Urolithiasis in dogs: how does it manifest and can it be cured?

Urolithiasis in dogs and its varieties

If the specific gravity or pH of urine deviates from the norm, then over time, stones, or urinary calculi, will form in the dog's bladder. They are dense formations that prevent the free movement and exit of urine. Due to stagnation, the number and frequency of urination is reduced, and the accumulated urine poisons the body and causes inflammation. Based on the severity of symptoms, ICD is divided into 4 types.


This species is distinguished by the absence of external signs. The pet does not show concern and behaves as usual. Pathological changes can be seen during a blood test. In case of illness, the pH shifts to an acidic or alkaline environment. Specific types of stones can be detected on ultrasound and x-rays.


The mild form is accompanied by frequent and painful urination. The animal constantly licks itself, asks for a walk more often than usual, whines during bowel movements and spends more time on it. Droplets of blood remain on the genitals of a urinating dog.

Due to the inflammatory process, the likelihood of a secondary infection increases. It can be easily detected by a sudden rise in temperature.


The pet becomes apathetic, refuses to eat, but drinks often. Control over urination is lost: a well-mannered dog begins to leave small puddles or droplets of urine throughout the house. At the moment of defecation, he stops raising his paw and takes a pose characteristic of bitches. Splashes of blood are clearly visible. In the absence of medication, there is a rise in temperature, repeated vomiting and convulsions.

By palpating the abdomen, the veterinarian detects a tight bladder. It's stretched out and crowded.


When urination completely disappears (anuria), there is a danger of bladder rupture. Poisoned by toxic substances, the body loses its last strength. Body temperature drops below a critical level. The animal may become comatose. When the walls of the bladder are damaged, its contents spill into the abdominal cavity, leading to death from poisoning.

Main symptoms

The most common signs of the disease include the following:

  1. Frequent urination. The dog not only begins to ask to go out very often, but can also “make a puddle,” even if this is an adult animal and nothing like this has ever been noticed before.
  2. Pain during urine excretion. The dog squeals and whines while urinating, after which it takes a long time to come to his senses, does not want to play, run, tries to lie down and even hide away from people.
  3. The appearance of traces of blood, sand or pus in the urine if the disease is accompanied by an acute inflammatory process.
  4. Obstruction of the urinary tract, which can lead to intoxication and kidney failure.
  5. Signs of hepatic encephalopathy in dogs with portacaval shunts.
  6. The animal reacts painfully to touching the kidney part of the back and the lower half of the abdomen. In an acute condition, it can growl and can even bite the owner if he accidentally causes pain.

If the stones are in the kidneys or at the top of the ureters without blocking them, they can go undetected for a long time. The disease does not show itself in any way, and at this time chronic renal failure develops in dogs.

Types of formations

Stones in dogs can be soluble or insoluble. The second group includes the most dangerous formations - oxalates. In most cases they have to be removed surgically. They are formed in an acidic environment and are most often diagnosed in males over 6 years of age. Those at risk include lap dogs, pugs, shih tzus and affenpinschers.

More gentle treatment is provided when soluble stones are identified, including:

  1. Urats

    . It occurs in young (1-3.5 years) representatives of large breeds: shepherd dogs, terriers, wolfhounds, Dalmatians.

  2. Struvite

    . Characteristic of female poodles, Pekingese, dachshunds and terriers 3-5 years old.

  3. Cystines

    . The rarest species, typical for male Chihuahuas, dachshunds and English bulldogs under 5 years of age.

In addition to the listed varieties, there are also mixed forms, suggesting the presence of several types of stones at the same time. The most vulnerable breed is Yorkshire terriers. Urolithiasis in these dogs develops in all of the listed forms, including mixed.

The role of bacterial infections

Bacterial infections of the bladder (that is, cystitis) play an important role in the formation of uroliths , and there are several explanations for this. Firstly, such diseases lead to an increase in the pH level and its movement into the alkaline zone. This can already cause excessive precipitation of salts called struvite when the animal consumes food with a low pH level. Normally, urine should have a neutral reaction, when the likelihood of developing a chemical reaction is reduced to zero.

But the presence of bacteria is dangerous not only for this. In particular, waste products of microorganisms themselves can precipitate, stimulating the development of uroliths. In addition, some bacteria synthesize an enzyme called urease. This compound, without going into the intricacies of organic chemistry, simply splits urine into its constituent components. Ammonia slowly turns into ammonium ions, while carbon dioxide combines with other components to form phosphates. Then, thanks to a chain of chemical reactions, magnesium, which is always present in the urine, combines with ammonium and phosphates. This is exactly how the same struvites are formed, which we already wrote about above.

Remember! The inflammatory reaction, which appears due to the action of pathogenic microflora, contributes to a sharp increase in the volume of mucous secretion. And, as we already know, it is an important “building” element of stones in the genitourinary system of an animal.

Causes of the disease

The risk group includes middle-aged and elderly pets, as well as most small breeds. The causes of urolithiasis in dogs are divided into:

  1. External

    . Insufficient water, excess proteins and carbohydrates lead to the deposition of stones. Stagnant processes are explained by rare walks, excess weight and low activity. All this prevents timely emptying and increases the concentration of urine, causing the deposition of salts.

  2. Domestic

    . These include infections of the genitourinary system, changes in the acid-base balance, diseases of the digestive system of a chronic nature and congenital pathologies that affect metabolism and digestion. There is also a relationship with genetic predisposition.

The type of stones directly depends on the diet. An abundance of meat dishes shifts the pH to an acidic environment, and an excess of cereals and vegetables - to an alkaline one.

The main types of kidney stones in carnivores

Each type has a typical shape, which makes it possible to determine the nature of the stone already at the stage of ultrasound examination. There are many special cases, but mainly these are the following chemical groups:

PhosphatesAn excess of phosphorus leads to their formation. This is excess fish and seafood in the diet, as well as incorrectly selected dry food. They have a fairly loose structure and lend themselves well to crushing. In appearance they resemble rounded white pebbles.
CarbonatesThey come from poor quality water. You need to use a high-quality filter or buy it in a store. They can be easily destroyed even by mild acid exposure, but then another problem arises. Small fragments begin to pass into the ureter, causing unbearable pain to the dog.
OxalatesThese are salts of oxalic acid. If you look at the composition of all modern food, it contains this agent as an acidity regulator. Animals that feed from the human table suffer especially often from this type.
LactatesThese are lactic acid salts. Dogs need cottage cheese and kefir, but in reasonable quantities. A fermented milk diet leads to the formation of coral stones, which can only be eliminated together with the kidney.

Struvite and cystine may also appear. The secondary binder is cholesterol and other polyunsaturated fatty inclusions. Therefore, we can conclude that fatty foods contribute to the formation of stones. This occurs when there is insufficient breakdown of fats in the digestive tract and consumption of too hot food. In a melted state, they enter the urine, reaching the kidneys, where they settle on the surface of the calculus, compacting it. There is no relationship between breed, gender and age.

Symptoms: how does ICD manifest?

The severity of symptoms depends on the form of the disease and the type of stones. Severe pain and the presence of blood are typical for formations with a rough surface and sharp edges.

It is almost impossible to suspect the presence of stones at an early stage without laboratory diagnostics. If your pet does not relieve itself in the litter box, then you are unlikely to detect changes in the amount and density of urine. That is why it is important to regularly take urine and blood tests for preventive purposes.

Over time, signs of urolithiasis in dogs become more obvious. The resulting violations are accompanied by:

  • lethargy, apathy and loss of appetite;
  • restlessness and frequent licking of the genitals;
  • frequent urination in small portions;
  • whining or shaking during bowel movements;
  • bloating and abdominal pain;
  • change in urine color to dark brown or pinkish;
  • increased temperature;
  • vomiting and convulsions.

If your pet asks to go to the toilet more often than usual, sits in an unusual position, or pees in the wrong place, make an appointment at the veterinary clinic. The sooner you seek help, the less likely you are to develop complications.


If you suspect urolithiasis, you must undergo a number of mandatory tests. These include ultrasound of the urinary system. An ultrasound will show the presence of uroliths, their size and exact location. It will show the structural component of the kidneys, the presence of an acute or chronic inflammatory process in them. A general urine test is also very revealing. It can show urine density, pH, the presence of blood and inflammatory cells, microflora, as well as the smallest uroliths that can pass through the urethra. If microflora is present, urine culture with titration for antibacterial drugs may be indicated. Sometimes an X-ray examination is required; it will show the location of radiopaque uroliths, this can be especially useful to exclude blockage of the urethra in male dogs. General clinical and biochemical blood tests will help exclude acute inflammatory processes and acute kidney damage.

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Rarer studies include urography or cystography with a contrast agent, computed tomography.

Establishing diagnosis

If copious amounts of blood are discharged or anuria occurs, go to the veterinary clinic without an appointment. Due to the high probability of death, doctors at a 24-hour facility are required to provide emergency care at any time of the day.

To make a diagnosis, urine and blood tests are taken from the four-legged patient. Due to stagnation of fluid, urine is collected directly on the spot by puncturing the bladder. The type of stones is determined by ultrasound and x-ray. A blood culture test is also performed to exclude or confirm the presence of a secondary infection.

Predisposing factors and pathogenesis of the disease

It all starts with a sharp change in the pH level of urine and the level of its saturation with soluble (relatively) salts of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc. In the case when both of these factors act simultaneously, deposition of a crystalline precipitate begins. It is important to note here that this process is not a chain reaction. If at this moment the diet and feeding conditions are normalized, the dog stops taking any medications (tetracycline, for example, can provoke urolithiasis), then the development of the pathology stops. In many cases, a small amount of the resulting sand is simply excreted into the external environment in the urine.

Treatment methods

Further therapy depends on the form of the disease and the type of stones. Sometimes a simple change in diet is enough to help your pet recover, and sometimes the only solution is emergency surgery.

Despite the variability of possible solutions, in all cases the primary task is to remove accumulated urine by cleansing the urinary ducts. On average, the process of destruction of urinary stones is 1-4 months.


In case of anuria, the animal is given a catheter to drain urine and wash the ducts. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Catheterization allows you to create back pressure inside the urethra, which helps push the formed stones back into the bladder, bypassing the operation.

Also, insertion of a catheter may be necessary if renal failure is detected. In this case, the four-legged patient needs blood purification. For this purpose, hemodialysis is performed.

Removing Stones

If catheterization and drug therapy do not give the desired effect, then the outflow of urine is quickly restored. For this purpose, several operation options are used:

  1. Cystostomy

    . The surgeon cuts the bladder at the site where the stones are deposited and removes them out. Before the stitches heal, the pet urinates through the catheter. The disadvantage of this operation is the high probability of narrowing of the ducts and their re-clogging.

  2. Urethrostomy

    . This operation involves widening the natural opening in the urethra. To prevent its overgrowth, mandatory castration is recommended for all male dogs.

  3. Retrograde urohydropulsion

    . The stones are pushed back into the bladder, where they are removed using a cystostomy.

Some formations are amenable to pulsed magnetic therapy. This procedure is based on a low-frequency magnetic field that breaks stones into smaller pieces. In this case, they leave the body on their own.

Drug therapy

If a secondary infection or inflammatory process is detected, the pet is prescribed antibiotics. Together with them, it is recommended to take hepatoprotectors, probiotics and immunomodulators. These drugs help relieve the load on the liver, normalize intestinal function and restore the body's defenses.

For severe pain, antispasmodics and painkillers are prescribed: Papaverine, Baralgin and No-Shpu. For acute pain, novocaine blockade is recommended.

Urine concentration is reduced with diuretics. They increase its rate of formation, stimulating the removal of stones and preventing the deposition of new ones. It is also recommended to use herbal infusions and mineral water.

Specialized feed as a preventive measure

We won’t engage in direct advertising, but some well-known global brands actually produce food for dogs that, according to their beliefs, can fight kidney stones or at least prevent their formation. The composition includes special complex organic acids that gradually destroy these mineral nodules. This method of control and prevention has opponents and supporters. This is due to the following reasons:

  • While the stone lies in its seat, it does not break into fragments. If its danger is small, then you should not disturb the position and structure. Otherwise, the fragments will then cause unbearable pain to the animal.
  • The acidic environment that breaks down such hard material can greatly affect the overall function of the kidney, as well as corrode blood vessels. And this can lead to more severe health problems.
  • There may be an indirect effect on other functions of the dog’s body. Clinical studies, constantly advertised by manufacturers, are quite short-term in nature, usually no more than six months. It will be very difficult to prove something later. The owner accepts everything at his own responsibility.

Complications and prognosis

The neglected process is fraught with the development of chronic inflammation, the growth of connective tissue (adhesions) and rupture of the bladder. Stretched walls of the urethra and bladder provoke the development of urethritis, kidney pathologies and cystitis.

It is important to understand that after the animal has recovered, a relapse is possible. Because of this, the owner’s main task is to follow preventive recommendations that stop new attacks.

About the predisposition of animals

It is officially believed that predisposition, as such, does not exist. Urolithiasis can be detected in dogs of any gender, age, or breed. And it’s true: unlike cats, the Himalayan and Burmese breeds of which are noticeably more likely to suffer from stones in the urinary system, no such picture was found in any of the dog varieties.

But still males, and especially old ones, get sick more often . In addition, in males, the disease in many cases is noticeably more severe. This is due to anatomical features: in females, small stones and sand often come out through the urethra on their own, but in males, due to the presence of an S-shaped bend of the penis, this “garbage” almost always gets stuck in the lumen of the organ. This leads to blockage of the urethra, dysuria (no urine is released), and severe intoxication. Death is possible either due to severe uremia, or due to internal bleeding resulting from rupture of the walls of the organ. By the way, even the natural passage of stones from the bladder is fraught with such consequences: along the way, they damage the mucous membranes and tear blood vessels.

Diet for ICD

Regardless of the chosen therapy, a diet is always prescribed for urolithiasis in dogs. It is selected individually, taking into account the type of formations identified and helps normalize the pH level, relieving the load on the kidneys. To remove cystine and urate stones, urine is alkalized, and to remove struvite stones, it is oxidized.

In the diet, reduce the amount of foods rich in proteins or carbohydrates. Calcium and phosphorus are partially removed from minerals. The main thing here is not to overdo it, since the lack of these substances is no less dangerous. That is why the nutrition plan is approved by the veterinarian.

For those who do not eat “natural” food, it is recommended to purchase medicinal food. It is also selected individually depending on the type of stones. Food for urolithiasis in dogs contains one of the following designations on the packaging:

  • s/o – for struvite and oxalates;
  • u/c – for urates and cystines.

To check the effectiveness of treatment, a repeat urine test is required. Due to a sharp change in pH, cases of the disappearance of found stones and the formation of completely opposite ones are acceptable. The problem is solved by replacing the food again and reducing the time until the next test. After normalizing the pH, the dog is returned to its usual diet.

What to do at home

Treatment of urolithiasis is long and quite complex. If an animal is scheduled for surgery, it will be under observation in the clinic for the first time. When the veterinarians are sure that everything is fine with the dog, she will be released home. At home, the animal is provided with complete rest, warmth, proper nutrition, following a special diet prescribed by a veterinarian for a specific type of stone.

If there is an inflammatory process or in the postoperative period, the dog is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy. Treatment of the disease is long-term, up to several months, and in case of chronic urolithiasis with kidney damage - lifelong.

After bougienage, ultrasonic crushing of stones or surgery, the animal must be regularly brought for checks to the veterinary clinic in order to ensure positive results of treatment and prevent relapse of the disease.

At home, the most important thing for a dog is diet and sufficient, but not excessive, clean drinking water, as well as protection from hypothermia and infections.

If struvite is present, diets restricting protein, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are used. With urates, the amount of proteins and purines in food is reduced. Cystine stones also reduce the volume of proteins. Oxalate stones require the elimination of hypercalcemia if the veterinarian has concluded that such a problem exists.

Therapeutic measures

If there is an obstruction, the veterinarian will remove the rotting urine using a catheter inserted into the urethra. Then the doctor will prescribe medications that eliminate the consequences of blockage of the ducts - antispasm, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, painkillers. A course of furagin (human medicine) in combination with cantarene (veterinary homeopathy) quickly relieves symptoms. However, treatment should only be prescribed by a veterinarian, and the owner must follow the recommendations exactly!

When the acute condition is overcome, the doctor will prescribe long-term therapy. The choice of drugs depends on the type of stones. The goal is to dissolve the stones and gently remove them, preventing the formation of new stones (or sand). The doctor will definitely tell you what to feed the dog: if the environment is alkaline, it needs to be slightly acidified, and vice versa. Usually, veterinarians recommend switching to medicated food, strictly balanced for a specific type of KSD. Such diets are available from Eukanuba, Royal canin, Hills, and Purina. In addition, at first you will have to have your urine tested once a month, and with significant improvement - once every six months. This is necessary in order to stop the complication in time: KSD is a chronic disease, and a single attack indicates that it is necessary to support the dog throughout its life (read further).

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In cases where therapeutic treatment is not able to help the animal, surgical operations are applicable. Of course, every veterinarian tries to resort to them only in extreme cases, but sometimes situations are forced. Our veterinary clinics are equipped with modern specialized equipment necessary for emergency operations. Deciding whether to perform surgical interventions such as stone removal surgery in dogs

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Price list for the provision of paid veterinary services (Veterinary Clinic “Aesculapius”, “Zoodoktor”)

  • Therapy
    Name of service Price, rubles
    Initial appointment\consultation (1 animal) 650
    Repeated examination/consultation 450
    Consultation on test results 300
    Consultation without an animal 500
    Applying for an international passport 150
    Examination\consultation with a cardiologist Primary 1000
    Repeated 700
    Examination\consultation with a dermatologist Primary 1500
    Repeated 1000
    Examination\consultation with an endocrinologist Primary 1500
    Repeated 1000
    Examination/consultation with an oncologist Primary 1000
    Repeated 700
    Examination\consultation with an ornithologist Primary 1000
    Repeated 700
    Examination\consultation with an ophthalmologist Primary2000
    Repeated 1000
    Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity with a written report (review) 1200
    Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity with a written report (1 system) 800
    Ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy 600
    Ultrasound screening 700
    Glucosemetry 300
    Daily glucose monitoring (24 hours) 1500
    Taking blood samples 300
    Collection of scraping/smear/wash 300
    Needle biopsy 300
    Punch - biopsy 750
    Otodectosis test 300
    LD – diagnostics 200
    Diagnostic laparocentesis 500
    Laparocentesis with removal of ascites fluid 1500
    Cystocentesis (diagnostic/urine aspiration) 500
    Diagnostic thoracentesis 700
    Thoracentesis with aspiration of fluid/air from the chest cavity (excluding medications) 1500
    Fixing the animal 450
    Obstetrics in a clinic 1 hour (excluding medications) 850
    Oral administration of drugs 200
    Treatment of the oral cavity with topical preparations (excluding drugs) 120
    Rectal/vaginal administration of drugs 220
    Injections subcutaneous 80
    intramuscular 80
    intravenous (if a catheter is available) 80
    intravenous (without IV catheter) 250
    Subcutaneous infusion 300
    Intravenous infusion up to 1.5 hours 600
    Intravenous infusion over 1.5 hours 1000
    Infusion therapy for more than 6 hours 1500
    Blood transfusion (2-4 hours) 1500
    Blood transfusion over 4 hours 2500
    External treatment against ectoparasites 50
    Intravenous catheter placement puppies < 1 kg, kittens 600
    cats 550
    dogs 550
    Removing the IV catheter 150
    Central catheter placement 950
    Bladder catheterization (excluding urethral catheter) cats with urethral obstruction category 1 700
    cats with urethral obstruction category 2 1200
    cats with atony 500
    cats 1200
    males with obstruction category 1 700
    males with obstruction category 2 1200
    bitches 1000
    Tonometry 350
    Bladder lavage with a catheter 400
    Probing of the stomach 1500
    Cleansing enema category 1 1000
    Cleansing enema category 2 2000
    Aspiration of hematomas, seromas 550
    Postoperative suture treatment up to 2 cm (excluding consumables) 150
    up to 2 cm (including medications) 250
    from 10 to 30 cm 350 (excluding consumables) 350
    from 10 to 30 cm 350 (including consumables) 450
    more than 30 cm (excluding medications) 500
    Removing stitches up to 2 cm (including medications) 300
    from 2 to 10cm (including medications) 350
    from 10 to 30 cm (including medications) 450
    from 30 to 50cm (including medications) 650
    more than 50 cm (excluding medications) 850
    Treatment of superficial wounds 350
    Washing the abscess cavity 350
    Sanitation of drainages 350
    Applying a bandage 250
    Sanitation of abdominal drainages 500
    Cleaning the external auditory canal (2nd hearing) 1 category 700
    2 categories 800
    Rinsing the external auditory canal (one/two) 900/1300
    Sanitation of paraanal glands 550
    Washing the cavity of the paraanal glands 700
    Lavage of the preputial sac 500
    Nail trimming 450
    Beak Trimming 300
    Tick ​​removal (1 pc.) (without consultation) 100
    Trimming tangles 1 category 400
    2nd category 600
    3 category 1100
    Hygienic cat grooming with sedation package No. 1 3500
    with sedation package No. 2 3500
    without sedation 2200
    Oxygen therapy – hour 250
    Hospital 1 category (24 hours\12 hours) 1500\750
    Category 2 (24 hours\12 hours) 2500\1250
    Category 3 (24 hours\12 hours) 3500\1750
    Euthanasia (excluding medications) Cat 1550
    Dog 2750
    Rodents 1000
    Birds 1000
  • Dermatology
    Name of service Price, rubles
    Deep scraping examination/trichoscopy 400
    Wet paper test 100
    Cytological examination of a fingerprint smear 500
    Cytological examination of smear tape test 500
    Otoscopy 300
    Sowing for dermatophytes (Sabouraud medium, brush) 800
  • Oncology
    Name of service Price, rubles
    Chemotherapy bolus 1500
    Chemotherapy infusion 2000
  • Surgery
    Explanations Name of service Price, rubles
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits Castration of a clinically healthy cat 2800
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits Castration of a clinically healthy cat 4500
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits Ferret castration 2500
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits Ferret castration with gland removal 4500
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits Castration of a female ferret 4300
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits Castration of a female ferret with removal of glands 5850
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits Castration of a male dog up to 5 kg 5500
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits from 5 to 10 kg 8000
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits from 10 to 20 kg 10000
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits over 20 kg 12000
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits Castration of a bitch up to 5 kg 8000
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits from 5 to 10 kg 10000
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits from 10 to 20 kg 13000
    Fixed cost with anesthesia benefits over 20 kg 15000
    Fixed cost Drainage, opening of abscess, cyst 650
    Fixed cost Primary surgical treatment of the wound 1 category 950
    2nd category 1550
    3 category 2500
    Cystotomy, urotrostomy MVS category I up to 5 kg 6000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 7000
    from 10 kg to 20 kg 8000
    over 20 kg 9000
    Resection of the bladder wall (uncomplicated) without reimplantation of the ureters, resection of single polyps, uncomplicated nephrectomy, cystopexy, complicated urethrostomy, complicated cystotomy, etc. MVS II category up to 5 kg 7500
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 8500
    from 10 to 20 kg 9500
    over 20 kg 10500
    Large-scale resection of the bladder wall, reimplantation of the ureters, resection of multiple polyps, urethotomy, complicated nephrectomy, ureter surgery, bladder rupture, etc. MVS category III up to 5 kg 11000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 12000
    from 10 to 20 kg 13000
    over 20 kg 14000
    Simple enterotomies and gastrotomies, colonopexy, etc. Gastrointestinal tract I category up to 5 kg 7000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 8000
    from 10 to 20 kg 9000
    over 20 kg 10000
    Enterotomy at several levels, biopsy at several levels, resection of the small intestine, suturing of the diverticulum, gastropexy, etc. Gastrointestinal tract II category up to 5 kg 9000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 10000
    from 10 kg to 20 kg 11000
    over 20 kg 12000
    Enterotomy with resection at several levels, gastric volvulus, removal of the gallbladder, stenting of the common bile duct, cholecysto-duodenostomy, resection of the liver lobes Gastrointestinal tract III category up to 5 kg 13000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 14000
    from 10 to 20 kg 15000
    over 20 kg 17000
    Cryptorchid subcutaneously Reproductive system with pathologies category I up to 5 kg 6000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 7000
    from 10 to 20 kg 8000
    over 20 kg 9000
    Cavity: uncomplicated pyometra, castration of cavitary males (cavitary cryptorchid), ungerminated cysts/formations, episiotomy, cesarean section Reproductive system with pathologies category II up to 5 kg 8000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 9000
    from 10 to 20 kg 10000
    over 20 kg 11000
    Complicated pyometras, space-occupying lesions, uterine rupture Reproductive system with pathologies category III up to 5 kg 12000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 13000
    from 10 to 20 kg 14000
    over 20 kg 15000
    Non-humane operations on puppies (cupping, amputation of dewclaws) / surgery without medical indications / umbilical / inguinal hernias, uncomplicated Reconstructive plastic surgery category I up to 5 kg 4000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 5000
    from 10 to 20 kg 6000
    over 20 kg 7000
    Umbilical hernias, inguinal hernia with a large volume of the hernial sac, not strangulated, surgical correction of the BCS Reconstructive plastic surgery category II up to 5 kg 6000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 7000
    from 10 to 20 kg 8000
    over 20 kg 10000
    Perineal hernia, resection of the auditory canal, skin plastic surgery, surgical correction of BCD Reconstructive plastic surgery category III up to 5 kg 12000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 14000
    from 10 to 20 kg 16000
    over 20 kg 18000
    Simple n/a Oncological surgery category I up to 5 kg 2500
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 3000
    from 10 to 20 kg 3500
    over 20 kg 4000
    Regional mastectomy, musculocutaneous space-occupying lesions without invasion Oncological surgery category II up to 5 kg 6000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 8000
    from 10 to 20 kg 10000
    over 20 kg 12000
    Unilateral mastectomy (unilateral), complicated space-occupying lesions Oncological surgery category III up to 5 kg 8000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 10000
    from 10 to 20 kg 12000
    over 20 kg 14000
    Diagnostic abdominal operations Diagnostic surgery up to 5 kg 6000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 7000
    from 10 to 20 kg 8000
    over 20 kg 9000
    Installation of chest drains, temporary tracheostomy Thoracic surgery category I up to 5 kg 3500
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 4500
    from 10 to 20 5500
    over 20 kg 6500
    Permanent tracheostomy, suturing of the pectoral muscles, diagnostic thoracotomy Thoracic surgery category II up to 5 kg 7000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 8000
    from 10 kg to 20 kg 9000
    over 20 kg 10000
    Diaphragmatic hernia, traumatic and non-traumatic, surgical removal of a foreign body from the esophagus, resection of the lung lobes Thoracic surgery category III up to 5 kg 15000
    from 5 kg to 10 kg 17000
    from 10 to 20 kg 19000
    over 20 kg 23000
  • Dentistry
    Name of service Price, rubles
    Mechanical tooth cleaning The price is for 1 tooth excluding medications 100
    Removal of a tooth Milk fang 1 category 450
    Milk fang 2nd category 750
    Permanent fang 1 category 550
    Permanent fang 2nd category 950
    Baby tooth 1 category 350
    Baby tooth 2nd category 450
    Permanent tooth 1 category 450
    Permanent tooth 2nd category 700
    Sanitation of the oral cavity with removal of non-viable teeth (fixed cost) cat 3750
    Sanitation of the oral cavity with removal of non-viable teeth (fixed cost) Dog up to 5 kg 4850
    Dog from 5 to 10 kg 5100
    Dog from 10 to 20 kg 5650
    Dog over 20 kg 6150
  • Anesthesia
    ExplanationsName of servicePrice, rubles
    Planned operations on clinically healthy animals Anesthesia without OIA of risk category I, lasting no more than 30 minutes up to 5 kg 3500
    from 5 to 10 kg 3800
    from 10 to 20 kg 4200
    over 20 kg 4500
    Planned surgeries for uncomplicated pathologies

    Animals are clinically healthy, but older than 8 years of age with possible chronic pathologies, operations lasting more than 40 minutes

    Anesthesia without OIA of risk category II up to 5 kg 5000
    from 5 to 10 kg 5300
    from 10 to 20 kg 5600
    over 20 kg 5900
    Emergency surgery

    Severe unstable patients

    Anesthesia without OIA of risk category III, emergency surgery, severely unstable patients up to 5 kg 6500
    from 5 to 10 kg 6800
    from 10 to 20 kg 7100
    over 20 kg 7400
    Sedation without anesthetic1500
    Application anesthesia (fixed cost)400
    Infiltration anesthesia (fixed cost)650
  • Vaccination
    Name of servicePrice, rubles
    EURICAN DHPPI + L 1050
    NOBIVAC L 700
    NOBIVAC R 750
    NOBIVAC RL 850
    NOBIVAC R+L 850
    NOBIVAC DHPPI + L 1050
    NOBIVAC DHPPI + R + L 1100
    VANGARD 7 1050
    VANGARD 5+ 1100
    DEFENSOR 3 750
    VANGARD 7 + DEFENSOR 3 1150
    VANGARD 5+ + DEFENSOR 3 1200
    VANGARD 7 + NOBIVAC R 1150
    VANGARD 5+ +NOBIVAC R 1200
    VANGARD 7 + RABISIN 1150
    VANGARD 5+ + RABISIN 1200
    RABISIN 750
  • Ratologist's appointment
    Name of servicePrice, rubles
    Initial appointmentsmall rodents (hamster, mice) 700
    rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets 1000
    Repeated appointment small rodents (hamster, mice) 400
    rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets 600
    Consultation on analysis/x-ray diagnostics 300
    Collection of scraping/smear/wash 150
    Taking a blood test 350
    LD diagnostics 200
    Otoscopy 200
    Injections 80
    Placement of an IV catheter 600
    Washing the abscess cavity 350
    IV infusion 600-1000
    Rinsing the nasolacrimal duct 600
    Rabbit castration Male (fixed price) 3200
    Female (fixed price) 4300
    Intradermal suture 1000
    Rhinotomy 4000
    Suprelorin Chemical castration 500
    Removing stitches 300
    Rinsing the nasolacrimal duct 600
    Reduction of the cheek pouch No anesthesia cost 500
    Ferret castration Male (fixed price) 2500
    Female (fixed price) 4300
    Dentistry of rodents Correction of the length of cheek teeth1000-2500
    Correction of incisor length using a diamond blade 450
    Removal of a set of incisors in rodents and rabbits 2600
    Removal of one incisor 800
    Surgical treatment of odontogenic abscess 1500-3000
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