How to bathe a Yorkshire Terrier: everything a dog owner needs to know

Yorkshire terriers are decorative small dogs that are bred to decorate life, admire and have touching communication. Therefore, the requirements for their cleanliness and grooming are very high, and they have to be washed quite often. How to bathe a Yorkshire terrier so that this procedure does not cause much trouble for the owner and is well tolerated by the pet? Let's look at the basic rules for caring for the coat of puppies and adult Yorkies, how often they should be bathed, and how to do it correctly.

At what age can you wash

The first time a Yorkie is bathed is at 2 months. This is usually done by the breeder before selling the puppy. If for some reason the nursery did not do this, you should not rush into bathing procedures right away. The baby needs time to adapt to a new habitat. When separated from its mother, the puppy experiences severe stress, and the bathing procedure will only aggravate it.

Once the baby is in the house, he can be bathed after 10-14 days. This time is enough for the Yorkie to get used to the new conditions.

The pet owner needs to be prepared that at first the puppy will not react adequately and calmly to bathing. They gradually begin to accustom the baby to water procedures: they put him in a basin with his favorite toys and pour some water into it. It is not recommended to use a shower; it can frighten the dog and discourage him from bathing in the future.

For the first time, you need to bathe your small pet as quickly as possible so that he does not have time to become hypothermic.

It is not advisable to wash a Yorkie puppy with shampoo or any cosmetics until it is 6 months old. Enough warm water.

What does vaccination give and why should it be carried out?

You purchased a purebred Yorkie and brought it home. A native of the county of Yorkshire and Lancashire, which is located in the north of England, where this breed originated. So small and defenseless. We must immediately take care of preserving his health, do everything so that the body is already prepared to meet a possible infection and fight off its “attack” in time. For this baby Yorkie to be vaccinated.

When should vaccination start? Having been born, the Yorkie still has the so-called “innate” immunity, transmitted from the mother through the umbilical cord. Then, for up to two months, he receives antibodies with her milk, they protect him from exposure to infectious agents from the outside and maintain the body’s resistance at the proper level.

A vaccine is a tool that helps create an immune response. Preparations in this group may contain live, weakened microorganisms that are not capable of causing harm to the dog, or they may be “killed” or inactivated. Through the “antigen-antibody” reaction using one or another specially treated pathogenic microorganism (for example, the rabies virus), the Yorkie’s body becomes resistant to the effects of this deadly virus. In this case, the antigen is the administered vaccine, in response to which the production of antibodies begins, providing immunity.

Despite the fact that vaccination for a puppy is important and necessary, it should be noted that such injections are strictly prohibited for a sick or weak animal. In this case, his immunity is already weakened. If we apply an even greater load on the body by introducing this drug, then instead of benefit we will get harm.

Puppies while feeding with mother's milk have a fairly strong immunity, but by 1.5-2 months it weakens. By the age of 3 months, they begin to move to new homes, where danger awaits them. Therefore, measures are taken in advance and the moment comes when to vaccinate Yorkie puppies. This is done in stages. There are also serums, but they act for a short period of time and do not contribute to the development of immunity.

A Yorkie puppy has appeared in the house, when should vaccinations be given? The first one should have been delivered by the breeder at 6-8 weeks. This can be determined by looking at the veterinary passport, which contains the date and signature of the veterinarian in the appropriate section. It is customary to paste labels from jars of vaccines nearby. This is convenient, since there are many drugs and they have different regimens.

The second vaccinations according to the age of the Yorkie are given 21 days after the first. In this way, the “training” of the small dog’s immunity is reinforced. Currently, quarantine is still in effect, which saves a vulnerable organism from infection.

The third vaccination is prescribed at the age of 6 months. However, regimens may differ depending on the opinion of the veterinarian or the characteristics of the drugs. Also, the usual schedule will change the puppy’s poor condition. The next vaccination is at 12 months.

The structure of the Yorkie's hair is shiny, fine, silky, similar to human hair. Care consists of regular combing and washing.

Vaccination of Yorkies requires adherence to a specific schedule, which allows you to calculate bathing periods.

It is recommended to take water procedures four days before the planned trip to the veterinary clinic. This will avoid unwanted consequences, given that freshly washed dogs are more susceptible to infections.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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After vaccination, you must wait at least a week until the next bath. This is especially important for puppies who need time to recover due to stress.

After vaccination, the body of dogs of any age begins to produce antibodies that serve as prophylaxis against a certain disease. During this period, Yorkies are weakened, so there is a danger of developing colds.

The long-haired Yorkshire Terrier will always look good if bathing according to all the rules is carried out regularly, starting from the first days of the pet's appearance in the house.

How often can you wash your Yorkshire Terrier?

There is no consensus on how often to wash a Yorkie. The frequency of bathing largely depends on how quickly the animal's fur becomes dirty and its length. Therefore, the owner determines how many times a month to bathe the pet based on the condition of the fur.

Puppies are washed less often than adult dogs. Up to 5 months, it is advisable to carry out the procedure no more than once every 4 weeks.

If the baby gets dirty after feeding or turns the bowl on itself, there is no need to rush to bathe and wash off any remaining food with water. Contaminated areas are wiped with a dry terry cloth, and then the fur is combed out with a comb.

If the Yorkie is not a show dog, it is washed no more than once every 10-14 days. For short-haired pets, it is enough to bathe them once a month. Sometimes, due to the physiological characteristics of the hair follicles, the hair becomes dirty faster and the procedure has to be carried out every week.

It is advisable to use cosmetics for bathing as rarely as possible. You should use deep cleaning shampoo no more than once a month.

Frequent washing with aggressive hygiene products can lead to increased dryness and dandruff in the dog.

Every day you need to wash your Yorkie's intimate areas and paws with regular warm water after each walk. In inclement weather, it is also necessary to wash or simply wipe the tummy and chest with a damp cloth.


This is a normal reaction of the body to the pathogen; after a few days the condition returns to normal. Otherwise, you should visit a veterinarian, because the pet could be sick at the time of vaccination, it is difficult for him to tolerate a double load. After vaccination, you should not walk outside, bathe, or allow your Yorkie to become hypothermic for 2 weeks, which are necessary for the production of antibodies. Treat any lump in the injection area with iodine and make sure that the dog does not scratch it.

The pet is at risk of infection during a walk, in public places, and can catch the infection from other animals. Vaccination helps protect against the disease or tolerate it without complications that are dangerous to the health and life of the Yorkshire Terrier.

The price of vaccines is not high, ranging from 180 to 400 rubles, they are bought only in specialized veterinary pharmacies. Most breeders advise using drugs from foreign manufacturers, since Russian ones show a weak immune response.

Cosmetics for bathing

To maintain the beauty and silkiness of the Yorkie's long coat, not only specialized shampoos are needed, but also balms and masks after bathing.

Before buying a puppy, you should ask the breeder what products he uses to wash his Yorkie. Nurseries with a good reputation do not skimp on cosmetics and use only high-quality products. Such a breeder will recommend hygiene products that are ideal for the pet.

If the Yorkie is planning to participate in exhibitions in the future, then from puppyhood you need to properly care for the coat and select high-quality cosmetics for bathing. It should stimulate the dog's hair growth and make it silky.

This high-quality shampoo does not have an intrusive aroma, thoroughly washes the coat, is easily washed off and does not cause skin irritation.

You should avoid buying detergents with a strong odor and unusual colors. Such shampoos, conditioners or balms can easily cause allergies in your Yorkie's sensitive skin.

It is best to use specialized cosmetics marked “for Yorkshire terriers” or “long-haired dogs.” You can find shampoos and conditioners on sale under the following brands:

  • Royal Groom for Yorkies;
  • Doctor ZOO for long-haired dogs;
  • Mr Bruno “Obedient Silk”;
  • Biovax for terrier dogs;
  • Espree Silky Show Shampoo (exhibition).

It is not recommended to buy bathing products labeled “2 in 1”. For Yorkies up to one year old, it is better to use special puppy shampoos.

Economy class cosmetics are not suitable for Yorkies, especially if the dog is long-haired or a show dog. Professional shampoos not only clean well, but also contain special substances that reduce the aggressiveness of the detergent component.

Products containing tea tree extracts, aloe vera, and citrus oils are well suited for Yorkies. They have hypoallergenic and soothing properties, well moisturize the skin and coat.

Choosing a Shampoo

Shampoos for dogs are developed by specialists taking into account the characteristics of the skin of our little brothers. We can say with confidence that dog shampoos do not contain dubious fragrances, alkalis, dyes and other “charms” of human life.

Don't let the price of shampoos for dogs and puppies scare you. Usually these are very concentrated products. Economy class options are diluted 1:3, professional ones 1:10. One bottle will last you for a couple of years.

Shampoos and conditioners from manufacturers are considered the most “thoughtful”:

  • Iv San Bernard (Yves San Bernard),
  • company 8 in 1
  • Perfect Coat
  • Hartz,
  • Jean-Pierre Negu

Read the instructions carefully and choose a shampoo based on your friend's coat type.

The use of conditioner is necessary for adult dogs. It is better to choose a conditioner from the same manufacturer as the shampoo. In this case the effect will be better.

IMPORTANT: Washing conditions vary for dogs of large and small breeds, short-haired and long-haired dogs.

What not to wash your dog with

Yorkshire terriers are absolutely not suitable for bathing with human shampoos, be they for children or adults. Dogs and humans have different skin pH.

Washing Yorkies with cosmetics that are not suitable for them provokes irritation, peeling and itching of the skin. Some time after such bathing, the dog’s fur begins to look untidy and dandruff appears.

The use of soap to wash your Yorkie is also prohibited. The product contains aggressive substances that greatly dry the skin and worsen the condition of the coat.


The Yorkshire Terrier breed can be called the cutest and cutest! But caring for them requires a lot of time and effort. We have already discussed how to wash a Yorkie puppy above in the article; in the future, how to bathe a Yorkie at half a year or a year will become clear as you gain experience and practice. In addition to bathing and grooming, Yorkies also need proper diet and training. Therefore, before purchasing this particular breed, weigh the pros and cons.

Education University: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Year of graduation: 2010. Specialty: Veterinary medicine, Veterinary medicine. Experience I have experience working in a veterinary clinic for more than 7 years. Experience of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed"

Sources: https:/ /

Preparing for a swim

Before washing a Yorkie, the owner needs to prepare two terry towels. One is used for drying immediately after bathing, and the second is used for wrapping the pet. After the procedure, you will need a comb, hair dryer and hair tie.

If the dog will be washed in the bathroom, you need to lay out a rubber mat so that the pet's paws do not slip. It is recommended to use a basin for your puppy's first baths.

The water temperature for bath procedures should be 36-40 degrees. To measure it, the pet owner needs to acquire a special thermometer.

Before bathing, it is recommended that your Yorkie's coat be thoroughly combed and all tangles removed.

The owner should also have shampoo and conditioner on hand after washing. Before application, it is recommended to dilute the shampoo with a small amount of water.

The room where water procedures will be carried out must be warm and draft-free.

How to bathe a Yorkie correctly: step-by-step instructions

The Yorkie is slowly and carefully placed in a bathtub or bowl of water. If the dog is worried and resists, it is calmed down by talking to it and stroking its fur.

It is advisable to start washing the animal from the head. It is better not to apply detergents to the face.

Care must be taken to ensure that water does not get into the Yorkie's ears while bathing; this can cause the development of otitis media in the dog. Some owners prefer to immediately place cotton-gauze swabs in the ears.

It is also not advisable for shampoo to get into your pet’s eyes. You should not let your dog lick detergent off of itself, as this can lead to gastrointestinal disorders.

After washing the head and face, proceed to the body. To prevent the hair from getting tangled, hand movements during bathing should correspond to the direction of hair growth: from the parting on the back to the stomach.

To thoroughly rinse the fur, apply shampoo 2 times in one bath. Afterwards, rinse the product thoroughly.

The next step is applying balm or conditioner. The product is evenly distributed over the entire length of the coat and left for a couple of minutes. You don’t have to rinse off the conditioner completely.

For show dogs, special oils are used after bathing, which add shine and silkiness to the coat and prevent the formation of tangles. There is no need to wash them off.

Afterwards, the dog is allowed to shake itself off and the water is carefully squeezed out from the ears, tail and paws. Wipe the pet in the direction of hair growth and wrap it in a dry towel prepared in advance.

After bathing, be sure to inspect your Yorkie's ears. In case of accidental contact with moisture, carefully wipe the ears with cotton swabs or pads.

Choosing a care product

If we talk about the choice of products for your pet, then Yorkies that do not participate in the exhibition do not need any special shampoos or gels, but for designer dogs you will have to buy specialized products. However, this approach is not recommended by experts, because allergic reactions are possible when using your own bathing products, so it is best to wash your Yorkie puppy with special shampoos. Even the similarity of the Yorkie's strands to human hair still leaves them as dog hair.

Choosing the right product for puppies is of great importance; you should take into account both the type of coat and its color. Even if the puppy is cut, you should still take shampoo for long-haired dogs, because the structure of the hair itself remains characteristic of long hair.

How to dry your pet's fur correctly

There is no need to start blow-drying immediately after bathing. The dog is allowed to dry slightly naturally. There should be no drafts or cold in the room, otherwise your Yorkie may catch a cold and get sick.

After the wool has dried a little, start drying it with a hairdryer. The dog is taught to use the device gradually so that it does not feel afraid of it in the future.

The air flow should not be cold or too hot. During the procedure, the hair is either lightly tugged with your hand, or a brush with soft bristles is used, which is used to move from the parting of the back to the tummy. The air flow is also directed according to hair growth.

The wool is not completely dried; it should remain slightly damp and hang like icicles.

The next stage after bathing and drying is brushing the Yorkshire Terrier.

Features of washing your Yorkie before and after vaccination

Vaccination requires special care for the puppy, since during this period its immunity weakens. The Yorkshire Terrier is allowed to be bathed 4 days before vaccination. This should not be done later, as the dog becomes more sensitive to infections.

After vaccination, there is a one-week pause - the Yorkie needs to recover from stress. Then the puppy is bathed as usual. If your pet is lethargic, you should refuse the procedure and contact your veterinarian.

Proper care of Yorkshire Terrier puppies will always allow them to look great and stay healthy.

The main rule: washing should not cause fear or discomfort. Therefore, experienced owners advise praising the pet during the bathing process, and always treat it with a treat at the end.

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