Dog food Happy dog: analysis of ingredients, reviews from owners and specialists

Feed composition

To analyze the components, let’s take Happy Mini Adult food:

  • Corn is in first place. This is a strange ingredient for a premium diet due to its high allergenicity and poor digestibility. Of course, it is cheap, so it is beneficial for the manufacturer to include it in the composition. In fourth place is rice flour - it is easier to digest, but most likely it is processed waste;
  • The protein component is represented by several ingredients - poultry protein (meat or flour is not specified), potato protein, salmon meal, lamb (protein). Strange name for ingredients without specifying the type of meat. Not enough for premium food;
  • fatty acids - oils (rapeseed and sunflower), poultry fat;
  • fiber - beet pulp and apple pulp;
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • additives - yeast, seaweed, flax seeds;
  • New Zealand clam.

Interesting: on the food packaging the ingredients are presented in German, but the translation by the distributor was incorrect. For example, “lamb protein” translates to “lamb meat.” It's not the same thing. Protein can be obtained from offal.

It is strange that the manufacturer of Happy Dog dry food included shellfish from a distant country as a source of glucosamine, but did not find simpler meat.

Price and where to buy

You can buy food of this brand in online pet stores:

  1. "Yandex Market" ():
      Dry food Happy Dog 1 kg - from 554 rubles;
  2. Dry food "Happy Dog" 4 kg - from 1390 rubles;
  3. Dry food Happy Dog 15 kg - from 3650 rubles;
  4. Canned food "Happy Dog" 0.4 kg x 20 pcs - from 1,754 rub.
  5. "ZooPassage" (link).

Prices shown are valid through mid-September 2022 and may change over time. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the links above.

Why Happy dog ​​is better than other foods

Bozita original

In Bozita premium dog food, the percentage of the protein component and protein is less (about 25%), while in Happy Dog the figure reaches 30. Happy has a rich composition of mineral and vitamin supplements (up to 15 components).


Some Hills products contain corn gluten, wheat and sorghum, which are nutritious but difficult for animals to digest.

Research by specialists.

The components that make up Happy Dog dry food have been analyzed by specialists.

Some product shortcomings have been identified:

  • Most feeds contain corn. It is a source of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins and is not nutritious for animals.
  • The composition does not contain information about the type of meat that was used in the feed (fillet or offal).

Despite this, there are much more advantages:
  • The composition is enriched with a large amount of animal protein. The meat content in the feed is 25%.
  • The concentration of vitamins and minerals is high enough for the owner to make do with food only and not resort to additional supplements.
  • The food contains a variety of herbs - sources of fiber. They support proper digestion in dogs.
  • The feed is enriched with fats and amino acids. They promote proper development, growth, and tissue regeneration. Necessary for the correct functioning of the nervous system.

Happy dog ​​food line

The product line includes:

  • age products: for puppies, adult dogs, old dogs;
  • food for dogs with special needs - Supreme;
  • Profi line;
  • NaturCroq;
  • medicinal feed;
  • treats and supplements;
  • cereals and meat;
  • wet foods.

For puppies

Puppy food (Baby lamb and rice)

For babies, the food is made in the form of small heart-shaped croquettes. To provide the small body with energy, the composition is enriched with proteins and proteins. The New Zealand shellfish, whose meat is rich in glucosamine, is responsible for the development of joints. The unique complex contains several types of herbs that relieve inflammation and remove harmful substances from the body.

For adult and senior dogs

Happy dog ​​flakes

The product is a mixture of cereals for mixing with wet products of this brand. Whole grain cereals are easy to digest and digest. Contains a complex of herbs for digestion and activity.

Food for adult dogs Happy Dog Africa (with ostrich meat, grain-free)

Suitable for dogs with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. Ostrich meat is a unique source of protein. Potatoes replace grains and are gluten-free. The diet gives activity and energy, quick satiety, without causing the dog problems with digestion or allergic reactions.

Canned food

Happy dog ​​100% turkey

The monoprotein product is suitable for feeding on its own or mixing with cereal. Contains only natural turkey meat. Suitable for dogs with food allergies and intolerances to certain foods.

Distinctive features of the Happy Dog brand

The wide range of Happy Dog brand products is justified by the fact that in their production they use high-quality products from German farms, which allow them to include various raw materials in their feed.

The phrase of Happy Dog CEO Georg Müller: “We use only high-quality proteins in combination with the valuable properties of herbs and fruits” is the motto of the entire production.

Reviews from veterinarians

Alexey K. Marka evokes a mixed impression. Although the manufacturer does not note this anywhere, I will say that in terms of composition, different products in the line can be classified into different classes. I was very surprised by the cereal. A strange product, actually a mix of regular cereal flakes at an inflated price. There are a lot of additives in different products; even holistic foods have fewer. But all these ingredients are not so important for the dog’s health given the fact that there is little protein in the food. And it is represented by products of dubious origin.

Irina V. Most of my patients are representatives of small breeds. I advise them to eat monoprotein wet food from Happy dog. They eat it like that, add it to porridges - simple store-bought ones and special ones from Happy. No allergies have been identified yet. Convenient if your pet needs to be put on a strict diet: there is no need to look for lean meat in markets and stores. Everything is ready in the bank. The main thing is not to miss the expiration date, some dogs eat little, the deadline is approaching, but the owner does not dare to throw away the food. This is where there may already be gastrointestinal disorders.

Pros and cons of this food

Like any other dog food, Happy Dog has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to analyze them before purchasing. As a maximum, because all the main characteristics of the food taken for testing must be checked in advance. At least because the price for food is quite high, and no one wants to lose money.

  • The products mainly use animal protein. It is absorbed faster by dogs and is better digested.
  • The main ingredient in many formulas - this even applies to medicinal food - is corn. Its nutritional value is not enough to enrich the dog’s body.
  • The brand produces not only the standard daily diet, but also treats. There are canned foods, training treats and spiders. Although, in Russia they are rare.
  • The composition of some options offered under the Happy Dog brand is quite poor. Therefore, it is better to check the composition in advance rather than count on the company creating unconditionally high-quality products. But Happy Dog formulas are constantly improving.
  • The wide range from the German manufacturer includes food for all categories of dogs, both by age and general health.
  • The composition does not indicate whether fillet is used or simply by-products from meat production. But since production is regulated by German standards, we can assume that everything is fine.
  • Of course, Happy Dog does not contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. But the concentration is quite good, if the dog is healthy, you can do without additives.
  • The products have a relatively high price. Of course, she cannot be compared with representatives of the holistic class. But for those who are not accustomed to European premium prices, it will seem impressive.
  • To increase shelf life and improve taste, only natural antioxidants are used, for example, rosemary and mixed tocopherols.
  • Food can be hard to find outside major cities, but online ordering is possible. Although, this will take a lot of time due to the need to deliver the pack to its destination.

Owner reviews

Yaroslav O. We have three dachshunds in our house, one is old. Our old lady already has a bunch of diseases, allergies to one thing or another. We were looking for food so that we could feed all three. Well, or fit into one line, so as not to look in different stores. I liked the Supreme series. We take different tastes, focusing on the reaction of our oldest “lady”. Digestion is in order, the coat is shiny, there are no allergies. It is important that dogs do not get fat, they are always active and well-fed.

Anna K. I have a Sheltie, and when it’s dried, her fur comes out and becomes dull. We tried many foods. Hills didn't suit us, I saw Happy dog ​​in the store. I took some dog food in small bags to try. I liked it with Happy's turkey. We also buy delicacies - chewy sausages with tripe and turkey.


Please note that the cost of Happy dog ​​dog food is slightly higher than its analogues and amounts to:

  • bag (12.5 kg) of food for sensitive dogs (country series: Africa, Canada, etc.) - from 7,500 rubles;
  • bag (15 kg) Natur Croq Balance - from 4500 rubles;
  • bag (20 kg) Profi line - from 5800 rubles;
  • monoprotein wet food 100% meat (400 g) - from 280 rubles;
  • Naturline canned food (400 g) - from 95 rubles.

The cost of the feed depends on the composition. It can be noted that a canned product with natural composition is cheaper than similar ones, which cannot be said about dry granules.

Buyers' opinion

Reviews of Happy Dog dog food are very diverse. Most positive ratings fall into the “How much the dog likes it” category.

For picky dogs, Happy Dog products are the best option.

  • The food was highly rated by owners of dogs with allergies and food intolerances.
  • Positive reviews were left by owners of neutered dogs and dogs with various diseases.
  • Negative reviews are mainly based on individual intolerance to certain components included in the food.

It should be noted that before buying this or that product for your pet, you should consult a veterinarian.

He will help you choose from a large assortment of the Happy Dog brand the food that is suitable for your dog!

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Happy dog ​​- premium dog food from Germany;
  2. The composition of the feed is varied, there are many additives of plant origin;
  3. Unknown origin of animal proteins;
  4. High cost of dry product;
  5. A wide range, different series of products of which can be classified into different classes;
  6. The manufacturer offers, in addition to drying, canned food and treats.

Happy Dog can be recommended for feeding dogs, but you should choose based on the composition of a specific series from the line. It is worth understanding that such a product will not be cheap. Do you buy this brand of food for your dog? Share your opinion in the comments, please.

history of the company

The history of the company began in the 18th century, when a mill of the Müller family appeared in the commune of Veringen, on the banks of the Singold River. She ground the flour from which Interquell began making cereal flakes in the 20th century. And then, in the 1950s, the first dry dog ​​diet was invented - cereal flakes mixed with dried meat.

The Müllers began producing such food, and then the Happy Dog brand appeared. The animal products produced by the Mullers were liked by buyers in many countries - in the late 2000s, dry dog ​​food of this brand also appeared in Russia.

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