whole range of colors. The coat of dogs can have dark, reddish, grayish or dazzling white tones.
  • Muzzle. Most individuals have a square-shaped muzzle with a small beard. The eyebrows are thick, often the eyes are completely closed - this is protection from the ingress of earth while digging holes.

Most members of the genus are distinguished by excellent health and on average live up to 12-15 years.


Natural hunting abilities influence the terrier's character. These dogs are smart, fearless, and prone to making independent decisions. The most typical signs in terriers include:

  • Energetic disposition, increased activity;
  • Excitement, playfulness, tendency to hooligan antics (in the absence of discipline);
  • Impulsive behavior;
  • Tendency to dominate;
  • Friendly attitude towards people, moderate aggression towards small animals.

Curbing natural instincts is not so easy, so only experienced and responsible owners can properly maintain hunting dogs. Puppies need early socialization, professional training, and active walking. It is necessary to constantly monitor the behavior of the terrier so that he does not go into “hunter mode” and start chasing cats, small dogs or rodents.

Pros and cons of small dogs

Little cute Spitz
Any breed has both pros and cons. The advantages of small dogs include:

  • Possibility of living in a small apartment. Large dogs (for example, Labradors) in a small living space will be constrained by a lack of free space. Small dogs will feel great even in a one-room apartment.
  • Walking at odd hours. The dogs are walked several times a day, when there is a need to go to the toilet. Little four-legged friends can easily get by with a diaper or newspaper on the balcony, and some can even be trained to use a litter tray.
  • Reduced food costs. The truism is that the larger the dog, the more food it needs to maintain strength in the body.
  • They have less odor and fur. The same rule applies here as in the previous paragraph: everything fits to size.
  • Mobility. A small dog does not have to be left at the entrance to the store. You can pick him up and no one will mind, because he doesn’t bother anyone.

The disadvantages of small breeds include:

  • Careful care. Any pet needs to be looked after, because this is a responsibility that the owner takes on his shoulders. However, such decorative dogs need to be looked after using the services of groomers (this is especially familiar to owners of furry dogs). A specialist must trim overgrown hair and claws in a timely manner, and a veterinarian must promptly identify problems in the functioning of the pet’s body.
  • Fragility. Regular visits to the veterinarian are important in keeping such breeds. Typically, the smaller the dog, the more susceptible it is to various types of diseases.
  • Loud barking. If the puppy is not taught to bark frequently and loudly, the neighbors may not like it very much.

Classification of the Terriers group according to FCI

The International Canine Federation (FCI) is authorized to register species and approve standards for dog breeds. According to the organization, all breeds in the Terrier group are distributed as follows:

  • Large and medium dogs;
  • Small Terriers;
  • Bull Terriers;
  • Toy terriers.

A total of 34 varieties are officially recognized. But for a number of reasons, some existing terrier breeds are classified into other groups or are completely deprived of official recognition. Therefore, the full classification takes into account two more points:

  • Terriers classified in other groups of the dog family;
  • Varieties of terriers that have not undergone the procedure of official registration in the FCI.

Thus, more than 50 representatives of this genus can be counted. Let's get acquainted with each type separately.

How to choose a little four-legged friend

The choice of pet should be based on the character of the owner - a dog with a high level of activity is unlikely to be suitable for homebodies and vice versa. The temperaments of the dog and the person must match. Fortunately, there is plenty to choose from: there are a lot of breeds of small and shaggy dogs.

In addition, you need to know exactly how much money will be spent on caring for the dog each month. Any furry breed requires careful care, it’s just that some of them do not “grow in” as quickly as others, or can get by without a haircut at all.

Some of the presented breeds have dietary characteristics, and this must also be taken into account when choosing a pet fluffy.

Large and medium terrier dogs

Let's start with the most numerous subgroup and find out which terriers are the largest.


Divorced in Britain. From the English airedale terrier (air – river name, dale – valley) the name was Russified into Airedale Terrier. At the same time, a pronounced rd sounds, but some say er - tel - terrier.

With a height at the withers of 56-61 cm and a weight of 18-29 kg, we can say that this is the largest terrier. The dog's coat is hard, curly, with a black-red-brown color. The physique is muscular, the limbs are elongated, the skull is elongated. By nature, Erdel is smart, but emotional and cocky, which is eradicated by timely socialization and training. Airedale Terriers are often used for guard or search duties. The average price of a puppy is 25-40 thousand rubles.

Bedlington Terrier

Elegant and curly as a lamb, the dog is named after the British city of the same name. Thanks to its distinctive appearance, the breed is a regular at exhibitions and competitions.

The Bedlington is a fairly large terrier dog, reaching a height at the withers of 41 cm and a weight of 10.5 kg. The coat is soft, wavy, and blue, grey, liver or sand in color. There are small tassels on the ears. The head is wedge-shaped and has a tuft of twisted hair. By nature, the dogs are energetic, courageous, obedient, run a lot, and hunt rodents. Puppies are born with a dark coat color and are valued at 20-60 thousand rubles.

Irish Terrier

Another big terrier with a height of 41-46 cm and a weight of 11.5 kg. The coat is hard and wiry, the undercoat is soft and dense. The color is red or wheaten, the ears are a tone darker than the guard hair. The muzzle is decorated with a beard and funny brushed eyebrows.

By nature, the Irish Terrier is obstinate, so consistent and persistent training is required. The character is energetic, inquisitive, greedy for hunting and active games. The price of a puppy is 20-30 thousand rubles.

German Jagdterrier

Tireless hunting dog: a type of terrier with a height of up to 40 cm and a weight of 10 kg. It is distinguished by its black color and increased aggressiveness - both qualities the breeders intentionally instilled in the species. The result was the most zealous hunter with the strongest grip among all terriers.

The dogs' coat is hard, smooth, their build is powerful, their muzzle has a poorly defined stop. The breed is distinguished by its self-willed disposition, which requires timely education and proper training. Working qualities are extremely high: endurance, stable psyche, desire to destroy all game - this is what avid hunting enthusiasts value in Jagdterriers. The cost of a puppy is in the range of 10,000-30,000 rubles.

Kerry Blue Terrier

These dogs are not as big as the largest terrier, but are slightly inferior to it. The height of adult individuals at the withers reaches 50 cm, weight – 18 kg or more.

The breed was bred from herding dogs, so its character is peaceful, disciplined, moderately playful and mischievous. Such a dog interacts willingly with people, happily follows commands, and becomes incredibly devoted to its owners.

Appearance is notable for its square-shaped head and “blue” color, the shades of which vary from dark steel to light silver. This is the most famous gray terrier, although the puppies are born blue-black. Price: 20-40 thousand rubles.

Border Terrier

Reaches a height of 28 cm and a weight of 8 kg. It is distinguished by a funny muzzle (the terrier's mouth is decorated with mustaches and a beard), as well as an easy-going character. Dogs are sociable with their owners, love to follow commands and play. They are hardy when hunting, extremely attentive and completely devoted to work. You can buy a puppy for 15,000-40,000 rubles.

Manchester Terrier

Medium decorative terrier, the sweetest companion for families with small children.

The height of the individual at the withers is 40 cm, weight reaches 10-11 kg. The dog is smooth-haired, black and tan, with a narrow muzzle and V-shaped ears.

The breed was bred to hunt rats, but later became decorative. The individual’s craving for outdoor games, energetic pastime, and curiosity has been preserved. As a pet, over the years of selection, it has acquired a good-natured disposition, as well as a high tendency to train and obedience. The average price of puppies is 25,000 rubles.

Welsh Terrier

Quite a large terrier with a height at the withers of 39 cm and a weight of about 10 kg. Its black and red color and appearance are similar to the Airedale. Welsh is an excellent companion, moderately adventurous and active. The intelligence of individuals is high, but they are almost not attracted to service or hunting. The cost of a puppy is 20-35 thousand rubles.

Brazilian Terrier

Terrier dogs are also popular in Brazil. Here they bred their own special species - Fox-paw-listinya. Dogs grow up to 40 cm and gain about 10 kg of weight. They are distinguished by their unique color: white guard hair with red, brown or blue spots. There is a dark mask on the head from ears to nose. The dog's character is affectionate, friendly, and loyal. Price tag - from 35 to 45 thousand rubles.

Wheaten Terrier

A soft-haired, curly Irishman with a height of 48 cm and a weight of 16 kg. The physique is powerful and fit. Her appearance is attractive: long curls curl and cover the entire body in soft waves. The color is golden wheaten, with slight darkening in the nose area and on the ears. The dog is strong as a hunter, but domesticated and peaceful. Quite a rare breed of terrier dog; puppies are valued at 20-40 thousand rubles.

Lakeland Terrier

Fearless, hardy and quick-witted dogs come from the mountainous Lake District (England).

Average dimensions: 37 cm height at the withers, 7-8 kg weight. The coat is hard, and the hair on the face and limbs is elongated. The color is predominantly red and black, but blue, liver or gray scoops are allowed, as well as a completely wheaten coat color. The nature of the pets is friendly, although the hunting instincts and strong grip remain with them. You can buy a Lakeland for 30,000-40,000 rubles.

Wire Fox Terrier

Not the largest, but large terriers with a height of 39 cm and a weight of 8.5 kg. The dogs' body is shortened, square-shaped, not massive. The head is elongated, the muzzle is narrowed. The coat is coarse and hard, the undercoat is dense. The color is predominantly white, with black and red opals.

The character of fox terriers is hot-tempered, prone to the manifestation of natural hunting instincts. Therefore, pets require serious education and high physical activity. Dogs readily make contact with people and become loyal friends to their owners. The price of a puppy ranges from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.

Smooth Fox Terrier

Similar to the previous species, only the hair is short and not prone to curling. Smooth-haired terriers are less playful than their wire-haired relatives, but are also quite energetic. They are distinguished by fearlessness, sometimes even aggressiveness towards other animals. Dogs are smart, but due to their stubbornness they can negate their owner’s efforts to train them.

Parson Russell Terrier

Very dexterous and assertive individuals. They grow up to 36 cm, gaining weight of about 6-8 kg. Previously they belonged to the Jack Russell breed, but due to their enlarged dimensions they were transferred to a separate species. The limbs of Parsons are elongated, the body is muscular, square-shaped. The coat color is white, with medium-sized red-brown or dark spots. You can buy a puppy for 25,000-35,000 rubles.

Glen of Imaal Terrier

A rare species native to Ireland. A powerful hunter with a strong, squat body and a large head. Height – 36 cm, weight – 16 kg. The guard hair is short, wheaten, blue or brindle in color.

The temperament is balanced, the qualities that predominate are courage, vigilance, fearlessness, and curiosity. Small animals can be perceived by these dogs as game that needs to be chased down and destroyed. The price for an individual of the Glen of Imaal breed starts from 45 thousand rubles.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a very cute breed, with long beautiful hair, and it does not shed.

This is a companion and anti-stress dog. Gets along well with any animals and is very affectionate towards the owner. Can be fun and playful if the owner wants, but is generally a calm dog.

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Shih Tzus are very easy to diaper train, which is convenient for owners who don't have time for frequent walks.

Shih Tzu weight according to the standard is 4-8.3 kg, height up to 27 cm. Colors are completely different, Shih Tzu come in almost all colors, and spotted (golden, white and red), black, black and tan, with masks, and with white faces, i.e. for every taste.

Genetically, this breed has no predisposition to diseases, but there are weak points: ears, eyes.

Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Small terriers

Now let's see what types of small terriers there are.

Jack Russell Terrier

A dog that is similar in appearance to Parson, but has only 30 cm in height at the withers and 6 kg in weight. According to the nature of the coat, three types of individuals are distinguished: short-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. The breed is very fashionable, mostly ornamental, but with an energetic hunting ardor. On average, they ask for a puppy from 18 to 35 thousand.

Related article:

Small dog breeds - top 35 breeds with photos and brief descriptions. It may also be interesting to read a list of the smallest dog breeds with photographs and a brief description of their characteristics.

Japanese Terrier

It grows up to 33 cm and gains about 4 kg. The body is elegant, the muzzle is elongated, the ears are hanging, the coat is short. Japanese terriers are good-natured, even a little timid: they cannot stand noise and rudeness.

The price for puppies is negotiable, since this dog is considered an extremely rare type of terrier. Only 200 puppies were exported outside the Japanese islands, and in the country itself there are no more than 1.5 thousand individuals.

Australian Terrier

A small fluffy dog, up to 25 cm tall and weighing 6 kg. A cheerful playful companion, an active lover of chasing cats and rodents. He doesn’t like to be bored, so he can turn the house upside down if he doesn’t get enough activity. Such a pet will cost 15-30 thousand rubles.

Cairn Terrier

Scottish dog, a type of smooth-haired terrier. Height – 31 cm, weight – 7.5 kg. The wool is hard, all shades are possible except white. The dogs have a high watchdog skill, but more often active and sociable cairns become ordinary pets. Puppies are sold for 20,000-35,000.

Scottish Terrier

Also a Scotsman, but not an ordinary one, but the most famous terrier with a beard. The individual grows up to 28 cm, weighs 10 kg, has a squat build and short limbs. It is distinguished by high intelligence, hunting sense, vigilance towards strangers, obedience and friendliness towards its owners. The price of a puppy is from 25 to 40 thousand.

Norfolk Terrier

A type of small terrier of small height (25 cm) and weight (6 kg). The pet loves active games, gets along well with children, and is not at all aggressive. The price tag for puppies starts from 30,000 rubles.

Norwich Terrier

A compact dog with a fighting character. Outwardly similar to the Norfolk, only with rough hair and erect ears. Estimated at 30-50 thousand rubles.

Sealyham Terrier

Snow-white terrier dogs with silky long hair. They have a non-aggressive but stubborn character and are difficult to train. They ask about 25 thousand rubles for a puppy.

Czech Terrier

The second name is Bohemian Terrier. A rare species, similar in appearance to Sealyham, but more compact in size. The dogs are nimble, dexterous, and able to quickly and easily find prey. Height – 30 cm, weight – 9 kg. The character is soft and flexible. The price of a puppy starts from $500.

West Highland White Terrier

A short-footed dog, a type of terrier with a white, wire-haired coat. Height at the withers is 41 cm, weight – 9 kg. It has an excellent sense of smell and often functions as a search engine. As a domestic companion, he is energetic, friendly, proud and needs active walks. The price varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

A type of small terrier with a rich “cap” of curls on the head. The individual grows up to 28 cm and weighs about 11 kg. Temperament is independent, persistent, but amenable to training. Dogs are friendly with people and love children. You can buy a puppy for 25,000-60,000 rubles.

Skye Terrier

Elegant bearded terriers come from Scotland. They are distinguished by their elongated hair and erect or hanging ears with feathering. They grow up to 20-25 cm, weigh from 11 to 18 kg. Puppy cost: from 15,000 to 30,000.


The Papillon or “butterfly dog” is a type of continental toy spaniel. This is a companion dog, very friendly, cheerful and active. The Papillon is distinguished by its energy and speed. At the same time, he can calmly sit in his arms if necessary, this is a very intelligent dog. The Papillon is also very touchy.

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The disadvantages of the Papillon include shedding and special coat care. You need to bathe him once every 2 weeks, and you also need to regularly brush and moisturize the coat to avoid it drying out and forming tangles.

The breed has different colors: tricolor, white and sable, white and black, lemon, white and red, etc. Papillon weight is 1.5-5 kg, height is 20-28 cm. Life expectancy is 15-17 years.

A dog of this breed must have at least 2 puppies.

Bull type terriers

Selected breeds of dogs of the “Terrier” group, with accentuated fighting qualities.

Bull Terrier

Short-haired, stocky dog. The height of the individual is 53-55 cm, average weight is 27 kg. Appearance is noticeable: the head is elongated, shaped like an egg; the neck is elongated, the body is squat, taut. The dog is characterized by high intelligence, a fighting character, and great physical strength. Puppy price: 20-60 thousand rubles.

Miniature Bull Terrier

In appearance and character it is similar to an ordinary bull terrier, but its height at the withers cannot exceed 35.5 cm.

American Staffordshire Terrier

A muscular fighter with instant reaction and a tenacious grip. It grows up to 50 cm and weighs about 30 kg. The fur is smooth and dense, the skin stretches, protecting against lacerations in battle. Dogs are smart, loyal to their owners, balanced, but require proper training and a lot of physical activity. Puppies of this breed are valued at 20-40 thousand rubles.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

A strict guard, a reliable rescuer, a devoted companion. The physique is powerful, height at withers 38 cm, weight 17 kg. Dogs are active, brave, determined, with high intelligence. They love their family and are vigilant towards strangers. The cost of an individual is 30,000-70,000 rubles.

Maltese (Maltese)

The Maltese or Maltese has a high degree of intelligence and excellent memory, is very intelligent and intuitive, as if “catching thoughts.” At the genetic level, the Maltese has love and devotion to the owner, adapting to his type of temperament and character.

Maltese are sociable and loving dogs, they are very gentle with children.

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You need to be careful with Maltese, they are very fragile.

One of the most common diseases is connective tissue dysplasia.

They do not need colossal physical activity, but leisurely walks in the air will not hurt them.

The dimensions of the Maltese are as follows: weight is 3-4 kg, height for a male is 21-25 cm, for a female - 20-23 cm. Life expectancy is on average 12-14 years.

Toy Terriers

The last type of terrier in the official classification is the toy variety.

Yorkshire Terrier

A decorative terrier dog that has received the greatest recognition in the world. It is impossible not to love these sweet companions, because they become attached to their owners from the first day. Yorkies are active, inquisitive, restless, and love to communicate. Based on height, there are three types of individuals: standard, mini and super-mini. The price of a puppy starts from 15,000 and goes up to 60,000.

Australian Silky Terrier (Silky)

A stocky dog ​​with fine silky hair, the length of which reaches 15 cm. The height of an adult is 23 cm, weight - 5 kg. Silky is considered a good-natured companion: he takes training well, obediently follows commands, and loves affection. But the dog is not averse to fighting with its relatives, so the upbringing must be correct. Puppies are sold for 15 thousand rubles or more.

English toy terrier

A rare species with an elegant build and miniature dimensions (height 25-30 cm; weight 3.5 kg). The temperament of individuals is peculiar, but not capricious. The price starts from 30,000 rubles.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian is a real plush toy, fluffy and with a cute face. He is very active, playful, attentive and easy to train. He loves walks in the fresh air. He is also a loyal friend and companion who loves his owner.

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To keep his fur always beautiful, careful and regular care is necessary. The Spitz also requires active rest and long walks.

In terms of strength of character, the Spitz is in no way inferior to large dogs. He is characterized by guard qualities and a loud bark.

As for the dimensions, the weight of the Spitz ranges from 1.8 -3.2 kg, height - 18-22 cm. Life expectancy is 12-16 years.

Unofficial varieties of terriers

Finally, there are many species not recognized by the federation. Regarding terriers specifically, the following unofficial breeds are most often called:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • Patterdale Terrier;
  • American Hairless Terrier;
  • American Toy Fox Terrier;
  • Biewer Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Irish Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Plummer Terrier;
  • Old English Terrier;
  • Rat Terrier;
  • Teddy Roosevelt Terrier;
  • Tenterfield Terrier;
  • Toy Fox Terrier.

The Siberian and Dock Terriers are also sometimes mentioned, as well as other types of selection. But their distribution halo is insignificant, so we will focus on the top 50 representatives of the Terrier group.

Petit Brabançon

Griffon of Belgian origin. This breed is also called Petit Brabançon, Brabant Griffon and Smooth Griffon. Brabant Griffons are relatively small in size compared to other decorative breeds. Their weight is from 4 to 6 kg, height is 18-20 cm.

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The Brabançon is a companion dog, very affectionate and friendly. She is characterized by courage, self-confidence, liveliness and the need for communication. This breed is active and loves to play and requires daily walks. Brabançons are sensitive, feel the mood of their owner and experience emotions with him, repeat all his actions.

No special care is required for their coat, as they have short, slightly spiky fur. You only need to brush it once a week.

Their great advantage is that they do not have genetic diseases, and they practically do not suffer from colds.

The lifespan of a Brabançon is from 8 to 14 years.

Bichon Frize

These miniature dogs usually weigh 3-6 kg. At the withers they reach 20-30 cm. The round head, resembling a voluminous ball, is supported by a strong, flexible neck, widening towards the shoulders. Oval eyes have a black rim with dense eyelids.

The dog is distinguished by a strong physique, a wide croup, and has a slight convexity. The withers are almost invisible. The breed is distinguished by a strongly developed chest, with a tucked belly.

The Bichon Frize has only one color – solid white. Sometimes puppies are born with beige spots. As they grow older they disappear. Dogs with fur of a different shade cannot take part in exhibitions; no one is engaged in special breeding of them.


It is known that the Beagle breed was bred to hunt small game, and its task was to run through fields and hunt rabbits and hares. However, the exact history of origin, like many other English breeds, is hidden behind a veil of thick fog. It is not known exactly when the first beagles appeared, but there is information that already at the beginning of the 14th century they were successfully used and bred by the local nobility. They say that these dogs accompanied the Knights of the Round Table. There are suggestions that their ancestors are the now defunct Talbot hounds, which were brought to England from France by William the Conqueror in the 11th century.

For a long time there was no single standard for the breed, and dogs of different sizes were bred in different areas. During the reign of Elizabeth I, the so-called “pocket beagles” or favorites for “ladies’ hunting” became especially popular. Later, the breed became so popular that a separate term appeared in hunting - beagling or walking hunting with a pack of hounds. This breed emerged as an independent breed closer to the beginning of the 1890s, and in 1895 the first standard was issued.

No less interesting is the history of the name of the breed. It supposedly comes from the French word "Begul", which means "to shout". And few people will argue with this definition, because beagles have a very unusual bark, like a scream mixed with a howl. These are some of the loudest breeds. Such an unusual bark served as a sign to the hunters that the dog had taken the scent.

How these dogs bark, watch, or rather listen to the video (Ekaterina Kovaleva).

Interesting Facts

In the modern world, beagles have long left the world of hunting and today they are, first of all, a dog-friend, a cheerful fellow. It is not surprising that they often become heroes of films, cartoons, and comics. Suffice it to recall the puppy Snoopy by American cartoonist Charles Monroe Schultz. Having appeared back in 1950, Snoopy is popular to this day. In 1972, the animated film “Snoopy Come Back!” was made about Snoopy and his friends, and in 1993, the comic book characters were Kinder Surprise toys.

Have you found out about the incredible sense of smell of beagles? There are more than 220 million olfactory receptors on the nasal mucosa of this dog. They not only know how to distinguish odors, but also remember them for a long time. Their ears also play an important role in catching and retaining odors - long, touching the ground, they also help the dog keep track. Thanks to this fine sense of smell, beagles can be trained to find insects, such as bedbugs.


The Komondor is one of the most recognizable white dog breeds. This Hungarian guard dog is famous for its mop-like, curly coat that covers its body from head to toe. Imagine the joy you'll feel when you run your fingers through their silky dreadlocks!

Komondors are fiercely loyal to their families and are some of the bravest dogs you can find.

These intelligent dogs are quite easy to train and serve as alert watchdogs. They are also agile and have an independent nature. The Komondor is best suited to experienced dog owners who understand the breed's unique training and early socialization needs. The Komondor needs daily exercise. One thing is for sure: these dreadlocked dogs love to show affection to their family members.


Some may mistakenly confuse white dogs with albino dogs. It is important to note that the second can be dogs of any breed, since albinism is a gene failure in which there is no pigmentation in the coat, skin and eyes. To determine if your dog is albino, you need to examine the eyes and nose. They have a pink tint; the eyes may retain color, but it will be pale or almost transparent. Such dogs need special care and conditions, because their skin is very sensitive and prone to sunburn. Albinos also have a greater risk of developing skin cancer, so dogs should receive minimal sun exposure and walk at certain times of day.

Chinese Crested

There are two varieties: naked and downy. In this article we will talk about the hairless Chinese Crested.

They come in completely different colors. The dimensions of the crested one are as follows: weight from 2.3 to 5.5 kg, height in the range of 23-33 cm.

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These are very comfortable dogs to live in; they adapt well to their owners. They will play with him if necessary, and when the owner goes to sleep, they will calm down. Hairless, crested, unobtrusive breed.

He loves children very much and is easy to teach and train.

The crested cat needs to be bathed once a week. The use of scrubs and masks is encouraged. It is also necessary to epilate it and use sunscreen in the sun.

The breed has an allergic reaction to the sun. There is also irritation from hair removal and clothing.

For clothing, to avoid irritation, it is recommended to use silk seamless overalls. In general, this breed is cold-resistant.

The Chinese Crested cat practically does not get sick; the only hereditary disease that occurs is eye disease.

Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Hungarian Kuvasz

The snow-white Hungarian giant has a wedge-shaped skull with a large, clearly defined nape. The wide nose tapers towards the tip. Strong jaws have strong chewing muscles. The dog's lips are always dry and have a tight seal. The conical short neck merges with a powerful rectangular body, on thick, completely straight limbs.

The color of the breed can be of two types:

  • Ivory;
  • pure white color.

To maintain its beauty, the dog must be constantly combed, cut, and bathed.

Coton de Tulear

Belongs to the Bichon group and takes its origin from the island of Madagascar. The breed got its name due to the structure of its coat. It is snow-white and long and looks like cotton wool or cotton. Unlike other types of Bichons, representatives of the breed are allowed champagne and black spots in their coloring.

Coton de Tulear are very helpful and intelligent dogs, ready to entertain their owner at any time to please him. They are very perky and charming, it is impossible not to love them. Caring for them requires regular brushing of the coat and daily active walks and games.


A small dog in a thick white fur coat. The main advantage of the breed is its coat. At the withers, the height can reach 25-28 cm. The not elongated muzzle, with large round eyes, a small head, often attracts attention.

The lapdog is distinguished by voluminous breasts and a slightly tucked belly. The height of the inconspicuous withers is equal to the depth of the chest. This long-haired breed has hairs growing almost everywhere. The only exception is the muzzle. Here the wool is much shorter.

The standard fluffy coat is pure white. Sometimes there is wool with an ivory color.


French dog up to 32 cm tall, other names are Lyon Bichon, Little Lion Dog, Lowchen. The coat is naturally long, silky, without undercoat. For an exhibition Lövchen, a “Lion” haircut is required.

The hair is shaved or cut short on the back of the body, partly on the limbs and tail. The remaining areas are left in their natural state. Any colors are allowed, but solid white and black are more valued.

Levchen is a receptive, obedient companion. Strive to understand what the owner expects from him. Able to restrain emotions on command. The breed is included in the list of the most expensive. Almost never found in Russia.

Small white dogs look beautiful, but if not properly cared for, they quickly lose their attractiveness. In addition to washing and combing the fur, pets need to remove tear tracks under the eyes, remove leftover food and moisture around the mouth, and wipe the hair under the tail and paws after going outside.


Mexican extremely small dogs are among the top 5 popular breeds on the planet. They regularly appear in the Guinness Book of World Records as the tiniest dogs.

The growth of a Chihuahua is not regulated by the standard, but its body weight is strictly limited. Animals lighter than 1 kg and heavier than 3 kg will be disqualified. Micro Chihuahuas weighing 500–1000 grams are in demand among owners who do not plan to take their pupils to exhibitions.

Long-haired Chihuahua.

The Chihuahua's coat is short or semi-long with decorative hair on the ears, tail, and limbs. Colors are varied, including solid white. Marble is prohibited.

According to reviews from breeders, long-haired Chihuahuas are reserved and peaceful, while short-haired ones are more active, cocky and obstinate. But every rule has exceptions.

Lhasa apso

The oldest Tibetan breed, which originated from the guard dogs of Buddhist monasteries. In their homeland, the Lhasa apso was considered a living talisman of peace and prosperity, and it was forbidden to take it out of the country.

The average height of a Lhasa is 25 cm. The coat was formed in the harsh climatic conditions of Tibet with long, cold winters and short, hot summers. The body is completely hidden by dense, heavy, straight hair. The head is decorated with bangs, mustache, and beard. White-haired Lhasas are rare, although they are allowed by the standard.

Lhasa Apso with haircut.

Lhasa Apsos are lively, friendly, brave, and alert companions. They have retained guard skills, do not trust strangers, and love to bark to announce the arrival of guests. Lhasa Apso is included in the list of long-living dogs that live 15 - 20 years.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. There are several breeds in the world whose individuals are distinguished by their snow-white color, without being albinos.
  2. White wool requires special care - special cosmetics.
  3. Dogs of white color are most often prone to allergies among relatives of other colors.
  4. Among them there are many hypoallergenic breeds.
  5. Among snow-white dogs there are both representatives of decorative breeds and giants.
  6. In addition to snow-white, the standard may allow other coat colors.

How do you feel about snow-white dogs? What other white-colored breeds do you know? Share your opinion in the comments, please. We are very interested.

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is truly a royal dog. For several centuries it was kept in the courts of Japanese emperors. One day one of the emperors recognized these little ones as sacred animals. In 1853, a pair of chins was brought to England as a gift for Queen Victoria.

Due to its love for chewing food for a long time, the Japanese Chin is called the “chewing dog.” These kids are very hardy, love children and are ready to keep their owner company.

Swiss Shepherd (white)

The exterior of this strong, muscular Shepherd is somewhat similar to the German breed. Their height is approximately the same, but the build of the “Swiss” is somewhat denser. There are short-haired and long-haired individuals.

The Shepherd is distinguished by an elongated croup, slightly inclined towards the tail. The powerful chest is oval in shape, with an expressive front part. The breed is characterized by a straight, strong back, with clearly defined withers.

The dog always has white fur.

English bulldog

It is distinguished by short legs that support a muscular body. The powerful head looks very large and massive. The wide, flattened muzzle has many folds. The strong lower jaw is equipped with teeth capable of biting the enemy. The nose is deep-set and usually black.

The fleshy lips hang down heavily, covering the lower jaw. The wide-set dark eyes are deep-set. The dog is decorated with small ears, slightly set back.

This breed comes in a variety of colors. However, representatives with beautiful white fur are often found.

Siberian Husky

These often smiling sled dogs have thick fur, inherited from their northern ancestors. These dogs are specially designed to work in harsh cold climates. They may have fur of different colors, but if you see an all-white husky, you will be shocked by its beauty.

Siberian Huskies are also pack dogs, so they enjoy the company of other dogs and are loyal to their family. Hardworking Huskies are full of vital energy . They will need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. They can get a little mischievous and chase small animals. But overall they are gentle and very friendly dogs.

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