Alabai: advantages and disadvantages of the breed, how to raise it correctly?

Alabai is one of the large breeds of dogs used to guard private households, as well as conduct dog fights. They are very popular among men, a real big dog. But when there are children in the house, the question arises whether it is possible to leave the dog with the child. Reviews from owners and the practice of breeders say that Alabai and children get along well together. At the same time, the Central Asian Shepherd will continue to faithfully serve to protect all family members.

Description of the breed

Alabai is an ancient breed of dog originally from Central Asia, which originated more than 4 thousand years ago.
They were not bred artificially; the breed was formed naturally and as a result of folk selection. Such dogs have been used since ancient times by Central Asian shepherds and were quite widespread: from the Caspian Sea to Western China, from Afghanistan to the south of the Urals. (Types of Alabaev) Main characteristics:

  • Height: 60–75 cm.
  • Weight: 45–77 kg.
  • Characteristic color: white, gray, black, various shades of fawn, brindle.
  • Lifespan: 11–15 years.
  • Coat length: 4–8 cm, hard coat with thick undercoat.
  • Price per puppy: $150–200.

It can be seen that Alabai has very impressive characteristics. A dog weighs almost the same as an adult. The wool is thick and helps keep you warm in all weather conditions. Overall the breed is of a high level. Accordingly, the price will be rather high.

What is another name?

Alabai comes from the words: “ala” - black spots, “bai” - rich, literally - rich in black spots. This is a secondary name; it is correct to call this breed a Central Asian Shepherd. Also common names are: wolfhound, Turkmen alabai, Turkmen wolfhound, Asian, Turkmen shepherd dog.

History and origin

The Asian appeared through folk selection from a mixture of the Tibetan mastiff and the herding dogs of the nomads of Central Asia, as well as Mongolian shepherd dogs. The nomads selected individuals with the best qualities - the hardiest, largest and strongest. Thus, a similar breed appeared, distinguished by its ability to guard and protect its owners.

In the 1930s, factory work with these dogs began in the Soviet Union. It was planned that they could be trained en masse and used to protect government facilities. It turned out that the task is difficult to implement due to the character and psychology of the Alabais. They require an individual approach.

The new standard was assigned in 2010.

Reference. This breed is not very popular today, because purebred Alabai in Turkmenistan are considered a national treasure and are prohibited for export.

What does it look like?

  1. The muzzle is massive and wide, with pronounced volume, filled over the entire surface. The forehead is not convex. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is weakly expressed. The nose is large, black or brown.
  2. The eyes are round in shape. Eyes wide apart. Dark color.
  3. The ears are small, hanging, triangular, low set. They are often docked.
  4. The body is powerful. Asians have a short neck, which turns into a wide and deep chest. The ribs are rounded and the back is straight, strongly built and broad. The loin is short, convex, and wide when viewed from above. The back of the dog's body is muscular, almost horizontal. The pelvis is located higher than most dogs. The belly is tucked in.
  5. The limbs are strong. The bones are powerful. The angles of the limbs are average. The paws are strong, compact, oval shaped.
  6. The tail is saber-shaped and usually docked to medium length. The dog almost always keeps it near the ground.
  7. The coat is coarse, straight in appearance and feels harsh. It is divided into 2 categories: long wool (about 7–8 cm) and short (3–4 cm), smooth. The undercoat is quite thick.
  8. The color can be black, gray, brown, whitish, red, fawn, as well as brindle, piebald or speckled. Unacceptable: liver, chocolate and blue colors.

Although the breed was not formed through artificial selection, its appearance was shaped over centuries under the supervision of nomads. They created conditions under which only the parameters described above were preserved. These people carefully ensured that new generations of puppies had a powerful physique that would help them perform their duties more efficiently.


When dealing with this breed, you need to pay attention to the animal’s not particularly flexible character and needs. It is important to devote a lot of time and effort to training, because otherwise the dog may get out of control of the owner.

How does he bark?

Such dogs bark quite often, thus they warn the owner about strangers or other dogs in the territory, and they also scare away strangers by barking and growling.


Dogs of this breed live from 11 to 15 years. It depends on the pedigree, certain diseases and lifestyle. Your pet will live longer if you take it for walks more often and follow a diet.

In its natural environment, an alabai will live 16–17 years, since it is not limited in mobility and is often in the fresh air.

Nothing in such conditions will limit the possibilities of a healthy and active life.

At home, the duration can be reduced by poor diet, routine, and stress. Also, locking yourself within four walls will have a negative impact on your pet’s life.

ATTENTION! If for some reason your Alabai is forced to live in an apartment, he needs at least two or three walks a day for a long time.

Evil or not

Alabai is a very proud, balanced and self-confident dog.
He is not overly aggressive and will never attack a person who does not pose a threat. He is not particularly friendly towards other people's dogs, he can easily attack, but he is quite friendly towards those who grew up in the same house with him. It will not attack strangers, but will scare away with an angry growl. He treats children very well, can play with them and will become a loyal protector.

Can it attack the owner?

Alabai is very proud, so the first question is how to become his master. It is necessary to achieve respect in his eyes. Only when he sees a real leader in a person will he begin to consider him his master. Now he will perceive the person as a leader and will never harm him, being a faithful protector.

Dog Alabai - reviews about the breed

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02/29/2020 at 22:48


Great breed. Our Barosha is 3 years old. A very big, smart and balanced dog. He lives in an apartment, and for the summer we take the children to the village to visit their grandparents. On walks he behaves balancedly, without reacting to strangers. He plays friendly with many breeds of dogs on walks, which do not show aggression towards him, of course))). He never barked in the apartment. He eats a little on the command “maybe”, even in a cup with his hands, even if he sits next to him he doesn’t even make a peep. He loves children very much. He only lets strangers into the house on command. We love our red Alabai very much. Because this breed is wayward and strong and must understand that it is a family member and not a leader, he raised him strictly and harshly. In general, we have a very good dog, a faithful and devoted friend and comrade.

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The best and most beautiful dogs in the world, loyal to their owner, they just need to be loved, and not brought up on a chain with kicks.

Zhurenko Sergey

to each his own I had shepherd dogs that completely suck, now the second Alabai is a super dog, she talks, you just need to learn to live with her in communication, this breed is 4 thousand years old, very smart, not for the stupid and weak, a dog for real men, she understands at one glance what is needed, but guys if you bought an Alabai in a gateway, then you get that and you get a mongrel of the Alabai breed

never sat on a chain, he has his own enclosure, but likes to lie by the fireplace, wakes him up by a clock, probably a Swiss one, you’ll say wait 10 minutes, a second in a second, honey mushrooms will come up, you’ll say wait, he’ll lie there, wait until you say, but I won’t comment on the size, I don’t think he’s a dog, but The polar bear doesn’t want to brag, but before he does anything, he stands and thinks and always looks back to check whether I’m doing it correctly or not.


Best breed!! The rest of the scenery


Change yourself as an owner, and there will be happiness. But YOU are the one and not the owner. The dogs are simply deprived


There is hardly a dumber breed than this one. Maybe they guard the sheep, but guarding the house sucks!!! It's a nightmare for the neighbors! a fly flew by - woof-woof-woof, a bird sang - woof-woof-woof, a neighbor had one like this, an elderly bitch. I annoyed all the neighbors when she fell silent - it was a holiday. The time has come - she died! Everyone rested for exactly a year. A neighbor found the same breed - exactly the same. And just as stupid (after all, it’s a breed). A fly, a bird, a mouse - and woof and woof and woof. I’m not even saying that guests have come to see me, or I’m walking around the yard (my own). Natural milkweed. Don't know. Now it’s winter, it’s not critical. But in the spring I’m afraid that I won’t be able to stand it and feed her a cutlet. Well, I can’t listen to this nasty whistling bark all summer.


I read it and don’t understand who they are writing about?! I have never met a smarter dog! You just need to buy from good breeders, look at the parents. A good dog is expensive. 50,000 somewhere! Before eating, he’s calm, I can pull meat out of his mouth. He just watches and waits to see what else I want from him. He’ll caress his own people, everyone with the kindest soul! But if someone’s a stranger, screw it, it’s better not to enter. There won’t be any strangers left on your territory. they can’t be kept in an enclosure, and there’s no talk about the chain. He’s a shepherd, a free dog. Then his psyche is reinforced concrete. I taught him almost nothing, he does everything himself.,, it’s impossible, he just worked it out. I’m ready to do everything to make the owner happy .we walk on the street, he doesn’t pay attention to anyone unless anyone provokes him. He sometimes sleeps in the enclosure when I’m leaving or strangers, and so he’s always on the territory. He shares cats for a while, at first he chased them, but when he realized that they mine, follows on their heels. There is no better dog to guard the house. In the evening, he runs around the entire territory, smells rustling 100 meters away. He eats nothing, is not sick with anything, his chest is like a horse’s.. you really need a good owner and parents of the same breed, not mixed I don’t know with whom.. a dog is not for everyone. but if you raise it correctly, you won’t find a better friend!


Technology loves...and these are great friends


We bought a puppy at 1 month of age (the breeders urgently had to leave and sold the puppies very small). He grew up in an apartment, walked often and for a long time. At four months he already knew the commands for next to him, place, sit, ew, lie down. From the first feeding they taught him to sit next to him touch his food with his bowl and hands, so that later he doesn’t guard the food from us. Our alabayka ate only after the command - “you can”! Our only omission in upbringing is that we didn’t let strangers pet him and the dog grew up very aggressive towards strangers on walks, he won’t let anyone get close, he was taught to wear a muzzle very early (this is important). Now we live with him at the dacha all the time, for him We built an 8 meter long enclosure with a booth. The command “place” is carried out even if it is said very quietly - the dog rushes into the enclosure and sits down. You need to exercise your dog, feed it properly, walk a lot, and then you will see what a devoted friend and guard it will grow up to be... We feed it natural food, give it beef trimmings and cottage cheese and eggs and carrots and meat and bone meal with vitamin D and A. The breed is very good, but like everything else it requires attention, patience and work. And daily exercise. Now our pet is two years old and understands us perfectly, we haven’t beaten him even once, we take him into the house very often, because he grew up in an apartment and of course he’s bored, he just lie next to me., I never stole anything from the table, but I gnawed a lot of “forgotten” things, shoes and even wallpaper... but we all survived it.


I read the negative reviews and my eyes are wide open. I really doubt the adequacy of people. Alabai: never just barks (I repeat - NEVER), eats less than even smaller breeds, is an excellent guard (although he scares him first and doesn’t attack right away), is not afraid of anything, adores his owner and family members, is ready to turn inside out to get praise from the owner, you can get into the cup of food with your hands, feet and anything else. Real disadvantages: weak-willed owner - daily testing, although when the owner is in the mood “Everything is bad”, they will lick you, turn their belly on, sigh sympathetically and fulfill any whim, you can use it no more than once every six months. It's like raising a human teenager, you constantly need to show that YOU are stronger, smarter and madly in love. The dog simply has no other disadvantages!



  • angry when he eats
  • sheds
  • eats a lot
  • self-sufficient and independent

These dogs are not for an apartment or even a home. Protecting herds over large areas, or, in extreme cases, workshops or factories, is excellent. Dogs are wayward and stubborn. They often bite their owners, and they have to feed them with a “shovel” so as not to become dinner themselves.

Alabai’s friend has it, so he believes that his friend’s wife is his property, although he is still a puppy, 14 months old. ! During training, although in the classical form the Alabai does not need it, he is simply a virtuoso of cowardice and obstinacy. Although he guards the yard perfectly, he almost ate his neighbor.

Among my friends, Alabai, when a fight broke out between the owner and some guy, just stood there, although he constantly barked at all passers-by while walking.

Another friend of friends got an Alabai for her child with cerebral palsy, but gave him away as a puppy, because when the puppy was given a bone, his eyes became bloodshot.

I also saw an Alabai who bit his owners, and they wanted to put him to sleep, but there were people who took him. I don’t know the future fate.


there will be stupid people and any stupid dog. I have been living with us for 11 years already. Alabai is the smartest breed, she is a member of the family, and if you have a cross between an Alabai and a Caucasian, then you don’t understand the dogs of Kalmykia Elista,

[email protected]

gorgeous, very smart dogs. We have three of them. A boy and two girls. They all have a different character, but everyone listens to the owner. They are not animals, but family members understand everything and talk in their own way. After the Alabais, the Germans fade. But... you need to choose your dog carefully. take and especially the Turkmen Alabai. see the parents. take into account his opinion. and also, you have to be strong in spirit, don’t be afraid, but love this dog, otherwise the dog will dominate


Gorgeous dogs. An Alabai girl has been living with us for three years, and we don’t know any grief. Adequate, smart, excellent security guard. Now we have adopted a male dog. We are growing. It's more difficult with boys. The character is stubborn, but amenable to training. Attention is required. Immediately make it clear who is the boss. The puppy is still 2 months old, but I already defend my own, I am touchy, so raising it is more difficult than raising a bitch.


A gorgeous dog would also buy this for children or give it as a gift. You have a good dog!!!



  • It is considered the most “tolerant” in relation to the owner.


  • The owners neglect technology without danger: they even walk without a muzzle, allow them to escape from the territory where the dogs are, and the pet walks AWOL.

I always knew that shepherds are the most loyal and intelligent of all breeds. At least that's what experts say. And shepherd dogs are the most vindictive. I have never researched how many species of these dogs there are. And recently I saw this monster. We have a base on the street. Two alabai guard this territory. One day I was walking with my mother, and then this giant stuck his huge head through the rotten wooden bars (it’s like a fence they have). In the mouth there is a bone the size of a human. And tries to jump over the fence. It seems that someday he will succeed. This Alabai repeatedly made tunnels and walked along the street, scaring people. Then they saw a teenage girl walking him on a leash and without a muzzle. Horror!!! The dog is really very large and dangerous. After all, it seems that she was bred to hunt lions. Once she went to see my mother. Mom told her: “You can’t! “and the dog obeyed. Not everyone will be able to say anything at all in this case. Especially a child. Look at this Alabai, drowning in a snowdrift. And you won’t immediately understand what can develop greater speed.

There is a video on YouTube of how one “clever guy” climbed into his Alabai dog’s booth. She followed him in, but only barked. Then the dog was taken away by the “clever guy’s” grandmother. It’s simply terrible that owners allow themselves to neglect safety precautions, allowing their charges to break out and wander around AWOL. It’s terrible that they walk her on a leash and without a muzzle. Such dogs cannot be kept on a chain. Only in enclosures. I think they should be taken out into open areas, into nature for walks. But putting other people at risk...



  • big
  • kind to children
  • Kind
  • beautiful
  • affectionate
  • lives well both in an apartment and in a booth
  • fits like a watchdog
  • becomes a real family member
  • respects family members
  • smart
  • good health


  • requires daily work
  • aggressive
  • big
  • angry when he eats
  • eats a lot
  • good daily physical and mental activity is necessary
  • often aggressive towards fellow humans

Dogs are always loyal to their owner, but only for so long! If you look after and care for your dog, it will always serve you and protect you! but when a dog is treated like an animal, then don’t expect good results! Dogs know how to endure, but remember everything, love or hate their owners! The Central Asian Shepherd Dog Alabai is a very proud dog, devoted to its owner, quickly settles into the family and fulfills all requirements!


My dad gave me an Alabai dog, he is still small and good, we just arrived home, in one day he managed to get used to me and remember the command to sit, and on the second day give me a paw, amazing! I had a dog, she couldn’t remember two commands for a month. The puppy should be on driserovon! The dog is big and aggressive! But I still have a puppy, I try to be together with him more, because there are many cases when the dog rushed at the owner! but my dad trains dogs well! And my uncle was a dog handler!!! And so far everything is fine, the puppy eats little, but eats 3-4 times a day, but there is not enough in the bowl, the dog is smart! Will protect the owner! A dog can, of course, attack, depending on how they are raised, but no matter how many dogs I’ve had, no one has attacked them! Of course he could bark and growl, but there was no such thing as throwing himself at a person! The Alabai dog is easy to train! And I want to give advice first: Play with the dog and then train it so that it doesn’t get distracted! The dog is great!


I don’t know, everyone here presents Alabai as a monster, ferocious and aggressive. I picked up such a dog myself eight years ago and have never regretted it. The smartest and kindest. Lives in an apartment with us. If a person himself is not balanced, the dog will be so too. The dog is like that in personality. Something like this…. It's my opinion.



  • There are no advantages


  • Aggressive or cowardly
  • gene pool completely spoiled by breeders
  • sick dogs all over the place

A completely spoiled breed of dogs bred by Russian kennels.

All breeding is aimed only at obtaining the greatest profit. There are many hereditary diseases, and such dogs still continue to be bred, offspring are obtained from them, and they are sold. Breeders hide from buyers all the problems that await them with the purchase of a Cao puppy. Dogs die at the age of 4-6 years. They become deaf, go blind, or die suddenly.

It has little in common with native dogs in Central Asia. Breeders are usually dishonest and greedy people. Dogs are cowardly or aggressive, plus a bunch of diseases - dysplasia, toothlessness, cryptorchidism. Also, CAO with such a hereditary, genetically transmitted disease as idiopathic aggression began to appear more and more! I advise you to read about this disease. And it’s one thing when it manifests itself in a lapdog, and another thing when it manifests itself in a large dog. That is, this is a sudden attack of aggression out of the blue, including towards the owner, as a result of which it is not just a bite, but multiple serious bites. There is no cure, only euthanasia. I do not advise anyone to adopt this breed; with a high degree of probability you may end up with a sick animal with an unstable psyche. Avoid our breeders and their kennels, do not buy this spoiled breed! You won’t get anything else except problems and money. It’s better for the flocks in Central Asia to graze and fight with wolves, that’s where their purpose is.



  • Loves children
  • obedient
  • good shepherd.


  • Doesn't like drunks
  • weak legs in old age
  • drool.

We bought Alabai about 6 years ago. The puppy was named Gray at 2 months old. I can say that the dog is very good and obedient. We tried to educate. They bought meat (cuts) from the market especially for him. Kept in an enclosure. Doesn't like drunk people, if someone came drunk, she barked very loudly. The relationship with children is very good, she really loved to play with my sister. The ears were cut off by complete strangers because they were vindictive. But I didn’t let the tail be cut off, then I realized that it would have been necessary to cut it off. He ran away from the enclosure many times, but never touched anyone. They may also not fall in love with some animal, and if they do not love it, then no obstacles will hold it back. He didn’t like goats among his friends, he broke all the chains. Also, relatives have Alabai, they keep him on chains, it’s scary to walk past their house. Not to mention coming in, very angry. Therefore, do not keep them on a chain. And the dog is wonderful.

At the moment, in order to purchase this dog, do not forget to register it.


Perhaps the best breed for guarding a country house, it is quite independent, this has both pros and cons. Of the pros, it does many things itself; of the minuses, it carries out obvious commands; protects children at the level of instinct. Feeding is better than natural food (porridge), inexpensive (trimmings, trachea, etc., cereals) Important!!! regular treatment against ticks, they have practically no immunity against this infection. We lost our pet because of a counterfeit drug. And with normal contact and care and without genetic defects, the size of a calf is the soul of a child. We were friends with all the dogs we knew they tried to make friends with strangers. I knew all the neighbors with distrust only towards strangers, absolute round-the-clock protection of their territory. You need to exercise and communicate constantly, you can’t hit, the dog should have respect and not fear. Moreover, these are very large dogs and in case it comes to direct conflict, the consequences can be sad for both sides. Therefore, if you are not confident in yourself (physical strength has nothing to do with it, although you still need to be a strong person), you will not have enough time for walks and training, do not get a dog , deprived of even imaginary freedom, locked, chained, she quickly turns into an aggressive beast. And with proper treatment, she is the best friend and protector.


A wonderful dog, incredibly smart, sensitive to its owner. But not for everyone, this is not a German shepherd, the Alabai has its own opinion, and you need to be able to negotiate.


The dog was picked up on the street at the age of about 2 years. She was injured, it is possible that this was the work of her former owners. Everyone dissuaded her from taking her into the apartment and warned about the danger and difficult nature of the Alabais...

What we have after half a year of marriage:

- very smart, cunning and strong dog - great self-esteem - adores all family members, but does not listen to everyone (she chose the “chief” in the family and obeys only him, but will not deny herself the pleasure of manipulating) - gets along well with children - tolerant to the cat - he is friends with the second family dog, protects it. - eats like an elephant, prefers natural food - needs to be brushed every day - does not like to walk up stairs - can bark at any noise at night - has a personal opinion on every event and is not going to change it - can be stubborn - sings with a guitar and can sing correctly when singing falls into tune - protects everything that, in her opinion, belongs to the owner without any commands - may bark at a little-known dog on the street, but does not conflict with the dogs of friends and neighbors. - why the previous owners got rid of the dog and why it was injured remains a mystery to us


Alabai is the man of the house. Strong and stubborn. He needs to be petted more as a child. But sometimes it is necessary to arrange provocations with the selection of bones. If you deserve it, you should immediately hit it on the head. After this, you will put up with it for two or three days. When he gets offended, the first sign is that he stops making eye contact. It is completely useless to beat for disobedience. Never hit him to make him shut up or go away. Take it with cunning, but not with a two-move combination of commands. Of course not suitable for an apartment.


A dog with a difficult character will choose 1 owner; the rest should better not meddle in the food bowl :)

Choose your breeder very carefully. There is a lot of marriage. Aggression towards a person is not practically corrected; this is considered plembracism.

Be sure to walk a lot, even a lot! It is quite difficult to grow, due to its large size - it requires supplements, vitamins, and chondroprotectors.

An Asian is not a Labrador, he needs to be trained constantly.

Without experience, it is better to take a shepherd dog or a black Russian terrier. Or move in a Dog Trainer for the first year - he will spend half a year training the owner, half a year the dog :)


The smartest dog in the world - Alabai has lived with us for 6 years!!! With such a dog there’s nothing scary... you don’t have to lock the doors ;-)))) Like a person, he understands everything, he just can’t say it!! I recommend it for your own home; it would be a shame to keep such a dog in an apartment!! We have built an enclosure for her with an insulated kennel, in case of guests, we lock the dog there. In winter, at -40, he sleeps in the snow, is not fussy about food, does not eat much!!!


A dog is gold. Family member.


You have to love Alabai... you can’t beat them, they are very vindictive. They will remember it all their lives if they are not deservedly punished.. if you need a dog that will wait for a command, take a shepherd dog. Alabai always has his own opinion on everything... but if there is contact in communication, then he is a completely obedient dog. Feels normal in the apartment. but it requires long walks.. And you can fully learn about the breed only by communicating with the dog.. if you have no experience in keeping large dogs, then a shepherd dog is better..



  • big
  • kind to children
  • respects family members


  • I don't know the shortcomings

We bought a house and decided to buy a dog without thinking for a long time and decided to buy Alabai! We now have Leopard, white. We adopted a 1.5 month old puppy, well, a toy, now we have been sitting in the enclosure for 8 months and breaking the fittings, the calf has grown so big! No one will rush past him, always on the alert, he only recognizes family members, he is affectionate towards children, but he is very playful and knocks him off his feet at once with the strength of a Meren! He eats little, although when we saw his dad we thought it would be hard for us to feed him, but it turned out that Alabai knows how to eat in moderation! I liked this breed and we are planning to get another one for company! An excellent breed for guarding a private home! The dog is great!!!! We love him very much like a child!


For me they are smelly, this is the main disadvantage.

+ it’s natural to educate immediately and if you agree to the chain, it goes wild



  • big
  • kind to children
  • Kind
  • beautiful
  • affectionate
  • soft
  • has no equal as a dog for protecting territory
  • does not shed
  • fits like a watchdog
  • becomes a real family member
  • respects family members
  • smart, good health


  • I don't know the shortcomings

My family and I got a dog and our choice fell on Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog), we brought him to the dacha as a puppy. The dog developed quickly and after a couple of years already weighed about 25 kg with well-developed muscles. The dog is very kind and loves children, you need to let it off the chain 3 times a day! A balanced, courageous, extremely reasonable dog, devoted to its owner; distinguished by cleanliness! Well, like all dogs, they have difficulties, such as a difficult character, long walks with physical activity. Other than that, the dog is just super!



  • wonderful guards
  • incredibly smart
  • suitable for hunting
  • beautiful
  • powerful


  • difficult to maintain and raise properly

In our family, everyone loves animals, some have chickens at home, some have cats, some have cows) For example, one of my relatives takes care of dogs. This man started this business for a reason, he is a veterinarian by profession, and has devoted many years to working with our little brothers. At the same time, there are dogs, namely Central Asian Shepherds and Alabais. The entire yard is already occupied by enclosures; he considers it almost a sin to keep a dog on a chain. I also think so, every creature needs freedom, or at least the illusion of freedom... But with his dogs, everything is for real: they are everywhere they should be. The owner lives in one of our republics, very remote, where his dogs learn to herd cattle and hunt, they are taught to guard. Where in the city can an alabai run around the pasture? ) Yes, nowhere, he will sit in a cramped apartment and in his entire life he will not do half of what he is capable of...

These dogs are very strong, they love to move and work. They get along well together and are friends, but they cannot be called playful. They are friendly if the owner asks. In general, these are dangerous animals, of course. The breed has a very interesting history, from which it becomes clear why Alabai are so hardy and hardy.

I don’t know the details of how Alabai take root with new owners and I won’t tell you the exact age at which they can be adopted. It seems to me that it will be difficult if you take such a dog almost an adult; they have a very developed sense of devotion to their owner, it’s not for nothing that they are such good guards. Mainly for protection they are bought from the person to whom I am writing here. He has no idea that I am dedicating an article to him on the Internet) But this is not an advertisement, and we are talking about dogs, not about the breeder.

I had to communicate with Alabai several times, these are just bears, not dogs) At first they are very reserved, then they relax little by little, and then turn into bear cubs (however, these bear cubs can kill me at any moment if I, for example, attack the owner attack and he will ask them for protection), cute, with thick, coarse hair, and they also resemble small ponies)

Very powerful dogs that cannot live on a chain. They have enormous potential, such dogs need space, very good discipline and a strict but loving owner.

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They treat children well (if you take them from normal parents, and not just like crazy), my child rides dogs.

As for who is better - a bitch or a dog, then it is better not of the same gender as in toys (i.e. if both are males, then the bitch).


Our male dog recently turned 5 years old and you simply cannot find a better dog to guard your home! It starts to grumble as soon as someone appears within sight from the yard. And at the same time a good guy! Children don't like him. The main thing is not to skimp on a good dog. Let it be more expensive, but you can be sure that he won’t start behaving strangely as he gets a little older.


Our neighbors have an Alabai, he is 4 years old, what a big angry dog ​​(I can’t even describe it, it’s some kind of nightmare) I’ve never seen anything like it, it’s just a beast. They keep him in an enclosure, he is so aggressive. I would never have such a breed, they are so huge. I love a husky and want to buy one in the spring.


My parents had one, they got it when I was a teenager. We lived in an apartment, no one was involved in raising the dog. He was terribly aggressive (he attacked his own people). On the street he threw himself at small dogs and cats.

I believe that if you get such a dog, then only in a private home + educate and train it


Alabai is the best breed. Start it and you will see for yourself. As soon as you take it, start educating it. They understand everything very quickly. The most important thing is to let the puppy understand from the very beginning: “I am in charge here, I set the rules. “Read information on the Internet about the breed, about training, learn to understand how a dog thinks and everything will work out for you. You won't get bored with him. You will see how the Alabai can be cunning and how artistic they are. Well, just cuteness and not dogs.


My Alabai is the only creature in the world who never gives any negative emotions. only joy. my dear)

Can you really believe what they say on TV? funny right.

Breed Features

Alabai is a dog known to people since ancient times; they contain the genes of the fighting dogs of Mesopotamia. Representatives of this breed have undergone strict natural selection and have survived to this day practically unchanged in appearance.

The dog is tall (at least 70 cm at the withers), heavy (up to 70 kg), with a large head and powerful body. The ears and tail are usually docked.

There are two types of wool types:

  1. long (up to 8 cm long);
  2. short (about 3 cm), with rich undercoat.

The color can be very different: plain (black, white, gray, red) and spotted.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog belongs to the group of guard breeds. Nowadays, Alabai are used to protect the territory, as a shepherd when grazing livestock, and for transporting goods. This is a strong, brave dog with a strong character and his own opinion about everything that happens.

Under no circumstances should this breed be considered a fighting breed. Genetically, Alabai are predisposed to guard and defend their owner and their territory. "Struggle for Leadership"

In the 30s of the last century in the USSR there were attempts to use Alabaev in the protection of especially important objects, but they were not successful.


Alabai appeared in Russia. This breed is about 6,000 years old. Alabai originated as a result of crossing Tibetan mastiffs and herding dogs from Central Asia. The breed was not deliberately bred. Everything happened naturally.

People took Alabais to guard their homes and shepherd duties. The dogs were distinguished by their reliability and great endurance. Dense wool protected from strong temperature changes, and thick skin was too tough for predators.

These dogs are still people's favorites in many regions of Russia, Iran, and Afghanistan. They are also grown in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. In Turkmenistan they are considered the country's national treasure. They were even banned from exporting them abroad.


The Central Asian Shepherd got its character as a result of national selection.
The nomads kept only dogs with a balanced character and strong spirit in order to guard and protect their owners and herds. Central Asians are very capricious and proud, they are not easy to tame, and they are not suitable for everyone. Genetically developed distrust of other dogs and people. Alabai is independently capable of making informed decisions and exhibits leadership qualities. It is important to ensure that self-confidence does not go beyond limits, otherwise the dog may not recognize the owner and, being overly selfish, will bring inconvenience to the family. If you raise an Asian correctly and responsibly, then he will grow up to be wayward, but a devoted and faithful watchman. They are also very clean and take care of things. They love to swim and try not to get too dirty on walks.

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Bitch and male

When buying a pet of this breed, one of the key questions is whether to buy a female or male puppy. The answer is simple - it all depends on your goals. If a dog is taken to guard the house and owners, for protection or to help herd livestock, then a male dog will be the best option. If you need a dog as a faithful friend, and you need to minimize (as far as possible with this breed) the problems of proper quality education, then it is better to take a bitch. Especially if there is a small child in the house, because by their nature, females relate better to children.

More calm and balanced, flexible. If there are children in the house, a female dog will be better suited. More capricious, aggressive, suitable for guarding and protection. The owner must show great self-confidence.

However, the difference is not so significant. The above does not imply that the bitch will perform worse in the role of a faithful guard, and the male will not obey commands.


The Shepherd is distinguished by good health. Most likely, you will have to travel to the veterinarian just to get routine vaccinations. Naturally, this is the case if you provide your pet with proper care and good nutrition.

Improper feeding and infrequent walking of the dog together can lead to obesity and further problems with the musculoskeletal system. Walk your dog more often! And when feeding naturally, do not forget about vitamins.


A pet's thick fur can cause allergies. There are also periodic problems with identifying external parasites, which are very difficult to notice. It is worth treating your pet for fleas and ticks in a timely manner and putting a protective collar on it.

Be sure to give your dog anthelmintic drugs quarterly and vaccinate it annually against a range of diseases.


Before finally choosing this breed, I recommend that readers carefully study its pros and cons. The undoubted advantages of the Alabaev include:

Superb mental abilities

Look into the eyes of the Central Asian Shepherd. They reflect a huge sense of self-esteem and high intelligence. Alabai will not show aggression unless necessary. He is curious, makes independent decisions and strives in every possible way to expand his ideas about the world around him.

The owner must be understanding of such features of the dog’s psychology. You should not try to break the strong character of the Alabai, it is better to try to earn her respect.

Loyalty to the owner

Alabai, with all his loyalty to other members of the family pack, will choose a single person as the Master and will be devoted to him to the end.

Kindness towards “our own people” ‍‍

An Asian will easily fit into any family and will consider himself an equal member of the pack. He will calmly endure the pestering of his master's children and will never offend the kids. Any domestic animal living in the same territory with him will also always be safe.

4. Genetically determined guard skills

By entrusting the protection of your home and property to such a guard, you can sleep peacefully. Alabai will not bark in vain at those passing by, but if intruders try to enter the protected area without the knowledge of the owner, they will be given a decisive rebuff.

Alabai will not be disturbed by unnecessary noise. Calm self-confidence gives him true aristocracy.

Low maintenance

The best option for an Alabai to live would be a spacious booth located in an enclosure. It is highly undesirable to put him on a chain. Thick coat will protect the dog from both winter frosts and overheating in the summer heat. If you brush it once a week, your pet will always look great. It’s not worth bathing an Asian cat often; a couple of times a year is enough.

Moderation in food

Despite its size, alabai has a very moderate appetite. The portion of food for him will be almost half that of other dogs of the same size.

How to choose a Central Asian Shepherd puppy

There are not so many kennels breeding Asian Shepherds. The thing is that these days the Alabai dog is not the most popular breed, so breeders for the most part have switched to more expensive animals. If you want to save money, you should look through the advertisements; such a purchase will cost much less.

When buying a baby from your own hands, you can never be completely sure that your four-legged friend is a purebred representative of the breed.

Only a purchase from a nursery will guarantee the purity of the breed, the health of the puppy and its mental balance.

Long before purchasing, you should weigh all the pros and cons.

After all, a small puppy will grow up quickly, he will need a lot of space, as well as your personal attention and time. If the number of pros outweighs the cons, the next step will be to determine the sex of the animal.

The bitch is more flexible. She is taken to a house where there are small children. A male dog will make a more formidable guard, but he needs the firm hand of his owner more.

It is worth coming to the nursery in advance to have the opportunity to observe the parents of the babies and the puppies’ communication with each other.

Preference should be given to a brave, curious puppy who easily makes contact with people. He must be absolutely healthy and have no signs of disease.

Ask the breeder for documents confirming the purebred of the puppy and a passport, which should contain the first marks of worming and vaccinations.

Even a small puppy should be treated with due respect and strictness. At the same time, it is worth remembering that no matter how hard you try, your pet will never become an obedient servant; he is too proud and freedom-loving. When choosing a baby, remember that you are getting a friend for many years. And whoever you choose, love the baby, then he will definitely reciprocate your feelings.


The disadvantages of the Alabai lie in the same antiquity where the much-valued positive qualities of the breed originated.

In other words, disadvantages are a continuation of advantages. And they manifest themselves mainly during apartment maintenance or provided that the alabai falls into the hands of an inexperienced owner:

Difficulties in socialization

By nature, Alabai are distrustful of strangers, and this can become a problem in urban environments. While walking, an Asian may begin to defend “his” territory and owner from people and dogs passing by.

It can be difficult even for experienced dog breeders to predict a dog’s reaction, because the Alabai himself makes decisions and puts them into practice. A nervous and confused dog can become aggressive.

Difficulties in education

In the absence of proper education, the alabai becomes uncontrollable. It is extremely difficult to correct the behavior of an adult dog, so training should begin from a very early age.

The most important thing is to establish contact with the puppy and interest him in the learning process. Alabai is not a service breed, and you should not require him to automatically carry out the commands received.

On the contrary, an Asian must evaluate what he hears, think it over and, if he considers it correct, carry out what is required. Therefore, the most necessary quality of an owner for fruitful training with Alabai is patience.

3. The breed is not intended for living in an apartment.

It’s difficult to find time (at least 2 hours daily) and a place for walking, and you can’t even dream of letting your pet off the leash in an urban environment. In addition, incessant molting will be a particular problem. Forced idleness can spoil the character and embitter the dog.

There is a high risk of ruining your dog's health.

This dog needs space and constant physical activity. According to veterinarians, all the problems of Alabais are associated with their improper maintenance.

Having a lot of weight, Asians must move a lot and actively to keep their joints mobile. Otherwise, bone tissue destruction begins, which goes away even faster if the dog is overfed.

Difficulties in raising a puppy

When buying a puppy, you should inquire about the health of its parents, in particular, find out if they have dysplasia


The matter is further complicated by the fact that Asians are massive; after a few years the dog will barely drag its legs. Therefore, the feeding and physical development of the puppy must be given the most serious attention.

Alabai puppy: what to look for?

Alabai is characterized by late ontogenetic development. Intellectual and physical development in this animal is completed by the age of three. This fact should be taken into account when training and education.

When purchasing a small pet, use the recommendations of dog handlers:

  • It is better to adopt a puppy between the ages of forty and sixty days.
  • It is recommended to buy the animal from a nursery. And before purchasing, collect more information about the breeder.
  • Check the documentation confirming the purity of the breed.
  • It is not recommended to take a puppy from a litter in which more than five cubs were born. Often such animals are weakened and more susceptible to various diseases.
  • The age of the female who gave birth should not exceed eight years.
  • Alabai baby should be playful, active and healthy looking.
  • Test your puppy's security abilities: drop something next to him, clap your hands loudly, etc. By his reaction you can see how brave, aggressive or cowardly the cub is.
  • Keep in mind that Alabai boys are more obedient, but girls will periodically fight for leadership. However, bitches are easier to train and train.

The main rules for keeping and raising a puppy:

  • From two to three months, the Alabai begins a period of active socialization. He is very inquisitive and persistently studies his surroundings. At this age you can start learning simple commands.
  • In early childhood, Asians remember all family members and other pets. Subsequently, he will perceive only this circle as his pack. Other people and animals will be treated as strangers. Therefore, if you often receive guests in your home, then it is better to refrain from such a dog.
  • Walk with a small puppy in unfamiliar places, travel on public transport. The dog will learn to remain calm in an environment that is not familiar or comfortable to him.
  • Call your pet by its name often. The animal should perceive this as a signal to pay attention to its owner.
  • If possible, spend a lot of time with your Alabai: play with him, go for walks, introduce him to the world around him. This will help establish contact between you.
  • Keep in mind that dog experts do not recommend training puppies before they reach two months of age. This can cause stress in a small pet due to excessive stress on its psyche.

Training is important
Training and keeping the Alabai cannot be called simple. However, with proper upbringing, the alabai will become a devoted friend and reliable protector for you.

Owner reviews

According to owner reviews, the Central Asian Shepherd needs careful care and nutrition. If you do not start training the puppy within the first few months, it will become disobedient and will “train” the owner.

The breed does not tolerate inexperienced dog breeders. From the very beginning of birth, the puppy must be raised by a dog handler. It is necessary to teach a small shepherd to give food to the owner. This will show who is the leader. If you indulge your dog, it will feel permissive and become uncontrollable.

Some owners claim that Alabai does not tolerate drunk and aggressive people. You cannot hurt him, shout at him, talk loudly, or make sudden movements. He will perceive this as a threat and may get out of control.

Alabai: care and maintenance

Since Central Asian Shepherds were bred by humans for an active life in difficult conditions, caring for them is not too difficult. Historically, this breed has good health and good immunity.

Has good health

average lifespan of this alabai

To raise a healthy and strong animal, you must follow the basic rules of keeping:

  • It is not recommended to have this dog in an apartment, as due to its large size the animal requires enough space. The ideal option is a private house with a wide yard area where you can place an enclosure for a shepherd dog. It should be borne in mind that Alabai will not tolerate being chained.
  • Provide a balanced diet. You need to feed your dog fresh food at the same time. With a normal load, the animal is fed twice a day, and with an increased load - three times. Food that the alabai has not eaten within 15-20 minutes should be removed and not given until the next feeding.
  • If the dog lives in an apartment, he needs to be walked for at least two hours a day. Insufficient walking can cause the animal to become obese. It is unnecessary to mention the mandatory muzzle and strong leash.
  • Systematically examine eyes, ears and paws. Periodically, it is necessary to trim the nails and clean the ears. You should also wash your eyes with a cotton pad soaked in a special solution or chamomile decoction.
  • Bathe no more than once a month, as the shepherd’s coat is quite resistant to dirt and always looks neat. After the bath, the animal must be wiped dry.
  • Be sure to brush the coat weekly. In the spring, during the molting period, this procedure must be done more often.
  • Deworm the animal at least once a quarter.
  • Vaccinate your pet promptly and bring it to the veterinarian for an annual checkup.
  • Alabai owners need to monitor the health of their pet. At four months of age, your veterinarian will check your puppy for hip dysplasia.

The life expectancy and physical health of an animal largely depend on proper nutrition. The obligatory diet of the Alabai includes the following products:

  • Fresh raw lean meat.
  • Offal.
  • Low-fat soups.
  • Boiled porridge (buckwheat, rice).
  • Eggs and dairy products.
  • Sea fish.
  • Vegetables.
  • Dry food with a high content of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Please note that it is not recommended to mix dry food with natural products.

You should also add up to 15 g of salt to your food. And clean water should always be available to the dog.

It is forbidden to feed Alabai:

  • Bird bones.
  • Pickles and smoked meats.
  • Sweet.
  • Potatoes and beets.
  • Pearl barley and barley.
  • Citrus.
  • Sweet pastries and white bread.

How does Alabai treat children?

Alabai was bred as a herding and guard dog. Selection has practically not affected the breed and its working qualities. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is loyal to children, just like any other family member. She is a security guard. Alabai is not suitable for living in an apartment due to his character - this is an open-air dog. In this regard, the pet’s communication with family members is reduced to a minimum; it is not fixated on family members, like an apartment dog.

Each dog has its own character. When getting an Alabai, the future owner must understand: the dog will be protective or kind and affectionate with the family. In the latter case, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the animal does not have very good protective qualities.

Alabai and children can coexist peacefully

Alabai is not a nanny in a family with children. The dog is ready to play with the child, run for a stick, take a walk, and this communication is enough for the dog. The animal treats children coolly: it will not offend, but it will not particularly enjoy communicating with them. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a monogamous dog, it can have only one owner, it just tolerates others.

Whether an alabai will play with a child is a moot point. A large dog with well-developed guarding qualities is not interested in fussing with a baby. A teenager or a child of primary school age is a different matter: you can run around and frolic with him. Games should take place under the supervision of adults, because the dog is large and can knock down a schoolchild. A spoiled puppy can unintentionally injure a child.

Cases of Alabai attacks on their family members are extremely rare.

What should you pay attention to before getting a Central Asian Shepherd for protection?

You should only adopt an animal from a specialized nursery. A dog without documents is a ticking time bomb. Its origin is unknown; it’s hard to say what’s going on in such a dog’s head. In the nursery, the future owner will receive certain guarantees that the dog has a strong psyche, which will not break down at the age of 5-6 years.

Alabai with children in the same house should only come from a proven nursery

Be prepared that raising an Alabai in a family with children is not an easy task. The future owner should take a two-month-old puppy and keep him at home until he is five months old, so the puppy will get used to family members. Communication between the child and the puppy should not be limited, but an adult should be present when they play.

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Despite the fact that Alabai can be kept in a family with children, the dog must be raised by an adult

Raising a Central Asian Shepherd dog must begin from puppyhood. You can't delegate this to a teenager. He does not have enough strength, both moral and physical, to cope with the pet, even while studying with a professional dog handler. Remember that Alabai do not have conflicts, they get along with family members, but the manifestation of the need for affection and communication is alien to them. The dog is a guard dog, it performs its function and nothing more.

Video: child playing with alabai

Alabais are dogs that are quite rare, and this is primarily due to their size and the characteristics of caring for the animal.

This is a fairly large breed. Such dogs are chosen as pets by those who live in a large private house to protect property.

But it is also worth noting the fact that it is the Alabai who are the most frequent participants in dog fights, as sad as this may be.

Those who decide to have such a pet are wondering how this giant will treat children and whether it poses a danger to them. This is a completely logical and adequate question, because sometimes you don’t know what to expect from a dog of such impressive size. In this article we will talk about what kind of character the animal has, how to raise it, and whether it is possible to let it near children.

Rules for regulating relations

Dog handlers have compiled a list of rules for keeping large dogs if there are children in the house. These recommendations must be followed for safety reasons.

The female Alabai has a better attitude towards children. She is calmer and more balanced than a male. But this does not provide a 100% guarantee of safety.

  • Limit contact between the Alabai bitch and children during pregnancy and estrus;
  • It is better to make friends between a dog and a child when they are around the same age. It is better to take a puppy to a house with children than an adult dog;
  • Be sure to get all your dog's vaccinations and be examined by a veterinarian;
  • It is better to never leave Alabai alone with children; one careless movement can provoke the dog;

Even breeders with experience in training a large number of Alabais never leave them alone. At the same time, they note the dog’s indifference to little ones. But no one knows what can happen while you're gone.

Education and training

The Asian Shepherd is in dire need of education and training. Education should begin from the first days the puppy appears in the house. Initially, he needs to make it clear who is the leader in your pack, what can be done and what absolutely cannot be done.

You should be firm and consistent in your requirements, then you will be able to achieve results faster.

You should not hope that Alabai will fulfill your requirements from the first days. In raising this breed, you need to be patient, praise the puppy more often and reward it with treats. But even in this case, you are unlikely to expect unquestioning execution of commands. There is no need to force your pet to blindly obey; it is better to awaken his interest in activities.

Kids are always curious and eager to explore the world around them. This desire of theirs also needs to be taken into account and understood.

It has been practically proven that the difficult-to-train Alabai requires a strong and experienced owner who can assert his leadership and raise the animal with dignity.

Physical punishment is strictly unacceptable. When experiencing pain, a dog may lose control of itself and cause harm to the owner or others.

If you feel that you cannot cope with training your dog, do not waste time and seek help from a specialist. Only an experienced dog handler can make an animal an excellent watchdog and well-mannered pet.

Reviews from owners about the relationship of Alabais to children

Experienced dog owners, who have raised several generations of Alabais, speak quite well of their pets:

Alexey, 34 years old:

“The dog gets along with children, but does not like it when his peace is disturbed.”

Nikolay, 41 years old:

“They get along fine. The child does not force itself on the dog, it does not touch it.”

Maria, 54 years old:

“The dog lives in an enclosure. They explained to the children that she might bite if you get too close to her. They live peacefully."

Choose a nickname for Alabai

The nickname Alabai can tell about the character or external characteristics of the animal. There is no need to call your dog human names. It will be easier to train her if the nickname is not too long and consists of 1-3 syllables.

Options for suitable nicknames for Alabai:

Vulcan, Zenit, Conan, Kubat, Persian, Pharaoh, Berkut, Sherkhan, Ural, Count, Genghis - for boys.

Palma, Hera, Vaida, Zhura, Gerda, Gina, Lima, Berta, Lightning, Storm, Elsa, Alva - for girls.

Stages of growing up

The life cycle of Turkmen Alabais is characterized by a long period of maturation. The life period is divided into 4 main stages:

  1. Childhood. From birth to one year, the dog is in the stage of active growth, and by one year it almost reaches its full size. Despite their large dimensions, individuals up to 10 months. are considered puppies.
  2. Growing up. 1 – 4 years. A dog of the breed is considered fully developed physically, emotionally and intellectually at the age of three. In the process, behavioral habits and character traits are established, and the body is finally formed.
  3. Peak form. The period from 4 to 8 years is defined as the most favorable for dogs. Physical and security qualities are at a high level. The dog has already outgrown adolescence and is considered an accomplished individual.
  4. Old age. 8 – 13 years old. The average life span of the Alabais is 10-13 years. The beginning of the stage is characterized by a decline in physical capabilities and skills, and the functioning of the senses deteriorates. It is not recommended to buy puppies if the mother is over 8 years old.

Deviations from breed standards

All puppies in nurseries are carefully examined for possible shortcomings and defects. Among them there are insignificant ones that lower the class of the animal.

These include:

  • Variation in the dog's height by more than 2 cm in a smaller direction;
  • The tail is a tight ring;
  • Tail lying on the back;
  • Close-set eyes;
  • Blue eye color;
  • Too narrow or elongated muzzle;
  • Loose build.

There are also disqualifying defects that require castration of the dog and a ban on participation in exhibitions.

The list includes:

  • Curly coat;
  • Eyes of different colors;
  • Atypical nose color;
  • Missing more than 2 teeth.

Serious defects also include atypical manifestations of the animal’s character. Alabai should not be overly aggressive and emotional, or cowardly and uncontrollable.

Features of behavior

The Turkmen Alabai is a dog belonging to a guard breed, the purpose of the animal is to protect the territory and property of the owner. Balance and stability of character have been developed over thousands of years. The dogs seem serious and impenetrable. Purebred individuals of guard breeds are characterized by silence, speaking only when necessary. This is important if the direct purpose of the alabai is considered to be control of the territory.

Training plays a big role in character formation. You shouldn’t rely solely on the dog’s natural abilities; in addition to severity and silence, dogs are characterized by waywardness. If you miss a moment in childhood, as an adult the dog will begin to ignore responsibilities, show individualism and act based on his own wishes.

It is possible to determine the type of dog behavior after observation. The pet's habits depend on its innate qualities and conditions of detention.

Possible reasons for the absence of barking:

  1. Age. Considering the late development, the age of 7 months is young for the manifestation of security skills. In some dogs, signs appear early - at 10-12 months. There are cases where a dog began to bark regularly after reaching the age of 15-18 months.
  2. Habitat. If the puppy has a good pedigree, is well socialized and grows up in an adequate environment, there is no reason to show aggression and defensive reactions. The absence of growling and barking indicates a calm character; there is simply no need to bark.
  3. No irritants. This reason is partly related to the previous one and relates to the growing conditions of the puppy.
  4. Congenital diseases. Only a doctor can determine the presence of diseases that affect the voice. Large breed dogs are more prone to congenital laryngeal paralysis than others. The diagnosis is confirmed after a thorough examination in the clinic. Symptoms of deviation include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, unusual sounds and frequent changes in timbre.


There are rumors about the endurance of the Alabai, they are strong, live long, and diseases do not bypass them.

Alabai diseases are associated with improper care or nutrition. They require regular long walks and physical activity. Otherwise, problems with joints and the musculoskeletal system cannot be avoided. Arthrosis is one of the most common diseases of the skeletal system. More than 30% of dogs kept in apartments are obese, which also has a bad effect on joint health.

What to expect from the digestive system? The owners of Alabai often complain about the presence of parasites and worms. Treatment for helminths must be carried out on time. Recommendations from veterinarians: limit sweets and salty foods. The dog should not be allowed to grab food from the ground. Dog parasites are also dangerous to humans.

Thick, sometimes long, hair is a boon for ticks and fleas. With demodicosis - infestation with mites - the dog becomes restless, scabies occurs, hair falls out and the skin becomes red. Fungal infections of the animal's skin are also common. Only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment, because medications are toxic to dogs.

A full life for dogs of this breed is possible with regular visits to the veterinarian, because most diseases of Alabai dogs can be treated.

Why does Alabai become aggressive during walks?

Still, being an unreasonable puppy, Alabai begins to gradually figure out who is in charge in the house.

How to recognize the first signs of aggression:

  • Minor displays of aggression during feeding. When the dog won't let you near the food bowl.
  • Gradually he stops listening, both in the house and on the street.
  • Then she starts snapping at her owners and dogs while walking.
  • May attack children and family members.
  • Can bully other pets who live in the same apartment with the Alabai.

Yes, there are cases when aggression is genetic and is a consequence of improper selection. But most often these are the mistakes of the breeder himself.

When the Alabai is kept only on a chain, it is not trained or socialized.

The dog has a different program, which assumes that the dog obeys only the stronger.

Therefore, indulging its weaknesses and desires leads to the fact that the owner turns out to be a lower being in the eyes of his own dog.

This leads to the fact that the dog ceases to perceive the owner at all. Over time, this becomes a chronic problem.


Central Asian Shepherds, the price of which depends on purebred, can be purchased from private breeders or in nurseries. The cost of purebred individuals is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.

The question of the price of Alabai puppies interests everyone who plans to connect their lives with this breed. The cost of alabai depends on a set of evaluation criteria:

  1. The look of a puppy that can be great, simple, simple.
  2. The presence of plembrac, manifested, for example, in malocclusion, non-standard color).
  3. Color (a completely white puppy will be bought faster than others).

For a price above 45 thousand rubles you can buy promising puppies.

How to deal with aggression?

If we are talking not about a puppy, but about an adult dog, then here you can only correct its behavior. You need to start training and socializing your puppy.

And do this under the guidance of a dog handler:

  • Understand what causes aggression.
  • There is no need to use methods that humiliate the Alabai (they are proud dogs).
  • Stop spoiling your dog.
  • Become a leader.
  • Make sure the dog obeys.

If a dog shows aggression during walks, then at this moment you just need to switch its attention to yourself. This can be done by lightly touching the dog or tugging on the leash.

Remember, you should not let your dog leave the apartment first. The owner always comes out first. If an Alabai tenses up at the sight of a dog or a passerby, then you need to push him sharply. This will redirect his attention. Don't let your dog pull on the leash. It is necessary to “set her down” in time.

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A pet needs a true leader

These dogs can often be found in the yard of a house. Over the millennia, their character has not changed. They all remained excellent helpers on the farm. Alabai can graze goats and sheep. Vigilantly guard your home from strangers.

Despite the characteristics of this breed, Alabai require a special approach. The owner should not be soft and timid. This dog needs a leader. Only this will the Alabai obey. It would be a good idea for every owner of this type to take an obedience course. In its process, the dog must understand who is dominant here.

Alabais are suspicious of other dogs and strangers. Sometimes the neighbor's dog can even cause aggression in an Asian man. They are good friends with cats, dogs and any other animals at home. BUT! As long as they do not pose a threat to them or the family. To be on the safe side, it is best to walk them on a leash. Shepherds are good-natured towards children.

Asians are not considered fighting dogs. But this does not prevent the Turkmens from holding fights with their participation in their homeland. Alabais do not have excessive aggression. They are confident in their abilities, so they make good fighters.

How to stop a dog from barking at everyone: passers-by, neighbors and cats

With the help of barking, a dog expresses its emotions and communicates with its relatives. She can bark joyfully, menacingly or scared. A dog never barks for no reason, there is always a reason. Therefore, before punishing your pet, you need to figure out why this happens. The reasons for constant barking may be:

  1. The dog is bored. This happens when the owner goes to work for the whole day, while the four-legged friend is left alone. If a dog is on a leash in a private house, it also becomes bored, and it begins not only to bark, but also howl.
  2. Barking can also be a dog's expression of protest. She does not agree that she was locked alone in a separate room or cage. The sound of such barking is demanding, ringing. The dog can sit at the door for a long time, raising its head up, protesting loudly.
  3. A four-legged friend may bark at another animal that he cannot reach. For example, this happens when a cat or another dog is walking outside the window. If the irritant is constantly in front of the dog, the barking will not stop until the desired object disappears from sight.
  4. Monotonous barking at night indicates that the dog is scared. She may be frightened by night sounds or afraid to be alone.

Reasons for dog “concerts”

A pet's warning "tirade" when meeting another dog, barking at a stranger knocking on your gate - this is an integral part of the behavior of a four-legged pet.

But if a dog barks at everyone, you should wonder what happened to it.

Perhaps someone greatly frightened your pet, and she began to assert herself by barking? Or was the dog poisoned by spoiled food and is now not happy about anything? Let's name the most common reasons for dog barking:

  • Features of the breed. Some dogs (poodles, spitz) tend to bark often just like that - out of love for the process.
  • The young puppy's longing for its owner. For a young dog that has not yet become a disciplined member of the “pack,” any separation from its owner is a drama that must be “barked out.” This problem is easy to fix. You should go for walks with your four-legged friend more often, and do not suddenly leave the apartment. And, of course, train a cute puppy.
  • Disease. If a well-balanced dog suddenly begins to bark both within the walls of its home and on the street, you should take your pet to the veterinarian.
  • The dog's fearful disposition. Fearful pets try to cheer themselves up by barking, and at the same time show other dogs that they are ready for a fight (which is not true).
  • Joyful excitement. If the dog vocalizes before a walk, there is no need to worry.
  • Manipulative behavior. A dog barks at its owner to achieve something (delicious food, an opportunity to play).

Weaning off excessive barking at home

This issue is especially relevant for pets, which can create unnecessary noise late at night or while a child is sleeping. First of all, it is important to understand that if it is unacceptable for a dog to bark at home, then this should not be done under any circumstances. For example, you can’t praise him for being smart about his neighbor going up the stairs, but at the same time scold him for reacting loudly to the doorbell.

Who is it suitable for?

Alabai is not a breed for everyone. It requires a firm hand and approach in training. A dog will not respect an owner who lets its upbringing take its course. Many of her qualities are innate, so it is difficult to influence them.

With the right approach, internal energy and aggression towards others can be successfully managed. Then the alabai will become the most reliable defender of the house and all its inhabitants.

The ideal owner for a Central Asian Shepherd is a man who leads an active lifestyle, perhaps playing sports. It is more difficult for women to cope with such a large, wayward dog. There is no need to get an Alabai for those who have no experience in dog breeding.

How to stop a dog from barking for no reason?

Would you like to stop your dog from barking for no reason in your apartment, at passersby during a walk, or at other dogs? Well, this is the right decision because this unwanted dog behavior can result in a big problem.

At its core, barking is simply a furry prankster’s way of communicating. This is how the dog “talks”, shares its experiences, emotions and anxieties.

And there is nothing wrong with barking as long as it does not cause irritation to both the pet owner and the neighbors. Often on the street a dog begins to bark at passers-by, frightening them and causing outrage.

This is very unpleasant and sometimes dangerous, because the reaction of a stranger can be unpredictable.

To ensure that barking is not unreasonable and does not cause anyone’s indignation and anger, today I want to give you some tips on how to correct this dog’s reaction.

First of all, you must identify the reason why your pet begins to show anxiety or joy, and tries to attract attention by barking. Perhaps the dog is bothered by something or is injured. In this case, you need to urgently take the necessary measures.

Well, if this is barking for no reason, then it is worth moving on to educational measures aimed at stopping barking for no reason.

How can you prevent causeless barking in advance?

Try to avoid situations that provoke your dog to bark. For example, many pets often react to the sound of an intercom. To avoid triggering a barking attack, turn it off or turn the volume down.

Dogs are social animals. They cannot be alone for long. But a person cannot always spend a lot of time with his pet for various reasons: work, business, and much more. Therefore, from a very early age, it is necessary to accustom the puppy to independence and loneliness, so that the owner’s departure for work does not cause stress and a feeling of fear, and as a result, loud barking.

It is necessary to ignore causeless barking from an early age. Gain strength and patience. If your pet barks, wait until he calms down on his own. After this, come up and reward the tailed one. This way he will remember that silence is valued, and they also give treats for it.

Modern means and devices to prevent barking

Currently, there are many means to stop a dog from barking.

Ultrasonic device

The next invention is a special device that emits ultrasound, which is unpleasant for the hearing of a four-legged animal. This is a small box that can be installed both at home and outdoors.


This is the simplest and at the same time the most effective method, preventing the dog from freely eating and drinking, but at the same time preventing it from barking in vain.

Anti-bark collar

There are two types of such collars - with electric shock, and with a special liquid. A shock collar has a special battery built into it that delivers a small current to the dog as soon as it starts barking. This collar is equipped with a safety lock that regulates the power of the shock.

A collar with liquid is more humane than the first. As soon as your four-legged dog begins to bark, special lemon water splashes out, which is absolutely harmless to the pet, but has an unpleasant odor.

The dog falls silent in surprise. And every time, as soon as he starts his “conversation,” water constantly splashes on him.

The dog analyzes and begins to understand the reason for such an unpleasant smell, and gradually stops barking.


These are all kinds of tablets, herbal infusions and decoctions that soothe and balance the emotional state of the pet.




We recommend reading:

  1. An enclosure for a dog: how to make a beautiful warm outdoor enclosure with a winter road with your own hands - drawings, sizes, photos, projects, tips on how to build it yourself
  2. DIY dog house, design of a beautiful large dog house with a veranda, kennel in the apartment
  3. Caring for a dog's fur: how and what to comb properly, combs for long, short-haired, smooth-haired dogs, how to comb tangles, products - shampoo, spray
  4. Alabai Photo, description, character, facts, pros, cons of the dog


Puppies up to 2 weeks are helpless and need the attention and care of their mother. The most important conditions for them: a warm room, long sleep, mother's milk. The puppy's potential is determined at this stage by how vigorously the puppy sucks its mother's milk. If he is not passive, then this may predetermine his suitability for breeding work.

After 2 weeks, the puppy develops hearing and vision. From 3 weeks they can walk, while still unsure, and maintain their balance. At this time, they learn to accept food other than mother's milk.

From 1 month, adaptation to the environment begins. This period lasts up to 4 weeks. Playing with the mother and other puppies is a condition in which the puppy receives its first lessons in defense and attack. It becomes important to acquire the reflex of following the mother; later this reflex will work in relation to the person - the owner of the dog.

At the age of 1-2 months, it is important that the puppy begins to get used to the smell and appearance of people, this has a beneficial effect on their subsequent socialization. Communication with strangers is important, otherwise the dog will grow up timid and insecure. Its further training and upbringing depends on how sociable the puppy is.

From 2 to 3 months, puppies go through a stage of active socialization. Puppies are characterized by curiosity and persistence in exploring all surrounding objects, other pets, and sounds. The socialization stage is optimal for starting training. Up to 3 months, a puppy can learn to follow commands Place! To me! Go for a walk! After 3 months, you can begin to consolidate more complex commands.

Do not conduct classes with puppies under 2 months, this is a big burden on their psyche. Exercise can be stressful for your dog.

In the period from 3-3.5 months, it is necessary to secure the status of leader for the owner, at this time the dominance stage begins. If the relationship is built incorrectly, the owner will not be an absolute leader for the dog. The puppy may bare its teeth, growl and bark at him. This behavior is a desire to win back the right to do as he wants, and this is completely unacceptable in relations with an Alabai.

During childhood, the puppy goes through periods of demonstrating independence, overcoming fear and transitional fear. By the age of 3, when the animal’s childhood ends, the most perfect instincts should be formed or be at the stage of completion of formation: the ability to protect the owner and property.

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