Made in USA - American dog breeds with photos and names

Dog breeds have been developed in many countries and on every continent except Antarctica. The United States, in particular, has given the dog world some incredible breeds.

From California to Massachusetts, these American dog breeds are as unique and diverse as the 50 states. They differ in appearance, temperament and goals. Some were bred to work, while others grew up more as companions.

Here are 10 dog breeds that were born and bred in the United States.

Some American dog breeds can be found fairly easily in animal shelters and reputable breeders across the country, but others are not as common. Try rescuing a specific breed if you have your heart set on a specific breed.

American Bulldog

The Bulldog originated in England many centuries ago, where it was used for property guarding, livestock walking, and barbaric blood sports. Bulldogs came to the United States in the 1700s, where they were also used on farms and ranches for livestock and as guard dogs.

Around the time of World War II, the breed almost disappeared, but breeders revived it and created the standard for the American version. These dogs are athletic, stocky and muscular, but they can also be quite friendly and humorous.

Characteristics of the American Akita Inu

The main character traits of the breed include:

  • compliance during training;
  • endurance and patience;
  • positive attitude towards swimming;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • conviviality;
  • lack of aggression;
  • lack of intrusiveness and importunity;
  • sensitivity to changes in the owner’s mood;
  • the pet will not be the first to get into a fight.

Rules of conduct for the owner

Despite the many positive character traits of the American Akita, its owner must adhere to several rules:

  • neglect of a dog is unacceptable;
  • physical violence is prohibited;
  • commands to the animal must be given calmly and firmly;
  • It is necessary to constantly demonstrate your leadership to your pet.

Relationships with people and animals

The American Akita is very attached to all family members. Prolonged separation from people can lead to depression. A dog is a good companion for long walks, hikes, sports and trips. The pet is capable of waiting for its owner for a long time, for example, next to a store.

The animal does not show aggression towards other people, but you should not provoke the dog. If the Akita senses the onset of danger, it will begin to protect family members. Therefore, representatives of the breed are often used as guards.

Akitas do not react to birds and cats. They have a positive attitude towards other dogs. Aggression is a response to bullying from another pet. In a house with a representative of this breed, you can keep other pets: cats, rodents, small dogs.

Communication with children

American Akitas are positive towards children. Dogs participate in any games and entertainment. When interacting with a child, the pet behaves tactfully and tries to move carefully so as not to accidentally hit the baby. It's not scary to leave a child with such a dog. The animal is ready to become a nanny and a first-class bodyguard for a little person.

Respect and devotion

Proper upbringing allows you to teach your pet to respect its owner and all family members. If a representative of the breed knows the command “Place!”, then he will not bother you. The “American” will obediently wait until the person has time to play with the animal.

Akitas have loyalty at the genetic level. If the owner needs to visit the store, the pet will calmly spend time waiting near the supermarket doors. Also, in case of urgent need, the dog is able to stand up for family members, risking its own life.

American Hairless Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier was born when a hairless female named Josephine was born from a litter of purebred rat terriers. Josephine's owners, Edwin and Willie Scott of Louisiana, set out to see if they could produce more hairless puppies by crossing Josephine with other rat terriers.

The American Hairless Terrier was fully recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2016 as part of the Terrier Group. This is the first hairless breed developed in the United States.

Dog breeds that were bred in the USA

We like herding dogs from Germany and Australia, setters from Ireland and England, and water dogs from Portugal and Spain. Even the Labrador Retriever, which is considered a typical American dog, is actually a Canadian breed. But there are still several popular dog breeds bred in the United States. They hail from the mountains of North Carolina, the snowy terrain of Alaska, and the bustling city streets of Massachusetts.

Northwest Explorer: Alaskan Malamute. This furry dog ​​breed is native to the 49th state. His ancestors helped the ancient Eskimos transport their sleighs and goods across snowy, desert landscapes. The Alaskan Malamute became especially popular during the Alaska Gold Rush in 1896, when miners were willing to buy sleighs and dog sleds from local residents at exorbitant prices.

Farmers' favorite: Rat Terrier. The word "rat" is literally translated from English as "rat". Rat Terriers were bred to become a versatile dog breed for the American household. Their main task is to catch rats and other pests, as well as hunt small game. Rat Terriers were created by mixing breeds: the Whippet and the Italian Greyhound gave them speed, and the Beagle had an excellent sense of smell. President Theodore Roosevelt was a fan of rat terriers, which were among the animals he and his family brought to the White House.

Ultimate beauty: American Eskimo Spitz. This white, fluffy dog ​​breed was developed in the 19th century by German immigrants to the United States by mixing the German Spitz and Italian Spitz breeds, so it is not surprising that it received its name.

New England Adventurer: Chinook. This rare breed of sled dog was born thanks to musher Arthur Treadwell Walden of Wonalansett, New Hampshire, who bred dogs of an unknown breed with “northern” huskies on his farm, resulting in tan puppies. One of these puppies was named Chinook. He and 15 other dogs accompanied Admiral Richard Byrd during his expedition to Antarctica in 1927.

Public favorite: American Staffordshire Terrier. The American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Pit Bull Terrier are very similar, which is why both breeds are often referred to simply as “pit bulls.” The dogs were popular among wealthy Americans and prominent politicians, who bet on them during dog fights. Staffords are also loved by farmers for their skills and sociability. World War I hero Sergeant Stubby is believed to be a cross between a Boston Terrier and a Pit Bull Terrier.

Midwest Mystery: American Water Spaniel. The origins of the American Water Spaniel remain a mystery, but it may well be a descendant of the now extinct English Water Spaniels, which are known to have been brought to America. The breed was discovered in the mid-19th century in the Fox River Valley in Wisconsin. Interest in the breed waned after World War II, but Dr. Fred J. Pfeiffer single-handedly revived it, largely by promoting the idea that the breed was “American Made.” The American Water Spaniel is currently the official dog breed of the State of Wisconsin.

New England Gentleman: Boston Terrier. These funny dogs are the result of crossing the English Bulldog and the now extinct White English Terrier. Despite their English roots, modern Boston Terriers are American to the core.

Mid-Atlantic Hunter: Chesapeake Bay Retriever. When a British brig was wrecked off the coast of Maryland in 1807, two Newfoundlands were rescued. They were named Sailor and Canton. The dogs had excellent abilities as retrievers. People began breeding them with local dogs and they eventually became the ancestors of today's Chesapeake Bay Retriever. This hunting dog, native to the Chesapeake Bay coast, is capable of taking 100 to 200 ducks in a day.

Southern Scout: Plott Hound. The Plott Hound is native to the mountains of western North Carolina. This breed was bred for hunting, home guarding and herding. The ancestors of the Plott Hound are five Bloodhounds that accompanied the German emigrant Johann Georg Plott to America in 1750. The Plott Hound was recognized as the official state dog of North Carolina in 1989.

Fearless Farmer's Helper: Toy Fox Terrier. This little farm dog protects America's barns and barns from rats and other small pests. The ancestors of the Toy Fox Terrier are the Smooth Fox Terrier, the Chihuahua and the Manchester Terrier.

Southern Charmer: Red Coonhound. The Red Coonhound is a strong and resilient dog. The ancestors of this breed are foxhounds, brought to America by colonial settlers from Scotland and Ireland, and local hounds. Famous Georgia fox hunter and dog breeder George Birdsong contributed greatly to the development of the Red Coonhound (or Redbone Coonhound). This breed was only recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2009.

And there are dogs that are not as cute as the tailed ones from this collection: The creepiest pet

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Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is a sled dog breed that is believed to have evolved from wolf dogs thousands of years ago. Its name comes from the Mahlemiut, an Inuit people from Alaska who developed a dog that could carry heavy loads over long distances and in harsh conditions.

The Alaskan Malamute has a thick double coat and a long tail that curls over its back to keep warm. Recognized by the American Kennel Club since 1935.

Description of the American Akita breed

The FCI officially approved the standard describing the breed in 2000. According to the document, representatives of the breed must meet the following data:

  • massive head without wrinkles;
  • well-defined, non-sharp transition from forehead to nose;
  • powerful jaws;
  • wide muzzle;
  • strong scissor-shaped teeth;
  • Direct bite is allowed;
  • small triangular dark brown eyes;
  • tight-fitting eyelids;
  • triangular erect ears;
  • black nose with wide nostrils;
  • black dry lips;
  • pink tongue;
  • massive short neck;
  • wide chest;
  • straight back;
  • tucked belly;
  • straight tail with a powerful base and coarse hair;
  • straight powerful limbs;
  • free movements in gait.

American Eskimo dog

Despite its name, the American Eskimo Dog was not created by native people, but by German immigrants to the United States who brought their German Spitz dogs with them in the early 1800s. The colorful and highly trainable white dogs proved extremely popular, and many even performed in circuses and other traveling shows.

During World War I, when there was prejudice against Germany, the name of the German Spitz was changed to the American Eskimo dog. Today's Eskies are still adorable and intelligent companions who love to have fun.


The Eskimo Spitz is a dog for an apartment or private home. Despite the fact that the thick coat protects from bad weather, it should not be kept in an enclosure. A pet needs to communicate with a person; it cannot be alone for a long time. Therefore, it is not recommended to have eskies for those who are constantly at work and rarely at home.

This dog needs to be taken outside 2 times a day. She needs long walks on which she can expend her energy. You don't just have to walk outside. Eskies love outdoor games: looking for and fetching objects, running after a ball or stick, overcoming obstacles. In winter, these dogs do not freeze, their fur protects them from frost, wind, rain, and they love to roll around in the snow. But in slushy weather, it is recommended to take your pet out in overalls, since white fur is difficult to wash off dirt.

Interesting photographs show the features of these dogs:


The long, luxurious coat of the Eskimo Spitz requires careful care. It needs to be combed at least 3 times a week. Pay special attention to the collar and pants, as tangles often form on them.

It is not recommended to cut the eskies; the undercoat will not recover after this. Only hygienic haircuts are allowed: on the paws, under the tail, on the belly. You should not bathe this dog often, once every 3-4 months is enough. Spitz dogs have sensitive skin - frequent washing can lead to dermatitis.

The rest of the hygiene procedures are simple: regularly check and, if necessary, clean the ears and eyes. If the claws do not grind down on the asphalt, they need to be trimmed. Chewing bones can be given to remove tartar.


It is recommended to feed your Eskimo Spitz with premium or super-premium dry food. It is balanced, does not contain starch and synthetic additives. But the composition contains a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. There must be at least 50% meat.

These dogs are prone to obesity, and dry food is easier to dose than natural food. They need to be fed twice a day at the same time.

If the owner has chosen a natural diet, you need to carefully select products. More than half of the volume should be lean meat: beef, turkey, rabbit. You also need to give porridge, vegetables, and herbs. Fruits and dairy products are healthy. Additionally, it is recommended to add multivitamins, fish oil or bone meal to your food.

You should not give your dog sweets, chocolate, sausages, smoked foods, pickles or canned food. Legumes, mushrooms, pork, baked goods, and tubular bones are prohibited. Pet food should not be salted or spiced.


With good care and timely vaccination, Eskies live at least 14 years. They have good immunity, but there is a tendency to some hereditary diseases:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • osteochondropathy;
  • dermatological pathologies.

These dogs are also prone to obesity, allergies, and dermatitis. But these diseases usually develop due to errors in maintenance and nutrition. Blue-eyed Eskies often have hereditary deafness or blindness.

Australian Shepherd

The name Australian Shepherd is a complete misnomer; the breed was developed in the United States, not Australia. The Australian Shepherd got its name because its predecessors passed through Australia.

People from the region near the Pyrenees Mountains brought their herding dogs to Australia when they immigrated there. Then some California ranchers got hold of some of these shepherds and developed the Australian shepherd we know and love today. The Australian is extremely intelligent, athletic, energetic and personable.

Mexican hairless dog

Adult dog weight: from 4 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 25 to 60 cm. Currently, three varieties of the breed are known: mini, standard and medium sizes. Hence such a large spread in parameters. These unusual dogs, completely or partially hairless, are the epitome of pets with a huge sense of self-esteem.

They hardly bark and are attentive to the emotions of their person. It is very easy to make friends with a Mexican Hairless Dog puppy, but only one can become its best friend. Adults are wary of strangers. They delicately bark and circle around their owner’s feet, warning him of the approach of a suspicious person.

The love of outdoor games and active sports is in the Mexicans' blood. You need to walk with them for at least an hour a day, and just sitting on a bench and observing is unlikely to work - dogs actively involve their owners in their games, bringing them toys, as if inviting them to share active leisure time.

When deciding to buy a Mexican Hairless dog, do not forget about choosing the right food for medium breed dogs. This breed is very prone to allergic reactions and vitamin deficiency, which is why a balanced diet is so important for it. Only ready-made premium food or a natural diet, which a veterinarian will help you create, is suitable for pets.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier was bred in, you guessed it, Boston, Massachusetts. The dog, Judge, who was a cross between a bulldog and an extinct white English terrier, was sold to a Boston resident. Judge was quite small, weighing about 12 kg, but was quite muscular.

He laid the foundation for the Boston Terrier breed. Selective breeding produced dogs that were even smaller and had cute faces, giving us the breed we have today.


A healthy breed whose puppies are less vulnerable to infectious diseases than babies of other species. But there is still a genetic predisposition to certain problems:

  • pelvic dysplasia;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • bloating;
  • incorrect position of the eyelids;
  • epilepsy;
  • infertility.

A problem such as dysplasia most often occurs if, during the period of growing up, the Akita puppy endures too much physical activity and does not eat properly. A diet carefully selected by specialists and adjusted loads will help avoid illness.

American Akitas live from 10 to 14 years.

Boykin Spaniel

The Boykin Spaniel was developed in South Carolina at the turn of the 20th century by breeders who wanted a fairly small dog that could be used to hunt turkeys from a boat.

According to legend, all Boykins were descended from a small outbred stray breed trained by Whitaker "Whit" Boykin. These cheerful, sociable dogs get along well with other dogs and perhaps the family cat if taught to respect them, but pet birds should not be considered safe around the Boykin. The Boykins love people, including well-mannered children.

Historical reference

American dog breeds form a small group. This is due to the fact that residents of the New World prefer to have European and Canadian breeds.

As in any other country, breeds have been bred for many centuries, from the first settlers and Indians to modern breeders.

There are breeds that were not born in America, but were brought from other countries, but took root and became famous thanks to the Americans.

Dogs have been bred since ancient times to perform certain functions - guarding, protection, hunting, fishing, etc. Dog breeders crossed shaggy pets, trying to achieve a luxurious exterior, catchy color, optimal body proportions , etc.

The first dogs probably came to America by land over the Bering Strait during the last Ice Age. They accompanied the aborigines on this difficult and long journey, full of dangers and adventures.

American Akita

the nomads began to form tribes of Indians, with whom dogs lived and helped their owners. In those distant times, shaggy pets:

  • took an active part in the hunt and brought back prey;
  • protected people from wild animals;
  • hauled loads;
  • were used as sacrifices.

Then the colonists went to conquer America with their pets, which then crossed with local dogs and gradually formed the now known breeds , many of which are not yet recognized by the FCI.

Dogs are the first domesticated animals, and we cannot live without them in the modern world.

First, there was a need to do a certain job, then a pet was chosen that could do it best. If a suitable breed was not found, it had to be created by crossing other relatives to form certain working qualities.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever was bred in the area of ​​the Chesapeake Bay, an estuary that runs through Maryland and Virginia. The Chessie, as it is often called, was developed by duck hunters to be an excellent hunter and swimmer, as well as a tireless duck catcher.

Newfoundlands, Irish Water Spaniels and Beagles are likely part of his genetic mix. The dog has webbed feet that help it swim, as well as fur that repels water and keeps it warm.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is incredibly sociable and loves to spend a lot of time with everyone in the family. Dogs of this breed love to be the center of attention and receive praise from their owner.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherds are dogs with a strong-balanced-calm type of GNI, with a very well-developed reaction of a defensive type, manifested in an active form

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso, along with other Molossians, has a very strong character, is capable of showing independence, and can sometimes be quite stubborn.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

A cheerful, cheerful dog. A good hunter and a loyal friend for any hunter. The Karelo-Finnish husky hunts wild boars and other ungulates well. A rare dog with an interesting character.

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

Miniature pinschers are lively, very easy to raise and train dogs that are distinguished by their mobility, restraint and playfulness within the family, as well as their distrust of all strangers.

Miniature Schnauzer (Miniature Schnauzer)

The owner of a miniature schnauzer must understand that his pet, wary of others, will zealously protect the family and the owner’s property. A miniature dog will communicate equally with any dogs, regardless of their size.

Cairn Terrier

The Cairn Terrier is a cheerful, active dog that easily adapts to changes in environment and situation. A stable psyche allows an animal not only to quickly switch to new external factors, but also to make adequate decisions

Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terriers are active, restless dogs, constantly radiating optimism and energy. These qualities make the breed an excellent companion for those who prefer an active lifestyle.

Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Cresteds are very sensitive and reverent creatures that will relentlessly follow their owner wherever he goes, faithfully wagging their tail and looking into their eyes.


Kooikerhondje are intelligent, attentive and always ready to please their owner. They are very dependent on their environment, affectionate, cheerful and active.


Being a very sociable and obedient dog, the Kromforlander wants to constantly be close to his family. They are very smart, and they are always happy to communicate and work with their owner.


Xoloitzcuintles are quiet and calm dogs without signs of any unmotivated aggression. Such a very cheerful, vigilant and smart pet may well be suspicious of strangers, therefore it deservedly belongs to the category of good watchmen and excellent companions.


By their nature, Shorthaired Pointers are not only excellent hunters, but also loving, full-fledged members of the family. German pointers are intelligent and friendly dogs that strive to please their owner.

Catahoula Leopard Dog

A hardy dog ​​breed developed in the South as a versatile farm and hunting dog, the Catahoula Leopard Dog is named for its place of origin: Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. Today the Catahoula is the official state dog of Louisiana.

Although Catahoula leopard dogs are working dogs, they are also devoted family companions. Most of them get along well with respectful children when they grow up with them. But due to their hunting instincts, they may not get along well with other pets.


For a long time, Americans have bred fighting and guard dogs, large and powerful, such as the American Bulldog, Alaskan Malamute, Staffordshire Terrier, etc.

The plush American Akita, obtained by crossing Akita Inu with shepherd dogs and mastiffs, was very popular.

The Pit Bull Terrier was also registered in the states, the first of which were bred to participate in dog fighting and baiting wild animals.

Fighting dogs native to the USA are the Bandog, Staffordshire Terrier, Bully, and American Bulldog.

All of these breeds, if improperly raised, can harm or even kill a person , which is why many countries have banned their ownership and distribution.

American Bulldog

Toy Fox Terrier

The Toy Fox Terrier was developed in the United States in the 1930s by combining Smooth Fox Terriers with toy breeds including Miniature Pinschers and Italian Greyhounds. This is a sweet, cheerful and friendly dog. However, Toy Fox Terriers are also small and fragile, so they are not recommended for families with rowdy children. These dogs are energetic and playful, but due to their size they can live in small spaces.

Chow chow

Adult dog weight: from 20 to 32 kg. The height at the withers is from 46 to 56 cm. The external characteristics of the Chow Chow make this breed very special: unusually fluffy, with a lilac tongue, these miracle dogs instantly become the center of attention of both children and adults. But behind such a sweet appearance hides a proud beast with high self-esteem and a huge reserve of stubbornness. Proper training can change the situation for the better.

It is better if the puppy is brought to the new home as a baby. Chow-chows choose their own owner from among all family members, but they accept the rest calmly, without excessive familiarity. The Chow Chow gives love to only one owner; it receives love from others.

Chow-chows are very silent; they will never bark without a very good reason. Everyone who knows the breed better assures that the Chow Chow is a very loyal, kind, but at the same time independent friend. Chow chows remember insults for a long time: a child who pulled a puppy by the tail is unlikely to be able to win his trust even at a more mature age.

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