How and what to feed your Yorkie from the first days of life? Tips and tricks. Dietary features of Yorkies!

The life expectancy and condition of small four-legged pets largely depends on the conditions of detention and nutrition. You can buy meat, vegetables, home-made eggs and much more on your own, prepare food, counting calories and vitamins, spending a lot of time. Professionals have developed and produce mixtures that provide a complete, balanced diet. The rating of the best food for Yorkies and Chihuahuas for 2022 included compositions recommended by dog ​​experts, taking into account the opinions of veterinary specialists and reviews of animal owners.

Prohibited foods for Yorkies

There are several foods that are not recommended for feeding your Yorkie:

  • meat with a high percentage of fat content - lamb, pork, which place excessive stress on the dog’s liver;
  • potatoes, legumes, different types of cabbage that cause flatulence;
  • turnips, radishes, which contribute to the development of stomach diseases in dogs;
  • oatmeal, barley, which are strong allergens;
  • pickles, smoked meats, cheese, sausages, which provoke negative changes in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys of the Yorkie;
  • flour products, pasta, sweets that cause dermatitis, diarrhea, and diabetes in dogs;
  • tomatoes, nectarines and peaches, raw and boiled corn, which can cause indigestion;
  • raisins, grapes, which have a harmful effect on the dog’s kidneys;
  • mushrooms that are poorly digestible by the Yorkie’s body;
  • citrus fruits, which can increase stomach acidity;
  • river fish, which is dangerous due to the many sharp small bones.

Food for the Yorkshire Terrier is not salted during preparation. Milk is not included in the diet of dogs older than 4 months, as it upsets digestion. You should not give Yorkies tubular bones, which, due to their sharp edges, can injure the mucous membranes of the mouth and the walls of the intestinal tract.

Read also: Everything you need to know about keeping a Yorkshire Terrier

Read also: Everything you need to know about keeping a Yorkshire Terrier

What should you not feed your Yorkshire Terrier?

All canines are predators and their digestive system is not designed to process food from the human table, large amounts of vegetation. Firstly, it contains a lot of salt, spices and fat, and secondly, after heat treatment it is poor in nutrients. Eating such food provokes poisoning, disruption of the pancreas, hair loss and allergic reactions. A separate recipe has not been created for the Yorkshire Terrier, but such products should absolutely not be included in the menu:

  • chocolate;
  • spicy, smoked, fried;
  • fat and lard;
  • tubular or boiled bones;
  • butter;
  • pork;
  • onion garlic;
  • cow's milk;
  • river and spoiled fish;
  • buns, cakes, pastries;
  • cherry, grape, apricot, plum seeds;
  • vinegar;
  • mushrooms.

Which companies produce the best food?

Selected, according to buyers and experts, the best manufacturers are registered in different countries. The best of them in the ranking for 2022 are described below.

The best food, which is popular with owners and has a positive effect on the condition of a small pet, is produced by the French company Royal Canin. The characteristics of the food include: optimal caloric content, hypoallergenicity, antioxidant functions

For Yorkies and Chihuahuas living in urban areas, it is important to get enough minerals and vitamins and regularly cleanse the blood of radionuclides

Under the Eukanuba brand, food is produced by an international corporation formed by the merger of the famous companies Mars and Procter & Gamble. Features of dry pet food of this brand are certification and ingredient content strictly taking into account age characteristics and breeds. Eukanuba does not just have food for small breed dogs, but also separately for Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas, although their needs largely coincide.

The Italian company Primordial produces dry and liquid food with a high meat content - more than 60%, which is important for pets living in the city. Inexpensive and high-quality food is produced by the Czech company Brit Care

Its management has a special love for Yorkshire terriers. A separate line is produced for them

Inexpensive and high-quality food is produced by the Czech company Brit Care. Its management has a special love for Yorkshire terriers. A separate line is produced for them.


FloksyFox: The pet store offered us Royal Canin food. Our dog started eating again! For a package of 2.20 kg we paid 678 rubles. More than a month has passed, one second pack has been eaten. The dog is energetic and happy, the hair problems have disappeared. If you believe the manufacturer, the composition contains natural meat, in principle, the composition is only pleasing. Maria_mladyc: My Yorkshire Terrier is 3 years old, extremely thin, weight 2-2.1 kg on all previous foods. The vet recommended Hills. WE ARE COMPLETELY SATISFIED WITH IT. The dog has gained 700 grams and looks cheerful and happy. There are no problems with digestion. The disadvantage is, of course, the price. And it can be difficult to buy in our city.

Despite all the efforts of manufacturers, the market for dry food for small dogs in Russia consists of only a few popular companies. You can choose the right one from them, but it is still far from achieving full-fledged competition.

Feeding frequency

If you have to artificially feed a puppy from birth, then as he grows up, the frequency of food intake should be reduced, and the intervals between receiving food should gradually increase. Thus, newborn babies should be fed milk or a special formula every two hours during the first two weeks. Further, the time between feedings should be increased so that when the puppy reaches one month it is already 4 hours.

During the second month of life, babies are fed every 4 hours, that is, 6 times a day. In the third month, the number of feedings is reduced to 5 times, in the fourth – to 4 times, and starting from the fifth month, they switch to three meals a day. When the dog reaches adulthood - 10 months - it can be fed 2 times a day, but at the same time. The best time is immediately after a walk.

Feeding rules

Regardless of your pet's age, your Yorkshire Terrier should eat frequently. This breed, like most miniature dogs, has a fast metabolism. This means that in one sitting he should eat exactly as much as he needs to maintain his own weight and energy, but no more. Otherwise, overeating will lead to obesity. They also need to receive useful substances, since by nature Yorkies are quite weak and susceptible to many ailments.

Yorkshire Terrier, one of the most selective breeds in food.

A Yorkshire Terrier puppy needs to be fed 4 times a day in small portions. Starting from 10 months of age, it is worth moving to two meals a day. The bowl should be emptied within 12 minutes; if this does not happen, you must put the leftovers in the refrigerator until your next meal. When feeding dry food, the dog must have constant access to clean, fresh water.

The Yorkshire Terrier's food should contain enough B vitamins, as this is an important element for maintaining high energy and performance.

Diet depending on the age of the dog

Both dry food and natural food are selected according to age. Finished products are distributed according to age range. There are also separate types for pregnant females, sick and elderly pets, dogs with various digestive system disorders.

Food for a puppy at 1-2 months

The basis of the diet for a newborn is mother's milk. Until weaning at 1.5-2 months, babies should receive it to strengthen the immune system and absorb the necessary vitamins. But already at this age it is allowed to introduce complementary foods in order to prepare the dog for sale.

  • Milk curds;
  • Natural yogurt;
  • Sheep and goat milk;
  • Liquid semolina porridge.

Complementary foods are given 4-5 times a day, 1-2 teaspoons.

What can you feed at 3-6 months and beyond?

From 2.5-3 months, solid food is introduced. If it’s dry food, then it’s puppy pellets; if it’s natural, then it’s approved products. Suitable options include boiled soft chicken, turkey, rabbit, boneless sea fish, twisted offal and light porridges (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) boiled in water.

Be sure to use vegetables and fruits in your menu:

  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • apples;
  • cabbage

Protein mass other than meat - chicken and quail eggs (2 times a week), yogurt, kefir, milk is prohibited from this age.

How to feed an adult Yorkie correctly

Correct calculation of substances:

  • 40-50% protein;
  • 30% carbohydrates;
  • 20% fat.

According to this proportion, the daily diet and the weekly menu are selected, which can become permanent.

An adult dog will need 120-160 g of food per day: 2 times 60-80 g. Additional meals are prohibited, not counting training with treats. Bowls should be washed after each use, and the water in the drinking bowl should be renewed daily.

Dry and wet food

Yorkies are not picky. Having chosen a brand of dry food, you can stick to it for many years, with the exception of pregnancy or illness.

But due to the cumulative effect, after 2-3 years of constant use, the product may cause endocrine disruption, so it is important to monitor any changes in the pet’s behavior

You need to pay attention to the inscription “meat powder” or “chicken/rabbit/lamb”. The second option involves a mass not only of fibers, but also of by-products and bones, which will not be beneficial for the pet

Ideally, the product contains “dehydrated meat”.

Natural nutrition

When choosing this type, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to prepare special food for your pet weekly or even daily. The proportions are maintained, 40-50% of the daily menu is protein: meat, eggs, dairy products, cheeses. The carbohydrate part is buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, vegetables and fruits. Fats – vegetable oil (2 times a week, 1 teaspoon per feed).

What not to feed

A dog is not a trash can. She is not allowed sausages, flour, bones (any kind), hard cartilage and skins, lard.

Vegetables that are contraindicated:

  • potato;
  • melon;
  • grape;
  • citruses.

Among the foods that often cause bloating and gas are legumes and cabbage. Milk is excluded from the diet after 2 months. But the main taboo for all breeds is pork, butter, chocolate and sugar (especially sweeteners).

High-quality nutrition is the key to good dog health. The animal should not rapidly gain weight or gain weight even after sterilization. Therefore, the diet is adjusted individually, depending on physiological characteristics, physical activity, climate and living conditions.

What can you feed your Yorkie?

Both natural and dry foods are suitable for this breed (such as Acana Classics dog food). It all depends on the owner’s capabilities and desires, and state of health. However, the basis of any dog’s diet should be proteins, which are found mainly in meat. It is also necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. How many times a day should you feed your Yorkie? Is it necessary to boil food and is raw food dangerous for contamination?

Simple rules for experienced and novice owners:

  • Meat and tripe are given only raw; after heat treatment they lose their beneficial properties. Offal (liver, heart, lungs) is lightly boiled to avoid stomach upset. Scalding will not kill harmful microorganisms, but regular treatment with anthelmintics will save you from parasites.
  • For an adult, feeding two or three times a day is sufficient. For newborns, juniors, patients, pregnant women, and the elderly, the frequency is different.
  • Access to fresh drinking water is always free for any feeding method.
  • A Yorkshire Terrier should not fast for more than 1 day. Hypoglycemia is a dangerous condition and sometimes leads to death; it appears due to a sharp decrease in blood sugar after a long fast. The smaller the dog, the higher the risks.
  • Pieces of food should be of medium size (about 22 cm) so that the jaws work and the Yorkie does not choke. Minced meat is very poorly digestible.
  • You can't constantly change your diet. A monotonous menu of familiar ingredients with rare inclusions of delicacies is better.
  • Do not mix feeding dry and natural products. The digestive system of ornamental breeds rarely copes with sudden transitions and cannot quickly regulate the production of enzymes for each type of food.
  • Food is given only warm, as is water. Hot causes burns to the mucous membranes, and cold causes gastritis.
  • In winter, the serving volume is 15% larger during long walks and low air temperatures.

Feeding your Yorkie natural food

Feeding a Yorkshire Terrier with natural products does not bring additional hassle, because they need very little. The diet should be based on proteins - about 3.5% of the animal’s weight. For example, if you weigh 3.5 kg, you need 105 g of beef per day. Trip is less nutritious, so the portion with it is increased by 1.5 times. In terms of composition and digestibility, beef and horse meat of the 2nd grade with streaks are ideal. Chicken and turkey are easily digestible, but frequent consumption can lead to excess protein and allergies, liver damage. Give them 2-4 times a week. Chicken eggs are healthy and nutritious; they are boiled and only the yolk is fed to the pet 3 times every 7 days. Quails in the amount of 2 pieces are given in the shell and raw. They do not carry the dangerous disease salmonellosis.

Cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, whey and yogurt saturate the body with protein, calcium and support the microflora of the digestive system, so they are always present in the diet. You can eat them every other day. Only sea fish without a ridge, boiled for 10 minutes, are acceptable: pink salmon, hake, halibut, cod, small mackerel, salmon. There are a lot of parasites and small bones in the river, it needs to be boiled for a long time and it becomes useless and falls apart.

Fruits (green apples), herbs (parsley and dill), vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, carrots) are a source of vitamins and minerals, fiber. Finely cut, stewed in water for 5 minutes, and added to regular food. Porridge - carbohydrates and vitamin reserves, rice and buckwheat are boiled until soft and 1 tablespoon is placed in a bowl. In summer, you can avoid grains. Useful additions to natural food: salt and vegetable oil. Suitable delicacies include a lightly salted piece of cheese, a large beef bone, which is selected before the pieces are cut, a chicken carcass, cartilage, sinews, pig ears, and beef hooves. A small pet will not eat them, but will wear off plaque on the teeth and exercise its chewing muscles.

This is what a sample daily menu looks like for a healthy Yorkie over a year old and weighing 3 kg:

  • meat trimmings - 105 g;
  • cereals - 1 tablespoon;
  • sour milk - 50 g;
  • fish - 150 g;
  • salt - 2-3 g;

Feeding your Yorkie with dry food

For Yorkies, choose premium and super-premium dry food. The minimum protein content in them is 20%, the maximum is 60%, the average percentage of fat is 18%. They can consist of meat from various animals, meat and bone meal, herbal extracts, fruits, and be grain or grain-free. For individuals with weak stomachs, croquettes with prebiotics have been created to maintain and restore beneficial microflora. The balls in any package should be tiny so that your Yorkie can easily chew them. You should be careful about ready-made food with vitamin and mineral supplements, and consult your veterinarian before consuming it. In any case, more water is consumed, the liquid prevents the formation of kidney stones.

They proceed to drying slowly in 15-20 days. Initially, add 1 ball to the bowl; you can soak it with warm water or low-fat kefir. Next, the number of croquettes is increased until they are left alone without natural products. During the reverse transition, natural ingredients are also included gradually. A sudden change is fraught with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and a long return to normal. In some lines and nurseries, several generations of Yorkies eat only pellets, and their descendants have difficulty digesting beef trimmings and steamed cuts.

Helped you learn a little more about the Yorkshire Terrier breed? Read our other articles on the website: Education and training of the Yorkshire Terrier

Manufacturers of dry food for Yorkies

Almost all well-known and large brands have lines marked “for active and small” (from 1 to 10 kg). Too low a cost indicates poor protein content and a lot of useless and sometimes dangerous fillers (corn, cake, fat, ground horns, leather). A high price is also not a guarantee, but due to the characteristics of the individual consumer. The following companies received recognition among owners:

  • Acana;
  • Purina Pro Plan;
  • Grandorf;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Brit;
  • Josera.

What should you not feed these dogs?

After familiarizing yourself with the food suitable for Yorkies, you should find out what product this animal should not be fed. Since representatives of the breed are prone to digestive diseases, problems with well-being can be caused by consumption of:

  • pasta, dumplings, bread and other flour products;
  • caramel, sugar, ice cream, sweet food;
  • sausage, sausages, lard, smoked products;
  • meat with a high fat content (pork, adult lamb);
  • river fish meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes

Familiarity with the listed products will not lead to death, but it will be unpleasant for the animal. Dairy products in their pure form, including cow's milk, cause diarrhea in Yorkshire terriers. The protein of chicken eggs is difficult to digest; it is not worth taking risks with its consumption. A common occurrence is allergies to pearl barley and oats.

What can you feed Yorkshire Terrier puppies?

For the first weeks after birth, puppies should be fed mother's milk. The first complementary foods are introduced at the age of 1 month, gradually adding new foods.

Menu example:

  • 1 month - feeding 6 times a day with lean meat, cottage cheese, kefir and warm milk.
  • 2-5 months - fed 5 times a day until 4 months, then 4 times. You can give meat, sea fish, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, green apples, beets.
  • 6-12 months - beef heart or liver is added to the above products. The number of feedings is 3-4 per day.

Puppies must be weighed daily for the first 2 weeks.

Natural Products for Yorkies

Some owners prefer to feed their pets natural products. In this case, you need to study the list of healthy and prohibited foods so as not to harm the dog.

When planning a diet for a Yorkshire Terrier, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Half of the daily portion should be proteins (fish, meat), the rest should be carbohydrates in the form of cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits;
  • from offal you can give offal, udder, heart, lungs and liver;
  • fish should be given only boiled;
  • low-fat cottage cheese is suitable for dairy products;
  • you can give egg yolk;
  • dishes are complemented with a drop of olive or linseed oil.

Note! Before serving, all products must undergo heat treatment, especially meat and fish.

What is strictly forbidden to feed your Yorkie?

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • pork, lamb;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • bones;
  • smoked meats, sausage;
  • milk;
  • cabbage and potatoes.

Most of these products negatively affect the digestive processes, put additional stress on the liver, and contribute to flatulence and diarrhea. Eating sausages can cause your pet to develop kidney problems.

What vitamins are needed?

For normal growth and development, Yorkies require the following vitamins:

  • vitamin A – is responsible for the growth and development of the body, promotes the formation of new cells and tissues, helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes, improves immunity;
  • vitamin E – antioxidant of vitamin A, prevents the formation of peroxides and infertility, regulates the reproduction process;
  • vitamin D – is responsible for the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, participates in the development of bone tissue, its lack leads to rickets, frequent fractures, and bone deformations;
  • Vitamin K – is responsible for blood clotting and has antibacterial properties.

IMPORTANT! With a prolonged absence of vitamins in the diet, symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear, and excess amounts can lead to poisoning.

The most popular and effective nutritional supplements:

  • Calcidee is a mineral supplement containing large amounts of calcium and phosphorus;
  • Excel – contains substances that help enrich the diet;
  • Glucosamine with chondroxide - helps strengthen ligaments and cartilage, promotes calcium absorption.

Veterinarians also recommend Multitonic, a seafood-based supplement that contains the amino acids dogs need:

  • arginine;
  • lysine;
  • methionine;
  • histidine;
  • threonine;
  • leucine;
  • phenylalanine;
  • tryptophan;
  • valine

Which dry food to choose for Yorkshire Terrier puppies?

Feeding a Yorkie in Belarus, Yorkshire Terrier in Belarus, how to properly feed a Yorkie, feeding a Yorkie

In the process of selecting dry food for a dog, there are many nuances: age, build, breed

In order for your pet to grow up healthy, it is important to take them into account. Special emphasis on food for puppies

Our beloved Yorkies are small or decorative breeds of dogs.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the appropriate specialized products. Which dry food to choose for Yorkshire Terrier puppies? Let's figure it out and present to your attention a short review with descriptive characteristics.

As before, no advertising. Products presented in Belarus.

Dry food Acana Puppy Small Breed

Balanced food for puppies of small breeds of dogs. Includes high-quality meat ingredients, a complex of vitamins and macroelements. A special feature of this food is that it contains Cobb chicken meat, which is raised free-range. The remaining ingredients (cereals, fruits and vegetables) carry the prefix “eco”.

The food is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, which are difficult for the puppy to digest. The product does not contain rice or corn. Instead, hypoallergenic oats are used.

Average price for 3 kg: 45-52 rubles.

Dry food Hills SP Puppy Small & Miniature With Chicken

Suitable food for small breed puppies. In this regard, it can also be chosen as dry food for Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Can be given to your pet from weaning to 1 year. It has a balanced composition that allows you to properly adjust the body of a growing dog. The significant content of vitamins will strengthen the immune system. For the proper formation of the skeletal system and teeth, the manufacturer included calcium and protein in the content.

Omega-3 essential polyunsaturated fatty acid (DHA) is present in this dry food. It can provide your pet with vital substances and help the full development of the brain.

What is important is that the food has a taste and smell that can whet the appetite of the most picky puppy.

Average price for 1.5 kg: 37-42 rubles.

Dry food Pro Plan Puppy Small and Mini

Food for small breed puppies that weigh less than 10 kg as adults. The key ingredients are chicken and rice. These are easily digestible ingredients for a small dog.

The food also contains vitamins and macroelements that are vital for the full development of a small organism. The specially balanced composition of the product supports the puppy’s energy level. When consuming this food, the dog will feel active and full of vitality.

This food also contains vital DHA.

Average price for 3 kg: 28-35 rub.

Composition of quality feed

How to choose food for your pet to keep it healthy. First of all, you should pay attention to the contents of the food and how much it costs. If the average price is less than the cost of meat, then the description on the package does not correspond to reality. The product is worth buying if the manufacturer has indicated all its details on the packaging and, in addition, there are detailed dosage instructions depending on weight and the required data:

  • the first line of the composition is the types of meat products and their quantity;
  • sources of proteins and fats are indicated;
  • there are easily recognizable fruits and vegetables in the form of pieces;
  • no dyes or flavors;
  • there are no by-products (food waste) and cheap fillers;
  • The energy value is indicated and corresponds to the needs of the animal.

An indicator of dishonest work is aggressive advertising by the manufacturer. Before choosing a product, you should look at reviews of it from other dog owners.

During pregnancy

A pregnant dog needs to be fed 5 times a day. The best option in this case is specialized dry food, the composition of which is enriched with necessary substances. If the female eats natural food, then the basis of her diet should be meat, dairy products and vegetables. During this period, she needs vitamin supplements, the dosage of which is calculated by the veterinarian. After birth, the dog is fed in the same way as during pregnancy. The main thing is to make sure that the composition contains 24-28% protein, as well as a high content of nutrients.

The health and longevity of Yorkshire terriers depend on regular and high-quality nutrition

If owners decide to feed their pets home-cooked food, they should select ingredients with great care. The same applies to factory production: super premium class holistic dogs are suitable for Yorkies.

What is the best food to buy for a Yorkie?

When deciding which food is best to buy for Yorkie puppies, you need to remember that the most convenient, of course, is dry food, which you can feed the dog at any time of the day, leaving a large portion on the plate in the morning and calmly leaving for work. It also helps keep your teeth and mouth healthy by removing plaque from them. But if the dog has problems with the heart, bladder and kidneys, then this option is not the best because of the need to increase the amount of fluid during administration. It should also be used carefully when feeding older pets.

Wet food is more like natural food and is not as addictive as dry food. It maintains optimal water balance, is easily digestible and provides the necessary energy. In this regard, it is very relevant for puppies who require a lot of calories to gain muscle mass and normal growth. This food is also useful for adult dogs that are over 1 year old.

Here is the most rational food to choose depending on the situation:

  • In spring, when dogs' coat sheds a lot and loses its shine, you can switch to Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier dry food, which perfectly restores it.
  • If your dog has sensitive digestion, it will be useful to feed him Brit Care dry food with salmon and tuna, which does not irritate him or burden him.
  • To maintain normal physical shape for your pet, the Royal Canin Yorkshire Terrier Adult is the optimal choice.
  • Four-legged Gourmet Yorkshire sausages can take care of your teeth and immune system, although it is not medicinal.
  • For digestive disorders, it is recommended to purchase Hill's Prescription Diet i/d Digestive Care with a mild effect.
  • To strengthen the joints of Yorkshire Terriers, it would not be a mistake to purchase Belcando products.
  • In order to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can feed your Yorkie with products from Cesar.
  • Acana Heritage, Primordial Puppy and Native foods are intended for puppies.

High-quality food for your Yorkie will help you avoid many diseases and take care of the appearance of your beloved pet.

That is why it is so important to take a responsible approach to its choice and take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular diet.


The following is a rating of dry food among all possible classes. It was collected based on reviews from dog breeders and the expert opinion of animal nutritionists. The main criterion for selection was the composition of dry food.

Royal Canin

This dry food from a premium Russian manufacturer takes first place in the rating. It contains the most optimal ratio of animal proteins and plant ingredients.


Canadian dry food. High-quality composition, including a set of pribiotics. Belongs to the holistic class. Not always on sale.


Closes the top three. The food is primarily designed for dogs prone to allergies. Not always suitable for healthy pets. Class, super-premium, made in Germany.

To read: Fighting American Bandog: methods of raising a harsh pet

Pro Plan

The production is carried out by a French company. In terms of meat content, one of the best indicators in the premium class.


It is also a representative of the premium class, but, according to the Dutch manufacturers themselves, it meets the highest quality standards, which is clearly visible in the composition.


The manufacturer is located in Sweden. Its good composition, wide selection of flavors and minimal amount of dyes allow it to be included in the rating of the best among all dry food on the market.


The best among the worst. Belongs to the economy class, the first and last representative of this class. It closes the rating because it is the highest quality representative of the economy class.

According to most experts, Royal Canin dry food deservedly takes first place in the ranking. It is preferred by many dog ​​breeders due to its low price and decent composition. Super-premium and holistic food are considered high-quality, but it is better to avoid economy-class dry food.

You can’t just take your pet and switch it to another food. The new food may not be to your Yorkie's liking or may cause digestive problems. To avoid unnecessary problems and costs, start feeding new food along with the old one.

What can you feed Yorkshire Terrier puppies?

For the first weeks after birth, puppies should be fed mother's milk. The first complementary foods are introduced at the age of 1 month, gradually adding new foods.

Menu example:

  • 1 month - feeding 6 times a day with lean meat, cottage cheese, kefir and warm milk.
  • 2-5 months - fed 5 times a day until 4 months, then 4 times. You can give meat, sea fish, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, green apples, beets.
  • 6-12 months - beef heart or liver is added to the above products. The number of feedings is 3-4 per day.

Puppies must be weighed daily for the first 2 weeks.

Natural Products for Yorkies

Some owners prefer to feed their pets natural products. In this case, you need to study the list of healthy and prohibited foods so as not to harm the dog.

When planning a diet for a Yorkshire Terrier, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Half of the daily portion should be proteins (fish, meat), the rest should be carbohydrates in the form of cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits;
  • from offal you can give offal, udder, heart, lungs and liver;
  • fish should be given only boiled;
  • low-fat cottage cheese is suitable for dairy products;
  • you can give egg yolk;
  • dishes are complemented with a drop of olive or linseed oil.

Note! Before serving, all products must undergo heat treatment, especially meat and fish.

What is strictly forbidden to feed your Yorkie?

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • pork, lamb;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • bones;
  • smoked meats, sausage;
  • milk;
  • cabbage and potatoes.

Most of these products negatively affect the digestive processes, put additional stress on the liver, and contribute to flatulence and diarrhea. Eating sausages can cause your pet to develop kidney problems.

What can you feed a Yorkie puppy?

The Yorkie is born weighing about 70-150 g and immediately seeks the mother's udder. First, the bitch produces colostrum - a very fatty and nutritious substance, and then only milk. If everything is in order, then feeding a newborn puppy does not require human intervention. You need to monitor your weight gain; in the first day after birth it may even decrease slightly, and then in 6-8 days an increase of up to 40 g is expected. As you grow, this figure increases significantly.

If the mother does not have milk due to illness or caesarean section, then they resort to substitutes. Manufacturers Royal Canin, Nutri-Vet, Canina have these, and the instructions for their use are strictly followed. There are veterinary clinics with services for caring for such babies in a hospital setting.

The first complementary foods are introduced at the age of 3 weeks. This is liquid milk rice porridge or special mousses from industrial feed manufacturers, soaked granules from the “Starter” series. For the first time, the baby can only try new food, then he is closely monitored throughout the day. If the result is good, every other day they give more milk porridge, and the next day a thin piece of lean beef (chicken, turkey) the size of a puppy’s nose. Only goat's milk is taken, its composition is close to that of bitches. Next, complementary feeding is increased and variety is introduced into it by month:

  • 1-2: meat, rice porridge, mother's milk;
  • 3-4: fish, eggs, fermented milk products are added;
  • 4-6: vegetables and tripe are introduced;
  • 6-12: adult diet.

Yorkie puppy diet.

In the first days, the puppy eats mother's milk and colostrum every 2 hours. After feeding, he sleeps, his belly is noticeably rounded. When hungry, it squeaks and crawls and worries. Artificial feeding involves feeding on a schedule, assistance in eliminating needs and moderate heating, drips with glucose. After 3 weeks, you can take a break at night, but no more than 8 hours. In addition to milk, mothers are given food with the following frequency per day:

  • 1 month - 4 rubles;
  • 2 m. - 5-6 rubles;
  • 3-4 m. - 4-5 rubles;
  • 4-8 m. - 3-4 rubles;
  • 8-12 m. - 3 rubles;
  • 1 year and older - 2-3 rubles.

What to feed a pregnant Yorkie?

In the first quarter of pregnancy after mating, the frequency and menu do not change. During the period of 2-6 weeks, the portions are increased by 20%, and the bowl is filled 3 times a day. The last 2 weeks limit the amount of meat by 30-40%, replacing it with cottage cheese and eggs. This is considered to prevent complications during childbirth. to feed a pregnant Yorkie what puppies will eat in the first 2 months of life. After childbirth, the menu also remains unchanged, only the usual portion of food increases. In 3 weeks, you can switch the expectant mother to a puppy dryer from the same line as the usual one. It has higher nutritional value and fat content.

Helped you learn a little more about the Yorkshire Terrier breed? Read our other articles on the website: is there an allergy to the Yorkshire terrier?

What vitamins are needed when feeding Yorkies?

There are several types of vitamins that the Yorkshire Terrier needs on a daily basis, so they should be included in the daily diet.

  1. Vitamin A – ensures the growth and speed of physical development of the body. It affects resistance to disease; the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and internal organs depends on it.
  2. Vitamin E – helps reduce the likelihood of hormonal problems. Prevents infertility, ensures reproductive health;
  3. Vitamin D – participates in the metabolism of macroelements, helps absorb Ca, P and other components. Strengthens bones and helps them form correctly.
  4. Vitamin K – normalizes the structure of the blood, increases coagulation. Increases protection against bacteria.

The absence or deficiency of one of these vitamins results in vitamin deficiency. In this state of the body, dysfunction occurs, for which the missing component is responsible.

What is the difference between food for small breeds and regular food?

Keeping small and miniature breeds imposes certain nutritional requirements on the dog owner. Specialized food for decorative dogs is created specifically based on the characteristics of their body.

Since the metabolism of such dogs occurs much faster, they need more high-calorie food of high quality. In such feeds it is easy to calculate the daily and one-time consumption rates, which is difficult to do with home-made feed. If a small dog regularly overeats, this can lead to dire consequences.

A decorative dog puppy grows faster and reaches sexual maturity earlier than its relatives of larger breeds. Puppies' food should be more nutritious and high in calories.

How to avoid obesity?

Obesity in Yorkies can be caused by overeating, lack of physical activity, lack of diet or imbalance.

Excess body weight leads to health problems:

  • heart diseases;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • joint diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • deterioration in appearance;
  • reduction in life expectancy.

To exclude the possibility of obesity in a Yorkie, it is necessary to control its diet - food must contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals, and the nutritional value is selected in accordance with the energy costs and age of the dog.

It is also necessary to follow the feeding regime.

Nuances of dry food

When choosing a brand and manufacturer of dry food for your pet, you should definitely pay attention that it is intended specifically for small breed dogs. You also need to choose only the highest quality food, which contains ingredients that are exclusively beneficial for the “baby”: meat, grains, vitamins, dry vegetables and fruits

In no case should the food contain dyes, soy, corn, or flavor enhancers that can have a detrimental effect on the dog’s stomach. Many manufacturers produce food for different age groups: from newborn puppies to older dogs.

The main distinctive feature of the products is that each category contains exactly the set of useful ingredients that the animal needs at a certain period of its life

Therefore, it is not only important to choose the right food itself, but also to check that it suits the pet’s age.

Veterinarians divide all food available in the retail chain into several categories.

  • Economy class. For example, Pedigree, Chappy. They are based on corn, which is a strong allergen. And we have already mentioned that the stomachs of our “little” friends are very sensitive and prone to allergies. Thus, this line of dry food is strictly contraindicated for use by toy terriers.
  • Premium class. Pro Plan, Royal Canine, Hill's are foods from trusted manufacturers that contain no harmful additives and the diet is completely balanced.
  • Super premium class. Eagle Pack Holistik, Acana, Orijen are first-class products from elite manufacturers. In its composition you will not only not find anything that is contraindicated for dogs, but you will also be amazed at the widest range of its components: several types of meat, berries, fruits, herbs, vitamins and minerals. With such nutrition, your four-legged friend will always be healthy and cheerful.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is impossible to overfeed small breeds. This leads to rapid obesity, loss of mobility and shortened life expectancy.

The package indicates the daily amount of food depending on the weight of the toy terrier, and this should be adhered to.

Dry food classes

You can often hear the opinion that if food is made in the EU, then it is good, and if it is made in Russia, then its class is an order of magnitude lower. This is not entirely true. The main difference is the ingredients and their quality. All food produced in Russia, the USA or EU countries can be divided into 4 main categories.

  • Economy class: the production uses the lowest quality products, soy, oats, etc. There is almost no meat. But they contain large quantities of harmful additives and dyes.
  • Premium class: the quality of raw materials is low, there are preservatives and dyes. There are already more animal proteins, since there is meat, albeit not of the best quality.
  • Super-premium class: the main component of such feeds is high-quality meat, as well as grain, eggs and additives. Dyes are present, but in smaller quantities. The big advantage of these foods is that you can choose according to the age or physical characteristics of your pet.
  • Holistic: only natural, specially selected ingredients, pribiotics, animal protein and vitamins. The exact composition is always indicated on the packaging, down to the type of meat.

Long-term consumption of economy-class food can cause digestive problems and diseases of the internal organs in the animal.

The best dry food for Yorkies and Chihuahuas

Royal Canin for Chihuahua puppies

This product was created specifically for Chihuahua puppies to care for their oral cavity. Since this breed is prone to the rapid formation of plaque, which in the future will lead to the appearance of stones on the teeth, this food will help to avoid this disease.

The shape and texture of each kibble is made in such a way that the puppy can eat successfully without injuring his jaws. Also, you should not ignore the taste appeal of the product, which will whet the appetite of even the most fussy person. The food contains vitamins C and E, as well as taurine and lutein, which will support the pet’s immune system. In addition, it contains calcium chelotar, with its help the owner will maintain the healthy condition of the dog’s teeth. By introducing “Royal Canin for Chihuahua puppies” into the diet, the owner will notice a decrease in the volume of the pet’s feces and the unpleasant odor emanating from them.

This food is available in ziplock bags weighing from 500 grams to 3 kg. Each package contains a table with nutritional requirements for a specific age of the puppy.

The average cost of a package weighing 1.5 kg is 800 rubles.

Royal Canin for Chihuahua puppies


  • Croquette shape;
  • Cleans plaque well;
  • Compound;
  • Convenient packaging.


Grand Prix Small Adult Dog

This food option is designed specifically for adult dogs of miniature breeds. It is suitable for daily use because the manufacturer has balanced all the necessary nutritional components, vitamins and minerals.

“Grand Prix Small Adult Dog” contains vitamins E and B, as well as taurine, which will strengthen the pet’s nervous and cardiovascular systems. To keep the dog’s teeth and bones strong and healthy, the manufacturer included calcium in the composition. In addition, there are Omega-6 and Omega-3, which have a positive effect on the quality of wool and undercoat, and strengthen blood vessels.

“Grand Prix Small Adult Dog” is available in a package weighing from 800 grams to 2.5 kg. The food is suitable for animals aged from one to six years.

The average cost of a package weighing 800 grams is 300 rubles.

Grand Prix Small Adult Dog


  • Balanced composition;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Price.


Farmina Cibau for small breeds

This product belongs to super premium food. It is designed specifically for miniature dogs; the manufacturer took into account the peculiarities of their digestive system and the possibility of an allergic reaction.

By including “Farmina Cibau for small breeds” in the diet, the owner will immediately notice an improvement in the digestion and health of his little friend. The product contains protein that is easily absorbed by the body, as well as components that will help improve the condition of the coat and strengthen joints. Due to the fact that it contains vitamins, fatty acids and taurine, the dog will be full of energy and strength throughout the day.

“Farmina Cibau for small breeds” is available in bags weighing from 800 grams to 7 kg. Suitable for animals from 1 year to 6 years.

The average cost of a package weighing 800 grams is 380 rubles.

Farmina Cibau for small breeds


  • Increases immunity;
  • Improves the quality of wool and skin;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Positively affects digestion.


Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier

This product will be an excellent base. component of the diet of miniature dogs. After all, the main components of “Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier” are meat, grains, and animal fat. Due to this, the little friend will receive all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.

Considering the composition of the product, Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier is rich in prebiotics, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Thanks to prebiotics, the dog's digestion will not be impaired, and the minerals in each kibble will help protect teeth from plaque. By constantly giving the dog such a treat, the owner can easily strengthen his immunity and protect him from diseases.

“Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier” is available in 1 and 2 kg bags. Designed for dogs aged 1 to 6 years.

The average cost of a 1 kg package is 600 rubles.

Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier


  • Compound;
  • Protection against dental plaque;
  • Contains no dyes or flavors.


The best food for Yorkshire terriers and chihuahuas

When deciding which company is best to buy food for your pet, you should pay attention to the rating of high-quality granular mixtures and what types there are. The dietary needs of Chihuahuas and Yorkies change with age. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you need a special set of vitamins and minerals.

Manufacturers produce three types of food: economy, premium and holistic. Loving owners do not skimp on their pets, understanding the importance of product quality. Therefore, products in this category (economy) were not included in the ranking of the best. Holistic is less common due to its high cost, but some brands are reviewed in the 2022 top. Animal feed in this class is made from products that are eaten by people - the highest quality.

For adult active dogs

The food is suitable for individuals aged from 1 to 7 years. This is the most active period in a pet's life. They need to get enough calories from food to keep them active. Dry food should keep your pet's coat and teeth in good condition and not cause allergies or stomach upset.

Eukanuba for healthy skin

RUB 312/0.8 kg; 1 place;

for oral care.

Eukanuba granulated food is not medicinal and is intended for feeding small dogs aged 1-6 years. It contains proteins and fat of animal origin - from poultry, cereals, whole bird eggs, fish oil and other components that have a positive effect on the condition of the coat and skin.

The size and hardness of the granules are designed in such a way that, during chewing, they cleanse the teeth and entire oral cavity from plaque and stones, and remove stuck food debris. The granules contain a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals that make your pet's skin elastic, coat shiny, soft and thick.

Eukanuba for healthy skin


  • natural products;
  • balanced mineral and vitamin complex;
  • improves skin condition and six;
  • cleans teeth and oral cavity;
  • does not contain legumes;
  • packaging of different weights.


  • no shortcomings were noticed.

Native food, turkey (for small breeds)

110 rub/0.409 g; 2nd place;

dry, turkey.

The composition includes antioxidants, vitamins in the form of dried vegetables and fruits, minerals phosphorus and calcium, and salmon oil. Dry granules of different weights of 0.409-10 kg are available in soft bags.

The energy value of the product is 3840 kcal/kg. Dry food, granulated. The daily amount indicated on the back of the package should be divided by the number of feedings. Chihuahuas and Yorkies are fed 3 times.

Native food, turkey (for small breeds)


  • combination food based on meat;
  • dogs like food;
  • contains all necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • different packaging;
  • natural products;
  • does not cause allergies in animals;
  • convenient packaging.


  • no deficiencies were found.

Royal Canin Yorkshire Terrier

RUB 3,669/7.5 kg; 3rd place;

for small dogs from 10 months and older.

Complete dry food from the renowned manufacturer Royal Canin is formulated specifically for Yorkshire terriers and dogs of similar breeds. You can feed it to animals from the age of 10 months, including older animals. The rate is indicated on the back of the package.

Large packages are designed for nurseries and homes with several pets. Shelf life: 547 days. The granulated product can retain its nutritional properties for a long time when stored in a cool, dry place.

Additional functionality of the food – improves the condition of the coat and skin. It includes proteins and fats of animal origin, plant fiber, fish oil and a set of essential vitamins and minerals in the form of extracts and plant extracts.

Royal Canin Yorkshire Terrier


  • main ingredient - poultry meat;
  • improves the condition of coat and skin;
  • can be given from 10 months;
  • suitable for older individuals;
  • stored for one and a half years;
  • contains plant fiber;
  • no legumes.


  • heavy packaging weight.

Primordial Adult All Breed Venison, Turkey

1410 rub/2 kg; 4th place;

holistic, premium.

Universal food for adult pets leading an active life. The daily intake depends on the weight of the animal and is indicated on the packaging. The main ingredients of dry granules: meat, poultry, fish. Vegetable side dish. Flavor options include venison, chicken and turkey. The amount of legumes is kept to a minimum.

Crude protein is 28%, the food also contains oils and fats up to 18%, 2.4% fiber, minerals and vitamins: A, D and E.

Primordial Adult All Breed Venison, Turkey


  • holistic – from high-quality natural products;
  • grain-free;
  • good composition;
  • large assortment of flavors;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • tasty, animals like it;
  • pleasant appetizing smell;
  • always fresh.


  • 2 kg packaging large for a small dog;
  • the packaging is not fastened.

Brit Care Yorkshire Terrier

290 RUR/0.4 kg; 5th place;

grain-free, salmon.

Brit Care creates food in which the taste and main ingredient are the same. Granules with the main component – ​​fish, have the taste of tuna and salmon. Garnish of legumes with herbs and dried fruits. Composition of minerals: selenium, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine. The vitamins are mainly C, E, D3 and A.

Feed type: premium. The energy value is 3910 kcal/kg.

Brit Care Yorkshire Terrier


  • contains many herbs;
  • natural ingredients;
  • a lot of fish and fish oil;
  • convenient packaging.


  • large granules for small individuals.

Food for growing puppies up to one year

Expert advice says: feed your pet better for up to a year. The quality of nutrition in the first months determines the size of the animal, health and activity. You can use universal formulations for all ages, but it is better to choose a special diet for Chihuahua and Yorkshire terrier puppies.

Royal Canin Chihuahua

RUB 273/0.5 kg; 1 place;

oral care.

Dry food with a side dish of cereals for small breed puppies up to 1 year of age. The composition includes proteins of animal and plant origin, fish oil, fiber, minerals, yeast.

The energy value of the product is 4105 kcal/kg. Proteins make up 30% of the mass of granules, minerals 6.6%. While eating food, the granules clean the mouth and teeth.

Royal Canin Chihuahua


  • natural products;
  • balanced diet for puppies up to one year;
  • cleanses the oral cavity;
  • likes puppies and adult dogs;
  • the animal's activity increases;
  • delicious smell.


  • no shortcomings were noticed.

Royal Canin Chihuahua Adult

869 RUR/1.5 kg; 2nd place;


The new composition of the feed made it universal - for all ages of animals. Balanced amount of natural ingredients. In addition to wheat, the cereal side dish includes rice, which normalizes stool and minimizes odors. Plant fiber, herbal extracts and plant extracts, hydrolyzed crustacean shells fill the composition with vitamins and minerals.

With an additional function - oral care. The energy value is 3928 kcal/kg. Proteins of plant and animal origin - 28% of the total weight of the product.

Royal Canin Chihuahua Adult


  • universal food;
  • small granules;
  • puppies like it;
  • contains a complex of minerals;
  • new products in production technology were used;
  • has a good effect on the coat;
  • cleanses the oral cavity;
  • smells delicious;
  • natural products.


  • no deficiencies were found.

Chicopee for puppies

RUB 5,044/15 kg; 3rd place;

puppies up to 1 year.

Chicopee pellets consist of meat, poultry and fish. You can choose the flavor of the food. Its composition is optimally selected for active and growing puppies. Side dish of grains including corn, millet, rice and barley.

Protein from lamb meat, fish oil, and salmon oil are easily digestible and will fully satisfy the body's need for minerals, fats and fiber.

Chicopee for puppies


  • balanced composition;
  • small granules;
  • puppies love it;
  • gives energy;
  • no problems with stool;
  • digestion improves;
  • nice smell.


  • heavy packaging weight.

Acana Heritage for puppies

1500 rub/2 kg; 4th place;

grain-free for small breeds.

The Heritage line from the manufacturer Acana is made with the needs of puppies up to 1 year in mind, but adult animals also eat it with pleasure. The main ingredient is chicken fillet. Additionally, the composition includes turkey meat, chicken entrails and eggs, and herring.

The energy value is 3660 kcal/kg. Protein 33%, omega-3 fat 1%, fiber 3%. Puppies eating Acana Heritage granules remain active, playful, and healthy.

Acana Heritage for puppies


  • balanced diet;
  • made specifically for small breeds;
  • the smell is very weak;
  • puppies eat eagerly;
  • small granules.


  • large packages do not have handles;
  • there is no clasp on the pack.

For older Yorkies and Chihuahuas

Small breed dogs live relatively long lives. Their period of old age lasts approximately 10 years. At this time, age-related diseases are already beginning to appear. This is mainly a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, problems with the heart and stomach. Criteria for choosing food - solving and preventing age-related problems.

NOW FRESH Grain Free Small Breed Recipe

RUB 1,632/2,720 kg; 1 place;

tendency to be overweight.

Food for older Yorkies and Chihuahuas, as well as dietary boneless meat, includes useful additives: dried eggs and salmon. A set of vitamins is provided by fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, broccoli, parsley, apples, and blueberries. The manufacturer developed a low-calorie, high-vitamin composition specifically for older, overweight animals.

The grain-free composition has different flavors: duck, salmon, turkey. Side dish – vegetables and high content of omega-3 fatty acids 0.8%, omega-6 2%. The dosage is indicated on the pack depending on the pet’s weight and the need to lose or maintain weight.

NOW FRESH Grain Free Small Breed Recipe


  • balanced composition for sedentary pets;
  • natural products;
  • a large number of different vegetables and fruits;
  • the problems of elderly individuals and the allergenic factor are taken into account;
  • small flower-shaped granules;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • nice smell;
  • convenient packaging;
  • weight gain stops.


  • no deficiencies were found.

Hill's Science Plan Canine Mature Adult 7 + Small & Miniature Chicken

830 RUR/1.5 kg; 2nd place;

for healthy bones and joints.

Hill's food has a chicken flavor. Cereal side dish. The product is intended for older dogs over 7 years of age suffering from joint and bone diseases. Additional functionality of the product is oral care. Taking into account the age of the animal and its problems, omega-6 fatty acids account for 3.6% of the total mass of the product. The set of minerals includes potassium, sodium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and other substances necessary to strengthen bones and joints.

Hill's Science Plan Canine Mature Adult 7 + Small & Miniature Chicken


  • balanced composition;
  • for feeding elderly dogs;
  • strengthens joints and bones;
  • cleanses the oral cavity;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • packaging of different weights;
  • well absorbed.


  • 3 kg packages are not available for sale.

Brit Premium for senior dogs

RUB 3,217/15 kg; 3rd place;

economical consumption.

Features of food from Brit, it is not aimed at solving any one problem that arises in small dogs in old age. Its composition is a solution to the complex of pathologies of animals over 7 years old. Including taking care of the oral cavity, the beauty of the coat, the condition of the stomach, strong bones. The composition does not contain preservatives, food colors or synthetic flavors. The main requirement of manufacturers for their products is safety.

The taste of the food matches the main ingredient. Chicken meat makes up 41% of the total product. Plus it contains salmon oil, cereals, herbal and fruit extracts.

Brit Premium for senior dogs


  • economical consumption;
  • good quality at a budget price;
  • no digestive problems;
  • the age factor and size of the animal are taken into account;
  • natural products;
  • minerals from plant products.


  • increased in price by almost 30%.

Wellness Core Senior

RUB 1,452/1.8 kg; 4th place;

food for pets in old age.

The French manufacturer Volness Core develops its products based on the fact that any dog ​​is a predator by nature. The majority of the food consists of meat products in an easily digestible form. For small Yorkies and Chihuahuas, the granules contain mostly dietary turkey meat and fish.

Cereals and soy are absent. The content of carbohydrates and vitamins is ensured by the inclusion of natural vegetables and fruits in the feed. The result is dietary food that is lightweight, natural, and without harmful additives. It supports the dog's heart, makes its coat shiny, and strengthens bones and joints.

Wellness Core Senior


  • pets eat well;
  • health-improving food for old Yorkies and elderly Chihuahuas;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • contains only natural high-quality products;
  • the manufacturer often holds promotions and discounts for customers;
  • There is wholesale and bags of different weights.


  • heavy packaging weight for small pets.

For pregnant and lactating females

Not only their own health, but also how the puppies will be born and grow up depends on the nutrition of pregnant and lactating females. Mistakes when choosing food - buying a more expensive product without taking into account its purpose. Premium granules for pregnant women are healthier for pregnant dogs than just holistic for adults.

Orijen Original for pregnant women

RUB 8,443/11.4 kg; 1 place;

for pregnant and lactating women.

Universal food from Orijen Original is created for pregnant and lactating dogs. During this period, they have high energy consumption and a sedentary lifestyle.

The product is premium. Suitable for all breeds, large and small. The granules are small, easy to chew, and do not require wetting for small dogs.

The composition includes meat: turkey, chicken, fresh eggs and poultry liver. Fish - herring, mackerel, sardine and flounder. Vegetables such as pumpkin, squash, carrots, zucchini and others.

An additional feature is the ability to feed Orijen Original to puppies and seniors. The shelf life of dry food is 720 days - 2 years. The back of the package contains dosage recommendations based on weight, age and activity.

Orijen Original for pregnant women


  • quality food;
  • combination of meat products and fish;
  • dogs like it;
  • adds shine to wool;
  • small granules;
  • smells good;
  • can be stored for a long time.


  • no deficiencies were found.

Which food to choose: general rules

Please note that all food is divided into 4 classes. There is no point in talking seriously about the use of economy class feed. Such diets are mainly made from meat production waste, cheap grains and offal. In addition, they contain preservatives and additives designed to enhance the taste and cause addiction.

Premium food should be chosen with extreme caution, since many unscrupulous manufacturers disguise it as a lower class

Selection tips:

  • choose dry food from super-premium or holistic. The latter are the best option, they contain the best ingredients, have many medicinal products in the line;
  • take into account the age and size of the dog - all food has special markings indicating what types of animals the diet is suitable for;
  • take into account the conditions in which the animal is kept - active or sedentary lifestyle;
  • the choice is made depending on the dog’s special needs: sensitive stomach, pregnancy, need for hair removal, etc.;
  • carefully study the composition. It is possible that some ingredients are strictly contraindicated for a particular pet, despite the fact that they are safe.

Naturally, if a puppy gets a new home from a breeder, you should continue to feed him the brand recommended by a breed specialist.


Prices vary depending on the class and company. Moreover, the fluctuations are quite significant, for example, for the price of 2 kg of holistic food, you can buy 12 kg of economy class dry food.

Approximate price range for dry food for small breeds (from most expensive to cheapest):

To read: Recommendations for choosing a nickname for Chihuahua dogs

  • Acana small (1150-1400 rubles for 2 kg),
  • Grandin (1050-1320 rubles for 2 kg),
  • Almo Nature(1000-1100r for 2kg),
  • Hills(700-900r for 2kg),
  • Eukanuh2a(650-800r for 2kg),
  • Royal Canin(650-750r for 2kg),
  • Pro Plan(630-780 RUR for 2kg),
  • h2ozita(600-750 RUR for 2kg),
  • ARO(150-200r for 2kg).

If the deciding factor when choosing food is its price, then the economy class will be an excellent solution. But do not forget what is hidden behind such a pleasant price and availability. Perhaps the consequences may turn out to be much more costly than buying normal super-premium food or high-quality premium food.

Ready-made feed mixtures and canned food for animals

Feed rating based on points from 1 to 100 in different categories and prices

From 0 to 10 points. This category of food is not cheap, but in terms of quality and safety for animals it is the worst. The ingredients are waste from the processing of livestock and poultry carcasses, plus the presence of indigestible additives and drugs. For owners, this is the best way to get rid of an unfortunate animal and quite quickly.

In this category:

  1. “Kiteket” - according to nutrition specialists and veterinarians - 1 point
  2. "Chappie" - 1
  3. "Pedigree" - 3
  4. Whiskas - 3

From 10 to 25 points. “Meat” food in this category contains everything except meat - this justifies the low cost of this product. Most often, the composition is waste from meat processing, giblets, cheap cereals, and bran. People here have never heard of vitamins, although in most cases they are stated on the packaging. Of course, food for animals in this category is not so dangerous for their lives, but they certainly will not improve their health. In the absence of anything better, the animal’s body gets used to this feeding, and with a clear lack of vitamins in their diet, the animals themselves find them or “save” them in their liver.

In this category:

From 25 to 50 points. Very economical food of low quality. It contains extremely low-use ingredients, vitamins and protein, and they are poorly balanced. It is suitable for unpretentious animals that do not have genetic health problems

Young animals should be fed this food with extreme caution, and it is better to avoid its use altogether at least until the age of two.

In this category:

  1. “Gourmet” – 26 points
  2. Oscar - 38
  3. "My Lady" - 40
  4. "My Lord" - 40
  5. "Friskies" - 43
  6. "Doctor Clouder" - 45

From 50 to 75 points. This is a category of inexpensive food of satisfactory quality, but poor in vitamins. For the most part, dogs live well on this diet if the intake is increased and additional portions of fortified supplements are given. The financial savings here are quite relative, since you still have to purchase the necessary components. The owner is a master, as they say...

In this category:

  1. "Purina" - 60 points
  2. "Sheba" - 67
  3. “Gurmet” - in different types from 55 to 65
  4. "Doctor Alders" - from 50 to 70
  5. "Jimpet" - 72
  6. "Doctor Alders Nature Coast" - 75

From 75 to 90 points. Category of feed with good performance. If animals accept this food well, then switching to a higher and more expensive category does not make sense. The composition of ingredients is balanced and as close as possible to what is stated on the packaging. Does not require additional vitamin supplements and does not cause allergic reactions.

In this category:

  1. Royal Canin (Russia) – 77 points
  2. “Pro Pak” (Ukraine) – 78
  3. "Diamond" - 79
  4. "Leonardo" - 80
  5. "Belkando" - 80
  6. "Flatazor" - 82
  7. “Pro Pak” (America) – 85
  8. "Nutro Gold" - 85
  9. "Nutro Nuggets" - 85
  10. Royal Canin (France) - 88
  11. "Biomil" - 89
  12. "About Plan" - 89

From 90 to 100 points. The best, highest category of feed. The food is developed using the most modern technologies. It is perfectly balanced, of excellent quality, and contains a maximum of useful components for our little brothers. Despite the high price, this diet is very economical, since a relatively small portion gives the animal everything it needs for a healthy and active life.

In this category:

  1. "Yams" - 93 points
  2. Eagle Pack - 95
  3. "Bosch" - 95
  4. "Eukanuba" - 99
  5. "Hills" - 100
  6. “Nutro Choice” – 100

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Food allergies in dogs are the most common type of disease.
  2. It can appear in childhood or at any time in life.
  3. There is a whole list of products to which reactions most often occur.
  4. The symptoms are different, one or the other may appear. It all depends on the degree of damage to the body.
  5. At the first symptoms, you should visit a veterinarian for testing to identify the allergen.
  6. The dog is put on an elimination diet, removing from its diet everything that is suspect.
  7. Start taking antihistamines prescribed by the doctor.
  8. Select food that is declared by the manufacturer as hypoallergenic.
  9. The choice is made from premium, super premium or holistic formulations.
  10. Selection is carried out by buying small packages of dry food, carefully observing the body's reaction.
  11. Choose a product that is affordable and available in stores.

There is no universal food that can be recommended for an allergenic pet. Even the most expensive products can contain components that can cause a negative reaction. The main thing for the owner is to identify the initial irritant and be prepared for the fact that the dog may be allergic to other ingredients of the composition.

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