Causes of markings in dogs. How to fix?

It is common to see a German Shepherd in only one color – with a black V-shaped “mantle” on the back and a red underpart. But in fact, they have 3 types of suits with different variations, provided for by the standard.
In addition, there are several more colors. They are considered a marriage. But if you want an unusual dog as a pet, and not for participation in exhibitions, then you can buy an extraordinary puppy.

You can find out what colors “Germans” come in and what they look like in the photo from the article.

Black color

Black and white is the most common color. It is indicated by a V-shaped mantle of a dark shade on the back, from the ridge to the stomach, reaching the sides and down to the elbows. Typically, tan comes in the following tones: chocolate, yellow, red, gray. A weak color appears when there is an increase in gray or brown hairs on the sides and rump, as well as when there is a light end to the tail.

When taking a serious approach to breeding pedigree Germans of this appearance, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties.

Black-backed colors are varied; it is almost impossible to find two identical puppies. A black back with various shades of tan is the main characteristic of these Germans. Rich, vibrant coat colors are an excellent sign. In the case of weak pigmentation of black-and-white color, poor genetics can be traced.

As already mentioned above, the saddle color is dominant over black and is repressive relative to the zonal color. This point is extremely important when crossing; It is impossible for one of the parents to have a zonal tone. In this option, the black-and-white will be lost.

At an early age, it is impossible to guess the future color; at birth, puppies are dark in color, becoming lighter only with age.

There is one peculiarity of this color - tan can be divided into two distinct shades.

History of the origin of the breed

A shepherd dog with a black coat does not represent a separate species, and its color is one of the colors allowed by the breed standard.
The breed was first discovered in Germany, hence the name: German Shepherd. Initially used by shepherds, then breeders began to think about improving the working qualities of these dogs. In the 90s of our century, animals became famous in the USA; in 1906, a pet with a similar color won at an exhibition.

Black German Shepherd

Which parents give birth to black puppies?

Solid charcoal puppies can be born to parents of any color. Dog handlers know that the desired tone can appear after two or three generations.

The greatest likelihood of giving birth to puppies of the desired color is from parents of the following colors:

  • zonal and zonal;
  • black and black;
  • black and zonal;
  • black-and-white and black-and-white.

Additional information: It is not necessary that two black dogs give birth to babies of the same shade.

Why are there so few black shepherds?

For a long time, coal-colored puppies were classified as rejects, so they were not allowed to participate in breeding. The breeders' decision affected the number of pets. Currently, puppies with this color are not easy to find. Mostly babies are sold in standard colors: red, brown.

Black Shepherd is a rare breed


Your veterinarian will take x-rays of the entire limb, including the elbow joint, to compare bone lengths and determine whether the muscles of the elbow joint are attached.

Other signs your veterinarian may look for on x-rays to confirm a spinal deformity are enlarged bones, inflammation of the entire bone structure, and muscle spasms.

German Shepherd

Color and pigment

Acceptable coat colors for Shepherds are black and red. Black, created by the pigment eumelanin, varies in its degree of distribution throughout the body, while tan, created by the pigment pheomelanin, varies in saturation. Well pigmented dog

will show a spread of black over at least 50% of the body, with strong, uniform tan ranging from gold (autumn grass color) to a rich reddish hue (mahogany). These colors are collected in four color options. They are, in order from most to least dominant: zoned grey, saddleback, black and tan and black.

1. Saturated zonal color, black-zonal color (“black sable”), weakened zonal color.

Zonar - the original color of the wolf, with a paler color at the base of the fur and black color at the tips of the guard hair. In Shepherds this base will be brown, with a gray undercoat, and may appear black from a distance. MB Willis suggests, but is not convinced, that there are two alleles for the zonal color: zonal gray and zonal red. However, the same change in color can also occur in black-backed dogs, and may well be explained by another, better understood genetic phenomenon. I do suspect that there may be two zoned alleles affecting the extent of the black mantle: one for the black-and-zoned coat, the other for the so-called black-zoned coat, which shows distinct black markings on the paws, toes, metatarsals and hocks. and often a black “plaque” on the neck and chest. Some black-zoned dogs are so dark that they appear black until they begin to move and the light reveals non-black gaps in the coat. Two such alleles, if they existed, would match the genetic distribution of pigment in black-backed and darker black-and-tan dogs. I do not believe that zone color actually improves pigmentation in breeding just because it is a zone color. Zone dog

can be just as poorly pigmented as any other. I think the zonal color should have more dark than the average saddle color just to appear equally dark, and therefore brings more pigmentation in breeding because it is genetically darker. But the same results could be achieved by breeding to the same darkened saddleback dogs.

2. Saturated saddle-back color, darkened saddle-back color, weakened saddle-back color.

black dog

also shows a rich brown base of hairs, but has a black "saddle blanket" made up of guard hairs that are black all the way down to the skin. The black mantle should cover the top of the neck, shoulders and back and extend down almost to the belly, rump and tail. Often brown or gray hairs appear on the neck, along the back and down to the tail, but if they are visible on the rump or sides of the back, or the tail has a light tip, this indicates a weakening of the color. “Pepper and salt” on the withers and back is very common in females, even very dark ones; in males it is more often seen in those with weakened coloring than in dark ones. A very pale black saddle color can easily be mistaken for a light black saddle, but even if they are difficult to tell apart, they are both very diluted color variants and should be penalized accordingly. Very dark black-backed dogs are often advertised as black and tan, and may have an almost completely black head, neck and body. However, they usually show some brown shading at the base of the ears, and have little or no dark hair on the metatarsus, or on the toes or hocks.

3. Rich black and tan color, darkened black and tan color, weakened black and tan color.

Typically a black and tan dog


with brown spots, almost the same as those of a Doberman. It's actually the same gene. A very dark coat with a strong black mask and a large spread of black may appear completely black, with a black undercoat and only some brown shading on the feet. Theoretically, black and tan dogs always have tan around the anus. I saw a virtually black dog with only a small amount of tan around the anus and between the toes and I suspect it was a black and tan dog

, but I couldn’t fully verify this. However, the pale black and tan color can be strikingly similar to the black zone, showing a large amount of black on a slightly gray undercoat, with brown or gray along the top of the neck and along the shoulder, and with black markings on the feet and toes. These dogs have a genetic predisposition to a weakened black mantle, and while they may still appear dark in appearance, will pass on the weakened coloring.

4. Black color

Black is black. Some black dogs may have brown hair between the toes or on the hocks, and some may even show slightly gray undercoat on the neck and shoulders. Maur Ray, an American show dog breeder who specialized in black dogs in the 1940s, theorized that black dogs bred from black parents over several generations showed less and less light hair until they were completely black. Breeding to a black dog to improve pigmentation is, however, not recommended unless its pedigree consists of dark dogs of other colors. It is not uncommon for a pale saddle dog that will be bred to a black dog to produce a portion of the litter that is pale saddle colored. Black Dog

will not reliably show its genetics of lack of mask, light tan or fading black mantle, this can be easily hidden and the genes for the weakened color will be passed on.

5. Pigmentation of the muzzle (mask)

The black mask, so necessary for the strong expression of the Shepherd, is transmitted by a separate dominant gene. It is quite possible for a very well pigmented dog to have a lack of mask, or for a lightly colored dog to have a strong mask. The mask includes the muzzle up to and around the eyes. The dark area of ​​the forehead and eyebrows is genetically related to the main color: for example, a dog

with a weakened saddle mantle will most likely have a light forehead, while a dog

with a strong, deep black robe will show a black forehead. A black and tan without a mask will look like a Doberman pinscher, with a black muzzle, brown lining of the lips and a brown throat, while a black dog without a mask will be indistinguishable. Zonar dogs have a badger-like sable effect on their eyebrows.

6. Black and Blue color, Red color and weakened black color.

Weak pigmentation in a Shepherd is undesirable, but its various manifestations can be very complex. The disappearance of the black saddle mantle to a small spot on the back is very unattractive, but on a red-red dog it appears less obvious and is often forgiven. Dog

with a strong black mantle and mask, but with a sandy or gray tan color may have the gene for partial albinism, and is also undesirable. Under certain circumstances this dog

can produce white puppies. White markings (spots) are certainly not desirable, although a small white patch on the chest is common even in dark wolves, and can also be ignored until it spreads further. Pink toenails may signal the presence of the white spotting gene. Dark black nails are an indicator of the dog's overall pigmentation, as dogs with poor saddle coats usually have dull or slightly colored nails. White coloring can result from several different genes, some related to color fading (apparent cream color, with darkish lips and nose), some not (white color, with black lips and nose), but according to the standard, any white color is not acceptable. However, according to Willis, deafness is the result of a double recessive white gene that is not found in shepherds, so white shepherd puppies are not at risk for this defect.

7. Four shades of blue. 8. Four shades of brown (liver) color.

Blue and brown genes, once very rare, now seem to have captured the imagination of breeders (in America), if my internet searches are any indication. These dogs can be quite striking in appearance. They are not expressly prohibited, but the standard requires the nose skin to be black, and these color variations show gray or brown nose skin. The blue gene causes the black pigmentation in both coat and skin to be replaced by steel gray, often very dark, while the tan color remains almost the same or has a slightly silvery tint. The brown color gene gives almost the same effect; black pigmentation is “replaced” with brown. In both cases, the eyes have a specific, silvery-yellow color. Both lightening patterns are a simple recessive trait and can occur in all colors, and when these recessive genes are combined, the result is a blue color (a silver Weimaraner) or a brown color (an Isabella Doberman). According to Doberman breeders, the dilute color is a good enough reason to cull such dogs, but the so-called lethal gene that was once thought to be associated with dilute colors does not seem to exist. Blue, liver and white puppies should be given to loving homes where they will be neutered and live as pets

. Puppies should never be euthanized because of their color.

9. Black-backed color with light spots, zone color with light spots, Willis p. 132*

One of the occasional color oddities is the tendency of the tan color to split into two different tones. Areas of lighter markings are most obvious in black and tan dogs, but appear to exist genetically in all colors. I have seen saddle-backed and zonal dogs with dark robes and deep, rich tan, but with definite areas of cream color on the paws, chest, throat and cheeks; what the Germans seem to call "bright". In one family of dogs I observed that this trait was very persistent and great care should be taken to select partners who have a uniform tan.

10. Brindle color I can’t help but mention the brindle color, which was one of the colors of the founders of the breed, but which was considered extinct. The brindle gene affects a dog's tan, so black and tan dogs show black stripes and markings (the same effect as brindle boxers) throughout the tan area. This color is very attractive. I wouldn't risk guessing what the brindle zonular color would look like. I would like to hope that if the sample did appear, it would not be rejected as atypical.

Eye color is not related to the dog's coat color. A very dark dog may have very light eyes, while a very light dog may have very dark eyes. The standard says that the eyes should be as dark as possible, but a pure black eye is rather featureless. Others suggest that the eye should blend in with the overall coloring, but a lighter muzzle is even more attractive with rich, medium to dark brown eyes, so there's really no reason to settle for lighter eyes. In very light-colored dogs with a diffuse color, the rims of the eyes may be black, and the appearance of black spots on the tongue is also not uncommon. The skin under areas of black, regardless of color, will be blue-gray, but under areas of tan will tend to be more pink in color. All areas of the skin, with the exception of the flap of the ear and the anus, should be black, although in dark dogs even these may have a blackish tint. The claws should always be black.

* Willis, Malcolm B., B.Sc. Ph.D., 1977, The German Shepherd Dog: Its History, Development and Genetics. New York; Arco Publishing. page 132.

Preventive recommendations

It is recommended to cover the floors with carpet. This will help your puppy's weak legs gain strength. An animal that stands well on its feet does not show signs of discoloration.

If it is not possible to replace the floor surface, then you need to walk your pet daily along:

  • small crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • deep snow.

It is advisable to walk the puppy on the sand every day.


Self-medication is not always effective, and sometimes even destructive for the animal. When a puppy develops diarrhea, it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic to rule out parvovirus enteritis.

Safe at home:

  1. Balance the diet - remove bones, raw fish or meat, and indigestible carbohydrates.
  2. If there is a suspicion of poisoning, ask enterosgel.
  3. For bloating, pain and nausea, take Polysorb or phosphalugel.

Rules of care

Caring for zoned Germans is usually not difficult for owners. These are quite unpretentious animals in terms of keeping conditions. During the shedding period, the shepherd dog must be brushed every day; in normal times, it is enough to carry out this procedure 3-4 times a week. For combing, you can use a furminator or a special mitten.

The pet's eyes, ears and mouth must be inspected every day for dirt and possible inflammation. Cleaning is done as needed. The procedure for trimming nails for this breed is usually irrelevant; walks are enough, during which they grind down on hard surfaces on their own. However, if necessary, you can use a regular nail clipper.

Black color

In our world, there are only 5% of Germans with this exact color out of the total number of dogs. While continuing to gain more and more fame, Black Shepherds are still considered "elite" due to their rarity. Therefore, puppies of such Germans cost more than their counterparts.

Black Shepherds sometimes have brown hair on their toes and hocks. There may be a slightly gray undercoat around the shoulders and neck.

If the origin of a black dog does not consist of dark breeds of other shades, then mating with it to improve the pigment is not recommended.

When purchasing a breeding puppy of this particular tone, you should never buy it with a white “tie” on its chest. Such spots are considered a defect.

Main symptoms

The development of pigmentation can be sluggish or, conversely, with rapid development, depending on the symptoms that cause it.

Signs of genetic pigmentation can include:

  • single or groups of dark spots on the dog’s stomach, limbs, body, as well as on the eyelids and oral mucosa;
  • pigmentation in the armpits and groin without signs of inflammation.

Signs of acquired pigmentation and ongoing inflammatory processes are:

  • oddly shaped spots that change in size from small to noticeable changes in skin color;
  • inflamed dark or red spots;
  • the spots become thicker, itchy, and the skin becomes smoother;
  • irritation due to friction in the armpits;
  • depigmentation or pigmentation of the pet’s nose;
  • Changes in coat color, for example, infectious pathogens cause light coats to turn rusty brown.

Black and tan color

These Germans are compared to the Doberman Pinscher, as they are essentially a black dog with brown spots, sharing the same gene.

Quite rare in the breed, the tone has small markings of a red tint in certain parts of the body. Such as cheekbones, eyebrows, chest, legs and under the tail. There is a genetic tendency to gradually discolor the black “mantle.” This means that, despite the dark appearance, with each birth the puppies will have less and less color.

There are several types of this color:

  • weakened;
  • saturated;
  • darkened.

These dogs are used specifically for working breeding.

Coat types

The coat of this breed has an undercoat. The hair is tightly adjacent to each other, straight and hard. There is usually short hair on the inside of the ears, head, front of the limbs and paws, and slightly longer hair on the neck in the form of a collar.

By hair type, in addition to short-haired individuals, there are also long-haired ones. Moreover, the latter have wool that is both soft and hard. Oddly enough, dogs with such hair are less able to tolerate low temperatures, so in the cold season there are problems with keeping them outside the home.

Long-haired dog breeds should not be allowed to live outdoors as they may develop health problems.

Non-standard colors

From time to time, puppies are born with deviations in color (blue, brown or white). These dogs are sterilized and given away as pets. Color should not be a reason for euthanasia.

White color

The partial albinism gene can be carried by a German Shepherd with a strong black coat and mask, but with sandy/gray tan markings. Sometimes such a dog produces fully or partially white puppies.

Important! White shepherds, unlike cats, do not suffer from deafness, since it occurs due to the double recessive albinism gene, which is absent in “Germans”.

Considering that a small white spot can be found even on a dark wolf, such markings of a shepherd dog are often ignored (unless this sign extends). Pink claws on your fingers will also tell you about the manifestation of the white spotting gene.

Brindle color

This type of color is classified as extinct, although at one time (at the founding of the breed) it was almost the main one. The brindle gene is expressed on the tan area, causing black and tan shepherds to have black stripes/markings throughout the tan area (like brindle boxers). The color looks quite attractive, but so far not a single shepherd dog with a brindle zonal color has been presented to the field of view of dog handlers.

Blue and brown colors

Both options are not strictly prohibited, but they contradict the standard due to the incorrect coloring of the nose: in blue and liver shepherd dogs the nose is not black, but brown or gray. However, US breeders are increasingly trying to produce blue and brown "Germans" that have an impressive appearance (with 4 shades in both colors) with silver-yellow eyes.

With the blue gene, the black pigmentation changes to steel gray with the traditional tan color (sometimes with silver notes). With the liver color gene, the black pigment gives way to brown.

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Breeding lines

The incredible popularity of this extraordinary breed has led to the emergence of a large number of its subtypes in different countries, differing both in appearance and character traits.

Exhibition of West Germany (High Breeding Lines).

These dogs are closest to the standard. They are bred primarily for exhibitions.

Since the main attention during reproduction is paid to the exterior, and not to the development and preservation of working qualities, these animals have significant disadvantages - weak character and service qualities

Show dogs have a luxurious coat of predominantly saddle color with bright tan marks, but sometimes you can also find zone-colored specimens.

If we talk about ideals, then there are also opposites, for example, the dwarf German shepherd. You can read about it on our website.

The highly bred Sheepdog is good as a family member and friend, and can also be used to participate in sporting competitions. But, if you need a guard or a service dog, opt for another type of German shepherd (photos and names can be found in this article and on our website).

Working lines

These strong dogs (sometimes called service breeding), while less elegant than their show line counterparts, are much more similar to the very first representatives of the breed.

A working German Shepherd can come in a variety of coat types and colors. Zoned, black or black and tan - all colors of German shepherds are typical for these dogs; you can often find black and white colors.

The priority goal of breeding all working Europeans is service qualities.

German Shepherds of working breeding are instinctive in their behavior, they have a strong nervous system and a lot of energy. They are demanding of training and workload, aggressive, and temperamental. Working bred German Shepherd puppies are carefully selected for service and undergo multiple training courses. You can read more about German Shepherd puppies and pregnancy in our article.

Such dogs are most suitable for police, military, drug and explosive detection, they are excellent search and rescue dogs, and are also suitable for personal protection.

For a family living an active life, ready to devote attention and time to their pet, a working European will be an excellent companion, but do not expect calm, measured and phlegmatic behavior from her.

American line

American breeders focused on the appearance and speed of movement of dogs, leaving aside their working qualities. Shepherd dogs are taller, they have an elongated body with a narrow head, they have a somewhat angular shape. The saddle color (sometimes called suit) is common, but other standard colors are also found, as well as pure white.

American dogs are gentle in character, balanced and calm. They rarely show aggression and are highly trainable. However, there are such disadvantages of the breed as excessive emotionality and poor health and nervous system. These beauties will be good companions and loyal family members.

English line

In addition to the listed types, which are widespread, there are less popular varieties of German shepherds that arose as a result of mutation or selection. These are such subtypes as Panda, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and Sarlouz Wulfhound, Kunming Shepherd and others.

Causes of acquired clubfoot

Changes in the shape of the paws and gait disturbances are sometimes caused by poor nutrition or unbalanced physical activity.

As a rule, such symptoms are characteristic of acquired pathologies:

  1. X-shaped and O-shaped deformation of the limbs is a consequence of an improper diet. Excess protein in food stimulates active growth and weight gain. The puppy’s bone structures are not strong enough, they are bent. At the initial stage, treatment is limited to reducing the amount of protein consumed, but in case of severe deformities they resort to surgery.
  2. Rickets is a chronic disease caused by a calcium-phosphorus metabolic disorder. Develops in pets with a lack of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus. Associated symptoms include stiffness of movement, muscle tension, and a saggy belly.
  3. Secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism is a deformation of bone structures caused by a lack of calcium with excess calories. It occurs in pets fed high-protein foods without calcium supplements.

The cause of clubfoot is also increased physical activity. During growing up, they need to be increased gradually.

White color

The White German Shepherd is an old type dog. Since in Europe this color was considered a defect, they were not allowed to participate in exterior exhibitions as a separate breed.

After registration with the FCI, the breed, which originally had a “German” touch, changed its name from “American” to “Swiss”. So if you are attracted to the white color, then you should look among the Swiss Shepherds.


Indeed, it is difficult to determine the purebred nature of a German Shepherd by the appearance of a puppy; often outbred dogs demonstrate traits inherent to the breed. The younger the dog, the more difficult it is to correctly determine the breed. The dog's appearance and the main characteristics of the breed are formed as they grow older. Here are the main features by which it is possible to determine the thoroughbred of an animal. Indeed, it is quite difficult to determine the thoroughbred of a German Shepherd by the appearance of a puppy, since in many cases outbred dogs have one or another of their traits. And the younger the dog, the more difficult it is to correctly determine the breed. Because the dog’s appearance and the main characteristics of the breed are formed as they grow older. Here are the main features by which you can determine the thoroughbred of this beautiful animal.


Which ones are considered a defect and which ones are considered a breed?

The defective colors that require disqualification are red and white . These also include blue, golden, spotted, roan.

Such dogs are suitable only for private purposes. Their mental and physical abilities are no different from standard colored dogs. The disqualification of dogs of this color is due to the fact that this color is unacceptable for a German shepherd, but arises due to a mutation at the gene level.

Dogs with disabilities are prohibited from being allowed to breed or breed , but some breeders are very tempted to breed a supposedly rare German Shepherd to sell at a higher price . You need to be extremely vigilant so as not to fall for the bait of such scammers.

the white German Shepherd was so loved that they were not lazy and bred a whole breed . But it is recognized only on the territory of this country.

Other clubs and the FCI consider the white color for the “German” to be a defect.

All other colors are a sign of the breed. There are not many of them, but the black-and-white is the most common of all. This is primarily due to aesthetic beauty and appearance. Such shepherds are brighter, which means they attract more attention.

Black dogs often take first places at exhibitions; without them it is impossible to imagine not only border guards, but even films or TV series . This is one of the few types of breed that can be not only in the working line, but also in the exhibition line.

The Black German Shepherd is the rarest of the breed. She is considered an elite dog; such dogs are incredibly expensive.

The puppy has spots on his belly

If your four-legged friend has dandruff, this should alert you. There are many causes of dandruff in animals. This can be either a consequence of poor grooming, improper care or frequent washing of the animal, or a sign of a serious disease of the liver and other internal organs associated with metabolic processes.

11. Dry air can also cause dandruff in dogs and cats. Typically, dandruff caused by dry indoor air is accompanied by dry and cracked noses in dogs, and cracked paw pads in dogs and cats.

In any case, you should not ignore the problem of dandruff. Take the animal to the veterinarian, do a biochemical blood test and skin scraping analysis, treat the animal against parasites, track and remove allergens from the diet, and give vitamins. And also take care of the microclimate of the room where animals are kept, install an air conditioner or a humidifier. This will be useful not only for your pets, but also for yourself.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of dandruff, in order to get rid of it it is necessary to establish the cause of its appearance, and then treat it, if necessary - maybe the cosmetics are not suitable, they were not diluted correctly, they were washed off poorly, and suddenly the food is not suitable, maybe this is the beginning of the disease....?

Dandruff in dogs, just like in humans, is scales of the upper keratinized layer of skin - the epidermis. The gradual renewal and exfoliation of this layer is a normal process, since dog skin is drier - it does not (except in some local areas) sweat glands. However, under some circumstances, the dog becomes particularly prone to dandruff, which causes concern among owners.


With any acceptable color, a German Shepherd must have pronounced pigmentation . The dye, present in the iris of the eyes, skin and fur, signals the biological usefulness of the body. For shepherd dogs, the two main colors are black (eumelanin pigment) and red (phaeomelanin pigment). The first changes as it spreads over the body, and the second (tan) changes in saturation.

Important! A properly pigmented Sheepdog is black, visible over at least 50% of the body, as well as strong, uniform tan ranging from gold to intense reddish. Weakened pigmentation is not welcome, but sometimes it is forgiven. For example, the reduction of the black mantle on the back to the size of a spot is not particularly attractive, but on red shepherds this defect is almost unnoticeable.

Pigmentation defects in German Shepherds also include:

  • lack of a “mask”;
  • blurred (weak) saddle cloth;
  • large white markings on chest;
  • white tip of the tail and paws (“socks”);
  • pink gums;
  • light claws and nose;
  • Lightening of the iris (yellow eyes).

Dark black nails are an indicator of the animal's pigmentation: Sheepdogs with weak saddle coats have mostly dull/lightly colored nails.

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Standard suits

Three genes are responsible for the color of a German Shepherd:

  • AW – zonal;
  • AT – black and tan;
  • A – black.

Variations of these genes are the possible colors of the dog. Cynologists call the appearance of a different color a mutation and recognize it as a defect in the breed.

In addition to color, “Germans” differ in the type of coat - short- or long-haired. This characteristic is difficult to establish in a puppy: a constant length of hair is established after several molts.


In the photo there is a black-backed German shepherd:

Black-backed German Shepherd puppy:

Photo of a long-haired black-haired German shepherd:

The most common color of the “Germans” is found in 90% of the representatives of the breed. Black suit is:

  • V-shaped black “mantle” on the back, extending to the sides, the upper part of the tail, and the back of the head. May involve the stomach and elbows.
  • Black “mask” on the face and ears.
  • The light underside (chest, belly, paws, inner side of the tail) is tan. This part can be yellow, chocolate, brown, fawn.

A defect is considered to be an insufficiently dark “mantle” and “mask”, a weakly defined “saddle cloth”. There are no requirements for tan, but rich shades are preferable. Puppies of this color are darker than adults: as they grow older, the dog's moult will gradually lighten.


In the photo - a German shepherd of a zonal color:

Photos of German Shepherd puppies of zonal color:

In the photo there is a girl German shepherd of zonal color:

Zone color is quite rare among “Germans”: it occurs in 5% of dogs. The color is valued because of its unusualness: individual hairs at the base are light, then dark, yellow and black at the tip. Zone color is also called:

  • agouti;
  • "wolf"
  • grey;
  • gray-haired

Rich dark color on the back, upper half of the tail, and muzzle. The intensity of the shade weakens on the paws, belly, chest, and sides. According to the breed standard, light inclusions can be of any color: from sand to brown. But the zonation (color structure) should not be violated.

The zonal suit gene is dominant. Breeders take into account that when crossing two “Germans” of the “agouti” color, either black or saddle-backed shepherd dogs are obtained.


Photo of a black German Shepherd:

Photos of black puppies:

Photos of black shepherd dogs:

“Germans” with a jet-black, luxurious fur coat are no less valued. According to the standard, this suit is the rarest. Occurs in 3-5% of the breed. Any blotches, scorches, spots are considered defects. The nose, eyes, and claws should also be black.

An important feature: black German Shepherd puppies, unlike their counterparts of other colors, do not change coat color as they grow older. Only an older dog may develop isolated gray hairs.

Black and Tan

In the photo there is a black and tan German Shepherd boy:

Photo of a pair of black and tan German Shepherds:

Black and tan puppy:

What you need to know before the inspection

Before choosing a puppy, it is recommended to find out a number of important questions that will help you avoid making the wrong decision. You should find out how many times a year a bitch gives birth - you should not take babies from one that does this more often than once a year. Practice shows that if childbirth occurs more than once a year, the mother does not have time to gain strength to bear a full-fledged offspring.

There should be no more than ten puppies in the litter - otherwise the mother does not have enough milk and internal resources to bear them well. Also take a look at what the babies look like - they should be approximately the same size, naturally taking into account the fact that a female shepherd puppy is always smaller than a male.

At what age are weaned from the mother?

Weaning too early can have a negative impact on the puppies' psyche. This moment must be timely, it must be chosen correctly.

Weaning should occur before the first vaccination. It is done at 2 months.

At 3-4 weeks, complementary foods are already introduced for puppies, which means that weaning from the mother should occur gradually by 5-6 weeks.

In order not to suddenly deprive the puppies of their mother's milk, it is allowed to let the puppies suckle at night. Over time, this too will have to be eliminated.

Experts recommend taking puppies that have already been vaccinated, branded and weaned from their mother.

This is 3-4 months old. Some also take older Germans.

But you need to remember, the sooner you start raising a puppy, the greater your chances of success.

From the breeder you will receive the first recommendations on how to keep and feed your pet.

There are several aspects that you need to focus on when buying a puppy from a breeder and picking it up from the owner. If we talk about legal matters, the rules of the Russian Canine Federation state that breeding dogs receive their documents at the age of 45 days. This means that when the dog is 6 weeks old, you can come to the nursery and choose the one you like and get documents for it. However, the physiological aspect of puppies growing up differs from the legal one.

Verification of documents

The best proof of a puppy's thoroughbred are documents for the parents and for the baby himself - a certificate of origin of the dog, with date of birth, color and name. The documents will be confirmed by a stamp on the inside of the puppy's hind paw.

When choosing a German Shepherd puppy, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive check, taking into account all the nuances of the breed. This will allow you to protect yourself from all sorts of fraudulent tricks of the breeder and adopt a worthy representative of your kind.

Sources: /kak-opredelit-schenka-nemetskoy-ovcharki-ot-dvornyagi.html

Behavior, temperament

Despite changing breed standards, modern German Shepherds have perfectly preserved the best potential of their ancestors. The complex of mental qualities clearly defined in the breed includes mental alertness and firmness, combativeness and obedience, devotion to the owner and sensitivity, complemented by balance. The speed of reaction determines the liveliness of the dog’s temperament and is formed by the genotype.

Other characteristic breed qualities can largely be created by man, including such an important factor as the obedience of the German Shepherd against the backdrop of its innate desire to listen to the leader. Shepherd dogs need to feel a sense of community with people, and developing this feeling is the direct task of the breeder using imprinting. All dogs that have not undergone imprinting are unsociable and extremely difficult to train.

German Shepherd puppies are inquisitive by nature, but the owner of a pet of this breed can develop this feeling in the dog during the process of education and socialization. Fighting and aggressiveness are qualities necessary for a service breed, but such important and genetically determined characteristics are difficult to correct, which must be taken into account when choosing a puppy.

Zonal gray color

The most original color in the line of German Shepherd colors. It is from this that the rest of the colors originate.

In common parlance it is also called “wolfish” and this is understandable. After all, a distinctive feature of the coat color is the ring sections: there is an alternation of yellow and black hair. The base is lighter.

Predominant over other colors, the zone-gray color does not have a hidden gene. Puppies with this shade can only be born if one of the parents has a gray color.

Thanks to the primitive power inherent in the genotype, it maintains a high biopotential of pigmentation.

This endangered German Shepherd has the highest energy levels.

Photo gallery

To make the right choice in favor of one color or another, first study the possible options and evaluate for what tasks the dog is needed. If the goal is to visit exhibitions, then choose from standard colors, and if such events are not a priority for the owners, then there are other options that are in no way inferior. You can compare the types if you look at the proposed photos.

Main features: general appearance

  1. The German has a wide, powerful and developed chest. Mutts often have narrow or barrel-shaped chests. The body of a purebred dog is elongated, the back is straight, the neck is long and strong. The purebred young German has a short back and lower back; on the contrary, the shoulder girdle and hips look massive.
  2. The paws of a purebred German Shepherd puppy are long, with well-developed muscles and certainly straight. There are no dewclaws. When moving, the front and rear paws should be flat on the surface.
  3. It is problematic to determine the pedigree of a small dog by appearance and color. However, let us highlight a number of special features. Puppies have a black or black and tan coat color; clear light or white spots are not allowed. It is not uncommon for babies to have a light undercoat that goes away after the first molt.
  4. Natural German Shepherd puppies have coats that are slightly rough to the touch. The coat of mongrel dogs is in most cases much softer.
  5. German leather does not form folds or sag and is elastic.

According to most dog handlers, a simple way to determine the purebred of a shepherd is through training. A purebred dog, already from the age of two months, is perfectly trainable and easily remembers commands and readily carries them out. Mongrels are less easy to train.

Understand the purpose of purchasing a pet. If you want to participate in various exhibitions and competitions, you need a purebred puppy with a good pedigree. The seller always has documents available for noble young animals. If you got a dog for your soul, by and large, thoroughbred is not important. Even if it turns out that your pet does not have a breed, you should not throw the puppy out into the street. Surround your dog with love, care and attention - and the dog will repay you handsomely.

Differences between Shepherds and Mutts

Now, summarizing all of the above, let's make a basic list of features that distinguish a purebred German Shepherd from a mongrel or mestizo:

  • Two-month-old German Shepherd babies are much larger than mongrels - they grow and develop much faster. Their skeleton is already beginning to acquire classic harmonious shapes, their paws become powerful and strong. Mongrels at this age are still very small - their maturation occurs much more slowly;
  • Mutts usually have a very noticeable furrow on the forehead, which you will not find on purebred Germans;
  • Remember about the bite - it must be scissor-shaped, while in mongrels the bite can be anything. This is one of the weak points of non-purebred dogs - their characteristics are unpredictable, being a kind of lottery;
  • The shepherd must have no dental defects - any curvature and the presence of extra fangs or incisors is sufficient grounds for rejection;

The shepherd must have no dental defects

  • Despite the fact that small shepherd dogs have mug-like ears, as they grow older they become hard and stand on the head. In yard dogs, as a rule, the ears remain hanging - this is why they do not seem as noble as the Germans;
  • The mongrel has a barrel chest, while the purebred puppy has a massive and developed broad chest;
  • The breed can also be distinguished by the shape of its paws - in Germans they are powerful, hard and developed with strong joints and without curvature.

Eye and skin color

According to the standard, a shepherd's eyes should have the iris as dark as possible, but not black, since black eyes are considered expressionless. Eye color does not depend on coat color: a dark dog has very light eyes, and a light dog has extremely dark ones. Some dog experts are convinced that the color of the iris should be in harmony with the color of the German Shepherd. Their opponents are sure that a light muzzle becomes much more interesting with medium and dark brown eyes.

This is interesting! As dog experts note, in recent years the pigmentation of German shepherds has not caused any serious complaints.

Lightened, blurred-colored “Germans” have a black outline around the eye, as well as black spots on the tongue.
All the skin on the dog's body is colored blue-gray, turning pink under the tan areas. Exceptions are the anus and ear flaps, although they also have a blackish tint in dark shepherd dogs. Return to content

Recommendations for care and maintenance

Despite the rare “luxury” color, the black shepherd is also undemanding and unpretentious, like its standard-colored relatives. She will easily adapt to life both in a private home and in an outdoor enclosure. Dog experts consider the second option to be a higher priority.

So, to make your pet feel as comfortable as possible, you need:

Eliminate drafts and dampness - there should be a dry, warm and spacious booth in the enclosure. Make sure in advance that the roof does not leak in the rain and does not freeze through in winter. As for the floor, make the booth on a small foundation so that water does not flow inside. Regularly inspect the ears and eyes for dirt and promptly clean them with a soft cloth soaked in a special antiseptic solution or strong tea leaves. Brush the coat once a week. During molting – once every 3 days

And it is also very important to ensure that tangles and icicles do not form on the stomach, chest and nape. Bath as needed - no more than 3 times a year, except in autumn and winter. Frequent water procedures cause the coat to become dull and brittle. Trim nails once a month - this applies to domestic dogs

In individuals living outdoors, their claws wear down naturally. Spend time on physical activity and training - take your dog for a walk twice a day. It is advisable that one walk include elements of training and education.

Aviary or booth? Is it suitable for living in an apartment?

As mentioned earlier, a spacious enclosure with a comfortable booth is an ideal option for such an active dog as a German shepherd.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be kept in an apartment.

The main condition: provide the dog with a comfortable and quiet place to sleep and devote time to physical activity and walks outside.

Common features

The message refers to the pet's tail. The tail of a purebred dog looks straight, saber-shaped and droops downwards. But judging by a single sign is wrong. The tail can change as it grows, you need to look at the totality of signs.

Purebred puppies often look awkward at first. By about two months, they begin to grow very quickly and gain weight, literally before our eyes. The body stretches out and gains the proportions necessary for a shepherd dog. Mutts don't grow that fast.

Pet Personality

Zonal “Germans” are characterized by such traits as a strong nervous system, balanced temperament, innate protective instinct, alertness, courage, activity and determination.


These are loyal and obedient dogs: friendly towards the owner and members of his family, but at the same time distrustful of strangers.

The zone-colored German Shepherd does not show causeless aggression towards strangers or animals. She is very human-oriented, and, as a rule, strictly follows all the orders of the owner.

A zoned shepherd dog must understand when aggression is appropriate and show it only in situations where it is necessary to protect the owners or their property.

Read more about the German Shepherd's personality here.

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