Basics of proper nutrition or how to feed a Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire terriers are beautiful and charming representatives of decorative dog breeds, and the owners of rather fragile health. The imperfect digestive system of these dogs leads to the fact that any mistake in preparing the diet, any flaw causes the pet to feel unwell and various health problems : from food allergies to poisoning.

Before buying a puppy, you need to understand what food is suitable for representatives of this breed and decide on the diet, because properly organized nutrition of the pet is one of the main tasks of the owner, the health and quality of life of the Yorkshire Terrier depends on it.

Types of vitamins

Vitamins for Yorkies play an important role in the process of metabolism and absorption of nutrients, they promote the growth of cells and tissues of the body, and increase vitality. If there is a lack of one or another vitamin in the diet, serious disorders in the body occur - vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis. Yorkies need vitamins and minerals to prevent diseases, strengthen the immune system and develop the body. It's your job to make sure your dog gets enough vitamins and minerals for his age and weight. Vitamins and minerals can be divided into several categories:

  1. vitamins for older dogs;
  2. vitamins for puppies;
  3. vitamins for a pregnant dog;
  4. dog vitamins for joints;
  5. vitamins for dog skin.

A varied, formulated diet contains all the vitamins and minerals your Yorkie needs, and for a healthy dog, natural food is the most reliable source of minerals.

However, if for some reason there is a need to compensate for the deficiency of a specific micro- or macronutrient, this is best done with the help of a balanced and comprehensive formula. The use of individual minerals may result in nutrient imbalances.

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Omega-3 for Cats and Dogs Now Foods (180 Softgels)

Omega-3 essential fatty acids are just as important for pets as they are for humans: we can only get the required dose through food. Meanwhile, a lot depends on the normal amount of omega-3: joint health, normal brain functions, and an adequate immune response to seasonal changes and colds...

Omega-3 from the well-known manufacturer of eco-products Now Foods contains highly concentrated natural fish oil, which is equally suitable for both dogs and cats. Depending on the weight of the animal, it is enough to use 1-3 capsules per day to provide the pet with the necessary amount of essential fatty acids.

From reviews:

  • “My dog ​​is a Yorkie, smaller than a cat. All her life her eyes were streaming, I didn’t pay attention, I thought it was the characteristics of the breed. A month after starting taking omega, I noticed that my eyes began to run much less, and now I’ve been taking it for 3 months and my eyes don’t run at all. This is such happiness!”
  • “I took it for a large dog. The fur became silky and dandruff disappeared. He eats it with pleasure, like a new delicacy.”
  • “The cat really wants to eat them, but she can’t. As a result: she plays, chases around the apartment, bites it, smears it on the floor, lies down in it herself (probably also useful, right?), in general, the floor is difficult to wash. You have to pierce it and squeeze it into food. We eat for a month, the tail comes back (Maine Coon). I took off a star for the inconvenience of feeding.”

How to provide the necessary vitamins to your Yorkie?

Vitamins for your Yorkie can be given as a dietary supplement or dry food, or they can be part of natural foods. With a natural diet, the Yorkshire Terrier's food may include such necessary products as vegetable oil (fatty acids to improve coat quality).

Once a week you need chicken or quail yolk. A clove of garlic once a week will save your dog from worms. In winter, it is important to give your dog young shoots of oats. You can add a drop of honey to your Yorkie's porridge every other day. If the dog is fed super-premium food or its diet, in addition to high-quality food, includes useful natural substances in the menu and is well balanced, then you do not need to give any additional vitamins.

However, not everyone can afford quality, and therefore expensive food. And not everyone is ready to properly balance natural supplements. If the animal's diet is exclusively dry food of not the highest class, it will need a high-quality nutritional supplement. They vary, and the choice may depend on the dog's specific needs at different times.

Feeding with natural food

A balanced diet is one that contains a large proportion of protein and equal proportions of carbohydrates and fiber. Let's figure out how and what is best to feed the Yorkshire Terrier.

  • Meat products should not contain fatty layers. Raw beef and chicken that has been in the freezer are suitable (to kill parasites). It is allowed to feed with the heart, lungs, and udders. Serve crushed in the evening.
  • The fish must be boiled and the bones carefully removed, and some species (pollock, blue whiting) do not allow iron to be absorbed; choose other variations of the sea lunch.
  • Yolk no more than 2 times a week. Protein provokes allergies and kidney failure.
  • Cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet.
  • Vegetables, raw or boiled: pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets.
  • Fruits: bananas, watermelons, pears, apples.
  • Fermented milk: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, katyk.
  • Olive or flaxseed oil saturates dishes with amino acids and helps absorb nutrients. A small spoon is enough.
  • Indulge in dried fruits occasionally to acquire microelements and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural food for Yorkies involves feeding them with vitamins and minerals for the full development of their four-legged companion. Provide an additional source of calcium, phytin, glycerophosphate, and bone meal.

It is important not to overdo it; an overdose of vitamins and minerals will make the bones of a young individual fragile. The excess in an adult dog is washed out in the urine.

Well-known manufacturers of vitamins for Yorkies

Calcidee is a mineral supplement with high levels of phosphorus and calcium, which affect bone formation and tooth growth. This is especially true for puppies and is also suitable for adult dogs. Excel is a supplement that enriches your Yorkie's diet with a huge number of substances.

Glucosamine with chondroxide promotes the proper absorption of calcium in the Yorkie's body, and also strengthens cartilage and ligaments, which is very important for puppies and old dogs. Multitonic contains many amino acids that are so necessary for dogs:

  1. Lysine,
  2. Arginine,
  3. Methionine,
  4. Threonine,
  5. Histidine,
  6. Phenylalanine,
  7. Leucine,
  8. Tryptophan and valine.

The source of these amino acids in the supplement are mollusks and echinoderms. You can also choose special vitamin complexes for your Yorkie.

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Most often, veterinarians recommend Dr. Zoo, PETVITAL GAG from Canina, Multi Vitamin for Puppy Excel (for puppies), HIP & JOINT PLUS from Nutri-Vet, Polidex Polivit-Ca, Excel Mobile Flex or Beaphar's Top 10 Joint Problems.

Organix South shampoo for cats and dogs with neem extract

Many fans of Ayurveda are familiar with neem extract - this cosmetic product contains a huge amount of active chemicals. Neem acts as a natural antiseptic, relieves skin problems, is a powerful antioxidant and a popular, highly effective hair treatment. The latter also applies to pet hair.

Shampoo with neem extract from Organix South not only thoroughly cleanses the skin, but also nourishes the hair follicles, improving the quality of the coat.

From reviews:

  • “Good shampoo. It has a light, pleasant chamomile scent that does not linger on the dog. It doesn’t lather well, but it washes off dirt perfectly!”
  • “I take shampoo for cats. It washes well, lathers well, and cats walk away feeling soft and fragrant after it.”
  • “Excellent shampoo, does not dry out the hair, after several uses the coat has become more shiny (Maltese dog). A very pleasant, unobtrusive and fresh smell that your pet will smell for a long time. The consumption is a little more than usual due to the fact that the shampoo is without sulfates and parabens (it lathers worse).”
  • “For those who understand - a natural, absolutely harmless composition!”

Where to get natural vitamins for your Yorkie

We talked about medicinal vitamins for Yorkies, but this article also said that the most useful vitamins for Yorkies are vitamins taken from proper nutrition. Let's look at how to provide your Yorkie with all the necessary vitamins.

  1. Vitamin A . For good, clear vision of your pet and sufficient skin moisture, absence of dandruff and hair loss in the Yorkie's body, there must be enough vitamin A. It is found in cod liver oil, carrots, butter, fresh herbs and milk.
  2. Vitamin B1 . In order for the Yorkshire Terrier to have an ideal cardiovascular system, it is necessary to take vitamin B1. It can be found in cereals, kidneys, heart and liver.
  3. Vitamin B2 . Vitamin B2 for Yorkies is the key to good heat transfer in the Yorkshire Terrier’s body. Your dog will not be frozen to the bone during walks in the autumn and winter. This vitamin is found in veal meat, poultry by-products, and brewer's yeast.
  4. Vitamin B6 . Vitamin B6 for Yorkies - takes care of the stability and strength of the nervous system, ensures adequate hemoglobin levels. Contained in wheat germ, cod liver, fish and baby meat.
  5. Vitamin B12 . The key to a healthy Yorkie's liver. You can get it by adding pet kidneys, chicken eggs (in small quantities) and liver to your diet.
  6. PP nicotinic acid . PP nicotinic acid for Yorkies - care for the health of the dog’s gastrointestinal tract, as well as the healthy state of the nervous system and mucous membranes. The vitamin is found in beef kidneys, liver and heart. Choline, contained in cottage cheese, cheese, and fresh spinach, takes care of good blood condition.
  7. Vitamin D. Takes care of the strength of the Yorkie's skeletal system. Its deficiency can lead to rickets in an animal. Therefore, it is worth adding cod liver and veal to your diet.
  8. Vitamin C . This is your Yorkie's immune system. Pamper your pet with fresh vegetables, rose hips and any others that do not contain small grains.
  9. Vitamin K. Helps improve blood clotting. Therefore, add green vegetables to your companion's menu in moderation.
  10. Vitamin E. Takes care of the dog's reproductive system and ensures fertilization. So if your dog is growing or mating, add wheat germ to his food.
  11. Vitamin R. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Contained in buckwheat, rose hips, rowan and black currant, as well as in orange.

This list of essential vitamins allows the Yorkie's body to function normally and not be susceptible to immune diseases. Therefore, always take care of the quality and quantity of food you give your Yorkie (if you feed your puppy natural rather than industrial food).

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Dry food for Yorkshire Terrier

The intense rhythm of modernity sometimes does not allow you to cook your pet separately. Then commercial dry food in bags comes to the rescue. It is easy to use, time-saving, hygienic and balanced.

Owners of the Yorkshire Terrier breed are strictly recommended to ignore dry food of the economy level.

Don’t buy it when it’s cheap: underneath flashy commercials hide unscrupulous producers who can use raw materials from sick or dead livestock. The result will be saturation with empty, low-quality food, antibiotics, pesticides, and flavor enhancers.

The best dry food for a Yorkie will be premium food containing a high percentage of meat composition and the daily requirement of essential microelements and vitamins. Among the brands recommended by dog ​​handlers are Hills, Proplan, and Mera Dog. The assortment offers species for small breeds during certain periods of life: youth, old age, lactation.

If you have to change the brand, consult a dog trainer, he will give recommendations to avoid an allergic reaction and help you choose the right diet.

Why aren't vitamins the same for all dogs?

Vitamin requirements are not the same for all dogs. How many vitamins and nutrients a particular dog needs depends on his age, size, health problems, breed and level of physical activity. What else does a puppy need, what else does an active two-year-old dog need, and what else does an older dog need, spending most of the day on the couch.

This is why the decision to introduce complementary foods should be made in consultation with your veterinarian - without special knowledge and examination of your dog, it is difficult to determine whether he needs additional stimulants. Sometimes, even with a deficiency of nutrients or vitamins, there is no need for special medications, and it is enough to change food, enrich your diet or supplement it, for example, with natural chewable products. Therefore, a visit to a specialist is necessary.

General feeding tips

When purchasing a Yorkie or Mini Yorkie puppy, ask the breeder about its feeding, because a sudden change in feeding can be harmful. Meet him like a child: he is still weak and completely dependent on you. Start gradually feeding him lean meat, boiled fish fillets, cottage cheese, and vegetables.

Feeding with natural food implies a varied, carefully selected menu, and not scraps from the owner's plates.

Food selection

It is very important to decide on the type of food, because mixed feeding is unacceptable!

There are two options left:

  • commercial food (dry food + wet/canned);
  • natural nutrition.

This table will help you decide:

Power typeprosMinuses
Commercial feed
  • Convenient for you, no cooking required.
  • Divide the leko into portions (table on each package).
  • Diversity. There are medicinal lines of food and diets tailored to the characteristics of the breeds.
  • Profitable.
  • Compound. You cannot know for sure what the food consists of.
  • Contains preservatives.
  • Sometimes it is difficult to choose food, since each animal has an individual body, and various components can cause allergies.
Natural feeding
  • You know exactly the composition of the feed and are confident in the quality of the products.
  • You can adjust the diet according to your pet's needs.
  • Inconvenient. Creating a balanced diet takes time.
  • More expensive than dry food.

TheraBreath Fresh Breath Water Additive (473 ml)

Store bestseller! And the reasons are clear. Bad breath is a common problem among pets, even those who hardly go outside. Not every dog ​​or cat will allow you to brush your teeth regularly. And even if allowed, this procedure takes a lot of time and is not always pleasant for either the pet or its owner. A refreshing water additive allows you to solve the problem of odor in a simple way: just add the drug to the water that the animal drinks. Due to the antiseptic composition, the product will relieve your pet of bacteria that provoke the appearance of odor.

Bonus: like the vast majority of products from Iherb, “Fresh Breath” is an absolutely natural supplement, without artificial colors or preservatives.

From reviews:

  • “The cat’s breath smelled like stinking rats, although she lives at home and doesn’t go outside. I started adding half a capful and the smell stopped.”
  • “I think it is undesirable to use this remedy if your pet is prone to allergies. My cat had a reaction quite quickly: he began to itch after drinking water... I give it a three only for the effect - indeed, the unpleasant odor becomes weaker.”
  • “It didn’t help us. We went to the vet, had our teeth cleaned and only then did the smell go away.”

Can dogs have milk? Are dogs lactose intolerant?

Once puppies stop receiving their mother's milk, their body's lactase levels decrease, which eventually leads to lactose intolerance in most dogs. With lactose intolerance, the dog's body exhibits symptoms similar to those that appear in humans with this condition. Dogs can exhibit varying degrees of lactose intolerance, some pets may experience gastrointestinal disturbances immediately after drinking milk, and Some may have no symptoms at all, while others may experience severe clinical symptoms. Milk and dairy products are, in most cases, a common cause of food allergies in dogs. A food allergy to milk or dairy products can manifest itself in the form of irritation, redness or itching of the skin, as well as gastrointestinal disorders that are accompanied by vomiting, etc.

Immunobaster for dogs Zesty Paws (90 tablets)

Many Iherb fans are familiar with immunobusters - products that improve the immunity of adults and children. The store's best-selling immunobuster for dogs from the popular eco-brand Zesty Paws works the same way: this product strengthens the body's defenses, making your pet more resistant to seasonal cold, viral diseases and allergens.

Like all dietary supplements, Zesty Paws is made exclusively from natural ingredients and does not contain artificial colors, sweeteners or preservatives.

From reviews:

  • “Even according to a very capricious dog, it’s more than edible. We eat the second jar and use it as a treat. There were no significant outbreaks of allergies throughout the entire period.”
  • “Since we started taking it, my dog’s condition has improved significantly. She had a severe allergy, but now everything has calmed down.”
  • “This supplement is good. It really solves the problem of allergies.”

Pet Naturals of Vermont Cat Calmizer (30 tablets)

Pets are also individuals, with their own character and temperament. For some of them, a stressful factor may be moving, changing seasons, even a long absence of the owner (for example, at work). Stress takes its toll on the body, the cat suffers physically, and this is manifested by restlessness, meowing, and small household mischief. Pet Naturals of Vermont's cat calmer is an easy way to manage anxiety.

These tablets are made with the natural calming protein complex colostrum, which helps cope with daily stress and behavioral problems. An important point: the sedative does not have a sedative effect - that is, the cat will still be cheerful and energetic.

From reviews:

  • “We took our cat on a trip. I bought a sedative in advance - everything went without problems, although the cat was nervous.”
  • “He eats his pills well and doesn’t refuse. I seem to have become calmer.”
  • “The cat is sterilized, but it’s still like spring - so plaintive meowing all day long. They started giving me pills and the girl’s mood improved.”

Spray for inflamed areas petnc NATURAL CARE (237 ml)

An irreplaceable thing if you are used to walking your pet in the wild - in the forest, field, near the river. With an active lifestyle, the animal inevitably receives minor injuries - cuts, scratches. petnc NATURAL CARE spray for inflamed areas helps to quickly relieve swelling, pain and itching, and also accelerates the healing of microtraumas.

From reviews:

  • “Used as an adjuvant in the treatment of fleas. The dog was itching, there were scratches all over its skin, the spray helped relieve the itching.”
  • “Heals well, after a couple of days the scratch is not visible. They treated a cut on my paw.”

Beco Pets Eco-Friendly Dog Cleaning Bags (60 Pieces)

Cleaning up after your pet outside is a fashion trend. However, plastic and polyethylene bags are not suitable for these purposes: they are too harmful to the environment. The Iherb store offers a more environmentally friendly option - biodegradable bags from the famous brand Beco Pets. Not only do they quickly decompose without causing damage to nature, but they are also very comfortable to use - dense and durable.

From reviews:

  • “Large bags of increased size 22x33cm. Comfortable, dense, do not tear. Fits in a standard bag holder.”
  • “The price is the same as for similar products in Moscow, only the quality is much higher.”
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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