Puberty in dogs: age and signs. When can you breed a dog?

Dog to human age ratio

The owner is often concerned about what stage of maturation his furry friend is at. Puberty in dogs of large and small breeds occurs at different times. In order to correlate the age of a dog and a person, several methods are used:

  • simplified system;
  • table of correspondence;
  • Kleiber's law;
  • LeBeau's theory.

Each method has both its supporters and opponents. According to a simplified system, 1 dog year of life is equal to 7 human years. This method is the simplest and allows you to quickly make calculations. A simplified system appeared in the 20th century and was based on the fact that dogs live on average 10 years, and people - 70. The spread of this method was facilitated by veterinarians who used it in their work. But the simplified system does not take into account the size of the dog. Also, people spend about a quarter of their lives learning, but dogs do not have this opportunity. Based on this, we can assume that a one-year-old dog corresponds to a 15-16 year old teenager.

Kleiber's law regarding dogs was declared untenable. After all, according to him, life expectancy depends on the speed of basic metabolism. Kleiber's Law is true for many animals, from wild elephants to small white mice, but it doesn't work for dogs. If you believe him, then huge St. Bernards should live longer than small Yorkshire terriers. In life, everything happens the other way around.

The theory of the French veterinarian LeBeau is based on the fact that puppies grow up very quickly. The first dog year of life is equal to 15 human years, the second - 9. Breed characteristics, according to LeBeau's theory, are not taken into account. After 2 years of age, the dog is added 4 years for each birthday.

Experts who study the development of dogs are confident that the rate of aging depends on the size of the animal. For a Tibetan mastiff and a Russian colored lapdog, 10 years of age is not the same thing. For convenience, experts divided the dog into 4 size groups:

  • small;
  • average;
  • large;
  • giants.

It has been noticed that the less a pet weighs, the slower it will age. To determine the approximate definition, owners can use a table of the dog's age in human standards.

Games with sexual overtones

As puppies mature, they mount their brothers more and more often. This is not associated with sexual arousal in the dog, thus the baby demonstrates its superiority. During sexual games with cages, the gender of his fellow puppy does not matter; the object can be both females and males. Fluffy animals are especially attractive to children. For example, puppies of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, St. Bernards, and Newfoundlands are extremely attractive to their brothers before their first molt.

During puberty, dogs show interest in the opposite sex. Males begin to react to females, and vice versa. The stimulus here is the odors emitted by animals. Bitches in heat become especially attractive to male dogs. During teenage sexual games, the mounting position is not particularly important; it is done from the side, front, and back. Adult experienced bitches will no longer allow such liberties. A dog who does not know what to do will be driven away, in some cases quite harshly. But it is precisely such moments in the future that shape the sexual behavior of the male. If a male dog does not learn how to make proper cages on his own, he will not be able to mate.

How to care for newborn puppies

Newborn puppies are born blind, deaf and toothless, but with a sucking instinct and the ability to crawl towards the warmth of their mother's body. However, sometimes mom and babies need a little help.

  • Prepare a warm bed in advance in a box or basket where newborn babies will be. The box should be large enough for mother and puppies to move freely. If towels or blankets are used, they should be pulled tight to prevent puppies from becoming entangled in the folded fabric.
  • Provide a heat source. Newborn puppies cannot maintain proper body temperature, so it is often necessary to place a heat lamp a safe distance above the box.
  • A household thermometer placed at the back of the puppy crate can help you monitor the temperature, but observing the babies' body language can give you a clue as to whether they are feeling comfortable. Puppies tend to lie in contact with each other to share warmth, so if they are lying in a pile it may mean they are too cold, and if they are sleeping separately they may be too hot.
  • Monitor the growth and condition of each puppy. Using a baby scale, weigh each puppy immediately after birth and record its weight. Weighing yourself daily will help prevent weight loss or litter deterioration.

The most important thing in this whole process is to remember that the mother dog knows what to do and how to do it instinctively. You simply monitor the process to make sure there are no complications and, if necessary, take emergency measures.

Be sure to give the new mother more time and let her rest between feedings.

Puberty of the bitch

At first, the dog develops without any special changes. The first heat in bitches occurs on average after 7 months. For some, a little earlier or a little later. After the first heat, the bitch becomes more aggressive and begins to mark her territory with urine. Often she begins to mount her relatives. Some mark territories like male dogs and regardless of estrus. Usually these are individuals who want to take a leading position among their relatives.

Sexual behavior of female dogs includes sexual play with mounting other dogs. This is normal and means that the animal has matured. Sometimes 3 or more bitches can participate in such games. This behavior does not require correction, so owners have nothing to worry about.

The first heat for a bitch is usually very exciting. Her sexual cycle has not yet established itself, so it may be affected by stress. In some cases, estrus may even stop due to this. The cause of stress can be separation from the owner, a sudden change in weather, or an attack by other dogs. Soon the cycle of the young bitch is established, and subsequent heats proceed without complications.

Male puberty

Male dogs begin to show interest in their own and others’ genitals much earlier than females. Afterwards, the dogs can sit on the owner’s leg, soft toys, and their relatives. With the onset of puberty, male dogs become much more aggressive. They strive to increase their rank in the pack, taking the highest possible place in the hierarchy.

If during puppy play the bigger one is usually in charge, now everything is changing. During training cages on other animals, a male dog may experience an incomplete erection. If a growing dog jumps on the owner’s leg for sexual purposes, then this must be strictly suppressed. In the future, because of this, the male may develop abnormal sexual behavior, and he will not be able to breed a female in heat. You should also not encourage your dog to excessively lick his own genitals. Such bad habits can become ingrained in a male dog, which is undesirable.

Sexual activity in a male dog begins after a female dog in heat appears on the horizon. After this, the male becomes nervous and disobedient. Dogs often run away in search of their darling, which causes a lot of trouble for the owner.

Seasonality of sexual activity

In most animals, this parameter depends on the length of daylight hours. Canines are no exception in this matter. If daylight hours increase, then the sexual desire of dogs, especially males, increases. It has been noticed that wolves in the wild tend to mate only during the mating period; the rest of the time their libido is so low that they are simply not capable of mating. However, in packs of dogs, males remain highly sexually active regardless of the season. This happens even if all the bitches are flowing at the same time.

If a dog is kept in an urban environment, its cycles may be influenced by the owner. In Russia, mating planning in many cases depends on the time of year. Veterinarians recommend breeding females in the spring, as this is the most physiological. Almost all animals in the wild raise their young during the summer months. At this time, as a rule, there are no problems with the food supply and the weather is very comfortable for young animals. Owners usually don’t want to breed bitches in the spring. This is due to the seasonal decline in demand for puppies and vacations of owners. Therefore, it occurs more often in dogs in the fall, which leads to a shift in the peak of sexual activity in males.

What you need to give birth

As soon as the birth process begins, you should be with your pet to provide the necessary assistance. If this is your first home birth experience, it is better to go to a veterinary clinic and call a specialist at home.


  • Warmer.
  • Clean towels.
  • Thermometer, Vaseline.
  • Enema.
  • Surgical sterile needle.
  • Sterilized thread (to tie the umbilical cord or apply stitches).
  • Disinfectant spray.
  • Small dropper.
  • Round scissors.
  • Sterile scissors.
  • Surgical gloves.
  • Colored ribbons (to identify puppies).
  • Saline solution.
  • Pure water.

After each puppy is born, you will need to place them in a small basket with a warm heating pad at the bottom, covered with a soft blanket. Place the basket close enough to the mother so that she can see her newborn puppies and can rest after the birth.


During the period of heat, the dog becomes extremely attractive to males. It is not uncommon for entire flocks to gather near the entrance where a bitch in heat lives. They howl, start fights - all in order to earn the attention of their chosen one. At such a moment, packs of dogs pose a danger to humans. The closer the favorable days for mating, the more aggressive the males behave.

If the pack lives in natural conditions, then the bitch chooses her own partner. For a domestic dog, the owner selects a male dog independently. If the dog is titled and is of interest in breeding terms, then it can be taken to another city or even another country for mating. Often promising suitors live far away, so owners are forced to travel in order to obtain an interesting litter.

By the 9-14th day of estrus, the discharge from the bitch’s loop first begins to lighten, and then it disappears. At this time, the dog’s genitals soften, and it is completely ready for mating. If animals live freely, then they begin ritual games that end with mating. Domestic dogs are simply introduced, and then mating begins. Inexperienced owners are better off inviting an instructor from the club; this will make it possible to avoid many mistakes.

Stages of childbirth

Childbirth in a dog occurs in three stages:

  • Preliminary – contractions;
  • The main one is the birth of puppies;
  • The final one is the separation of the placenta.

The preliminary stage can last from 2 to 24 hours. In addition to contractions (contraction of the uterus), pushing (contraction of the abdominal muscles) is added.

Most often, dogs give birth lying on their right side , but some give birth standing up.

The first stage ends with increased frequency and intensification of uterine contractions.

The second stage begins when the water breaks and the puppies are born. Most often, puppies come out with their heads, but it is possible that they come out with their hind legs first. Both options are considered normal. The interval between the birth of puppies varies from half an hour to three hours.

If more than three hours have passed after the water broke and the puppies have not appeared, the help of a veterinarian is urgently needed. A doctor is also needed if the next puppy does not appear for more than three hours after the birth of the previous one.

The third stage is the release of the placenta surrounding the puppy in the womb. She separates and comes out after the birth of the next puppy. Sometimes the remains of the placenta are expelled in postpartum discharge during the first week after birth.

Most often, dogs eat the placenta. If a dog eats 2-3, then they will be beneficial, because... With them, hormones enter the body that stimulate labor. But more of them will cause stomach upset.

The most typical interval for the appearance of puppies is 15-30 minutes. If the litter is large, 4-6 puppies may appear first, and then there will be a break of one to two hours. And then the rest will begin to appear. With a large number of puppies, labor can last a whole day, and sometimes longer.

The bitch independently frees the puppy from the placenta, gnaws the umbilical cord and then licks it. Usually after this the puppy finds its mother's nipple on its own.

Features of purebred breeding

In order for future puppies to receive pedigrees, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules. Before mating, both the female and the male must attend at least 1 exhibition. On it they must receive a rating of at least “very good”. For dogs participating in the exhibition, the puppy card must be exchanged for a pedigree.

Only those animals that conform to the breed standard in appearance can receive a positive assessment. The judge also evaluates the behavior of the dog, for example, a cowardly German shepherd will be immediately removed from the ring with a disqualifying score. The path to purebred breeding is closed to dogs of service breeds with weak psyches.

A breeder whose dog received a breeding mark at an exhibition can either continue to earn titles or breed a bitch. The owner chooses the male dog himself, but if he has any difficulties, he can seek advice from the club. After mating, the owners sign the act.

After about 60 days, the bitch gives birth to puppies. When the babies turn 45 days old, they are taken to the club for activation. After this procedure, the kids are given a metric, which, if desired, can later be exchanged for a pedigree. Each puppy is also assigned an individual brand number.

Preparation for mating

Puberty in dogs begins very early. But the young bitch is not yet able to normally endure mating, pregnancy and childbirth. The body is not yet fully developed and is not ready for such stress. When can you breed a dog? According to the breeding regulations of the RKF, females of small breeds can be allowed to mate no earlier than 15 months, and large and medium breeds - no earlier than 18 months. But practice shows that it is better to postpone mating a little longer. The optimal age for mating a female is 20 months or later.

The breeder should keep a diary in which he will describe his observations of the bitch's estrus, health and well-being. He must be sure that the dog has passed puberty and is fully developed. About a month before the intended mating, it is recommended to examine the animal for sexually transmitted diseases and other infections. During the same period, the dog is treated for fleas and helminths. The owner must make sure that the bitch is fully vaccinated, this will give the puppies good immunity.

Pug temperature during birth

Before the birth process begins, the dog may begin to behave very restlessly - whining, licking itself frequently, trying to dig something out.

Often the pug becomes lethargic, loses its appetite and appears indifferent to everything that happens around it. All these signs indicate that it is time to give birth and you need to prepare everything necessary for this.

When a bitch whelps for the first time, her body temperature drops and is 37.5 degrees. After this temperature threshold is recorded, approximately 5-6 hours later the first contractions occur. This is the most appropriate moment to go to the clinic and call a specialist at home.

Dog weddings

If a dog walks outside on its own, then many males will follow it into heat. They are attracted by the smell of the bitch, it makes the dogs follow her. This sexual behavior of dogs is called mating. During this period, male dogs, excited by the smell of a female in heat, get involved and pester her with their advances. The dog quickly gets tired of constant cages. She often doesn’t even have the opportunity to lie down and rest; she is forced to constantly run and snap in the hope of driving away persistent suitors.

During a dog wedding, male dogs often fight among themselves, some constantly trying to push others away from the bitch. Chaos reigns in the pack during this period, new dogs join it, and clashes flare up with renewed vigor. The bitch herself at this moment is already so exhausted that she cannot fight back and snap back. At this moment, one of the males achieves his goal and mating occurs. Then he can either walk away after the act of love, or begin to protect the lady of his heart from the attacks of his rivals. A dog's wedding breaks up the moment the bitch ends her heat.

Periods and calendar of pregnancy by day

Pregnancy in pets proceeds much faster than in humans, so this breed shows the first signs early that a replenishment is expected soon.

Week 1

At the early stage there are usually no symptoms, only some individuals may experience slight nausea and loss of appetite by the end of the first week.

Weeks 2 and 3

The first changes may begin to appear:

  • She may be more tired than usual.
  • Her belly may appear slightly swollen.
  • She may lick herself much more often than usual.
  • The nipples become larger than before.

During the 2nd week you may still experience morning sickness causing nausea.

Week 4

The belly becomes rounded, clearly indicating that the bitch is expecting offspring. The nipples will enlarge even more as the body prepares for feeding. Your pet's appetite will improve significantly.

Weeks 5 and 6

The animal will get tired quickly, become less sociable, its behavior will change, and its weight will increase significantly. The bitch will prepare for the appearance of the litter - arrange her place.


Many breeders prefer hand-knitting. This method of mating significantly saves time, since the courtship stage is usually completely skipped. Many breeders travel many kilometers to breed a promising dog, and in the end everyone gets tired: both people and the dog. Therefore, the manual mating method is the most optimal in modern realities. In addition, an attempt to let a bitch in heat and a male unfamiliar to her run uncontrollably often does not lead to mating. In some cases, animals are even seriously injured.

Even if the bitch is friendly towards her boyfriend, he can still fail. It is not always possible for a male dog to mount correctly; he becomes overstimulated, which can lead to premature ejaculation. After this, the owners should give the dog 3-4 hours to recover. In modern conditions this is often impossible, especially if the owners of the bitch come from afar and have limited time.

A problem with loose mating can be the bitch's coat. In some cases, the male is wearing excessively fluffy “pants”, because of this he is unable to reach the bitch’s loop. The dog becomes overstimulated and either has premature ejaculation, or he begins to get angry because nothing is working out. Sometimes, after several unsuccessful attempts, a male dog completely loses interest in a female dog in heat. In some cases, after a bad experience, the dog has to be restored for a long time with an experienced breeding instructor.

If a dog is inexperienced in love affairs, then a harsh rebuff from a bitch can cause him psychological trauma for life. Often such dogs subsequently experience fear of the opposite sex or, conversely, show aggression. If the male does not have sexual experience, it is wiser to invite an instructor from the club and carry out hand-breeding.

How long does sexual intercourse last in dogs? Just a few minutes. After this, the pets stay in the castle for some time. At this point, owners must supervise their pets to ensure no one is injured. After a day or two, a control mating is carried out, which increases the chances of getting offspring.

Caring for a pregnant dog

Every day you need to provide special care for your pet. While pregnant, bitches should receive more healthy food than usual. The expectant mother's appetite will increase significantly around the 3rd or 4th week and everything she eats will be passed on to her babies in the womb.

Food - The goal is to increase the amount of nutrients while maintaining a healthy diet. There is no need to take additional vitamins and mineral supplements - this can cause health problems for both her and the fetus.

Activity - You can continue to walk your pet daily at a normal pace unless your vet places restrictions on exercise. Daily exercise will help her stay in shape, but a sedentary lifestyle can lead to weakened joints and muscles.

Comfort - provide the expectant mother with her own personal space. She will need a good bed that will provide her with a quality night's rest. Pugs love to be part of the family - this is a feature of this breed, so do not take it to a distant corner or another room.

Sexual behavior disorders

Puberty in dogs does not always go smoothly. Sometimes owners punish their pets too harshly for sexual games with cages on their relatives. We are now talking about communication between teenage puppies, and not between a male and a female in heat. Such games will not harm children, so there is no need to focus on them.

But it is also impossible to allow an adult male, who will subsequently be used for breeding, to satisfy his needs with his owner’s leg or a soft toy. If a dog develops the wrong sexual image, bitches may simply become uninteresting to him.

It is advisable to invite a club instructor for the first mating. A specialist will be able to help inexperienced dogs in time, and mating will take place. In the presence of an experienced instructor, the process will take much less time. It is important that the male dog has a pleasant impression of the first mating. If the dog’s experience was negative, for example, the bitch attacked him and bit him badly, then subsequent matings can be very difficult.

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