Pug mix - how to distinguish mestizos, with whom pugs are usually crossed

Not so long ago, the results of unplanned matings of dogs were considered a marriage. The resulting puppies were equated to mongrels. Today, crossing representatives of different breeds and obtaining mestizos has become a new direction in canine selection. The most interesting and varied results are obtained by crossbreeding pugs with other dogs. Some of them have a unique appearance, have strong immunity, others are distinguished by poor health or undesirable character traits. For this reason, crossing pugs must be done responsibly so as not to produce non-viable offspring.

Pug/Chinese Crested mix

Proponents of interbreeding claim that puppies inherit the best qualities of their parents' breeds. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to predict in advance what kind of exterior the young animals will have. The character and behavior of the animal are also unpredictable. In addition, individuals have rather poor health and a short life expectancy.

Cute little pugs have become one of the favorite objects of designer selection. They were crossed with representatives of many breeds. In particular, with the Chinese Crested Dog. Metis was called Khokhlomops or Pugese. It is distinguished by an unusual type of skin: skin with folds and tufts of wool.

The photo shows a cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested


Despite the fact that mestizos are universally considered healthier and more active individuals, sometimes this is not at all the case. For example, both breeds, the French bulldog and the pug, are prone to obesity and often have breathing problems. Similar signs are observed in the offspring. It is difficult to choose a healthy puppy that does not have an insatiable craving for food, as well as not to feed it subsequently with something prohibited for a particular breed.

Important! If you cross a large male Husky with a female Pug, you may have problems carrying and delivering healthy puppies. It's better not to do this.

Pug/Chihuahua mix

A cross between a pug and a chihuahua shares similarities with both parents. Larger in size than the “Mexicans” and not as massive as the “Chinese”. The coat color ranges from pale cream to anthracite black, and albinos are occasionally born. The mixed pedigree is indicated by a snub-nosed muzzle, characteristic of natives of the East. The owners dubbed the hybrid dogs chops or chihuaps.

Other pug mixes

In addition to the listed breeds, the pug is also crossed with other decorative dogs, for example, with:

  • French bulldog (gets funny ears);
  • toy terrier;
  • Shih Tzu;
  • husky;
  • Spitz (Pug Spitz).

The main thing that is taken into account when crossing is the weight and size of the female. She should not be much smaller than the male. A cross between a pug and a Spitz, a mixture of a pug and a Pekingese, a Chihuahua, and a Yorkshire terrier are considered successful; less successful, a cross between a Chihuahua and a mongrel, a husky, or a corgi.

Pug/Pekingese mix

The hybridization of the pug with the Pekingese is not a tribute to a newfangled tradition, but a return to the original roots. Both varieties are of ancient Chinese origin. Residents of the Celestial Empire use the general term “Narra dog” to designate them, which means “waddling”. Until the 19th century, Pekingese dogs were called Pekingese pugs in Europe. Thus, emphasizing the connection between the breeds.

The American woman R. Mons decided to revive the long-standing traditions and conducted several matings of two purebred animals. The offspring were given the nickname lo-shi pug (short pug).

The exterior of puppies looks more squat due to short limbs. Reminds one of its parents by the presence of folds on its face. Dogs delight their owners with their funny appearance and friendly disposition. Mestizos have good immunity, immunity to most diseases.

Animals combine:

  • the attractiveness and determination of the Pekingese;
  • the complacency and positive attitude of the pug.

Thanks to their qualities, they quickly find owners.


There are many advantages to breeding mixed breeds:

  • getting a dog that is unusual in all respects;
  • the birth of a unique dog, the difference from other breeds will be radical.

The experiment, if it turns out to be successful, allows you to become the owner of the most interesting individuals, and sometimes become famous.

Pugs are often crossed with other toy dogs. The resulting mestizos have qualities characteristic of each of the parents, but no breeder can predict the predominant traits. This is one of the main advantages of getting a mixed breed from two purebred dogs. Difference and similarity are simultaneously attractive.

Pug/Beagle mix

A mix of a beagle and a native of China is called a puggle. The exclusivity of the appearance is given by folds on the muzzle, hanging ears, and a straight tail. The first individuals of this unusual variety appeared in the 90s. last century. Their unique appearance and cheerful character quickly won the hearts of people.

Puggles love to play and run. Keeping a dog is preferable for active people. Animals need to be walked a lot and undergo regular training.

What kind of dog is a pug?

Pugs are very cute and friendly dogs. They are kind and calm. Geneticists claim that hybrids of different breeds have many positive features that their purebred parents cannot boast of. Metis are less likely to suffer from various diseases and are less prone to genetic pathology. These animals have an interesting appearance and are easier to train.

But there are also negative sides. When crossing dogs of different breeds, people cannot know exactly what their puppies will look like, what size and color they will be born. Also, there may be differences in the character and psyche of the dog. She may be more aggressive and unpredictable than her parents. In order for the result to be more or less predictable, you need to breed dogs that are similar in size, habits, character and other traits.

Pug/Dachshund mix

One of the designer varieties is the taxi dog. In an animal:

  • compact muscular body;
  • short legs;
  • curled tail;
  • large head.

The muzzle has large eyes and many folds. The advantage of the hybrid is that it is hypoallergenic, allowing people sensitive to dog hair to keep a pet. Dogs captivate with their affectionate, soft character. They make excellent companions.

What breeds are similar to the Toy Terrier?

Many small breeds look alike at first glance. If you are not satisfied with the Toy Terrier's character, then you can choose someone who is similar in appearance but has a different temperament.

Here are dogs that are similar in appearance to toy:

  • chihuahua;
  • miniature pinscher;
  • Australian Terrier;
  • Jack Russell Terrier;
  • Smooth Fox Terrier;
  • Italian Greyhound;
  • papillon;
  • Prague rat rat;
  • dachshund.

When choosing a dog, base it primarily on its temperament. It should completely suit you and your rhythm of life.

Caring for a Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix

Caring for a orange-Chihuahua hybrid is not difficult. The dog breeder needs to regularly examine the eyes, ears, teeth, claws and, if necessary, carry out hygiene procedures. Particular attention is paid to the pet's fur. You need to start accustoming the Pomeranian Spitz mix to such activities as early as possible so that the dog gets used to it, does not resist, and requires a minimum amount of time to care for it.

Care for eyes, teeth and ears

Pomchi's eyes are large, they need to be examined daily, cleaned of any crusts and streaks that have formed. To do this, use cotton pads moistened with eye lotion, chamomile decoction or boiled water. Wipe as the fur grows, from the inner corner to the outer. If hygiene rules are ignored, Pomeranian-Chihuahua hybrids develop conjunctivitis or other eye diseases.

Once a week, the dog is examined and its teeth are cleaned using a special brush and toothpaste. She is given dental sticks regularly.

The ears of the orange mix are examined twice a week, and if necessary, dirt and wax are removed. If inflammation or purulent discharge appears from the ears, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Nail care

The claws of a mixed Chihuahua and a Pomeranian Spitz practically do not wear down on their own. They need to be trimmed regularly. For this purpose, purchase a nail clipper of the appropriate size and shape. After trimming, they are processed with a nail file so that there are no sharp edges or edges left.

Keeping a Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix

Pomchi is a decorative dog that is kept only at home; it cannot live on the street. Thanks to his small stature and compactness, the dog feels great even in a one-room apartment. The territory must be secured so that the Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix does not fall from a height, drop a heavy object on itself, or get stuck somewhere. A place for rest, food, toilet is organized for him, hygiene products and all the necessary accessories are purchased - a bed, a house, clothes for walking, a leash, a carrier, toys.


When compiling a diet for a Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix, we are guided by several principles - nutrition should be correct, healthy and balanced, and clean, fresh water should be available around the clock. The owner of a Pomeranian Spitz hybrid himself chooses what to feed his pet - “natural” or “dried”. It is worth purchasing super-premium industrial food. Natural food should be fresh and of high quality.

An adult pomchi is fed twice a day. Between main meals, he is given a snack, since the metabolism of a decorative dog is very high. At the same time, they monitor the diet and do not overfeed, since a mixture of sneezes and Pomeranians is prone to gaining excess weight, especially if they are sterilized.


They rarely bathe a decorative dog, doing this only as a last resort when it gets very dirty. For washing, special cosmetics are used that can give the coat brightness and silkiness. To prevent tangles from forming, it is not recommended to bathe mixed-breed Pomeranians and Chihuas during the molting period.

Training and education

Pomeranian and Chihuahua mixes are easy to train if done in a playful way. Dogs are smart and quick-witted, they quickly learn basic commands (“Place!”, “Come to me!”, “You can’t!”, “Ugh!”, “Voice!”, “Walk!”). The high intelligence of pets allows you to teach them various tricks.

They begin raising a pet immediately after it arrives in its new home. Pomeranian mixes must be trained to their name, place and toilet. Training should not be accompanied by shouting and swearing. Regular practice, encouragement and praise help achieve the desired result.


Long-haired Pomchis are brushed frequently, especially during the molting period. Do not comb wet fur so as not to disturb the structure of the undercoat. Grooming of the Pomeranian Spitz mix should be carried out by an experienced specialist. It shortens only the guard hairs, leaving the undercoat untouched.

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