Dog grooming: what is it, what is it for, what procedures does it include, where is it carried out?

The number of pets is growing every year. The owners do everything to ensure that their pets are well-groomed and beautiful. As a result, the demand for grooming services is growing. A pet grooming studio can be a lucrative business. Of course, a substantial investment will be required. To avoid high costs, you can start your own dog grooming business at home. Later it will be possible to open a full-fledged grooming salon.

What is grooming

The term implies caring for the appearance of an animal. But it's not just about cutting wool. This includes caring for the fur, claws, eyes and ears of your pet (dogs, cats, rodents).

Initially, the term meant a set of hygiene procedures. Later they began to include cosmetic ones as well. Types of services:

  • hygienic – aimed at maintaining the pet’s hygiene, which is required constantly;
  • exhibition - involve giving the animal an ideal appearance several times a year.

Stages of implementation

Not all procedures are always followed during grooming. Their choice depends on the breed, age, health and individual characteristics of the animal. But there are a few basic steps that are necessary for all dogs.

  1. First, the fur is thoroughly combed. It is necessary to remove not only dead hairs, but also debris and tangles.
  2. Then the haircut is done. It can be hygienic or special.
  3. Treating ears, eyes, teeth and trimming nails.
  4. For small dog breeds, cleaning the anal glands is necessary.
  5. Then the animal is bathed. A special shampoo is used.
  6. The last stage is drying and combing the wool. Long-haired breeds can be styled or have different hairstyles.

Types of services provided

The standard of services for non-productive animals and the basic requirements for it are enshrined in GOST R 55962-2014. The classification is based on technological characteristics and place of service provision. By technology:

HygienicTrimming services
Combing wool, untangling and removing tanglesHaircut with scissors or machine
Full strippingPartial stripping
Hair trimming in the genital area, abdomen, paws, earsCombination of the above services
Plucking hair from the earCreative or tattoo haircut
Trimming and/or sharpening nailsWool styling
Washing the animal, drying it with hair dryers
Teeth cleaning

Grooming services can be provided permanently in a specially equipped salon or on-site.

When to start grooming your pet

It is better to start grooming breeds with long hair, especially decorative ones, when they reach 3 months of age. If your dog develops tangles before this age, it’s worth starting even earlier. If the owner cannot cope with the task, it is better to contact the salon.

Painful combing of tangles at home can forever turn the dog away from such procedures.

It is better to start grooming and accustoming your puppy to it in a salon environment. If the owner does not have sufficient experience, cutting a baby's hair can result in injury, and cutting nails can result in blood poisoning.

Consequences of improper animal care

Many people believe that such care is animal cruelty. However, pets require it as a way to maintain hygiene and a neat appearance. Lack of proper animal care can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Felted wool, tangles . It threatens the appearance of parasites, dandruff, itching and irritation, and interferes with free movement.
  2. Shedding. You will have to get rid of wool on carpets, furniture and clothes all year round.
  3. Overheat. Due to impaired heat exchange, there is a threat of “sunstroke”.
  4. Allergy. Cat allergens are among the most dangerous.
  5. Wool in the gastrointestinal tract. Interferes with normal digestion, can block the intestinal lumen and lead to obstruction.

Who doesn't need to be cut?

Dogs can be divided into two categories based on coat type:

  • with undercoat – trimming and shaving;
  • without undercoat - it’s better to just comb it out.

Dogs with a special type of coat - an undercoat with guard hairs - do not need to be trimmed. Moreover, cutting or shaving the fur can lead to negative consequences: the pet will lose the protection of the skin, the development of follicular arrest - a slowdown in hair growth, leading to baldness. These dogs include: husky, Samoyed, Sheltie, Chow Chow, Labrador retriever, German shepherd, Malamute, Spitz, Maltese and others.

Grooming salon as a business: features

Previously, grooming procedures were done exclusively before the exhibition of animals. Today, many owners keep decorative breeds of dogs and cats, devoting no less time and effort to their appearance than to their own.

It is important for the groomer not only to know the specifics of manicure, ear care, cutting hair around the eyes, trimming (plucking the fur of some breeds) and exterior (bringing the appearance to the breed standard).

He is required to have a love for animals, resistance to stress and patience. It is important not only to carry out the procedure mechanically, but also to find an approach to the furry pet. You need to be prepared for aggression on the part of the animal. This often happens because many pets are terrified of the manipulations that the masters perform on them.

The use of brute force during procedures, as well as anesthesia, a muzzle and other means of restraint, is strictly prohibited. The groomer must be able to calm four-legged clients through “peaceful” means. If necessary, the animal owner can help.

You will have to work with hairdressing and manicure supplies. It is so sharp that care must be taken to avoid injuring the patient.

Features of the procedure for dogs and cats

Grooming is not just the sole privilege of dogs. Cats also have their own personal stylist and cosmetologist. But the procedures for cats and dogs are different. After all, by their nature these are completely different animals. What should you consider when working with cats?

  1. Disobedience. The first and most important difference is that cats do not obey commands. A trained dog just needs to give a signal with a voice or a gesture, and it will sit relatively still while it is being groomed. This trick will not work with a cat, because she is a famous “fighter” for her freedom and independence. It is also more difficult to restrain than a dog. The only option is a leash with a figure-eight knot, but here you should also be careful, because the structure of a cat is much more fragile than that of a dog.
  2. Unpredictability. A dog is a more manageable animal. You can always determine your mood by it. “Cat language” is almost impossible to count. Therefore, the groomer must always be on guard.
  3. The master must defend himself. The cat's reaction speed is known to be very high. She is armed with claws and sharp teeth. Therefore, the master is forced to use protective equipment in his work. They can also be useful for dogs, but much less frequently.
  4. Increased flexibility. Cats are incredibly flexible. Dogs don't have that flexibility. For example, it is easy to move a cat's front paw up and even behind its head. Therefore, trimming the underarm area of ​​cats is easier.
  5. Thin skin. Cats have thinner skin than dogs. When cutting, you need to take this nuance into account.
  6. Oily hair. Many cat breeds have much oilier fur than dogs. Regular detergents will not work for them. You need special degreasing pastes and shampoos.
  7. In some cases (first visit to the salon, nervous nature), cats are given sedatives before the procedures. Dogs do not need sedatives.
  8. More complex breed standards. Cats have much more exhibition systems than dogs. According to different systems, standards for cats may differ.

Features of cat grooming:

  • Long-haired breeds. Cats with long hair need to trim excess hair between the toes and under the tail. Long-haired pets are brushed every day (in some cases, twice a day).
  • Short-haired breeds. With them, care becomes easier - comb them once or twice a week. They bathe when the need arises (maximum interval – once every three months).
  • Breeds without hair (like the Sphynx). Hairless cats should take baths regularly. When bathing, it is important to use shampoo with a pH level of 5.5, no more. They then need a massage with a soft bristle brush.

Regular hygiene for most breeds consists of the most basic procedures. Once a week or even a month, cats have their ears cleaned. The eyes are systematically wiped to remove secretions. Teeth are cleaned of plaque and tartar.

Features of dog grooming:

  • Dogs need to be bathed much more often than representatives of the cat family - once or twice a month, at least.
  • The coat needs to be brushed every day. This reduces the chances of tangles forming.
  • Haircuts are done 1-2 times a month. In summer, it is advisable to shorten the fur more so that the pet can more easily endure the heat.

Where to take grooming courses in Moscow

Before you start working with pets, you need to take special courses. It is important not only to study the characteristics of bathing a particular breed of animal, but also the rules for cutting and drying wool. Typically, training is carried out by large pet stores or specialized beauty salons. Courses can be taken in the following organizations:

  1. Groom pro. Address: Moscow, st. Nametkina, 3. Telephones. You can sign up for courses using the link –
  2. " Boncherry" . Address: Moscow, st. General Beloborodov, 35/2. Phones: +7 (925) 889-99-63. You can sign up for courses using the link –
  3. ZooProfi School. Address: Moscow, Serebryanicheskaya embankment, 29. Telephone. You can sign up for courses using the link –
  4. "Archibald" . Address: Moscow, Vernadsky Ave., 27, building 1. Telephone. You can sign up for courses using the link –
  5. "VISCOUNT" . Address: Moscow, Northern Izmailovo, st. 16th Parkovaya, 20. Telephone. WhatsApp: 8 (910) 082-80 77.

The cost of courses depends on the training program:

CoursesProgramsPrices (RUB)
Groom proExpress course ECONOMY 15000
Basic course PROFESSIONAL25000
ZooProfiYour own groomer13000
Trainee groomerfrom 25000
Basic coursefrom 50000
"Archibald" (20% discount until May 31)Intensive33990
Professional VIP56990
Weekend professional41990

Types of dog haircuts

The haircut algorithm depends on its type. Thanks to regular practice, an owner who knows the basic nuances can easily cut his pet’s hair just as well as a groomer.


Trimming is a haircut for wire-haired dogs that involves removing thinned and dead hairs. To provide this service, salons use special trimmers or the manual method. If safety precautions are followed, there is no pain at the time of plucking.


Rolling is a dog grooming that involves the gradual removal of mature hairs. After it, hairs of different ages, and therefore of different lengths, remain on the body.

Rolling is carried out manually every 2 weeks. With its help, they emphasize advantages and disguise shortcomings, creating the most advantageous appearance.


Flatvec is a dog haircut that maintains a smooth and imperceptible transition from short to long hair. Most often it is done with scissors, since the machine gives a less impressive result.


Clippercut is a very short haircut of dogs, close to the “zero” state. When creating it, the hairs are cut to the minimum possible length, using a manual or electric clipper.

Enterprise registration

Any business requires state registration. Grooming salon is no exception. It is optimal to open. Tax regime – simplified tax system. To register you will need:

  • application in form P21001;
  • copy of civil passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

When filling out the application, you must indicate OKVED code 93.05 “Provision of other personal services.” The list of activity codes can also include the provision of veterinary services.

If you plan to provide additional services (animal care, sale of related products, expansion), then it is better to open an LLC. The optimal type of taxation is UTII. It will cost entrepreneurs 25 thousand rubles. For each service you need to indicate a code. Veterinary services are provided only with the participation of a certified specialist.

Search for premises

The next step is to find a suitable premises. An office at a veterinary clinic or a separate room would be suitable. It is advisable to find a retail space in an elite area of ​​the city with parking. Most clients will arrive by car.

Each pet requires a minimum of 4 sq. m. There must be at least three workplaces. You will also need space for a bathtub, waiting area and shelving with cages. The total area of ​​the cabin is 30–50 square meters. m.

The room must be well ventilated due to the unpleasant smell of wet wool. Additionally, you will need cold and hot water, working sewerage. You need to take care of filters to trap fur.

There should be a shower in the room for the craftsmen. In such a job, they will have to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

The premises must comply with sanitary standards and fire safety requirements. Despite the lack of mandatory licensing, you will need to obtain permission from the SES and fire inspectorate.


The analysis and calculations showed that a grooming salon in a large city is an interesting and profitable project. Its profitability in the first stages will be 34.7% and can be increased in the future by expanding the range of services and slightly increasing prices. Now they are at a level lower than their competitors in order to attract their first customers. An initial investment of 608 thousand rubles will pay off in 6 months if the net profit is directed only to completing this task. Taking into account the error, this period can be increased to one and a half years.

Having chosen a successful premises for a grooming salon, you need to pay great attention to the selection of personnel. It may be worth contacting specialized training centers for new personnel - there will be an opportunity to receive detailed feedback about each applicant with examples of work. It is planned to motivate the formed team with bonus payments and pleasant non-material bonuses. Much attention will be paid to advertising, in particular, promotion on the Internet and distribution of leaflets in park areas, where the salon’s target audience spends a lot of time.

Cabinet equipment

Initially you need to purchase:

  1. Tables (according to the number of masters).
  2. Bath for bathing animals.
  3. Hair dryer for drying wool.

The minimum cost for equipment will be about 20,000 rubles. If you wish, you can make preliminary calculations of the cost of the equipment. For example, you can submit an application on the manufacturer’s website – It is enough to indicate your name and phone number for feedback.

It is also worth considering the costs of purchasing furniture. The final cost depends on the entrepreneur’s requests.

Purchase of equipment and materials

To operate a grooming salon, you need to purchase special equipment. Workplaces for craftsmen must be equipped with scissors, brushes, hair dryers, tables, nail clippers, clippers and other tools. You also need to arrange a corner for washing animals - this is a bathtub, a hanger or shelves for towels, cosmetics, etc.

To wash uniforms and towels, you need to buy a washing machine with a spin cycle, since constantly sending them to the dry cleaner will be expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, most dry cleaners do not accept towels with wool. It is necessary to purchase a counter for displaying goods in the store, a stand and a laptop for the sales administrator, a hanger for visitors’ clothes, and consumables. Let's reflect the costs in the table:

Nameprice, rub.
Animal washing10 000
Table with holder (3 pcs.)30 000
Ultrasonic veterinary scaler for teeth cleaning20 000
Sterilizer for instruments (3 pcs.)9 000
Professional hair dryer for drying animals (3 pcs.)45 000
Hair clippers (3 pcs.)8 000
Tools (combs, hairpins, clips, etc.) for 3 workstations20 000
Laptop15 000
Furniture for visitors (hanger, sofa, mirrors, chairs, table)30 000
Furniture for staff and store furnishings (reception desk, chairs, display cases)50 000
Workwear for staff8 000
Washing machine with spin20 000
Product for sale in a store100 000
Consumables (pet cosmetics, shoe covers, food, wipes, detergents, etc.)30 000
TOTAL395 000

Grooming Tools

To care for animals you will need:

  1. Hair trimmer (minimum 3-4 attachments).
  2. Scissors (regular, curved, special for cutting hair on paws and face, thinning).
  3. Rake for removing matted fur.
  4. Nail clippers (for cats, decorative dogs and large animals).
  5. Stripping knife.
  6. Furminator.

The number of tool units depends on the number of salon employees. Additionally you will need:

  1. Tool bag.
  2. Smock.
  3. Apron.
  4. Gloves.

The minimum cost for the tool will be about 25,000 rubles. High-quality hairdressing accessories are a prerequisite for work. It is dangerous to use cheap analogues. Plus they wear out quickly.

Brief description of the project

Grooming is a set of measures to care for pets. It includes hygiene procedures - cleaning of fur, claws, ears and teeth, eyes, treatment of glands, as well as bathing, haircut and other services.

The investor’s goal is to open a grooming salon in a city where the population exceeds 1,000,000 people. The establishment will be located in one of the crowded areas of the locality near residential areas with new buildings, in premises rented. The main source of income is the provision of pet care services, the list of which includes:

  • cleaning and trimming nails;
  • applying varnish to claws;
  • combing wool;
  • different types of haircuts;
  • styling;
  • washing wool using shampoos, conditioners, masks to add shine;
  • cleaning teeth, ears, eyes;
  • different types of massage for animals;
  • tattoo

Additional profit will be provided by the sale of accessories, toys, clothing and pet care products. A groomer can come to your home at the client's request. This service is in demand among people who lack time.

The target audience of the project is people with average and high incomes, owners and breeders of pets:

  • cats;
  • dogs;
  • decorative rabbits.

The salon will be open seven days a week from 9.00 to 19.00. There are plans to make some cosmetic renovations inside. Elements will be used in the decor of the room - paintings with images of pets, prints of dog paws on the floor. All this will emphasize the specifics of the establishment and help create a pleasant atmosphere. The staff is provided with special clothing - aprons with a company logo.

Selection of cosmetics

Animals often behave aggressively. To avoid injury to the master or pet, it is advisable to use safe sedatives. The cost of sedatives is about 12,000 rubles. Wholesale purchases will last for 3–4 months.

Exhibition grooming is a more demanding area. To open an office in a small town, you don’t need professional tools. But if exhibitions are held regularly, then you will have to include the corresponding costs in your business plan. A complete set when purchased in bulk costs no more than 10,000 rubles. Usually it lasts for six months. Products for preparing animals for an exhibition:

  1. Shampoos (regular and dry for coats of any length).
  2. Air conditioners.
  3. Products that make it easier to comb out tangles.
  4. Fixing gels.
  5. Cosmetics for the care of the eye area.

At home or in the salon

In almost every city there are special salons for animals. Salon care involves the use of special professional products, tools, and, if necessary, allows you to resort to the help of different specialists.

A specially equipped room allows you to perform all procedures as comfortably and safely as possible for the animal. However, not all dogs take kindly to strangers and may feel comfortable in an unfamiliar place. Therefore, sometimes it is better to carry out the procedure at home. Moreover, there are groomers who work privately or come to your home.

On its own territory, in a familiar environment, it is easier for a dog to get to know, get used to and begin to trust a stranger. Home care will avoid unnecessary stress, and in the future the pet will calmly respond to specialists and procedures outside the home. If you have the necessary tools, cosmetics and minimal experience, home grooming can be done independently.

Ways to promote a business

About 50% of pet owners search for salons through social media. Creating a group on VK, OK or Facebook is a prerequisite for growing your client base. You can also launch an online store.

Cooperation with veterinary clinics can be a mutually beneficial transaction. The veterinarian can be offered a reward for referring clients. You need to print out color brochures with photographs and distribute them to pet stores and hospitals.

Another way to find clients is by visiting animal shows. Here you can distribute promotional materials to potential clients.

At what age and how to accustom a dog to grooming

It is better to teach hygienic treatment from early childhood, that is, even before separation from the mother. The baby should get used to cleaning his ears and eyes, trimming his claws and combing his fur. Otherwise, all these manipulations will result in extreme stress and defensive aggression, which can lead to injury for the owner and groomer.

For the first time, puppies are cut no earlier than 4-6 months. The exact time depends on the length and capriciousness of the coat. Animals prone to matting can begin to be trimmed as early as 3 months.

You should get accustomed to skincare manipulations in stages:

  1. Combing. Gently move the comb over the fur until the first signs of dissatisfaction appear. Gradually increase the duration of combing and the treatment area. Ultimately, the dog must endure the treatment of the most sensitive areas: the belly, tail and ears.
  2. Introducing scissors. Let your pet sniff the tool and try to trim the ends of the hairs with it.
  3. Demonstration of a razor machine. Use it without plugging it in or without batteries. After getting used to the sensations, add sound, and then direct processing.

During training, be sure to reward your four-legged pet with praise and treats. Don't force things and act based on his reaction. Shy animals may take a little longer.

How much does grooming cost?

The cost is affected by the type and breed of the animal, its size. If the pet's appearance is neglected or the animal behaves aggressively, the price may increase. Dog care rates:

BreedsCost for a set of services (RUB)Note
Decorative1250 – 1400Keeshond – 4500 rub.
Poodles1250 – 3500
Spanielsfrom 1800
Schnauzers1700 – 3600Trimming is paid separately
Terriers1900 – 4000
Other breeds1250 – 4500Komondor: haircut – 6,000 rubles, complex – 12,000 rubles.

The range of services includes: dog grooming + washing/drying + nail trimming + ear cleaning. A separate fee applies for:

  • trimming - from 500 rubles;
  • aggressive small dogs - from 200, medium - from 500, large - from 1000 rubles;
  • ultrasonic teeth cleaning without anesthesia – from 1500 rubles.

Cost of caring for cats:

WeightPrice per haircut (RUB)Note
no tanglesin disrepair
up to 5 kg15002000The participation of the owner or a second master is mandatory; sedatives are not used.
from 6 kg20002500

Cost of additional services:

  • anti-scratch pads for 2 legs 500, for 4 – 1000 rubles;
  • coloring of claws - 150 rubles;
  • preparation for the exhibition – 1500 rubles/hour;
  • patterned haircut – from 200 rubles;
  • glitter tattoo – from 200 rub.

Cost of services for rodents (RUB):

ServiceRabbitGuinea pig, hamster, ratChinchilla, ferret
Washing and drying500600500600
A haircut2000250020002500
Trimming claws200200200200

Caring for a horse will cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. The price is influenced by the complexity of the haircut and the temperament of the animal.

Market assessment: level of competition and risks

Before starting to implement the idea, you need to conduct marketing research - assess the ratio of supply and demand for groomer services in the city. It is important to determine the exact number of competitors - these include not only existing salons, but also veterinary clinics that provide pet care services, as well as professionals who receive services at home.

You should collect as much information as possible about competitors, find out what the cost of their services is, how they advertise and promote themselves, and how they differ from others. It will be useful to read customer reviews of their work. This information will help you find the weaknesses of competitors and take them into account when drawing up a business plan.

Main project risks:

  • deterioration of the economic situation in the region;
  • termination of the lease agreement;
  • low qualifications of employees and, as a result, loss of the salon’s reputation;
  • force majeure;
  • the emergence of new competitors in the immediate vicinity of the salon.

Business profitability

The time frame for achieving the desired profitability depends on the scale of the business. There is no point in opening an elite studio in a small town. You can carry out procedures at home. This will reduce the cost of repairs and rental premises.

During the first months of work, the master gains experience, creates a portfolio, and attracts clients with low prices. Under normal workload, the business pays for itself within a year. If you provide additional services (tattooing, manicure, nail polish, massage) and sell related products, you will be able to recoup your investment in six months.

The most popular service is washing and blow-drying the animal, and curly haircut. It takes about three hours for one “patient”. The cost of a set of services is 1,500 rubles. If there are 5 clients per day, the monthly profit will be about 225 thousand rubles.

The only drawback is the seasonality of the business. The main influx of clients is observed in the spring and summer. The rest of the time, the grooming salon may be idle or bring minimal profit.

Income and expenses

A business plan for a grooming salon with calculations of income and expenses will show what the profitability of the planned project is and its payback.

Start-up costs

We present in the table a list of initial investments in opening a grooming salon:

Cost itemAmount, rub.
Rent of premises for the first 3 months42 000
Registration of individual entrepreneurs and paperwork1 000
Room decoration70 000
Room decoration20 000
Purchase of equipment and materials395 000
Advertising and promotion80 000
TOTAL608 000

Funds for start-up investments will be taken from the personal savings of the business founder.

Monthly expenses

The costs for the monthly operation of the project are presented in the table:

Cost itemAmount, rub.
Rental of premises (starting from the 4th month of the contract)14 000
Public utilities12 000
Payroll fund186 000
Contributions to funds for employees and yourself57 000
Consumables (cosmetics, detergents, food, shoe covers, etc.)10 000
15 000
TOTAL294 000


Grooming time is 1-4 hours, depending on the breed. Based on this, we calculate the approximate number of procedures that the specialists will have time to perform under an average workload. In addition to the main comprehensive offer and model haircuts, the grooming salon will have an assortment of additional services and products for sale in the store. An example of the cost of services and revenue from their sales for a month is reflected in the table:

Name of serviceprice, rub.Monthly planRevenue according to plan, rub.
Comprehensive care (price varies depending on breed)2 000100200 000
Model dog haircut (price varies depending on breed)1 5003045 000
Model cat haircut1 0003030 000
Ultrasonic teeth cleaning1 20033 600
Mechanical teeth cleaning70032 100
Glitter tattoo on body5001500
Creative haircut (cutting shapes on wool)60021 200
Coating claws with varnish4002800
Anti-scratch pads (front paws)50063 000
Anti-scratch pads (front and hind legs)800108 000
Correction of claws after the anti-scratch procedure (done after a month)200102 000
Ear cleaning150203 000
Cleaning the glands200102 000
SPA mask300206 000
Dermo mask300206 000
Sales of products in the store1000 00
TOTAL404 200

Let's calculate gross profit by subtracting monthly expenses from monthly income:

Income – expenses = 404,200 – 294,000 = 110,200 rubles.

From the amount received you can find out the amount of tax deductions at the rate of 15% of the simplified tax system:

Gross profit x 15% = 110,200 x 15% = 16,530 rubles.

Since we have the right to deduct from the tax payment for employees paid to the funds (no more than 50%), its amount is 8,265 rubles.

Let's calculate the monthly net profit:

Gross profit - tax payments = 110,200 - 8,265 = 101,935 rubles.

Now let’s find out what the profitability of our business is:

(Net profit / costs) x 100% = (101,935 / 294,000) x 100% = 34.7%.

One of the most important indicators is the payback period of the initial investment, since we invest only personal funds in the project. It is calculated by the formula:

Starting investment / net profit = 608,000 / 101,935 = 5.96 months.

It is worth considering that the proceeds will not only cover the start-up investments, but also invest in development, go to unforeseen expenses and the personal account of the founder. Therefore, the payback period with all costs will be about 1-1.5 years. Its reduction will occur due to intensive improvement of the quality of services, loyal attitude of clients and their pets, as well as through material incentives for staff (this cost item is already included in the wage fund).

Grooming salon franchise

Achieving success in business on your own is far from easy. Some lack funds, others lack experience. A franchise is a chance to quickly rise and survive even in the presence of competitors. Under the guise of a well-known brand, you don’t have to waste time promoting your business. The investment pays off much earlier. Available offers:

  1. GROOM . The company offers the following franchise packages: “Cabinet” (lump sum 200 thousand, investments 490 thousand rubles), “Studio” (lump sum 250 thousand, investments 990 thousand rubles). The most expensive option is “Grooming Academy...” (lump sum 300 thousand, investment 1.8 million rubles). You can find out the details of the cooperation by following the link –
  2. BARBERDOG . The company offers the following terms of cooperation: investments from 1.1 million rubles, lump sum contribution – 250–450 thousand rubles, royalties – from 7 thousand rubles. You can find out the details of the cooperation by following the link –
  3. BookingCat. Hotel and salon franchise conditions: investments from 500 thousand, entrance fee – 200 thousand, royalties – 25 thousand rubles. for residents of Moscow. For other regions, the royalty is 12 thousand rubles. You can find out the details of the cooperation by following the link –
  4. BARBOS . Franchise conditions (office): investments from 150 thousand, lump-sum contribution - 50 thousand, royalties - 5 thousand rubles. for residents of Moscow. For other regions, the lump-sum contribution is 30 thousand, royalties are 3 thousand rubles. You can find out the details of the cooperation by following the link –
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