Dog food Our Brand – reviews from veterinarians, product range

Every owner of a four-legged friend wants to see their pet healthy, cheerful and full of energy.

For a dog to feel good, it needs a balanced diet that provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. When preparing homemade food for their pets, owners must pay special attention to the diet and correctly calculate the amount of necessary elements and calories. Otherwise, you can easily disrupt your metabolism, especially for purebred dogs. Agree, all this is very difficult. It is much easier to feed your pets good and high-quality (!) dry food. Moreover, the market is overflowing with similar products. Dog food “Our Brand” has proven itself quite well, reviews of which indicate great popularity and trust in it among dog breeders.

About the manufacturer

Our Brand feed is produced by JSC Gatchina KKZ - this is an agricultural holding company, which includes a plant for the production of various feeds for animals, fish and birds. His plant dates back more than 75 years, and in its activities it combines tradition and innovation. All feed undergoes strict quality control that meets international standards. The company also implements the ISO 14000 international management system, so products are supplied to other countries. In recent years, the holding has become popular thanks to the production of food for cats and dogs under the names “Our Brand”, “TerraCat” and “TerraPes”.

Customer reviews and expert opinion

Buyers do not praise Our Brand food too much, and experts also speak reservedly about it, however, sales of this product are constantly increasing.

Alena, Yekaterinburg : “For the information of manufacturers, it is worthwhile to provide the packaging with a convenient clasp, which is found in products of other brands. She started buying our brand because other popular mid-priced diets were not suitable for the dog, and we couldn’t afford expensive foods. The dog began to eat without much enthusiasm, but soon got used to it, the granules were reddish-brown, and the smell could not be called pleasant. But the main thing is that there are no health problems, the dog goes to the toilet on a schedule, the coat is shiny, and there is no excess weight. “In addition, despite the imperfect composition, I did not find anything harmful in it, such as snacks and other additives.”

Daria, St. Petersburg : “Recently a new pet appeared in the house - a puppy whose mother is a German shepherd and whose father is unknown. Since we didn’t have dogs before, we had difficulties choosing a diet. We started feeding him porridge with meat, but a friend advised us to give him ready-made rations as a vitamin supplement. We bought a bag of “Our brand” for puppies to try, and the baby liked it. We use it as a reward during training, and also when there is no time to cook something for the dog. We and our big guy have no complaints about this product, we recommend it.”

Veterinarians are not so clear-cut, and most of them advise that when feeding a dog with Our Brand diets, add food rich in animal protein to the pet’s menu - meat, fish, eggs.

Victor, veterinarian : “I think that Our brand of food is more of a budget product than a premium one. However, its composition is not so bad; it has high humidity and a pleasant smell. But I do not recommend giving it to dogs with allergies, since wheat can provoke it. It is also not the best option for working animals that require a high protein diet.”

Feed composition

The basis of all Our Brand food is cereals in the form of wheat and corn. They are a high-quality source of carbohydrates and rarely cause an allergic reaction. However, in pets with sensitive digestion, gastrointestinal upset and increased gas formation may occur. It is for this purpose that the manufacturer produces several foods with rice.

The protein used is chicken, lamb and salmon. All meat components are produced in-house and contain no GMOs, dyes or other synthetic additives. In addition, the granules contain production waste - offal, fish and meat and bone meal, as well as hydrolyzed chicken liver. All Our Brand food lines contain a balanced content of macro- and microelements and vitamins. The energy value is at least 334 kcal/100 g, which allows you to achieve a feeling of fullness between feedings with a minimum dosage.

Menu for large dogs

If the pet is particularly large in size, then it requires special nutrition. Chicken food is basically thought out to the smallest detail. It provides calories to the animal, gives it strength and provides it with essential minerals.

The composition includes glucose, which is responsible for joint mobility. Selenium, zinc and vitamin E promote healthy vigor and activity. Biotin and polyunsaturated acids prevent a popular disease of large individuals - disorders of the urinary system.

The food has a high energy value. Therefore, when receiving the daily dose recommended on the package, the pet does not feel hungry. To facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the diet is enriched with fiber.

Large breed dogs are in dire need of additional vitamin supplementation. The menu is designed with this feature in mind.

Advantages and disadvantages

Brand Our Brand has its advantages and disadvantages. Positive sides:

  • low price compared to analogues;
  • wide distribution of all lines;
  • balanced composition;
  • pleasant smell, variability in croquette sizes;
  • no GMOs or flavors.

When choosing a dry diet for your pet, you must take into account the disadvantages of a particular brand. The following disadvantages are noted in Nasha Brand food:

  • a large number of by-products;
  • source of carbohydrates – cereals, grain crops;
  • there are no additional components in the form of vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries.

Feed pellets have a high density, which is due to the peculiarities of production. This can cause difficulties in feeding dogs with problems with the jaw apparatus and older individuals.

Ingredients: proteins, proteins, fats, additional components

No matter how much the manufacturer praises its own products, pointing out all its positive aspects, owners, dog breeders and veterinarians, first of all, would like to know what is included in its composition. Accordingly, the higher the class of diets, the more requirements are placed on their quality.

The composition of Our Brand food is not multi-component, but the plant’s specialists claim that this amount of ingredients is enough to provide the dog with all the necessary elements. Moreover, not all dog breeders have the opportunity to feed their pets holistic and super-premium diets, looking for more budget-friendly options.

In addition, this brand of food can be used as part of a mixed diet, when dry granules are only an additional source of nutrients.

To understand what our brand food consists of, it’s worth taking a closer look at the composition, using the “Salmon and Rice” diet as an example:

  1. Proteins – 18% . The sources of the animal component are the following products: poultry meal, which is prepared from processed bird carcasses, fish and products remaining during processing, dehydrated liver. Unfortunately, experts would like to know more about the products than what the manufacturer indicates, and one more nuance - these ingredients start from the second point, after rice and grains.
  2. Proteins . The composition includes corn and rice, containing a large amount of vegetable proteins. In addition, in combination with wheat, they provide the animal’s body with useful fiber, which improves digestive processes.
  3. Fats – 10% . Their quantity in the diet is reduced; the animal component is contained in fish, the vegetable component in sunflower oil.
  4. Additional components . In 6th place in the composition is beet pulp - the product that remains after processing this vegetable - its fiber is highly valued. In addition, the food contains vitamin and mineral supplements and antioxidants.

The calorie content of the diet is 334 per 100 grams of product.

Why is this food better than others?

Despite the fact that the food belongs to the premium class, in its composition and characteristics it is close to economy food. Similar brands of dry food of the same level are Darling and Oscar, but they contain dyes, which adversely affects the health of the pet. The senior range contains less phosphorus than Pedigree or Chappi. In addition, the “Our Mark” assortment offers many options for different age groups, which makes this brand a leader in its price segment.

Veterinarians about dry food “Our Brand”

Most often, experts recommend feeding animals with natural food, but if this is problematic, then it is worth switching your pet to dry food. After all, this solves many problems, both with diet and lack of time. Agree, not all pet owners have the opportunity to cook food for them. Our brand dog food will solve the problem. Reviews from veterinarians about it are also positive. Do not forget that the manufacturer produces premium food. This means that the dog can easily get by on this food alone and still look great. Veterinarians note that such foods contain the optimal amount of protein, and the balance of minerals is exactly in the golden mean that an animal needs at a certain period of its life. This once again demonstrates that breakfast cereals are truly high-quality and healthy.

Feed line

All Our Brand products can be divided into two large groups - food for adult dogs and puppies. The range does not include a veterinary diet or preventative formulations; the diet is only suitable for regular feeding of pets without chronic health problems. All options are available in a sealed bag weighing 500 g, 3, 12 and 18 kg.

For puppies

This series includes only three foods, among which you can choose food for a puppy of any breed and health condition.

For small breeds with chicken and rice

The basis is corn, the source of protein is poultry meal. The composition contains sunflower oil, as well as hydrolyzed poultry liver. An additional additive is linoleic acid, B vitamins that a growing dog needs for hair growth and maintaining healthy skin.

Hypoallergenic food with lamb and rice

This option from Our Brand is suitable for feeding puppies of any breed; the kibble is medium in size. The main components of the composition are corn, poultry meal, lamb liver and rice. The granules have a high calorie content, which allows them to satisfy the energy needs of a growing body. This brand has an increased content of vitamins D3 and A, necessary for the active development of skin and bones. Calorie content – ​​355 kcal/100 g.

For large puppies with chicken and rice

The food has an increased granule size and increased nutritional value necessary for the active growth of large breed and giant puppies. The key ingredients are corn, poultry meal and rice. Croquettes have a high content of phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for the development of bone and muscle tissue of the dog.

For adult and senior dogs

Our brand produces a wide range of food for adults. The product range has options for every breed at every stage of life. Separately, we can highlight food for older and active animals that need a special diet.

For active and working dogs

The composition of this food is enhanced with calf liver, which is a source of fatty acids and vitamins. The granules contain a balanced amount of fiber, which is important for optimal gastrointestinal function. Increased energy value allows you to maintain weight even during severe physical activity.

With rabbit and quails

Despite the name, poultry meal is the source of protein. Quail meat and hydrolyzed rabbit liver are only additional components. There are no dyes or flavors, the food is suitable for all breeds.

For small breeds with vegetables and chicken

The food has small granules that are optimal for feeding small pets. Source of carbohydrates: wheat, corn. The composition contains dry vegetables, as well as home-made chicken flour. The calorie content is at an average level, allowing you to avoid obesity if you follow feeding recommendations.

For large dogs with chicken

The optimal solution for feeding pets weighing more than 20 kg. The food is enriched not only with protein, but also with vitamin supplements. There is also glucosamine, which is necessary for maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system. The croquettes are also enriched with selenium and zinc to reduce the rate of aging.

For older dogs with rice and chicken

The food is recommended for feeding dogs over 7 years of age. It has a high content of vitamins and mineral supplements. This option has a minimum concentration of phosphorus, which is important in the presence of chronic diseases of the urinary system. The source of protein is poultry meal, the basis of the granules is corn.

For adult dogs with rice and chicken

This is a good solution for everyday feeding. The composition is balanced in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. There are all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The medium kibble size is suitable for most breeds.

With salmon and rice

This food contains not only poultry (chicken) meal, but also fish by-products. There is no pure salmon; the main source of carbohydrates is wheat and corn. The food is not suitable for pets with a tendency to allergies or food intolerance. The advantage is the increased content of phosphorus and calcium.

With lamb and rice

The food is hypoallergenic and suitable for feeding pets with hypersensitivity to traditional ingredients. However, the amount of lamb and rice is minimal; poultry meal is the source of protein. The granules are enriched with fiber, which is important for improving digestion.

"Chicken and Vegetables" for medium breeds

For small dogs, we offer a menu based on tender chicken meat. It promotes animal vigor and prevents excess weight. For the beauty and gloss of wool, linoleic acid is included in the composition. Calcium and phosphorus help you stay in good shape. All ingredients are strictly balanced, supplemented with the required vitamin complex, which contributes not only to activity, but also to the complete removal of hunger.

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