How and what to feed a Yorkshire Terrier puppy: menu by age

The appearance of a baby Yorkie in the house can puzzle an inexperienced owner: puppies of this breed are so small and outwardly helpless that teaching the dog proper eating habits often goes unnoticed.
The puppy is pampered, they do not follow the feeding regime, following the lead of pleading eyes, and as a result they end up with a “bouquet” of problems in the form of various pathologies and the pet’s bad character. In fact, Yorkshire terriers are absolutely self-sufficient dogs, quite self-confident, and do not require a compassionate attitude towards themselves. Due to certain breed characteristics, their feeding must be carried out strictly according to the rules - this will be the key to a limited number of visits to the veterinary clinic (for the purpose of preventive examination and vaccination).

Natural products

The principle of organizing the diet for a Yorkie is the refusal of home-cooked food. Cooking for dogs is required separately. It is important that the menu is not only safe, but also balanced.

List of allowed foods for Yorkies:

  • lean meat - turkey, chicken, beef;
  • boiled offal - lungs, cow's udder, heart, liver;
  • fermented milk varieties - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir.

Menu includes:

  • boiled sea fish without bones - tuna, flounder, herring;
  • a variety of cereals from which porridges that are beneficial for digestion are prepared - buckwheat, millet, rice, barley;
  • quail or chicken yolk;
  • fruit and berry varieties - melon, blueberries, apples, cranberries, pears, blueberries, plums, watermelons, persimmons, raspberries (bananas are given to Yorkies in small quantities);
  • greens - parsley, dill;
  • vegetables - zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, cucumber, pumpkin, beets, boiled or raw.

To obtain important amino acids, half a teaspoon of vegetable oil - flaxseed or olive - is added to Yorkie's food. Sometimes dried fruits (except raisins) are included in the food, which saturate the dog’s body with microelements that help stimulate intestinal activity.

The advantage of a natural diet is the variety of food offered to Yorkies, the ability to replace ingredients, and the selection of quality ingredients in the menu.


When deciding how to feed their pet, the owner chooses between natural products, dry food and wet canned food.

It is impossible to say for sure which one is better. Each of these types of nutrition has its pros and cons.

But the main thing that needs to be taken into account is that the Yorkshire Terrier’s diet must be balanced and you cannot mix several types of diet; you need to choose just one.

Regardless of what the dog eats, it should always have clean water freely available.

Natural products

The advantages of natural nutrition are that:

  1. It contains no artificial flavors, colors or flavor enhancers.
  2. The products are well digestible.
  3. The menu can be varied, and all the vitamins and microelements entering the pet’s body are of natural origin.

“Natural” also has its disadvantages:

  1. It takes time and effort to create a balanced diet.
  2. You need to cook daily.

It is also important to monitor the quality and freshness of food to avoid food poisoning for your pet.

Your Yorkie's diet should include:

  1. Boiled lean meat - rabbit, turkey or chicken fillet.
  2. Boiled offal - heart, lungs, liver.
  3. Rice, buckwheat or millet cereals.
  4. Sea fish rich in vitamins D, A, E, B6, B12.
  5. Greens containing vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, P, A, E.
  6. Boiled or raw vegetables and fruits.

In addition, you need to add a few drops of olive or flaxseed oil to your food, give boiled yolk and fermented milk products twice a week - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt. It is also worth giving your Yorkie raisins, dried apricots or prunes - they improve intestinal function. As a treat, you can give your pet low-fat cheese or fruits: plums, pears, apples, bananas, melon or watermelon.

Pork, milk, sweets, oatmeal and pearl barley can cause food allergies.

Having chosen a natural diet for your pet, you need to additionally give him a complex of vitamins and minerals, which your veterinarian will help you choose.

Can dogs have milk? Are dogs lactose intolerant?

Once puppies stop receiving their mother's milk, their body's lactase levels decrease, which eventually leads to lactose intolerance in most dogs. With lactose intolerance, the dog's body exhibits symptoms similar to those that appear in humans with this condition. Dogs can exhibit varying degrees of lactose intolerance, some pets may experience gastrointestinal disturbances immediately after drinking milk, and Some may have no symptoms at all, while others may experience severe clinical symptoms. Milk and dairy products are, in most cases, a common cause of food allergies in dogs. A food allergy to milk or dairy products can manifest itself in the form of irritation, redness or itching of the skin, as well as gastrointestinal disorders that are accompanied by vomiting, etc.

What should not be in a terrier's diet?

People often ask how to properly feed a Yorkshire Terrier, because the dog is miniature and cannot digest anything in its tiny stomach. First of all, you should not throw food from a human table to an animal. It is important to understand that human food with a lot of seasonings is not suitable for a pet.

Among the foods that should not be given to a Yorkshire Terrier, it is important to highlight the following:

  • seasonings in any form;
  • oily and freshwater fish species;
  • fatty meats;
  • smoked products;
  • flour products from wheat or cereals;
  • bird bones are hollow inside;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • raw chicken proteins;
  • legumes (green peas and beans).

According to experienced veterinarians, mixed nutrition or a sudden transition from one type of feeding to another is strictly contraindicated. When changing the diet, digestive system upset occurs , and in the Yorkshire Terrier this is the weakest point. Due to the fact that the dog's stomach is poor in enzymes in the digestion of food, beneficial microflora is of great importance.

Prohibited foods for Yorkies

There are several foods that are not recommended for feeding your Yorkie:

  • meat with a high percentage of fat content - lamb, pork, which place excessive stress on the dog’s liver;
  • potatoes, legumes, different types of cabbage that cause flatulence;
  • turnips, radishes, which contribute to the development of stomach diseases in dogs;
  • oatmeal, barley, which are strong allergens;
  • pickles, smoked meats, cheese, sausages, which provoke negative changes in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys of the Yorkie;
  • flour products, pasta, sweets that cause dermatitis, diarrhea, and diabetes in dogs;
  • tomatoes, nectarines and peaches, raw and boiled corn, which can cause indigestion;
  • raisins, grapes, which have a harmful effect on the dog’s kidneys;
  • mushrooms that are poorly digestible by the Yorkie’s body;
  • citrus fruits, which can increase stomach acidity;
  • river fish, which is dangerous due to the many sharp small bones.

Food for the Yorkshire Terrier is not salted during preparation. Milk is not included in the diet of dogs older than 4 months, as it upsets digestion. You should not give Yorkies tubular bones, which, due to their sharp edges, can injure the mucous membranes of the mouth and the walls of the intestinal tract.

Read also: Everything you need to know about keeping a Yorkshire Terrier

Read also: Everything you need to know about keeping a Yorkshire Terrier

Food selection

Yorkshire Terrier eats
Dog food is divided into 2 types: mixed (natural) and dry. Every dog ​​owner will have to face the choice between these two options at one time or another.

Dry food or natural food

When choosing the type of food, the owner should be guided by the fact that he wants to see his puppy healthy and energetic. It is impossible to determine the best diet or the worst - everything is individual. Therefore, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of each type of food separately.

Dry foodRaw food
The feeding process is simple and takes little time.The ability to independently choose only high-quality products that end up in the bowl.
The daily norm is quickly determined by weight.Eliminating the possibility of various dyes, emulsifiers and other harmful additives entering the dog’s diet.
The balanced composition eliminates the need for supplements in the form of vitamins.If an allergic reaction occurs to one of the components of the diet, it can be easily replaced with any other from the list of hypoallergenic analogues.
The division into mass market and premium class allows you to choose food in an affordable price range.Metabolism is normalized due to the presence of natural fiber, fats and proteins.
Dry granules prevent the appearance of tartar.Average load on the masticatory apparatus.
It is impossible to know the exact composition and complete information about the components.A lot of time is spent on the process of purchasing products, pre-processing them and preparing portions.
If an allergic reaction occurs, you will have to change the food.It is difficult to create a balanced diet taking into account age, breed and climatic conditions of the region: you cannot do it without the help of a specialist.
The cheapness of some economy class products is achieved by replacing meat products with soy.Traveling with an animal that eats natural food is quite problematic. It will not be possible to prepare portions for a long period in advance, and cooking on the road is extremely inconvenient.
Many vitamins are destroyed during the cooking process due to the use of high temperatures.In any case, the price will be more expensive than economy-class dry food.

Important! The owner will have to try several options. It is impossible to guess from the first time which food is suitable for a puppy and how much it should be given.

Yorkie eats dry food

General feeding tips

Before choosing food for your Yorkies, you should familiarize yourself with the general feeding recommendations:

  • Convenience. The dog should be comfortable eating. The bowl should be placed on a special stand in a clean, not too dark place.
  • The number of meals varies over time. The older the dog, the less often it is fed compared to puppyhood.
  • When a dog reaches adulthood, meals should be regular. The portion should be given out at the same time every day.
  • In addition to the breed, weight and age of the animal, it is necessary to take into account the dog’s physical activity. The diet must satisfy all the pet's needs.
  • If your Yorkie has not eaten his portion within 15 minutes, the bowl should be removed until the next meal.
  • If a certain feeding method is not suitable for the dog, it must be changed very carefully, gradually moving from one food to another.

A significant addition to the diet is water balance. Compliance with this is especially important for dogs that eat dry food. Indeed, with a regular lack of water in the body, the animal will have problems with digestion, and later dehydration.

Which one to choose?

As mentioned above, not all terriers of this breed have negative symptoms from drinking milk. There are exceptions. If your pet falls into this category, then sometimes you can pamper him with this treat. Once a month will be more than enough.

In this case, choose whole milk with a low fat content (no more than 2.5%). Pay attention to the composition ; as a rule, a cheap product may contain milk powder.

Yorkie feeding rules

Expert opinion Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Do not mix home and professional varieties. If, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, it is necessary to change the Yorkie’s diet, then do this gradually over two months.

When preparing your own food for a Yorkshire Terrier, you must take into account that half of the total amount of natural food per day should be animal proteins concentrated in meat ingredients. A quarter each goes to cereals and fruit and vegetable varieties.


Can dogs be given milk? Do adult dogs need milk?

Cow's milk contains the milk sugar lactose. To process it in the animal’s intestines, the presence of a special enzyme, lactase, is necessary. The enzyme is contained in sufficient quantities in the body of puppies, they perfectly absorb the useful product. However, with age, the production of the enzyme decreases and even stops completely. Therefore, adult animals digest milk with difficulty. In 40% of individuals it can cause loose stools and even allergic reactions.

In many cases, growing dogs stop drinking milk on their own. But sometimes love for him remains for life. So can an adult dog be given milk? It is possible if the animal does not experience any adverse reactions after consumption.

Important: give your animal milk with a low fat content (2 - 2.5%). And it’s better not to feed low-fat. With low fat content, calcium is poorly absorbed. And dogs digest yogurt and kefir best.

Sample menu for the week

When developing a diet for your Yorkie, you need to focus on the list of allowed foods. This will make it varied.

Table with a menu for one week for a Yorkie over one and a half years old with two meals a day:

Table with a menu for one week for a Yorkie over one and a half years old with two meals a day:

When organizing natural food, you need to focus on the age and physical condition of the Yorkshire Terrier. The number of servings of food consumed by the pet throughout the day depends on these indicators.

Industrial feed

Ready-made mixtures have a number of advantages: they are properly balanced, already contain vitamin and mineral supplements and significantly save dog owners time. Such food is very convenient for those who take their dog with them on trips or trips. The choice of food must be approached with all responsibility.

It is imperative to select food for Yorkies taking into account the age category indicated on the package. You cannot feed a puppy, an adult terrier and an aging one the same way. For dogs with allergies, many manufacturers have separate hypoallergenic lines.

Switching from natural nutrition

The transition from natural food to ready-made food should be carried out gradually so as not to injure the Yorkie’s weak stomach. The optimal period for transferring to a new nutrition system is 1-1.5 weeks. During this period, you need to replace part of the natural food with the selected food, gradually changing the proportions. For example, on the first day the ratio of natural food to food per serving will be 2/6, on the fifth day 1/1, on the seventh day 6/2, and then the daily norm will consist entirely of ready-made food.

Natural or ready-made food?

Feeding dogs with natural products or ready-made food has its own reasons. Using leftover human food is pragmatic and does not require additional costs. However, the human diet contains many unusual ingredients that are harmful to dogs.

Digestion is disrupted, teeth form incorrectly, and allergic reactions develop. To ensure complete nutrition, the dog owner needs to learn the basics of feeding carnivores and learn how to prepare a diet.

The dog should not be given raw meat, so as not to awaken the instinct of an aggressive predator. Products are boiled or scalded with boiling water. Small bones are taken out from the fish.

Natural food contains few vitamins and fiber, and the amount and ratio of minerals is far from optimal. Therefore, vegetables and feed additives must be included in the feed mixture.

An overdose of biologically active components causes no less harm than a deficiency.

Prepared meals are produced by professionals. Feed mixtures include nutritional components in optimal proportions. The diet contains substances that normalize digestion, improve vision, ensure healthy skin and beautiful coat. However, we should not delude ourselves. Economy class food is beautifully packaged, but does not contain the necessary nutritional components. Allergies, diarrhea or obesity develop.

If you have one pet, the cost is not a decisive factor - babies eat little. Therefore, I recommend purchasing expensive super-premium food from trusted companies. Experienced breeders know how to prepare a diet and count money. However, among them there are adherents of natural food and professional nutrition.

Frequency of feedings per day

Newborn Yorkies initially feed only on their mother's milk. After three weeks, you can begin to practice the gradual introduction of complementary foods, adding one product per day - 1 tsp.

For puppies

Newborn Yorkies initially feed only on their mother's milk. After three weeks, you can begin to practice the gradual introduction of complementary foods, adding one product per day - 1 tsp.

Use slightly warmed milk - sheep, goat, cow, fresh low-fat cottage cheese, kefir. This will provide the dog’s body with the calcium necessary for bone formation. Additionally, liquid milk porridge is introduced into the menu - rice, buckwheat, boiled pureed vegetables.

Start giving your Yorkie raw meat in small quantities from 1 month. It is first poured with boiling water and finely chopped. If it is difficult for your baby to chew, then you can boil chicken or veal.

Start giving your Yorkie raw meat in small quantities from 1 month. It is first poured with boiling water and finely chopped. If it is difficult for your baby to chew, then you can boil chicken or veal.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If you plan to accustom your Yorkie to professional food, then start with special canned food. Dry food for puppies is used from the age of two months, following the manufacturer's instructions.

When a baby Yorkie is 14 weeks old, he is given five meals a day. At 4 months, the number of meals is reduced to four, and at six months - to three.

Yorkshire Terriers older than one year are fed morning and evening.

For an adult dog

A specific place is allocated for eating. A bowl for a Yorkie is purchased on a special stand that allows you to adjust the height. Provide the adult dog with constant access to fresh water.

A specific place is allocated for eating. A bowl for a Yorkie is purchased on a special stand that allows you to adjust the height. Provide the adult dog with constant access to fresh water.

A Yorkie puppy receives all the necessary substances from its mother’s milk in the first days of life. Therefore, his health and further development depends on how his mother eats.

For a nursing bitch

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The basic rules for feeding Yorkies are a balanced diet and avoiding overfeeding.
  2. Feed either dry food or natural food, do not mix.
  3. Natural food is not soups or cereals, it is a balanced diet of meat and vegetables, designed specifically for your Yorkie.
  4. Feeding puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches should be treated with special attention.
  5. If your dog is prone to allergies, you should pay attention to hypoallergenic foods when creating a diet.
  6. There is a list of prohibited foods that are very dangerous for dogs.

What to feed your Yorkshire Terrier

There are three power options:

  • dry food;
  • canned food;
  • food made from natural products.

Each type of menu has its pros and cons. The benefits of preparing dog food at home include:

  • confidence in the quality of ingredients;
  • diversity;
  • easy digestibility;
  • no harmful additives;
  • cheapness.

A significant disadvantage of this type of food is the long cooking process. All components must be cooked separately and mixed before serving. In addition, natural food should be accompanied by vitamin supplements: meat and vegetables contain too few useful substances for the normal development of a dog.

Only a veterinarian can choose the right vitamin complex and prescribe the right dosage.

Natural food

If the owners have chosen a menu made from natural food, the following products should be included in it:

  1. Boiled chicken, turkey, beef. It should make up 50% of the daily diet.
  2. Cereals: rice, buckwheat, wheat. They need to be cooked until fully cooked.
  3. Offal: heart, lungs, udder, liver, offal.
  4. Boiled fish, thoroughly cleaned of bones. It is not recommended to feed Yorkies haddock, hake, pollock and whiting because they interfere with iron absorption. Sea fish is offered once a week.
  5. Egg yolk and low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. Boiled vegetables in limited quantities.
  7. The best fruits are bananas, apples, watermelons and melons.

Cottage cheese must be diluted with fermented baked milk or kefir, otherwise the dog may choke on it.

The feed rate is 1 tbsp. l. per 500 g weight. The finished dish should be served warm (especially to puppies), seasoned with a drop of olive oil.

It is not recommended to store natural products in the refrigerator. Fresh food needs to be prepared every day. Leave the bowl of food for 15 minutes. If the Yorkie has not eaten during this time, the food is removed and offered again after a couple of hours. Sometimes a dog may refuse to eat all day, but this does not mean that he is sick. You should not feed her directly from your hands: your Yorkie will quickly get used to this type of feeding and refuse to eat from the bowl. If, in addition to loss of appetite, your pet exhibits other symptoms of the disease, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Beginning owners do not always know how many times a day to feed their Yorkie. The regimen depends on its age: puppies from 3 to 6 months are fed 4 times a day, from six months to a year - 3 times, one-year-olds - 2 times. An adult dog needs to be fed twice a day.

Having chosen one of the nutrition options, you need to constantly stick to it. Mixing dry and natural food causes irreparable harm to the health of the animal.

Switching from natural nutrition

If the owner understands that a natural diet is not his option, you can choose dry food. They are no less quality. Dry food is especially suitable for beginners who are not well versed in the nature of the dog’s body.

Yorkie near the bowl

Review of ready-made food for Yorkshire Terrier

There are a huge variety of dry food options on the market. When thinking about what to feed your Yorkie, it is advisable to pay attention to the following brands:

NameClassPrice per 1 kg (rub.)
1st Choice BreedersPremium500-530
Royal Canin Yorkshire TerrierSuper premium670
Our BrandEconomy135
Acana HeritageHolistic500-550

Holistic food is considered the best because its composition is dominated by natural products.

Features of feeding dry food

The main nuance when feeding so-called drying is the need to consume a large amount of water. For dogs under one year old, dry granules should be soaked in water in advance so that they are not so difficult to chew and so that the pet receives some moisture from the portion.

Yorkie won't eat dry food: what to do

Feeding problems arise in small dogs more often than in large dogs. It's all about being picky. The easiest way to solve the problem is to switch the dog from drying to natural.

It might be worth trying to change the food itself. It happens that your pet doesn’t like the taste of a certain food.

Important! The bowl should be put away in some inaccessible place after feeding, even if the Yorkie has not finished his portion. This will teach him to eat everything at once and not stretch out the process of eating for half a day.

Soft canned food

Wet food is a good balance between dry and natural. This option will prevent rapid weight gain even if you exceed the recommended serving size, since canned food is moderately high in calories. But at the same time, they contain all the necessary components to maintain the health of the dog.

Vitamins and feed additives

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If you notice your pet's lethargy, dulling of the dog's fur and other unfavorable changes, you need to contact a veterinarian. He will be able to correctly determine the cause. Often this condition is observed against the background of a deficiency of vitamins or minerals in the body of a Yorkie.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

If you notice your pet's lethargy, dulling of the dog's fur and other unfavorable changes, you need to contact a veterinarian. He will be able to correctly determine the cause. Often this condition is observed against the background of a deficiency of vitamins or minerals in the body of a Yorkie.

It is important to analyze the opinion of experts. They do not have a single point of view on what Yorkshire terriers should eat.

How to feed

Understand the three main rules of feeding your Yorkshire Terrier: balance, volume consumed and frequency of meals. Dog breeders, out of the kindness of their hearts or out of love for their smaller brothers, often make mistakes.

Five main prohibitions


  1. Treat from the table.
    Even if piteous pleading eyes look out from under it. Notify all family members and warn guests. Firstly, discipline is paramount, begging is nipped in the bud. The sad face must know: she will be served food in a designated corner. Secondly, chocolate, sausage, or chicken skin will disarm the baby’s delicate stomach.
  2. Give bones.
    Fish and bird bones lead to intestinal perforation. You can scratch your teeth and play with the larger ones.
  3. Insist on eating food.
    If he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t need to. A fasting day does not mean feeling unwell or having health problems.
  4. Overfeed.
    The baby does not know how to stop in time: oversaturation leads to obesity of the body, its internal organs and harms the musculoskeletal system. If the ribs are felt during palpation, the dog’s weight is fine.
  5. Be diligent with vitamins.
    There should be food additives, but be careful in moderation, especially if you feed them with specialized food, where they already appear.

How to help a pet if he feels bad?

An experienced and attentive owner will immediately suspect that something is wrong with his pet. food poisoning is a very common occurrence among Yorkshire Terriers. What to do in this case? Usually the first symptoms of poisoning appear after 4-5 hours.

It is very important to immediately provide first aid to your Yorkie. The very first thing to do is give the dog activated charcoal or any other absorbent. Or resort to an enema. After this, the most reasonable thing would be to show your four-legged friend to a veterinarian.

Reviews from veterinarians

Regarding professional food, they are definitely leaning towards options at least premium class. Even an obesity diet is better tolerated by Yorkies if the dogs eat balanced food specially designed for such cases. According to veterinarians, wet canned food is more suitable for puppies.

Regarding professional food, they are definitely leaning towards options at least premium class. Even an obesity diet is better tolerated by Yorkies if the dogs eat balanced food specially designed for such cases. According to veterinarians, wet canned food is more suitable for puppies.

Analyzing the recommendations related to the diet of Yorkshire terriers, several fundamental principles can be identified:

  1. Any delicacy is contraindicated for pets - sweets, cakes, sausages, which dogs will definitely beg for between feedings. At any age, Yorkies must wait until the allotted time to eat specially prepared food.
  2. There is no need to persistently lead your dog to the bowl if he refuses to eat.
  3. Weight gain in puppies should be controlled to avoid obesity. It is known that Yorkshire terriers love to eat well, so the owner should regulate the portion size depending on the age of the dog.

Analyzing the recommendations related to the diet of Yorkshire terriers, several fundamental principles can be identified:

  1. Any delicacy is contraindicated for pets - sweets, cakes, sausages, which dogs will definitely beg for between feedings. At any age, Yorkies must wait until the allotted time to eat specially prepared food.
  2. There is no need to persistently lead your dog to the bowl if he refuses to eat.
  3. Weight gain in puppies should be controlled to avoid obesity. It is known that Yorkshire terriers love to eat well, so the owner should regulate the portion size depending on the age of the dog.

When purchasing a Yorkie puppy, it is important to immediately find out what type of food he is accustomed to. If these are ready-made professional foods, then purchase them based on the age, health status of the dog and the quality of the product. Natural food requires constant monitoring when preparing in accordance with a weekly menu developed in advance.

Good to know: 3 ways to toilet train a Yorkshire Terrier

When purchasing a Yorkie puppy, it is important to immediately find out what type of food he is accustomed to. If these are ready-made professional foods, then purchase them based on the age, health status of the dog and the quality of the product. Natural food requires constant monitoring when preparing in accordance with a weekly menu developed in advance.

Good to know: 3 ways to toilet train a Yorkshire Terrier

Important points

Yorkies can be called quite demanding guys. This applies to both attention and food preferences.

Be sure to keep in mind that all responsibility for the baby’s health lies with you. Its appearance, condition of teeth and even mood will depend on your correct or incorrect choice.

Yorkies are selective , this is not a dog that you can feed from the table and not think about creating a special menu. This can harm your dog to varying degrees, from digestive problems to death.

Moreover, Yorkshire terriers often refuse to eat on their own and wait until their owners hand feed them. This is an example of improper upbringing , everything is in your hands.

Of course, every dog ​​is different. Even its appearance will depend on the character of your pet. Playful and active Yorkies remain thin, but phlegmatic dogs that do not know moderation in their food run the risk of becoming obese.

The owner’s task is to track all the features of your Yorkie in a timely manner . If he is prone to uncontrolled overeating, limit his portions; if he is inactive, take him for walks regularly and put him on a diet.

Can puppies be given milk? Milk in dog nutrition: pros and cons

Animals that eat natural food need dairy products. Puppies need them especially acutely. The nutrient liquid saturates growing organisms with a complex of microelements that are directly involved in the formation of the musculoskeletal framework. The task of any owner is not to harm the pet. Therefore, when creating a diet for him, one should take into account not only the properties of the product, but also the individual characteristics of the body.

Opinions differ regarding the question of whether an adult dog can be given milk. The reason lies in the composition of the product. Cow's milk contains large quantities of lactose - milk sugar. The enzyme lactase is involved in its processing.

If there is an excess of lactase in a “children’s” body, then as the animal develops, its amount is reduced to nothing. The biocatalyst level begins to decrease when the puppy reaches 3-4 months of age. Therefore, adult dogs often experience intestinal upset when consuming milk.

One of the reasons why dogs should not have milk is that this product can cause allergic reactions.

Usually, animals, having reached adulthood, refuse this product themselves. But there are options when four-legged pets remain addicted to it. What to do in this case? You can solve the problem as follows:

  1. Reduce the fat content of the product. To do this, milk should be diluted with boiled water. This drink can be given to those animals in which its use does not cause diarrhea, and no more than once every 2-3 days.
  2. Replace cow's milk with goat's milk. This will reduce the risk of allergies, since goat milk has a lower concentration of lactose. If the owner is a fan of plant foods, you can try replacing the milk with almond, coconut or soy milk.
  3. Pamper your pet with lactose-free milk - a product in which this component is hydrolyzed or removed. You can buy it at pet stores or baby food stores.

Veterinarians recommend using healthier and safer fermented milk analogues as a source of calcium and protein.

Basic Rules

Up to 1.5–2 months, babies are under the care of their mother, eating colostrum for the first days, and then - until they reach the age of one month - only milk. From one month of age, puppies become familiar with adult food. The breeder gradually accustoms them to food, starting to feed them, introducing only one new product every day.

If the mother does not produce enough milk, the baby does not gain weight, and complementary feeding begins earlier. They start with canned food, moving over time to a porridge of crushed dry food and water in a 3:1 ratio. With a good appetite, the volume of water is reduced, and over time it is completely eliminated. If the cub is mischievous, then give 2 parts of liquid one part of food.

It is the owner who develops the puppy’s eating habits. It is important not to indulge the baby’s whims by offering him all sorts of goodies, but to feed him with high-quality super or premium food throughout his growing up period, observing the feeding schedule.

Complementary feeding rules:

  • The baby is offered several dry granules soaked in water; if there is no interest in the product, there is no need to insist; the attempt is repeated the next day;
  • food is given before the puppy attaches itself to the mother’s breast;
  • From about the third day from the start of complementary feeding, babies eat food with pleasure, you can increase the frequency of feedings.

Dog trainers and veterinarians advise giving small Yorkies dry food. It has a more beneficial effect on the development of the puppy, is easier to digest, and has the necessary minerals and vitamins. It is important to select a high quality product, not lower than premium class, designed for a specific age category. A serving is one teaspoon of warm food. In the absence of allergies and stool relaxation, the number of feedings with new food is increased. The introduction of complementary foods occurs within 3–7 days.

By the time the baby moves to its permanent owners, this usually happens at 2–3 months, the baby must be accustomed to all the foods included in the diet. The buyer needs to find out from the breeder what to feed the Yorkshire Terrier puppy and at first stick to the diet familiar to the baby. Adaptation takes place within one and a half to two weeks, during which time it is necessary to stock up on dry food or products to which the puppy is accustomed, otherwise digestive functions may be disrupted. The transition to another menu is done carefully, gradually adding a new product and replacing the usual food with it.

Useful video

Video materials demonstrate cooking options for Yorkies and feeding methods. They are worth watching to avoid serious mistakes when developing a diet for your dog.

Video materials demonstrate cooking options for Yorkies and feeding methods. They are worth watching to avoid serious mistakes when developing a diet for your dog.

Advantages of Royal Canina over other brands

This dog food is a premium food. No brand of dog food has such a wide range as Royal Canin dog food.

REFERENCE! There are 16 types of dry food, more than 20 types of food for adult dogs; in addition, food for the treatment or prevention of diseases is also produced separately.

Thanks to this, the owner of absolutely any dog ​​can choose the necessary option. At the same time, food of this brand has a fairly low cost and can be purchased at any pet store.

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