What do you need to have at home when buying a Yorkshire Terrier puppy?

Briefly about the main thing.

So you finally decided to get a Yorkie. You must have already scoured the Internet looking for “the one.” Before this, have you thought about what will happen after you have a puppy? Where will he sleep, what will he eat, what will he play, where will he go to the toilet? This article is intended to prepare you for buying a puppy.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a very active, active and playful dog breed. You need to play with them, spend time on them and will be a big plus if there are people in your family with unlimited free time. True, this rarely happens; it’s good that there is a huge selection of toys for dogs; it is advisable to buy them before the puppy, out of boredom, turns some of your things into his toys.

What toys are suitable for Yorkies?

Special toys for small breeds of dogs are ideal for the Yorkshire Terrier. Rubber and rag, squeaking and ringing, jumping and glowing, chewing and edible (especially chewing and edible, all sorts of pig ears, bones from veins, sticks for cleaning teeth, treats). Yorkie puppies love to chew and chew everything, everywhere and always, so chewy treats are a must for the puppy.

After a long run around a new place, fun games and fussing, the puppy will certainly get tired and want to sleep. And where is his bed?

What do you need to have at home when buying a Yorkshire Terrier puppy?

Buying a Yorkshire Terrier puppy is a responsible matter. You need to carefully prepare for this. In specially prepared material, we look at what you need to have at home when buying a Yorkie puppy. Basic tips and recommendations on what you need to buy first.

Many future owners of a Yorkshire Terrier do not fully understand the seriousness of acquiring a living creature. In this article we will present a kind of guide for people who are planning to get the cutest representative of our beloved dog breed - the Yorkshire Terrier. The fact is that it is not enough to want and decide to buy a Yorkie for your home. There are certain things that must be done first. We wrote about this not long ago. Now we’ll figure out what you need to have at home before buying a Yorkshire Terrier puppy. Let's go through the list.

Fence. It is best not to reinvent the wheel by assembling a cluttered enclosure with your own hands (from improvised means and objects), but to purchase a ready-made and easily foldable fence. The fact is that at first it is better to limit the puppy’s movement area in the house. This is done for several reasons. First, the puppy must be trained to use the indoor toilet. And this must be done immediately and correctly. Secondly, you need to gradually accustom the puppy to its new home. For the first time, he will be fine with a space fenced off and allocated specifically for him. Not only the puppy, but you yourself need to get used to the new household. For a puppy, a new habitat is a serious stress (especially when the breeder kept him with other puppies). At first, it’s extremely unusual to have an inquisitive lump constantly scurrying under your feet. Therefore, constant attention is necessary.

Bed. Naturally, you need a place to rest and sleep. For this purpose, a plastic bed is best suited for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy for the first time. Fortunately, plenty of different variations are sold in specialized stores. Don't forget to purchase (or make) a mattress or blanket. The puppy will sleep on it. When you pick up your puppy from the breeders, ask them to give you the thing on which the puppy slept in the previous place. You can put it in a new home for a day or two on the bed itself or nearby. This will make it easier for him to get used to it and get comfortable.

Toilet (disposable diapers). It is possible that by the time you purchase a Yorkshire Terrier puppy (depending on age), he will already be accustomed to disposable diapers. If not, then this is another must-have item to purchase. Due to the fact that the puppy will need to be house trained, stock up on several packs of 10 pieces. This will be enough for the first time. We do not recommend initially using reusable diapers or toilet analogues. The Yorkshire Terrier is a priori a rather ambitious breed of dog. You should not personally reduce this instinctive skill of cleanliness. No matter what reusable diapers are, they all leave an odor. Not so aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, for the first time, use disposable diapers with gel filler.

Food (natural or dry). This is a very important point on our list, because at the time of purchasing a puppy, the breeder must introduce you to the peculiarities of feeding the dog. In our experience, in most cases puppies are fed high-quality dry food. In this case, a good breeder will definitely provide you with food for the first time and tell you which one is best suited. In the future you will be able to purchase it yourself. If the puppy is fed natural food, then find out everything in detail from the breeder and at first simply repeat the diet offered to the puppy. Like a schoolchild, take notes on everything diligently and do not dare to make serious experiments with feeding.

Bowls for food and drink. The first criterion to pay attention to is sustainability. It is best to choose a ceramic one-piece bowl, consisting of two compartments (for food and food). It should be low. So that the puppy can easily eat and drink from it. You should not skimp on a bowl and choose cheap plastic analogues. If you do not find a bowl of suitable height and stability, you can initially use ordinary small plates or saucers. Everyone has one of these in their home.

Toys. The puppy is growing teeth. To prevent your furniture, slippers or other objects from becoming the object of games and sharpening of fangs, buy several different types of toys for your baby. We recommend purchasing rubber toys. Solid, without small parts that can be chewed off. Cloth toys leave lint and lint. Especially in inexpensive versions. You shouldn’t “feed” your baby with them. In the future, you will be able to purchase special chewable “treats” for growing teeth.

In conclusion, let’s summarize that in addition to having the required items in the house for the arrival of a Yorkie puppy, it is necessary to prepare the home itself. It is highly advisable to thoroughly wash the floors, be sure to remove small objects from the floor, and insulate all wires that the puppy can reach and inadvertently chew.

Bed for a puppy.

A small puppy definitely needs a lounger on the floor; you cannot leave the puppy on the sofa or bed; even a fall from such an insignificant height can be fatal for puppies of miniature breeds (and the smaller the puppy you take, the more careful you need to be with it).

So, the lounger can be anything, from just a soft rug to large glamorous beds for dogs, which often cost more than a real human one. Here the choice is yours.

Now the puppy has woken up, after a long good rest it would be nice to eat.

Dowry for small breed dogs

Let's figure out what you need to buy for a Yorkie, Biewer Yorkie and Pomeranian: 1). Tray 60 x 40. For standard Yorkie boys, you can buy a larger tray, since the dog usually spins around before doing anything and he needs a place to lift his paw on a plastic post (cost 1,100 - 1,400 rubles)

2). Disposable diapers - for training you need large ones - 60 x 90, and then to the size of the tray (package cost - 10 pieces - from 130 rubles).

3) Two bowls - for water and food - ceramic or metal on a stand. You should not buy plastic dishes, as the puppy can chew them, choke, or get injured. There is also no point in buying a plastic mat for bowls - water is usually poured into it. You can buy a special stand - a tray with recesses for bowls. Or maybe not buy it (the cost of 2 metal bowls on a stand is 160 rubles).

4). A bed or a house (or both, if desired). If you are buying a bed with the expectation that it will also fit an adult Yorkie, then take into account the size of the adult dog when lying down. The house should not be very closed and look like a hollow or a booth (the cost of a bed is from 600 rubles).

5). Combs (if you are not going to keep your Yorkie in fur, then you don’t need to buy a brush made of natural hair) – a comb-brush (like a massage brush) – there should be no “balls” on the metal ends of the brush so as not to pull the hair – a comb with fine teeth – for combing fur away from the eyes and combing out tangles - a comb with the usual distance between the teeth (cost - from 130 to 600 rubles)

6). Spray conditioner for combing. It should not be sticky or wet the fur too much. It’s a good idea if a pet store or exhibition allows you to try it on a strand of your hair. Find out what the breeder uses. (cost 500 – 1200 rub.)

7). Concentrated shampoo and conditioner - rinse (choose a series specifically for Yorkshire terriers) (bottle costs approximately 1000 rubles)

8). Scissors with rounded blunt ends - for trimming ears and trimming hair between paw pads and on the butt. If you do not plan to cut your Yorkshire terrier's hair at the hairdresser, ask the breeder to show how it is done (cost approximately 200-400 rubles. Professional tools - from 60 euros).

9). Nail clipper for trimming nails. Ask your breeder to show you how to properly trim their nails, and keep in mind that Yorkies have nerve endings very close to the tips of their nails, so trim them lightly but regularly. Trimming claws is very convenient after washing - the claws become softer, and the dog is fixed in a towel (costs approximately 300 rubles)

10). Tape measure and soft leather collar for walking. Measure the circumference of the puppy's neck with a centimeter and buy a collar a little bit for growth, but not for an adult dog, it's better to buy another one later. Don't buy a harness. (the cost of a tape measure is 500-1000 rubles, the cost of a collar is from 120 rubles)

eleven). Carrying bag. There are several options here. Summer bag for walking. Winter insulated bag. A backpack bag (preferably worn on the chest to control the dog and those around them - they can open it or poke it with something - we have a specific people). A directly closed carrier bag for long trips - here it is also important to take into account the size of the dog and the comfort of its stay in the carrier - it should be able to lie stretched out. And finally, a container (box) for transportation. You don't have to buy all the bags and carriers. Based on your needs and capabilities. (price starts from 750 rubles and ends in many thousands).

12). Latex toys are almost impossible to chew through and are designed specifically for dog teeth. (cost – from 100 rub.)

13). Food - necessarily a series for small breed puppies from the same company whose food was fed by the breeder (or following the recommendation of the breeder), but not cheaper than 200 rubles per kg (240-290 rubles and more). Lamb as part of the food is preferable to chicken or hen, but food made from them is also not bad. Preferably packaged in 1-3 kg packs. Do not keep the food open; pour it into a special food container or cereal storage container. The lid must close tightly. Advice - always check the availability of your food in the house, so that it does not turn out that neither the house nor the store has the food to which your Yorkie is accustomed and you are forced to feed him another food without a smooth transition (at least 5 days).

14). Spray for treating Yorkies against fleas and ticks (I use Frontline once a month - spray 1 day before the start of active walks or going to the country. Use 3 days after bathing, or 3 days before swimming). You can also use drops on the withers, but for Yorkshire terriers a spray is preferable (the entire dog should be wetted, including the mustache, beard and bangs - I use a small comb and spray it first. Apply the spray with gloves, outdoors - in the sun, without wind, and walk for 5 minutes until completely dry). If the dog is walking, treat monthly from April to October inclusive. There are also special collars against fleas and ticks, but drops and sprays are more effective. It is not recommended to use them at the same time - too much chemical for a small body weight. (cost – from 500 rubles. small bottle, approximately for 3-4 treatments per adult dog).

15). Elastic bands for hair curlers - you will use them to strengthen the tail - the “fountain” on the puppy’s head and the top knot on the head of an adult Yorkie (cost – from 200 rubles/pack, bow 1 – from 100 rubles, professional bows for exhibitions – from 500 rubles)

The approximate cost of the initial dowry of a Yorkshire terrier is from 7,000 rubles. Here are approximate average prices (for 2011) and do not take into account the cost of clothing and shoes for Yorkies, as well as glamorous and exclusive handbags, collars, houses and beds, bows, hairpins, pendants, etc.

16). Some future Yorkie owners prefer to keep the puppy in a pen for the first time. There are both pros and cons to this. The advantage is that you can leave the puppy alone for a while without fear that he will do something wrong unattended (chew off shoes or a table leg, for example), or go to the toilet in the wrong place. Subsequently, the pen can be used in the country. Cons: 1). You can't keep a Yorkie in a playpen for the rest of its life; to some extent, it's a dead end. Sooner or later it will have to be released. The sooner the puppy adapts to a new place and understands what is allowed and what is not allowed, the better for you. After all, a pen is essentially a cage. 2). There is a danger that the puppy's paws will get stuck between the bars. Therefore, it is better to work hard at the very beginning of the journey together with your pet than to drag out this process indefinitely and continue to complicate your life. (the cost of a full-fledged pen - 8 sections - 60 x 60 or 60 x 70 - approximately 3,500 rubles.)

Additional Information:

– the cost of vaccination with a doctor visiting your home is approximately 1,300 – 1,500 rubles, in a veterinary clinic – from 600 rubles. – the cost of removing “double” teeth is from 1,500 to 3,000 thousand rubles. – haircut – from 1000 rub.

To care for the Pomeranian's coat, use slicker brushes, combs and occasional metal combs. When washing Spitz dogs, other shampoos are used and conditioners are not used. To wash Biewer Yorkshire Terriers, use shampoos designed for white coats.

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