How does estrus occur in a dachshund: when does it start, how long does it last, what are its signs and on what day is it better to breed

Whether you like to play with adorable puppies or are planning to get serious about breeding dachshunds, before enjoying communication with small dachshunds, you will have to resolve several issues, the first of which will be the correct organization of mating.

Although mating a dachshund, pregnancy and childbirth occur naturally in most cases, all risks cannot be completely eliminated and you must be prepared for various problems and surprises. In addition to caring for the health of your pet, clearly answer for yourself why you need puppies and whether you are ready to take care of them and whether you can place them with a good owner. Irresponsible behavior and inattention of a person often turns into a tragedy for the little ones.

The general rule for both partners before mating is to carry out preventive measures. It is necessary to get vaccinated, dewormed and eliminate external parasites. The use of most drugs is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, so it is better to treat the animal with a schedule shift of 1-2 months than to risk the health of the dog and its offspring. The male dog is treated to prevent infection of the female dog on contact.

Before breeding a dachshund, you should check its health status. Both dogs must be healthy both physically and psychologically. A dachshund that is preparing to become a mother needs to maintain an optimal weight.

Choosing a marriage partner is not an easy matter. For breeding, excellent health of a male dog is not enough. It is better for an inexperienced owner to seek recommendations from a kennel club. The external data of the partners and their pedigrees are assessed. The ideal choice would be a male dachshund that has both its own awards and those of its grown-up offspring.

Dachshund mating

Whether you like to play with adorable puppies or are planning to get serious about breeding dachshunds, before enjoying communication with small dachshunds, you will have to resolve several issues, the first of which will be the correct organization of mating.
Although mating a dachshund, pregnancy and childbirth occur naturally in most cases, all risks cannot be completely eliminated and you must be prepared for various problems and surprises. In addition to caring for the health of your pet, clearly answer for yourself why you need puppies and whether you are ready to take care of them and whether you can place them with a good owner. Irresponsible behavior and inattention of a person often turns into a tragedy for the little ones. The general rule for both partners before mating is to carry out preventive measures. It is necessary to get vaccinated, dewormed and eliminate external parasites. The use of most drugs is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, so it is better to treat the animal with a schedule shift of 1-2 months than to risk the health of the dog and its offspring. The male dog is treated to prevent infection of the female dog on contact.

Before breeding a dachshund, you should check its health status. Both dogs must be healthy both physically and psychologically. A dachshund that is preparing to become a mother needs to maintain an optimal weight.

Choosing a marriage partner is not an easy matter. For breeding, excellent health of a male dog is not enough. It is better for an inexperienced owner to seek recommendations from a kennel club. The external data of the partners and their pedigrees are assessed. The ideal choice would be a male dachshund that has both its own awards and those of its grown-up offspring.

Preparing a dachshund for breeding

Dachshunds come into heat twice a year, while dwarf breeds go into heat less frequently. For bitches, pregnancy and childbirth are important for maintaining psychological health and good condition of the reproductive organs. Nulliparous dogs have an increased risk of developing gynecological diseases in adulthood.

Veterinarians recommend the first mating of a dachshund at the age of 15-20 months, on the second or third heat. It is not advisable to breed before 12 months, since at this age the dog has not yet fully formed and has not gained “adult” muscle mass. Pregnancy and lactation are always a big burden on the body; at an early age they are more difficult and can lead to serious illnesses, the birth of underdeveloped, weak puppies, metabolic disorders, increased bone fragility and other problems.

The female estrous cycle occurs in four stages: proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus. A male dog should be allowed to approach a female dog during estrus, 10-14 days after the start of estrus. At this point, the egg is ready for fertilization by sperm. Early or late mating does not lead to successful conception.

Externally, you can determine the readiness of a dachshund for mating by the following signs:

If you are breeding dachshunds for the first time, you can seek help from an experienced dog lover in order to accurately determine the signs of readiness of the bitch. At veterinary clinics, a vaginal swab is taken and a test is performed to determine the stage of the estrous cycle. It is optimal to carry out laboratory analysis in case of mild external signs or unsuccessful previous matings.


Estrus indicates that during this period the dog can become pregnant.
This process begins to appear in dachshunds between six months and one year of age. The duration of the full cycle is six months. Estrus occurs twice in 12 months. The whole process consists of several stages. On average it lasts 2 weeks. Its minimum duration is 7 days, and the maximum is 28. In the first week, the pet begins to bleed. Estrus includes divisions:

You can determine the stage of estrus by paying attention to the symptoms. Each of the described intervals has its own characteristics

And all symptoms should be divided into several periods.

Preparing a male dog

The optimal age for the first mating for male dachshunds is considered to be 12-15 months. Owners of a male dog need to take into account that when untying a dog, they will need to provide 3-4 matings per year to maintain the health and psyche of the male dog. A dog that has not been caged calmly tolerates the presence of females in heat and the absence of sexual activity. For untied males, continued dating with the opposite sex is necessary.

Males have a good sense of the female’s condition and readiness. Experienced dogs groom but do not mount until the bitch begins her estrous stage. If the male is young and has his first mating, problems may arise. In this case, it would be useful to have the help of a dog handler during sexual intercourse.

Mating is usually carried out in the male's territory. In a familiar environment, the male feels calmer and more confident, and will be easier to board. For successful mating of dachshunds, no additional conditions are required. If one of your pets is nervous, you can give them a favorite treat or toy to calm them down. Aggressive behavior in dachshunds is rare, but if this happens, the female should wear a muzzle or tie her mouth with a bandage.

If the time is chosen correctly, the animals are healthy and sexual intercourse ends with ejaculation, then after the first mounting the female will become pregnant. Sometimes it is recommended to carry out another mating, two days after the first, but this is a precautionary measure rather than a mandatory condition.

The apparent complexity of the preparatory stage is more than compensated by the happiness of communicating with touching bundles of affectionate and devoted dachshund puppies. And of course, in order to get an unsurpassed result from the whole idea with offspring, you need to follow the rules for selecting a partner and the recommendations of veterinarians.


Description of the breed

The standard long-haired dachshund is easily recognizable among its relatives due to its long coat that hangs smoothly down. It has an elongated body. It is strongly built and muscular. The neck is long and stately.

Curly Dachshund Size and Weight

Long-haired shaggy dachshunds come in three types, differing in body size (they are divided by chest circumference):

  1. Standard. The chest circumference is more than 35 centimeters.
  2. Dwarf. Girth from 30 to 35 centimeters.
  3. Rabbit. The smallest variety, with a chest circumference of less than 30 centimeters.

The body weight of the three long-haired species, accordingly, is also different. The standard weighs from 7 to 9 kilograms, the dwarf weighs from 5 to 7 kg, and the “rabbit” weighs less than 5.

Head and jaws

The head has the shape of a long wedge, that is, it tapers closer to the nose. Cheekbones are pronounced. The nose is oval, often charcoal or brown in color.

The jaw has a scissor bite, with the upper and lower jaws meeting tightly together. Lips are lean and elastic.

The long-haired dachshund's eyes are small and oval. The color of the iris is most often brown, but in some individuals with a whitish shaggy coat it can be blue or golden.

Colors and coat of the breed

The coat of a long-haired dachshund consists of two layers. The first one, which is on the outside, is smooth and shiny. And the second one, underneath, is much shorter and fluffier.

The long-haired dachshund comes in both black and light. Among the bright long-haired dachshunds there are red and red ones. There are not only one-color, but also two-color dogs. They usually have a dark, shaggy coat with noticeable markings.

Two more types of color are merle and brindle. At first, the dog has small spots on the main color of the coat. Usually the base color is charcoal, orange or gray, and the spots are beige or pale gray. And in brindle longhairs the main coat is orange or fawn, covered with stripes of a darker shade.

Limbs and tail

The legs are short, but muscular and strong. The joints bend well. The structural features of the dachshund's limbs make them outwardly curved. The front ones are placed closer to each other than the rear ones. The pads, as a rule, are always dark, neat and tightly packed.

The tail may hang down or have a crescent curve. It never stands vertically, but only rises slightly if the pet expresses some kind of emotion.

What is estrus?

It should be remembered that the onset of a dog's first heat is a sign that the dachshund has reached sexual maturity and can have offspring .
The first heat (estrus), which occurs, as well as subsequent ones, due to a hormonal surge occurring at a certain period, turns out to be quite a serious test for the young bitch, as well as for her owner.

The processes that occur in the dog’s body and new, not the most pleasant sensations, as well as a lack of understanding of what is happening to her, make the female dachshund nervous, which cannot but affect her behavior. And the appearance of male dogs nearby during a walk, attracted by her smells, can confuse or even frighten a young bitch.

General concept of dog mating

Mating a dog can be done either manually or naturally. If the owner wants to minimize the risks of injury to his pet during mating, then he will have to call an experienced breeder. He will tell you how to behave correctly during mating of animals.

In the future, the owner can control the mating process himself. For everyone who wants to breed their pet, you need to think carefully about how necessary this is, both for the dog and for its owner.

The most important mistakes of owners who decide to mate their pets are:

The first belief about mating is wrong, since mating is not a health improvement, but a real stress for your pet. Giving birth to a dog can be even worse. For example, mating of Chihuahuas or Toy Terriers should only take place under the supervision of the owners. The structure of such small decorative dogs does not allow them to breed on their own in most cases.

The above breeds also have difficulty surviving childbirth and you should not expect large offspring from such dogs. Even if your friends decide to get a similar pet, this does not mean that you should risk the health and life of your own dog.

We must not forget that dogs also have sexually transmitted infections, and this mainly occurs from the cable to the bitch. A prerequisite for successful mating is that each animal has the necessary documents (about vaccinations, the pet’s pedigree, the presence of genetic abnormalities, etc.).

Experienced dog breeders carefully select candidates for a “dog wedding”:

If you incorrectly select individuals of the desired breed, then after giving birth you may be completely disappointed in the offspring of the bitch, both in an individual case and in the entire litter as a whole. Even your friends who definitely wanted to get a dog may immediately change their minds about their decision when they see “average grade” puppies. Then you will have another problem, where to place the born puppies.

It is better to start looking for owners for puppies in advance.

It will be very difficult for you to sell a failed litter. As practice shows, in this situation purebred children end up on the street. Some owners prefer to drown unwanted offspring or strangle them, which is not at all the best solution.

You need to be careful when placing animals “in good hands,” since a dog with flaws can very quickly become boring to its new owners. You can also run into dog meat buyers and flayers.

At what age does it start?

At what age do dachshunds first go into heat? Representatives of this breed usually experience emptying at 8 months. But its onset may be somewhat earlier or later, since it may depend on reasons such as heredity, living conditions, diet, and previous illnesses.

If the dachshund's first heat was earlier than 7 or later than 14-15 months, this should alert the owner and become a reason to consult a veterinarian, since such a deviation may be evidence of some pathology.

Main features

The main sign that a dog has begun to have a dog is the appearance of bloody discharge, which over time changes its color to a lighter and yellowish color.

In addition, the onset of estrus is also indicated by the fact that the dog behaves differently than usual. Previously affectionate bitches may begin to snap at their owner, become stubborn and disobey. And the previously reserved and serious “young ladies” suddenly become unusually playful and fawn over their owner.

The dachshund's appetite also changes. Often dogs that were previously not known for their lack of appetite begin to refuse food or eat, but reluctantly. The opposite is also possible - the dachshund suddenly begins to absorb food from its bowl at an incredible speed, and then actively bites, begging for more.

As a rule, it is this interest that makes it possible to determine that the dog has begun to estrus, even if for some reason she does not have bleeding, which sometimes happens, especially during the first heat.

Sexual cycle

So, a dachshund's estrus lasts about 3 weeks. But each dog’s sexual cycle occurs individually. It is usually divided into:


Symptoms include spotting and minimal interest in the opposite sex. After a few days, the amount of discharge becomes greater, the size of the loop increases, and the amount of blood decreases. There may be a refusal to eat and an increase in interest in the male dog. The dog tucks its tail, which indicates that it will not let the male dog near it. During this period, contacts are excluded.


During this period of estrus, owners begin mating. The best time is considered to be the third heat. But now we are talking specifically about the dachshund’s first heat. The dog has become an adult and it is likely that she perceives the current state as something strange. Surround her with attention and care. Reassure her when talking. Buy your favorite treat and serve it as often as possible.

When stroking, the dachshund raises its tail and entire hindquarters, demonstrating that it is ready to meet a male dog. Be patient and the difficult time will be behind you. The dog will again be the same as before.

During the first heat period, the dog’s body is not at all prepared for pregnancy and childbirth. This can be very dangerous for everyone. The discharge becomes yellow or almost colorless. The normal state is when the loop goes down a little.


At this stage, the swelling in the area of ​​the loop goes away, and the discharge is no longer so abundant and, finally, stops completely. The conception rate at this time is scanty. But for some dogs it is still possible. The majority have a primary negative reaction to the opposite sex.


There comes a moment when instincts subside and all symptoms disappear completely, i.e. complete sexual rest.

How does it happen and how often does it happen?

During estrus, dachshunds experience spotting , and their intensity, consistency and color may vary between different bitches. This depends on their age, size, heredity and the particular period of estrus.

Dogs behave restlessly at this time, they urinate more often and may even begin to mark their territory.

Typically, estrus occurs 1-2 times a year with a frequency of 6-10 months, and this continues for the entire subsequent life of the dog, right up to old age.

Features of care

Caring for a female dog in heat mainly pursues two goals: to prevent the dog from soiling carpets and furniture with its excretions at this time, and also to prevent unwanted mating.
In order to reduce the likelihood of stains on furniture, floor coverings and other things, it is recommended to wear special underpants or diapers on your dog, selecting them according to size. In this case, you can either buy ready-made panties for bitches in heat at a veterinary pharmacy or sew them yourself.

Also, from about 4-5 days of estrus, it is necessary to very carefully monitor the bitch and keep her exclusively indoors, especially if she lives in a private house or in a country house, since at this time the dachshund can run away and go in search of male.

In the city, it is recommended to walk a dog in heat only on a leash, and when male dogs appear nearby, immediately turn around and walk away from them before they have time to run too close.

And finally, it should be remembered that all veterinary measures, such as vaccinations, deworming or treatment for external parasites, are recommended to be completed before the emptying period.

All about mating a dachshund

The hassle of raising a puppy is long gone, and you become the owner of an adult dachshund. But don’t think that all the experiences are in the past, a lot of interesting things await you ahead, and one of the most exciting moments is mating.

When people get a dachshund, they usually have a vague idea of ​​the future prospects for breeding it and cannot accurately answer whether they will breed it or not. This sensitive issue cannot be predicted in advance. For example, you didn’t intend to breed your male dog, but he began to win titles at shows, you received offers from owners of potential brides, and you decided to take this step.

Origin story

The dachshund is considered one of the ancient breeds; the exact date of its appearance is currently unknown. Its ancestors are the ancient hounds. In the 16th century, the breed began to form in southern Germany. Long-haired dachshunds were mentioned in 1820. These dogs appeared after mating a smooth-haired representative of the breed with a spaniel. There is an assumption that cops took part in the crossing. The dwarf dachshund was bred by mating small dogs with standard long hair, the rabbit dachshund by crossing the dwarf with toy terriers and pinschers.

Von Bünau became interested in this breed in 1877. He bought a long-haired female named Schnipp (the progenitor of the breed), who ideally hunted on the ground and in uncomfortable holes. In 1882 she performed at an exhibition. Today, Schnipp is recognized as the ideal long-haired dachshund.

Breeding tips for owners of dachshund boys

Remember that if you decide to breed your male dog, he will continue to demand from you an uninterrupted supply of brides. Otherwise, he will periodically run away on walks, and dachshunds are especially prone to running away and wandering in search of adventure. Also, mated males are more prone to aggressive behavior and constantly mark their territory, including at home.

It is rational to breed only really excellent sires, to whom they are put on a waiting list for mating for several years in advance. Owners of promising male dogs are known in their community, and owners of female dogs themselves approach them with offers of mating. In order for people to know about your dog, you need to attend exhibitions with him from an early age and receive all kinds of titles and titles.

Of course, he should not have internal or external parasites. Don’t forget about training your male dachshund. You will have to frequently communicate with the owners of the bitches who will come for breeding, and the male must obey you and generally give the impression of an intelligent and mentally balanced dog.

First mating for a male

You can breed a dachshund boy for the first time at the age of 1.5 years, although he reaches sexual maturity at 10 months. But exactly the age of 1.5 years is considered the period when the final formation of the breed characteristics of a male dog occurs, so it is better not to plan mating before this age.

Advice for owners of dachshund girls

If you are the happy owner of a female dachshund, then mating for you is only the beginning of a series of important events, the culmination of which will be the birth and raising of little dachshunds. Immediately assess your strength: can you take responsibility for such a large-scale event, and only then plan mating. A female dachshund is bred for the first time on the third heat, sometimes this is done on the second heat, although this is not recommended.

A lot has been said about the dangers of mating during the first heat, and this should not be allowed under any circumstances.

If you really love your dog and are not trying to make money by selling puppies, then there is not much mating to do. Typically a dog mates 3-4 times in its entire life. The first time is about two years, and then no more than once a year. After 6 years of mating it is dangerous, and such dogs are not allowed for breeding, as they produce weak puppies with various deviations from the standard.

It is advisable, but not necessary, to participate in exhibitions with a female dachshund. The requirements for their exhibition career are not as strict as for male dogs. But if you want the puppies to have documents, then you need to plan the mating not on your own, but through a canine association. There they will select the most suitable pair for you in terms of appearance and make the union official, that is, with an entry in the stud book, with puppy cards for puppies and other joys of civilized breeding.

Be prepared for the fact that for the sake of mating you may need to visit another city, and sometimes even another country (if you are trying to find a famous foreign groom). Matings are always carried out on the territory of the dog, which requires the owners of bitches to very accurately calculate a good day for mating.

You will have to plan everything carefully, because there are only a few favorable days for conception during the period of estrus, and you need the mating to take place at this time.

You should not be hindered by the lack of train tickets and other unforeseen circumstances. When breeding, be sure to bring a collar, leash and muzzle for your dog. Even if she is not aggressive, she may not like the dog in some way. She will try to bite him and he will lose interest in your dachshund girl. To prevent the mating from breaking due to this, it is better to put a muzzle on the dachshund at the first sign of aggression.

If you are a supporter of the control mating theory, then you will have to come to meet the male not once, but twice. There are different opinions on this matter: some breeders believe that it is better to play it safe and arrange a control mating to guarantee fertilization. Others are firmly convinced that if the male is experienced and healthy, then the miracle of conception will happen at the first mating. It is better to plan mating with an experienced male; in this case, everything happens naturally and no human help is required.

If the male is inexperienced, or as dog breeders say, not untied, then he must have an experienced owner who will control the mating process. In any case, there is always a way out, for example, you can invite a specialist: a dog handler or a veterinarian. Typically, the mating process for dachshunds occurs without complications and does not require the intervention of the owners.


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