Delicious super premium dog food - Now food


Dry Now Natural Fresh belongs to the super premium class - this means that it must be of high quality. Like all dry food, it has several important features.

For example, if a pet eats only dry food, then it should always have access to water. Normalizing your pet's water balance will ensure proper functioning of the kidneys and liver. This means there will be no problems with them.

Some owners add water to the food bowl. This can be done to attract your pet by enhancing the smell of food. However, remember that wet foods spoil much faster than dry ones, so do not forget to remove them in a timely manner.

What are the benefits for dogs of this company’s products:

  1. They are grain-free with a great balance of protein and fat.
  2. Good composition. Without dyes and by-products. Manufacturers guarantee that they contain only fresh, real meat. And the animals that provide it are raised without GMOs.
  3. The dry food form is designed to clean dogs' teeth.
  4. It contains berries, fruits and vegetables in whole pieces.
  5. The size and hardness of the granules corresponds to the age and physique of the pet. That is, for small breeds they are less than for large ones.
  6. Many elements for digestive health, vision, coat, skin, brain and immunity.

The Now line of feeds is presented as:

  1. Now Natural Fresh is suitable for all breeds and ages.
  2. Now Natural Holistic is recommended for use in overweight dogs.

Each type, in turn, has a gradation of products for puppies and adult dogs, for large and small breeds. Currently can be found also for puppies and adults of large breeds.

Now Fresh dog food - reviews

Now Fresh dry food for dogs has been sold in Russia for many years and is quite common. Therefore, reviews about these foods on the Internet are not uncommon; below we have collected several of the newest and most informative ones.

Reviews from veterinarians

Unfortunately, there were no direct reviews from veterinarians about Nau food in reliable sources. If these appear in the future, we will supplement this review with them.

Customer Reviews

Vladislav writes:

Our dog has been eating Now Fresh weight control food with turkey, duck and vegetables for over two years. Everything was fine until ours disappeared from the online store where we bought it, and was never seen in local pet stores. As a result, I had to switch to GO! with turkey, from the same manufacturer. When looking for a replacement, we chose him because we didn’t notice much of a difference in the composition.

Maria writes:

We have a tiny Yorkshire Terrier dog. When we took her as a puppy from the breeder, she looked very weak and skinny, she needed to be fattened up. I read reviews about many foods, and in the end I decided to try NOW Natural holistic and I was not mistaken.

I took food for small breeds, it has small granules and this is a huge plus. But the main thing is a good composition, fresh meat, vegetables and various vitamins, no grains. The dog eats his food with a bang, is no longer so skinny, his fur is normal, his eyes are not running, and there is no strong odor from his mouth. Before this, as soon as he was brought from the breeder, the smell from his mouth was terrible, it was not clear what he was fed.

We buy food in small packages of 230 g, this is enough for us for 2 weeks. There is no point in taking a large 2.72 kg dog, the dog is almost three times smaller and the food will simply spoil before we feed at least half the package. Overall the food is excellent, we recommend it for small dogs!

Ksenia writes:

Hi all. I would like to share my review of NOW food for small breed dogs. Previously, I had one dog and ate the hypoallergenic Monge food, but recently I got a second one (temporarily, for foster care) and for some reason she didn’t like it. I went to the pet store to look for new food, and they recommended NOW. The price of a pack of 230 g is 250 rubles, but for a dog weighing one and a half kilograms this is not expensive.

The composition of the food seems great, so much so that you can eat it yourself, I’m attaching a photo, see for yourself. Both my dog ​​and my guest liked this food. Both have good stools, without a strong odor. I think I can now switch mine to NOW, especially since the food is Canadian, I read that it is of very high quality.


The composition never contains grain crops or their processing, but it always contains:

  1. Fillet of meat and fish. Depending on the species, this may include salmon, trout, turkey, duck and lamb. Often the composition includes several meat delicacies, then the quantity of one product is greater than the other.
  2. Whole eggs.
  3. Potatoes and other vegetables, including peas.
  4. Fruits.
  5. Berries. These could be cranberries, blueberries and blackberries.
  6. Vitamins and minerals.
  7. Probiotics and prebiotics.
  8. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  9. Omega fatty acids
  10. Antioxidants
  11. Seasonings that include rosemary, calendula, mint, parsley and green tea.

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Now Fresh rating

You can find out a description and analysis of each specific Now Fresh food - for dogs or cats - by clicking on the name of the diet in our database. If there is no review of the product of this brand you are interested in yet, you can send us a request - we will try to help you.

If you add up the ratings of the foods we analyzed, the overall rating of Now Fresh is currently slightly above average. You can read about the rules by which feed is evaluated in our “Criteria” section.

We involve veterinarians in writing reviews on food, including the Now Fresh brand; reviews from animal owners are published at the very end of the article - after conclusions about the food and a review of the main components. You can read them by scrolling down the review. Please add your comments - it is important for us to know what you think about this or that product, how your pet reacted.

Daily dosage

Neither gluttony nor malnutrition is good for health. Therefore, on each pack of Now food, the daily dosage is written on the back side.

For example, the table below shows the daily intake of Now Fresh Natural food for large dogs.

Weight, kgFor dogs prone to obesity, grams/dayFor active, grams/day
1 – 2,347-6453-72
2,3 – 4,564-7472-82
4,5 – 974-12582-138
9 – 13,6125-169138-188
13,6 – 23169-212188-235
23 – 32212-284235-315
32 – 41284-331315-368
41 – 50331-425368-473
50 – 64425-706473-784

The following table shows the amount of Now Fresh Natural food for small breeds.

Weight, kg)For dogs prone to obesity, grams/dayFor active, grams/dayFor puppies, grams/day

Pros and cons of Now food

The entire line: Natural Holistic and Fresh - has positive qualities:

  1. No dyes or preservatives.
  2. The food is made from natural products. The buyer does not overpay for cheap grain ingredients.
  3. The optimal ratio of proteins, which in Natural Fresh is 25-30%, and fats is from 15 to 20%. Plus another 4-5% fiber for better digestion.
  4. Convenient small granule size, in the form of pads measuring about 5 mm.
  5. Natural Fresh has packs of different sizes from 230 grams to 35 kg. Large bags are equipped with special zippers for more convenient and long-term storage.
  6. Now Fresh and Holistic are designed for different breeds and those that are overweight or obese. Properly balanced vitamins and minerals in a complex of prebiotics, probiotics and antioxidants normalize the activity of the dog’s entire body, from digestion to the brain.
  7. The food has low consumption, that is, it is filling and the pet eats up in small portions. On average, a pack of 2.72 kg lasts for 2-2.25 months.
  8. Canadian quality. Branded packaging and high-quality products, grown without hormones on Canadian farms.
  9. According to customer reviews: dogs really like it, they eat the whole portion at once.

Disadvantages of Natural Fresh include:

  1. Not available everywhere. The product of the Canadian manufacturer can be found in specialized stores. It is better to order it in advance, because sometimes the packs you need may not be available.
  2. High price. According to customer reviews: the product is economical and profitable, but expensive compared to others.

Now Fresh Dog Food Review

Now Fresh dry dog ​​food is produced in Canada by Petcurean Pet Nutrition.
Official website - (in English), it provides information about the entire line of feed (composition, recommended feeding rates, etc.). This food is suitable for holistic people. Now Fresh food for cats is also available. The same company also produces food for cats and dogs under the brands Geather, Go!, Summit, Spike.

Composition of Now Fresh food

Let's look at the composition of Now Fresh food using the example of the Grain Free Large Breed Adult Recipe (for adult dogs of large breeds, grain-free). You can see it in the image below (click on the image to enlarge it for easier reading):

On the left is composition data from the manufacturer’s official website. On the right is the translation into Russian.

Sources of protein in the food are fresh turkey fillet, fresh salmon fillet, fresh duck fillet. Their percentages are not indicated, but since the composition does not contain ingredients very rich in plant protein, we can conclude that the main part of the 27% of protein indicated in the analysis is of animal origin, namely from the listed three ingredients.

Since the food is grain-free, the sources of carbohydrates are potatoes and peas (the main ones), as well as (additional) potato flour, tapioca, sweet potatoes, and lentils. All of these ingredients are considered better digestible than wheat and corn used in premium feeds.

Sources of fiber include flax seeds (also rich in fatty acids), pea fiber, apples, alfalfa, carrots, pumpkin, bananas, and broccoli. spinach, dried chicory root, etc. Moreover, these ingredients also contain various beneficial substances.

For some reason, the only sources of fat in the food are vegetable - rapeseed oil and coconut oil. They are stated to be preserved with tocopherols (essentially vitamin E).

Calcium carbonate is used in the food industry as a white food coloring (additive E170). Sodium chloride is table salt. Potassium chloride - salt. Vitamins and minerals - food supplements of vitamins and minerals (we will specify which ones in brackets, we will not list them again).

Taurine, DL-methionine, L-lysine are useful and necessary amino acids for the body. Glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate - beneficial for joints. Yucca Schidigera - helps get rid of the pungent odor of excrement. Dried rosemary is a natural antioxidant.

Various herbs and berries (except for those listed above) contained in the composition are sources of many useful substances. However, the amount of these additives in the feed is minimal, so the extent of their benefit is unknown.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Canadian Now food:

  • fresh meat is a source of protein;
  • does not contain grains;
  • rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances;
  • a natural preservative (tocopherols) is used;
  • quite common, you can buy it in many pet stores.

The disadvantages of this food can be considered:

  • quite high price (comparable to many analogues).

Video "Now Fresh Natural"

The video is a Canadian advertisement for Now Fresh Natural Grain Free Senior Dog.

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