How to properly feed a French bulldog and its puppies, what food and how many times a day

French bulldogs are very popular: small children like them, they touch their owners with their faces and interesting facial expressions. When getting this breed of dog, you should understand that they require special care ; you also need to know what to feed the French bulldog. Proper nutrition for a pet is the most important and pressing topic for every dog ​​owner.

This article will tell you what you can feed a French bulldog , how to properly create a diet, and what nutritional features this breed of dog has. As a rule, most people try to get newly born dogs, so special attention in the article will be paid to what to feed a French bulldog puppy . Read about the features of the French Bulldog breed in our special article.

Place of eating and the right choice of dishes for the French Bulldog

When you decide to get a dog, you need to know how to properly feed your French bulldog. The place where you eat plays an important role. Every pet needs a personal space where they can relax and eat in a calm environment.

Selecting a location

Particular attention should be paid to choosing a place for feeding.

We advise you to read these important recommendations:

  • The feeding area must be permanent. The animal should not run around the apartment in search of food;
  • The bowl should be placed away from drafts;
  • The place should not be passable. The animal will feel discomfort if it is stepped over;
  • It is best to purchase a special metal stand on which bowls suitable for the age and breed of the dog will be attached.

Thus, the ideal place for feeding your dog should be located in a quiet corner of your apartment, where nothing will distract the animal from eating.

Selection of cookware

Both for feeding adults and for feeding French bulldog puppies, two bowls are required - one for water, the second for food. The bowl can be made of any material. However, it is better to purchase heavy, stable metal bowls. With this choice, the bulldog will not constantly move the bowl with his muzzle, and this will also help avoid food tipping over on the floor. A bowl made of plastic will quickly become unusable: puppies love to chew on them. The eating utensils should be placed on a slight elevation, which will make eating much easier. You should not buy a bowl that is too large and deep, which is what large dogs usually eat with. It is best to take bowls with an adjustable stand so that the bowls are always at chest level with the puppy.

General principles of feeding a French Bulldog

French bulldogs are quite picky eaters. Owners need to find a special approach and understand the preferences of the animal. However, any dog ​​is a predator and should always remain one, so you should not spoil your pet too much. It is necessary to develop and get used to a special nutrition plan.


Any living organism loves consistency in food intake, dogs are no exception. Your French Bulldog should be fed at the same time every day. Thus, the bulldog will adapt to life in a family faster and will experience less stress.

Serving Size

French Bulldog puppies are fed small portions, but often. As the dog gets older, the portion size also changes. There should be just enough food so that the animal can eat, but not overeat. At first, it’s worth observing how much food you eat in order to adjust the portion size. If you notice that your dog is not eating enough of the food in his bowl, add less food at the next feeding. Conversely, if the bulldog eats the entire portion and continues to stand near the bowl, then you have given him too little food. Each dog has its own special appetite.


The French Bulldog's diet should include a sufficient amount of essential nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. There should be the most protein - about 50-60%. Then come carbohydrates - about 30%. There should be a minimum amount of fat - approximately 30-20%. Don't forget to give vitamins and microelements. You cannot feed exclusively meat products; you also need plant foods.

Food bans

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list, which shows what you should not feed your French Bulldog:

  1. Potato;
  2. Pasta;
  3. Bakery products;
  4. Cookies, waffles;
  5. Candies and chocolate;
  6. Citrus;
  7. Fatty foods;
  8. Smoked products (sausages, sausages, etc.)

It is important to remember that all products from the hosts’ table are also prohibited.

Types of food for a French bulldog

We can say that all dog owners are divided into two “camps”:

  • adherents of natural nutrition;
  • adherents of dry/ready food.

No one can definitively answer which food is best to feed a French bulldog, so each dog breeder will have to choose on his own.

Most veterinarians advise one thing: do not combine both types of food. Many owners prefer to give dry food in the morning, when there is no time to cook food, and natural food in the evening. With such a diet, the Frenchie, like any other breed, may experience digestive problems . In addition, the balance of nutrients is disrupted.

Additives to the basic diet

(including natural ones) in the French Bulldog's natural diet This improves the dog's immunity. In particular:

  1. Vitamin A. Helps with proper bone formation and enhances reproductive function. Contained in carrots.
  2. B vitamins. They have a good effect on the nervous system, promote hair growth, good vision, and improve metabolism.
  3. Vitamin E. Improves the functioning of the sex glands.
  4. Vitamin C. Maintains immunity.

It is also necessary to provide foods rich in minerals such as:

  1. Calcium.
  2. Potassium.
  3. Sodium.
  4. Phosphorus.
  5. Iron.
  6. Iodine.

Natural food for the French bulldog

Natural food is specially prepared food for dogs. Under no circumstances should you pour regular human food into a bowl! Our human food contains additives, a lot of salt, seasonings, preservatives - such food is dangerous for the life of a pet.

Below is a small table for feeding a French bulldog, which shows in what ratio food should be given to the dog.

Now let's take a closer look at each item in the table.


Approximately half of the diet should be lean meat. It could be:

  1. Chicken meat without skin;
  2. Beef;
  3. Turkey;
  4. Rabbit meat;
  5. Lean pork (very rare).

A French Bulldog should eat meat, but such food will be quite expensive. Sometimes you can replace meat with offal . Bulldogs like liver, hearts, and lungs.

Such products can be given well-cooked or almost raw, but after heat treatment with boiling water.


Many bulldogs love to eat milk porridges, for example, buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal.

Cereals must be washed well and cooked until digested. Porridge can be diluted with lean beef, fish, you can add some vegetables and fruits.


Fish should not be the main source of protein for a dog, but it can be given to your pet occasionally. Many dog ​​breeders claim that when they frequently eat fish, their pets' fur becomes shiny and thick.

The French Bulldog can be given both river and sea fish. But it is worth noting that river fish has a bad reputation due to the possible content of helminths in it. To protect your four-legged pet from infection, it is enough to boil the fish for 30 minutes, or freeze it for 2-3 days. Suitable for food: carp, pike, carp, bream, herring, hake, capelin, perch, etc.

Seafood is a strong allergen. If you still want to give them to your dog, then give preference to shrimp. Other seafood is difficult to digest and contains a lot of fat.


Vegetables are not the main component of a French Bulldog's diet.

We can say that they are introduced into the diet as a source of vitamins and fiber. Bulldogs can be given carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and cabbage both raw and boiled.


The table indicates that dairy products can make up a fairly large portion of a dog's diet. However, many pets do not like dairy products, and some begin to have digestive problems.

Be careful! If your pet likes milk, then you can treat him with milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, or yogurt.


Fruit is not considered a typical dog food and there is nothing wrong with your pet not liking fruit.

If your dog still likes such treats, then sometimes pamper him with pitted cherries, peaches, apples, and bananas.

Is it possible to give a bulldog


The Frenchie is allowed to feed one egg per week. His body digests egg yolk better. It is better to mix it with other foods, such as porridge or salad.


Franz is fed any bones, except tubular chicken and bones of other birds. The fact is that they can damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Franz eats the bones raw. Boiled ones do not contain useful substances.


It is possible, but rarely, and only as a small treat. French Bulldogs are often fed pieces of cheese during training.

Raw meat

Before serving, raw meat must be treated with boiling water or boiled.


Liver is a useful by-product. But it needs to be boiled. Raw liver is a natural laxative for animals. In addition, raw offal may contain parasite eggs.


Adult Frenchies do not digest milk well, so it is better to feed them fermented milk products.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein. You need to choose a product with a low fat content.


French pugs can be given potatoes, but only raw and infrequently. It is better to grate the potatoes and add them to the main dish. There is no need to feed your Frenchie old potatoes and green tubers.

Ready-made food: benefits and harm for the French bulldog

Ready-made food has an undeniable advantage over natural food in terms of time spent on food preparation. Another plus is that such food has a balanced amount of all essential nutrients . However, every attentive owner of a French bulldog will be able to independently prepare the right food that will satisfy all the needs of the pet.

Ready-made food makes life much easier for French bulldog owners. But you will have to spend a lot of time and money selecting the right food. Many dogs of this breed have a fickle appetite and selectivity in food. In addition, due to incorrectly selected ready-made food, the dog may develop health problems.

Ready-made food can be dry, semi-moist and wet. Dry food is not suitable for feeding puppies. As a last resort, in the absence of anything else, dry food can be soaked in boiling water until it turns into a paste. Semi-moist food consists of dry food with a small addition of liquid. Wet food is usually presented in the form of pates.

All ready-made food is divided into several classes:

Economy class

Made from low quality products, such as hides, bones, hooves, etc. There is no natural meat in them. Most of the food consists of plant components (soybeans, corn, grain). Such food has virtually no benefit. They do not contain the necessary nutrients, but they do have flavor enhancers and flavorings.

Economy feeds are always given along with vitamins.

The French Bulldog cannot be fed with ready-made economy-class food.

The most common economy class brands:

  • Pedigree;
  • Chappi;
  • Darling.

Premium class

Premium food contains a large amount of by-products, but there is also some meat. There are much fewer plant components in them than in economical ones. It is not recommended to feed French Bulldogs this type of food.

Common representatives:

  • ProPlan;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Purina ONE.

Super premium class

These foods can be given to your French Bulldog. They contain approximately 30% meat. It also contains by-products, but these are not hooves and skins, but liver, hearts, etc. All components are balanced, there are vitamins, and usually there are no various flavors. The only disadvantage of this food is the fairly high price.

The most popular brands:

  • Bosch;
  • Nutram;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Brit Care.
  • Arden Grange


These are the most expensive and high-quality feeds. There are no by-products - only natural meat. Nutrients come from vegetables, fruits, and berries. Ideal for feeding your pet. Both puppies and adults can eat it. The most common companies:

  • Acana;
  • Now Fresh;
  • Pronature Holistic.

Thus, there is no way to save money when feeding dry food. The French bulldog is suitable for super premium or holistic food. Cheap classes of food contain soy, they lack vitamins, and contain components that are dangerous for dogs.

Features of choosing good store-bought food

Many breeders choose dry food for their pets because all the dog’s needs are already taken into account when developing it, and it is very convenient. However, there are criteria that must be adhered to in order not to make a mistake in choosing:

  • The food should be high-calorie: the ratio of animal proteins and fats is 30% to 20%.
  • The list of ingredients should include meat products, preferably fresh meat.
  • Only natural flavorings and preservatives are used - oil, plant and berry extracts.
  • It contains a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  • There are no cheap ingredients - soy, wheat.

French bulldog nutrition by age

The dog's diet must change depending on its age. First, the breeder monitors the dog’s nutrition, then this responsibility passes to the dog’s owner. Immediately after birth, the dog is not given dry food, only natural food.

Proper Nutrition for French Bulldog Puppies If you feed your Bulldog incorrectly when they are young, they will get sick when they get older. It is important to understand that puppies need to eat much more often than adults. The table shows how many times a day you need to feed your French Bulldog.

This routine should not be taken literally. It is necessary to take a closer look at the puppy, adjust the portions and amount of food intake .

Approximate feeding schedule for a French bulldog puppy by month

1 to 2 months

French bulldog puppies are born very tiny and bear little resemblance to the future dog. Newborn puppies feed exclusively on mother's milk. In some cases, the breeder may feed a one-month-old puppy with a mother's milk replacer.

Gradually, the puppy grows up and new foods begin to appear in his diet: first, a little meat (boiled, chopped), then porridge. Fruits and vegetables can cause severe allergic reactions in small puppies.

Since a puppy at this age needs to be fed about 6 times a day , this time should be divided into approximately equal intervals.

This table shows an example of feeding a puppy every three hours. This is just an example - every owner has the right to make their own adjustments.

Feeding a French Bulldog puppy from 2 to 3 months

A puppy 2 months after birth can already be switched to complementary feeding with regular food. For example, this could be store-bought pates for puppies, or natural food in the form of milk, minced meat, and cereals.

Authorized products:

  • Lean meat;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Kefir;
  • Egg;
  • Boiled fish;
  • Porridge.

The meat can be boiled or served raw, but you should first scald it with boiling water . You should not give meat in large pieces - you should chop it finely or grind it in a blender.

Feeding a French Bulldog from 3 to 4 months

At the age of 3-4 months, puppies are usually sold to new owners.

After the move, the puppies, who will now be kept in an unfamiliar home, must adapt. You should maintain the same diet for 1-2 weeks. This way, the puppy will be protected from unnecessary stress. At 3 months, you can already try all foods suitable for dogs.

Feeding from 4 to 6 months

Feeding a French bulldog at 4 months should be 3-4 times a day, portions should be slightly increased. At this age, a varied diet is needed, including vegetables, cereals, meat, fish and only boiled fish.

Feeding from 6 to 10 months

At the age of 6-10 months, the baby should receive adequate nutrition.

Some breeders believe that from the age of 8 months, a French bulldog puppy can be fed only 2 times a day.

Feeding from 10 to 12 months

At 10-12 months, the puppy has already grown up and should eat almost like an adult. This is the age that is considered ideal for switching to two meals a day. Remember that the dog should eat a varied diet and get enough protein. Avoid fatty foods, which can cause your pet to become obese.

Adult dog

An adult dog (from one year and above) is fed twice a day throughout its life, and with active physical activity, three times a day is possible, but in small portions.
The animal must take food at a strictly defined time, the main thing is to prevent obesity.

The daily food intake is from 540 to 900 g. An adult dog is fed raw or boiled lean meat/poultry, liver, hearts, lungs (all in small pieces), eggs, porridge. You can give sour dairy products no more than 2 times a week. Fruits and berries – as a treat, not too often, so as not to overload the intestines. The diet and feeding regime are reviewed starting from the age of 6, when the dog reaches old age.

Do not give very cold food; food should be at room temperature.

Feeding pregnant and lactating French bulldogs

The French Bulldog bitch's pregnancy lasts approximately 9 weeks. In the first three weeks, a special diet is usually not required. However, you should increase your calcium intake throughout your pregnancy. So, in 1 month of pregnancy, the dog should receive approximately 70 mg of calcium per 1 kg of body weight, which will allow the formation of the skeleton of future puppies, in addition, the mother’s teeth will not be destroyed. Phosphorus also plays an important role in fruit development. Its daily dose should be increased to 50 mg per 1 kg of weight . In some cases, the dog needs to be given additional vitamins, especially groups A and D.

A month after pregnancy, you should increase the portions and feed 3 times a day. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Around the 8th week of pregnancy, the dog needs to be fed 4 times a day. All foods that make digestion difficult are removed from the diet . In the last days of pregnancy, the bitch should be fed 5-6 times a day, it is better to reduce the portions a little. Meat can be replaced with fish.

It is important to monitor your dog's weight - extra pounds can cause premature birth!

During feeding, it is worth increasing the amount of dairy products given to the dog: milk, cottage cheese, etc. Special food for lactating dogs is perfect , as it contains everything necessary for the health of the mother and her puppies.

Feeding a French Bulldog in Old Age

At about 6-7 years old, a French Bulldog is considered an old dog. An adult and elderly dog ​​is characterized by a slower metabolism. The animal begins to move less and gains excess body weight.

Portions should be reduced slightly, and the caloric content of food should also be reduced. Now food not only serves as a source of energy, but also with its help prevents various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system.

French bulldogs at home should not be overfed with fruits and foods rich in calcium - this can lead to kidney problems.


From 6 to 8 years of age, a French bulldog is considered elderly.
His body no longer works as quickly as before; vital processes are slower.

The diet is revised in favor of 3-4 feedings a day.

It is best to give your dog food after playing or walking.

Solid foods are excluded (the teeth of an elderly dog ​​cannot cope with them), the volume of porridges, finely chopped meat, and soups is increased. Vitamin and mineral complexes are added to maintain the animal’s internal organs and bones in good condition.

If your French Bulldog refuses to eat

We have already said above that French bulldogs are very picky eaters. Does your dog need milk but refuses to drink it? Try changing the manufacturer. Often dogs do not like any impurity or taste .

You did not violate the feeding rules, but your pet suddenly began to refuse its favorite treats and does not approach the food bowl? You should visit your veterinarian immediately as this could be a sign of illness.

Dogs may also refuse certain foods if they subsequently experience allergic reactions or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Proper nutrition of a French bulldog is the key to the beauty and health of your pet. Particular attention should be paid to preparing food for the dog: food should not be given from the table, food must be heat-treated. You should not spoil your bulldog with treats too often - otherwise the dog will lose its appetite for regular food.

The French Bulldog is prone to being overweight. The dog breeder’s task is to constantly monitor the dog’s weight , not to overfeed him, and maintain health for many years.

How to avoid obesity?

French Bulldogs are prone to overeating, which is why obesity is one of the most common problems in this breed. The reason for this is most often the increased care on the part of the owners, who, when leaving for work, leave a lot of food for the pet, fearing that it will not be hungry.

The only way to avoid obesity in a “Frenchie” is to monitor his diet and regularly walk him so that his pet has physical activity.

If your French Bulldog begins to show signs of gaining excess weight, you need to change your approach to feeding, switching to dietary food, and increase physical activity.

If this does not help and the pet continues to gain weight, you should contact your veterinarian to select the appropriate food and determine the correct feeding regimen.

In order not to take the situation to an extreme, it is worth weighing the “Frenchie” regularly and not allowing him to eat too much.

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