What you can play with your dog at home: without toys, with toys, dog sports, while washing

Playing with your dog can be fun and interesting. Look for entertainment options for your dog at home in this article.

Dogs of almost all breeds require physical activity. But the owner is not always able to completely “tire” his pet while walking outside. Dogs that have not yet learned the command “Come to me!” and “Nearby!” or are generally poorly oriented in space without a leash, it is not recommended to let them go in the yard.

You can keep your pet busy outside with games. It's easy for you, but it will be exciting and interesting for your dog. In this article you will find many options for games for pets. Read on.

What games can you play with your dog at home?

Playing with a dog at home
Dogs that have not yet been trained can put their lives and the lives of others in danger. Sometimes the weather doesn’t allow you to frolic outdoors for a long time. That is why it is worth considering those games with toys that you can play with your dog in a city apartment - at home. Here are some options:


  • This is a great way to exercise your favorite furbaby.
  • You can use either a store-bought toy or one made from scrap materials.
  • The main thing is that it is an object on a rope.
  • You need to throw it, and the dog will catch it from time to time.
  • The game can also be varied: let the dog grab the object, but do not let go of the toy, but pull it towards you or to the sides.
  • The pet will try to take away the treasured item, thanks to which it will satisfy its hunting instincts.


  • They will help the dog express his hunter tendencies.
  • Dogs really love this children's fun. They attack bubbles and sincerely do not understand why they burst. You can spend dozens of minutes playing this game.
  • Some owners use regular children's soap bubbles.
  • But you can also buy special ones for animals. Available with chicken and other flavors.

"Pass the dog":

  • Several people are needed.
  • Everyone must use any means to get the animal to come to him.
  • Of course, after this the pet needs to be rewarded with a treat.
  • It is important to stop contact with the dog when called by another person in order for the action to count.

"Find it!":

  • Take your pet's favorite toy and let him smell it.
  • Then take advantage of the moment when the dog’s attention has switched to something else, hide the toy, and then say: “Search!” .
  • The dog will rush in search of his favorite toy.
  • If the animal is not yet such a good hunter, you can unobtrusively tell it where exactly the thing is hidden.
  • In addition to entertainment, such fun also has a developing effect.


  • If you have a spacious apartment, you can make an obstacle course. Tunnels, slides and jumps can be anything.
  • The main thing is that there is enough space for movement in the house.
  • Of course, first you need to show your dog how to overcome obstacles and reward him for success.

Four-legged friends love toys very much. Therefore, having enough of them, you can come up with your own options for entertaining your pet. For a loving owner this will not be difficult.

Learning to overcome obstacles

Using the game method, you can teach your dog to run with obstacles. She can jump to a certain height, crawl, and run along a narrow surface. Train at special areas for walking and training dogs. If they are not nearby, a park or square will do. The animal can be taught to jump over benches, run around trees and bushes.

To learn, you will need a hoop or stick. To encourage your pet to jump, hold the hoop in one hand and a treat in the other, not far from the projectile. Give the command “barrier” and attract the dog’s attention with a treat. When your pet jumps, reward him with a word. After several successful jumps, you can give him a treat.

At the beginning of training, try to keep the hoop at the level of your pet's withers or slightly lower. This way you minimize the risk of injury during training. When the dog manages to overcome his own height, the obstacle can be raised higher.

How to play with your dog at home without toys: games for small and large dogs

Playing with the dog at home
You don’t always have your favorite tug-of-war ropes and balls at hand. The dog owner may simply not take them outside, for example. Or the pet simply does not want to play with something that is already boring to him. But there is a way out! After all, you can keep your dog occupied and let it release its accumulated energy without any additional equipment. Such games are suitable for small and large dogs, both outdoors and in the apartment. So, how to play with your dog at home without toys? Here are the options:

"Big Claw":

  • You can awaken the instinct of attack and confrontation in your pet.
  • If the dog is small, try simply moving your hand over a certain surface (say, a sofa), and it will react to the movement.
  • As a rule, both puppies and adult dogs willingly chase the hand. They may also nip it lightly while playing.
  • To make the dog frolic more actively, moving your hand away, you can touch the animal with it. The dog will be provoked by the fact that the “prey” can touch it, but it cannot touch the prey.
  • If the dog bites quite painfully, you can wrap any fabric around your hand or put on old clothes. In this case, it will be additional fun. The pet will grab onto the sleeve, pull it, and move its jaws in different directions with a growl.
  • The game is similar to the actions of the dog “figurants” on the training ground - with the only difference that this is not the detention of a potential offender, but simply the pursuit of a human hand.

“Hide the tasty treat”:

  • In front of the dog, you should find a place where you can put the treat. It should be hard to reach.
  • Then watch how your pet uses its intelligence to get what it wants.
  • The dog should be rewarded for its ingenuity.
  • You can do it differently: tie the treat, hide it, and then watch as the dog pulls the rope and pulls it out.

“Get the treat out of the water”:

  • Take a basin, fill it with water and put the “prey” there.
  • The pet will receive the treat only if it manages to get it.

“Foreign language commands”:

  • This is not a game for 1 evening.
  • If your dog already follows all “native commands” without delay, you can try entering and practicing one command at a time in another language (for example, English).
  • It all depends on the pet’s learning level. Adaptation may not happen on the first day. However, on rainy autumn evenings and in severe frosts, when it is difficult to walk for more than 10 minutes , it will be very interesting to watch your pet’s progress.
  • But if you and your pet participate in dog shows and shows, be careful with this game. After all, an animal can become so accustomed to a new language that it stops responding to your Russian.

"Passing Through the Veil":

  • Find a place in the hallway and cover it with a towel exactly when the dog needs to pass. And watch how she gets out of the situation.
  • Do not secure the towel on all sides. Leave at least one accessible for exit (do not secure it from the bottom or side).
  • It will be very interesting how long it will take for the pet to find a way out.

"Find a friend":

  • If it’s your birthday and there are a lot of friends in the apartment, you can take turns hiding and motivate your dog to look for each friend in turn.
  • This doesn't require any toys, but it will be very interesting.

Below are even more interesting games. Read on.

We teach the puppy to walk, come on command, and play with peers

The time to master these skills comes when the puppy has completed the entire vaccination course. You can begin to master a collar and leash from the age of 3 months, going through the same stages as when mastering a harness. Do not yank the leash or pull it sharply: it will hurt the puppy and make it difficult for him to breathe. Choose a light collar, 1 cm wide. The leash should have the same width, a light carabiner and a length of 1.5 to 2 m.

To make sure your puppy gets used to walks easily, start with short walks. Change routes. Do not walk your puppy near sources of loud noise.

Dog sport: let's play with your pet

Playing with a dog at home
A dog is a very active animal. So even if you spend hours chasing her with sticks outside, she may still not be getting enough exercise. That is why there are certain sports for four-legged friends (as well as for people). You can take part in competitions at both professional and amateur levels. So let's play with the pet. Here are exercise options for dog sports:

  • Agility

Mastery lies in overcoming obstacles for your pet. It also trains agility and endurance. But it is important to complete the obstacle course without mistakes. There are no breed requirements. Agility can be practiced both with a dog from titled parents and with a mongrel.

  • Riding sport

Only for northern breeds like malamute and husky. The team is harnessed by 1-12 . Only through obedience can dogs complete the route with dignity. are more than 2 dogs in a team , then there is always a leader who sets the pace. You should be careful not to overload the animal. Also remember that not every breed is suitable for this activity.

  • Frisbee

The idea is to throw plates. The dog can catch them both at a long distance and at a short distance. The further the distance, the more points the pet will receive. There is also freestyle frisbee, which has loose rules. You can practice this sport while listening to music. Thus, the dog will perform various tricks.

  • Coursing

The dogs run after the bait. In professional competitions it is a mechanical hare. The latter suddenly turns over - so the pet must react in time.

  • Waitpulling

This is pulling loads. Best suited for fighting breeds. But you can try this sport with another large dog. Pulling also involves a tug of war between two dogs. Each one pulls towards itself, so whoever wins is stronger.

  • Greyhound racing

Useful for pet dogs as they allow them to quickly regain their shape. Almost all breeds can participate - except for bulldog and pug type dogs. The latter are not suitable for active movement, especially in the heat. Many of them also have breathing problems.

  • Fast track

The same obstacle course, but with the connection of teams. At the owner's command, the dog must change direction, put on a muzzle and show restraint at the sound of a shot.

  • NoseWork

The sport involves finding a person or object by smell. Considering that the sense of smell is a plus for any dog, you don’t have to be an excellent student in OKD to participate and win.

The “Come to me” command on a walk

When, while walking, the puppy moves away from you at a distance of 7-8 steps, call him. Did the dog pay attention to you? Command “Come to me.” When your puppy approaches you, praise him, pet him and give him a treat. You need to repeat this exercise about 5 times.

Does your puppy not respond to its name? Repeat it, get attention. Give the command “Come to me” in a louder and more commanding tone. Then show the puppy the treat. Remember that shouting commands and nicknames is prohibited!

Does your puppy continue to ignore commands? Call him, quickly step aside or sit down. This should interest the puppy and he will come to you. Now you can praise him, treat him and pet him.

Games to play with your dog at home while washing

Playing with the dog at home while washing
Despite the fact that four-legged friends actively swim in natural bodies of water, few of them like bathing in a bath with shampoo. For some owners, persuading their pet for a routine wash is a real problem. That is why it is better to distract the dog with a game while it is being washed. How to do this? What to play with your dog while washing? Here are the options:

  • “Catch a toy” - while one of your family is lathering shampoo and rinsing off the foam, bring your favorite toy to your pet’s face. Thus, he will already be distracted from the unpleasant procedure. Move the toy from side to side and the dog will try to catch it with his teeth. But do not make too fast and sudden movements - otherwise the dog will break free, jump out of the bathtub where you put it, and the whole bath will go down the drain.
  • “Hold the object” - you can put a treat (for example, a piece of sausage) on the dog’s nose. Explain to her that she must hold the object as long as possible. A great option for getting your dog to sit still while being washed.
  • "Grab it!" — the dog should take its favorite rag toy for tugging and not let go of it for as long as possible. Do not tug too vigorously to avoid splashing water and shampoo over the entire surface of the bathtub.

You can think of other similar entertainments. The main thing is that the pet likes them.

Interactive bowl

Dogs need mental stimulation just as much as they need physical exercise. Interactive bowls, or “maze feeders” as they are sometimes called, stimulate a dog’s natural desire to hunt and get food. They are also great during teething and for dogs that eat too quickly or are very obsessive. Using such a bowl gives the owner the opportunity to go about his business while the dog eats.

Inside this puzzle feeder there is a labyrinth, between the walls of which there are pieces of food. It takes the animal time to get them out of there. These bowls come in different shapes and colors and are usually made of plastic or metal.

What can you play with your dog on the street: where and how?

Playing with the dog on the street

Read another article on our website on the topic: “How correctly and at what age can you train a dog puppy at home?” . You will learn about teaching basic commands to a dog puppy, and also find an initial training course, a list of commands, a description of gestures, videos, and tips. You should also always keep dog treats with you when training your puppy.

So, the dog already knows how to behave outside, has been trained in the most important commands, and you can take it outside. What can you play with her in the fresh air, where and how? Here are some options:

  • “Treasure Hunt” - you will need a fragrant delicacy. During a walk, throw it on the ground 5-10 meters from the pet. Give the command “Search!” and watch the dog's actions. At first she will start sniffing out the treat, and when she picks up the scent, she will find her reward.
  • “Red, Green Light” is an educational game in front of a traffic light. The animal must learn when to continue moving and when to stop.
  • “Slower, faster” - run with your dog on a leash. At your command, she should start running, stop, increase and decrease the pace. Excellent obedience exercise.

Read another article on our website on the topic: “If a dog bites a person, what threatens the owner?” . You will learn what an owner should do with a dog that has bitten a person.

Below you will find the rules for playing with your dog. Read on.

Accustoming the puppy to the “Walk” command

When the puppy reaches the age of 3-3.5 months, it can be taught to move away from the owner on the command “Walk”. By this time, the puppy should have mastered the “Come to me” command. When you go out for a walk with your puppy, disconnect the leash and command “Walk.” You need to jog slightly to get the puppy to follow you and allow him to get ahead of you. Did the puppy take a little walk? Command “Come to me”, reward with a treat. Next, reduce the length of your run together, and then stay in place, sending the puppy forward. Frequency of repetitions of the exercise: 4-5 times a day.

Rules of playing with a dog: how to benefit from entertainment?

Many fun games with pets are aimed both at releasing their energy and at getting closer to the owner, at practicing attentiveness, physical qualities, and hunting instincts. How to benefit from entertainment? Rules for playing with a dog:

  • It is important that the dog senses who is the leader . In other words, it is the person who must start the game, diversify it - and not indulge the whims of his dog.
  • The owner starts the game, leads it, and ends it. The dog, in this case, is a participant and performer. But not the initiator.
  • The mistake of many loving owners is that they give the dog “the reins of power” and follow its script.
  • Games should not be avoided either - because if there are none, the dog will find more “harmful” entertainment for himself - in the form of chasing cats, unauthorized covering of kilometer distances without a leash, damage to furniture and much more.
  • The animal should not show dissatisfaction . However, if it is noticeable, the owner should find out the reason. If you don't like a certain behavior of your dog, your reaction should be to stop playing. This way, the dog will understand that he is doing something wrong and therefore will be deprived of fun.

It seems that dogs are adapted to play from childhood - but, in fact, games need to be taught. It is advisable for your pet to have toys made of different materials, of different sizes, so that they can be tossed and caught, pulled, chewed, and fetched. In order for the dog to develop, it is necessary to change the list of entertainment every week. You can also diversify existing ones. One way or another, the best games are those that are associated with training and developing useful qualities in a dog.

And, remember, the dog must move. If during your “game” she lies on her back, with her hind legs spread apart, and you lie next to her and scratch her belly with a ball, then this is not really a game.

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