Hercules for a dog: is it possible, how to give it, benefits and harm

Hercules is a tender and tasty flake, the benefits of which are known to everyone. Cereals help quickly saturate the body and eliminate toxins.

Flakes are indispensable during the recovery period, because they allow you to recover faster and increase immunity. Everything is clear with people, but is it possible to give rolled oats to dogs? This is a question that we will look into.

Benefits of porridge for dogs

Rolled oats and oatmeal are derivatives of the same product, but processed differently. Oatmeal is a grain, sometimes crushed, that is not processed.

Hercules is compressed grains, additionally treated with steam. The benefits of cereals are irrefutable. However, the grains contain more useful substances because the unrefined grain has not been subjected to mechanical or thermal processing.

Dogs are given both oatmeal and cereal. Cereals contain a large amount of fiber and fat. The product is high in calories. Porridge allows the animal to restore its strength after active games and recharge itself with energy for the whole day.

Rolled oats contain many useful components that dogs need:

  1. Calcium and potassium. Vitamins strengthen the bones of four-legged animals and muscle mass, which is important at any age.
  2. Iodine, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, nickel, fluorine. Minerals enable all organs and systems to function normally and protect them from the negative effects of the environment. For puppies, these substances help in developing immunity and support the health of the four-legged dog at any age.

  3. Plant proteins. They charge you with the energy necessary to restore strength.

  4. Vitamins E, B, PP, K, A provide the animal’s body with everything it needs, improve vision, purify the blood, strengthen the nerves, prevent bone fragility, etc.
  5. Amino acids that maintain nitrogen balance in the body, affecting the functioning of all systems.

Veterinarians recommend preparing an animal’s diet in such a way that it contains oatmeal, meat, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Of course, Hercules is a source of fiber, protein and other elements, but the diet should be varied and rich.

This product has other advantages - price and dietary properties. The cost of cereal is low, so keeping even a large dog will not be a problem.

Cereals have enveloping properties, so they are prescribed to animals suffering from heartburn, gastritis, and constipation . Oatmeal is prescribed for sick dogs, overweight animals, and lactating bitches.

It is important to remember that feeding rolled oats does not mean giving only porridge. Oatmeal cannot account for more than 20% of the total serving.


To the question “Can a dog have rice?”
there is a clear answer - yes. It is rich in vitamins B, E, zinc, iron, magnesium. Everyone is fed rice. By adding meat or vegetables to the broth, porridge can be fed to an active four-legged animal that is not prone to obesity, but needs a large amount of calories. Is it possible to give rice if you are poisoned? It must be crumbly and contain mucus. This will cure diarrhea and remove toxins. Rice porridge is used as a stool fixative and an aid in stopping vomiting.

Steamed rice for dogs, as an anti-aging remedy, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, bones and urinary system.

Whether dogs can have rice for several days in a row is up to the veterinarian to decide individually, since excessive consumption can lead to constipation.

In what form are rolled oats given to dogs?

Animals, like people, can be given oatmeal in the form of flakes or whole grains. You need to ensure that the product is fully cooked. Raw porridge clogs the stomach, leading to problems.

Cereals are cooked for one hour, flakes - from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the processing method. Cooking time is indicated on the package.

The store has a large selection of oat products, so you can choose the cereal that suits both quality and price. You can buy oatmeal by weight.

How to cook porridge correctly

To make oatmeal rich, it is better to cook it in broth. For young animals, meat broth is suitable, but for overweight or aged dogs, it is advisable to use vegetable broth. It is added to already prepared food.

Dogs do not need flavor enhancers or salt, so no spices should be added.

The porridge can be viscous or liquid. It is necessary to cook the kind that the animal eats with appetite.


  1. Prepare 100 g of oatmeal and 300-400 ml of broth in advance. To make the porridge thicker, use less broth.

  2. Pour the broth into the pan, place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour in the cereal, wait for the liquid to boil again, then reduce the heat and close the lid.

Cook the porridge for about an hour, stirring occasionally and testing whether it is boiled or not. To avoid overcooking the oatmeal, it is recommended to remove it from the stove after half an hour and wrap it in a towel. So the food for the animal will languish, reaching the desired state.

Considering that a large amount of the same cereal is contraindicated for a dog, it is better to make mixes of several cereals.

Rice is best. Cereals also help strengthen bones, increase immunity, and improve organ function, so giving it is not only possible, but also necessary.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare half a glass of cereal, one and a half glasses of rice, three to four glasses of broth.

  2. Pour liquid into a saucepan, put on fire and wait until it boils.

  3. Add rice and boil it for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  4. Add the cereal to the rice and simmer the porridge for another 10 minutes.
  5. Remove food from the stove, wrap it in a towel for 20 minutes.

You can use a slow cooker for cooking. It will make the porridge tastier.

Rules for selecting cereals

There is no universal food set that is equally suitable for all dog breeds. It is recommended to create a diet based on individual needs, which depends on the degree of physical activity, size and food preferences.

The situation with the selection of food for small dogs is more complicated, since portions should be small but nutritious. In this regard, compact decorative breeds require additional vitamin and mineral supplements. For cereals, it is preferable to give them rice and buckwheat porridge.

Larger dogs are fed different cereals according to age:

  • up to a year - rice, buckwheat;
  • after 10 months, millet, oatmeal and other cereals are gradually introduced.

It is not advisable to suddenly replace dry food with natural food, but you should not delay it too much. Professional breeders advise restructuring the diet throughout the week. At the same time, the dog is fed probiotics so as not to harm digestion.

It is also important to know how much porridge can be given per day and at one time. First of all, we clarify that cereal dishes should not exceed 30% of the total diet. The remaining shares fall on meat and offal - 50%, vegetables, herbs and fruits - 20%.

Porridge (with or without additions), as a main dish, is given at the rate of 70-80 g per kilogram of the pet’s weight. This is the daily norm, which is divided exactly into 3 parts. A dog weighing 13-15 kg should eat about 180 grams at one time and 350-380 g per day.

How to prepare rolled oats flakes

Cooking cereal correctly is not difficult. There are some on supermarket shelves that don't even need to be cooked.


  1. Pour the product into a bowl.
  2. Pour in the broth so that it completely covers the flakes by 2-3 cm.
  3. Cover the plate with a lid and wrap it with a towel.

In an hour the porridge is ready.

There is another recipe:

  1. The flakes should be poured into a deep bowl.
  2. Pour in broth (can be cold).
  3. Place in the microwave for 30-40 seconds.
  4. Remove and cool.

Keep in mind that flakes are easy to overcook. To prevent this from happening, you don’t need to cook them for a long time. Processed oatmeal may be slightly undercooked.

Summing up

  • Porridge is an important part of a puppy's diet.
  • Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal cereals are most suitable for puppies.
  • Bowls with food and water should be placed at chest level so that the puppy does not have to bend over while eating and drinking.
  • High physical activity should be developed no earlier than after 1-2 hours.
  • The puppy’s diet should be varied and complete; one food cannot be replaced with another to the detriment of nutritional value and vitamins.
  • Food should always be warm and fresh.
  • It is important to know which foods can be consumed by puppies, which by adult dogs, and which should not be included in the diet at all.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the puppy does not remain hungry or overeat.
  • Your puppy should always have access to clean, fresh water.

So, after reading this article, you can now determine what and how to feed your little four-legged friend so that he grows up healthy and cheerful. And surely you have your own personal experience and opinion that you would like to share, your stories and photos of your pets? We are waiting for your comments.

Is it possible to give rolled oats to puppies?

A young and growing body needs vitamins and microelements. Oatmeal contains vegetable protein, so the product is necessary for the puppy. Breeders prepare their babies' meals, often including rolled oats.

But some owners refuse cereal because it causes diarrhea. Whether to give this product to a puppy or not is up to the dog owner to decide.

If after the first feeding the four-legged pet’s stool has not changed, the baby eats well and with appetite, and his mood is to be envied, then the porridge is suitable for your pet.

How to cook rolled oats for a puppy

Children need to prepare rolled oats according to the same principle as adults. Considering that the four-legged animals are still small, you need to make sure that the porridge is cooked.

For puppies, it's better to cook flakes. They contain fewer useful components, but processed oatmeal is better absorbed by the body. Stomachs that are not yet strong should not be overloaded.

Is it possible to cook porridge in water?

You can cook oatmeal porridge not only with broth, but also with water. This is especially appropriate for animals that are intolerant to milk and experience stomach upset from this product.

Some four-legged animals do not like dairy products at all. Water does not distort the taste of porridge, to which you can add meat, vegetables, eggs, cottage cheese and even a little flaxseed oil.

Water is not a broth, so in excess it gives an unnecessary and unpleasant stickiness. It is best to add liquid during feeding to thin out the consistency.


The following rules and tips will help keep your dog healthy on natural food:

  • the consistency of the porridge should not be very thick, ideally it is close to sour cream;
  • your dog can be given chicken or quail eggs, both raw and boiled;
  • Adding bran to porridge will help improve intestinal microflora and speed up metabolism;
  • You should not remove raw bones from the menu, they are a source of phosphorus and calcium;
  • Vitamins and minerals are found in large quantities in vegetables; they can only be given to your pet raw in the intervals between feedings;
  • fish must be thoroughly cleaned of bones and avoid freshly caught fish; they often contain parasites;
  • Do not combine fermented milk products with fresh herbs, vegetables or fruits;
  • raw meat, if given separately from cereals, does not need heat treatment.

Natural dog food based on various cereals is considered the most natural and environmentally friendly. It is important to cook such porridges correctly and select ingredients in accordance with the size and breed of the animal. The main indicator of the right course will be the condition of the pet’s coat, teeth and eyes, its muscle tone, and physical activity.

Is it possible to cook with milk?

Porridge made with milk turns out aromatic and tasty. Dogs eat it more readily. Children and adult dogs are allowed to be given dairy products, which cannot be said about older animals.

As you age, your gut doesn't work as well, so eating oatmeal and milk can cause indigestion. As a treat, rolled oats with milk are allowed once a week, but not more often.

It is important to prepare dog food correctly, otherwise the food will go in the trash. Milk may burn, so the amount of liquid should be increased.

Ideal recipe:

  1. Pour 500 ml of milk into a saucepan.

  2. Pour 100 g of cereal into milk.
  3. Turn on the stove and place the pan.
  4. After boiling, reduce the gas and constantly stir the porridge so as not to burn.
  5. After 10 minutes, turn off the burner, but leave the pan closed.

Therapeutic and preventive properties

Paradoxical as it may seem, rolled oats often act as an additional element in the treatment of certain diseases.

Gastrointestinal tractFor diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis and ulcers. The fact is that porridge is not digested quickly. Due to its viscosity, it envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby preventing acids from the gastric juice from reaching them.
OatmealThis is the basis of a diet for intensive weight loss. Yes, sometimes it wouldn’t hurt for our pets to lose weight; obesity doesn’t do anyone any good. Paradoxically, this cereal contains quite a lot of calories and carbohydrates. What kind of weight loss is there? But the porridge is digested very slowly. And even a very small amount of it creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. The carbohydrates contained in porridge are fast, so they are easily digested and also quickly burned, turning into energy.
HerculesUsed for allergic reactions to unknown irritants. If you cannot quickly determine the cause of your dog's health problems, switch to this product. This is not to say that rolled oats are completely hypoallergenic. But such a reaction to it is extremely rare.

How to give correctly

It is better to give an adult dog Hercules mixed with meat and vegetables. Firstly, this way your four-legged pet will receive adequate nutrition, and secondly, the food will be tastier and richer.

Animals do not eat ordinary flakes, not seasoned with anything. Kids are given cereal with cottage cheese, eggs, honey or kefir.

Is it possible to constantly feed Hercules?

Everyone gets tired of monotony. The diet should include different foods.

It is recommended to give oatmeal to four-legged pets no more than 2-3 times a week . Ideally, it should be mixed with buckwheat or rice.

Balanced diet

Human friends need a proper daily routine to maintain the health of their body systems.
Porridge is served to dogs regularly, including it in daily consumption, but you need to know what kind of cereal can be cooked for dogs; many types are not digestible. It is recommended that 10-15% of the cereals your pet will eat, in addition to the main meal. It is allowed to combine the product with vegetables, meat or specialized food.

You can give your dog dishes made from plant ingredients to improve the quality of the gastrointestinal tract, thus improving the digestive process.

Is there any harm

Hercules is high in calories, so it helps animals gain weight. Older dogs do not need extra calories. With constant feeding, the intestines weaken, and these are pathological changes.

Can dogs be allergic to porridge?

Food allergies to oatmeal have not been uncommon in recent years. It manifests itself in the form of a rash that spreads throughout the body and constant itching.

To solve the problem, you need to remove the product from the diet and give the dog an antihistamine prescribed by a veterinarian.

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