Chihuahua weight by month - to what age they grow, table of weight and height of a puppy and an adult dog

Many dog ​​breeders or those just planning to get a Chihuahua breed are interested in its development. It is, of course, better to know in advance about the age at which a Chihuahua grows than to panic later that something is wrong with the dog and it is not developing properly, gaining weight and growing. Everything is quite simple, let’s figure out what stages the baby goes through in development and what height and weight is the norm for the breed.

Why do you need to know your dog's height and weight?

In most dog breeds, intensive growth is observed before six months of age. For the correct formation of a puppy, proper feeding and maintenance are necessary in accordance with the appropriate conditions. When they are violated, underdevelopment is observed, which cannot always be corrected. Growth retardation is often explained by a lack of vitamins and mineral salts in the diet, so you need to constantly monitor development and know the normal weight of a Chihuahua by age. The optimal control method is weighing and measurements, which are performed from a month to two - every 5 days, from two to six - once every 10 days and then - monthly. Weighing should be done at the same time before feeding.

If Chihuahuas are smaller than normal, they do not tolerate heat and cold well, have health problems and weak immunity. Sneezing girls with insufficient body weight are unable to give birth to offspring.

The correct proportions of the dog

There is always a difference in length and height in the breed.
It is always slightly smaller in height than in length. Males are always larger and have a square shape. Females, on the contrary, are slightly longer. The dog's head is quite massive, resembling an apple in appearance. The height of the skull and width should be the same. The forehead stands out against the background of the head. The size of the head narrows towards the nose. In animals, the cheekbones are faintly visible, and the lips are round, with teeth hidden behind them. Dogs have a small nose that is often turned up. The color of the lobe varies from dog to dog, so any color is normal. Eyes that are round and large are also considered normal. But if the eyes stick out too much, then this is bad.

Very often, Chihuahuas lose eyeballs - this is a big problem for such breeds. But at the same time, the eyes and nose are formed into a triangle evenly and correctly. The body is strong and slightly long. The back is massive, the lower back stands out.

How to determine the size of a Chihuahua?

Several factors influence the size of Chihuahuas:

  • genetics;
  • completeness of the diet;
  • conditions of detention;
  • past illnesses;
  • daily physical activity.

The weight of decorative dog puppies after birth is 7-8 times less than the offspring of large breeds. Then the difference increases to 100, but small species grow more intensively. At first, sneeze puppies are plump, with a decent subcutaneous layer of fat, which they need to retain heat and provide the body with energy. Later, Chihuahuas become slimmer and acquire an elegant appearance. By monitoring the dog’s parameters, it is easy to identify developmental abnormalities.

You can determine the size of Chihuahuas based on the characteristics of their parents. Most often, puppies copy them. At birth, each weighs about 5% of the mother's weight. At first they grow rapidly, by three months they reach half the weight of their parents, and by one year they grow to the size of an adult dog.


The cost of a puppy depends on which class it belongs to. In total, there are three classes for Chihuahua dogs:

  1. The show is great. This includes mini and super-mini Chihuahuas. These are puppies that weigh no more than 800 grams. They are prepared for exhibitions, they are able to receive awards and titles. These are the most expensive and valuable animals; they can cost up to 200 thousand rubles. The lower threshold is 50 thousand rubles. The disadvantage of this category is the poor health of dogs, which is due to their low weight. But they are also considered the most popular among breeders and buyers.
  2. Brid is great. These are animals weighing more than 1.8 kilograms. They have more disadvantages than their show-class counterparts, but they are also suitable for exhibitions, have good reproductive indicators and heredity. Females are actively used for breeding, which is why girls are more expensive than boys (males of this class are almost never taken for breeding). Such puppies will cost from 40 thousand rubles and more.
  3. Pet is great. The so-called pets. These are the cheapest puppies, but the most unpopular. They are considered defective among breeders: they are not taken for breeding and are not kept for exhibitions, but the character of the dogs remains unchanged, and if the owner has no ambitions for exhibition prizes and future litter, then such puppies will become an excellent family member. Their price varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Dog handlers recommend not buying Chihuahuas secondhand, at a pet market, or from unverified breeders - the dogs may turn out to be sick, unvaccinated, may develop poorly and die quite soon. What makes up the price of puppies and why are they so expensive? The fact is that raising a purebred dog is painstaking work. The cost of the baby consists of the price of mating, the cost of feeding the puppy and its mother, and vaccinations. Issuing documents and pedigree is also a separate expense item. You should not lose sight of the fact that puppies of this breed remain the most sought after and popular among decorative breeds, and demand affects pricing.

Chihuahua breed standards require certain proportions; if the body is disproportionate, the animal is removed from the exhibition.

What determines the weight of a Chihuahua dog?

The size of a Chihuahua depends on what type of dog it is (standard, small standard, mini and supermini).

Even within a particular species, sneezes can be miniature or massive, which is determined by genetic characteristics and hereditary diseases.

The dog's weight is influenced by the timing of the first estrus and mating. If they happen earlier than usual, growth may stop and not reach the indicators specified by the standard.

Low quality food, underfeeding or overfeeding a pet do not lead to a dog with ideal parameters. In the absence of a balanced diet, Chihuahuas often develop rickets, vitamin deficiency, pathologies of internal organs and joint diseases.

By their nature, decorative dogs are very active, but there are individuals who are not prone to physical activity. Such puppies quickly gain weight, while remaining lower at the withers than their brothers and sisters.

Another factor influencing weight is initial birth weight. As practice shows, the larger it is, the larger the dog at one year of age.

Breed characteristics

The Chihuahua breed is active and agile. They have high intelligence, respect their owner and are always devoted to him. They love a lot of attention and are also inquisitive and playful. Although the dog of this breed is small, it is quite brave and strong. During a walk, the pet loves to play with other four-legged friends, so the owner must control it.

They don’t immediately approach strangers; they first take a closer look. Experienced dog breeders claim that the Chihuahua breed is endowed with the character of a terrier. She is quite daring and vigilant. Gets along well with his brothers. If there are children at home, it is better not to buy a pet, as it will protect itself and thereby be able to bite the child. They show their love and affection to their owner and are constantly nearby.

How old do Chihuahuas grow?

A puppy changes very quickly after birth. Chihuahuas develop faster than representatives of large breeds. In the first four weeks, the weight first doubles, then growth slows down, but the dog becomes an adult at the age of one year, and the body finally stops changing by the age of one and a half years.

Sneezes, who weighed 85 g at birth, weigh up to 1.5 kg at 18 months, increasing their weight 17 times. Over the course of nine weeks, they add 30-60 g, and the process can proceed in spurts. Between 17 and 25 weeks, weight gain slows down. The largest puppy at birth can weigh about 2 kg at 4 months.

By nine months, the teeth are completely replaced with permanent ones, and from this time on the dogs do not become heavier, but their chest increases in volume and their body becomes wider.


In most dogs, males are larger than females, which is enshrined in the breed standards. This rule does not work for Chihuahuas. Females weigh a maximum of 3 kg as adults, which allows them to bear and safely give birth to puppies. If the dog is less than 1.8 kg, major health problems arise. Such Chihuahua girls have weak immunity, a fragile physique and cannot give birth to offspring on their own. The optimal weight of females in adulthood is 2-2.7 kg.


Like females, male Chihuahuas grow actively until they are 6-7 months old. Their sizes are much smaller. For boys, a weight of 0.5-0.6 kg is acceptable. This applies to the mini look. Individuals from the standard category weigh from 1.3 kg to 2.7 kg with a height of 20-23 centimeters.

Ideal case

The body of this breed must be harmoniously and firmly built. A slight elongation is not considered a defect. The back is strong and level. It goes into the muscular lower back. The croup itself is wide with a slight slope. The chest is quite wide with rounded ribs. The chest itself is also rounded to the elbow of the front legs, forming a characteristic barrel-shaped shape with a tucked belly.

There are two types of housing:

  • dir – elegant or “deer-like”;
  • cobby - heavy.

The tail of all Chihuahuas is of average length and is set high. It is thick at the base, tapering towards the apex. A Chihuahua without a tail is considered a defect.

How much does the puppy weigh by week?

Chihuahuas grow faster than puppies of large breeds, despite the fact that they are born 70 grams with a large litter and 160 grams with a small litter. Babies actively gain weight from birth to three months of age. At 3 months, growth slows down. At 6 months, puppies are approaching the size of adults. To determine whether your pet is developing correctly, you can use a table that displays the relationship between weight and age of the puppy. The data allows you to compare the results and assign your Chihuahua to a certain category:

  • standard line - from 2.3 kg to 3 kg in adulthood;
  • small standard – should weigh from 1.8 kg to 3 kg at 6 months;
  • mini - 1.5 kg-1.8 kg;
  • supermini - (0.5 kg-1.5 kg).
Age in weeksBirth weight (g)

Based on the data, you can adjust the Chihuahua’s weight by changing the diet or intensity of physical activity (if necessary).

Character traits

Chihuahua is one of the pocket dog breeds. They are very friendly and cheerful in nature, making them perfect for families with children. They are quite strong and even similar to terriers in temperament - full of self-confidence. Of course, each dog is individual, but overall they are beautiful and even amazing animals.

How much does a Chihuahua puppy weigh by month?

The physical condition of a sneeze should be monitored not only weekly, but also monthly. The data will show what is happening to the puppy. The owner can track periods of slower weight gain and compare them with the average Chihuahua weight data by month presented in the table:

AgeWeight (g)
72-78 g79-120 g121-145 g146-170 g
At 1 month210-240 g260-380 g460-490 g550-660 g
At 2 months310-380 g450-615 g685-770 g830-1045 g
At 3 months430-550 g630-860 g950-1055 g1170-1410 g
At 4 months560-720 g860-1120 g1260-1395 g1540-1820
At 5 months675-860 g990-1310 g1475-1655 g1820-2145
At 6 months750-950 g1115-1445 g1650-1850 g2020-2415
At 7 months860-1040 g1230-1660 g1815-20502220-2665 g
At 8 months970-1130 g1335-1510 g2110-2240 g2420-2925 g
At 9 months1010-1210 g1410-18701710-2310 g2510-3010 g
At 10 months1010-1210 g1410-1900 g1710—2310 g2510-3010 g
At 11 months1010-1210 g1410-1900 g1710—2310 g2510-3010 g
At 12 months1010-1210 g1410-1900 g1710—2310 g2510-3010 g

Large discrepancies with the indicators are a reason to contact a veterinarian.


Mini Chihuahuas are born not only to the youngest parents. More often they appear as a result of mating of standard individuals. This applies to both short-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas. At birth, the baby weighs about 100 g. In a month, he triples his weight, and by six months he reaches 1200 g. The height at the withers of the minik during this period is 15 cm.


According to the FCI and RKF standard, a Chihuahua should weigh from 1.5 kg to 3 kg. There are no strict restrictions on height at the withers; approximate values ​​are 12-21 cm. If a dog is more than 3 kg, this is recognized as a defect that allows it to be disqualified from exhibitions or competitions.


The Chihuahua's skull is very large, apple-shaped, the width and height of which are equal. The voluminous forehead has pronounced eyebrows.

Due to the convexity of the forehead, the transition to the muzzle is clearly visible.

The mini dog's muzzle, wide towards the base, tapers towards the nose. A short muzzle with poorly defined cheekbones has rounded, tightly fitting lips, the dry and tense structure of which should completely cover the teeth.

The small nose may be slightly turned up. The standard allows any color of the nose that matches the coat color.

The large, round eyes of the Chihuahua have an expressive, slightly sly look. Widely spaced ocelli suggest the presence of a deep furrow between them. They should not be too convex. The eye color is dark, matching the coat color, although the standard allows for a light color.

If you look at a Chihuahua from the front, then according to the standard, the eyes and nose of a mini dog form an equilateral triangle.

The standard allows for both scissor and level bites. But an undershot or vice versa - an undershot is already considered a defect. The set of teeth may not be complete - they do not attach much importance to this.

The animal's large ears are set high, wider at the base, tapering to a rounded tip. When the dog is calm, they hang at an angle of forty-five degrees, and when excited they take a vertical position and become closer to each other.

The neck is set high and has a slight bend at the top, without dewlap. In males it is more powerful.

How much does an adult Chihuahua weigh?

The average weight of an adult Chihuahua depends on its weight at birth. The larger it is, the larger the pet looks at 2 years and older. When checking the table and taking measurements, take into account that a deviation of 10% in both directions is considered normal.

Weight in gSuperminiMiniStandard smallStandard
At the moment of birth75-8595-120120-130135-170
Adult dog1000-14001750-19502000-23002400-3000

The weight of an adult dog does not remain unchanged. At 3 years of age, Chihuahuas are at their peak of physical activity and may experience slight weight loss. After some time it will return to its average values. As pets get older, they become less mobile and may gain extra pounds.


The mini and supermini classifications appeared thanks to breeders who obtained individuals with a weight not exceeding 1 kg and 500 g, respectively, in adulthood. They are the ones who are most popular.


According to the official standard approved by the IFC, the ideal weight of a Chihuahua is between 1.5 and 3 kg, and the acceptable weight is from 0.5 to 1.5 kg. Too large a deviation is considered a rock defect. Such individuals are not allowed to compete and are not used for breeding.

Breed Features

In order for an animal to grow and develop well, it needs proper care and a special regime and diet, especially for dogs weighing 1.5 kilograms. If all the features are followed, the pet can live 11-15 happy years.

For proper formation and proper weight gain within the normal range, you need to control that the dog does not run or jump from great heights. For such small animals, jumping from a sofa or chair, as well as steps and curbs on the street, are considered high heights. Such jumps can create a lot of problems for small Chihuahuas. It is also worth making sure that your pet does not get sick, so walking with it in bad weather is prohibited. It is necessary to exclude drafts in the house where the animal lives. This way the owner will be able to raise a healthy, beautiful and loyal dog.

Chihuahua growth by weeks and months

The breed standard does not indicate the height of the sneezes. Maintaining the proportions of the dog’s body is considered very important. Typically, height at the withers is 18-23 cm, chest volume is 26-37 cm, body length is 19.8-25.3 cm.

Up to 6 weeks the puppy grows in height. At this time, you can determine what kind of adult he will be. In six months, the Chihuahua's growth doubles, which is only possible with proper feeding, since it is at this time that the animal's muscles and bones develop. If you make mistakes during this period, it will be impossible to correct them later.

By six months, the dog stops growing, continuing to gain weight, becoming stronger and more proportional.

CategoryHeight at the withers of an adult dog (in cm)
Small standard15-20


The following defects are considered defects for which you can get disqualified:

  • too light build;
  • heavy weight, more than three kilograms;
  • lack of a ponytail;
  • parts of the tail or ears have been removed;
  • bald patches on the skin;
  • body too long;
  • in males - absence of testicles, undeveloped or not fully descended testes into the scrotum.

Tell me, does your Chihuahua fit the standard parameters? How old is your little dog?

Learning ability

Training seems to be one of the Chihuahua's weak points. This doesn't mean they aren't smart enough to learn. With all this, these animals are driven by strong territorial instincts. Therefore, the dog will definitely guard the territory near the house and mark its boundaries.

Chihuahuas are really good obedience learners and can learn to follow commands consistently. This can actually help with the training issues that many owners face. Agility training also engages their thinking.

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