Description of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier - care and maintenance of the pet

Yorkshire Terrier dogs are usually divided into intra-breed groups according to their weight. However, there is one more feature that distinguishes a separate group of dogs from ordinary Yorkies - Biewer-Yorkshire terriers.

Briefly about Biewer Yorkies

A new breed of dog was developed relatively recently - in the 80s of the last century in Germany. It is known that the first puppy with an unusual coat color came from a dog that belonged to a family of experienced breeders who have been doing this business for decades.

The Beaver family liked the terrier puppy with white and black fur so much that they decided to start breeding a new breed and give it their surname as a name. Nothing is known about exactly how the selection work was carried out. It is generally accepted that breeders selected puppies from among Yorkies with the necessary external characteristics and qualities and used them to breed new offspring. As a result, they managed to get a breed of dogs with a very attractive appearance, luxurious coat and an affable and friendly disposition.

Important! During the research, it was found that the blood of Biewer Terriers contains genes from other breeds.

The beavers were demonstrated to the public in 1988 in the show ring in Wiesbaden. A year after this, the breed was registered in the German club and an appearance standard was written for it, the final version of which was approved in 2007.

Origin of the breed

The history of the breed dates back to 1984, in the family of German breeders Werner and Gertrud Biver. An unusual puppy with white spots on his fur was born to a pair of ordinary Yorkshire terriers. This baby, named Snowflake, became the founder of a new breed. The parents of the first Biewer turned out to be carriers of a strong recessive gene responsible for white color. Based on this feature, terriers with a color unusual for Yorkies were bred.

In 1989, the breed was officially registered as copyright. Its full name is Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la Pom Pont. The origin of such an unusual prefix is ​​explained as follows: this epithet was the first reaction of the German singer Margot Eskens to a puppy given by her husband. It looked like a small ball of yarn (pompom in French) and looked so touching that it instantly gained popularity among the elite.

The first beavers appeared in Russia just a few years ago. At the moment, the legal framework has been completed that allows them to officially engage in their breeding. Despite its worldwide popularity, the number of beavers in Russia is not so large.

How much does a Biewer York cost?

Basically, puppies are sold in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The average price of exclusive dogs is 30-77 thousand rubles.

Before buying, you need to take into account the purpose for which you are buying a dog. Traditionally, Biewers have been positioned as a show breed for which pedigree and standard are very important. This explains the high price tag of puppies and the limited choice of kennels. In the case when a dog is purchased not to participate in exhibitions, but simply as a companion, you can neglect the pedigree and buy a Biewer Yorkie for 20 thousand rubles. However, you should be prepared for the fact that he may turn out to be sick or not up to standard.

Disadvantages of purebred dogs

To exhibit a pet, it is necessary that its appearance fully meets the breeding requirements. Biewers and biros sometimes have the following deviations from the breed norms:

  • light eyes;
  • lop-eared;
  • predominance of white in color or color similar to the Yorkshire Terrier;
  • missing teeth, distorted jaw;
  • too sparse or curly coat.

When choosing a Biro or Biewer Yorkie, you should carefully read the breeder’s reputation and reviews of his work and the pedigree of the puppy’s parents.

Description of the breed

The Biewer Yorkie Standard is a short, compact dog with a strong bone structure for its size. It is characterized by:

  • head with strong, developed jaws and a full set of teeth;
  • moderately flat forehead;
  • wide, stable body;
  • strong, medium-sized paws;
  • straight, silk-like wool.

Dimensions of the dog: height – up to 27 cm in height, weight – 2-3.5 kg. To control the development of the animal and to choose seasonal clothing, it is worth considering that the Yorkie grows up to a year. The Biewer reaches its maximum size by 9 months, but this figure does not apply to everyone. Some animals continue to grow up to 10, even 12 months.

Externally, beavers are very impressive. Their highlight is their long, absolutely straight coat. It falls like a mantle to the floor and has a strong structure. The wool is pleasant to the touch, easy to comb and does not tangle. At the same time, it gets dirty easily and requires careful washing.

In accordance with the standard, this breed of dog can have a fur length of three quarters of the animal’s height, which makes their life much easier and allows them not to limit their physical activity.

What is the difference between a Biewer York and a Yorkshire Terrier?

The differences between these breeds concern not only their appearance:

  1. The Biewer Yorkie has a more balanced and stress-resistant character. He takes long trips calmly and quickly gets used to the noise of a big city.
  2. The Biewer's joints are stronger than those of the classic Yorkie. They are less prone to dislocations and kneecap injuries. This became possible thanks to long and painstaking selection work.
  3. Biewer is known for its contrasting and symmetrical color: the usual golden hue is diluted with black and white areas. The paws, chest and belly must be exclusively white, otherwise the dog will not fit into the standard.

The average lifespan of Biewer Yorkies is 12-15 years.

Coat colors

The colors characteristic of the breed standard come in two types:

  • raincoats;
  • spotted.

Young dogs are distinguished by the presence of black markings on their bodies. By the age of three, the spots change color and become blue. The white color should start under the chin, continuing on the stomach and legs. The acceptable white content is 80%: the remaining 20% ​​should be black, blue and golden tones.

In general, the color of beavers is very diverse: it consists of a combination of black, white, blue and gold spots. The body is usually painted in black and white and white and steel shades. Sometimes the body is blue or graphite black with a white frill on the neck. The only strict requirement of the standard is white paws, chest and belly.

The Biewer Yorkie's coat is similar to a royal robe: straight strands touch the floor, creating a cloak effect. It is separated by a parting going from head to tail. At the same time, the coat does not hide the silhouette of the animal, but only emphasizes the beautiful skeleton. The tail of beavers is lush, thick, and not docked.

Despite its length and silky structure, wool is durable and does not create tangles. It is very easy to comb and style even into model haircuts.


The Biewer differs from the Yorkie in character. Despite their common ancestors bred to hunt rats, Biewers are known as even-tempered and unobtrusive pets. These little ones are cheerful and active, always ready to play and are happy to make contact. However, you should not expect unquestioning obedience from this breed. Biewers are not inferior to large dogs not only in courage and bravery, but also in assertiveness. In order for a puppy to become obedient, you need to take a responsible approach to its upbringing. Luckily, they are very smart and are great to train.

In addition, beavers love attention. They can resort to any tricks and outrages so that the owner will immediately quit his business. Yorkies compensate for this natural harmfulness with boundless love and devotion. They are always ready to rush to the defense of their owner, without thinking about the size and superiority of the enemy.


Biewer Yorkies are lively, cheerful, intelligent and confident dogs. They are very sociable and affectionate, with a balanced and strong character. In simple terms, these are wonderful companions who become very attached to all family members. These dogs get along well with children, get along well with other pets, and easily adapt to the rhythm of family life. These are the most ingenuous and not mischievous creatures.

Biewer Yorkies love attention and care, and in return, they give their owner love and endless devotion. They are created to be pampered, but at the same time, we must not forget that these are terriers, which means they are very stubborn and temperamental. Some dogs can be very pugnacious and zealously defend their territory from any intrusion, but this is rather the exception.

Raising and training Biewer Yorkies

In order to bring your dog’s obedience to the level of habit, you need to act in stages:

  1. Training an animal begins with habituation to order. Biewers quickly get used to the tray or diaper, so this item usually does not cause trouble.
  2. After being trained to use the litter box, the Yorkie is taught basic simple commands (ugh!, no, sit, lie down, come to me) necessary for the dog’s normal communication with people.
  3. The next stage is the most difficult. It includes a ban on accepting food from someone else's hands, begging, and controlling a pet's behavior on the street. The beaver should stop pulling on the leash, barking at random passersby and starting fights with dogs.
  4. After this, the animal is explained the rules of behavior in the car.
  5. It is useful to include play commands in training: give a paw, voice, etc.

The learning process needs to be supported by clear examples: if the puppy does something wrong, he is shown the correct solution to the problem. Training cannot be supplemented with physical punishment; simply raising your voice is enough.


Breeding Biewer Yorkies on a professional basis is a troublesome task. Basically, animal owners simply try to get purebred offspring, and therefore look for a suitable match for their pet, for example, through a club.


In this regard, the owner of a Biewer Yorkie bitch has more worries. He must monitor when the dog goes into heat. It is believed that she will be ready for mating no earlier than 10 days from the start. And although there are many external signs that the animal has gone into heat, it is best to get tested at a veterinary clinic so as not to miss the ovulation period. Moreover, in such a small breed, estrus is often almost unnoticeable.

Then you need to contact the owner of the selected dog and arrange a meeting. Animals are often brought to a nursery for these purposes. Here, little depends on the owners, but if the bitch is ready for mating, she still needs help - hold her from the front so that she is not afraid and does not make sudden movements. Afterwards, you need to make sure that the bitch does not go to the toilet for an hour. A total of two matings are made, the second performs a control function.

You need to make sure in advance that both dogs are vaccinated and sanitized against fleas, ticks and worms. It is not recommended to feed your Biewer Yorkie immediately before breeding.

Care of offspring

The gestation period usually lasts up to 58 days from the moment of first mating. It is better to have a veterinarian assist during childbirth. If the offspring are healthy, there will be no special difficulties in caring for them.

Puppies are born blind, deaf and without teeth, but with a good sucking reflex. You just need to make sure that they cannot crawl far from their mother and find the nipple. Like any other newborn creatures, they do not yet have the same thermoregulation regime as adults, and it is very important that they do not become hypothermic or overheated. You need to make something like a nest for them, forming a cushion from a clean sheet.

Already on the fifth or sixth day, the puppies will be strong enough to independently find their mother’s nipples. But at this age, it is necessary to trim their sharp claws for the first time so that they do not injure themselves and others.

Pet care

Caring for the Biewer Yorkie's coat is a must for keeping the animal. This breed does not have an undercoat, which greatly facilitates the process. You should always remember that human shampoos and conditioners are not suitable for sensitive skin of dogs. Their use may cause itching, severe irritation and dandruff. This is explained by the difference in acid-base balance.

Bievers require weekly bathing. However, you don't have to wait until the weekend to wash your dirty pet. Dirt after a walk can be easily cleaned with a damp towel. The abdominal area is especially noticeable. For washing, select a line of specialized products for dogs (shampoos, lotions and conditioners). After bathing, the Biewer is thoroughly rinsed and dried with a dry towel. A mixture of conditioner and water is then sprayed onto the coat to prepare it for brushing.

Yorkies should not be brushed if their coat is completely dry. The procedure is carried out daily using a comb with long, fine teeth. Biewer can be dried with a hairdryer by selecting the least hot setting.

A haircut

Grooming is one of the most effective methods of grooming. It is not only decorative, but also hygienic. Nowadays, there are many beaver hairstyles that combine both functions.

The puppy cut is one of the most popular fashion haircuts. The hair on the Biewer's head is cut in such a way as to give it a spherical shape. If desired, the bangs can be left untouched to be pulled back into a traditional ponytail. In addition, the master can make the wool look like a skirt or pants.

Boys' haircuts are not inferior in effectiveness to girls' hairstyles. They come in both super functional and intricate designs. It all depends on the needs of a particular dog and the owner’s imagination. Thus, a cropped Yorkie not only does not lose its attractiveness, but demonstrates a harmonious build.

Ear care is equally important. They need to be inspected daily and dirt removed with a cotton pad. In addition, owners should regularly trim the hair in the upper corners of the ears and on their tips. The same applies to the paw pads: every 2 months it is necessary to thin out the hair between the toes. This will make it easier to trim your nails and prevent fungus from occurring.

If it is difficult for owners to carry out nail trimming, eye and ear treatment at home, grooming will help them. The masters of this business know how to minimize the level of stress without losing the quality of processing.

Another important point is oral care. Beavers have their teeth brushed once a month. This helps prevent tartar formation and gum inflammation.

During the change of baby teeth, Biewer Yorkies sometimes do not lose their fangs. If the fangs are not renewed by seven months, they will have to be removed by a doctor.

Difference from usual

The first and most noticeable difference is the color. Yorkshire terriers have a dark, steel-blue coat, while Biewers have light fur and white markings on their heads, their paws and belly are white.

There are other differences in the exterior and mental qualities of Yorkies and Biewers:

  1. Biewers have a larger, more muscular and compact build, are stronger than Yorkies and move faster due to their stronger limbs;
  2. Biewer wool is thicker and denser, tangles are more likely to form on it, but it is more resistant to dirt;
  3. Biewers have a more stable psyche and calm character, Yorkies are more hysterical and fearful.

The breeds also differ in the time and place of their appearance: Yorkies appeared in the 19th century in Great Britain, and Biewers appeared at the end of the 20th century in Germany.

According to experts, beavers have stronger immunity.

Breed diseases

Despite the efforts of breeders aimed at improving health, Biewer Yorkies have the following breed diseases:

  1. Portocaval shunt. Congenital vascular pathology, characterized by growth arrest, vomiting and convulsions.
  2. Acute pancreatitis. It is provoked by poor nutrition and excess weight of the animal.
  3. Legg-Perthes disease. Inflammation of the head of the femur and its subsequent necrosis. Accompanied by lameness and atrophy of muscle tissue.
  4. Tracheal collapse. It is a subsidence of the trocheal rings, which leads to difficulty breathing. The disease cannot be cured completely, but its dynamics can be controlled.
  5. Inflammation of the gums.
  6. Early tooth loss.
  7. Bronchitis.
  8. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

In addition, puppies may suffer from herniated discs, which cause paralysis in the hind legs. Due to their low weight, Biewer Yorkies do not tolerate anesthesia well, so any surgical intervention is fraught with death.

Most diseases are hereditary. Before buying a puppy, you need to pay special attention to the pedigree history.

Features of choosing a purebred puppy

So, when choosing a mini pet, you must follow several rules:

  • First of all, compare it with the description of the standard to exclude the possibility of defects (wrong coloring, depigmentation of the nose and eyelids, light eyes, lop ears, malocclusion).
  • Check the living conditions of the dogs, their diet and the availability of necessary vaccinations.
  • Study the pedigree of your future pet to determine its purebred status.
  • Biewer is a Yorkshire Terrier and should not show anger or aggression. These are inquisitive, active mini dogs that independently find activities to their liking.

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How to position the ears

Sometimes, due to changing teeth or lack of calcium in the body, beavers' ears do not stand up. In this case, the puppies will need help; the procedure includes several stages.

  1. To begin with, you can try giving puppies gelatin (dosage: a little more than the tip of a knife) or a specialized drug.
  2. If drug therapy does not bring results, the ears are glued using a patch.

There are several methods of gluing (in the form of a crown, a bundle with fastenings, etc.), however, before carrying out the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor so that he can select the safest and most effective method.

Price range

Due to the fact that the Biro is a new breed for Russia and at the same time quite popular, the price of puppies starts from 20,000 rubles and higher, depending on the region. If the parents are imported, then their offspring can cost from 50,000 rubles or more.

True, if breeders still have grown-up puppies, they often sell them much cheaper - from 10,000 rubles.

What to feed your Yorkie

Feeding a Biewer Yorkie puppy from two to five months is done 4 times a day. For babies, diet is very important, so feeding times must be specific. From five months to one year, dogs receive food three times a day. After twelve months they are transferred to the morning-evening regimen.

Bievers can be fed both natural food and dry food. In the first case, the diet should consist of 2/3 meat and 1/3 cereals, cottage cheese and vegetables. In addition, vitamins and supplements will be needed, the dosages of which should be calculated by a doctor. A lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to metabolic disorders and diseases.

For this reason, many dog ​​owners prefer to feed their dogs dry food. The composition of factory feeds already includes the necessary vitamins, which allows you not to worry about a lack of nutrients. In the case of a dry diet, you need to carefully monitor the constant availability of fresh water. Additionally, a diet lacking variety can lead to adverse effects.

Feeds come in different compositions, qualities and directions. Some of them are intended exclusively for neutered or adult animals, and some are for allergy sufferers and children.

Biewer Yorkies are prohibited:

  • hard bones and game bones;
  • sausages;
  • legumes;
  • cheeses with a high percentage of fat;
  • River fish;
  • potato;
  • confectionery and flour products;
  • cabbage;
  • pork and other fatty meats.

Biewer Yorkies live 12-15 years, but poor and unbalanced nutrition can shorten this period by several years.


Most breeders prefer to feed their dogs prepared food. Babies eat very little; even holistic food is relatively inexpensive. In addition, this option is convenient: it eliminates the need for cooking and administering vitamin and mineral supplements. Portions are calculated by weight based on the recommendations on the packaging.

Some Biewers do not eat in moderation, which can lead to obesity. The dog must be weighed periodically and if it gains extra grams, the amount of food should be reduced.

If desired, you can stick to natural products. In this case, porridge is prepared with the addition of meat (beef or poultry) and vegetables. The diet may also include dairy products, a little honey, and boiled sea fish. For every 500 g of weight there is approximately one tablespoon of food without top. To prevent plaque and especially during teeth changes, beavers can be given pressed beef tendons.

The Biewer bowl should be at chest level with the dog. To do this, it is placed on a small shelf-stand.

Home maintenance

Biewers are fairly unpretentious dogs. For a comfortable life, they need a standard set of things: a soft bed, hygiene products, equipment for walking, a set of clothes for each season, a set of quality toys and two bowls. Of course, the needs of each animal are individual and the list will expand on its own.

After moving the puppy to a new home, you need to give the dog a name. Some people prefer to watch her for a couple of days, while others choose a nickname in advance. Sometimes a name is changed because it doesn't fit the animal's personality or is difficult to remember.

  1. Nicknames for girls are distinguished by tenderness and sophistication: Agatha, Ophelia, Holly, Toffee, Luxie and Dolly.
  2. Nicknames for boys can be discreet and mischievous: Viscount, Caesar, Harry, Chucky and Umka.

Walking is extremely important for beavers. Despite their small size, they need to relieve tension and provide an outlet for energy. While being outside, dogs learn to communicate with their relatives and have the opportunity to sharpen their claws.

Allergenic or not

It is a mistake to think that dogs without undercoat are suitable for allergy sufferers. It's not the fur that causes the reaction, but a protein or protein found in dogs' saliva and feces. These substances reach the surface of human skin and cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, an allergy to a Biewer Yorkie is a completely common and very unpredictable thing.

Bievers have no undercoat, therefore they do not shed and have no dog odor.


The first mating is carried out after the second heat at the age of 15-18 months. Earlier mating can harm the dog’s body and provoke the development of pathologies in the puppies in the womb. If the girl was not bred before the age of four, it is better to abandon breeding forever. Puberty in boys begins at the age of six months, so the optimal period for the first mating is 9-14 months.

If you do not want to have offspring, then dogs are sterilized. As a rule, Bievers are castrated after the onset of puberty, at 7-8 months. Sterilization is carried out later, but the young body copes better with surgical intervention (+ poor tolerance of anesthesia by beavers). This will prevent the appearance of offspring and relieve the consequences of marks and estrus.

Is it possible to breed a Biewer with a Yorkie?

No, the Biewer and Yorkshire Terrier are different breeds, so their puppy will be considered a mixed breed. Such matings are prohibited by the standard. If breeders have crossed a Yorkie and a Biewer, they should not offer the puppies for sale.


Biewers are the longest-living dogs among decorative breeds. With proper care and nutrition, they live 12 - 16 years. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by good health, but they have a tendency to breed diseases, some of which are inherited by puppies.

The most common diseases:

  1. Tracheal collapse.
  2. Diseases of the liver and pancreas.
  3. Diseases of teeth and gums.
  4. Poor tolerance to anesthesia.
  5. Necrosis of the femoral head.
  6. Not overgrowing of the fontanel.
  7. Cryptorchidism.
  8. Allergy.
  9. Sensitive digestion.
  10. Inflammation of the paraanal glands.
  11. Heart diseases.

To maintain the health of your pet, preventive examinations should be carried out regularly; if dangerous symptoms occur, immediate treatment is required. Timely deworming of the dog and treatment for fleas and ticks is also necessary.

Biewer or York: which is better?

The choice of a particular breed is based solely on personal preferences. Some people think that the Yorkshire Terrier is more beautiful and balanced than the Biewer, while others think it’s the opposite. The Biewer is distinguished by its extravagant color and stronger skeleton. These dogs are aimed at participating in competitions and exhibitions, so their pedigree must be impeccable. At the same time, exhibition does not negate the intelligence and activity of beavers, as well as love and devotion to the owner.

Yorkshire terriers are most often adopted by ordinary families who dream of a kind and affectionate friend, so blood purity is almost unimportant. The cost of Yorkie puppies is much lower than that of Biewer puppies. This is explained by the wide distribution of the breed and the high percentage of mestizos. In any case, before choosing a new family member, you need to find out everything about the breed and prospects, because a hasty decision will affect the life and health of the animal.

If courage, cheerfulness and impressive appearance are important to a potential owner, you should pay attention to the Biewer Yorkie. This dog has a strong, independent character with a cute face and modest size.

Such different Yorkshire terriers

Breed recognition for Yorkshire Terriers came in the 19th century. Yorkies were obtained as a result of crossing and, possibly, Over time, 9 variants of Yorkie coat color appeared, while tri-colored dogs became very popular.

Biewer and Biro Yorkies are prominent representatives of the group of companion dogs. Unlike active hunters, Yorkshire terriers, Biewers and Biro are exclusively decorative breeds. In addition, they have an important property - their fur is hypoallergenic, they practically do not shed, so they can be owned by people with various allergies.

If, in the eyes of a layman, the differences between the breeds are barely noticeable, then a specialist will immediately determine what makes these cute dogs unique.

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