How to choose a vitamin complex for a dog? Review of 10 popular brands

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best vitamins for small breed dogs
18 In 1 Excel Daily Multi-VitaminHigh efficiency
2Wolmar Pro Bio Booster Ca MiniBetter digestibility
3Polidex Super Wool Plus 150pcsBest cast
4VEDA Phytomines with cleansing phytocomplex for dogs 50gGood quality at an affordable price
5Unitabs Brevers Complex with Q10Wide spectrum of action
The Best Vitamins for Pregnant Dogs
1Unitabs MamaCare 100pcsHigh quality. Contains natural flavor
2Quantum MKB Dog-Mom 120pcsEases toxicosis
3Farmina Vit-Active for pregnant and lactating dogs 60pcsMost Popular Supplement
4Farmavit Neo for pregnant and lactating dogs 90pcsEliminates vitamin deficiency
5SEVAvit treat for dogs with biotin 60pcsBest price
The best vitamins for large breed dogs
1Anivital CaniAgil 60pcsBest quality. Cumulative effect
2Hokamix Haut, Fell, Stoffwechsel (Tabletten) 80pcsQuick results
3Beaphar Top 10 Multi Vitamin TabsOptimal combination of price and quality
4Farmavit Active for dogs beauty and health of coat 60 pcs.Universal additive. Contains fruit enzymes
5BiorhythmGood health complex

The entire vitamin and mineral complex that pets’ bodies need is contained in high-class food. If the animal eats regular food or other feed, it needs an additional source of vitamins. At certain periods of life, pets also need a support complex. For example, during the cold season, during pregnancy and lactation, after an illness, or when the animal is prone to illness. Since dogs, like humans, obtain essential elements from plant and animal foods, their nutritional needs are comparable to human nutritional needs. Among the numerous assortment of vitamins, several types are distinguished: some are aimed at strengthening the growing body of puppies or, conversely, for aging dogs, to support lactating and pregnant bitches, others are intended for wool, joints, bones, and immunity.

When choosing vitamins for your pet, we must not forget what breed the animal belongs to: small or large. This is an important factor. Small dog breeds have a faster metabolism, so they need vitamin support more often. Dogs or puppies must receive vitamin D for bones, A for mucous membranes, and E for reproduction. Additionally, puppies need B vitamins.

Large breeds are characterized by intensive development. At six months of age, muscles begin to grow rapidly. During this period, vitamin D is especially important to accelerate bone growth. To avoid problems with hematopoiesis and the nervous system, B vitamins are needed. In addition, large breed dogs need ascorbic acid for general metabolism. It is worth understanding that vitamins are developed to provide balanced nutrition for the animal, and not to treat diseases. When buying vitamins for dogs, you should take into account the above criteria. Our rating presents the best vitamins in three categories: for large, small breeds and pregnant dogs.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

Does your pet need vitamin supplements?

Vitamins are a great way to improve the quality of life of your four-legged friend. They maintain the natural balance of substances, regulate metabolic functions, and help the body fight negative external factors.

Supplements are given to dogs to strengthen the immune system, harmonious development of the body and prevent diseases.

They are needed:

  • for puppies during the period of growth and maturation for the correct formation of bones, joints, teeth;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches are also given folic acid shortly before mating;
  • during the recovery period after injuries, operations, diseases;
  • when changing food and living climate;
  • for older dogs.

Small breed dogs need supplements more often, as they quickly use up their nutrient reserves due to their accelerated metabolism.

The owner can independently determine whether the dog needs vitamins by the general signs of their deficiency - drowsiness, fatigue, brittle hair and claws, dry skin. But the complexes must be prescribed by a veterinarian after a laboratory examination.

Giving your pet supplements just for the sake of prevention is a bad idea. This can lead to hypervitaminosis, a disease that is more severe and more difficult to treat than a lack of vitamins.

Therefore, it is better to refrain if the dog:

  • adult;
  • not sick;
  • active, regularly gets exercise and walks in the fresh air;
  • eats well.

Vitamin and mineral complexes are recommended to be included in the diet of naturally fed animals. No matter how hard the owner tries, it will not be possible to fully balance the menu.

Supplements are also needed when the animal is fed cheap ready-made food. If your pet eats expensive balanced products, the vitamins will be harmful - such brands already contain all the necessary elements.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

  • A: important for the eyes, deficiency leads to night blindness, diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, pathological changes in the bones, decreased immunity, diseases of the reproductive organs.
  • B1: dysfunction of the nervous system in Dobermans, mastiffs and other large dogs, slow growth of puppies; loss of appetite, impaired carbohydrate metabolism and water balance.
  • B2: slow growth of puppies, diarrhea, food is poorly digestible.
  • Q3: puppies have growth retardation, diseases of the digestive system; in adults, “black tongue”, ulcers and inflammation of the mucous membranes, joint diseases; especially important for small breeds.
  • B5: gray hair, discolored skin, hair loss, ulcerations of the walls of the stomach and intestines, fatty liver, hormonal disorders, convulsions, low stress resistance.
  • B6: heart and liver diseases, disorders of the nervous system, dwarfism; skin inflammation in predisposed breeds.
  • B12: puppies grow poorly, adults do not digest proteins well: anemia, poor coat, skin diseases.
  • C: decreased immunity, slow healing of wounds when docking ears and tail.
  • D3: skeletal deformities, growth retardation; the deficiency is critical for large breed puppies.
  • E: skeletal muscle dystrophy, cardiac muscle degeneration; the deficiency is critical for adult working and sporting breeds.
  • N: growth retardation, dull, diseased coat, depigmentation, eczema, eye diseases, anemia, lethargy.
  • K3: prolonged bleeding even with minor injuries.

Here is a short video on how to choose the right vitamins for your dog.

Dry food diet

In this matter, the main thing is to choose the right food. In this case, attention is first paid to the ingredients. Most likely, you can find a bona fide manufacturer through trial and error. The components of dry food should look like this:

  • Protein is at the top of the ingredient list. The manufacturer must indicate what type of meat or other protein is used. Veal or chicken food is suitable for Husky;
  • You can find food based on sea fish on sale; the manufacturer is required to indicate its variety. Such feeds are recommended for daily consumption and can be combined with meat;
  • Vitamin E. Conscientious manufacturers add it as a natural preservative;
  • Proteins. Their concentration depends on the age of the dog;
  • Cereals should be in second place after protein. If cereals are at the end of the list, this indicates that the food consists of filler. It does not carry nutrients, it will only fill the stomach, which will negatively affect digestion;
  • Also, the composition should not contain chemical components, fragrances or preservatives.

The described criteria are met exclusively by premium and super-premium segment food. Among the manufacturers, the following stand out: Orijen, Akana, Grandorf and others. It is forbidden to purchase dry food from the economy segment to feed a dog, as well as any animal. They contain the maximum concentration of hazardous components.

In 90 percent of cases, they are made from fillers, which negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, contain low-grade protein (this is the best option) or slaughterhouse waste.

How to Make Smart Vitamin Choices for Your Dog

If you love your four-legged friend, you must understand that vitamins and minerals are needed for its natural development. But how can you choose vitamin supplements if you don’t have the necessary knowledge? Follow a few tips:

  1. Study the composition carefully. It should contain only natural beneficial substances - minerals, vitamins, amino acids.
  2. Read the indications for use. Choose your vitamins based on the problems your dog has—different conditions and illnesses require different vitamins.
  3. Choose products only from well-known, trusted companies that have demand and their customers.
  4. Consider the cost - the more expensive the drug, the higher its quality. “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap!”
  5. Read customer reviews in online stores.

It is best, of course, to take your pet to a veterinarian, who will examine the animal and make the right prescription. But if you decide to choose the drugs yourself, then it’s not scary - most vitamins have no side effects and there’s no risk of an overdose when taking them. The main thing is that when using, read the instructions carefully and follow the dosage. Let your pet always please you not only with its fun, but also with good health!

Gelakan "Champion"

Finally, let's talk about a multivitamin preparation that many of their pets love at various exhibitions. The “Champion” product was specially designed to maximize the condition of the skin and coat of future competition winners.

Interestingly, the drug is available in two variations: for animals with light and dark coat color. In addition to a fully balanced vitamin complex, it also has other important features:

  • Accelerates molting, significantly reducing its time.
  • The drug makes the skin more elastic, promotes rapid healing of minor abrasions, scratches, etc.

But! This product is an exclusively “decorative” drug; its action is aimed mainly at improving the appearance of the dog. To improve the general condition and health of your pet, the drugs described above are better suited.

For puppies

Canvit Junior

Vitamin supplement Kanvit Junior was created specifically for puppies and young dogs up to 1 year old. It promotes the harmonious development of all body systems, strengthens the immune system, improves food absorption, and keeps the puppy’s body healthy and active.


  • brewer's yeast for the health and beauty of hair and skin;
  • yeast cells for comfortable digestion;
  • omega-3 and omega-6 acids;
  • a balanced complex of vitamins for a growing body;
  • minerals.

Kanvit Junior is produced in tablets, package weight is 80 g. The dosage is calculated at 1 tablet per 5 kg of puppy weight.

Cost – 430 rubles.

Kanvit Junior


  • balanced composition especially for puppies;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals in a natural diet;
  • natural composition.


  • Not every dog ​​likes it;
  • the price is high.

Rating of the top 10 vitamins for dogs

There are 10 most popular vitamins and complexes, the use of which will help your pet look and feel much better. They can be used individually or combined with each other.

Excel Brewers Yeast 8in1

Contains brewer's yeast and garlic. It also includes B vitamins and essential amino acids. They have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the animal’s skin and fur, therefore they are used in the complex treatment of allergic diseases, seborrhea, dermatitis and other skin diseases. In addition, it will increase appetite, boost immunity, and significantly reduce the molting period. Dosage – 1 tablet per 4.5 kg or 25 kg of body weight, taking into account the breed of the dog.


  • have good taste;
  • contains only natural substances;
  • have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • have a wide range of effects on different systems;
  • combined with other vitamins and medications;
  • have convenient dosage options.


  • not detected.

Beaphar Duo-Active Paste for Dogs

This drug is produced and sold in the form of a paste, which contains all the valuable minerals and vitamins that the dog’s body needs. In particular, this complex has an effect on the intestinal flora, therefore it is useful after the treatment of helminthiases, gastrointestinal diseases and taking antibiotics. Since this is a multivitamin complex, it has a wide spectrum of action: it strengthens the animal’s muscles, maintains the skin and fur in good condition, and increases immunity, that is, resistance to infections.


  • contains a huge amount of important substances - vitamins, fats, oils;
  • contains L-carnitine and Omega-6;
  • significantly improves intestinal microflora due to the presence of polysaccharides;
  • It has a pleasant taste and smell, so the dog accepts it with pleasure.


  • relatively high cost;
  • does not have a very significant concentration of active substances.

8in1 Excel Multi Vitamin Senior

This is a special multivitamin complex that is used for older dogs. During its production, all the characteristics characteristic of an elderly animal’s body are taken into account, so it contains vitamins that compensate for the lack of some essential substances in food. It also makes the body more resistant to infections and strengthens the immune system. Great for daily use if you are deficient in vitamins.


  • the presence of a sufficient number of essential substances;
  • will contain wheat germ flour and safflower oil;
  • perfectly supports the aging body of a dog;
  • has a low cost.


  • contains very few important antioxidants;
  • does not contain strong active substances;
  • there is no need to use it with a balanced diet of the animal.

Feed additive-chondoprotector for dogs Gelakan-Fast

A drug that affects the dog’s musculoskeletal system. Acts as a chondroprotector, that is, it protects all the cartilage of the body and joints in particular. It is an anti-inflammatory agent - used to preserve, nourish, and also prevent the occurrence of diseases of the components of the musculoskeletal system - joints, tendons, cartilage, bones and ligaments. Indications for use are injuries, inflammatory processes of joints, tendons, as well as the postoperative period. Used when the animal's mobility is impaired and there is lameness.


  • contains antioxidant vitamin E;
  • contains collagen peptides CHP, which have a positive effect on connective tissue.


  • relatively high price.
  • long course of use.

8in1 Excel Multi Vitamin Adult

This is a great multivitamin supplement that is designed for adult dogs. It was developed taking into account the characteristics of the adult animal’s body and its needs. In order for your dog to always sparkle with health, he needs all the vitamin components and microelements that are in his food. But due to poor nutrition, his body does not receive the required amount of positive substances. This supplement will prevent such problems and keep the animal alive and active due to the presence of vitamins A, E, D3, as well as all B vitamins.


  • complex effect on the body;
  • contains a maximum of useful substances;
  • complements an unbalanced diet;
  • created by veterinarians;
  • does not contain dyes or artificial preservatives.


  • not detected.

Beaphar Doggies Senior

This is a supplement that has an effect on teeth and bones, making them stronger and more resilient, thanks to the presence of calcium and protein with high nutritional value. It also has a beneficial effect on muscles, the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gives the coat a healthy appearance. Due to the fact that the composition contains a small amount of phosphorus, this supplement is gentle on the dog’s kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. This is the most suitable option for animals over seven years old.


  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • has no side effects;
  • goes well with other drugs, including vitamins;
  • democratic price.


  • not detected.

8in1 Excel Glucosamine

This dietary supplement, which contains glucosamine, has a positive effect on the condition of ligaments and joints. It can be safely used for dogs of any breed and age that have problems with the musculoskeletal system - weak joints, inelastic muscles. As a result of taking this complex, the condition of the body's connective tissue improves and the correct bone structure is ensured, which is especially important for young animals that are still growing.


  • no contraindications or side effects were found;
  • manifests its effect a short time after the start of administration;
  • Thanks to its broad action, it supports the dog's mobility.
  • has an affordable price.


  • not detected.

Unitabs Brewers Complex

A wonderful option for a vitamin supplement for large dogs. It is necessary to start giving them to the animal at the age of 6 months. They act on the condition of the skin and coat, and are used in cases of dry skin in dogs. Also, indications for use are poor elasticity, roughness of the skin, problems with the coat - dryness, brittleness, hair loss, lack of a healthy appearance and shine. Systematic consumption of vitamins largely provides the daily need for minerals and vitamins.


  • contain brewer's yeast, which is a source of B vitamins and protein;
  • have no contraindications or side effects;
  • strengthen the immune system.


  • not detected.

Polidex Multivitum Plus

This supplement is simply a storehouse of useful substances that have a healing effect on the dog’s body. The components of this complex are vitamins A, D, E, C, K and other organic substances. Thanks to such a complete composition, this supplement has a wide range of effects - it increases immunity, improves general condition, speeds up metabolism, and makes the body resistant to infections. They are used most often for vitamin deficiency, as well as for dietary disorders.


  • has a complex effect on the entire body;
  • does not affect digestion and does not cause allergies;
  • It contains only natural substances without dyes or flavors.


  • not detected.

Wolmar Prohair

This complex includes probiotics - enzymatic extracts of Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Licheniformis, with the help of which the body better absorbs fat- and water-soluble vitamins, macro- and microelements. It would be most appropriate for your dog to take this set of vitamins during the molting period, when the skin is most sensitive and the coat is weak and brittle. Systematic use of this complex significantly improves the condition of the skin and coat and reduces the duration of shedding. Also acts as a prophylactic against allergic dermatitis and other skin diseases. Probiotics have an effect on intestinal pathogenic microorganisms.


  • does not cause any side effects or allergies;
  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • improves the condition of hair follicles.


  • not detected.

Contraindications and precautions

You cannot use vitamins if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components. To check your pet’s reaction, you must initially give a small dose and wait a day. If during this period no unpleasant changes in the behavior and condition of the puppy have occurred, then it can be used for its intended purpose.

Important! If an allergic reaction occurs, you should stop taking it.

It is not recommended to combine vitamins with other complexes and nutritional supplements unless prescribed by a doctor.

It is impossible to use highly specialized drugs without a veterinarian’s prescription, even if the exact diagnosis is known and there is complete confidence that it will help. In this case, contacting a veterinary clinic is extremely necessary, since only a doctor can track the dynamics before and after taking vitamins, as well as correctly assess the pet’s condition.

Preference for natural products

At the stage of selecting a competent diet, it is important to pay attention that dishes must contain proteins, fats, and dietary fiber, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They must be enriched with amino acids, as well as all necessary vitamin complexes.

Products for preference:

Meat protein

Good meat is the main basis of protein for a pet, so its amount in the diet should be at least 80 percent. It is better to give preference to dietary types. This is chicken and turkey meat. It is more rational to avoid fatty pork and lamb. However, due to enhanced absorption of food, the body quickly digests fatty meat with minimal stress on the internal organs. But it is better to introduce pork as an exception. In addition, it is harmful, because it is often sold of poor quality and infected with viruses.

Internal organs of slaughter animals

It is a combination of all edible organs. The maximum percentage of biologically significant elements is concentrated in the liver, lungs, and heart. In addition, for dogs under one year old it is better to buy beef tripe. By-products should be present in the diet every day, but do not overdo it, because the dog may encounter an overabundance of organic compounds.


The pet should not eat them; it is useful for him to simply gnaw on the massive bones, because this helps cleanse and strengthen bone tissue.


They are distinguished by the maximum concentration of fibrillar protein, which is important for the development of the skeleton and muscles. The simultaneous consumption of meat and cartilage is allowed.


Huskies can eat only three types of cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. Cereals should be present in your pet's daily diet because nutritious fiber and fiber help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Their amount should be up to ten percent of the diet.


It is allowed to consume only marine varieties that contain the necessary amino acids. Iodine, phosphorus, and fluorine are important for your pet, so it is recommended to feed him fish at least twice every 7 days.

Sour milk and cottage cheese

They contain a high concentration of calcium, which is important for the growth of bone and muscle fibers. It is allowed to add exclusively low-fat fermented milk products to the diet. This refers to biokefir (0%) and cottage cheese (minimum fat content). They are served fresh, especially biokefir (maximum three days). Cottage cheese or kefir is used to replace one lunch, usually in the morning.


From chicken, you can give only the yolk, or buy quail, they are given whole.


They are a storehouse of important micro and macroelements. A head of cabbage is especially rich in vitamins; it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Tomatoes are good for bone tissue. Do not neglect carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and legumes.

Vitamin complexes

They should be purchased after consultation with a veterinarian. List of prohibited products:

  • pure milk;
  • chicken egg white;
  • tubular bones;
  • chocolate, cocoa beans;
  • grapes, pure or dried;
  • potato;
  • nuts, other allergens;
  • pure sugar and its substitutes;
  • vitamin complexes that are not intended for animals;
  • smoked meats, marinades, pickles, fried or spicy foods;
  • products with the maximum percentage of preservatives and additives;
  • hot or cold drinks.

How should dishes be prepared?

The meat is served pure and pre-frozen for 72 hours. Then it is cut into large pieces; it is forbidden to grind it into minced meat. Seafood is pre-boiled. Soft-bone varieties can be served raw, but must be defrosted before doing so.

The cereals are not boiled, simply brewed with hot water and left to infuse for up to half an hour. You can add a drop of oil. Salt is allowed. Pepper and other flavoring additives are prohibited.

The eggs are served boiled, after which the whites are removed. Quail eggs can be given raw or boiled.

Vegetables are not suitable when cooked, but it is better to get rid of raw ones. They need to be steamed. Vegetables are placed in hot water for 20 seconds or in the steam compartment of a multicooker. Peeled tomatoes or cucumbers can be served uncooked.

The offal is washed in several waters and boiled for up to two hours. They can concentrate parasites that die when treated with high temperatures.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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