How to care for a Yorkshire Terrier - care and maintenance in an apartment, how to take care of a dog

Combs for Yorkshire Terriers

The fur of Yorkshire terriers has a special structure. It is thin and very similar to human hair. Small dogs do not shed, each hair grows from one bulb, and there is no undercoat. Due to this specificity, hairs are prone to brittleness and can split if you do not regularly care for them.


Yorkies need to be weaned off petty pranks at a young age. Otherwise, chewing furniture or begging from the table will become a habit. In matters of education, it is important to know when to stop. Never lay your hand on a dog. After all, the owner’s hands symbolize trust and care: they give food, stroke, and kindly scratch behind the ear. There are other methods for punishment: splashing with water; shaking by the collar.

Types of combs for Yorkies

Grooming Yorkshire Terriers will require a lot of equipment. A Yorkie's coat needs to be brushed regularly, even if it is a pet-class dog. Grooming an animal that has a show career will require more tools to ensure its coat and appearance are up to standard.

Home Grooming Tools

For pets who do not participate in exhibitions, it will be enough:

  • Massage comb with metal teeth. This is a device for daily combing; it should be used after walking, sleeping and taking off clothes. It has a gentle effect on hairs without tangling them, improves blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on hair growth;
  • Pukhoderka. Used only for animals not participating in the exhibition. It can be used to untangle matted fur effectively and painlessly. It is recommended to combine it with blow-drying: the directed air flow pulls the hair well;
  • Metal comb. Essential for the final stage of combing. It smoothes the hair, makes sure that there are no tangles or knots left, and is convenient for shaping the hairstyle;
  • Comb with a thin metal handle. Needed for those dogs that wear top notes. With its help it is convenient to distribute strands.

Show Grooming Tools

Owners of Yorkshire terriers who regularly participate in shows and exhibitions must also purchase:

  • A large natural bristle brush. It can be used for daily grooming, and is also necessary for polishing and smoothing the coat before entering the ring;
  • A similar small size brush. It is useful for styling wool in hairstyles and for winding hairs on curlers;
  • Massage brush with very long teeth. It must be used to give the coat maximum effect immediately before entering the ring.

Are vaccinations necessary?

Vaccination is a necessary condition for the formation of strong immunity in a dog. If you ignore vaccinations, your dog can become infected with a number of dangerous diseases that can be fatal. The formation of immunity is a rather complex process that must take place under the close attention of a veterinarian.

Beagle: care and maintenance in the apartment and in the house

A Yorkshire Terrier puppy acquires its first immunity by feeding on its mother's milk. Thus, the baby’s protection is maintained for some time, protecting the puppy’s body from attacks by viruses and bacteria. However, this acquired immunity gradually fades away.

Before vaccination, a number of necessary conditions must be met:

  • make sure the dog is completely healthy;
  • two weeks before the planned vaccination, carry out anthelmintic measures;
  • 3 days before vaccination, it is necessary to monitor the puppy’s temperature, which normally should not exceed 39 °C.

Important! It is forbidden to vaccinate if the dog is sick, in heat, pregnant or nursing puppies.

The first scheduled vaccination is given when the puppy reaches 9 weeks of age. The second is carried out when the pet reaches 13 weeks. The third is carried out when the baby reaches 30 weeks of age. A Yorkie's first rabies vaccination is given at 12 months.

Vaccination is a necessity

How to choose a good comb for your Yorkie?

First of all, you should remember that plastic brushes and combs are not suitable for Yorkshire Terriers, they electrify the hairs and tangle them. Therefore, even if the body of the device is made of plastic, the teeth must be covered with metal.

It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of materials and sizes of devices. Yorkies are miniature dogs, so the tools must be selected so that they can be used to effectively comb hard-to-reach areas. The teeth must be rounded, otherwise you can scratch the delicate skin.

Walking rules

As already mentioned, Yorkies are very clean. They are easy to train to the litter box, so dogs do not need walking as a means to resolve their delicate issues. But walks are required. Babies also need fresh air, like all living creatures. They need to frolic on the grass, so try to let your baby off your hands for at least a little while each walk. When you have vaccinated your dog, wait 1.5–2 weeks from the date of vaccination, and then you can go for a walk.

The puppy's first walks should not be tiring. They are introductory: it is important for the baby to get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment. At first he may be a little scared, but then he begins to show curiosity - encourage him, his owner's approval is important to him. Physical activity at a calm pace, leisurely walks - this is what suits Yorkies. Try to walk in quiet places, in areas that are not very noisy; such a baby is easily frightened. Since the dog does not have a thick undercoat, he needs special clothes for walking. You can put shoes on your paws to prevent injury to the delicate pads of your paws.

In severe frost, try not to walk your Yorkie: he will freeze. It is recommended to adhere to the regime - this is important for raising a dog. The baby is convenient because its size allows you to take the dog even on long trips. You need a carrying bag and a leash with a collar, the rest is secondary.

Brushing your Yorkie correctly

The combing procedure begins with preparation. All tools and necessary cosmetics should be in one place and next to the table where the dog is brushed.

Manipulations are carried out with one hand, with the other holding the pet. You need to start from the back and sides, combing carefully so as not to pull a random tangle. If it is found, you can disassemble it by hand and use a slicker. For treatment, you should use a specialized spray. After the back and sides, you need to tackle the stomach.

When the first stage of combing is completed, you should smooth the coat with a metal comb and apply the necessary cosmetics to make it silky and shiny.

In the most extreme cases, if the fur is very matted and attempts to untangle it cause pain to the pet, but do not bring success, you will have to use a tangle cutter to remove a very tangled knot.

The hair characteristics of Yorkshire terriers require careful and careful handling. For the combing procedure, just a comb is not enough; auxiliary means are needed to facilitate the separation of the hair into beautiful strands.

Royal Groom Spray, developed specifically for Yorkshire Terrier dogs, not only prevents the formation of tangles, but also moisturizes the coat, maintaining the natural hair structure and healthy skin.


Prevention of tangles

In order to eliminate tangles with minimal wool loss, you need to do this immediately after they are discovered. It’s even better if combing is done regularly, which will form the basis of prevention. You need to wash and comb your pet's fur as often as necessary. It is advisable to brush some breeds daily, for example, collie, chow-chow. Almost all long-haired breeds need to be combed every day if they roam freely on the street and get caught in burrs, puddles or sand.

In the process, you need to eliminate tangles, only as a last resort by cutting them off with scissors; as soon as they begin to appear, you can easily untangle them. This will avoid causing pain to the animal. Key attention should be paid to the armpits, ear and belly areas, where hair is most prone to matting. For a high-quality result, you need to choose a good slicker, which will minimize discomfort for the dog.

Anti-tangle shampoo is an effective preventive measure that prevents their formation. The product is ineffective against already formed tangles. In this case, shampoo should be used in parallel with combing. After taking a bath, you need to dry your pet’s fur with a hairdryer, combing out tangles as you go. A dog should not be allowed to run around with wet fur, as it will quickly become tangled.

How to scratch a Yorkie puppy

To care for your dog you will need:

• Deep cleaning shampoo. It can be used approximately once every 3 to 4 weeks, depending on the dog’s contamination, after oil treatments.

• Mild shampoo. I am of the opinion that you should wash your dog once a week. The purpose of shampoo is to cleanse the skin and coat of dirt. Shampoos contain substances that are necessary for the coat. It is very important to use products that “return” what the shampoo washed away. It is very important to be careful when choosing shampoo. Shampoo can undo years of grooming.

• Air conditioner. Conditioner should be used to restore the loss of vitamins and fat during daily care. The conditioner should be left on for one to two minutes for optimal results, even though it should not remain on the coat. Wool needs time for the conditioner to absorb. Conditioners smooth out the outer layers of the hair, helping to keep the ends healthy. This will add more shine to the coat and keep the coat in perfect condition.


Bathing a Yorkshire Terrier.

In general, Yorkies rarely bathe with joy. But if you are patient and smart, bathing your puppy can be an enjoyable experience. It is better to wash in the bathroom; it is not advisable to wash in a basin placed on a raised platform, because... the puppy may, trying to escape, turn it over and harm not only you, but also itself. Remember not to let your puppy lick the shampoo, as this can cause an upset stomach. It is also undesirable for the shampoo to get into the puppy's eyes. It is best to use shampoos for puppies until the dog is old enough. The water should be quite warm, approximately 36-37°C. The procedure should be carried out approximately once every 1-2 weeks, depending on how quickly the wool becomes dirty. It is better to dilute the shampoo with water. It’s better to pour it onto your hands, rub it, and then gently apply it to the dog’s fur in the direction of hair growth so that the fur doesn’t get tangled. There is no need to rush, and everything will work out. Make sure that the shampoo is thoroughly rinsed off, and apply a rinse or conditioner; you do not need to rinse it off completely. Then, if you wish, you can apply oil to the coat. By the way, long-haired dogs tangle less after such lubrication. As one said. And some breeders do the opposite - they lubricate with oil BEFORE bathing, 2 hours before. But oil is for adult show dogs.

NOW YOU NEED TO DRY THE WOOL. It is necessary to dry it, because... otherwise the dog may catch a cold and develop otitis media. Drying should not injure the dog's skin: two warm towels are ideal for this. You can dry your dog with a hairdryer - not hot or cold, but warm air. You need to dry the wool, as if stretching it when combing it from the parting on the back downwards - like your own hair, wanting to straighten the curls. After drying, you need to carefully comb the entire coat from the very roots, first against the grain with a natural bristle brush, cleaning the undercoat (puppies up to 6 months), then with a metal comb with rotating teeth along the coat and make an even parting. A Yorkie's hairstyle is done by picking up the hairs on both sides of the head from the outer corner of the eye, to the middle of the ears, and collecting everything in one ponytail, tying it with a special elastic band. And, of course, the inevitable bow. Remember that the main component of care is touching with love and tenderness. The bedding on which the dog sleeps must be washed regularly, otherwise what good is bathing?!

Special cosmetics

To ensure that your dog always looks smooth and well-groomed, pet cosmetics manufacturers have developed a line of anti-matt care products. The essence of the action is that they eliminate static electricity in the pile and make it slippery. Some manufacturers take into account not only the length, but also the color of the pet. For example, BioGroom and Beaphar have such products.

Table 1. Anti-tangling cosmetics.

NameActive components, additional actionVolume, mlApproximate cost, rub.
Chitosan from crab shells, aloe vera extract. Moisturizes 150190
Mink oil, silk proteins. Suitable for dogs with sensitive skin and puppies, protects against sun damage 350418
Argan oil. Reduces shedding period, stimulates fur growth 300350
Almond oil, provitamin B5250/250479/479
Yarrow infusion, pine paste, D-panthenol22094

Types of combs for Yorkies

Grooming Yorkshire Terriers will require a lot of equipment. A Yorkie's coat needs to be brushed regularly, even if it is a pet-class dog. Grooming an animal that has a show career will require more tools to ensure its coat and appearance are up to standard.

Home Grooming Tools

For pets who do not participate in exhibitions, it will be enough:

  • Massage comb with metal teeth. This is a device for daily combing; it should be used after walking, sleeping and taking off clothes. It has a gentle effect on hairs without tangling them, improves blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on hair growth;
  • Pukhoderka. Used only for animals not participating in the exhibition. It can be used to untangle matted fur effectively and painlessly. It is recommended to combine it with blow-drying: the directed air flow pulls the hair well;
  • Metal comb. Essential for the final stage of combing. It smoothes the hair, makes sure that there are no tangles or knots left, and is convenient for shaping the hairstyle;
  • Comb with a thin metal handle. Needed for those dogs that wear top notes. With its help it is convenient to distribute strands.

Show Grooming Tools

Owners of Yorkshire terriers who regularly participate in shows and exhibitions must also purchase:

  • A large natural bristle brush. It can be used for daily grooming, and is also necessary for polishing and smoothing the coat before entering the ring;
  • A similar small size brush. It is useful for styling wool in hairstyles and for winding hairs on curlers;
  • Massage brush with very long teeth. It must be used to give the coat maximum effect immediately before entering the ring.


“Royal Groom shampoo lathers well. Despite the small volume, 3 months is definitely enough. A very convenient dispenser, indispensable when you wash a pet who doesn’t want to do it at all. You don’t have to do a bunch of unnecessary actions!”

“We have been using Bio Groom for 2 years and have no complaints, it suited us 100%. Each dog needs to select cosmetics individually, I hit the nail on the head – that’s great!”

Now you know what to choose for your pet and how to properly care for it. Health, strength to you and your pet and winning prizes at exhibitions.

How to choose a good comb for your Yorkie?

First of all, you should remember that plastic brushes and combs are not suitable for Yorkshire Terriers, they electrify the hairs and tangle them. Therefore, even if the body of the device is made of plastic, the teeth must be covered with metal.

It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of materials and sizes of devices. Yorkies are miniature dogs, so the tools must be selected so that they can be used to effectively comb hard-to-reach areas. The teeth must be rounded, otherwise you can scratch the delicate skin.

Basic command training

Training will help your inquisitive Yorkie avoid a lot of trouble. For training you will need: a good mood, 10 minutes of free time and a few treats. The owner's cheerful and cheerful voice, together with his favorite delicacy, will turn any workout into an exciting game.

“Come to me”: throw a ball or other toy to the dog, then lure him to you with a treat, say the pet’s name and command. If the puppy runs up immediately, reward him.

“Place”: When sitting next to your dog, hold the treat where it can be seen. Go to the couch and say the command. When the puppy comes, place him in his place and apply light pressure to the rump. For following the command, praise the baby and give him a tasty piece.

“Fu”: the command is used only when it is necessary to stop any action. To do this, say it in a stern voice and lightly tug the leash. It is worth approaching the study of this command when the training stage has been completed and the owner has managed to gain the trust of the dog.

  • Yorkshire Terriers are easy to train, so teaching them other commands is not difficult.

Advice from experienced owners

Knowledgeable owners claim that many combs are not needed to care for the coat of this breed. The first tool is a dog massage brush. It is best if its base is wooden and the teeth are metal, mounted on a rubberized pad, but not pointed.

It is also recommended to purchase a “massage brush” with natural, soft bristles, which, as opposed to metal ones, lays the hair and fluffs it up. The dog perceives such a comb with great pleasure: it is soft, its touch soothes and relaxes.

You will also need a comb with a tail-knitting needle at the end, which will help you part the hair on the back and separate the strands for styling and combing. Finally, another important element is a slicker brush, which will be needed to break up tangles. Ideally, the slicker should not be used if the dog is well-groomed. But in real life, experienced owners confirm that such a tool may be needed (especially if the dog lives in a private house).

Should you cut your dog's hair for the summer?

Some owners think that the easiest way to solve the problem of mats in the warm season is to cut the dog's hair. But this can be dangerous.

Wool protects against overheating in hot weather and helps to withstand adverse weather conditions. Dogs with short hair suffer from insect bites. They are susceptible to mechanical damage to the skin. Sometimes clipping causes a disorder called follicular arrest. Hair growth slows down greatly, but the original appearance is restored within many months. Scientists cannot yet explain why this happens.

Haircuts can be hazardous to health

But you can’t do without a haircut in such cases:

  • most of the pet’s body is covered with pellets;
  • felted wool hurts;
  • there is a suspicion of parasite infection;
  • Dermatological diseases have been identified - for example, eczema.

In order for a dog to have a beautiful coat and good health, it needs careful care. Preventive shearing does not solve the problem of tangles. Therefore, before taking a long-haired animal into your home, you should think: do you have the time, energy and patience to take care of a new family member?

Tips from grooming experts

Professionals never tire of reminding you that caring for a York Terrier is not hasty and requires having several tools in your arsenal. First of all, experts recommend purchasing a special spray for home grooming, which will make it possible to easily comb the fur, even if it is tangled or has formed tangles.

For care, you need to purchase combs with an antistatic effect - these are brushes with a rubber or wooden base, but in no case with a plastic base. It is the latter material that has the amazing ability to become electrified and tangle wool. For an antistatic effect, you can also use a special spray.

Groomers agree with pet owners in determining the basic tools. So, you definitely need to buy the following type of combs for Yorkies:

  • Massage brushes with natural bristles to add shine;
  • Metal combs for combing;
  • Comb with a metal needle for styling and parting.

For the Yorkshire Terrier, you will need a comb with rotating teeth and a brush with alternating teeth.

The first, walking through the wool, finds tangles, but does not tear them out and does not spoil the cover. The second directly combs the found matted areas. At the end of all procedures, it is worth giving the dog a treat and scratching behind the ear: let the pet love brushing and treat it as a fun game with the owner.

It's time to figure out what combs for Yorkies you need to have on hand. Remember, half of your grooming success depends on what tools you use!

We will divide combs for Yorkies into basic (for daily use) and additional (which will be useful in caring for show dogs).

What experts say

Animal groomers actively use this tool in their work. It effectively removes matted hair without spoiling the dog's appearance. This is very important, especially if the pet belongs to the show class and regularly performs at exhibitions.

However, experts do not recommend delaying the removal of hairballs. The tangle does not unravel on its own; on the contrary, it becomes larger over time. In advanced cases, the groomer is forced to cut it out, and this may change the course of the haircut itself.

How to choose the right comb for the Yorkshire Terrier's coat?

The owner of the Infanta Grooming Studio, Diana Krupnova, is a professional expert.

How to choose the right comb for the Yorkshire Terrier's coat?

Grooming your Yorkie's coat doesn't really require a lot of brushing. But given the delicate texture of the Yorkie's silky coat, a quality tool is very important.

For everyday combing, you need a massage brush with metal teeth. When choosing, make sure that the teeth are rounded so as not to injure the dog’s skin when combing. And also, you should not choose a brush with tips on the teeth - when combing, they seriously injure the delicate coat. Instead of a massage brush, you can buy a slicker (slicker brush), but here you need to know how to use the slicker correctly so as not to scratch the dog’s skin.

Also, to care for your Yorkie, you need a single-row metal comb (preferably with an antistatic coating) with frequent and fine teeth - in order to check yourself after combing with a massage brush, and this comb is also very convenient for combing the fur on the face. Using a single-row comb, you can comb the hair near the nose, mouth and ears efficiently without the risk of accidentally getting your dog in the eye. You can buy a comb with rotating teeth, but, to be honest, this is not for everyone. I did not appreciate such know-how in my work.

Advantages and disadvantages

A significant advantage of the tool is the careful removal and, if possible, untangling of matted hair on the pet’s body. Thanks to the mat cutter, the owner or groomer is able to keep the dog’s coat in proper condition without creating a “bald patch.” An additional advantage of the product is the presence of several models, thanks to which the dog owner can choose a mat cutter based on the size and structure of the pet’s coat.

Washing a dog's eyes at home and what products are needed for this

The disadvantage of the tool is considered to be poor quality manufacturing. Not all manufacturers strive to please the potential client. By purchasing a low-quality product, the owner risks simply throwing away money, since the hair cutter will not perform its main function.

Combs for daily grooming of your Yorkie.

Here are the combs you may need if you are raising a regular Yorkie for yourself.

Massager with metal teeth.

Essential for daily combing of wool. After a walk or sleep, after taking off your overalls, while drying, and simply when you need to comb the fur, use this comb. It does not tangle the hair, gently and painlessly combs out small tangled hair, stimulates blood circulation in the skin, thanks to the massage effect, enhancing hair growth.


A comb for your Yorkie that is great for removing tangles. If the matting of the fur is quite severe, you can break the tangles with minimal discomfort for the dog using a slicker brush, moving the brush in different directions. Use a slicker brush when blow-drying your dog to give the coat a good tug and a smooth, even texture. Blow-drying with a slicker does a great job of detangling the fur with minimal discomfort for the dog. It is important to know that for the long and thin coat of a Yorkie, massage combs with plastic teeth or with metal teeth but with liquid plastic balls at the end, supposedly protecting the skin from mechanical stress, are not suitable. They may protect the skin, but they do not spare the fur. The wool, passing through the plastic teeth, becomes electrified and finally becomes tangled, and the cracks in the bulk plastic balls pinch the hairs, cutting and tearing off the Yorkshire's already thin hair. A slicker brush as a tool for fighting tangles is not suitable for show dogs, since every hair counts for show dogs and the tangles must be removed manually.

Which shampoo with conditioner is considered the best?

In any case, the shampoo should contain a minimum pH level and consist of natural ingredients. Transparent color also indicates decent quality, as does the absence of a strong odor.

We choose a high-quality shampoo without regard to the price, otherwise damaged skin and the appearance of difficult to comb tangles will not keep you waiting.

There are shampoos with various ingredients. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • Moisturizing – regulate the water balance of the skin, making the fur soft and silky.
  • Adding volume – the main component is silicone, which visually increases the volume of the animal’s fur.
  • Regenerating – the composition includes various oils that help revive the hair. If your pet's fur is highly electrified, such shampoos will be the optimal solution.
  • Bio-shampoo - includes ingredients of exclusively natural origin, saturates the skin with nutritional elements, and stimulates the growth of new hair.
  • Super cleansing - if you often attend exhibitions, then this shampoo is the best solution. It efficiently washes away all applied varnishes, sprays, oils, etc.

Choosing a comb for a Yorkshire Terrier

Thick, shiny, beautiful coat is the calling card and pride of the Yorkshire Terrier breed. However, such beauty requires systematic, proper and correct care from breeders. How to properly care for a Yorkie's coat and curl the hair into curlers? In this section we will tell you which brushes should always be on hand to care for your little pet’s fur.

Choosing combs for Yorkies

Conventionally, combs for Yorkie fur can be divided into basic ones, which are needed for everyday care, and additional ones, which are necessary for a successful exhibition career of the pet.

To systematically care for your Yorkie's coat you will need:

  • a regular massage brush with metal teeth;
  • slicker;
  • thick metal comb;
  • brush with a metal tip.

For daily coat care after walking, taking off clothes, and waking up, you will need a massage brush with metal teeth. With the help of such a comb, the procedure for combing matted fur will not bring any unpleasant sensations to your pet; it will have a gentle massage effect on the skin, improving blood circulation.

Massage brushes with plastic pouring tips, as well as combs with plastic teeth, are not suitable for Yorkies. Plastic will electrify thin, long hairs of fur, making it difficult to comb the dog.

If tangles have formed on your pet's fur, a special slicker brush will be indispensable for these purposes. With its help, carefully making movements in different directions, you can eliminate tangles without causing pain to your pet. With the help of a slicker, you can achieve a perfectly even structure and smooth texture of the coat by combining combing your pet with simultaneous drying with a hairdryer.

Important! Puffers are not recommended for use on the coat of show dogs. For representatives of the show and pet class, every hair counts, so the resulting tangles are sorted out manually.

a metal comb is used at the final stage of the hygiene procedure, after the baby’s fur is perfectly combed and free of tangles. A sign of a perfectly combed coat is that the comb runs along the entire length of the coat without the slightest delay. Using a comb, you can create a stylish dog hairstyle; it is convenient to use when grooming your dog. But under no circumstances should combs be used to untangle tangles. Instead of a comb, you can use a comb with metal rotating teeth.

As an additional comb, for Yorkies who wear stylish fashionable ponytails, you can purchase a comb with a metal tip, with which it is very convenient to separate the strands on the top of the head and form the top note.

Brushes for grooming the coat of show Yorkies

In addition to the basic devices described above for caring for the Yorkshire Terrier's coat (with the exception of a slicker brush), the owners' arsenal should include two brushes, large and small, made of natural pork bristles, and massage brushes with long, fine teeth.

A small brush is convenient to use when winding Yorkie hair into curlers, to shape the hairstyle, top note. It is recommended to use a large comb for daily brushing of a small pet’s fur, as well as before entering the ring. Brushes with natural bristles polish, smooth, give an elastic structure and additional shine to the hairs.

A long-toothed massage brush is used for brushing immediately before the Yorkshire Terrier makes a spectacular appearance in the ring.

In addition to various devices to maintain the beauty of the coat, it is necessary to purchase professional wool products - sprays, foams, balms. air conditioners. Remember, caring for the Yorkshire Terrier's coat should be a daily, systematic ritual, which the dog must be taught to do from an early puppy age.

A haircut

The first time scissors touch a small Yorkie is already 2 weeks old, when the ears are first processed. A little later, the groin area is also treated.

At the age of 4 months, the puppy already needs a full hygienic haircut of the muzzle, paws, belly, groin and ears. It is best if it is carried out by a professional for the first time.

From the age of 6 months you can have model haircuts.

Exhibition animals most often get by with hygiene procedures, since wool is their wealth, while on vacation or as a regular pet, Yorkies can even wear a very short hairstyle to make it easier for owners to care for it.

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