ABBA brand dog food: composition analysis, reviews from owners and veterinary specialists

03/31/2021 5,684 Dog food

Author: Olga

Every owner wants to know what to feed their dog. No, this is not one of the variants of the famous mnemonic formula, but also a kind of formula. – Formula for the activity and health of your four-legged friend. After all, the right choice of food is the key to a dog’s health. The trouble is that there are so many offers that it’s easy to get confused. Advance, Ava, Gemon, Josera, DaDo: which brand of dog food is best for your pet?


About the manufacturer

The owner of the industrial food brand is the wide chain of pet stores “Four Paws”. Drying production is distributed among several factories: dry granules - in Holland, wet granules - in Germany, some canned products - in Russia (Naro-Fominsk).

Product recipes are developed with the active participation of veterinarians and specialists working in human food production. The most current EU industry standards are used. The percentage of meat in Abba dog food can reach a record 70%. Production control of the finished product ensures the highest quality.

Price category

How much will you have to pay for ABBA dog food? It all depends on the volumes. A bag of food weighing 1.5 kilograms will cost about 600 rubles. The most expensive is grain-free. A 12 kilogram bag costs about 4,000 rubles.

What are the reviews for ABBA dog food? The owners are for the most part happy with it. If we analyze the reviews, we can draw the following conclusions:

Suitable for dogs with allergies.

The animals' fur is soft, there is no feeling of greasy or dryness, as happens when feeding cheap food.

The pets are healthy and cheerful. The energy in them is in full swing.

They eat food with gusto.

Excrements after it are normal. Not very big, but not small either. There is no diarrhea or constipation. The dog defecates daily.

Despite the low meat content in the food, dog owners are satisfied with it. And the dogs themselves don’t complain about the diet.

Feed composition

To analyze the components, we will choose dry food intended for adult dogs of small breeds. We will place the dry food ingredients in the order they appear on the label on the packaging:

  • dehydrated meat - 17%. In our case it is lamb. The food contains no by-products or meat flour. This means that only meat that has undergone the most basic processing is included. Fishmeal is responsible for protein, but it is located in position 7, the percentage is not indicated. In this position it is small.
  • carbohydrates - rice (14%), corn, barley, peas. These components in the feed also act as a source of plant proteins;
  • fats of animal origin - without specifying the type, fish oil (salmon);
  • fiber - as in many other feeds - beet pulp;
  • supplements and sources of vitamins. Contains 4 types of vitamins, 6 essential minerals;
  • antioxidants - no specific indication.

Please note that Abba dry dog ​​food contains only 24% protein. Considering that the share of lamb meat is stated to be 17%, most of the protein source is fresh meat.

Types and characteristics

ABBA product release form:

  • dry food (everyday, fresh meat based, grain-free);
  • canned food;
  • treats.

There is also a division of food by age: for puppies and adult dogs.

The product quality is inferior to the holistic class, which contains at least 80% natural meat, however, among the premium category feeds, ABBA is considered one of the best brands.

Why Abba food is better than others

Advance (Spain)

The premium diet from Spain contains a large amount of corn, gluten, maize and other inexpensive ingredients. In Abba food, the source of carbohydrates is provided by higher quality rice (14%) or potatoes (for grain-free formulations).

Nutram (Canada, USA)

Nutram dry food often uses chicken meat or flour consisting of bones, sinews and skin. Additional ingredients - salt and chicken seasoning (without detailed indication of composition). Abba food does not use spices or allergenic meats.

Dietary recommendations

If your pet is just switching to the Ava group food, you need to gradually allow the animal to get used to the new diet. Over the course of a week, gradually increase the content of products in the menu.

Each package of Avva product indicates the required dosage of food for a day. To calculate the mass of a product per meal, you simply need to divide the total amount of product given per day by the number of meals.

The dog's bowl must be kept clean, if possible, cleared of food debris at least twice a day. Next to the container for solid food, there must be a container with clean, but not cold, drinking water.

Additional Information! "Ava" contains all the necessary beneficial nutrients for dogs, so there is no need to mix additives with the food.

Abba food for dogs cannot be called budget food for your beloved pets. However, this is a time-tested brand that is recognized by many dog ​​owners as the best product. The products contain only natural and hypoallergenic products, with a minimum of additives. Among the products you can choose food for all breeds of dogs, of any size and age.

Abba dry food line

The brand's line of food includes the following products:

  • dry granules. Conventionally, they can be divided into types: everyday, grain-free and fresh meat diets. Divided by age categories and sizes of animals;
  • canned products: regular and premium;
  • treats: sticks, cookies, sticks, bones. There are also specialized products that perform two roles - a treat and a toothbrush.

For puppies

Abba for large breed puppies

The amount of protein has been increased to 28%, additional vitamins and minerals have been introduced, allowing the growing body to develop evenly and correctly. The energy value of the feed is 400 kcal per 100 grams. Chondroitin and glucosamine are responsible for the correct formation of the skeleton of babies who should grow into big dogs.

For adult and senior dogs

Abba for small breed dogs (with fresh turkey meat)

The composition includes dehydrated and fresh turkey meat in equal proportions. Potatoes are the source of carbohydrates. The main condition of the food is to prevent your small pet from becoming obese. Vegetables and fruits are present, designed to improve digestion and reduce the smell of feces.

Abba grain-free for dogs with allergies (potato and lamb)

The source of carbohydrate is potatoes, which are the most nutritious product compared to cereals. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids ensure a healthy coat. High protein content ensures strong muscles and joint elasticity.

Canned food

Abba universal canned food for dogs of all breeds

A complete soft product contains a large amount of meat - chicken 40%, lamb 30%. About 30% comes from meat broth. The rest comes from minerals and flaxseed oil. No preservatives or antioxidants of unknown origin.


Dental care sticks (eucalyptus, for small and medium breeds)

The sticks contain grains, oils, fats and meat products. The sticks gently cleanse teeth of plaque or prevent its formation. Freshens dog's breath. In addition, pets really like their taste.

Abba sticks with calcium for puppies (dental care)

In the usual composition, the amount of calcium is increased. Such sticks are an additional source of calcium for a growing body and an excellent means of distracting from damage to things at home.


The Meradog range is represented by four groups of recipes:

  • Meradog Premium;
  • Meradog Super-premium;
  • Meradog Pure (addressed to dogs with special needs);
  • Meradog Treats.

All Meradog super-premium products include special components that help neutralize unpleasant “dog” odors.

The recipe for any product from the Pure group includes only one source of protein and carbohydrates. As for premium food, this is a classic of balanced healthy nutrition for animals. These foods contain no preservatives, artificial colors or flavors.

Meradog consumption rates are adjusted by the owner within the limits indicated in the table depending on the weight and activity of the pet.

Pet weight, kgRecommended daily intake of Meradog, kg
30,065 – 0,075
5 – 100,090 – 0,180
10 – 150,180 – 0,245
15 – 200,245 – 0,300
20 – 300,300 – 0,410
30 – 400,410 – 0,505
40 – 500,505 – 0,600
50 – 600,600 – 0,685
60 – 700,645 – 0,770


From young to old: Spanish Advance super-premium dry food is addressed to three age groups of animals.


Advance feed types:

  • Advance Puppies (for puppies);
  • Advance Adult Dogs (for young adult dogs);
  • Advance Senior Dogs (for animals over 8 years old).

The manufacturing company's main emphasis is on strengthening the animal's own defenses. This is achieved by including natural antioxidants and bioflavonoids in product formulations.

Advance's assortment includes products that make up the daily diet of both healthy dogs and animals with special needs. The manufacturer Advance has developed and produces special food for dogs with allergies, pregnant and lactating bitches, long-haired and neutered (prone to overweight) pets.

Advance consumption rates are adjusted by the owner within the limits indicated in the table depending on the weight, level of activity and individual characteristics of the pet.

Pet weight, kgRecommended daily intake of Advance, kg
100,140 – 0,210
150,190 – 0,285
200,235 – 0,350
250,280 – 0,420
300,320 – 0,480


One of the most famous French dog food manufacturers is the company Sopral SA. It produces the famous product Flatazor.


Dry food Flatazor is presented in groups:

  • Flatazor for puppies;
  • Flatazor for adult animals;
  • Flatazor for aging dogs;
  • Flatazor Prestige;
  • Flatazor Protect;
  • Flatazor Elite.

The recipes of the first three groups take into account the age needs of animals. Products from the Flatazor Prestige group can be fed to pets throughout their life.

Flatazor Protect contains components with therapeutic and prophylactic action. This group contains food for animals prone to allergies, skin diseases, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Flatazor Elite has a high protein content, this product is designed for dogs with increased activity.

Pet weight, kgRecommended daily intake of Flatazor, kg
2 – 50,050 – 0,105
10 – 150,170 – 0,225
20 – 300,275 – 0,360
40 – 500,435 – 0,510
60 – 700,575 – 0,635


Dutch food Ava is quite popular.


Thanks to its wide range, Ava food can become the ideal diet for almost any dog. Ava-standard contains crude protein and high-quality fats of vegetable origin. Enriched with a vitamin complex, lysine, and methionine, Ava food helps improve the appearance of the coat. You can choose Ava in dry granules and Ava in canned food.

Ava's consumption rates are adjusted by the owner within the limits indicated in the table depending on the weight and activity level of the pet.

Pet weight, kgRecommended daily intake of Ava, kg
50,050 – 0,100
10 – 150,100 – 0,350
20 – 300,350 – 0,570
over 30> 0,600

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Reviews from veterinarians about Abba food

Igor N. I often recommend Abba grain-free food to patients who are allergic to other foods. A wide selection of just such options. Dogs eat with pleasure, such food is not expensive. So far I have not detected any negative reactions to the use. But the practice of application is short-lived.

Elena N. In my practice, there is a strange story with the Abba brand. I advised a new diet to a patient who is a bad guy. It seems that the hostess said that she devours both cheeks. Allergies began - huge pimples on my chin, hair began to fall out, and my eyes began to water. The food was canceled. We tried to find a hypoallergenic one, but nothing worked. The patients went to the country, where they were able to buy only the grain-free version of Abba. It was all over in a week. So, the selection of food must be done carefully, regardless of brand and class.

Video “How to feed dogs properly”

The head physician of the veterinary center shares his thoughts on the topic of how to properly feed pets.

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Owner reviews

Katerina O. My chihuahua is small. Or rather, a terrible picky person. She only eats tasty treats and has started to gain weight. The doctor said that she simply doesn’t eat enough of her food and is very spoiled. We bought Abba canned lamb, which is premium. Now I feed them, and I’ve limited the treats. If I buy, it’s only from the same company.

Vasily K. I have a natural Labrador. I always cooked porridge with meat trimmings and offal. For some reason I began to gain a lot of weight, although there was a lot of stress, the portion was small. The doctor ordered to reduce calories and fat content. I recommended Abba jars. I buy the biggest ones, I buy them in bulk. It comes out to about 200 rubles per jar. He eats well, we move, we play. The smell from the mouth became less.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Abba is a brand owned by a Russian chain.
  2. Production is located in the EU countries and the Russian Federation.
  3. Belongs to the premium class.
  4. Contains raw and dehydrated meat, no flour or by-products are used.
  5. The line includes dry granules, canned food and a wide range of treats.
  6. It is sometimes difficult to buy in stores, but it is available in online pet stores.

Abba food can be recommended for inclusion in the diet of tailed pets. Do you feed your friend this brand? Which one do you choose? Share your experience in the comments, we really value your opinion.

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