Clothing options for Yorkshire Terriers, how to take measurements and not make a mistake with the size

Yorkshire Terriers are a decorative dog breed beloved by many residents of large cities.

Yorkies are small in size, so they can easily be kept in a small apartment.

However, the dogs have retained the character of their terrier ancestors: they are curious, fearless and energetic.

Representatives of this breed require special care and attention due to their miniature size and coat characteristics.

Let's look at everything in detail.

What is the breed

Before choosing a wardrobe for your pet, you need to learn about the characteristics of the breed. Many inexperienced dog owners choose Yorkies because of their sociability and easy-going nature. Yorkies are one of the smallest and cutest (in appearance and character) dogs. They get along easily with other animals, do not cause trouble, and are prone to affection.

The birthplace of the breed is England. It is believed that the ancestors of Yorkshire terriers were rat-catching terriers, who saved the British from annoying rodents. The breed has its own characteristic features:

  • The size of the dog rarely exceeds 20 cm at the withers. Compact sizes allow you to take your pet with you on trips and trips;
  • Without cutting, your pet's fur will reach the floor. If you plan to dress up your baby, a haircut will help avoid problems;
  • Yorkshire terriers are very mobile, active, and cheerful. They love walks and outdoor games. Things for your pet should be comfortable. If the fabric restricts movement, the dog will become depressed;
  • The breed has advantages and disadvantages. Yorkies are loyal, cute, cheerful, and their fur does not cause allergies. But coat care requires constant and thorough care, and health also requires attention. All representatives of the breed require clothing; in winter they freeze and cannot play or run. You also need to think about shoes for your pet.

You can find many photos of Yorkies in clothes. They look cute, but the main function of clothing is to protect the dog from the cold. Children often catch colds and suffer from rhinitis and otitis media, which is why taking care of them is so important.

Knitted clothes for Yorkies

When knitting things for a Yorkshire Terrier, you can use the same patterns as for sewing textile clothing. The difference is that it is necessary to add 1-2 centimeters to the measurements, taking into account the volume and length of the pet’s fur. This is necessary so that the clothing fits the animal freely, does not restrict movement, does not wrinkle or tangle the fur.

Threads for knitting must be chosen natural

Mostly warm clothes are knitted for dogs: sweaters, dresses, vests, overalls. They provide warmth while allowing the skin to breathe. It is worth noting that it is recommended to knit things for dogs if you already have some experience in knitting human clothing.


The easiest way is to knit a sleeveless sweater using knitting needles according to the pattern. This model is suitable for an individual about 30 centimeters long.

Knitting pattern for a sweater

You must act in the following sequence:

  1. work on the product begins with knitting the back;
  2. The first row is cast on like this: 10 loops for the elastic at the collar, 50 loops in satin stitch, 20 loops for the elastic at the waist;
  3. it is necessary to repeat approximately 50 such rows - the length and width of the back depends on the size of the animal;
  4. the bottom is knitted in the same way as the back, but in the opposite direction - from the bottom elastic band to the top one;
  5. after about 10 centimeters from the start of knitting, you need to start decreasing the loops until there are approximately half as many of them in the row;
  6. the parts need to be sewn together, leaving slits for the front paws.

Ready knitted sweater

The product is ready.

On a note! When you cast on the elastic for the collar, you can use more stitches. Then the collar will be long enough to be turned away.

Knitted sweater idea for a dog

Clothes made from sock

If you really want to get a warm thing, but have no knitting skills, you can use improvised means - old socks. In addition, you will need a marker, scissors and a needle and thread to match the material.

Necessary materials

The manufacturing process itself includes three simple steps:

  • The edge of the toe at the toes is outlined with a straight marker line. You need to cut off this part and secure the edges of the fabric with a “forward needle” seam;

    Cut off the unnecessary part

  • Next, you need to fold the sock so that the upper part with the hole for the foot is clearly under the lower part;
  • 2 identical holes are made in the heel, equal to the volume of the front paws - they can be further expanded by slightly pulling them with your fingers.

    Holes for paws

The finished product can be put on the dog over the head. The collar is a factory-made hole for a human foot. Depending on the size of the sock (children's, women's, men's), the product can be made for both puppies and adult dogs.

Types of outfits

Dressing up a small pet is a real pleasure. Yorkies are obedient and rarely resist attempts to put things on them. Owners need to remember that the main function of clothing is not decorativeness. The dog should feel comfortable, comfortable, and not freeze.

There are several types of clothing:

  • for the cold season. For cold weather, overalls, jackets, and raincoats are perfect. They are made of dense waterproof fabric that protects the sides and back of the animal from icy wind, frost, and moisture. The hood will protect the ears;
  • for the mid-season - for autumn, high-quality knitted clothes for Yorkies would be an excellent option. But in the rain she will get wet. In dry and windless weather, a warm sweater made of natural wool would be a good option; for rainy weather, comfortable raincoats and raincoats;
  • decorative outfits - they are intended for decoration and have no special practical significance. These are skirts, dresses, T-shirts, small wedding suits. Elegant items are made from breathable hypoallergenic fabrics, perfect for spring, summer or special occasions;
  • home clothes - robes and sweaters for the home will help your pet stay warm during a heating outage. Soft robes absorb moisture after swimming. Long-haired Yorkies need such things. They are made of microfiber that absorbs water, but the material quickly becomes electrified.

For dogs, comfort is very important. When choosing things, touch the material, how pleasant, environmentally friendly, and soft it is. The fewer seams and synthetics, the better.

Fabrics for clothing

Clothes for the Yorkshire Terrier should be made of high-quality fabric. The outfit must have a lining; silk or polished cotton is suitable for this.

Clothes for Yorkies can be made from fabrics such as:

  • fleece;
  • microfiber;
  • polyester.

Such materials do not interfere with heat exchange processes and also prevent tangling of the coat, which is very important for long-haired Yorkies.
Important! If you are choosing clothes for mini Yorkies, then you should give preference to outfits made of non-toxic material, since dogs can lick and chew things.

Shoes for your pet should be made of durable, moisture-resistant and anti-slip material

Selection rules

Pet stores offer a wide range of outfits for any occasion and weather. It’s easy to get confused in the abundance of fashionable new things. Remember the main purposes of clothing: protection from the cold, disease prevention, protection from dirt and chemicals. The last thing to pay attention to is rhinestones and bows.

The following rules will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing:

  • Clothing for Yorkie girls, designed for the cold season, has a closed belly. Colds and cystitis lead to infertility, so for girls, protection from the cold is especially important;
  • In winter and autumn, protection from the wind is required. Many seams on clothing reduce the thermal insulation properties;
  • fasteners should not cause injury. The optimal choice is buttons, ties, elastic bands. Zippers and Velcro pull out the long hair of Yorkies, cause discomfort, and leave bald spots;
  • Clothes for boys of Yorkshire Terriers should not restrict movement. They are active and playful and love to mark their territory. A good option would be elastic fabric that does not restrict the movement of the paws. The cutout for the toilet is triangular, from the belly to the tail;
  • Before purchasing, measure the length of the back from the neck to the base of the tail, the circumference of the chest, the height of the withers. The measurements will help you determine the correct size. Sizes are indicated on items: XS, S, M, L;
  • Yorkshire Terriers need clothing, but not all the time. In summer, during the warm season, the dog should run naked.

Pay attention to your pet's reaction. Behavior indicates discomfort: the dog is trying to pull something off you. Cut and color are not as important as comfort.

A complete DIY wardrobe for your Yorkie

In the summer, you can pamper your Yorkshire Terrier with a light cotton tandem of several things at once. They can be sewn as independent items, or the fabric can be selected so that they become elements of a one-piece suit.

Video - DIY dog T-shirt

T-shirt pattern

It is advisable to sew a T-shirt from cotton material with a light percentage of elastane so that the product has a slight stretch. This will make it easy to put it on the animal over the head.

Tip: if the fabric is not stretchy, you can add snap fasteners to the T-shirt - they are sewn in the places of the so-called straps of the T-shirt. The straps are not sewn together.

Mike needs to sew according to the following rules:

  1. According to the template, you need to cut out 2 parts of the product - the chest part is indicated in blue and markers with the number 1, the back - in black and markers without numbers. Both parts are turned with the front part up;
  2. in the image, the markers correspond to the measurements: AB - 1/3 of the neck circumference, A1B1 - 2/3 of the neck circumference, BV/AZ/B1B1/A1Z1 - distance from the neck to the base of the front paws, VG/B1G1/ZZH/Z1ZH1 - half-circumference of the base of the front paw , GD/G1D1/ZHE/ZH1E1 – distance from the base of the front legs to the base of the hind legs (shirt length), DE – 2/3 of the chest circumference, D1E1 – 1/3 of the chest circumference;

    T-shirt pattern

  3. the armholes of the sleeves (VG and V1G1), the neck (AB and A1B1) and the bottom (DE and D1E1) must be processed with an edge seam - for this, when cutting the parts, you need to take into account seam allowances;
  4. in the places indicated by arrows in the diagram, the parts are sewn together (sections BV and B1B1, GD and G1D1, EZh and E1Zh1, ZA and Z1A1).

Ready-made T-shirt for Yorkie

On the back or collar you can decorate the product with a sewn bow, as in the picture.


It is worth noting that this headdress is suitable for most small breed dogs. It is better to make it from light but dense fabric that holds its shape well.

You will need non-standard measurements - the circumference of the animal’s neck directly under the chin (the sum of segments BV, GD and EA) and the circumference of the animal’s head from the chin to the top of the forehead (AB). The length of the visor can be arbitrary or equal to the distance between the animal’s eyes (K1K2).

The procedure for sewing is as follows:

  1. in accordance with the pattern, it is necessary to prepare 2 parts: the cap itself and the visor;

    Pattern and finished cap for a dog

  2. in the places indicated by the dotted line (BV, GD, EA), allowances of approximately 1 centimeter must be left. When added together they form the girth of the neck;
  3. both parts need to be cut out and processed along the edge with an edge seam;
  4. in the dotted areas, the fabric is folded and stitched so as to form peculiar loops. Through them you need to thread a rope-tie, which will hold the cap on your head;
  5. the visor is sewn to the product at the location where similar points are marked on both parts (K1K2).

To fix the cap on the animal’s head, you need to loosely tie a rope under its chin in a bow.


A full tulle skirt for a Yorkshire Terrier is one of the cutest pieces of clothing. Moreover, it is incredibly easy to sew; just measure the animal’s waist circumference.

Tulle skirt for a dog

For sewing, you will need a cotton ribbon about 3-5 centimeters wide, 2.5 times longer than the waist circumference, and a wide tulle ribbon 2-3 times longer than the circumference. The length of the tulle should be approximately equal to the length from the waist to the tip of the tail. The material should not be too long, otherwise it will interfere with the dog's walking.

Sewing a skirt takes place in several stages:

  1. The edges of the tape are folded in approximately 5 millimeters on each side and processed with an edge seam;
  2. on the total length of the tape, measure the length of the girth so that on both sides there are free segments of the same length (future ties);
  3. In the measured area, tulle is sewn to the lower half of the ribbon, laying it in folds under and on itself. To distribute the folds evenly, you can immediately sew the beginning and end of the tulle piece to the tape, and then proceed to laying and securing;
  4. after the tulle has been completely sewn, the upper part of the ribbon is placed exactly on the lower one along the entire length and sewn.

The belt can also be made with Velcro. In this case, its length should be equal to the waist circumference. In addition to the skirt, you can tie a matching tulle bow on the animal’s head or neck.

How to train a dog to wear clothes

A pet that is not used to wearing things will resist. For small dogs, clothing is not a whim of the owner, but a necessity. It is advisable to train your pet from childhood. An adult animal will experience severe discomfort. Choose your size carefully. If you sew yourself, it’s easier to tailor the item to your pet.

Making things with your own hands is not difficult. Knitted clothes for Yorkies are very popular. Natural materials and elastic threads allow the pet to move freely without feeling the clothes.

The following tips will help you train your dog to the wardrobe:

  • The optimal age for training is 3-4 months. Puppies at this age are very flexible and easy to train;
  • choose simple and comfortable fasteners. The item should be easy to put on without causing suffering to your pet;
  • At first, loose clothing will be the best option. The Yorkie does not feel friction on the fur, does not feel embarrassed, does not get nervous, and gets used to it faster;
  • It’s better to start at home. Put on a simple wardrobe item for your baby, let him get used to it and walk around in it. To get started, 10-15 minutes is enough. After wearing, give your pet a treat and praise him;
  • You can take your dog outside in clothes on the 3rd day. Spring and warm autumn are suitable for training. It's worth starting with easy things. Yorkshire terriers love to walk; outside they forget about their clothes, run and play;
  • Don’t get annoyed, don’t scold your Yorkie if he resists or doesn’t allow himself to be dressed up. You need to gently insist on your own without showing aggression.

Remember that Yorkies are smart animals. A pet’s categorical refusal to wear a T-shirt or dress is a signal to the owner. This means the dog is experiencing discomfort.

Purpose of clothing for dogs

Cute dog clothes were originally designed for purely practical purposes. We will talk about what functions it performs in this chapter.


Most of the original raincoats, overalls and even shoes for dogs were made of strong, waterproof material. Thanks to them, the animal’s fur and paws remain dry and clean during rain, when walking in the park or forest. Some garments also have strong cuffs that allow the garment to fit tightly to the limbs. This way, owners eliminate the possibility of parasites (ticks) getting on the pet’s body.

Thanks to the overalls, the animal's fur always remains clean


Some dogs require support belts and overalls. This is especially true for animals with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as those who have recently undergone surgery.


Despite their thick fur, dogs also get cold in winter. Warm clothes help them stay warm in cold weather, increasing the duration of their walks in the fresh air.

In winter, a jumpsuit will help your dog stay warm


Recently, items of clothing similar to human ones are increasingly used by owners to decorate their pets. On the streets you can often see dogs in shorts, T-shirts and caps, with bows, and in carnival costumes. Similar clothing is also used at dog festivals and exhibitions, and photo shoots. The most commonly decorated dogs are decorative indoor breeds, which include Yorkshire terriers.

Clothes may simply have a decorative function


Wardrobe items

Each pet should have its own set of things. Clothes for a boy Yorkshire Terrier include a weekend suit, winter overalls and attire for the house. Girls have a larger wardrobe, they definitely need panties, which should be worn during the estrous cycle (estrus) so as not to spoil the carpets and sofa upholstery. Things can be purchased ready-made or made using a master class.

The mini terrier will also need indoor clothing, especially in the autumn when the central heating is not yet turned on.

There are several recommendations for choosing a wardrobe:

  • A collar, harness and muzzle should be in the wardrobe of every dog, regardless of breed. Items of ammunition must meet all requirements and standards. In addition, be comfortable and reliable. For a Yorkie, it is best to choose leather or fabric harnesses; a soft base will not rub the skin or mat the fur. The muzzle is used for walking to prevent the dog from picking up food, and it is also worn during transportation.
  • Jumpsuits are universal clothing. When choosing winter clothes for a mini terrier, you should give preference to synthetic items. This material has the ability to retain heat, and it also does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • Raincoats for Yorkies. In the mid-season, you will need wardrobe items that will help you hide from the rain. Raincoats must be warm and waterproof.
  • A sweater is worn on a furry friend in cool but dry weather.
  • The bathrobe should be made of warm terry cloth. After water treatments, the Yorkie feels especially uncomfortable; he trembles and freezes. A robe will help him warm up quickly.
  • T-shirts will be needed for the summer season. It is best to purchase products made from natural fabrics; they are considered hypoallergenic, so they will not provoke allergic reactions such as itching or hair loss. In addition, you need to make sure that the T-shirts do not fade, otherwise you will have to wash the paint off your beloved pet for a long time. Cheap things should be avoided.
  • Girls really like decorative outfits; they often dress up their beloved pets in beautiful dresses or suits. All kinds of bows, headbands, and hats are also used as decoration. These fashion accessories can be made by yourself.
  • Shoes and socks. For a miniature breed, shoes are extremely necessary, as they protect the animal’s paws from various injuries, dirt, and puddles. In summer, light boots made of fabric are purchased for them, and in winter, the dog will need warm and reliable boots. To avoid chafing, which often occurs from rough seams, dog handlers recommend wearing socks made of soft material under your shoes.

Note! In the pet store you can find absolutely everything for Yorkies, from collars to toys. The pet department offers a wide range of wardrobe items for your four-legged friend.

How to choose the right clothes for your pet

Before purchasing a product for your pet, you need to carefully inspect it and check the quality of tailoring. There should be no protruding threads, and the edges of the material should be well processed. In addition, the seam must be even, durable and strong, otherwise the clothing will not last long and will quickly become unusable; after all, it is assumed that the animal will run, jump and play in it.

There should not be any bends on the wardrobe item. When choosing, you should take into account the gender of the Yorkshire Terrier. Winter clothes should be warm, and summer ones should allow air to pass through, then the skin can breathe, and the dog himself will not fry in the sun.

Important! In no case should you show dissatisfaction, scold or beat the animal while trying on a new thing, as the dog will perceive this process as punishment.

You also need to consider size. In specialized stores there is a table from which you can choose an item. But it’s still preferable to take your Yorkie with you so that you can try on the outfit you like on the spot. If this is not possible, then it is worth measuring in advance:

  • neck girth, or rather its widest part;
  • the length of the back, in this case the distance from the withers to the base of the tail is measured;
  • chest circumference, the tape measure is placed immediately behind the pet’s forelimbs.

All this will help you choose the perfect outfit for your pet. For advice on choosing, you can contact the seller, he will advise the pet owner on this or that item.

In winter, it is necessary to dress the pet in overalls; the pet’s fur is not able to warm it

How to choose a size?

Since the Yorkshire Terrier is more of a decorative breed, many owners like to dress their pets in non-functional, but so beautiful and stylish outfits. In this case, the dog’s costume is selected based on the owner’s taste preferences.

Wardrobe items for dogs, like for people, are made in different sizes.

The dog's clothes should be selected according to size. As a rule, sizes XS, S, M are suitable for dogs of this breed.

You can determine your pet's clothing size using this table.:

SizeBack length, cmBust volume, cmNeck circumference, cmWeight, kg

To determine the shoe size, you need to place the dog's paw on a sheet of paper, trace it with a pencil along with the claws, and then measure the length and width of the pattern.

Summer accessories

For summer walks with your pet, you must wear a collar and leash . There is no need for other accessories and clothing items in summer.

However, in order to make it easier for owners to care for the dog’s coat and avoid unnecessary dirt, as well as protect against fleas and ticks, Yorkies can be dressed in a summer overall.

Soft boots will provide excellent protection for sensitive paws from glass shards, rusty pieces of iron and sharp stones..

Accessories for winter

For winter walks, Yorkshire terriers must be dressed in warm overalls; it protects the dog from snow and cold, and the owners from the need to dry and comb the pet’s fur..

In addition to overalls for outdoor hikes, you will need boots, because in addition to the cold and sharp ice in the winter on the city streets, your Yorkie's paws are threatened by the salt and reagents that are sprinkled on the sidewalks. These substances can not only injure, but also corrode delicate skin.


Walking without shoes in winter is fraught with the appearance of painful wounds and ulcers on the paws and pets, which are difficult to treat.

What kind of leash should it be?

When walking a Yorkshire Terrier within a populated area, you need to be on a leash, primarily for reasons of safety for the dog itself.

In order for the walk to be enjoyable for both the owner and the pet, it is worth taking the choice of a leash responsibly.

The correct leash must be:

  • light;
  • elastic;
  • narrow (1.5 cm);
  • suitable length.

The length of the leash is chosen based on the habits and character of the animal.

If during a walk the dog prefers to stay close to the owner and leaves nearby and for a short time on extremely important dog matters, then a medium or short leash (up to 1.2 m) will be enough for him..

Chain leashes or cable tapes are completely unsuitable for the Yorkshire Terrier, as they can seriously harm the pet.

A tape leash with adjustable length is considered a good option.

Collar for Yorkie

In order to choose the right collar for a terrier, you need to decide on three main parameters: material, model and size.:

  • Material . Modern pet stores offer a wide selection of collars made of leather, nylon or canvas. The leather is durable and looks attractive, but a collar made of this material quickly gets wet, needs special care, and the pet’s skin underneath can begin to rot. Modern nylon or canvas collars look simpler, but they are durable, easy to care for, and do not get wet or freeze.
  • Model . The choice of model depends on the use of the accessory. For daily walking of the dog, the classic model with one ring for attaching a leash is preferable. And during an exhibition or photo shoot, your pet will look charming in a decorative chain collar or cord.
  • Size . The owner needs to check that the size of the collar is suitable for the pet. The accessory should not be too bulky, rub the neck, or tightly wrap around the dog’s throat. At the same time, the collar should fit so tightly that the dog cannot pull it off. Professionals advise not to make a purchase without trying it on. It’s ideal if you can fit 1 finger under a fastened collar: if that doesn’t work, then the collar is too tight and will press and get in the way, and if 2 or more fingers fit freely, the playful dog will be able to get rid of the accessory on his own.

How to choose a muzzle?

Many owners of Yorkshire terriers are sure that due to the small size of the dog, there is no need to wear a muzzle.

However, there are situations where this piece of equipment can be very useful, e.g.:

  • when transporting an animal in public transport;
  • when visiting a hospital;
  • on walks, to prevent your pet from picking up anything from the ground.

Of course, it’s not worth purchasing a strong metal or solid muzzle for your Yorkie.

One of the following options may be a great choice::

  • Sturdy nylon muzzle. This accessory completely fits the muzzle, but the nose remains open. The practical material does not freeze in the cold, and in hot weather the pet’s skin under the muzzle will not rot.
  • A mesh muzzle consisting of a nylon frame and translucent breathable material. Good for wearing in hot weather, but short-lived.

After trying on the muzzle, be sure to check the dog’s face; a correctly selected and fastened collar does not leave marks on the skin from the frame or straps.

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