How and what to feed the Chinese Crested Dog: general tips and recommendations

Not the majority, but a lot of owners of “crested dogs” face a number of problems when choosing their pet’s diet. There are no universal instructions, as you understand, and there cannot be, since each four-legged animal has its own tastes, and besides, food allergies are not uncommon among representatives of the breed. To decide what to feed your Chinese Crested Dog, you should consider its health status. For the sake of convenience, we will look at the general feeding rules and diet of the Chinese Crested Dog for skin problems or allergies.

Predisposition to disease

The Chinese Crested has delicate, open skin that is not protected by fur. The skin needs resources for rapid regeneration. Therefore, it is important to get enough vitamins A, D, E and minerals - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Very active pets need more B vitamins.

The Chinese Crested often has skin rashes, irritations, and individual reactions. This is the most common reason for switching them to ready-made food, in which possible irritants have already been eliminated.

Representatives of the breed are characterized by very sensitive digestion. Therefore, any stale, questionable products are not suitable. All spices and chemicals are prohibited.

Sweets cause lacrimation and tear tracts in the crested cat.

Excess vitamin C can cause liver and kidney problems.


Most representatives of the breed have an allergic reaction to chicken. Therefore, it is not included in the diet of the Chinese Crested Dog. Other possible allergens were also excluded - potatoes, wheat, corn.

Peculiarities of assimilation of various products

Representatives of this breed love rich flavors. That's why they like fruit. However, some fruits and fresh vegetables may cause digestive reactions. Introduce new foods gradually, little by little, and pay attention to the dog’s condition. If some fruit weakens you, it is better to exclude it in the future.

Flatazor - super premium food, made in France

Flatazor Elite Sensible Flatazor Elite Sensible Balanced food for picky or sensitive dogs. It is made from the highest quality ingredients, characterized by very good digestibility and excellent taste. Elite Sensible contains easily digestible meat from lamb, chicken, duck and turkey, as well as Norwegian fish. Among the grains in the feed there is corn and rice. The food contains so-called fructo-oligosaccharides, which regulate and normalize intestinal flora. This food is suitable for dogs that are sensitive and prone to allergies, as well as picky eaters.

Rules for feeding natural food

When feeding natural food, it is given warm and soft.

It is good to give the animal rice; horse meat and beef are suitable meats. Acceptable are fermented milk products, fresh fruits, and vegetables, which crested animals love very much. Fish can be given only from the ocean and low in fat. It needs to be boiled and removed from the bones.

Strictly prohibited products:

  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • lamb, pork, poultry, any fatty meat and offal;
  • smoked meats;
  • animal fat;
  • bones;
  • river fish, any raw fish;
  • fatty foods, products with flavor enhancers, flavors, sweeteners, dyes;
  • cocoa products;
  • low quality dry food.

It is necessary to ensure that these products are not included in industrial feed.

It is important to maintain a consistent feeding schedule. An adult Chinese Crested dog is fed twice a day, morning and evening, half an hour to an hour after a walk. The evening meal is more nutritious than the morning one. The food temperature should be about 40 degrees.

The serving size is selected depending on the activity and age of the dog. On average – 50-80 grams per day.

After eating, bowls are removed and any leftover food is removed.

Feeding a puppy up to two months

The frequency of feeding the puppy is 3-5 times a day. The main food for now is mother's milk or formulas that replace it. You can give additional milk, preferably goat milk (only up to four months).

At 2 months and older

You can feed your Chinese Crested puppy with soaked dry food or natural food. Wet food is given ready-made. If a dog eats natural food, it is at this age that its diet begins to expand. Additional products (ground) are gradually introduced. Dry food only in soaked form.

The following products are introduced alternately:

  • sour milk - sour cream (preferably low-fat), cottage cheese, yogurt (without flavoring), kefir;
  • low-fat broth, optionally with the addition of vegetables;
  • beef – raw, finely chopped;
  • chicken yolk;
  • vegetables, fruits - carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, apples, apricots, cabbage, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, melon - everything is introduced gradually, if there is no negative reaction from digestion;
  • olive and sunflower oil.

Feeding an adult dog

The diet of an adult dog should contain:

  • proteins (lean meat, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, egg yolk, ocean fish) – 60%;
  • vegetables, fruits, cereals – 35%;
  • fats – 5%.

A dog over one and a half years old needs to have fasting days (on stewed or fresh cabbage) once every two weeks.

An older dog requires soft food, preferably ground.

Royal Canin for healthy skin and coat 2 kg (for small breeds)

Famous French super-premium food. It is of good quality, but lower than that of competitors (discussed in paragraphs 1-9).

Royal Canin Mini contains grains and vegetable proteins.

  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Nutritious, but does not cause excess weight in the animal (the energy intensity of the diet and the protein content in the product are precisely calculated);
  • Available at many pet stores;
  • High-quality packaging;
  • Moderate size granules;
  • Restoring the condition of the coat;
  • Contains sodium polyphosphate, which prevents the formation of plaque;
  • The composition includes many useful microelements;
  • Improved digestion.
  • With constant feeding of this food, it is impossible to do without additional supplements with vitamins and microelements;
  • Inconvenient packaging without fastener;
  • Contains poorly digestible grains and artificial additives (preservatives, dyes.);

Among these foods, the best choice for a miniature animal would be and.

The first is the highest quality, and at the same time inexpensive, super-premium food.

Both products have a minimum of disadvantages, which are offset by advantages from the balance of nutrients, vitamins, microelements and the absence of harmful preservatives to convenient packaging.


Egor, Krasnodar

“I prefer to feed premium dry food - this ensures that everything in the diet is balanced. Now I take hypoallergenic Bosch. But I must say that my Polly was very reluctant to eat the dry food at first. I had to soak the granules for her. He is also reluctant to accept any innovations in the diet or any unfamiliar food. But she never had any rashes or allergies.”

Antonina, Arkhangelsk

“Of course, we had a lot of trouble trying to find the right food. We tried to feed her naturally, I always thought it was a healthier option. But our handsome boy constantly had some kind of rash, at one time even something like pimples appeared. We eventually switched to ready-made, canned food only. The breeder said that they don’t need variety, they only need to choose what suits them once and feed it for the rest of their lives. We are still searching.”

The Chinese Crested Dog is a small-sized indoor and decorative breed. Despite the fact that she looks very aristocratic, her character is not at all capricious. On the contrary, it is a sociable and playful companion.


The Chinese Crested is a decorative, people-oriented breed. She needs constant communication and cannot stand separation. Left in an empty apartment, the dog will begin to howl and whine.

These kids love outdoor games. Their cheerful, active nature makes them amazing companions. To please a person, corydalis will learn funny tricks and try to remember commands. This breed is characterized by some shyness. A puppy that has moved to a new home will be timid and will not play with toys.

Corydalis are not classified as barnacles. Prolonged barking means that the dog is nervous about something or is lacking communication.

The Chinese are attached to every member of the family. An adult corydalis will not be able to love its new owners. When purchasing a dog, a person takes on great responsibility. He will become her raison d'être. Females are known for their strongest maternal instincts. They even take care of adult puppies.

But corydalis do not always get along with human “cubs”. They prefer to communicate with teenagers. Small children frighten them with loud noises, which can cause the dog to become nervous and hysterical. In addition, kids can accidentally injure the dog. Its long, graceful paws are especially fragile. The Chinese are friendly towards cats and other pets. The main thing is not to have favorites: corydalis are very jealous.

Breed Features

Selfless love for people that knows no boundaries is the main distinguishing feature of the Chinese Crested Dog. Thanks to their docile and friendly disposition, they will not cause trouble to a family that already has other pets. They also get along well with children, as they love to play all sorts of games.

Agile and energetic, with a good memory and a sharp mind, they are excellent at learning various commands. Chinese Crested dogs are easy to train and can even learn funny circus tricks during training. Their appearance and parameters are described in detail in the breed standard.

Origin story

The history of the origin of the Chinese Crested is shrouded in myths and legends. It is not known for certain when the breed appeared in China. Some researchers believe that these dogs were kept in the emperor's palace more than 2,000 years ago, but this version has no convincing evidence.

The real homeland of the Chinese Crested is also unknown. Hairless dogs were common in hot climates. They lived in Africa, Mexico, Turkey, Malaysia and Peru. Some people associate the lack of fur with high temperature, others with a gene mutation.

The version of the Mexican origin of the breed has the most supporters. The Chinese Crested probably came to China on Latin American ships. Sholos, hairless Mexican dogs, are considered to be her possible ancestors. Corydalis were brought to Europe in the 19th century. The British were actively involved in their breeding and first showed the dogs at the New York exhibition in 1885. They worked on the standard for many years, and in 1973 the breed was recognized by the FCI.

There are many myths that explain the dog's unusual appearance. The ancients believed that the corydalis used to have a warm fur coat, which it shed to warm the baby who was freezing in the forest. The gods appreciated the animal’s act and ordered the parents to protect the rescue dog.

Differences in caring for a puppy

Teeth and claws are the weak points of Chinese Crested Dogs. It is important from childhood to teach your puppy to calmly trim his nails, brush his teeth and not be afraid of a toothbrush. In general, training a puppy begins from the very first day you get him. Don’t forget to also accustom your dog to clothes, otherwise there will be problems with walks later.

At four months of age, puppies change their milk teeth to permanent ones. You should consult a doctor if your permanent teeth have already grown in, but your baby teeth have not yet fallen out. The veterinarian will remove the baby teeth immediately, otherwise the dog will have an overbite.

Training and education

After the puppy finds itself in a new family, it is taught the rules of behavior. The baby is prohibited from begging for treats, jumping on the bed, or pulling on the leash. It is very important to accustom the puppy to the place, feeding schedule and toilet. The dog must immediately understand who is boss in the house, otherwise further training will be pointless.

The puppy needs to be trained using approval and encouragement. Screaming and physical violence are completely unacceptable.

The Chinese perceive training as an exciting game. The training of commands begins with the standard ones: come to me, sit and you can’t. The treat should be given only after the task has been completed. The command must be given in one form. If the puppy enjoys training, he can be taught circus tricks. Corydalis are agile and jumping dogs. At the age of 4-5 months, you can move on to complex commands or sign up for classes with an instructor.


And at the end of this article, we’ll talk about what to feed representatives of this breed.
For the first few months, puppies need to be fed 5-6 times a day. Then, gradually, the number of feedings is reduced. A one-year-old dog needs two meals a day. Milk is excluded from the diet from four months. When purchasing a puppy, at first be sure to stick to the food he received in the kennel. And only when the puppy fully adapts to its new home, after reaching six months, can other foods be introduced into its diet.

Chinese Crested dogs are prone to obesity, so they should never be overfed. They are strictly prohibited:

  • sweet, flour;
  • salty, fried and fatty foods.

The pet can be fed with ready-made food for small breeds of dogs - dry or with gravy, preferably premium. Or you can provide him with food yourself. A balanced diet includes:

lean raw meat; boiled lean fish; boiled offal; porridge with vegetable oil; boiled eggs; vegetables (except for legumes and potatoes); fruits; greenery; cottage cheese; kefir; cereals

In addition, do not forget that age-related differences in choosing food for your pet also apply to older people. If your dog is over 8 years old, you need to use special food for older dogs.

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