Shoes for dogs: instructions on how to choose and make shoes for a dog with your own hands (using patterns and diagrams)

How to Choose the Best Shoes for Your Dog

As you browse through our list of the best dog boots, keep in mind that any of them will be a great choice and will protect your pooch's paws. However, they will all perform better under slightly different conditions.

When browsing, keep the following factors in mind to ensure you choose the best of the best.

  • Material: Always choose a durable material that will breathe and perform well in the environment where you plan to use it. Breathability is critical because your pooch sweats through his paws.
  • Size: Make sure you get the right size shoes for your dog. Otherwise, it will fly off or be uncomfortable. Refer to the size chart for each representative.
  • Shape: Do you prefer shoes that look like boots or sandals for people or those that look more like socks? There isn't much of a functional difference, so it's just personal preference.
  • Putting it on: You should look for shoes that you feel will be easy to put on and take off to ensure maximum comfort for you and your dog.

Purpose: There are several basic types of dog boots, so make sure you choose a set that suits your needs.

These can be boots for cold or hot weather, versatile for walking, waterproof or indoors.


To create a shoe pattern, we need to take measurements from the pet’s paws. To do this, place the four-legged animal on paper and outline the front and back paws. Do not forget that when measuring you must take into account the length of the claws. As a rule, dogs' front paws are slightly larger than their back paws.

You can learn how to take all the measurements correctly from the video at the end of the article.

If you plan to sew warm winter boots for your four-legged friend and use faux fur as a lining material, then when creating a pattern you should allow for allowances a little larger than, say, for a fleece lining.

Common Questions About Choosing the Best Shoes for Dogs

You might still have questions, and the following short list may help resolve them.

What can I do to keep my dog's boots from falling off?

The first step to this is to buy the right size. Try to ensure that the shoe fits snugly to your paw. You should also consider Velcro boots.

Can dogs wear shoes on a regular basis?

Your dog doesn't need to wear boots all the time. Remember that your dog and his ancestors have evolved to cope with cold and heat. In most cases, her body temperature is enough to keep her paws from freezing. However, boots can be useful, especially when there are chemicals present, the pavement is very hot, or you are hiking in the mountains where your paws can be chafed or injured.

What should you put on your dog's paws to stop them slipping?

If your dog's paws slip, try a set of dog boots or socks that will add traction. You can also apply special wax to the underside of the paws.

Should you buy boots for dogs?

Depending on where you live, yes, dog shoes are 100% worth the investment. Remember that it can protect your dog from very cold or very hot ground, rocks, glass and other debris, as well as from salt on ice corroding their paws.

Necessary materials

To make boots we will need the following materials:

  1. For the boot top, a waterproof material, such as raincoat, is best suited. I used a raincoat stitch (namely a raincoat stitch, not a lining stitch, since it doesn’t get wet). This fabric comes with a thin layer of synthetic padding, which gives the boot additional thermal protection.
  2. For winter shoes, use insulated lining material. It can be fleece fabric or faux fur. I took fleece.
  3. The sole is best made from durable rubber (the sole from an old shoe will do) or leather (the top from an old boot will do).
  4. I use trouser tape to finish the seams.
  5. For the strap, I took a rep sling (2 cm wide) and Velcro (according to the size of the sling).
  6. If you are making the sole of your boots from rubber, you will additionally need a glue gun.

Well, if you don’t have such a device, you can make a sole from raincoat fabric and leather. Here you will only need a sewing machine.


What types of shoes are there for dogs?

Some of the most common options include casual boots. As a rule, they are lightweight, easy to clean and easy to fix. Owners of working and hunting dogs purchase models made from high-strength materials and with increased sole thickness. Decorative shoes are characterized by an attractive appearance and unusual finishing. You can buy knitted socks or booties for your pet to wear at home.

What determines the comfort of an animal while wearing it?

Before purchasing, we recommend paying attention to the design features of the model. The sole should be made of dense and waterproof materials, the upper part should be made of resistant synthetics or genuine leather. You should not buy boots with a lot of small decorative details, as they may interfere with the dog's movement. It is optimal to use Velcro fasteners as fixing elements. Shoe laces wear out quickly when shoes are worn all the time, and some dogs enjoy chewing them.

How to choose the right size?

The best solution would be to try on the model immediately before purchasing. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you can also use paper and pen. It is necessary to trace the dog's front paws along with the claws on a sheet of paper and measure the resulting outline. Then you should correlate these data with the generally accepted markings: • XS - 3.55x5.75 centimeters; • S – 3.8x6.2 cm; • M - 4.4x7.1 cm; • L - 4.7x7.6 cm; • XL - 5.2x8.5 cm.

Video master class

In this video I will tell you and show you how to sew boots for a dog with your own hands.

Our YouTube channel has a lot of useful video instructions for every dog ​​breeder on making clothes and equipment for pets. Come in, subscribe and be sure to click on the bell so you don’t miss new useful materials!

Well, Jackushka and I hope that you enjoyed our master class! After all, we tried very hard for you! Good luck and take care of your pets!

Materials and types of manufacture

Sandals are suitable for summer, sneakers and boots can be used in inclement weather, and boots are good for winter. These products are made from different fabrics: suede, cotton, silicone, polyester, leather.

  • The selected materials have soft and hypoallergenic properties. There should be a soft pad inside that prevents the paw from slipping.
  • The sole is made of rubber, corrugated, so that there is better grip on different planes.
  • The toe in this shoe is designed to be thicker to prevent claws from cutting the material.

Fasteners, Velcro or elastic bands are used to secure the paw. Knitted shoes are becoming more and more in demand. You can make such an item yourself if you have the ability to crochet or work with knitting needles. Knitted shoes are only suitable for indoor use.

How to train a dog to wear shoes

Wearing shoes is an unusual, one might even say unnatural, activity for dogs. If your ward needs additional protection, it is important not to make mistakes during the training process. It’s easiest with puppies; babies perceive almost everything new as a game. An adult dog can boycott the boots “to the bitter end.”

  • Once you've purchased the shoes, contain your curiosity and simply place the accessory in a place within your dog's reach. Let your pet sniff the new thing and get used to it. If the dog is not inclined to chew anything new, the shoes can be placed next to the bed, so the dog will quickly understand that these strange things are his property.
  • The first few times, put on the boots while holding your dog. Without letting your pet fall to the floor, remove your shoes after 10–15 seconds. Be sure to praise the dog!
  • Increase the periods of wearing shoes “on your hands” and as soon as the pet gets nervous, distract him with treats or toys. Talk to your dog constantly, you can even lisp.

The debut race on the floor is best done with an additional incentive. For example, sit on the floor with a shod dog in your arms and throw a ball. Did the pet break loose and run after the toy, only glancing sideways at the shoes? Great! If a miracle does not happen, feed the dog without taking off your shoes. Although primitive, this is a very effective method. Four-legged animals do not eat, feeling inconvenience and danger. As soon as the pet begins to confidently approach the bowl and eat in shoes, the training process can be considered complete.

How to choose the right shoes

Household items for dogs, as well as shoes, must be chosen carefully. To make the right choice, you need to follow the following rules:

  • The main condition is the quality of the material. It is worth choosing products from plastic or silicone materials. They are easier to wash and put on;
  • The shoes are made durable so that a large individual cannot gnaw them or break them with its claws;
  • Before purchasing, it is better to try on the boots so as not to miscalculate the size;
  • The height of the item must correspond to the breed. Low shoes are more suitable for a Chihuahua, for example, short boots, and long boots will serve as shoes for a Yorkshire Terrier;
  • A low price may suggest a low-quality product.

On a note. When choosing shoes for a Spitz, you should take into account the size of the paw, the height of the product, as well as the pet’s physique.

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