“Native food” for dogs: composition analysis, expert reviews

Native cat food is produced in Russia, at the Naro-Fominsk cannery in the Moscow region. The trademark belongs to Pet Care Company LLC. The company produces dry and wet food for cats and dogs. The recipe, design, raw materials, and packaging are Russian. The food is high quality, has a natural composition and meets all product standards. The raw materials used to make this brand are certified by the international HUMAN GRAD standard.

The Rodnye brand of food is widespread, has a reasonable price and good quality. The cat food does not contain artificial substances, colors or flavors. The ingredients in the composition may vary depending on the target focus and diet. Due to the wide range, every cat owner can choose the food that is suitable for their pet.

About the manufacturer

Dog food is produced to order from the Pet Care Company. The factories are located in the cities of Yelets and Naro-Fominsk. The manufacturer classifies the food as a premium class and guarantees the presence of only natural ingredients, an original recipe with a complex of vitamins and minerals, adapted to keeping dogs in our country.

It should be noted that the food line also includes wet products for small breed dogs and canned food, which are cold cuts with jelly. Canned wet dog food belongs to the premium, super premium or holistic classes.

Interesting fact: the manufacturer packages dry food in packages with the original weight, which is expressed in pounds (1 Russian pound is equal to 0.409 kg), poods (1 pood is equal to 16.38 kg).

Feed composition

For analysis, we will take a diet from the “Native Food” line, intended for adult dogs of all breeds (20/10). Contains:

  • protein . The food packaging label indicates the protein content is 20%. The source of protein in the composition is chicken flour - 17%. Next come corn and wheat, the percentage of which is not specified. If we consider that about 12% of protein is obtained from chicken meat flour, then the remaining 8% comes from vegetable matter;
  • fats and fatty acids - chicken fat (10%);
  • fiber - dietary fiber (without specifying the type of plant), dried apples and pumpkin;
  • probiotic complex - as part of “native feed” is represented by the unique drug ProStor. Developed jointly with the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after. A. N. Severtsov RAS. ProStor provides protection for the dog’s body, improves the conversion of the “Native Food” diet, stimulates the immune system and metabolic processes;
  • amino acids - lysine, DL-methionine;
  • antioxidants - prevent food spoilage, are of natural origin according to the information on the manufacturer’s website.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the “Native food” diet include:

  • the source of protein is flour from various types of meat;
  • the food line includes not only dry diets, but also canned food for dogs;
  • the presence of a unique probiotic supplement ProStor;
  • low price compared to similar dog foods;
  • availability in stores.

There were some downsides:

  • there is little specificity in the composition, there are no names of antioxidants, sources of dietary fiber;
  • the vitamin complex is not poor, but the proportion of each vitamin is small;
  • a high proportion of corn and wheat - products not recommended for dogs.

Why “Native food” is better than analogues

For comparison, let’s take diets belonging to the premium segment.


The food contains a high protein content (45% in total), but in reality it turns out that up to 3/4 of the ingredients are lost during processing. In this case, no more than 23% remains in the protein composition. In comparison with “Native Feed”, the figure is the same, but the manufacturer is not trying to artificially inflate the percentage.

Despite its Russian origin, RosPes dry food is still difficult to find on store shelves.

Dog Chow

In the food, cereals are placed in the first place in the composition, and meat comes only in second place. It is represented mainly by offal, without specifying a specific name.

But by-products can be both useful (liver, heart, etc.) and useless or harmful to the dog’s health (chicken skin, bones, etc.).

In "Native Foods" the most important ingredients have a name; the source of fiber always contains fruits or vegetables, and not their processed products, as in Dog Chow.

Buyer evaluation of canned food

Adult dogs, as customer comments show, are happy to eat canned food “Turkey Stroganoff Style”, “Rabbit Streletsky Style”, “Lamb Style Tsarsky”, which contain meat and do not contain GMO products. With a can weighing 125 g, the average cost is about 60 rubles. And dogs like canned meats “Assorted meats in jelly in boyar style” a little less; they eat them less willingly. The price of a product weighing 970 g is 125 rubles. “Native food” is canned food for dogs, reviews of which are in most cases positive.

Pet owners note that the jar has a ring, making it easy to open. Canned food is rich in flavor and suitable for adult dogs of any breed. And the product for puppies, as the owners indicate, has a pleasant aroma.

Canned puppy food comes in the following flavors:

  • turkey;
  • lamb;
  • rabbit;
  • quail;
  • cold cuts.

Owners of small dogs indicate that the food for them is a delicate pate with a pleasant aroma. In addition to natural meat, it contains by-products, a gelling agent, water and salt.

Dog owners point out the presence of their own original recipe among the advantages of Rodnye Feed products. So, in the market you rarely see such exquisite “dishes” for pets as Cossack-style beef with vegetables.

Each food has a complex name: the first part indicates the meat on which the product is made (beef, rabbit, chicken). Next, the main additive is indicated (vegetables, offal, rice), and finally, the third part of the name is the original method of preparation (Cossack style, Oryol style).

Line of “Native food” for dogs

The food is presented by age group (adults and puppies only) with the following sizes: large medium small. There are no breed diets or gradations based on physiological conditions (elderly, pregnant and lactating).

For puppies

“Native food” for puppies of all breeds

The diet contains 28% protein, an increased percentage of calcium, vitamins and minerals to meet all the needs of the puppy’s active, growing body. The size of the granules does not exceed 1 cm; the manufacturer recommends soaking the dryer with water.

Suitable for babies of all breeds, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for daily intake, but take into account the baby's activity and appetite.

For adult dogs

“Native food” for adult dogs with high activity (25/13)

The diet is suitable for adult dogs of all weight categories. The balanced composition contains protein (26%), cereals, fiber (pumpkin and apple), vitamin and mineral supplements, and a unique ProStor complex. The product will provide the dog with the necessary energy and improve digestion.

Canned food

The line of canned products of the Rodnye Korma brand is more diverse than dry ones. Here are jars belonging to different classes and price categories.

Meat treat with beef and tripe

The food contains: beef (20%), tripe, liver, lung, gelling agent. The product belongs to the premium class. The manufacturer recommends feeding the product in pure form or as part of porridge (ratio 1:2).

Canned food does not contain antioxidants and, once opened, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

In addition to the main ingredients, it contains water, vegetable oil and salt.

Canned food “Native food nobility” (lamb)

The composition is completely natural (97% meat): lamb, jelly, salt, water. Belongs to the holistic class. It consists of large pieces of meat enclosed in jelly. No soy, flavorings, GMOs. The meat used in dog food is Human Grade. This means that it is subject to quality standards developed for human food.

Reviews from veterinarians

Veterinary experts have mixed opinions about the “native food” brand. Most of them speak positively about the line of canned products, noting the high meat content and the absence of chemical additives.

Ivan K. I recommend wet products in the form of pates and canned food to my clients, especially small breeds. From experience, dogs eat with pleasure. I didn’t notice any allergies. Convenient for picky people and those with little teeth, the food is given in its pure form so as not to mix it with cereals. A shelf life of 2 days imposes limitations.

Olesya M. I do not recommend that brand of dog food to patients. In my opinion, the dryer has a poor composition. The manufacturer talks about a unique probiotic complex. but you just have to take his word for it. No one is in a hurry to reveal the formula or ingredients. Wet varieties are too oily and, of course, the presence of salt is alarming. There are much safer preservatives, but the manufacturer does not use them. Although the cost of the product is low and many patients independently choose the brand.

Price and where to buy

The price of native food brand products is low, despite the natural and rich composition. The price of food depends on the type of food and its weight. Dry food 400g can be bought for 80 rubles, a 2kg package for 350 rubles, a 10kg package for 1500 rubles.

The line Super-premium meat treat (100g) costs 50 rubles, and a package of 340g costs 120 rubles

The line of noble class holistic food (100g) costs 110 rubles, and the Premium class (100g) costs about 42 rubles; for 410g of a product of the same line you need to pay about 100 rubles.

The low price of the brand is due to the fact that the brand is produced in Russia and the costs of transporting raw materials and the finished product are small, and there are also no intermediary costs.

Native food can be bought in pet stores or veterinary clinics, and also ordered in online stores.

The Native food brand always provides high quality products, which, along with an affordable price, makes the products of this company one of the best options for feeding pets.

Owner reviews

The owners are quite unanimous in their opinions regarding the brand. The majority are satisfied with the cost and Russian production. They focus on the dog’s appetite when eating food and the absence of a negative reaction from the body.

Irina V. I start ordering canned food for my dachshund and my eyes widen, the names are like in a good restaurant. By the way, the food smells very nice. Sometimes the stew smells more unpleasant to people. Our dachshund is not getting fat, although he had problems with being overweight. Energetic and with a good appetite, she eats both dry and wet.

Valentin O. We buy dry food and canned food. We have a big dog, so we give him more jars for pampering, in the form of treats. All good. but for a long time I could not get used to the weight. A pound, a pound... Now everything is simple and I even like such originality.

Feeding recommendations

Organix (cat food): composition of diets

When introducing dry and wet industrial compounds into your diet, you must follow a set of simple rules. The right balance of different types of foods will help maintain a good appetite and good health for your pet for many years.

Basic nutritional recommendations:

  • Wet food + dry food in a ratio of 25% to 75% respectively.
  • You should not feed your dog only commercially canned food unless there is an urgent need for it.
  • If the dog happily eats both dry and wet industrial compositions, then they can be alternated.
  • Wet food + homemade food in a ratio of 25% to 75% respectively.
  • Delicacy industrial feed should make up no more than 10% of the daily diet, as it contains a high concentration of saturated fat.
  • If the dog eats only canned food, then in order to avoid the development of dental problems, the pet needs to additionally purchase a mineralized or delicacy bone.

What do dry puppy food pellets look like?

Note! Of course, there are cheaper analogues of industrial compounds, but feeding them on an ongoing basis can cause serious damage to the health of your beloved pet.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. “Native feed” - premium domestic feed;
  2. The line of dry products is not diverse; the line of canned goods is richer;
  3. The composition includes proven ingredients, a unique ProStor complex;
  4. The cost is low compared to analogues;
  5. Rarely causes allergies and gastrointestinal disorders.

The brand of dog food "Native Food" can be recommended for feeding dogs that do not have any particular health problems. Wet meat formulations are perfect for weakened, capricious animals.


Dog owners and breeders include the following among the positive qualities of “Native Feed” products:

  • Made from domestic raw materials.
  • Interestingly designed, bright packaging stands out on store shelves.
  • Affordable price for products of this class.
  • A whole range of flavors.
  • Dogs eat with pleasure.
  • A balanced composition helps the animal receive the minerals and vitamins necessary for health.

Dog breeders point out that these canned meats actually contain meat.

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