At what age is a dog switched to two meals a day?

May 17, 2020

Once you have decided on a specific diet that suits your dog and read our feeding recommendations on the packaging, you should decide on the daily intake and set a feeding schedule for your four-legged friend that is convenient for you. This may raise a number of questions; let’s try to answer the most common ones.

Why switch your dog to two meals a day?

Twice a day in equal portions is a classic feeding scheme, which is convenient for the owner and comfortable for the dog itself. More frequent meals come with additional hassle during lunchtime, which is not suitable for every working owner. And one meal a day is not enough for a dog, especially a young and active one. Attempts to eat for future use can cause her digestive problems, abdominal pain, and regurgitation of food.

In addition, quickly simultaneous eating of a large amount of food is considered one of the risk factors for gastric volvulus - displacement of an organ with a rotation around one of the axes, which is accompanied by a stoppage of digestion and poor circulation. The condition is extremely dangerous: without surgical intervention, it quickly leads to the death of the animal.

How to properly switch from one dry food to another?

It is advisable to switch your puppy to another dry food according to the following algorithm:

  1. on the first day we add very little, literally a few granules of the new diet to the old one and observe the pet’s reaction;
  2. from the second to the fifth day - we replace 25% of the previous food
    with a new one, mathematically calculating ¼ of the norm for each.

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Is feeding twice a day right for everyone?

Two meals a day is optimal for healthy adult dogs. But keep in mind that this feeding scheme is not suitable for puppies, animals with certain gastrointestinal diseases, severe exhaustion, as well as during the period of growth, pregnancy and lactation. In all these cases, dogs should be fed more often. For lactating bitches, food is left freely available around the clock and is not limited in quantity.

If the dog cannot get used to two meals a day, and the owner does not have any problems caring for him in the middle of the day, it is permissible to adhere to the “lunch - breakfast - dinner” scheme. However, feeding more often does not mean more. Always try to stay within the daily dosage indicated on the food package. Just divide the daily intake not into two, but into three (or more) servings.

Feeding with prepared industrial feeds

What are the benefits of ready-made food?

they are balanced in the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals;

they are convenient to store and use.

For puppies, special products are used, which contain increased amounts of vitamins and minerals, proteins and fats. At the age of 6 months, dogs switch to food of the “Junior” age category, and after a year - to regular adult food. The product lines of all high-quality industrial feeds include products for puppies, small, medium and large breeds of dogs, developed taking into account the different needs of the body.

Dry food for small puppies is soaked in warm water until soft, or canned food is used for feeding. As the dog gets older, the proportion of dry food increases.

The main rules regarding dry food:

Do not mix dry and wet food in the same feeding;

Make sure your dog always has clean water freely available;

Follow the feeding standards recommended by the veterinarian and the instructions on the product packaging.

Choosing a brand of food

Dogs are all very different, and sometimes it takes a long time to find the most ideal food. How to choose the most suitable brand of food?

“Premium” and “Super-premium” class feeds

Monitor your dog's stool: this is the most informative indicator of how well the food is digested. The stool should be well formed, dark in color and without a strong odor. If the dog poops a lot, the food is not digested. If there is a strong stench, the food is also poorly digested, and putrefactive processes occur in the intestines. If the food is chosen correctly, the dog is in excellent condition, its coat is shiny, and the animal is active. Bowel movements occur twice a day in moderation;

Proper transition of a dog to two meals a day

Most dogs are ready to transition to two feedings per day by 10 months. For miniature breeds of dogs, the transition to two meals a day can be done a little earlier, for large and giant breeds - a little later. This is due to the fact that the latter continue to grow even after a year. The exterior of some dog breeds is finally formed only by one and a half to two years.

If your pet previously ate completely randomly or more than three times a day, the number of feedings should be reduced gradually. In other cases, lunchtime feeding can simply be eliminated by distributing the entire daily amount of food in the morning and evening. Most adult dogs take such changes calmly. If your pet starts to get nervous and beg for food at the usual meal time, try to distract him with a walk or game.

How to switch a puppy to adult food?

The transition to an adult diet should be smooth. First, puppy food is mixed with food for adult dogs - and gradually completely removed from the diet. It is advisable to choose food within the same brand.

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What is the optimal feeding time?

The meal schedule is set individually. The main thing is that feeding takes place not before, but after the walk. Otherwise, there is a danger of gastric volvulus, a life-threatening condition discussed above.

If you get up early and immediately go for a walk with the dog, it is quite reasonable to feed your pet for the first time at 6–7 o’clock in the morning, and the second time after returning from work and an evening walk, for example at 19.00. If the dog goes for a walk in the morning and has breakfast late, the evening walk and dinner can also be postponed by a couple of hours. The optimal daily interval between meals is 10–12 hours. It is important that the feeding time of the dog with two meals a day, whatever schedule you choose, is the same every day and does not conflict with your work schedule and lifestyle.

Brief conclusions

  1. You can switch your dog to two meals a day from about 10 months. This feeding scheme is not suitable for sick and exhausted animals, puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches.
  2. You need to give food after a walk and a short rest; there should always be clean drinking water next to the food bowl.
  3. If for some reason you feed your dog more often, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to adhere to the daily intake recommended by the food manufacturer.

Feeding is the main component of caring for any animal. A proper diet is a guarantee of maintaining the health, quality development and good mood of your pet. It is also an important point in keeping dogs. Owners often make mistakes that can lead to serious diseases and dysfunction of organs and systems.

Mr. Tail recommends: rules and regulations for feeding dry food (by breed, age, weight)

As a rule, daily consumption rates are indicated by the dry food manufacturer on the packaging. But this information is for informational purposes only, since manufacturers do not know the individual characteristics of the pet.

Small breed dogs are often intensely active and have a faster metabolism, while their medium and large dogs move more slowly and their metabolic processes are often less active. Small height and body weight force the dog to stay in the lower layers of the atmospheric air, therefore, in the winter season, it can freeze more and burn the resulting calories faster.

Old dogs need a softer food structure, while young dogs need bones and hard food. Veterinarians have concluded that the best daily diet for a dog's health is a dry to wet food ratio of 75% to 25%.

Manufacturers have divided food into classes, each of which is characterized by its calorie content per 100 grams of product.

The higher the calorie content, the less food the pet needs, since the body is saturated faster, thanks to the proteins contained in it in kcal:

  • holistic – 350-450;
  • super premium – 350-450;
  • premium – 300–350;
  • economy – 250-300.

Holistic food is made from the highest quality products and can be recommended for specialized feeding as hypoallergenic. Super-premium granules are complete nutrition, premium - contain by-products and animal proteins, economy - low-quality products, you need to additionally include vitamin supplements in your diet.

For one-month-old puppies, it is preferable to prepare soaked dry food granules so that tooth enamel does not wear off.

For small breeds from 2 to 5 kg, it is recommended to give 50-100 g of dry food per serving for an active lifestyle, and 30-80 for an inactive lifestyle.

For dogs whose weight starts from 10 kg, with good walking and play, 150-170 g are required, for their less active relatives - 120-150. Further, the rate of one dose increases by 100 g for every 10 kg. That is, if an animal weighs 20 kg - 250-270, 30 kg - 350-370 g, etc.

If the food is chosen correctly, the dog looks cheerful, shows interest in games, and has a healthy, shiny coat. If the diet is incorrectly selected, the dog may begin to gain extra pounds. To prevent this from happening, you need to control whether she manages to eat a portion in 20 minutes or not.

If it doesn’t eat, then it is reduced. They don’t force you to eat up uneaten leftovers. They are thrown out.

If the basis of nutrition is dry granules, then the pet needs more water than with wet feeding. Therefore, it is important to always have fresh water in your drinking bowl.

The question of when and how to switch a dog to two meals a day worries many owners. First of all, it is worth understanding how necessary such a transfer is and whether it is acceptable to feed your pet on any other schedule.

General feeding recommendations

A common mistake is chaotic feeding without a specific time or menu. A bowl is filled for a beloved dog when he touchingly looks into the eyes, wags his tail, barks invitingly, demanding a treat, when the pet interferes with the family meal, begging, trying to steal something from the owner’s table. Moreover, the dog’s diet contains an unregulated range of products: leftovers from dinners, lunches and breakfasts, dry food, unprocessed foods, sweets, etc. As a result, the animal’s body is gradually destroyed, and various ailments and diseases appear.

The advantages of dishes prepared specifically for a dog, taking into account its age and individual characteristics, are undeniable. But many owners do not have the time or desire to engage in such cooking, which makes ready-made food more and more popular. This option has certain advantages, which include balance, the presence of important microelements and vitamins. But all these advantages are inherent only in premium products, where more than 50% are meat components, dyes, soy, and there are no preservatives. Cheap food, unfortunately, does not differ in quality composition.

Owners who care about the health of their pets should at least alternate finished products with freshly prepared food. The dog's diet includes:

  • beef and idea;
  • millet and buckwheat porridges;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • low-fat fermented milk products, etc.

Soaking the feed

If the manufacturer does not indicate restrictions on soaking the feed and such information is not on the packaging, the granules can be soaked. It is especially useful to do this for older dogs, sick individuals and puppies up to three months old.

To do this, you need to fill the granules by half or a third with unboiled drinking water, heated to about 40°C. Boiled milk is sometimes added to the puppy.

Soaked food cannot be stored for a long time - a maximum of three hours. It is dangerous to use it after longer storage, as it turns sour very quickly. Regardless of whether the dog eats dry food or soaked food, the norm is the same.

Portion standards for an adult animal

The daily diet for a dog depends on its age and size. A smaller amount is needed for small pets and older dogs whose digestive system activity is reduced. An important factor is living conditions and lifestyle. A dog that moves a lot and lives outside in cold weather requires more food.

The average dietary standards for pets of different sizes are as follows:

  • small dogs up to 15 kg – 100-350 grams of natural food or 150-300 grams of dry products;
  • medium-sized dogs up to 35 kg – 400-700 grams of prepared food or 400 grams of ready-made food;
  • large animals 35-50 kg – 700-1000 grams of homemade food or 400-600 grams of dry product.

A veterinarian can accurately calculate the diet for a specific dog.

Food standards for adult dogs

The amount of food per 1 kg of body weight per day for an adult dog depends on the breed and weight:

BreedsNumber of calories (kcal)
Dwarf or very small (up to 5 kg, height up to 30 cm)100-120
Small (from 5 to 10 kg, up to 40 cm)55-95
Medium (up to 20 kg, 40-56 cm)70-80
Large (from 20 to 30 kg, 56-65 cm)60-70
Giant (50+ kg, from 60 cm)55-65

It should be taken into account that the animal may have food allergies.

Dogs over 7 years old are considered senior dogs. Due to their age, they may experience problems with their digestive system. If the diseases are pronounced, it is recommended to transfer such individuals to a special diet.

If, due to its age, the animal is obese, then, as a result, the following may occur:

  • joint inflammation;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • hormonal imbalances and changes;
  • occur: diabetes, heart failure and arthritis.

Optimal feeding frequency

It is important not only to choose the right diet and daily intake, but also to follow the feeding rules. The best option is two meals a day. For the first time, the dog needs to be fed in the morning before the walk. The break between meals is approximately 9-11 hours. Therefore, the second feeding should be in the evening around 18:00. It is not advisable to switch your pet to single meals. But if time does not allow you to divide the daily dose into two servings, you can put it in a bowl right away.

There are periods of a dog’s life when feeding rules differ from the standard ones. The diet of puppies requires special attention. At 2-4 months you need 4-5 feedings a day, at 6-12 months - 3 meals. A pregnant bitch should be fed 4-5 times, the daily norm increases by about a third. In older dogs, digestion slows down. They need to be switched to three meals a day. In this case, the daily ration does not increase, it is divided into 3 servings.

What determines the size of the daily portion?

Despite the fact that every second dog eats dry food, not all owners know how to correctly calculate the amount of dry food for their pet. Proper calculation of a single serving is important for the health of the animal, since overfeeding can lead to obesity, and excess weight, in turn, will lead to other serious problems.

The food packaging usually lists the recommended daily allowance for a particular product. Quite often they are significantly overestimated, since manufacturers are simply not able to take into account all the features of your pet. Therefore, inexperienced dog breeders often consult dog trainers and veterinarians.

How much dry food a dog needs per day depends on the following factors:

  • pet breed;
  • weight and dimensional characteristics;
  • lifestyle (where the pet lives, how many times it goes for walks, physical activity);
  • age of the animal;
  • physiological state (pregnancy or lactation, recovery from illness or surgery, and others);
  • health status (presence of chronic diseases).

Thus, it is necessary to collect all individual information about the animal before calculating its daily nutritional intake. It is better if dry food is selected by the owner together with a veterinarian. Remember - under no circumstances should you overfeed the animal. It is completely normal for your dog to feel hungry during the day, which means he will have a good dinner. Excessive satiety only harms four-legged animals.

In general, the average daily intake of dry food for adult animals, depending on weight and physical activity, can range from 200 to 900 g per day. In this case, the dog needs to be fed 2 times a day. The nutrition of puppies follows a slightly different pattern - they are fed more often, dividing the daily portion into 3-6 meals.

Individual approach to feeding your dog

Giving an adult dog two meals a day fully meets his natural needs. But owners often encounter requests from their pet to feed it during the break between feedings. Then the question arises whether it is necessary to meet such wishes and requirements of the dog. There are several recommendations from experts that will help you find the right solution:

  1. It is necessary to determine whether the dog is truly hungry. For example, if a small dog, according to regulations, needs to eat up to 300 grams of dry food per day, but it is highly active and moves a lot, you can increase the volume to 350 g.
  2. The occurrence of a feeling of hunger before the prescribed meal may be a consequence of poor quality food. Purchasing a ready-made economy product will most likely lead to malnutrition, since it contains too little meat. If the dog eats this food, the amount should be increased by 30-40%. Cooked food may also be insufficiently nutritious if the diet does not include fish, meat, eggs, and offal.
  3. It should be taken into account that these pets quickly learn to manipulate people. If for every request the dog is given a treat, a piece of sausage, then he will demand food without feeling hungry. This behavior cannot be encouraged; obesity will cause serious health problems.
  4. You can meet your pet halfway if the requests are too persistent and there are doubts about whether he is hungry. But you need to give your dog not rich food, but an easy replacement in the form of vegetables and low-fat kefir.
  5. Parasites may be the cause of increased appetite. If your dog is eating well but is underweight, you should contact your veterinarian. A specialist will conduct research and help you choose the best food for your pet.

How to correctly calculate portions when feeding dogs

The amount of dog food depends on several factors:

  • pet breed;
  • weight characteristics;
  • lifestyle;
  • age of the animal.

It is quite natural that large-sized individuals (Alabai, bulldogs, German shepherds, Labradors) require twice as much food as indoor ones (Spitz, pugs, Chihuahuas, miniature pinschers, Yorkies).

An adult animal should be given up to 1 kg of dry food per day, while a puppy should be given 200 g.

If a dog is kept only outside, then its appetite is higher than that of a relative who is only taken out into the fresh air for a walk. Under mixed conditions of detention, you need to select your own nutritional standards. Active individuals burn energy twice as fast as lazy ones.

Over time, metabolism changes and digestion takes longer. Some processes fade away, causing irreversible metamorphoses in the body. Dry and roughage food should be replaced with liquid and semi-liquid food in order to be better absorbed.

Whatever type the animal belongs to, the rule remains the same - you should never overfeed it.

Feeding professionals believe that for an adult the daily intake should be no more than 1 kg of dry food.

You can divide portions into several meals, taking into account the class of food: economy, premium, holistic. The higher the brand of food developed by the manufacturer, the less it will be needed for one individual. It is also worth considering physical characteristics: large breed dogs eat much more than indoor dogs.

It is normal for your pet to feel hungry during the day. The main indicators that the food has been selected correctly are a healthy coat and body weight at which the dog can lead an active lifestyle.

Memo from specialists for dog owners

Feeding rules and dietary requirements must be followed by every dog ​​owner. There are additional recommendations from experienced dog breeders that you need to pay attention to:

  • It is advisable to develop an individual diet for your dog with a professional specialist. The veterinarian will take into account the characteristics of the body, recommend ready-made dry food, and give advice on home cooking. This approach to nutrition is especially important if the dog has any diseases or disorders.
  • Refusal to eat is not always a sign of illness or a cause for concern. Healthy pets can take a fasting day. These rules are always followed by predators living in natural conditions. But if the dog does not eat for 2-3 days, it is necessary to visit a veterinary hospital.
  • There is no need to leave food in the bowl all the time. A quarter of an hour is enough for the animal to be satisfied. After this, the dishes should be removed. Be sure to provide your dog with a bowl of clean water. It is especially important to provide access to water when feeding dry food.
  • Natural nutrition does not provide all the necessary vitamins. It is necessary to buy special complexes designed for dogs for your pet.
  • You cannot underfeed an animal. The lack of the necessary calories, proteins, minerals, and vitamins will negatively affect the condition of the dog’s body. But overfeeding is an even more dangerous factor for a dog. It will definitely lead to the formation of obesity. The consequence of excess weight will be disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, respiratory organs and deterioration of the structure of the joints.

Having brought home a small puppy, the new owner must worry about how to properly create a feeding diet so that the baby has enough all the nutrients for normal growth and development.

It is recommended that babies of all breeds, after starting complementary feeding, but still feeding on mother's milk, be given natural foods. It is important to understand what minerals and vitamins puppies need at certain stages of their development.

A reminder for dog owners is that mixing dry industrial food and natural cooked food is prohibited. This provokes serious disturbances in the digestive process and has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Features of feeding puppies by breed

The nutrition of puppies of different breeds varies. This has to do with the size of the dog, its activity needs and background history.


The diet for breeds such as Alabai, Doberman, Rottweiler, St. Bernard, Great Dane, Newfoundland, East European Shepherd and others requires a special approach. This is due to the fact that large dogs grow quickly and gain weight, and this places a heavy load on the musculoskeletal system. When choosing a diet, you must take this into account and under no circumstances overfeed large breed puppies.

The diet of large dogs should be enriched with protein and calcium. For normal growth and development, raw meat and fish should predominate in the daily diet by 50-60%. Particular attention should be paid to additional vitamins and microelements: glycerophosphate, phytin, calcium gluconate.

The diet of a 2-month-old large breed puppy should consist of:

60% from animal proteins (meat, fish, offal, dairy);

20-30% - from carbohydrates (cereals, fruits);

10-15% - from fiber (vegetables) and other foods.

Dogs of Japanese origin (Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, American Akita) need fish in larger quantities. Historically, meat is less healthy for them than seafood.


Jack Russell Terrier, Labrador, Dachshund, Beagle, Cocker Spaniel, Staffordshire Terrier, German Pinscher, Medium Spitz, Corgi are all medium or small breed dogs. Their distinctive feature is activity, so they spend a lot of energy. Their diet includes 50-60% meat and dairy products, and the rest of the menu consists of vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

Puppies are given food little by little, but often (about 6 times a day). A sample menu should include cottage cheese, sour cream, milk porridge, meat, vegetables, fruits and non-acidic berries.


Puppies of small and dwarf breeds have an accelerated metabolism. They spend a lot of energy maintaining body temperature. In addition, they are very mobile, so they quickly burn up calories.

How to feed a puppy correctly

Depending on the breed, the puppy’s diet has a number of significant differences.

Regardless of the breed, puppies need to organize not only the right diet, but also exercise. The number of walks in the fresh air and active games should be sufficient.

All dogs belong to the genus of wolves, but the difference between the breeds is colossal, which leaves a peculiar imprint on the type of food the animals eat.

The main subtlety in the process of preparing a puppy’s diet is that the smaller the dog’s breed, the more energy it requires.

This is due to the fact that small dogs, and especially their puppies, spend the same amount of energy as their larger relatives, but the reserve reserves are much smaller. Therefore, food for puppies and small breed dogs should be as high in calories as possible, and the frequency of feedings should be greater.

Large representatives should not be overfed. Puppies of breeds such as German Shepherd, Labrador or Caucasian grow rapidly. Therefore, a sharp increase in body volume and length during overfeeding can cause the development of disorders in the process of formation of skeletal muscles.

Food for large breed babies

The period when a large breed puppy feeds exclusively on mother's milk is about 1 month. On average this is 25 days. After the weaning period begins, it is necessary to feed several times a day.

The number of feedings directly depends on how milky the bitch is. A German Shepherd puppy needs meat or dairy food at least 2 times a day. It is necessary to feed a one-month-old large breed puppy with adult food, since bitches rarely feed their babies more.

The number of feedings is at least 6 times a day. Distributed into 3 feedings of dairy food and 3 feedings of meat. The meat norm should be at least 100g of meat per puppy.

A Labrador puppy aged 2 months should be fed 5 times a day, gradually increasing the portion from 100 to 200 g per day. After 2 weeks, the puppy is transferred to four meals a day (3 feedings of meat and 1 dairy). You can add chicken egg yolk every other day.

A 3-month-old Alabai or other large breed puppy should be fed 3-4 times a day. The amount of meat is 300 g per day. Gradually, the share of other products in the diet increases, cereals and vegetables are added. This period is characterized by the beginning of the replacement of teeth from milk to permanent ones, so the need for such nutrients as phosphorus and calcium increases significantly. It is recommended to give large puppies beef bones that are large enough. This will prevent your baby from choking.

The feeding regimen is maintained for up to 10 months. Until the puppy has enough 3 feedings. Milk feeding is eliminated at this age. Feeding a puppy of a husky and other large breeds requires a large amount of meat. At the age of 10 months, large breed puppies eat up to half a kilogram of meat per day. Energetic dogs should not lack good meat.

Diet for medium breed puppies

It is necessary to feed a Jack Russell Terrier puppy or other medium breeds a little differently than representatives of large breeds. Starting from 1.5 months of age, feeding a medium breed puppy should not be more than 5 times a day.

After two weeks, you can safely switch the puppy to four feedings a day, distributing milk and meat feedings evenly. The amount of meat for a two-month-old French bulldog puppy is at least 150 g per day.

At this age, babies more often independently refuse milk feedings, so the amount of meat should increase to cover the body's needs for essential nutrients (300g of meat per day).

In this way, puppies of medium breeds are fed for up to 8 months, and then gradually transferred to two meals a day. The total volume of feed increases, but the amount of meat remains the same.

Rarely, some puppies continue to consume dairy products along with porridge and finely chopped meat.

Diet for dwarf and small breed puppies

In the period immediately after weaning puppies from their mother and up to 2 months, babies of small and dwarf breeds are fed in the same way as larger representatives. From 8 weeks of age, a Spitz, Yorkie or Chihuahua puppy should be fed 4 times a day, always including meat.

Starting from 12 weeks, a Chihuahua puppy or other small breed is fed 3 times a day, trying to leave 1 milk and 2 meat feedings. The puppy should receive at least 200 g of meat per day.

Starting from six months, puppies are fed twice a day, adding more vegetables and cereals. Some babies completely refuse to eat dairy products.

It is important to note that almost all breeds of small and decorative dogs are prone to gluttony and overeating. They may constantly demand food, but there will never be enough for them.

In such cases, it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian and clearly define the boundaries of food intake. This will prevent the development of obesity and problems associated with metabolic disorders.

Important rules and organization of the feeding area

Anyone who has a dog for the first time has many questions about how to feed a puppy. They are easy to understand if you pay a little attention to the important rules.

Main feeding rules:

It is important not to overfeed your puppy to prevent his stomach from becoming bloated. Large breed dogs are at risk of developing joint problems due to overeating, and other breeds may be prone to obesity.

Never give animals food from your table. This food is not suitable for the digestive system of dogs and cats.

If you feed your baby natural food, then the food should always be fresh.

It is recommended to feed the animal at the same time.

Food should be at room temperature.

Give your puppy 10-15 minutes at each feeding. If during this time he has not finished his portion, then it must be put in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil.

A bowl of fresh water should always be there.

Dry food should not be mixed with natural food.

Do not give your puppy chocolate, flour, processed foods, spices and other foods that are considered treats in the human world. They are very harmful to the dog.

Dairy and meat products should not be given at the same feeding.

Never give your puppy bones - you need to teach your baby to chew and not swallow them whole. In addition, not all bones are suitable - for example, tubular ones are strictly prohibited.

Puppies' meals should be organized in a specially designated place where it is convenient to maintain cleanliness. The most comfortable place is the kitchen. It is better to place the bowls on a rubber mat so that they do not slip.

While the puppy is small, the bowl can be placed directly on the floor. When he grows up, it is better to use a stand to make it more convenient for the animal to eat and not strain the cervical spine. This will also help prevent you from swallowing air while eating.

The bowl should be ceramic or iron, not plastic. It will be more stable and the puppy will not tip it over.

There should be different plates for water and food - it is advisable that they stand at a distance from each other - so that pieces of food will not fall into the water and spoil it.

How many times a day should you feed your puppy?

If the owner feeds the puppy correctly, he will achieve positive results. The baby will be healthy and properly developed both mentally and physiologically.

Once a puppy of any breed reaches 4 weeks of age, the number of feedings per day is reduced to 6 times. How many times a day to feed a puppy directly depends on its age.

Puppies of large breeds require 5 meals a day longer, while medium and small breeds can switch to 3 meals a day at the age of 8 months.

Each puppy will need to create an individual feeding schedule, but on average it will look like this:

  • first meal (7-8 a.m.) – oatmeal cooked in milk or cottage cheese;
  • second breakfast – (9-10 am) – porridge cooked in water with the addition of raw meat and vegetables;
  • lunch – (12-13 hours) – milk;
  • afternoon snack – (15-16 hours) – porridge with vegetables or meat;
  • dinner – (18-19 hours) – milk porridge or just milk;
  • before bedtime (21-22 hours) – clean fresh meat in the form of minced meat.

The schedule may vary, but at the end of the day before bedtime, dog handlers, breeders and veterinarians recommend giving puppies of any breed meat. This will allow your baby to stay full all night and not have to wake up to go to the toilet. It is noted that normal healthy sleep, which allows the puppy to restore the strength spent during the day, should be at least 6 hours.

Puppies at the age of 10 weeks must also be fed at least 6 times a day, gradually adding to the diet not only more minced meat, but also all kinds of porridge - rice, oatmeal, various vegetables, previously boiled and pureed.

You can try giving your baby 2 months of age raw liver, which is a source of iron and vitamin complexes. When choosing this by-product, you need to pay special attention to its quality.

Food for the puppy should be heated, but not hot, and always fresh. It is not recommended to cook porridge for several days, especially during the hot season.

Natural food

Natural or homemade food refers to a diet made up of homemade food. These are porridge, cottage cheese, eggs, raw and cooked meat, stews, vegetables in various combinations. Food is usually prepared specifically for dogs, since human food is not suitable for dogs due to excessive amounts of salt, sugar, seasonings and other unhealthy additives.

The following products are commonly used for dogs:

Cereals: rice, buckwheat, crushed oatmeal;

Bread (in small quantities gray or rye);

Vegetables: carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin;

Fruits: apples, bananas, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins);

Fresh and dried greens: dill, parsley, onion, garlic, young nettle;

Milk and dairy products: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream;

Chicken and quail eggs;

Meat and offal: beef, veal, lean lamb and lamb, rabbit, horse meat, poultry, heart, liver, kidneys, udder, tripe;

Meat should make up about 40% of the diet. Moreover, it should not be a tenderloin: it is better if the meat is quite sinewy, with cartilage and connective tissue. It is better not to give bones at all - they wear down teeth and can cause digestive problems (especially in young dogs and puppies). Large beef bones are sometimes acceptable as chewing toys.

Diet at 3-5 weeks of age

At this age, puppies eat often and little by little , because the stomach does not yet know how to cope with large volumes of food. It is recommended to feed babies every 3 hours. While they remain with their mother, the breeder only gives complementary foods in the form of milk porridge, calcined cottage cheese, and tender raw minced meat 2–3 times a day. All food is offered to babies in heavy, stable bowls; no nipples are needed.

5-8 weeks

The amount of mother's milk decreases, and the share of other foods increases accordingly. Puppies grow rapidly, and they need a lot of protein and minerals to form strong bones and good muscles. Mandatory in the diet at this age:

What not to feed a puppy

Healthy foods that are used to feed small puppies are indicated above. But there is a whole list of foods that are prohibited to give to dogs, especially puppies.

Among the unwanted and prohibited products are:

  • raw chicken and river fish;
  • all kinds of semi-finished products (sausages and sausages), as well as hard bones;
  • smoked, pickled and salted dishes;
  • fried meat, sweets and spices.

You should not give dogs, especially small puppies, food from the human table.

Proper nutrition and eating habits are the key to your pet’s health. Without following the basics of proper feeding and diet selection, your pet can develop a host of digestive tract diseases that are difficult to treat.

Feeding a puppy from one month to a year

The owner's special attention should be focused on creating the correct diet for the puppy at 4 weeks of age. It is from this period that the female feeding the offspring is unable to provide them with the necessary amount of food.

The mother dog continues to feed the one-month-old puppy, and adult food is gradually introduced. The number of meals depends on the individual characteristics of the babies and their breed, but on average at least 6 times a day.

The time allotted for eating is 15 minutes. If during this time the baby has not finished the offered portion of food, the remainder must be removed. A dog is not a cat, so it does not come to the bowl often, eating a little at a time. If the food is not eaten immediately, indigestion and problems with the animal's discipline may occur.

Starting at the age of 3 months, puppies of large and medium breeds can be offered cartilage and veal bones. This period is marked by the replacement of baby teeth, so bones are necessary to form a correct bite.

It is also important to note that games involving picking up objects or tug-of-war with puppies at this age are fraught with problems with the bite and the structure of permanent teeth.

Food standards for puppies

In order to correctly calculate the daily food intake for a puppy, you need to know its weight and the calorie content of the food itself.

The feed rate is indicated per 1 kg of weight.

AgeNumber of calories (kcal)
up to 1 month220
up to 3 months270
up to 6 months150
up to 12 months120

If it is possible to buy elite food for them, then the dosage is made at the rate of 60 g per 2 kg of weight, not taking into account the calorie content of the food.

For small puppies, food is soaked so that they do not damage their baby teeth.

Gradually, dry food begins to be mixed with canned food, and then they are transferred to adult food.

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