Kennels for Mastino Neapolitan dogs in Moscow

Dog kennel LARGE PAV. Mastino Neapolitan, St. Bernard, King Charles Spaniel

Description:LARGE PAV kennel welcomes all lovers of powerful, huge dogs. The main breeds of the nursery are Mastino Napoletano and St. Bernard. All dogs are of RKF pedigree. The kennel's dogs have the titles Champion of Russia, Junior World Champion, Hungarian Champion, Eurasian Champion, Ukrainian Champion, National Club Champion, RKF Champion. There are many imported dogs in the kennel: from Italy, Sweden, Poland. The pedigrees of our dogs include famous dogs from Denmark, Norway, Italy, the USA, etc. The kennel is engaged in exhibition and breeding activities. All dogs have an ideal psyche and have remarkable protective qualities. The children of my dogs have established themselves as the best representatives of the breed in Russia and abroad, for example Israel, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, USA, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Uzbekistan, Hungary. All dogs are kept in the fresh air, fed with super premium dry food, and regularly undergo veterinary care. Examination. For any questions related to the purchase of puppies, raising, vaccination, any consultations, you can call 8-967-170-16-24, 89859195392, email or on the website
Contacts:NURSERY LARGE PAV 89671701624,89859195392

Mastino Napoletano

Mastino Napoletano puppies STANDARD MASTINO NAPOLETANOMy Mastino
Vita Shamo Veronica Anvire


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Anvir Bogdana


World Champion

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Anvir Belinda


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Anvira Valeria


Junior World Champion 2014

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Anvir Vikenty


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Quirino Anvire of Tinus Baskervilium


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Anvira Graziana


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Mastino Napoletano – Dog – DREAM!

When I, the author of these lines, first saw a Mastino, I was amazed not so much by the unusual appearance, size and power of the dog, but by its look. Yes, yes, just with a glance!!! Very unusual and creepy in its not at all canine intelligence, expressiveness and insight. Then it seemed to me that the dog looked into my soul and saw more there than I knew about myself. In the dog’s gaze there was no obvious threat or hatred, no such canine servility and fawning - only calm from the awareness of his own power and an inescapable and incomprehensible sadness. Not yet knowing the history of the breed at that time, I somehow subconsciously felt what a darkness of centuries flashed before those wise, sad eyes. The rich biography of Mastino Napoletano is presented by a series of evidence of the origin of this breed, the oldest of any, dating back to the second millennium BC. This type of dog, according to mentions in prehistoric finds, ancient ancient works and writings, existed at least 5000 years ago. Just think about it! 5000 years! It's breathtaking! Eh Mastin, Mastin - a living relic of the dog world, a fearless warrior and a faithful guardian - where does this sadness in your eyes come from? Probably fate itself and the history of your family have placed her in your gaze forever. What does your Mastin family remember? Battles and battles of hoary antiquity, wheezing and groans of wounded warriors, the roar of battle trumpets, the roar of chariots and the clang of weapons. Or maybe you remember the blood-soaked sand of Roman amphitheatres, the fury and delight of a brutal battle, under the roar of a crowd eager for spectacle and death. Maybe sadness settled in your gaze when you met the gaze of an exhausted prisoner who had fallen under the weight of his cross, surrounded by Roman guards on the streets of ancient Jerusalem - anything can happen... The beauty of ancient sculpture, the power and bearing of a Roman legionnaire, the rage and desperation of a gladiator, boundless devotion to the owner, the mind of an ancient thinker and unparalleled courage and valor - these are the qualities that distinguish a true mastine.

I’m used to the fact that on the street people often freeze when they see us and say how delighted they are with the dog. I won’t lie – it’s nice!!! You want to cuddle this dog and cuddle it, burying itself in waves of heavy velvet, and never bump into any bones. And she will enjoy it imposingly! It is obvious that the dog is very heavy, but at the same time it is flexible, like a cat - there should be no stiffness. The grace of a lion moving through the savannah...I love such movements!

There is no person whom Mastino can leave indifferent. He involuntarily attracts the gaze of those around him, and in these gazes one can usually read either admiration or fear... This dog knows how to think! This is Character, sometimes he is stubborn, sometimes he is insolent, but he is always a very strong personality with high intelligence, with whom it is interesting. You need to be able to understand him. The kindest friend, the most active companion, he manages to combine incompatible things in himself, the most important thing is that the person is on the “same wavelength” with him, otherwise communication with him will not bring either joy or pleasure.

Add bad manners to such enormous physical strength - at best, we get an owner dangling on a leash, and at worst, problems with others, and therefore requires mandatory and targeted education. We must conquer her kindly, without physical violence, making it clear that she is in no way a leader, which means that unquestioning submission is a necessary condition for her life in the family.

And so, contact is established, it is shown who is boss in the house and... The holiday begins! A celebration of life and communication! Powerful, brave, fearless, selflessly devoted to his master. Owning (precisely owning!) this dog is incomparable to anything!!! Next to him you feel calm, and some kind of extraordinary unity with nature, when you lead him on a leash, it is comparable to a walk between you and a large strong animal. Sometimes it seems that the leash is... something ghostly, like a trainer leading a tiger (here everything is based on trust and mutual understanding), the dog is controlled not by your own physical strength, but by your intellect, thoughts, your emotional contact with him. For them, the biggest punishment is the owner’s dissatisfaction, they make such a big face - all the sorrow and pain of the Italian people is on their “face”. This can be especially clearly understood when playing with him: his strength is colossal, he is rude (a breed characteristic is to go right through a person, through stools, through everything..., he has a GOAL and he will achieve it in any way), sometimes grumpy, he is a dog not for all! You need to understand him! You must be a Mastino yourself! Then and only THEN will there be true joy from communicating with this unusually beautiful, smart FRIEND! It is FRIEND with a capital F, since he is ready ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE to be there, to come to the rescue at the right moment (be it a real danger or mental pain), he is trouble-free like expensive household appliances.

If you are lonely, then his peaceful puffing next door will dispel the sadness... If you are having fun, then this funny guy will only be happy to amuse you even more! Mastino is a breed of character, gigantic power, unique appearance, slow, flexible gait, reminiscent of the gait of a lion guarding its territory - these qualities create a unique image. A capricious, unbalanced dog that remains unhappy after punishment is not a Mastino. You should own a Mastino simply because of his character, which is and always will be his greatest asset. Mastino will always be a loyal and reliable friend, knowing what you are thinking and feeling when something threatens you. He will know whether you like the person or not. The dog will share your feelings. She will be able to sense your fear - any owner of this breed will be able to confirm this. All these qualities appear already in puppyhood. He will be able to tell you with his growl: “I am here. I will protect you with my life. "And it is true. If you allow him to attack, he will roar like a lion and fight brutally, without regard for his own safety.

Mastino is a reliable friend of children and their playmate. Gentle and affectionate homes - a big cat! They love to be close to their owners, but without being annoying. Absolute devotion and fidelity, but still, in my opinion, a Mastino dog of one owner! He does not consider only one person to be his master, but protects the entire family. He is affectionate and gentle with all family members. The dog feels that the whole family belongs to it, and considers its main goal to protect it and, if necessary, at the cost of its life. But he will leave for one single owner, chosen once and for all, without looking back. We get to the point where only me goes for a walk, with other family members he walks quickly and immediately leads home, immediately flies towards me, and on his face it says: “I’m back, mom!” By the age of 2, we understand entire sentences; now we communicate not using commands, but with a set of different phrases and sentences, so Mastinos are very smart!

They perform the role of a guard dog superbly (but there is no need to even train them as a guard dog, because they are simply afraid of the dog because of the media, which has unreasonably horrified people about our breed). Therefore, you can safely leave your apartment, car, dacha, cottage to the dog! Where Mastino lives, not a single thief will steal. And you can safely return from the parking lot accompanied by your dog; hooligans will not have the desire to attack you when the Mastino is nearby. And you can walk your dog even in the dark - the effect of a bodyguard is guaranteed!

Mastino is demanding for long walks and physical activity, so this breed is not suitable for those who are lazy and do not like to walk their dogs. There are sometimes individuals who are aggressive towards other dogs (the past sometimes shows up). This behavior must be corrected through training. If we add bad manners to such enormous physical strength, we get, at best, an owner dangling on a leash, and at worst, problems with others, and therefore requires mandatory and targeted education! It is not surprising that Mastino, more than other Italian breeds, has gained so many fans on all continents of the globe. And if you have just purchased a puppy—the first MASTINO in your life—or are planning to do so, believe me, he will be devoted to you until the end of his days. And you will remain devoted to this breed until the end of your life. After all, having appeared in your heart, Mastino will never leave it. And sooner or later, you will have a second mastino.

Sincerely, Irina Antipenko.

Dog kennel Gvidion. Mastino Napoletano

Description:Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Napoletano) puppies for sale. Mastino is a large antique dog, the origins of this breed go back to the deep ancient era of the birth of humanity on planet Earth. This dog was given to people to protect their homes, children, property from enemies and wild animals. In our kennel we offer for sale French bulldog, pug and mastino Napoletano puppies from the best producers, exhibition champions, excellently bred, from the breeder. Tel: 8 (903) 5741201.8 (495) 5587394 Tatyana Yakovlevna.
Contacts:The nursery is located in Lyubertsy (metro station Vykhino, 6 km from the Moscow Ring Road) 8(903)5741201 Tanya 8(495)5587394

Description of physical characteristics

Mastiffs have short, large heads due to their wide, flat skulls. The muzzle is covered with folds of wrinkled skin. The features are distinguished by parallelism and clear boundaries. Large forehead, prominent cheekbones.

The nose has wide nostrils and is colored in the color of the coat: black, taupe, brown. The dog is distinguished by thick lips and a strong, wide jaw. Teeth white. The rows of teeth are even, creating a pincer or scissor bite.

The eyes are distant from each other, deep, round. The color of the iris is dark. The head is framed by triangular small ears. The ears are flat and drooping.

The Mastiff has a short neck covered with hanging skin. The muscles are developed. The dog's back is straight and long, quite wide. The chest is large, with flattened ribs.

The dog's croup drops at an angle of thirty degrees. Muscularly developed. Shows wide dimensions. The leg bones protrude. Medium sized dog tail. Tapers from a wide base to the end.

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

If you want to add your organization, fill out the form below: Indicate the name of the nursery, its description and provide contact information. We will be glad to add you to our directory.

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