How to choose a vitamin complex for a dog? Review of 10 popular brands

Updated: 04/22/2021 17:12:38

Expert: Rudenko Irina Sergeevna

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Pets need care and attention. In addition to walking, feeding and training, dog owners must monitor the health of their animals. From time to time you need to contact veterinarians to check the well-being of your four-legged friend and carry out mandatory and preventive measures. The dog's body, like the human body, must receive certain micro- and macroelements, which are not contained in sufficient quantities in food products. In this case, vitamins and vitamin complexes in the form of food supplements come to the rescue. All you have to do is choose the ones that are right for your pet.

Expertology experts took into account the recommendations of experienced veterinarians, ranking the 18 best vitamins for dogs.

What to look for when choosing vitamins for dogs

  1. Nutrition
    . If the animal eats dry food, then when choosing vitamins, take into account its composition, since most feeds already contain added microelements.
  2. Age
    . Pay attention to the age labeling of vitamin complexes. Usually you can find three lines: for puppies, adults and older animals. Each life stage of a dog requires its own amount of minerals and trace elements.
  3. Features of the condition
    . For pregnant and lactating bitches, castrated and sterilized, as well as pets with certain problems (poor heart function, sore joints and ligaments, dull hair, etc.), special vitamins should be selected, the action of which will be aimed exclusively at solving these specific problems.
  4. Compound
    . Avoid containing dyes, preservatives and any chemicals, as these components can cause an allergic reaction.
  5. Taste preferences
    . Choose what your pet loves. There are vitamins that taste like meat, chicken, etc. Vitamin complexes without a distinct smell or taste are suitable for most dogs. It will be easier to mix them into food without interrupting your pet’s appetite.
  6. Release form
    . There are vitamins in tablets and capsules with a soluble shell, in the form of powder, granules, crackers, as well as suspensions and injections. The latter are only suitable if the owner knows how to give injections on his own, or will seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Does your pet need vitamin supplements?

Vitamins are a great way to improve the quality of life of your four-legged friend. They maintain the natural balance of substances, regulate metabolic functions, and help the body fight negative external factors.

Supplements are given to dogs to strengthen the immune system, harmonious development of the body and prevent diseases.

They are needed:

  • for puppies during the period of growth and maturation for the correct formation of bones, joints, teeth;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches are also given folic acid shortly before mating;
  • during the recovery period after injuries, operations, diseases;
  • when changing food and living climate;
  • for older dogs.

Small breed dogs need supplements more often, as they quickly use up their nutrient reserves due to their accelerated metabolism.

The owner can independently determine whether the dog needs vitamins by the general signs of their deficiency - drowsiness, fatigue, brittle hair and claws, dry skin. But the complexes must be prescribed by a veterinarian after a laboratory examination.

Giving your pet supplements just for the sake of prevention is a bad idea. This can lead to hypervitaminosis, a disease that is more severe and more difficult to treat than a lack of vitamins.

Therefore, it is better to refrain if the dog:

  • adult;
  • not sick;
  • active, regularly gets exercise and walks in the fresh air;
  • eats well.

Vitamin and mineral complexes are recommended to be included in the diet of naturally fed animals. No matter how hard the owner tries, it will not be possible to fully balance the menu.

Supplements are also needed when the animal is fed cheap ready-made food. If your pet eats expensive balanced products, the vitamins will be harmful - such brands already contain all the necessary elements.

Rating of the best vitamins for dogs

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best vitamins for large breed dogs1VITA-BON Large Dog490 ₽
2Hokamix 301 046 ₽
38in1 Excel Daily Multi-Vitamin376 ₽
The best vitamins for small breed dogs1Wolmar Pro Bio Booster Ca Mini822 ₽
28in1 Excel Daily Multi-Vitamin Puppy353 ₽
3Beaphar Top 10 Multi Vitamin Tabs442 ₽
4Beaphar Duo Active Paste482 ₽
5Unitabs DailyComplex290 ₽
The best vitamins for dog fur1Canina Petvital Derm Caps1 131 ₽
2Canvit Biotin446 ₽
The best vitamins for dog joints and ligaments1Canina Petvital GAG1 599 ₽
2Canvit Chondro Super1 627 ₽
The best vitamins for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches1Wolmar Winsome Pro Bio Booster Ca822 ₽
2Canvit Junior481 ₽
The Best Vitamins for Older Dogs1Anivital CaniAge1 333 ₽
2VIYO Reinforces Dog Senior415 ₽
The best vitamins for dog teeth and bones1Canina Calcium Citrat530 ₽
The Best Vitamins for Dogs' Heart1Canina Herz-Vital1 430 ₽

Vitamin deficiency: dangerous consequences

Vitamin deficiency is characterized by a lack of vitamins in the body.

The animal may develop the following pathologies:

  1. Anemia.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system.
  3. Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Oral diseases. Teeth become brittle and may crumble and fall out. The gums become covered with pinpoint hemorrhages and bleed.
  5. The fur becomes dull and falls out.
  6. Dermatological problems: dermatitis, dandruff.
  7. Visual impairment.
  8. Decreased appetite, change in taste preferences for inedible items.
  9. Rickets, which slows down the growth of an animal.
  10. Diseases of the reproductive system.

If old dogs are not treated in a timely manner, vitamin deficiency will worsen all chronic ailments and develop new pathologies.

The best vitamins for large breed dogs

VITA-BON Large Dog

Rating: 4.9

The first in the rating category is a vitamin complex, divided into two types: Conditions and fitness tablets. The pills contain all the micro- and macroelements necessary for young dogs. Conditions are designed to generally strengthen the immune system, activate metabolic processes and improve the condition of joints, ligaments and coat. And fitness tablets help the growing body of large breed dogs accumulate the energy necessary for life and active activity.


  • normalizes cardiac function;
  • reasonable cost;
  • leads to normal general health;


  • not suitable for older animals.

Positive interaction:

  • Vitamin A allows you to use the iron reserves in the liver;
  • the result of the interaction of vitamin E and selenium is aimed at protecting the body’s adipose tissue;
  • vitamin B6 increases the bioavailability of magnesium;
  • magnesium increases the amount of B6;
  • boron stabilizes the consumption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus;
  • vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium, improves the absorption of phosphorus;
  • vitamin C improves the absorption of chromium;
  • copper improves absorption and increases the benefits of iron;
  • selenium increases the antioxidant effect of vitamin E;
  • zinc and manganese produce superoxide dismutase, which is necessary to neutralize free radicals;
  • Vitamin K helps calcium in building bone tissue and proper blood clotting.

The Best Vitamins for Dogs' Heart

Canina Herz-Vital

Rating: 4.9

The category is headed by a complex of vitamins that stabilizes and supports cardiac function. The drug has an effective preventive effect, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease. Dogs that already have problems experience significant improvement in their well-being. The unique combination of L-carnitine and hawthorn extract is responsible for this. The composition also contains dextrose, plant extracts and brewer's yeast.


  • harmonizes heart rhythm;
  • improves blood circulation of the heart muscle;
  • increases the efficiency of the heart in conditions of chronic weakness;


  • relatively expensive - 1350 rub.

What nutrients do puppies need?


  • A.
    Participates in improving vision, skin and coat condition.
  • B (group).
    They help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and are responsible for the activity of the animal.
  • C.
    Indispensable in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, ensuring proper functioning of the heart, regulating metabolism, improving the body’s immune system, and preventing the development of cancer. In dogs, vitamin C is synthesized in the liver, but may be deficient during active growth.
  • D.
    Helps normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism, is needed to prevent the development of bone diseases, and can have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.
  • E.
    Helps fight the harmful effects of free radicals on the body and is considered an excellent antioxidant.
  • F (group).
    A combination of several fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic. Participate in improving metabolism in the body, remove cholesterol.

Mineral elements

  • Iron.
    Large dogs need a lot of iron. It is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin in blood cells; without it, the normal process of hematopoiesis is impossible. To compensate for the deficiency of the substance, it is necessary to feed the puppy liver, red meat, or give special supplements. With a deficiency, anemia develops, the puppy does not gain weight well, and gets sick a lot.
  • Calcium.
    Allows you to strengthen your pet's bones, claws, and teeth. A deficiency of the substance can cause the development of various pathologies, including rickets.
  • Zinc.
    Participates in the proper functioning of cells, allows you to stimulate cell division and saturation with necessary nutrients.
  • Iodine.
    The element helps maintain healthy hormonal levels and is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as the brightness and thickness of the coat.
  • Copper.
    The substance is involved in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes and allows for the full functioning of the circulatory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, excretory and other systems. With a lack of copper, pigmentation of the coat and nasal planum is disrupted, anemia occurs, and puppies are stunted in growth.


Before taking medications, you should consult your veterinarian. Both a deficiency and an excess of vitamins are harmful to an animal. Self-medication can worsen the dog's condition.

For adult dogs fed with special food, it is easier to calculate the required balance of additives, since the packaging always contains a list and volume of incoming substances.

Home-fed animals also receive vitamins from food, but often in smaller quantities. When treating hypovitaminosis, veterinarians advise taking Bifar, Polydex, Top Ten, Multivitum Plus.

If the deficiency concerns individual vitamins, then the following drugs are prescribed:

  • A: Trivit, fish oil;
  • B2: Riboflavin;
  • B5: antibiotics, sanitation of the oral cavity with Furacilin;
  • B6: Pyridoxine;
  • B12: Mucovit, Cyanocobalamin injections;
  • C: Glucose, Ascorbic acid (preferably injections);
  • D: calcium gluconate;
  • E: intramuscular Levit, Trivitamin;
  • K: Vikasol, Undevit.

Excel Brewers Yeast 8in1 strengthens the skin and coat. They should be taken by animals that exhibit allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis, and seborrhea. At the same time, appetite increases and immune defense is normalized .

The drug is properly absorbed, has a pleasant taste, and can be prescribed for aging dogs.

The drug Canina Herz-Vital strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes cholesterol and blood pressure, and stops the hardening of blood vessels. Effective thanks to L-carnitine, hawthorn fruit extract. Long-term use is allowed.

Canina Calcium Citrat strengthens the skeletal system.

The product improves the conduction of impulses, replenishes calcium deficiency, promotes healthy bones and muscle structure, strengthens teeth, and prevents the development of osteoporosis. But the drug cannot be called universal .

If there is a lack of other vitamins or phosphorus, it must be combined with other medications.

Universal multivitamins

Excel Multi Vitamin Adult 8 in 1

The line of vitamin complexes from the German company Excel is considered one of the best for maintaining the health of dogs of different breeds. The most popular complex is Multi Vitamin Adult. It is suitable for adult dogs of all breeds. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal.

The composition, in addition to vitamins A, D, C, E, group B, contains such essential elements as iron, copper, manganese, zinc and others. As a dietary supplement, it contains crude protein, fat, fiber, and ash. Thanks to the correct balance of vitamins and minerals, the complex guarantees the normalization and maintenance of the necessary elements in the dog’s body.

The tablets have a scent that is attractive to dogs and are easy to break and crumble if for some reason the pet does not want to eat them whole. There are 70 pieces in a package.

The price of this complex is 450₽.

The Excel line of vitamins includes the following types: multivitamins for coat and skin, for joints, for bones, for small breeds, for puppies, and not only for dogs, but also for cats.

Excel Multi Vitamin Adult 8 in 1


  • have a balanced rich composition;
  • do not contain artificial flavors and dyes;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • crumble easily;
  • suitable for all types of dogs;
  • animals like it.


  • not found.

Anivital Cani Agil

This biologically active food supplement is suitable for all ages of animals - dogs and cats. The complex has a very rich composition, which can also be used as a food additive, since it contains: dry poultry meat, egg white, whey, dry fish, fish oil concentrate, egg powder.

The New Zealand green sponge mollusk in the composition has a beneficial effect on joints, teeth and bones, as it contains natural glucosamine - a substance easily absorbed by the body to strengthen joints and tendons.

Excellent for supporting the growth and development of puppies and kittens, for dogs with high physical activity, for very large breeds, for animals with increased body weight.

The average price for 60 tablets is 1700₽.

Anivital Cani Agil


  • absolutely natural composition;
  • contains natural glucosamine;
  • strengthens ligaments and joints well;
  • reduces lameness in animals;
  • suitable for dogs and cats;
  • for animals of any breed and age;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • animals like it.


  • very high price.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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