What to feed your dog? How many times, how and at what time?

Today I will try to answer one of the most common questions among dog breeders: “How to feed a dog correctly?” Let's talk about what food to choose - industrially produced or natural, home-made.

If you plan to give your pet dry food, then you may have to use a lot of trial and error to find what your dog needs that won’t cause allergic reactions in it. But I want to warn you right away... I do not recommend mixing dry food with natural food.

The fact is that the body does not make much effort to process dry food, and the activity of the pancreas gradually decreases. But with a natural diet, a sufficient amount of concentrated gastric juice is required to process food.

Therefore, alternate feeding with dry and natural food is a huge stress for the body. Gastritis and problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) are possible. You can only occasionally let your dog eat a carrot, an apple, cottage cheese, or a small piece of meat. But this is in rare cases. Feeding dry food is, of course, very convenient for the dog owner, because there is no need to waste time preparing food.

Dogs and cats don’t do homework, they don’t need to buy clothes, read books at night or take them to the movies. But they, just like children, need our attention and careful care. If you initially feed your pets correctly, in the future this will save them from diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, and you will save yourself from spending money on their treatment. I recently discovered a very interesting site on the Internet, which I recommend you check out too. Unlike most resources, the feedsmart.ru portal has not only a feed rating, but also a reasoned analysis of any brand of feed (down to the last ingredient).

When we got a dog, to simplify our life, we also tried to feed Jack dry pellets. But it was not there. Jack ate it forcefully and felt constantly guilty.

What types of dry food have we tried? But they all caused him terrible allergies. After some time, the hair on the neck began to fall out in clumps. How many tests we took, how many medications we tried (our poor little boy), until we ended up at an appointment with a very good doctor, who firmly said: “It’s enough to torture the dog and feed him dry “poop” (that’s what he called dry food), go to “ straight girl! And then we became seriously puzzled by the issues of proper feeding of our little dog. And most importantly, we didn’t know what to feed him and what kind of “natural” he was? Of course, I didn’t want to constantly bother with cooking, but there was no other choice.

Today, after 5 years, I can say that preparing food for Jack does not cause much trouble, especially since we are small breeds. Every 3-4 days we prepare a whole pan of tasty, appetizing and satisfying porridge, which is then stored in the refrigerator. Just add a portion in the morning and evening, heat it up and voila - the dog is full and happy! By the way, look at the recipe for this porridge (and more). I would like to add that we now store the prepared ingredients for Jack’s porridge separately in the refrigerator. This allows them to stay fresh for a longer time.

I must say that as soon as we switched to “natural”, the allergies “went away”!

It is believed that an adult dog requires approximately 50 kcal per day per 1 kg of weight. But the amount of food consumed can be influenced by many factors.

Proper nutrition: basic rules and recommendations

Poor nutrition inevitably entails various diseases (digestive disorders, pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, enteritis, poisoning, allergies, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, kidney, liver failure, etc.), affects the quality and life expectancy. The fact that many owners are negligent in feeding their dogs is evidenced by the fact that about 40% of all non-communicable diseases are caused by improper diet. In other words, every 5 dogs suffer from the fact that its owner does not bother with the issue of balancing the diet, let alone the need to follow the regime, weight distribution of food and other important rules.

A diet is a daily set of products that meets the body’s needs and contains a certain amount of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.), in other words, it must be balanced. The menu is compiled taking into account several factors: age (puppy, teenager, adult, aging and elderly), level of physical activity (home, work, sports), time of year (summer, winter), presence of diseases.

The dog should receive food regularly at the same hours. This way the digestive tract is prepared for the next meal, which ensures high absorption of nutrients. The frequency of feeding depends on age:

  • 1-2 months - 5-6 times a day;
  • 2-3 months - 4 times;
  • 4-12 months - 3 times;
  • From one year to 8-9 years - 2 times;
  • From 8-9 years old - 3-4 times;
  • During pregnancy and lactation - 3-4 times a day.

If the dog has not eaten a portion within 15 minutes, the bowl is removed until the next feeding. If food remains constantly, you need to reduce the portion; if it is eaten quickly and the bowl is licked, you can increase it a little. You should feed your dog 1-2 hours before a walk and the same amount after active physical activity. If the rule is not followed, digestibility deteriorates, and in large breeds the risk of gastric volvulus also increases.

The volume and weight distribution of food should be approximately the same, corresponding to the capacity of the stomach and the abilities of the body. During the day, the daily norm is divided as follows:

  • Feeding 4 times a day - 25/20/20/35%;
  • 3 times ―20/40/40%;
  • 2 times - 40/60%.

If one feeding was missed, regardless of the reasons, the portion at the next meal is not increased, it is given as usual. For street dogs in the cold season, as well as for sports and hunting dogs during periods of increased stress, 1-2 feedings are added, increasing the calorie content of the daily diet by 50-150%.

  • The dog’s body must be accustomed to eating liquid porridge, thick soup or dry food of different brands. Smoothly transition from one type of nutrition to another. Carefully introduce new products.
  • You cannot offer your dog a choice of food, feed him food from the table, or allow him to eat only tasty things. If the animal is waiting for “pick-up food,” let it starve a little.
  • Food must be fresh, prepared from quality products. Its proper storage is important. The bowl should be washed after each feeding, even if it is licked to a shine.
  • The dog swallows food in large pieces, so cold food does not have time to warm up, and hot food does not have time to cool down. Feed, with the exception of drying, should be heated to 30-35°C.
  • It is important that your dog always has free access to drinking water, especially when feeding dry food.

Diet during pregnancy

The diet for dogs carrying puppies should be rich in nutrients. Give preference to high-quality feed, and also give a complex of vitamins.

You should not radically change food during pregnancy. Increase the portion weekly from the second trimester by no more than 10%.

The saturation of nutrients must be sufficient to meet the needs of not only the mother’s body, but also the fetus. Pay special attention to proteins, fats, and minerals. You should not overfeed the animal, as obesity interferes with normal childbirth.

Feeding prepared dry food

Of course you can feed your dog dry food. The main thing is to choose a quality product, check the integrity of the packaging, expiration date, and individual tolerance. The granules should be eaten with pleasure by the dog, not cause allergies, digestive disorders and meet the needs of the animal, which can only be judged after a certain time has passed.

Dry food is economical and convenient

Which food is better

Ideally, this should be super-premium or holistic food. They contain meat, grains, fruits and vegetables, probiotics, and the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals. Natural preservatives are used in production. Despite the higher cost, the consumption of high-quality feed is less. Premium foods contain low quality ingredients, but some of them are indeed animal products. Contain preservatives, large amounts of cereals, flour, soy and other ballast substances. Economy class food is made from low quality ingredients, usually food waste, soy, corn flour, which is not digested at all. Their composition is often poor in vitamins and microelements, and they also contain harmful flavor enhancers and flavorings.

How to avoid falling for manufacturers' tricks

Almost all advertised food belongs to the economy class, the differences of which are described above. Conclusion: don’t believe advertising. When choosing food, you should also not rely only on the relative protein/fat ratio, which is so often discussed on forums. For example, a product with the following indicators: protein - 35%; fat - 25% (which will be confirmed by an independent laboratory analysis) can be prepared from:

  • 1 leather shoe;
  • 1 feather pillow;
  • 1 kg sawdust.
  • 1 l. recycled motor oil;

It is not the percentage of protein that is important, but the indication of its origin. Any food has a composition, and the shorter it is, the better. Products are arranged in descending order. In the first place there should be meat, 1-2 types. If “lamb fillet” or “fresh kangaroo meat” is indicated - 35%, we remove moisture from it and in fact it turns out - 7%. Top of the list should be hydrated meat or meat meal with identified protein (chicken, lamb, rabbit, etc.). There should be no poorly digestible grains (corn, wheat, yam, sorghum). It’s even worse when there are several of these components. There should be no more than 2-3 types of croup. Preferably brown rice, oats, barley, whole grains. Grain-free foods are not suitable for everyone and may cause soft stools. Food industry waste is hidden under the names: cut, ground flakes, vegetable protein hydrolysate, gluten. By-products should be no higher than position 5. The food must contain oil (sunflower, flaxseed, salmon) or fat. A good plus will be the presence of sea fish meal, dried berries, herbs (rosemary, chicory, alfalfa), pre- and probiotics, as well as a competent selection of vitamins and microelements. The ratio of calcium and phosphorus is 2:1. The ash content of good food is no more than 7%. 8-10% indicates a large number of substances that have no nutritional value.

Class affiliation of dog food

  • Holistics: Akana, Artemis, Canidi, Chicken Soup, Go, Grandorf, Innova, Original, Test of the Wild, Wellness, Almo Nature.
  • Super-premium: Almo Necher, Artemis, Eagle Pak, Arden Grange, Fest Choice, Pronature Holistic, Bosch, Belcando, Nutra Gold.
  • Premium class: Anf, Brit Care, Diamond, Eukanuba, Happy Dog, Hills, Nutra Dog, Yozera, Yoral Canin, Pronature, Original, Advance, Bozita, Brit Premium, Nutra Nuggets, Purina Pro Plan, Purina Dog Chow.
  • Economy class: Chappie, Darling, Pedigree, ARO.

Rules for feeding dry food

The food should best suit the physiological needs of the dog: age (puppy, junior, adult, senior), size (dwarf, small, medium, large, giant), activity (domestic, active) and health status. Diets have been developed for healthy animals and dogs with various problems, but they can only be given after consultation with your doctor. Flavoring additives can be any: with fish, meat, chicken, the main thing is that the dog likes them.

The duration of feeding one diet is an individual matter. First of all, it depends on the age of the dog. For example, they switch from a junior diet to an adult diet at the age of about a year, and to food for older animals at the age of 8-9 years. However, it is also important to take into account the condition of the animal. It happens that a ten-year-old Spitz is much more active and energetic than a five-year-old Pekingese, then it makes sense to keep him on a “youth” diet longer. You should think about changing food if your dog is sick, has allergy symptoms, indigestion, or a change in appetite for the worse. There is no point in changing food if the dog eats it with pleasure and looks and feels healthy.

An equally important question is: how much should you feed your dog? The daily portion is calculated by weight, based on the recommendations indicated on the packaging. But you can slightly adjust it, reduce it, or, on the contrary, increase it a little if there is a clear lack of weight on your face (or rather, on your muzzle).

Pros and cons of feeding industrial feeds


  • No need to cook;
  • Convenience (you can take dry food with you on a trip);
  • Economic benefits (even high-class food is usually cheaper than a full diet of natural products). In addition, there is no need to spend extra money on vitamin and mineral supplements.


  • Cheap feeds have minimal nutritional value;
  • If the storage rules and integrity of the packaging are not followed, the food may deteriorate and cause poisoning of varying degrees of severity;

Problem situations

An improper diet affects your dog's health. Let's look at the most common problems that may arise.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary!

Dog poisoning

Here is a list of symptoms that may indicate poisoning:

  • pain;
  • moans;
  • rapid or difficult breathing;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea (sometimes with blood);
  • convulsions;
  • weakness.

If you have a food allergy, it is better to give activated charcoal or a weak solution of potassium permanganate before the doctor arrives. If your dog is poisoned by non-food substances, do not self-medicate, because even potassium permanganate can cause harm.

Before visiting the veterinary clinic, analyze the dog’s behavior and what it has eaten recently.

Digestive problems

Bloating and volvulus can occur in an animal, regardless of its breed. Following the recommendations of veterinarians will allow you to properly care for your pet’s health.

  • Should you feed your dog before or after a walk? You should not go for a walk immediately after eating. Wait 3-4 hours or walk on an empty stomach.
  • How many meals should there be? An adult dog only needs to eat once. Set aside a specific time and stick to the routine.
  • What foods can cause bloating? If you feed your dog natural products, exclude cabbage, legumes, and milk. If you are feeding commercial food, try changing the brand or switching to a higher quality food.

The dog refuses to eat

Even if you have properly organized the feeding and walking regime, a problem with loss of appetite may arise.

To determine the true reason for refusing to eat, contact your veterinarian. Self-medication can lead to complications or death of the animal!

  • Psychological atmosphere. Analyze the dog’s behavior, which could cause a sudden change in mood: change of environment, stress.
  • Damage to the oral cavity. It is not uncommon for a dog to refuse to eat if its gums, tongue or tooth are damaged. Examine the mouth for wounds.
  • Changing food or bowl. Perhaps your dog does not accept the new food or does not like some product.
  • Disease. If the animal looks weak or lethargic, it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinary clinic, since loss of appetite often becomes a symptom of various diseases.

Following simple rules will help you organize proper care for your beloved dog and protect it from disease.

Natural nutrition

For 1 kg of dog weight you need 15-25 g of meat. Thus, an adult dog weighing 15 kg should receive 225-375 g of meat per day. The nutritional value of fish and meat is approximately the same; if meat is replaced by offal, then they should be given approximately one and a half times more.

An acceptable diet in percentage terms is as follows:

  • 30-50% meat, offal or fish;
  • 25-35% cereal;
  • 20-30% fermented milk products;
  • 10-15% vegetables and fruits.

However, ideally, the diet should contain more meat and dairy products:

  • 50-70% meat, offal or fish;
  • 30-40% fermented milk products;
  • 10-20% vegetables and fruits;
  • 10-15% coarse.

A little sunflower oil (1-2 drops per kilogram of weight) and fish oil are added to food daily, and raw or boiled eggs are fed 2-3 times a week. Vitamin and mineral supplements are given during the period of active growth and subsequently in the off-season. Puppies of large and giant breeds are also required to be fed chondroitin, glucosamine, calcium and fat-soluble vitamins for the normal development of the musculoskeletal system. During seasonal molting, complexes for skin and coat are recommended.

Natural nutrition - confidence in the quality of products

What foods should a dog's diet consist of?

Meat (beef, poultry, rabbit) should contain some amount of cartilage, tendons, and fat. Lamb is too fatty for many dogs and causes digestive upset. Pork is not recommended to be fed raw due to its fat content and the likelihood of parasites, which are destroyed during heat treatment. Meat is supplemented or replaced with offal (heart, kidneys, udder, beef tripe) 2-3 times a week. It’s good if the dog has been accustomed since childhood to eating protein products raw, previously frozen; they can also be doused with boiling water or lightly boiled. The meat is mixed with vegetables and cereals.

fish raw. When feeding only raw fish, hypovitaminosis B1 develops, but for a homemade mixed diet this problem is not relevant. Fish is given instead of meat 2-3 times a week. Fillet of sea or ocean fish is suitable; river fillet must be frozen or boiled, which will avoid infection with helminths.

Dairy products in the form of cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream 10-15% fat. Most dogs cannot digest whole milk. You can add a little honey to dairy products and beat in an egg. From time to time it is useful to cook calcined cottage cheese for your dog. It is not necessary to give milk every day. However, on those days when it is absent, it is necessary to increase the amount of meat and offal. Dairy and meat products are not mixed in one feeding.

The grains are cooked in bone broth. Rice and buckwheat are best; sometimes you can give barley and oatmeal. You should not cook corn, pearl barley, or legume porridge, which are difficult to digest.

vegetables raw; suitable: carrots, cucumbers, white cabbage, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, beets. If the vegetables are not easily eaten, you can lightly stew them. Be sure to add greens, and in summer also herbs (nettle, dandelion, knotweed).

What foods should not be in a dog's diet?

Every owner should know what not to feed their dog:

  • Exclusively meat and protein products - puts a lot of strain on the kidneys;
  • Bones have no nutritional value and can lead to constipation and damage the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Poor quality products can cause poisoning of varying severity;
  • Sweets cause allergic reactions, burden the liver, provoke obesity and the development of diabetes;
  • Fatty, fried foods burden the liver and pancreas;
  • Salty food provokes salt deposits, joint problems, and electrolyte imbalance;
  • Spicy food irritates the gastric mucosa, which can lead to gastritis and ulcers;
  • Raw river fish and pork can be infected with helminths;
  • Cat food high in protein and fat can lead to kidney failure;
  • Legumes, products made from wheat flour and heavy cereals increase gas formation in the intestines, and in large breeds they can cause gastric volvulus.

Pros and cons of natural nutrition


  • Confidence that the dog is receiving quality products.
  • Ability to independently adjust your diet.


  • As a rule, it is more expensive than dry food and requires regular administration of vitamins and minerals
  • The need to cook regularly and take up space in the refrigerator.

How to feed your dog correctly

How to feed a dog correctly is one of the most pressing questions of owners today. Due to poor nutrition, animals can develop a number of serious diseases. Puppies are especially susceptible to this. This article describes the principles of feeding and what to feed dogs. Taking into account the dog's digestive characteristics. The concepts of natural feeding and dry food feeding are also covered. And there are some tips on how to choose the right food for your dog. After all, health and strong immunity depend precisely on how your pet eats, especially in the first months of life.

Energy requirements of a dog.

For normal functioning, dogs need proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral compounds and certain vitamins. They form the basis of energy consumption. Calorie needs depend on the body weight and physical activity of the animal. And also on gender, age, and health status. If nutritional needs are adequately met, the dog is healthy and develops normally. She has constant weight and fatness, healthy offspring.

A dog's energy needs depend on a number of factors. The more a dog weighs, the less energy it spends. Males expend more energy than females, and young animals expend more energy than older ones. Since males and puppies have a more intense metabolism. Determining how to properly feed a dog is necessary taking into account its individual energy expenditure.

Dogs with a strong, dry build spend more energy than dogs that are loose and damp. Easily excitable dogs have a greater need for energy than phlegmatic dogs. Moderate loads increase energy costs by 30%. The more loads, especially during dog training, the greater the energy consumption. But it also depends on the degree of training and body type. Also, dogs living on the street have a higher metabolism than domestic dogs. Nutrition also depends on your pet’s lifestyle, for example, if your dog is often at home, such a dog does not need a lot of fat in its diet. And if your four-legged friend likes to frolic and spend a lot of time outside, then naturally fats are quickly burned, and the fat reserve needs to be replenished with fats. A good source of easily replenished fats is chicken fat.

Dog's diet.

A dog is a carnivorous-omnivorous animal. But this does not mean that the correct way to feed a dog is exclusively meat. Such a monotonous diet can cause a number of problems with the intestines, as well as with the kidneys. A dog's diet should contain not only meat components, but also cereals, vegetables, eggs and dairy products. The most important thing in a nutritious diet for your dog is meat, preferably raw, as it contains more protein. The best meat to use is beef, but you can also use chicken or lamb. These foods contain a lot of amino acids for your friend. Under no circumstances should you give your dog pork. When purchasing dry or canned food, pay attention to the composition of the food.

Also, your pet’s diet should include rice and barley; this very well supports the normalization of blood sugar, and these products are well digested and your pet will not have an upset stomach.

You can feed your dog not only dry food and canned food, because there are many natural products for feeding animals such as dogs. For example, various cereals, vegetables, dairy products, etc. It is always easier to feed an adult dog, since they can eat almost anything from food, but you need to be careful with small ones. Nowadays there is a lot of controversy about which dog food is better - natural or dry food. Let's figure this out.

Natural feeding.

You can, of course, feed your dog plant foods. However, she should still get enough meat. The dog should be fed beef, turkey, and horse meat. Sometimes the use of lean lamb is allowed. Pork is not given to dogs as food. Because pork protein often causes digestive disorders. Pork meat is also very fatty. Chicken meat can be given to dogs only if they do not have allergic reactions. Properly feeding a dog means feeding it a wide variety of natural foods. This is not always possible or convenient.

The dog can consume large marrow bones, which contain calcium, but only in their raw form. Poultry bones should not be given to dogs to avoid intestinal injuries. And in general, the advisability of using bones in the diet is now in great doubt. Meat can be replaced by offal in the diet of dogs. However, they should not completely replace the meat component of the diet. In addition, the amount of offal given should be doubled instead of the part of the meat that was removed.

Game is also given to dogs, but the meat must be cooked. To avoid helminthic infections.

Meat products form the basis of at least half of a dog’s diet when fed naturally. More information about other products suitable for natural feeding can be found in the materials on proper nutrition in the article on natural nutrition.

What else can you feed your dog?

Fish for feeding dogs is mainly sea fish without bones, heads or fins. However, you can give cooked river fish. Fish by-products (fish meal, etc.) are given in strictly limited quantities. You can and should give your dog fish. Mostly marine, ideally without bones, heads or fins. However, you can also feed it with cooked river fish.

Among the cereals, rice, buckwheat, and millet are often used. You should not feed your dog semolina due to the high content of starch and gluten. And also use pearl barley, since it is not digestible.

Milk is given to dogs only if it is digested normally. You can feed it to your dog with a small amount of white unsweetened bread or cereal. Rye bread causes fermentation in animals, and sweet bread causes rotting in the stomach. It is allowed to feed the dog fermented milk products and eggs.

Dogs are not given onions as vegetables. It is believed that it contains substances that are toxic to animals. Potatoes are also not used due to the fact that they are poorly digestible.

With natural feeding, it may be necessary to give nutritional supplements to animals. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, the dog may need additional vitamins and calcium supplements for puppies. It is best for you to be advised by a veterinarian or nutritionist on how to feed your dog correctly.

Dry dog ​​food.

If you decide to feed your pet dry food, then you must make sure that the food is suitable for your dog's diet and age. After all, food comes in different types and categories, such as: for puppies of small breeds, for puppies of large breeds, for puppies of medium and large breeds, for adult dogs of small, medium, large breeds, for lactating bitches, etc.

When feeding good dry food, there is usually no need for nutritional supplements. Since diets based on such feeds are generally balanced. However, any diet is calculated based on average physiological values ​​for a certain group of animals. And therefore may not match the individual needs of a particular dog. Properly feeding a dog with dry food is the job of more experienced owners. Dry food has an advantage: unlike various natural foods, such food can be stored for a long time at room temperature. Dry food is also very useful in that it cleanses your dog's teeth and gums. The fiber in dry food also promotes proper digestion. And, of course, the content of various vitamins and minerals matters.

On store shelves you can see a large abundance of ready-made dry dog ​​food. Depending on their class and the products included in the composition, their price varies greatly.

The following classes of feed are distinguished.

  • Economy class, which includes the lowest quality raw materials. Due to their low cost, such food is often used in shelters and foster care. Eating them should not be long-term due to their low balance. As a rule, for proper nutrition they require natural supplements, additional vitamins and nutritional components.
  • Premium, which are characterized by the presence of various series of feeds. The beautiful word “premium”, however, does not mean the super quality of these foods. Yes, they are better than the previous class, but in terms of usefulness and balance they are not far behind. Long-term isolated feeding of a dog with such food will not be complete. And it will not contribute to the dog’s health without the necessary supplements (vitamins, fish and meat in the diet).
  • Super-premium feed, characterized by high-quality raw materials and a high content of meat components. This is a completely different matter. These foods can be fed to your dog constantly and without any additional additives. Although even there they often contain ballast components that are of little use for a dog’s nutrition. For example, corn.
  • Holistic products, for the production of which products suitable for human consumption are used. The highest quality and most expensive food. Fully balanced for constant nutrition.
  • Grain-free feeds, for the production of which no grain is used. Used mainly in dogs with weak, sensitive digestion. Or for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Holistics are the class of the most balanced dog foods.

This class also has its own leaders. At the same time, the rating of individual holistic practitioners is assessed differently by different specialists. It is revised annually, and manufacturing companies periodically improve the composition of their feeds. This is how competition is realized in this market segment.

Nevertheless, we can highlight the main highest quality food, highlighting the ten conditionally best. Of course, their composition, their ratings, and even the names of brands change over time. But today the top ten holistic practitioners are invariably compiled by the list below.


Conditional expert rating 10/10. Made in Canada. Meets the requirements of the Canadian Veterinary Association. It can be fed to dogs aged 1 to 7 years; there is also food for puppies from 2 months. Consists only of natural ingredients: fresh turkey, dried cranberries, ginger, cinnamon, fiber, mint, tocopherol, rosemary, cellulose, etc. Contains 40% meat, 13% vegetables and fruits. 47% comes from additional components. No preservatives, colors or flavors. The main advantage is fresh meat. Contains vit. C, flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals. Ideal for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Suitable for dogs that get motion sickness in transport. Helps prevent urinary tract infections and fresh breath.


Conditional rating 9.5/10. Made in Great Britain. Designed for feeding dogs from 2 months. Created by nutritionists and breeders, the main advantage is hypoallergenicity. Does not contain dyes, preservatives, flavors. It is based on fresh duck, lamb or turkey meat. Also contains rice, dried duck meat or dried salmon, oats, barley. There are also flax seeds, alfalfa, turkey fat, carrots, apple, parsley, chicory, rosemary. As additives: green mussels, seaweed, chondroitin sulfate, green tea extract. If you feed your dog this food, the pet will receive a full set of amino acids and antioxidants. 27% of the feed is animal proteins. This holistic product is beneficial for joints and the digestive system, thyroid function and coat condition.

Now fresh.

Expert rating 9.1/10. Product (Canada). Traditionally included in the top five best feeds year after year. This food can be fed to dogs of all sizes and ages. Grain-free, hypoallergenic. It is also based on various types of fresh meat, balancedly combined with vegetables, fruits and herbs. Contains enzymes, vegetable oils and prebiotics. Protein 24%, fat 18%, fiber 3%. Enriched with phosphorus and calcium. In addition to different types based on meat, it also has separate categories for different weights and ages.


Conditional rating 9/10. Created by Canadian nutritionists and veterinarians at Champion PetFoods. The meat base is steamed. This food can be fed to dogs aged 1 year and older. The brand has been a constant leader since the 70s among the best food of the highest class. The base contains fresh meat products of chicken, duck or turkey. They must include lamb fillet and fish fillet. It also contains a chicken egg, vegetables, fruits, berries, mint, and nettle. Foods have different categories for different ages and sizes. They are completely free of artificial chemical additives. Lines of food have also been developed for dogs with digestive disorders and allergies.


Rating 8.7/10. Co-production between Italy and Belgium. Completely natural and exceptional food for dogs aged one year and older. The composition was selected based on the recommendations of a large number of breeders, veterinarians and nutritionists on what and how to feed the dog correctly. Ingredients: meat (turkey, duck, veal or lamb), fish fillet, arctic shrimp (krill), rice, glucosamine and chondroitin. There is also a budget option where krill is replaced with corn. There are also different lines for different breeds and ages, low grain food (rice based) with lamb or white fish. And also grain-free food. All contain at least 60% meat. Wet food has also been created with a meat content of 80%: chicken, veal, lamb, turkey or rabbit.


Expert rating 8.4/10. Also Canada. Food created taking into account all aspects of healthy nutrition. Allows you to properly feed a dog from 1 year old. I won’t list the ingredients. This brand has a huge number of composition options. In a variety of lines in a variety of directions. Separately, I would like to note the universal recognition of the quality of food for dogs with digestive problems. Although there are many other, no less high-quality highly specialized lines. Canned food is also produced.


Expert rating 8.3 out of 10 points. Manufactured by PLATINUM GmbH (Germany). Designed to feed dogs aged 3 years and older. Natural food containing mineral and vitamin supplements. 70% - meat base. Herbal supplements include apple, alfalfa, yucca extract, olive oil, dandelion, milk thistle seeds, nasturtium, artichoke, fennel, gentian, sarsaparilla root. Also present is salmon oil, green-lipped clam extract, and glycosaminoglycans.


Expert rating 7.9 out of 10. Made in Great Britain, Symply Pet Foods Ltd. Created to feed dogs of decorative breeds, small sizes, of any age, starting from 2 months. Composition of natural ingredients, balanced. Lots of interesting herbal supplements, seaweed, vitamins. The base is grain-free, there are no indigestible corn and cereals.


Expert rating 7.3 out of 10. Manufacturer: Landguth Heimtiernahrung GmbH (Germany). Food for adult dogs. Contains 29% turkey meat protein. The composition also includes duck meat and fat, chicken liver, salmon oil, potatoes, peas, carrots, apples, berries, tapioca, rosemary, yucca, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, tocopherol, fructooligosaccharides. Multivitamin and mineral complexes have also been added. For example, carrots, cranberries and blueberries are sources of antioxidants and fiber. Rosemary and tocopherol are preservatives for natural fats. Salmon fats are a source of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fructooligosaccharides normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Glucosamines and chondroitin are used in the construction of cartilage tissue and joint function. Yucca extract reduces the odor of excrement.

One & Only.

Conditional expert rating 7/10 points. Manufacturer: Belgian company United Petfood Producers NV. This brand's food is designed for puppies of all breeds. Starting at 3 weeks of age. Completely natural food contains both a meat base and a number of easily digestible herbal and vitamin supplements. The food fully provides all the puppy’s needs for its normal growth and development.

All of the above foods are representatives of the best brands in their class of holistic foods. Of course, you can certainly mention other quite decent brands. This classification according to estimates is quite arbitrary. It is presented here only as an example of feed evaluation and does not claim to be absolutely true. You judge for yourself the merits of this or that food. And then make a choice for yourself - what and how to feed the dog correctly.

How to make a choice.

There is no consensus on the preferred benefits of dry or natural feeding. Experts still cannot come to full agreement on how to properly feed a dog.

Pros of dry food:
  1. Easy to use. It is convenient to open and pour the required amount into a bowl. There is no need to cook, cool, store some of the cooked food, wash dishes, etc.
  2. The highest quality classes of food (holistic, most super-premium food) provide all the basic needs of the animal. At least according to the manufacturing companies.
  3. It’s easy to calculate the nutrients and the volume of a single serving and adjust it under some new conditions.
  4. Variety of products and a large selection. You can choose the food option that best suits your pet and your budget.
  5. Positive effect on the condition of teeth and gums, their daily cleaning during feeding, prevention of tartar.
  6. Sufficiently long shelf life of dry food.
Cons of dry food:
  1. Dry food is essentially an industrial product. Depending on the class of food, it contains one or another amount of synthetic components. Their bioavailability is much lower than natural ones.
  2. Lack of moisture in the granules, the need to compensate for it with an adequate supply of drinking water.
  3. The composition stated on the packaging of some manufacturers of cheaper food does not always correspond to reality.
  4. The use of ballast fillers that do not bring real benefits to the dog’s body (corn, soy).
  5. The high cost of truly high-quality feed.
  6. A number of cheaper feeds may contain excess salt, unnatural fats, and natural meat is replaced with low-quality waste from the meat processing industry. Preservatives, dyes, taste simulators and other chemical ingredients may be present.

Therefore, when choosing a method of feeding your dog, you should carefully weigh all the positive and negative aspects of each.

How to choose the right food for your dog?

For proper nutrition, it is best to consult a veterinarian, especially if your pet is still very young. This is to identify your dog's various food allergies to different foods, etc.

Whatever feeding method the owner chooses, he must monitor the health of his animal. And pay attention to any deviations. Natural feeding allows you to monitor the quality of products, as well as the cooking process. In addition, a well-structured diet can prevent most diseases in old age. Dry diets are already balanced in terms of key indicators. They make it easier for owners to feed their dog properly. However, even they may not always provide all the animal's needs. Therefore, feeding your dog correctly is not an easy task. Although owners often have to make a forced choice in favor of natural or dry food. Taking into account opportunities, finances, time for cooking.

How to feed your dog correctly.

For novice dog owners, you can also give an example of combined nutrition (dry food + natural products) from personal experience. Dog: adult German Shepherd, sterilized female. Super-premium dry food (ProPlan) for large breeds with sensitive digestion based on lamb meat - 3 cups once a day (in the evening) 5 days a week. The serving size is calculated according to the feeding standards for this food based on the dog’s weight. Natural feeding two days a week. In the morning, medium or large fish (frozen herring, without defrosting or cleaning). In the evenings, 500-500 grams of raw meat products - beef trimmings with the addition of about 100 grams of raw beef liver and about 100 grams of lamb heart.

For 6 years of eating this way, there have been no health problems or deviations from normal body weight. With a fairly active lifestyle and long walks. That is, you can use this feeding option. For example. But it’s not a fact that this option is right for you and your pet. The only point is that nutrition should be selected individually, weighing all the pros and cons.

Canned food for dogs.

Wet dog food, which can be purchased for large, as well as small and medium breeds, will help diversify your pet's diet. Canned food for dogs can become your four-legged friend's favorite treat. Whether you are raising a puppy or an older dog. But you must remember that canned food should not be left in the bowl for a long time, and it is best to remove the bowl away from the dog after your pet has eaten, as this can harm him. Imagine that you are working and leave canned food in a bowl and your dog does not eat everything at once, this can even lead to poisoning.

But canned food is just as healthy as dry food; it contains a balanced diet for the development of your furry friend. You can mix dry food with liquid food, this is also easily digestible and gives good growth and development to your pet, vitamins and minerals have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin and coat. They are also famous for their low calorie content, which protects the dog from excess fat and obesity. Canned food can be taken on the road or to exhibitions for the convenience of feeding the animal.

Canned dog food, just like dry food, is divided into canned food of the “super premium”, “premium” and “economy” classes. The difference is in the components and their quantity. “Super-premium” and “premium”-class canned food contains natural fresh meat, vegetables, and a small amount of grains. That is, everything a dog needs at any age for optimal nutrition. There are no preservatives, flavors or dyes. But they usually have a short shelf life. Well, it’s not cheap to feed your dog such canned food. Economy-class canned goods do not contain meat. There are only processed products, offal and cereals. These canned foods are not optimal daily food for your dog. Although they can be fed to a dog if necessary and there is no choice.

Variety of food.

However, wet dog food can help diversify your pet's diet. It can be purchased for representatives of large, as well as small and medium breeds. Then canned food for dogs will become your four-legged friend’s favorite treat. Whether you are raising a puppy or an older dog. A balanced diet is very important. Family pets sometimes lack one or another useful substance or supplement. Therefore, a skillful combination of wet and dry food will provide the correct diet. And positive dynamics in the development of your dog. A number of experts note another option on how to feed your dog properly, but this is not always possible. This is a combination (alternation) of dry food with natural feeding. If the dog is not a food eater, this method will not work.

A dog, like any other animal, should receive a properly balanced diet every day. The amount and distribution of nutrients is slightly different than in humans, so our dinners should not be dog food. Primarily, it is caused by too many carbohydrates and fats. Equally inappropriate is the amount and type of micronutrients. A balanced diet is very important - family pets sometimes lack one or another useful substance or supplement. However, a skillful combination of wet and dry food will ensure the correct diet and positive dynamics in the development of your dog.

You cannot feed your dog food from the table.

The dog, as a predatory animal, is evolutionarily adapted to digest proteins of animal origin. It has a much shorter stomach and intestinal tract than humans. Because of this, many food products that a person eats and feeds to a dog cause problems with digestion. For example, buckwheat, which is perfectly digestible in the human stomach, is not suitable for a dog. Therefore, it is not worth feeding your dog food from the table at all. If there are children in the family, a dog is always a temptation for a child to give inappropriate treats, you should keep an eye on this too.

Primarily, it is caused by too many carbohydrates and fats in people's diets. The set of vitamins and microelements may also be equally inappropriate.

Therefore, many foods that humans eat are not suitable for dogs. They can cause her digestive problems. Even vegetables that are cut too coarsely may not be fully digested in your dog's stomach and therefore will not provide him with any nutrients. Without such an idea about the benefits and harms of a particular food product, feeding it can cause undesirable effects in the dog. Not only temporary digestive problems may appear, but also excess weight. Overweight and obesity in a dog can occur primarily if the meals are too high in calories and poorly balanced.

What shouldn't a dog eat?

Homemade dog food should not contain any foods that cause digestive problems or are toxic to the dog. It is worth noting that there are indeed a lot of such products in our diet.

I would like to immediately write a number of foods that are not recommended to be fed to both puppies and adult dogs. Boiled potatoes, oatmeal, pork in any form, chicken bones, other cooked bones. It also includes grapes, raisins, nuts, buckwheat, onions, garlic, citrus fruits, yeast dough, fatty salads and side dishes. Mushrooms in any form, baby food, alcoholic drinks, various juices.

There are foods that are especially dangerous for our pet. These are onions and garlic (they can cause diarrhea and vomiting in a dog), avocado (can lead to the death of the animal). These are also sweets, and especially chocolate (chocolate poisoning is possible even in small quantities). All this can lead to dangerous diseases and even death of your dog.

Homemade food for a dog, prepared only for it, can, of course, replace ready-made food. However, this requires appropriate knowledge and skills. If we cannot prepare food for an animal containing the required amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements, we should abandon this idea, so the best option would be to serve the dog ready-made food suitable for its breed, age and special needs. Do you want to feed your dog both homemade food and ready-made food? Even then, some knowledge is required. Otherwise, it may turn out that the dog receives too much protein or fat in his daily balance, and this, over time, will affect his health and weight.

How to feed your dog properly during pregnancy.

During this period, the bitch needs more calories, protein, calcium and phosphorus. The regular food you fed before will no longer be enough. During pregnancy, the dog is less interested in food. At the same time, she has less space in her stomach. Therefore, with the same nutrient intake, she will simply starve. This means that food for a pregnant dog should contain a sufficient amount of fat and protein. And be more easily digestible. Food for a pregnant dog should contain sufficient amounts of fat, protein and easily digestible ingredients. All feed must be of very high quality. You should not feed your dog regular homemade food at this time if you have done so before. This is necessary not only for her health, but also for the normal development of puppies.

How much food should you give your dog? You can read about this on the food packaging. As whelping time approaches, the amount of feed must be reduced. Or rather, the dog itself will eat less. Because there will be less space in the abdominal cavity, and the growth of puppies slows down before birth. But it is better to regularly show your dog to a veterinarian and consult with him about its nutrition.

How to feed your dog while breastfeeding.

After the dog has whelped, it begins the lactation period. Her energy needs increase again, especially if she has a large litter. Even though puppies drink milk, they should also be given plenty of water. So that both the bitch and the puppies do not suffer from dehydration. Puppies usually start drinking water at 3-4 weeks. At the same time, they begin to try food. They switch to food entirely from 6-8 weeks, when they are weaned from their mother. If the puppy is not separated from the bitch in time, he may develop obesity.

Thus, during pregnancy and nursing puppies, it is correct to feed the dog with easily digestible high-calorie food. With which the dog would receive all the necessary nutrients.

Puppies nutrition.

Due to an unbalanced diet, animals can develop a number of serious pathologies, to which puppies are especially predisposed. For puppies, I can recommend that your pet’s diet consist of fresh kefir, cottage cheese, or maybe yolk 2 times a week. You can give semolina, millet porridge, raw or boiled finely chopped beef, boiled chicken, boiled lamb. Boiled vegetables. You can add a little vegetable oil. Puppies aged 1 month to 3 months are recommended to be fed about 5 times a day; those aged 3 to 5 months need to be fed about 4 times a day, but the portion can be increased. At the age of 5 to 6 months, it is recommended to feed 3 times a day, at the age of 6 to 12 months, you can reduce the number of feedings to 2 times a day, from 1 year you need to feed 2 times or reduce to 1 time a day, depending on your lifestyle dogs and weight category.

Do you want your family pet to be always active and cheerful? Buy only the highest quality dog ​​food from a reliable manufacturer. It is recommended to always follow the instructions on the packaging. In addition, the serving size may vary depending on the breed of your dog, as well as its physical activity.

Yagovitin M. Yu.

Mixed nutrition

Feed manufacturers and veterinarians often unanimously say that mixing natural and dried food is unacceptable. The balance and digestibility of food is disrupted. To break down natural products and dry food, the body uses the same enzymes, but the physics of digestion is different. In dry food, the substances are already prepared, they require fewer enzymes for absorption, but before they go “to work” they must lie in the stomach, soak in gastric juice and water. Natural foods begin to digest immediately and require more enzymes and less water. If you mix dry food and natural food in one go, the first will come out in transit, poorly digested, and the natural food will begin to stagnate and ferment.

If a dog is constantly fed dry food and then suddenly switched to natural food, its digestibility will be extremely low, but if natural products are constantly present in the diet, the digestibility of both foods will be quite high. The main thing is not to mix them at one time. Dry food is given in the morning, and natural products at night, or vice versa, depending on which option emphasizes proteins.

What is usually supplemented with drying during a mixed diet?

What is missing: fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and dairy products, eggs, raw meat and offal, sea fish. There is no point in adding porridge to drying. There are already about 70-80% of ballast fillers there. Vitamins and mineral supplements should not be given during a mixed diet. Most holistic foods are overloaded with proteins and fats, supplementing them with meat can lead to protein poisoning.

Who is suitable for mixed nutrition?

Mixed food is suitable for healthy medium or large dogs of working breeds (VEO, NO, SAO, Moscow Watchdog), sports and some hunting dogs (Malamute, Husky, Laika) that lead an active lifestyle and need additional protein, fish or raw meat . Mixed feeding is used in nurseries to raise litter. Fermented milk products, beef slices, and offal are added to the diet to diversify the diet and prepare the body for different types of food that the future owner may choose. Northern sled dogs and some primitive dogs, huskies, Yakut huskies, and Akitas must always receive fresh fish.

Pros and cons of mixed nutrition


  • Supplementing the diet with natural delicacies (dried lung, cheese, vegetables, fruits, herbs);
  • Salvation for picky eaters who choose meat as a side dish, and therefore do not receive a single gram of cereals, fruits, vegetables or dairy products, which means they receive a minimum of carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins.


  • The harm or benefit of this type of nutrition can only be determined experimentally;
  • The risk of causing irreparable damage to health by unbalancing the diet;
  • Not all dogs agree to such food; they begin to demand only natural treats or, on the contrary, do not want anything other than drying.
  • Owners of miniature dogs, older dogs and animals that suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and genitourinary system should not experiment with mixed nutrition.

What is the optimal feeding time?

The meal schedule is set individually. The main thing is that feeding takes place not before, but after the walk. Otherwise, there is a danger of gastric volvulus, a life-threatening condition discussed above.

If you get up early and immediately go for a walk with the dog, it is quite reasonable to feed your pet for the first time at 6–7 o’clock in the morning, and the second time after returning from work and an evening walk, for example at 19.00. If the dog goes for a walk in the morning and has breakfast late, the evening walk and dinner can also be postponed by a couple of hours. The optimal daily interval between meals is 10–12 hours. It is important that the feeding time of the dog with two meals a day, whatever schedule you choose, is the same every day and does not conflict with your work schedule and lifestyle.

Features of feeding puppies

In the first week, puppies suckle their mother at least 12 times a day. At week 2 - 8, by week 4 - 6 times and before weaning 4-5 times. For artificial feeding, it is more convenient to use ready-made substitutes for bitch milk. If this is not possible, the mixture can be prepared independently using whole cow, goat or sheep milk. There is no need to dilute it; its composition is already inferior to that of bitches. To add more nutritional value to 100 grams of whole cow's milk, add a chicken egg yolk, a teaspoon of cream, a tablespoon of 40% glucose, 3 drops of ascorbic acid and 1-2 drops of trivitamin. From 3 weeks they begin to give milk semolina porridge and water. At 4 weeks, meat broth and calcined cottage cheese are introduced. From 6 weeks, minced meat, eggs in the form of an omelet, from 1.5 months, vegetables in the form of puree.

The total weight of puppy food is calculated based on body weight.

  • Up to 6 months - approximately 7%.
  • From 6 to 12 months, the volume of food is adjusted to 3-4% of the weight.

Up to 3 months, the puppy’s diet consists of 40-50% dairy products, 40% is allocated to meat, fish, and the rest vegetables and cereals. After 3 months, the ratio changes in favor of meat products: 50-70% meat and offal, dairy products 20-30%, the rest cereals and vegetables.

Norms and meal times

A domestic dog, like a wolf, is capable of absorbing 1/5 of its own weight in one meal. A dog's stomach can stretch significantly. But a domestic dog does not live like a wolf, which feeds for future use until the next prey. Therefore, the owner must monitor the diet and calorie content of the lunch consumed, since all dogs eat quickly, without noticing their stomach is full. According to veterinary statistics, about 20% of domestic dogs aged 1-4 years are overweight.

When an animal ages, it is fed the same portions as before, only the caloric content of the diet is reduced. Large individuals require more food to be full, but to prevent obesity, they also deliberately reduce the caloric content of portions.

An important condition: next to the food bowl there should always be fresh water in direct access around the clock. If the dog is young or has to work or train a lot, the volume of food is increased accordingly. This applies to service dogs, hunting and sledding breeds.

It is better to give food according to a schedule at certain hours, or according to a schedule established by a veterinarian in individual cases. As a rule, pets are fed in the morning at 7-8 am, and in the evening, at 19-20 pm.

Feeding sick and elderly dogs

In sick and elderly dogs, the metabolic rate decreases. The animal becomes less mobile, peristalsis slows down. It is important to prevent the development of obesity, which will further aggravate existing problems and create new ones. The amount of fats and carbohydrates should be reduced, while the amount of vegetables is increased in order to improve motor skills, and fasting days are introduced. If there are problems with teeth, transfer the animal to soft food.

The nutrition of sick dogs deserves special attention. If an animal suffers from urolithiasis, the diet is adjusted depending on the type of stones. If you have kidney disease, reduce the amount of protein. For cardiac problems, a low sodium diet is recommended. In any case, the veterinarian must adjust the diet based on the dog’s condition, diagnosis and expediency.

How much food should you give your dog?

How to choose the ideal amount of food for your dog? It is necessary to consult with a specialist or carefully observe the behavior of the animal at the time of feeding.

If the dog quickly eats the offered amount of food and the bowl remains clean, then at the next feeding you can slightly increase the portion. If after 15-20 minutes some of the food remains in the bowl, then the next portion should be slightly reduced.

This is important: You should carefully monitor your four-legged friend. Many individuals are prone to gluttony. The result is excess weight, which negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and other systems.

If you gain extra pounds, you should increase your dog’s physical activity and reduce the portion.

Features of feeding dogs of different sizes

Dwarf dogs require food richer in proteins compared to large breeds; they are often susceptible to early tooth loss, so sweets are strictly excluded. It is recommended to feed them in small portions at least 3 times a day, even for adults. In this case, the main diet is given not at night, but at noon. For those prone to obesity, it is advisable to divide the daily intake into 4 doses. Vegetables are given in the form of puree, meat can be ground into minced meat. The daily ration for medium and large dogs is fed in two doses, with the evening meal being the main one. Once a week it is useful to have a fasting day. The meat is cut into pieces, and the vegetables are grated on a coarse grater.

There are no perfect foods or feeds. What suits one dog may not suit another. A complete diet is one in which the animal does not change body weight and does not show signs of metabolic disturbances, appetite, reproductive function or basic health indicators.

What affects the serving size?

We list the circumstances that need to be taken into account:

  • Time of year (the dog eats more in winter).
  • Physical activity and training (more protein is required during exercise).
  • Age.
  • Physiological structure.

If you are inclined towards natural feeding, then you just need to learn which foods can be given to your dog and which cannot. I would like to note right away that a dog’s diet requires individual selection. Many foods can cause an allergic reaction in some dogs, while other dogs will eat the same foods without any consequences. But there is one unspoken rule - when choosing foods to feed your dog, try to pay attention to green foods. This applies to vegetables, fruits and berries. Red foods often cause allergies.

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